General English Language Test

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General English language Test Level: intermediate Part I

1. Choose the correct answer: Can you run 20 miles? A: No, I cannot; it is far enough. B: No, I cant. C: Yes, I do a lot. D: Yes, I can't. E: No, I cannot. I am not so strong. 2. Put the words in the correct order: him every I day see A. him B. every C. I D. day E. see 3. Choose the correct answer: What have you eaten today? ______ A: I've eaten two eggs for breakfast. B: I ate nothing yet today. C: I had a cup of coffee when I got up. D: I have eat breakfast. E: I today have eaten only a sandwich. 4. Fill in the blank: ______ Julia hates chocolate, she loves sugar. A: But B: Or C: Although D: And E: So

5. Choose the correct answer: What are you doing? ______ A: I'm going at school. B: I am sitting. C: I am smoking some cigarette. D: I am listening to she. E: I am doing anything. 6. Put the phrases in the correct order: than louder actions speak words A. than B. louder C. actions D. speak E. words 7. Choose the correct answer: What did Ms. Smith do? ______ A: She told he about what you said. B: She'd not do anything at all. C: She didn't know to do what. D: She gone straight to the boss. E: She wrote a letter to her best customer.

8. Which are the SAME? A. hold down B. lay down C. break down D. come down with E. back down 1. stop functioning 2. establish rules 3. keep under control 4. get sick 5. retreat from a conflict

9. How do you say this USING WORDS? He gave 1/2 of his money to charity. A: He gave one second of his money to charity.

B: He gave one divided by two of his money to charity. C: He gave half of his money to charity. D: He gave one over two of his money to charity. E: He gave one seconds of his money to charity. 10. Choose the correct answer: Who is she talking to on the phone? ______ A: She talking to her sister. B: She talks to Lorenzo Rodriguez C: Him she is talking to. D: She's not talking to me sister. E: Maybe she's talking to your sister.

Part II Present Simple or Continuous?

1. Choose the correct alternative(s) in the sentences 1-8 below. 1. Today she s spending/spends time with her grandmother. 2. They usually are going/go to the gym on Sundays. 3. We re having/have a barbecue later on. Do you want to come? 4. No, she cant answer the phone, she has/is having a shower. 5.I always have/am having a coffee before I m leaving/leave for work in the morning. 6. They sometimes fly/are flying to Sweden, but usually they are going/go by boat. 7. Where are you? I m sitting/sit outside in the sunshine! 8. He always brings/is bringing a monolingual dictionary to his English class.

2. Look at everyone and everything in your English class. Write four sentences to describe anything that is happening now using the present continuous. The sentences can be about the students/their personalities/ the activities youre doing/what someone is wearing, saying or doing. 1 ____________________ 2 ____________________ 3 ____________________ 4 ____________________

3. Write four sentences to describe anything that usually or sometimes happens in the class using the present simple. 1 ____________________ 2 ____________________ 3 ____________________ 4 ____________________

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