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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers

Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation

Uday Dasgupta

g o1 + scp1 + YC 0 −YC V1 −g m1 Vi
[ −g m2 g o2 + scp2 + YD −YD ] [V2 ] = [ 0 ]
−YC g m3 − YD GL + sCL + YC + YD Vo 0


An IMASOL Publication
Multistage CMOS Amplifiers
Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation

Uday Dasgupta


An IMASOL Publication
Published by IMASOL, June 2022, Singapore
Copyright reserved by author
ISBN 978-981-18-4087-6
Revision 1, 1 June 2022
Revision 2, 1 July 2022

National Library Board, Singapore Cataloguing in Publication Data

Name(s): Dasgupta, Uday.
Title: Multistage CMOS amplifiers : analytical case studies in frequency
compensation / Uday Dasgupta.
Description: Singapore : IMASOL, 2022.
Identifier(s): ISBN 978-981-18-4087-6 (PDF)
Subject(s): LCSH: Operational amplifiers--Design and construction. | Operational
amplifiers--Mathematical models. | Electronic circuit design.
Classification: DDC 621.3815--dc23

The book was submitted to National Library Board, Singapore for legal deposit.
Opening Pages Dedication, Preface, Ack., Contents


To the loving memory of my parents, especially my mother who always encouraged me to

further my knowledge.

To Kalyanbrata Chakraborty, D. Litt., Indologist who inspired and encouraged me to write,

leading by example with his own publications.

To all practicing engineers and students who wish to explore a bit further.

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Opening Pages Dedication, Preface, Ack., Contents

Reviewer’s Opinion

“I strongly recommend this book to all involved in analog CMOS circuit design. In particular,
this is an excellent must-have reference book on CMOS amplifiers for practicing engineers
and graduate students.

This book provides many good design examples and gives a detailed comparison of CMOS
amplifiers with different circuit topologies and frequency compensation techniques. It
provides a good glimpse of CMOS amplifier design approaches developed over the past four

This book has shown that mathematical and theoretical analysis of amplifier design is still
possible and manageable via realistic approximations. The theoretical approach can help to
provide additional insights into the underlying working mechanisms of the CMOS amplifier
circuits which can be further exploited by the designer.”

Tan Khen Sang, PhD.


Director, Institute of Microelectronics (A-STAR), Singapore.

Senior Advisor Executive Office, MediaTek Singapore Pte. Ltd.

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Opening Pages Dedication, Preface, Ack., Contents


Operational Amplifiers have been studied almost since the birth of electronics itself. In
today’s Digital world, it is one of the very few Analog entities to survive. In this book we
look at this resilient building-block from a new angle. Intended to be a reference book for
graduate students and practicing engineers, it is hoped that it provides something to add to
their existing knowledge.

No CAD tool or any kind of specialised software, except those mentioned in the next page,
was used to prepare the material in this book. This renders it suitable for a multidisciplinary

The book is available only in electronic format (pdf) for use in desktops, laptops, and tablets.
It is wrapped up in a folder containing individual chapters/components in separate pdf files.
This arrangement permits the reader to view several chapters/components simultaneously on
different windows. A single pdf file version is also included in the folder.

Though sufficient care has been exercised to keep the material provided accurate, it is
possible that some errors remain. I shall be grateful if those are pointed out via the email
address Comments and suggestions are also welcome.

Uday Dasgupta

June 2022, Singapore.

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Opening Pages Dedication, Preface, Ack., Contents


(1) I am indebted to several of my ex-colleagues as technical interaction with them played an

important role in the writing of this book.

(2) I am grateful to Dr. Tan Khen Sang for spending time reviewing the book and providing
his considered opinion.

(3) This book was entirely composed with Microsoft Office 365, using Word for text, tables,
equations and pdf conversion, PowerPoint for diagrams and Excel for plots.

(4) Google web search was used to find necessary background information.

(5) Wikipedia was consulted as it came up in some of the above Google searches.

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Opening Pages Dedication, Preface, Ack., Contents


Opening Pages 1

Title page 1
Dedication 3
Reviewer’s Opinion 4
Preface 5
Acknowledgements 6
Contents 7

Chapter 1. Introduction 13

1.1. Blitzkrieg of Integrated Circuit Process Technology 13

1.2. Evolution of Linear and Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuits 13
1.3. Considerations in Embedded Operational Amplifier Design 14
1.4. Objective and Scope 15
1.5. Organisation 16

Chapter 2. Relevant Mathematical Methods and Concepts 17

2.1. Obtaining the Amplifier Transfer Function 17

2.2. Factorising the Transfer Function Polynomials 21
2.3. Gain Crossover Point for the Transfer Function 26
2.4. PZL Parameters and Amplifier Design 27

Chapter 3. Single-Stage Amplifier 36

3.1. Introductory Notes 36

3.2. Circuit Analysis and Transfer Function 37
3.3. Poles and Zeros of the Transfer Function 39
3.4. Design to Meet Specifications 39
3.5. Concluding Remarks 45

Chapter 4. Two-Stage Amplifier with Miller Compensation 46

4.1. Introductory Notes 46

4.2. Circuit Analysis and Transfer Function 47
4.3. Poles and Zeros of the Transfer Function 50
4.4. Design to Meet Specifications 51
4.5. Concluding Remarks 56

Chapter 5. Two-Stage Amplifier with Cascode-Miller Compensation 57

5.1. Introductory Notes 57

5.2. Circuit Analysis and Transfer Function 58
5.3. Poles and Zeros of the Transfer Function 66
5.4. Design to Meet Specifications 67
5.5. Concluding Remarks 74

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Opening Pages Dedication, Preface, Ack., Contents

Chapter 6. Three-Stage Amplifier with Nested Miller Compensation 75

6.1. Introductory Notes 75

6.2. Circuit Analysis and Transfer Function 76
6.3. Poles and Zeros of the Transfer Function 80
6.4. Design to Meet Specifications 81
6.5. Concluding Remarks 88

Chapter 7. Three-Stage Miller Compensated Amplifier with Active Feedforward

around Centre-Stage 89

7.1. Introductory Notes 89

7.2. Circuit Analysis and Transfer Function 90
7.3. Poles and Zeros of the Transfer Function 94
7.4. Design to Meet Specifications 95
7.5. Concluding Remarks 101

Chapter 8. Three-Stage Miller Compensated Amplifier with Passive Feedforward

around Centre-Stage 102

8.1. Introductory Notes 102

8.2. Circuit Analysis and Transfer Function 103
8.3. Poles and Zeros of the Transfer Function 107
8.4. Design to Meet Specifications 109
8.5. Concluding Remarks 115

Chapter 9. Three-Stage Cascode-Miller Compensated Amplifier with Passive

Feedforward around Centre-Stage 116

9.1. Introductory Notes 116

9.2. Circuit Analysis and Transfer Function 122
9.3. Poles and Zeros of the Transfer Function 124
9.4. Design to Meet Specifications 120
9.5. Concluding Remarks 131

Chapter 10. Three-Stage Amplifier with Centre-Stage Miller Compensation 132

10.1. Introductory Notes 132

10.2. Circuit Analysis and Transfer Function 133
10.3. Poles and Zeros of the Transfer Function 135
10.4. Design to Meet Specifications 135
10.5. Concluding Remarks 142

Chapter 11. Two-Stage Miller Compensated Amplifier with Active Feedforward 143

11.1. Introductory Notes 143

11.2. Circuit Analysis and Transfer Function 144
11.3. Poles and Zeros of the Transfer Function 147
11.4. Design to Meet Specifications 147
11.5. Concluding Remarks 153

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Opening Pages Dedication, Preface, Ack., Contents

Chapter 12. Three-Stage Nested Miller Compensated Amplifier with Active

Feedforward 154

12.1. Introductory Notes 154

12.2. Circuit Analysis and Transfer Function 155
12.3. Poles and Zeros of the Transfer Function 159
12.4. Design to Meet Specifications 159
12.5. Concluding Remarks 165

Chapter 13. Four-Stage Double Nested Miller Compensated Amplifier with Active
Feedforward 166

13.1. Introductory Notes 166

13.2. Circuit Analysis and Transfer Function 167
13.3. Poles and Zeros of the Transfer Function 172
13.4. Design to Meet Specifications 172
13.5. Concluding Remarks 179

Chapter 14. Two-Stage Amplifier with Non-Miller Active Feedforward

Compensation 180

14.1. Introductory Notes 180

14.2. Circuit Analysis and Transfer Function 181
14.3. Poles and Zeros of the Transfer Function 183
14.4. Design to Meet Specifications 184
14.5. Concluding Remarks 189

Chapter 15. Three-Stage Amplifier with Non-Miller Active Feedforward

Compensation 190

15.1. Introductory Notes 190

15.2. Circuit Analysis and Transfer Function 191
15.3. Poles and Zeros of the Transfer Function 194
15.4. Design to Meet Specifications 194
15.5. Concluding Remarks 201

Chapter 16. Four-Stage Amplifier with Non-Miller Active Feedforward

Compensation 202

16.1. Introductory Notes 202

16.2. Circuit Analysis and Transfer Function 203
16.3. Poles and Zeros of the Transfer Function 206
16.4. Design to Meet Specifications 207
16.5. Concluding Remarks 214

