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Mackedon 1

Camille Mackedon

Professor Gonzales

ENC 1102

19 February 2023

Annotated Bibliography

Frisby, Cynthia M., and Wayne Wanta. “Media Hype and Its Influence on Athletic

Performance.” Advances in Journalism and Communication, Scientific

Research Publishing, Inc, 1 Jan. 2018,


In Cynthia Frisby, and Wayne Wanta’s article “Media Hype and Its Influence” they

explain how they created a survey for college athletics to see if sports-related news outlets

affect athletes' self-perceptions of emotions, motivations, and attitudes. The main purpose of

this article is to bring exposure and discuss the stress that collegiate athletes go through that

can come from many different sources. The authors examine whether media use contributes

to or eases the level of stress among collegiate athletes. One of the primary sources can be the

media. Not only are collegiate athletes required to attend long hours of practices each day,

travel to far-away games, and maintain a high-grade point average but they also have media

coverage to worry about. Media can brutally critique collegiate athletes, and even make some

athletes' personal lives feel invaded. Media can also give other athletes high expectations or

huge amounts of pressure to perform just like the star athletes that the media is covering. On

the other hand, media coverage of athletes can be a positive thing by being an outlet for

distraction or entertainment to help relieve athletes' pressure. The article states, that some
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athletes like to control their athletic environment in order to gain positive coverage or

comments for the media known as “self-handicapping.” These athletes love to use excuses to

protect their egos or self-esteem. If athletes have a negative perception of themselves, it can

obstruct their ability to perform successfully. They discuss both the negative and positive

impacts media coverage can have on collegiate athletes.

I picked this article because it has a lot of value and contributes to the topic I'm

exploring because it gives me answers to my questions. My research topic is “The Impact of

Fame on Sports Performance” and this article gives me information to help further my

research findings.

Brougham, Jessica K. The Impact of Social Media on the Mental Health of

Student-Athletes. 2021,

In Jessica Broughman's article “The Impact of Social Media on the Mental

Health of Student Athletes” she explores the impacts of social media on the mental

health of student-athletes, by examining ninety-four student athletes throughout the

NCAA. The method Broughman used was survey methodology to answer the research

questions. Athletes were asked how they feel their use of social media affects their lives

as student-athletes. The results showed both positive and negative effects. Some

athletes said that social media was something that they were able to use to escape their

stresses. Some athletes said that social media gave them motivation, because it gave

them access to their peers and competition. On other hand, some athletes noted social

media use as vulnerable, had them lose sleep, and made them procrastinate.
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I picked this article because it goes along with my topic of “The Impact of Fame on

Sports Performance.” This article will help me discover answers to my research

question. This article also relates to the previous article, because they both discuss the

positive and negative impacts of social media on athletes.

Hudimova, Alisar, et al. “Research on the Relationship between Excessive Use of

Social Media and ...” Http://, 2021,



In the article “Research on the relationship between excessive use of social media and

young athletes’ physical activity” the authors talk about the ambivalent effect social media

can have on the physical activity of young athletes. The main purpose of this article is to

show the relationship between young athletes and the psychological disorders they can

develop from the excessive use of social media. The results showed that during covid, young

athletes preferred to displace bad thoughts and distract from training by spending too much

time on social media.

I picked this article because it is relevant to my topic: “The Impact of Fame on Sports

Performance,” and it is also relevant to my other used sources being that this source discusses

the negative impacts of social media use on young athletes.

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