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Paper: History

Class: VIII
Section-I OBJECTIVE [Marks: 5]
Q-1: Fill in the blanks. [ /2]

a) The system of Diarchy was only introduced in the Indian Council

Act of ______________.
b) Sir Charles Wood’s dispatch of ________________ led to the
establishment of universities in India.
c) The Treaty of ____________________ recognized Turkey as an
independent state.
d) ______________________ became the first Ottoman Caliph.

Q-2: Write the names of the rulers with whom the British fought the
following battles: [ /0.5]

a) Battle of Plassey: ___________________________________________

b) Battle of Seringapatam: ______________________________________

Q-3: Draw the British administrative structure. [ /2.5]

Section-II SUBJECTIVE [Marks:5]

Q-1: Attempt all of the questions.

a) Write a brief on the achievements of Suleiman the Magnificent. [1]

b) Write down any four educational services of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan. [2]
c) List down the salient features of: [2]
• Minto Morley Reforms
• British economic policy

Class: VIII Page 1 of 1 Subject: History

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