Appendix 1. Symbols and Notations 215

A1-1. Mathematical notations 215

A1-2. Frequency and related parameters/variables 215
A1-3. Circuit parameters and signal voltages 216
A1-4. Performance parameters 216
A1-5. PZL and other parameters/variables 216
A1-6. Circuit symbols/notations 217

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Opening Pages Dedication, Preface, Ack., Contents

Appendix 2. Useful Results Pertaining to Magnitude Response 218

A2.1. Deviation of Gain Crossover Frequency from ω0 due to Close-In Poles/Zeros 218
A2.2. Magnitude Response Peaking due to Damping Factor of Complex Pole Pair 222

Appendix 3. Formulae for Plots in Chapter 3 224

A3.1. Frequency Response from the Transfer Function 224

A3.2. Plotting the Unity Feedback Factor Loop-Gain Responses 224

Appendix 4. Formulae for Plots in Chapter 4 225

A4.1. Frequency Response from the Transfer Function 225

A4.2. Plotting the Unity Feedback Factor Loop-Gain Responses 226

Appendix 5. Formulae for Plots in Chapter 5 227

A5.1. Frequency Response from the Transfer Function 227

A5.2. Plotting the Unity Feedback Factor Loop-Gain Responses 228

Appendix 6. Formulae for Plots in Chapter 6 229

A6.1. Frequency Response from the Transfer Function 229
A6.2. Plotting the Unity Feedback Factor Loop-Gain Responses 230

Appendix 7. Formulae for Plots in Chapter 7 231

A7.1. Frequency Response from the Transfer Function 231

A7.2. Plotting the Unity Feedback Factor Loop-Gain Responses 232

Appendix 8. Formulae for Plots in Chapter 8 233

A8.1. Frequency Response from the Transfer Function 233

A8.2. Plotting the Unity Feedback Factor Loop-Gain Responses 234

Appendix 9. Formulae for Plots in Chapter 9 235

A9.1. Frequency Response from the Transfer Function 235

A9.2. Plotting the Unity Feedback Factor Loop-Gain Responses 236

Appendix 10. Formulae for Plots in Chapter 10 237

A10.1. Frequency Response from the Transfer Function 237

A10.2. Plotting the Unity Feedback Factor Loop-Gain Responses 238

Appendix 11. Formulae for Plots in Chapter 11 239

A11.1. Frequency Response from the Transfer Function 239

A11.2. Plotting the Unity Feedback Factor Loop-Gain Responses 240

Appendix 12. Formulae for Plots in Chapter 12 241

A12.1. Frequency Response from the Transfer Function 241

A12.2. Plotting the Unity Feedback Factor Loop-Gain Responses 242

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Opening Pages Dedication, Preface, Ack., Contents

Appendix 13. Formulae for Plots in Chapter 13 243

A13.1. Frequency Response from the Transfer Function 243

A13.2. Plotting the Unity Feedback Factor Loop-Gain Responses 244

Appendix 14. Formulae for Plots in Chapter 14 245

A14.1. Frequency Response from the Transfer Function 245

A14.2. Plotting the Unity Feedback Factor Loop-Gain Responses 245

Appendix 15. Formulae for Plots in Chapter 15 246

A15.1. Frequency Response from the Transfer Function 246

A15.2. Plotting the Unity Feedback Factor Loop-Gain Responses 247

Appendix 16. Formulae for Plots in Chapter 16 248

A16.1. Frequency Response from the Transfer Function 248

A16.2. Plotting the Unity Feedback Factor Loop-Gain Responses 249

Appendix 17. Categorized Comparison of Amplifiers 250

A17-1. Single-Stage amplifier 250
A17-2. Two-Stage amplifiers 250
A17-3. Three-Stage amplifiers 250
A17-4. Four-stage amplifiers 250

Appendix 18. Hypothetical Process Technology ABC 251

A18-1. ABC CMOS process technology data 251

Appendix 19. Units and Prefixes 252

A19-1. Symbols/abbreviations for units and related information 252

A19-2. Symbols for unit-prefixes and related information 252

Bibliography 253

R1. Papers 253

R2. Books 253
R3. Datasheets 254

Index 255

A, B, C 255
C, D, E, F, G, I 256
L, M, N, O, P 257
R, S, T, V, Z 258

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Opening Pages Dedication, Preface, Ack., Contents

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 1 Introduction Hst., Obj., Scp., Org.

Chapter 1
1.1. Blitzkrieg of Integrated Circuit Process Technology

Since Jack Kilby’s (Texas Instruments, February 1959) and Robert Noyce’s (Fairchild
Semiconductor, July 1959) invention of the Monolithic Integrated Circuit, semiconductor
process technology for the same has made its advances in leaps and bounds. Speaking of
miniaturization only, starting from a minimum feature size of a few tens of micro-meters
back in the 1960s we are now at a few tens of nano-meters and that is an astounding
thousand-fold reduction in just above half a century’s time.

It goes without saying that during this period the active and passive devices in integrated
circuits too went through a series of evolutionary processes. Talking of transistors only, we
saw Bipolar devices first, followed by PMOS, NMOS, and finally CMOS devices. Following
that, we did see Bipolar and CMOS devices being integrated on the same semiconductor
substrate, but that trend did not quite catch up. CMOS was back again because it offered high
enough operating speeds with down-scaling while using a relatively simple process

1.2. Evolution of Linear and Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuits

Linear (or analog) circuits were the first type to be realized in integrated form, beginning with
the ubiquitous Operational Amplifier. The first of those being mass produced was A702, a
brainchild of Bob Widlar (Fairchild Semiconductor, 1964). Various improved versions of this
circuit followed in about a decade’s time, spearheaded by several individuals working for
several companies. A few pioneering ones being A709 (Bob Widlar, Fairchild
Semiconductor, 1965), LM101 (Bob Widlar, National Semiconductor, 1967), A741 (Dave
Fullagar, Fairchild Semiconductor, 1968), MC1556 (Solomon, Davis and Lee, Motorola
Semiconductor, 1969), LM108 (Bob Widlar, National Semiconductor, 1969), A725 (George
Erdi, Fairchild Semiconductor, 1969), OP05 (George Erdi, Precision Monolithics Inc., 1972)
and OP07 (George Erdi, Precision Monolithics Inc., 1975) [R2-11,12].

During this space of time other types of linear integrated circuits like voltage followers and
voltage regulators were invented too. The process technology for all the above was all-
Bipolar, CMOS entering the scene much later. The process technology for the latter was
developed at Fairchild Semiconductor in 1963. However, the invention was commercially
exploited by Radio Corporation of America (RCA) in the latter half of the 1960s. They used
CMOS devices to implement ultra-low power digital circuits and semiconductor memories.
Subsequently, the company introduced the pioneering CD4000 series CMOS digital logic
family in 1968. To seamlessly interface analog signals at the input and output of an
application with this new digital logic family, RCA further introduced CA3130 in 1974 and
an improved version CA3140 shortly afterwards.

Multistage CMOS Amplifier – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 1 Introduction Hst., Obj., Scp., Org.

CA3130 is presumably the first commercial operational amplifier to use CMOS devices along
with Bipolar devices on the same semiconductor substrate [R3-1]. We can safely assume the
era of CMOS linear integrated circuits began around the introduction of CA3130. As the
tremendous integration potential of CMOS process technology became apparent, CMOS
linear circuits with operational amplifier at the core got embedded in applications containing
analog and digital functions instead of being implemented stand-alone like the older Bipolar
linear integrated circuits. Since then, several companies notably Motorola, Texas Instruments
and Analog Devices in the United States; Philips, SGS-Thompson/ST Microelectronics and
Siemens/Infineon in Europe; Toshiba, Hitachi and Mitsubishi in Japan have been churning
out several complex CMOS integrated mixed-signal applications on a regular basis.

1.3. Considerations in Embedded Operational Amplifier Design

The characteristics of CMOS devices have been changing with technology down-scaling. The
output resistances degraded significantly, though the transconductances improved. However,
the increase in transconductance was unable keep up with the reduction in output resistance
and, therefore, the voltage amplification factor or voltage gain [R2-2] per device has been
dropping all along. The ability of the CMOS device to operate with voltage stress has also
been going down with down-scaling, necessitating lower power supply voltages and
abolishment of stacked-up devices or cascodes [R2-9]. Thus, available gain per stage for
CMOS amplifiers have been going down steadily with the years.

Operational Amplifiers are nearly always operated with negative feedback. The important
performance parameters of a such a feedback amplifier depend heavily on its open-loop gain
[R2-1,2,8]. Though two-stage designs were good enough for quite some time since their
inception, more stages are now required to obtain the same amount of open-loop gain and, in
turn, the same level of closed-loop performance [R2-10].

It is well known that Operational Amplifiers need frequency compensation, or simply

compensation to guarantee stable operation under negative feedback. For this purpose, some
additional components are added to the basic amplifier converting it to what is known as a
compensated amplifier. These components alter the poles and zeros of the uncompensated
amplifier. Though the stability of the amplifier can be ensured, some performance parameters
of the uncompensated amplifier are invariably sacrificed. It is also well known that addition
of more stages makes the problem of compensating the amplifier more complex [R2-2,8,10].

