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Good morning to one and all  Today I am going to put forward my ideas on the
topic ‘Recess should be longer’ and I hope your co-operation throughout the time
that I am presenting my speech.School days are fun. School time is the time when
one enjoys the simple joy of life. There is not much burden, not many worries
about life.
Hence, a school life is the best time that one can have in his/her lifetime.
Students have the  opportunity  to socialize with  their peers  at
recess. Often,  it becomes  impossible to  talk to  your  buddies
during  class  hours.The friend  seated next to  you  can 
only be  spoken to  by  you. 
It’s possible  to spend time alone  during Breaks.  Some students prefer to  be by
Spending time alone  is  something
  They  enjoy. Recess  is  when studnets
can take a  moment to  think on  themselves.
So we  can  see?!  How crucial  recess Is  for 
Students during  school  hours.  We  can  easily  comprehend  their 
demand for a  rigorous  Academic  program.
Today, in  order  to encourage  students  to focus on  their studies to the  fullest is
to give them time to atleast take time to relax, but
some  school  administrations are  cutting Back  on the  time
alloted  for  extracurricular  activities and  breaks.
But,  they  are unable  to comprehend what  they must accomplish  in reality.
So,  I  think the  break  should  last  longer. 
Yes,Some schools  have  maintained the  same amount of time for breaks  overall, 
but  they  have  taken  some of that  time  to add  in between 10-minute short brea
As a  result,  recess time has been cut  down, but  the overall break time has rem
ained  constant.But, in  my  opinion, pupils  should 
be  given  more  time  to relax and  take  use  of  their current
educational  environment.
Would you appreciate  it if  there  were a  reduction in  the amount of time you g
et  to take breaks  at work? How,  therefore, do  you  expect  the
students to  cope with  their overload  timetables and  schedules? Are  we
permitting this To occur to  them  just because they are  children or student,
So,  to sum everything, I’ll just  say that
  People enjoy  themselves during  breaks. 
They ought  to be  raised  so  that those  innocent faces have some  opportunity  to 
enjoy  innocent joys.
They  will come to  a point  in their  lives when
They will feel the  same pressures  that we  felt. 
As they still  have  time  at their  disposal, we  should  let them enjoy  their childho
we  are the  only  ones who  can  truly  appreciate how  priceless  those days  were—
those  who lived through  that period.

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