Adolescence by Genessa Gariano

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Adolescence By Genessa Gariano

INT. BEDROOM- EARLY AFTERNOON A small cluttered bedroom. MARGOT sits alone popping the purple lenses out of her round rimmed glasses into a small drawer. She closes the drawer, puts the lens-less glasses on, and looks straight into the camera. NARRATOR (VOICE OVER) Margot Smith is a solitary girl, She is the last of her kind in an unloved world. EXT. A ROOF- LATE AFTERNOON Margot is sitting up on a roof wearing her grandmothers red dress that she wears every day with her bare feet swinging off the edge. She is dropping rocks off the edge, and watching them fall. She stands up and looks at the clouds. V.O (CONT) She walks around the streets counting all the sticks and stones. People say she is peculiar, but really, what do they know? INT. HALLWAY- EARLY EVENING Margot is slowly walking down a hall way, all you can see are her feet and the bottom of her dress. She is barefoot. EXT. FIELD- AFTERNOON Margot is laying on her back throwing a small ball up in the air and then catching it, she does this many times. V.O (CONT) Margot does not enjoy spending time with the modern kids, She would much rather read poetry and count all of her sins. INT. BEDROOM- NIGHT Margot sits drawing reading, and occasionally puts a tally mark on her hand. V.O (CONT) One by one, she ticks of the days, Until this torment is gone, and she no longer has to stay.


INT. LIVING ROOM- MORNING Margot is laying on her back staring up blankly. She is holding dead flowers to her chest and blinks often. V.O (CONT) Being all alone, in a town full of strangers, She would like nothing more than to encounter some sort of danger. EXT. BRICK WALL- LATE AFTERNOON Margot appears to be pulling out a cigarette while leaning against a brick wall, She bites into it and begins to chew on her gum cigarette. V.O (CONT) Though Margot is kind to the the visitors of the city, What she despises the most is their glum looks of pity. EXT. A WALL- DAYTIME There is a crack and a flash. Smoke begins to rise up into the air. There is another crack and flash, and then only black. INT. ROOM- NIGHT A dark room with many lit candles. Margot sits with her eyes closed and her head bowed down mumbling under her breath. V.O (CONT) Travelers come to oppose her frame of mind, So she prays every night that they will come around in time. EXT. STREET- AFTERNOON Margot is running down an empty street with a ribbon in her hand, trailing behind her. When she stops running she lays down in the middle of the road. EXT. A FEILD- MORNING A pair of eyes wearing round glasses are moving around, closing, then opening again. The eyes seem confused.




V.O (CONT) On a frosty day in early December, Commotion is caused that she will always remember. The eyes begin blinking with an increasing speed, then they open with a jolt. EXT. CAR- LATE MORNING Bare feet step of a car, and walk a few feet. The bottom of a white dress is visible. V.O (CONT) The new years wind blew in a few new souls, And like always, Margot figured they will be empty and uncontrolled. EXT. BRICK WALL- LATE AFTERNOON The new girl in town, RUTH is sitting tracing the lines in her hands, and wearing round glasses with out lenses. Margot walks up and sits down. But, they Like time V.O (CONT) surprises do happen although are rare, always they leave you with no to prepare.

Ruth pulls out gum cigarettes, and offers one to Margot. They bite in together. EXT. POOL- EARLY AFTERNOON The bright blue water moving up and down in swells. RUTH A friend? An enemy? It makes no difference to me. MARGOT To see some sort of life just might set me free.


INT. BEDROOM- EARLY AFTERNOON A small drawer in Margots bedroom opens and the purple lenses of round glasses go back in to their frames. INT. BEDROOM- EARLY AFTERNOON A small box in Ruths bedroom opens and the yellow lenses of round glasses go back in to their frames. INT. BEDROOM- EARLY AFTERNOON There is a pair of eyes staring at the camera through purple round glasses. INT. BEDROOM- EARLY AFTERNOON There is a different pair of eyes staring at the camera through yellow round glasses. The screen goes black.

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