Only two broad categories of compensation techniques are feasible for application in an
embedded amplifier [R2-10]. The compensation for the first category shapes the amplifier
frequency response with just one pole (and no zero) below the unity-gain frequency. Known
as dominant pole compensation (a special case of phase-lag compensation), it can be used to
design unconditionally stable amplifiers. Frequency shaping for the second category is done
using multiple poles and zeros (one less than the number of poles) below the unity-gain
frequency. These amplifiers can be designed to have more 3-dB bandwidth but may
sometimes be only conditionally stable. This type of compensation is known phase-lead
compensation [R2-1,2,8,10].

Multistage CMOS Amplifier – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 1 Introduction Hst., Obj., Scp., Org.

1.4. Objective and Scope

It must be obvious by now that embedded CMOS Operational Amplifiers or simply CMOS
Amplifiers, as they are known today, are the subjects of study in this book. At least two
books [R2-9,10] were published with similar titles. These books focus more on circuit design
principles, compensation techniques in general and implementation of a few specific
amplifier types. On the other hand, this book focuses on mathematical analysis and
theoretical design of some compensated amplifier types available in the literature.

Today’s integrated circuit design is a complex task because the circuits, and more
importantly, the MOS device models have become increasingly complex with down-scaling.
Therefore, engineers and researchers in this field must depend heavily on computer
simulation. We are aware of the downside of this practice. Simulation gives us the ultimate
answer with sufficient accuracy but leaves us with little clue of the underlying mechanisms
taking place. However, we are left with little choice since conducting mathematical analyses
on today’s integrated circuits is a daunting task as well as an impractical proposition.

Nevertheless, we shall show in this book that it is feasible to apply mathematical analyses to
small parts of a complex circuit such as embedded amplifiers. The performance of such an
amplifier is most important in its linear region of operation and at relatively low frequencies.
Therefore, analyses based on simplified low-frequency small-signal models [R2-2] for the
MOS devices can ensure reasonably accurate results. However, realistic approximations must
be made, wherever necessary, to keep the equations and results manageable and simple. For a
theoretical design based on the results of analysis, small-signal parameter values from the
circuit simulator may be obtained and used. Usage of square-law voltage-current relationship
for the MOS device was avoided in this book (except for estimation of cell area) since that
describes a sub-micron MOS device rather poorly. It must also be kept mind that several high
frequency poles and zeros naturally present in simulation was neglected here. Therefore,
results presented in this book differ from simulation results at high frequencies. Additionally,
the design examples presented provide just one solution, not necessarily the most optimum
one. A savvy reader may alter the parameters to obtain a solution of his/her choice.

Mathematical analysis on various compensated amplifiers, using dominant pole as well as

phase-lead compensation, are presented to better understand how the compensation works,
how to adjust MOS device parameters to obtain a desired amount of compensation, what
trade-offs are involved in this process and how various types of compensation compare.
Similar analyses do exist in the literature for a few amplifier types [R1-1-3,5-8,11] but most
are rather sketchy. This book attempts to bridge that gap, providing readers with a systematic
and general approach to address problems in analysis and design of multistage amplifiers.

As discussed in the previous section, an important aspect in the design of an amplifier is the
measure of its stability with negative feedback. This book focuses primarily on that.
However, with some additional thoughts, it should be possible to apply and extend the
methods and results obtained here to other behavioural aspects of the amplifier too. Lastly, it
is recommended to read the chapters in the sequence of their numbers.

Multistage CMOS Amplifier – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 1 Introduction Hst., Obj., Scp., Org.

1.5. Organisation

Chapter 2 explains all necessary mathematical methods with examples, obtaining important
formulae to be used in later chapters. The remaining chapters deal with analysis and design of
various types of amplifiers. Nearly all of those were published and practically realised.

Chapter 3 describes a single-stage amplifier.

Chapter 4 describes the most famous two-stage amplifier with Miller compensation.

Chapter 5 describes a variant of the amplifier in the previous chapter − the two-stage
amplifier with Cascode-Miller compensation.

Chapter 6 describes the classical three-stage amplifier with Nested Miller compensation.

Chapter 7 describes an early three-stage compensation method using Miller compensation

and feedforward around the centre stage.

Chapter 8 describes a pure CMOS version of the amplifier in the previous chapter.

Chapter 9 describes a variant of the amplifier in the previous chapter − the three-stage
amplifier with Cascode-Miller compensation.

Chapter 10 describes a little-known compensation technique for a three-stage amplifier that

uses Miller compensation from the centre stage instead of the output stage.

Chapters 11-13 describe Miller compensation applied to two-stage, three-stage, and four-
stage amplifiers, respectively, using feedforward to position zeros in the amplifier transfer

Chapters 14-16 describe a non-Miller compensation method applied to two-stage, three-stage,

and four-stage amplifiers, respectively, using feedforward to insert zeros in the amplifier
transfer function.

Appendix 1 lists and explains all the textual and circuit symbols used.

Appendix 2 provides analyses to estimate effects of proximity of a pole or a zero to the unity-
gain frequency and response peaking due to damping factor of a complex pole pair.

Appendix 3 to 16 obtain all the formulae required for plotting unity feedback factor loop-gain
magnitude and phase responses of the amplifiers described in the respective chapters.

Appendix 17 provides a performance comparison of all the amplifiers studied in this book.

Appendix 18 provides data for a hypothetical process technology used to estimate the cell
area and power consumption for the amplifiers designed.

Appendix 19 lists and provides information on all the units used and its prefixes.

Multistage CMOS Amplifier – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 2 Mathematical Methods Formulae and Examples

Chapter 2
Relevant Mathematical Methods and Concepts

2.1. Obtaining the Amplifier Transfer Function

Let us consider an arbitrary three-stage amplifier with three nodes having a small-signal
equivalent circuit [R2-2] as shown below:

Fig. 2-1. Small-signal equivalent circuit for an arbitrary amplifier.

In Fig. 2-1, v1, v2 and vo represent the signal amplitudes at nodes N1, N2 and OUT
respectively with respect to the ground reference ‘gnd’. R and C stand for various resistive
and capacitive circuit parameters, while g m1 , g m2 and g m3 stand for transconductance circuit
parameters of the first, second and third stages of the amplifier respectively.

2.1.1. Nodal Equations

Standard analytical methods such as KCL (Kirchoff’s Current Law) based nodal analysis
[R2-2,3] may be applied to find the equations for the circuit in Fig. 2-1 such as:

(G1 + jωC1 + jωCC + yF )v1 − yF v2 − jωCC vo = −g m1 vi (2-1)

−(yF + g m2 )v1 + (G2 + jωC2 + yF )v2 = 0 (2-2)

−jωCC v1 + g m3 v2 + (GL + jωCL + jωCC )vo = 0 (2-3)

In the above equations, G1 , G2 and GL are the conductances of the resistors R1, R2 and R3
respectively and yF the admittance of the series combination of R F and CF such that:
1 1 1 jωC
G1 = R , G2 = R , GL = R and yF = 1+jωCF R (2-4)
1 2 L F F

In Eqs. (2-1) to (2-4), ω represents angular frequency and j = √−1. To find the transfer
function of the amplifier, we take Laplace transforms [R2-1,3,5] of Eqs. (2-1) to (2-4),
neglecting initial conditions, to obtain:

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 2 Mathematical Methods Formulae and Examples

(G1 + sC1 + sCC + YF )V1 − YF V2 − sCC Vo = −g m1 Vi (2-5)

−(YF + g m2 )V1 + (G2 + sC2 + YF )V2 = 0 (2-6)

−sCC V1 + g m3 V2 + (GL + sCL + sCC )Vo = 0 (2-7)

1 1 1 sC
G1 = R , G2 = R , GL = R and YF = 1+sCF R (2-8)
1 2 L F F

Here, ‘s’ is the Laplace transform variable and YF, V1, V2, Vo and Vi are the Laplace
transforms of yF, v1, v2, v3 and vi respectively.

2.1.2. Solving the Nodal Equations

Cramer’s rule [R2-3,5,6] provides us with a convenient method for solving a system of linear
equations such as Eqs. (2-5) to (2-7). These equations can be written in vector-matrix form
[R2-1,3,5,6] as:

G1 + sC1 + sCC + YF −YF −sCC V1 −g m1 Vi

[ −YF − g m2 G2 + sC2 + YF 0 ] [V2 ] = [ 0 ] (2-9)
−sCC g m3 GL + sCL + sCC Vo 0

Using the abovementioned rule, we can find Vo from Eq. (2-9) as:
G1 +sC1 +sCC +YF −YF −gm1 Vi
| −YF −gm2 G2 +sC2 +YF 0 |
−sCC gm3 0
Vo = G1 +sC1 +sCC +YF −YF −sCC
| −YF −gm2 G2 +sC2 +YF 0 |
−sCC gm3 GL +sCL +sCC

Using cofactor expansion for the numerator determinant along its third column:
−YF −gm2 G2 +sC2 +YF
−gm1 Vi | |
−sCC gm3
Vo = G1 +sC1 +sCC +YF −YF −sCC
| −YF −gm2 G2 +sC2 +YF 0 |
−sCC gm3 GL +sCL +sCC

Whence we arrive at the transfer function as:

−YF −gm2 g2 +sC2 +YF
Vo (s) −gm1 | |
−sCC gm3
Av (s) = = G1 +sC1 +sCC +YF −YF −sCC (2-10)
Vi (s)
| −YF −gm2 G2 +sC2 +YF 0 |
−sCC gm3 GL +sCL +sCC

2.1.3. Constitution of the Transfer Function

Expanding the determinants in the numerator and denominator of Eq. (2-10) fully, we obtain
the transfer function of the amplifier in standard form such as:
bm sm +bm−1 sm−1 +⋯+b1 s+1
Av (s) = A0 (2-11)
an sn +an−1 sn−1 +⋯+a1 s+1

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 2 Mathematical Methods Formulae and Examples

The constant A0 in Eq. (2-11) is a dimensionless quantity known as the DC amplification or

gain. This interpretation is readily verified by substituting s = 0 in the equation. It may also
be observed that the last terms of the numerator and denominator polynomials in the transfer
function are both equal to unity. Therefore, each of the denominator terms a1 s to an s n and
the numerator terms b1 s to bm s m must also be dimensionless. Since ‘s’ is essentially an
angular frequency, the coefficients a1 and b1 must be time-constants [R2-1] each. Then, each
of a2 and b2 must be products of two time-constants, each of a3 and b3 must be products of
three time-constants and so on. However, the above polynomial coefficients a1 to an and b1
to bm may include a dimensionless quantity (like gain or ratio) as a factor or be a sum of
several time constants or both.

2.1.4. Determinant Expansion, Pre-Conditioning

Let an element of a determinant of order k be represented by 𝑎𝑝𝑞 were, p is the row number
and q the column number. When the determinant is expanded fully using successive cofactor
expansions, 𝑘! terms are generated [R2-4,5,6]. Each such term is the product of exactly k
elements, no two of which have the same p as well as q values. In other words, those are
elements in different rows and columns.

Thus, a determinant of order k needs (𝑘 + 1)! symbols to write in fully expanded form,
assuming one symbol (excluding sign) for an element 𝑎𝑝𝑞 . This exercise requires quite some
space and effort for large values of 𝑘. The problem becomes even more tedious if the
elements 𝑎𝑝𝑞 themselves consist of several terms like those in the determinants of Eq. (2-10).

However, labour involved in reducing Eq. (2-10) to the form of Eq. (2-11) can be alleviated
to some extent if the determinants in its numerator and denominator are pre-conditioned
using Elementary Row/Column Operations [R2-4,5,6] as described below:

Step 1 (break the bridge between nodes 1 and 2)

Replace column 1 by sum of column 1 and column 2 for the numerator determinant. Repeat
the same operation for the denominator determinant. This helps to get rid of the term YF (1-2
node-bridge) from column 1 of both the determinants to yield:
G +sC2 −gm2 G2 +sC2 +YF
−gm1 | 2 |
gm3 −sCC gm3
Av (s) = G1 +sC1 +sCC −YF −sCC
|G2 +sC2 −gm2 G2 +sC2 +YF 0 |
gm3 −sCC gm3 GL +sCL +sCC

Step 2 (break the bridge between nodes 1 and OUT)

Replace column 1 by sum of column 1 and column 3 for the denominator determinant. This
helps to get rid of the term sCC (1-OUT node-bridge) from its column 1 to yield:
G +sC2 −gm2 G2 +sC2 +YF
−gm1 | 2 |
gm3 −sCC gm3
Av (s) = G1 +sC1 −YF −sCC
| G2 +sC2 −gm2 G2 +sC2 +YF 0 |
GL +sCL +gm3 gm3 GL +sCL +sCC

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Chapter 2 Mathematical Methods Formulae and Examples

Step 3 (remove common factors from columns)

Factor out −g m2 from column 1 and g m3 from column 2 of the numerator determinant. In a
similar operation, factor out G1 , G2 , and GL from columns 1, 2 and 3 respectively of the
denominator determinant to arrive at:
G sC G2 sC Y
1− 2 − 2 + 2+ F
gm2 gm2 gm3 gm3 gm3
gm1 gm2 gm3 | sC g |
− m3 1
gm2 gm2
Av (s) = sC Y sC
1+ 1 − F − C
G1 G2 GL
|G2 sC2 gm2 sC2 YF |
G1 G2 GL G + G − G 1+
| 1 1 1 2 2 |
GL sCL gm3 gm3 sC sC
+ + 1+ L + C
G1 G1 G1 G2 GL GL

Step 4 (write elements in terms of time-constants and ratios)

Replace all conductances and admittances using Eq. (2-8) to obtain:

1 sC 1 sC2 gm3
1− − 2 + +
gm1 gm2 gm3 R1 R2 RL || gm2 R2 gm2 gm3 R2 gm3 1+sCF RF ||
sCC gm3
− 1
gm2 gm2
Av (s) = sCF R2
1+sC1 R1 − −sCC RL
1+sCF RF
| R1 sCF R2 |
+sC2 R1 −gm2 R1 1+sC2 R2 + 0
| R2 1+sCF RF |
+sCL R1 +gm3 R1 gm3 R2 1+sCL RL +sCC RL

Step 5 (identify time-constants and ratios in elements)

Note: This step is presented for the convenience of illustration only and may be skipped
while working on a real case.

Write the transfer function obtained above in compact form using Tab. 2-1 below:

Tab. 2-1. Symbols for gain, ratios, and time-constants.

Gain Reciprocal g m -ratio R-ratio C-ratio CR time- C/g m time-

Apq of gain Γpq Υpq Θpq constant constant
Λ pq τpq ζpq
1 gmp Rp Cp Cp
g mp R q Cp R q
gmp Rq gmq Rq Cq gmq

Then, we arrive at:

1−Λ22 −sζ22 Λ32 +sζ23 +
| 1+sτFF |
sζC2 −Γ32 1
Av (s) = A11 A22 A3L sτF2
1+sτ11 − −sτCL
|| sτ ||
Υ12 +sτ21 −A21 1+sτ22 + F2 0
Υ1L +sτL1 +A31 A32 1+sτLL +sτCL

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Chapter 2 Mathematical Methods Formulae and Examples

Step 6 (remove element denominators, if any, by factoring out and cancellation)

Factor out from column 2 of both numerator and denominator determinants. The two
factors, being identical, cancel leaving behind:
−sζ22 +1−Λ22 s2 τF ζ23 +s(Λ32 τF +ζ23 +ζF3 )+Λ32
| |
sζC2 −Γ32 sτFF +1
Av (s) = A0 sτ11 +1 −sτF2 −sτCL where,
| sτ21 +Υ12 −A21 s2 τFF τ22 +s(τ22 +τFF +τF2 )+1 0 |
sτL1 +Υ1L +A31 A32 (sτFF +1) sτCL +sτLL +1

A0 = A11 A22 A3L = g m1 g m2 g m3 R1 R 2 R L (2-12)

It may be noted that the elements of numerator and denominator determinants in Eq. (2-12)
are polynomials in ‘s’. It should now be clear now that once the numerator and denominator
determinants of Eq. (2-12) are fully expanded, the transfer function of the circuit in Fig. 2-1,
given by Eq. (2-10), will indeed be a rational polynomial as in Eq. (2-11). For a quick check,
we may set s = 0 in Eq. (2-12) to find A0 to be the DC gain. The expansion process is also
simplified since only polynomial additions and multiplications are involved now.

2.2. Factorising the Transfer Function Polynomials

The next job is to find the poles and zeros [R2-1,2,3] by factorisation of the numerator and
denominator polynomials of a transfer function as in Eq. (2-11). This can be done using one
of the mathematical methods described in the sub-sections below.

2.2.1. Factorisation of Quadratic Polynomials

Let us consider a quadratic polynomial of the form:

𝑃2 (𝑥) = 𝑎2 𝑥 2 + 𝑎1 𝑥 + 𝑎0 (2-13)

The roots of 𝑃2 (𝑥) = 0 are given by:

𝑎1 𝜅1,2 𝑎2 𝑎0
𝑥1,2 = − where 𝜅1,2 = 1 ± √1 − 4 (2-14)
2𝑎2 𝑎12

Then, the factorised form is given by:

𝑎1 𝜅1 𝑎1 𝜅2
𝑃2 (𝑥) = 𝑎2 (𝑥 + ) (𝑥 + ) (2-15)
2𝑎2 2𝑎2

1 2𝑎2 𝑎1 𝜅2,1
Considering reciprocals of the roots = −𝑎 =− , we can also write:
𝑥1,2 1 𝜅1,2 2𝑎0

𝑎 𝜅
1 1 1 2 𝑎 𝜅
𝑃2 (𝑥) = 𝑎0 ( 2𝑎 𝑥 + 1) ( 2𝑎 𝑥 + 1) (2-16)
0 0

Quadratic Transfer Function Polynomials

A quadratic polynomial in the transfer function is of the form:

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 2 Mathematical Methods Formulae and Examples

F2 (s) = a2 s2 + a1 s + 1 (2-17)

Real Roots

If the roots of Eq (2-17) are real, then it is written in factorised form using Eqs. (2-13), (2-14)
and (2-16) as:

a1 κ1 a1 κ2 4a2
F2 (s) = (sτ1 + 1)(sτ2 + 1) where, τ1 = , τ2 = and κ1,2 = 1 ± √1 − (2-18)
2 2 a21

Complex Roots

If the roots of Eq (2-17) are complex, then it is left unfactorized but written in a different
form [R2-1,2,3] such as:
1 1 a1
F2 (s) = s 2 τ2n + 2sδτn + 1 where, ωn = τ = and δ = 2 (2-19)
n √a2 √a2

In this case, ωn is known as the natural frequency and δ the damping factor of the roots of
F2 (s). As can be seen from Eqs. (2-18) and (2-19) that the roots are complex if δ < 1 and
real if δ ≥ 1. It can also be verified that ωn is the magnitude of the complex roots.

2.2.2. Factorisation of Polynomials of Degree ≥ 3

Formulae for finding roots of cubic and bi-quadratic equations do exist [R2-4,7] but are too
cumbersome to be used in algebraic analysis. No formulae are available for finding roots of
polynomials with degree higher than 4. Therefore, we need to use alternative methods for
factorisation of polynomials with degree higher than 2.

2.2.3. Approximate Partial Factorisation

Let an nth degree polynomial in the transfer function be described by:

Fn (s) = an s n + an−1 sn−1 + ⋯ + a1 s + 1 (2-20)

Let Fn (s) have roots:

sp = h , p = 1,2, … , n (2-21)

Using Eq. (2-21), Eq. (2-20) can be written in factorised form as:

Fn (s) = (sh1 + 1)(sh2 + 1)(sh3 + 1) … (shn + 1) (2-22) Polynomials with a Single Small Magnitude Root

In this case, the roots of Fn (s) obey the following:

|s1 | ≪ |s2 |, |s3 |, … , |sn | or |h1 | ≫ |h2 |, |h3 |, … , |hn | (2-23)

Quadratic Polynomial

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 2 Mathematical Methods Formulae and Examples

Using n = 2 in Eqs. (2-20) and (2-22):

F2 (s) = a2 s2 + a1 s + 1 = (sh1 + 1)(sh2 + 1) = s2 h1 h2 + s(h1 + h2 ) + 1 (2-24)

Equating coefficients of the quadratic polynomials in Eq. (2-24):

h1 h2 = a2 (2-25)

h1 + h2 = a1 (2-26)

Approximating Eq. (2-26) using Eq. (2-23):

h1 ≈ a1 (2-27)

Using Eq. (2-27) in Eq. (2-25):

h2 ≈ a2 (2-28)

Using Eqs. (2-27) and (2-28) in Eq. (2-24) we obtain the approximate factorisation formula
for the quadratic polynomial as:
F2 (s) = (sh1 + 1)(sh2 + 1) ≅ (a1 s + 1) (a2 s + 1) (2-29)

Cubic Polynomial

Using n = 3 in Eqs. (2-20) and (2-22):

F3 (s) = a3 s3 + a2 s 2 + a1 s + 1 = (sh1 + 1)(sh2 + 1)(sh3 + 1)

= s3 h1 h2 h3 + s 2 (h1 h2 + h2 h3 + h1 h3 ) + s(h1 + h2 + h3 ) + 1 (2-30)

Equating coefficients of the cubic polynomials in Eq. (2-30):

h1 h2 h3 = a3 (2-31)

h1 h2 + h2 h3 + h1 h3 = a2 (2-32)

h1 + h2 + h3 = a1 (2-33)

Approximating Eqs. (2-32) and (2-33) using Eq. (2-23):

h1 (h2 + h3 ) ≈ a2 (2-34)

h1 ≈ a1 (2-35)

Using Eq. (2-35) in Eqs. (2-31) and (2-34):

h2 h3 ≈ a3 (2-36)

h2 + h3 ≈ a2 (2-37)

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Chapter 2 Mathematical Methods Formulae and Examples

Using Eqs. (2-24) and (2-35) to (2-37) in Eq. (2-30), we obtain the approximate partial
factorisation formula for the cubic polynomial as:
a a
F3 (s) = (sh1 + 1)[s 2 h2 h3 + s(h2 + h3 ) + 1] ≅ (a1 s + 1) (a3 s 2 + a2 s + 1) (2-38)
1 1


It is possible to generalise Eqs. (2-24) and (2-30) to show the nth degree polynomial described
by Eqs. (2-20) to (2-22) can also be written as Vieta’s formulae [R2-4,6] in another form:

Fn (s) = sn (product of all ′h′s) + sn−1 (sum of products of ′h′s taken n − 1 at a time)

+ sn−2 (sum of products of ′h′s taken n − 2 at a time) + ⋯ + s(sum of all ′h′s) + 1 (2-39)

Using Eqs. (2-20), (2-22), (2-39) and the methods illustrated with quadratic and cubic
polynomials above, it is possible to obtain the approximate partial factorisation formula for
an nth degree polynomial with one small magnitude root as:
a an−1 n−2 a
Fn (s) ≅ (a1 s + 1) (an s n−1 + s + ⋯ + a2 s + 1) provided:
1 a1 1

an an−1 a
a1 ≫ , , … , a2 (2-40)
a1 a1 1 Polynomials with Two Small Magnitude Roots

In this case, the roots of Fn (s) obey the following:

|s1 |, |s2 | ≪ |s3 |, |s4 |, … , |sn | or |h1 |, |h2 | ≫ |h3 |, |h4 |, … , |hn | (2-41)

Cubic Polynomial

Approximating Eqs. (2-32) and (2-33) using Eq. (2-41):

h1 h2 ≈ a2 (2-42)

h1 + h2 ≈ a1 (2-43)

Using Eq. (2-42) in Eq. (2-31):

h3 ≈ a3 (2-44)

Using Eqs. (2-24) and (2-42) to (2-44) in Eq. (2-30), we obtain the approximate partial
factorisation formula for the cubic polynomial as:
F3 (s) = [s 2 h1 h2 + s(h1 + h2 ) + 1](sh3 + 1) ≅ (a2 s 2 + a1 s + 1) (a3 s + 1) (2-45)

Bi-Quadratic Polynomial

Using n = 4 in Eqs. (2-20), (2-22) and (2-39):

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Chapter 2 Mathematical Methods Formulae and Examples

F4 (s) = a4 s4 + a3 s 3 + a2 s 2 + a1 s + 1 = (sh1 + 1)(sh2 + 1)(sh3 + 1)(sh4 + 1)

= s4 h1 h2 h3 h4 + s 3 (h1 h2 h3 + h1 h2 h4 + h1 h3 h4 + h2 h3 h4 )

+s 2 (h1 h2 + h1 h3 + h1 h4 + h2 h3 + h2 h4 + h3 h4 ) + s(h1 + h2 + h3 + h4 ) + 1 (2-46)

Equating coefficients of the bi-quadratic polynomials in Eq. (2-46):

h1 h2 h3 h4 = a4 (2-47)

h1 h2 h3 + h1 h2 h4 + h1 h3 h4 + h2 h3 h4 = a3 (2-48)

h1 h2 + h1 h3 + h1 h4 + h2 h3 + h2 h4 + h3 h4 = a2 (2-49)

h1 + h2 + h3 + h4 = a1 (2-50)

Approximating Eqs. (2-48) to (2-50) using Eq. (2-41):

h1 h2 (h3 + h4 ) ≈ a3 (2-51)

h1 h2 ≈ a2 (2-52)

h1 + h2 ≈ a1 (2-53)

Using Eq. (2-52) in Eq (2-47) and (2-51):

h3 h4 ≈ a4 (2-54)

h3 + h4 ≈ a3 (2-55)

Using Eqs. (2-24) and (2-52) to (2-55) in Eq. (2-46), we obtain the approximate partial
factorisation formula for the bi-quadratic polynomial as:

F4 (s) = [s 2 h1 h2 + s(h1 + h2 ) + 1][s2 h3 h4 + s(h3 + h4 ) + 1]

a a
≅ (a2 s 2 + a1 s + 1) (a4 s 2 + a3 s + 1) (2-56)
2 2


Using Eqs. (2-20), (2-22), (2-39) and the methods illustrated with cubic and bi-quadratic
polynomials above, it is possible to obtain the approximate partial factorisation formula for
an nth degree polynomial with two small magnitude roots as:
a an−1 n−3 a
Fn (s) ≅ (a2 s 2 + a1 s + 1) (an s n−2 + s + ⋯ + a3 s + 1)
2 a2 2

a an−1 a
a2 ≫ an , a2
, … , a3 (2-57)
2 2

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 2 Mathematical Methods Formulae and Examples Polynomials with ‘m’ Small Magnitude Roots

Generalising the results obtained in Sections and it can be shown that the
approximate partial factorisation formula for an nth degree polynomial described by Eqs. (2-
20) to (2-22) with ‘m’ small magnitude roots is given by:
a an−1 n−m−1 am+1
Fn (s) ≅ (am s m + am−1 s m−1 + ⋯ + a1 s + 1) (a n s n−m + s + ⋯+ s + 1)
m am am
a an−1 am+1
am ≫ a n , ,…, (2-58)
m am am

2.3. Gain Crossover Point for the Transfer Function

2.3.1. Transfer Function in terms of Poles and Zeros

With the numerator and denominator polynomials factorised, an arbitrary four pole, two zero
amplifier transfer function may be written using Eqs. (2-18) and (2-19) to be:
A0 (sτz1 +1)(sτz2 +1)
Av (s) = (sτ 2 τ2 +2sδ
p1 +1)(sτp2 +1)(s p34 p34 τp34 +1)

The subscripts 1, 2, 3 and 4 are assigned in the ascending order of magnitudes of the poles
and likewise for zeros. τz1 , τz2 are the time-constants (or reciprocals) corresponding to real
zeros ωz1 , ωz2 whereas, τp1 , τp2 are the same to real poles ωp1 , ωp2 . For the complex pole
pair ωp34 , the corresponding time-constant (or reciprocal) is τp34 while δp34 is the damping
factor. In fact, the above are negated values or magnitudes of poles/zeros (corner frequencies
[R2-1,3]) but we shall still call those poles/zeros [R2-2] as it is commonly done.

2.3.2. The Unity-Gain Frequency

Unity-gain (or gain crossover) frequency ωc of an amplifier transfer function is the angular
frequency at which its magnitude (or gain) is unity. It is an important parameter connected
with the stability of the amplifier. Substituting s = jωc [R2-1,2,3] in Eq. (2-59) we obtain:
A0 (1+jωc τz1 )(1+jωc τz2 )
Av (jωc ) = (1+jω 2 2 (2-60)
c τp1 )(1+jωc τp2 )(1−ωc τp34 +2jωc δp34 τp34 )

We can solve for ωc from Eq. (2-60) by equating the magnitude of its RHS with unity. It is
clear that ωc is a function of the poles and zeros of the amplifier but finding an exact formula
is not possible in most cases since the equation is nonlinear. Therefore, we need to linearise
the problem by assuming that the poles and zeros are located far away from ωc . Under that
condition the dB-magnitude plot of the transfer function crosses the 0 dB horizontal line at a
rate of −20 dB per decade and a phase of −900 [R2-1,2,3].

We shall identify the unity-gain frequency for the abovementioned linearised, ideal condition
with a different symbol ω0 . Normally, ωc and ω0 are quite close but may differ in various
situations to be discussed in later sections. In the next sub-section, we shall find a formula for
ω0 using the linearisation technique mentioned above.

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 2 Mathematical Methods Formulae and Examples

2.3.3. Formula for Unity-Gain Frequency

For convenience, we shall use the amplifier in Eq. (2-59) as an example. It is general enough
and results for other amplifiers can be deduced from those for this one.

Dominant Pole Compensation

For this case, the distribution of the poles and zeros is described by:

ωz1 , ωz2 , ωp2 , ωp23 ≫ ω0 and ωp1 ≪ ω0 (2-61)

Eq. (2-61) can be written as:

ω0 τz1 , ω0 τz2 , ω0 τp2 , ω0 τp34 ≪ 1 and ω0 τp1 ≫ 1 (2-62)

Equating magnitude [R2-1] of Eq. (2-60) with ωc = ω0 to unity and using Eq. (2-62):
A0 |1+jω0 τz1 ||1+jω0 τz2 | A0 (1)(1) A0
1 = |Av (jω0 )| = |1+jω 2 2 ≅ |jω =ω
0 τp1 ||1+jω0 τp2 ||1−ω0 τp34 +2jω0 δp34 τp34 | 0 τp1 |(1)(1) 0 τp1

Thus, we find:
ω0 = τ 0 = A0 ωp1 and generalising this result:

ω0 = (DC gain)(first pole) (2-63)

Phase-Lead Compensation

For this case, the distribution of the poles and zeros is described by:

ωz2 , ωp23 ≫ ω0 and ωp1 , ωp2 , ωz1 ≪ ω0 (2-64)

Eq. (2-64) can be written as:

ω0 τz2 , ω0 τp34 ≪ 1 and ω0 τp1 , ω0 τp2 , ω0 τz1 ≫ 1 (2-65)

Equating magnitude [R2-1] of Eq. (2-60) with ωc = ω0 to unity and using Eq. (2-65):
A0 |1+jω0 τz1 ||1+jω0 τz2 | A0 |jω0 τz1 |(1) A0 τz1
1 = |Av (jω0 )| = |1+jω 2 2 ≅ |jω =ω
0 τp1 ||1+jω0 τp2 ||1−ω0 τp34 +2jω0 δp34 τp34 | 0 τp1 ||jω0 τp2 |(1) 0 τp1 τp2

Thus, we find:
A τ A0 ωp1 ωp2
ω0 = τ 0 τz1 = and generalising this result:
p1 p2 ωz1

(DC gain)(product of poles below ω0 )

ω0 = (2-66)
(product of zeros below ω0 )

2.4. PZL Parameters and Amplifier Design

In this section we describe a design method that puts the criterion of stability at the foremost.

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 2 Mathematical Methods Formulae and Examples

It allows quick evaluation of the measure of stability and, thus, requires less iterations.

2.4.1. The Concept

Introducing PZL Parameters

Stability of a feedback amplifier depends on how its poles and zeros are located with respect
to ω0 . For the amplifier as in Eq. (2-59) to be stable, we have determined some such
relationships as in Eqs. (2-61) and (2-64) for two different types of compensation schemes.
However, for a practical design it necessary to satisfy these relationships with realistic
margins replacing inequalities with equations. This can be done using a few parameters
which we name as Pole Zero Locator (PZL) parameters. Discussions in this as well in the
following sub-sections will show that, apart from easing the amplifier design process, these
parameters can be used to circumvent problems of working with transfer function
polynomials of higher degree which cannot be factorised.

Amplifier Design using PZL Parameters

The PZL parameters can be defined suitably to relate poles and zeros of the amplifier with
ω0 , replacing inequalities as in Eqs. (2-61) and (2-64) with equations. An equation to
calculate a measure of stability such as phase margin [R2-1,2] may then be formed in terms
of these parameters. Next, the parameters can be assigned suitable values to obtain decent
measures of stability using the stability equation. This will ensure, to a large extent, that the
inequalities in Eqs. (2-61) and (2-64) have been satisfied with realistic margins.

Expressions for poles and zeros can be found in terms of circuit parameters (like resistance,
capacitance, and transistor transconductance) from the transfer function using the
factorisation methods described in Section 2.2. Thus, a set of equations connecting PZL
parameters and ω0 with circuit parameters can be formed. We have seen in Section 2.3.3 that
ω0 is a function of poles and/or zeros and, therefore, a function of circuit parameters. Key
circuit parameters like transistor transconductances can then be obtained in terms of other
circuit parameters by solving the abovementioned equations and using the PZL parameter
values assigned previously. Some of the other circuit parameters may be free or may be
determined from additional factors or may have been already specified. Thus, values for
every circuit parameter can be determined.

2.4.2. Defining PZL Parameters

There could be many ways to define PZL parameters, the process being somewhat subjective.
But once defined, we must stick to that definition. Some pole and/or zero may be related to
some other pole and/or zero in a known manner. In that case, a lower number of parameters
may be defined to eliminate redundant equations. PZL parameters need not be defined for
poles and zeros which are known to be located far away from ω0 since their contributions to
the stability equation are relatively fixed (either nearly 900 or nearly 00 phase margin).
Therefore, as many different PZL parameters will be needed as the number of unrelated poles

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Chapter 2 Mathematical Methods Formulae and Examples

or zeros near and around ω0 . Care should also be taken so that such a process does not lead to
inconsistent equations [R2-5,6] to be solved.

PZL Parameters for Dominant Pole Compensation

For the amplifier described by Eqs. (2-59) and (2-61) we may write:
ωp1 = using Eq. (2-63) as it is a low-frequency far-away pole and,

ωz1 = λω0 , ωz2 = μω0 , ωp2 = ρω0 , ωp34 = σω0 (2-67)

Where, λ, μ, ρ and σ are PZL parameters. If, for example, it is known that ωp2 is a high-
frequency far-away pole, then ρ need not be used. Instead, ωp2 could be related to ω0 using
circuit parameters.

PZL Parameters for Phase-Lead Compensation

For the amplifier described by Eqs. (2-59) and (2-64) we may write:
ω ω ω ω
ωp1 = A 0ω z1 , ωp2 = A 0ω z1 using Eq. (2-66) as those are low-frequency far-away poles and,
0 p2 0 p1

ωz1 = λω0 , ωz2 = μω0 , ωp34 = σω0 (2-68)

Where, λ, μ and σ are PZL parameters.

2.4.3. Locating Zeros of Unfactorized Transfer Function Polynomials

We illustrate the method using a cubic transfer function polynomial F3 (s) which cannot be
factorised to find zeros explicitly using the any of the methods described in Section 2.2.

F3 (s) = a3 s3 + a2 s 2 + a1 s + 1 (2-69)

Eq. (2-69) can be written in factorised form as:

F3 (s) = (sτ1 + 1)(s2 τ223 + 2sδ23 τ23 + 1) (2-70)

Defining PZL parameters to locate zeros of F3 (s) with magnitude ω1 and ω23 relative to ω0 :
ω1 = τ = σω0 (2-71)

ω23 = τ = μω0 (2-72)

Substituting Eqs. (2-71) and (2-72) in Eq. (2-70), multiplying and rearranging:
1 2δ 1 2δ 1
F3 (s) = s 3 σμ2 ω3 + s 2 (σμω
23 23
2 + μ2 ω2 ) + s (μω + σω ) + 1 (2-73)
0 0 0 0 0

Comparing coefficients of Eq. (2-73) with those of Eq. (2-69) we arrive at the following

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 2 Mathematical Methods Formulae and Examples

a3 = (2-74)
σμ2 ω30

2δ 1
a2 = σμω232 + μ2 ω2 (2-75)
0 0

2δ 1
a1 = μω23 + σω (2-76)
0 0

Now, a1 , a2 , a3 and ω0 are functions of circuit parameters. After assigning values to σ and μ
to locate ω1 and ω23 as desired, Eqs. (2-74) to (2-76) can be solved to find key circuit
parameters in terms of other circuit parameters and the design can be completed as described
in Section 2.4.1. Thus, by using this method, a full factorisation of a transfer function
polynomial can be circumvented. It should be evident from the above example that this
method can be extended for application in higher degree polynomials.

2.4.4. Forming the Stability Equation

We shall use phase margin ϕm to form the stability equation as it is simpler to do so. In the
chapters to follow we shall see there are no poles in the right half s-plane for the transfer
functions under our consideration and right-half s-plane zeros are far-away high-frequency
ones. Therefore, phase margin alone should be a good first-hand indicator of the amplifier
stability [R2-1]. Thus, ϕm in terms of PZL parameters will form our stability equation with
which design can proceed. We shall look at gain margin Gm in the next sub-section.

Phase Margin with Unity Feedback Factor

With unity feedback factor (transfer function of the feedback path is unity), feedback signal
from the amplifier undergoes a fixed phase shift of −1800 because of subtraction from input
signal. Therefore, a maximum of another −1800 of phase shift is allowed through the
amplifier at the unity-gain frequency before the overall loop phase shift reaches the critical
value of −3600 or 00 and instability sets in. Thus, phase margin with unity feedback factor is
the amplifier phase shift relative to −1800 at the unity-gain frequency. Thus:

Phase margin = (amplifier phase shift at ω0 ) −(−1800 ) and that implies:

Phase margin = 1800 + (amplifier phase shift at ω0 ) = 1800 + 〈Av (jω0 )〉 (2-77)

Using Eq. (2-60) with ωc = ω0 in (2-77), phase margin ϕm of the amplifier in (2-59) with
unity feedback factor [R2-1] is given by:

ϕm = 1800 + tan−1(ω0 τz1 ) + tan−1(ω0 τz2 ) − tan−1(ω0 τp1 ) − tan−1(ω0 τp2 )

2ω0 δp34 τp34

− tan−1 ( ) (2-78)
1−ω20 τ2p34

Stability Equation for Dominant Pole Compensation

Using Eq. (2-67) in Eq. (2-78), we find the stability equation or, in other words, phase margin
for the amplifier in Eq. (2-59) in terms of PZL parameters as:

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 2 Mathematical Methods Formulae and Examples

1 1 1 2σδp34
ϕm = 1800 + tan−1 ( ) + tan−1 ( ) − tan−1(A0 ) − tan−1 ( ) − tan−1 ( ) (2-79)
λ μ ρ σ2 −1

Stability Equation for Phase-Lead Compensation

Using Eq. (2-68) in Eq. (2-78), we find the stability equation or, in other words, phase margin
for the amplifier in Eq (2-59) in terms of PZL parameters as:
1 1 A0 ωp2 A0 ωp1 2σδp34
ϕm = 1800 + tan−1 (λ) + tan−1 (μ) − tan−1 ( ) − tan−1 ( ) − tan−1 ( )
ωz1 ωz1 σ2 −1


2.4.5. Assigning Values to PZL Parameters

We refer to Eqs. (2-79) and (2-80) for the discussions in this sub-section.

Suitable PZL Parameter Values

It must be obvious by now that the values for PZL parameters are positive real numbers.
These values help to locate the poles/zeros relative to ω0 . Assigning unduly large PZL
parameter values to locate poles and zeros far above ω0 (in the case of dominant pole
compensation) would cause ϕm to approach an ideal value of 900. However, that would also
result in unacceptably large power consumption since abnormally large device
transconductances would then have to be realized. Similarly, assigning unduly small
parameter values to locate zeros far below ω0 (in the case of lead compensation) would also
result in ϕm to be nearly 900 but large resistors and capacitors, consuming precious real-
estate, would then be needed.

Proximity of Poles and Zeros to 𝜔0

The PZL parameters, therefore, must be assigned values to locate poles/zeros in the vicinity
of ω0 so that an acceptable ϕm value may be obtained for the budgeted power and area
consumption. However, poles/zeros should not be located too close to ω0 . That, apart from
resulting in poor stability, would grossly invalidate the assumptions we made in obtaining
formulae for ω0 in Section 2.3.3. Consequently, ωc will differ from ω0 and the stability
equation may fail to predict ϕm with reasonable accuracy.

Analyses in Appendix 2.1 investigate the effects of proximity of single poles/zeros to ω0 .

The results may be used as guidelines for assigning PZL parameter values. However, those
are not accurate enough for cases of multiple poles/zeros near ω0 .

The Problem of Approximation

Apart from the proximity of poles/zeros to ω0 , there is one other reason why ωc may differ
from ω0 . That is caused by the errors introduced in approximating the transfer function while
finding poles/zeros, as discussed in Section 2.2.3. If the poles/zeros are inaccurate by
themselves, one cannot expect ω0 to be accurate since it is a function of poles/zeros.

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Chapter 2 Mathematical Methods Formulae and Examples

Locating a Pole and a Zero near 𝜔0 in Dominant Pole Compensation

In case of dominant pole compensation, zeros can help to compensate for ϕm loss due to
poles beyond ω0 but can cause problems under certain conditions. A zero located
immediately after ω0 causes the magnitude curve to go essentially parallel to, while
remaining slightly below, the frequency axis at higher frequencies. In that case ωc could
exceed ω0 , invalidating the ϕm figures obtained from the stability equation in turn.

If there is a real pole beyond the abovementioned zero, that would improve the situation
somewhat and the overall result may be acceptable. But if a complex pole pair with small
damping factor is located beyond the zero, then there is a possibility of the magnitude curve
going up, crossing the frequency axis, and coming down again [R1-3]. This multiple crossing
of the frequency axis could cause severe stability problems [R2-1].

There are less problems if a pole, real or complex, is located between ω0 and a zero instead.
However, that will cause the ϕm figures to be worse. Therefore, to obtain good ϕm figures
and to minimise the possibility of multiple gain crossovers at the same time, it is
recommended to locate the zero as close to the pole as possible. Analyses in Appendix 2.2
investigate the effects of damping factor of a complex pole pair on the magnitude response.
As these results suggest, it is best to have a damping factor no less than 0.5.

2.4.6. Design Completion and Evaluation

Once all the PZL parameters are decided, a good estimate of ϕm can be obtained from the
stability equation. If the result is not satisfactory, another set of the parameters may be tried.
Thus, the stability equation serves as a useful tool for appropriately locating poles/zeros
around ω0 and, therefore, in the design of the amplifier. As described in Section 2.4.1, the
circuit parameter values can be calculated from the final set of PZL parameters and that
completes the first phase of the design process.

Subsequently, the calculated value of ω0 and ωc obtained from the magnitude plot (described
in the next sub-sections) need to be compared. Discrepancies between the two will also be
reflected in the comparative ϕm results. For large discrepancies, alternative PZL parameter
values locating the poles/zeros further away from ω0 may be tried. If that does not help
much, then inaccuracies due to approximations mentioned in the previous section are likely to
be responsible. In practical designs, some such discrepancies may be acceptable.

Unity Feedback Factor Loop-Gain Magnitude and Phase Plots

After the design is completed, we need to evaluate the design using magnitude and phase
plots of the transfer function. To put it more accurately, we shall plot the magnitude and
phase of the loop-gain when the amplifier is used with unity feedback factor (transfer
function of the feedback path is unity). As we proceed further, it will be evident that these
plots are relatively easy to interpret and compare.

Since the feedback factor is unity, the magnitude of the loop-gain is identical to that of the
amplifier transfer function itself. Therefore, dB magnitude of the unity feedback factor loop-

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 2 Mathematical Methods Formulae and Examples

gain for the amplifier in Eq. (2-59) can be found by setting s = jω in the equation and finding
the magnitude in dB [R2-1] to obtain:

AvdB (ω) = 20log|Av (jω)| = 20log(A0 ) + 10log(1 + jω2 τ2z1 ) + 10log(1 + jω2 τ2z2 )
−10log(1 + jω2 τ2p1 ) − 10log(1 + jω2 τ2p2 ) − 10log [(1 − ω2 τ2p34 ) + 4ω2 δ2p34 τ2p34 ] (2-81)

Furthermore, the phase of the unity feedback factor loop-gain is always 1800 at low
frequencies. This happens because of subtraction of the feedback signal from the input signal.
If the signal is applied at the inverting instead of non-inverting input terminal of an amplifier,
a negative sign appears along with A0 in its transfer function. However, that sign is irrelevant
for loop gain considerations since appropriate input terminals would be used in an application
to ensure negative feedback. Therefore, the phase of the unity feedback factor loop-gain for
the amplifier in Eq. (2-59) can be found by discarding any negative sign associated with A0 ,
setting s = jω in the equation and finding the phase [R2-1] to obtain:

Φv (ω) = 1800 + 〈Av (jω)〉 = 1800 + tan−1(ωτz1 ) + tan−1(ωτz2 ) − tan−1 (ωτp1 )

2ωδp34 τp34
− tan−1 (ωτp2 ) − tan−1 ( ) (2-82)
1−ω2 τ2p34

The unity feedback factor loop-gain magnitude and phase responses can be plotted using Eqs.
(2-81) and (2-82). Plots for other feedback factors, including frequency dependent ones, can
be obtained simply by modifying the amplifier transfer function multiplying the feedback
path transfer function with it.

Phase Margin and Gain Margin from the Unity Feedback Factor Loop-Gain Plots

In line with the discussions in section 2.3, ωc can be found from the loop-gain dB magnitude
plot to be the frequency at which the curve crosses the 0dB horizontal line. Phase margin ϕm
can be found from the loop-gain phase plot to be the phase at the frequency ωc . This will be
evident if we compare Eq. (2-82) with Eqs. (2-77) and (2-78). Thus:

ϕm = Φv (ωc ) (2-83)

The frequency at which the loop-gain phase curve crosses the 00 horizontal line is the phase
crossover frequency ωπ . Gain margin Gm can be found from the loop-gain dB magnitude plot
to be the amount in dB by which the curve falls below the 0dB horizontal line at ωπ [R2-1,2].

Gm = 0 − AvdB (ωπ ) = −AvdB (ωπ ) (2-84)

Amplifiers with Passive, Frequency Independent Feedback Factors

A passive, frequency independent block β in the feedback path [R2-2] of a feedback

amplifier has its transfer function or feedback factor values in the range 0 ≤ β ≤ 1. In our
discussions so far, β had a value of 1. We shall now consider cases with all values of β with
the transfer function modified to βAv (s).

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 2 Mathematical Methods Formulae and Examples

The relationship between β and the amplifier closed-loop DC gain Acl0 is given by the
famous equation [R2-2]:
Acl0 ≅ β provided |Av | ≫ 1 (2-85)

The loop-gain magnitude plot AvdB (ω, β) is given, using Eqs. (2-81) and (2-85) by:

AvdB (ω, β) = 20log|βAv (jω)| = 20log|Av (jω)| + 20log(β)

≅ AvdB (ω) − 20log(Acl0 ) (2-86)

Therefore, the loop-gain magnitude curve shifts vertically down as β changes from 1 to 0 or,
in other words, Acl0 changes from 1 to A0 (approximately).

The loop-gain phase plot Φv (ω, β) is given, using Eq. (2-82), by:

Φv (ω, β) = 1800 + 〈βAv (jω)〉 = 1800 + 〈Av (jω)〉 + 〈β〉 = Φv (ω) (2-87)

This happens because the block β is frequency independent and 〈β〉 = 0. Therefore, the loop-
gain phase curve remains unchanged as β changes from 1 to 0.

Unconditionally Stable Amplifiers

Let us consider β = 1 to start with. In most cases, the loop-gain magnitude curve AvdB (ω)
given by Eq. (2-81) is a decreasing function of frequency. If ωπ > ωc then both ϕm and Gm
have positive values and, therefore, the amplifier is stable for β = 1. This includes cases in
which phase crossover does not take place and, therefore, no value for Gm can be found.

As β decreases, the loop-gain magnitude curve AvdB (ω, β) given by Eq. (2-86) shifts down
causing the gain crossover frequency to go down below ωc . If the loop-gain phase curve
Φv (ω, β ) given by Eq. (2-87) is a decreasing function too, both ϕm and Gm go up (or remain
unchanged) and, therefore, remain positive. This means this amplifier is stable for any value
of Acl0 between 1 and A0 (approximately) and is said to be unconditionally stable [R2-1,10].

This behaviour is typical of amplifiers using dominant pole compensation. Examples of such
amplifiers can be found in Chapters 3 to 9 and 11 to 13.

Conditionally Stable Amplifiers

We begin with β = 1 as before. If ωπ < ωc but ϕm has a positive value, then there may be
two phase crossover frequencies ωπ1 < ωπ2 < ωc as the loop-gain phase curve Φv (ω) given
by Eq. (2-82) crosses the 00 horizontal line twice. Obviously, the amplifier is not
unconditionally stable. We need to examine the stability of such an amplifier for different
values of β to check for which values it is stable and which values it is not.

From the discussions in the previous sub-sections, we know the gain crossover frequency for
AvdB (ω, β) goes down with β while the phase crossover frequencies ωπ1 and ωπ2 for
Φv (ω, β) remains unchanged.

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 2 Mathematical Methods Formulae and Examples

For those β values the gain crossover frequencies are below ωπ1 we have both ϕm and Gm
positive with ωπ1 serving as the phase crossover frequency, indicating a stable condition.

For those β values the gain crossover frequencies are above ωπ2 we have both ϕm and Gm
positive (or ϕm positive but no value for Gm as phase crossover does not take place),
indicating a stable condition too.

For those β values the gain crossover frequencies are ωπ1 and ωπ2 exactly, we have both ϕm
and Gm to be 0, indicating instability.

For those β values the gain crossover frequencies are between ωπ1 and ωπ2 we have ϕm
negative though Gm positive, ωπ2 serving as the phase crossover frequency, indicating
instability too.

The closed-loop DC gain values Acl01 and Acl02 corresponding to gain crossover at
ωπ1 and ωπ2 can be found, using Eq. (2-86), to be:

AvdB (ω, β) = AvdB (ω) − 20log(Acl0 ) = 0

Using ω = ωπ1 , ωπ2 in the solution for the above:

20log(Acl01 ) = AvdB (ωπ1 ) and 20log(Acl02 ) = AvdB (ωπ2 ) (2-88)

From the discussions above and Eq. (2-88) we conclude that such an amplifier is
conditionally stable [R2-1,10] for any Acl0 value in dB between 0 and 20log(A0 ) except for
those between and inclusive of AvdB (ωπ1 ) and AvdB (ωπ2 ) (approximately).

This behaviour can sometimes, if not always, be observed in amplifiers using phase lead
compensation. Examples of such amplifiers can be found in Chapters 10 and 14 to 16.

It is worth mentioning here that there are other factors, apart from reduction in β, that can
cause AvdB (ω) to go down. If the amplifier output reaches the power supply rails,
nonlinearity may force AvdB (ω) to drop down to 0dB causing instability to set in at
frequencies between and inclusive of ωπ1 and ωπ2 .

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 3 Single-Stage Amplifier Load Capacitor

Single-Stage Amplifier

3.1. Introductory Notes

Employing Alan Blumlein’s invention of the long-tailed pair (filed 1936, patented 1938) as
the transconductance provider and Bob Widlar’s invention of the current mirror (conceived
1964, filed 1965 and patented 1967) as the active load [R2-12], one can come up with an
excellent differential input to single-ended output amplifier.

The active devices in Blumlein’s long-tailed pair were vacuum tubes, while those in Widlar’s
current mirror bipolar transistors. This idea was implemented in the input stages of some of
the early bipolar integrated operational amplifiers like LM101 (Bob Widlar in 1967) and its
derivative A741 (Dave Fullagar in 1968) [R2-11,12]. It still used in the input stages of
amplifiers today as no simple enough alternative has yet been found.

The object of our discussion in this chapter is a CMOS implementation of the idea. This
circuit is also known as the Operational Transconductance Amplifier or OTA. This has only
one high-impedance node at its output and can be compensated effectively by connecting a
compensation capacitor from that node to ground. Variants of this OTA have been used in
gm-C filters and input stages of multistage amplifiers.

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Chapter 3 Single-Stage Amplifier Load Capacitor

3.2. Circuit Analysis and Transfer Function

Circuit Diagram

Fig. 3-1. Circuit schematic for the amplifier.

The circuit parameters for the amplifier are defined below:

Tab. 3-1. Circuit parameters for the amplifier.

No. Circuit parameter Symbol

1 Input device transconductance (MP1 or MP2) g m1
2 Mirror load transconductance (MN1 or MN2) g mm
3 Net resistance loading node N1 1/g mm
4 Net capacitance loading node N1 cp
5 Net resistance loading node OUT ro1
6 Net capacitance loading node OUT (compensation capacitance) CC

Block Diagram

Fig. 3-2. Block diagram for the amplifier.

Referring to Figs. 3-1, 3-2 and Tab. 3-1, transistors MP1, MP2 are the amplifying transistors of
the stage represented by the two blocks marked g m1 where g m1 is the transconductance of
either MP1 or MP2.

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 3 Single-Stage Amplifier Load Capacitor

Transistors MN1, MN2 are the mirror load transistors of the stage represented by the block
marked g mm where g mm is the transconductance of either MN1 or MN2. The load capacitor CC
provides compensation to the amplifier.

Small-Signal Equivalent Circuit

The small-signal equivalent circuit for the amplifier can be drawn from its block diagram as
shown below:

Fig. 3-3. Simplified small-signal equivalent circuit for the amplifier.

Only low-frequency MOS models have been used in Fig. 3-3 to keep the analysis simple.

Network Equations and Solutions

For convenience, we shall work with conductances instead of resistances such as:
g o1 = (3-1)

Applying Laplace transforms and KCL to nodes N1 and OUT in Fig. 3-3:
(g mm + scp )V1 = 2 g m1 Vi (3-2)

g mm V1 + (g o1 + sCC )Vo = − 2 g m1 Vi (3-3)

Eqs. (3-2) and (3-3) can be written in vector-matrix form as:

g mm + scp 0 V g m1 Vi
[ ] [ 1 ] = [ 21 ] (3-4)
g mm g o1 + sCC Vo − g m1 Vi

Appling Cramer’s rule to solve Vo from Eq. (3-4):

gmm +scp g V
2 m1 i
| 1 |
gmm − gm1 Vi
Vo = gmm +scp 0
| |
gmm go1 +sCC

Expanding the numerator determinant:

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 3 Single-Stage Amplifier Load Capacitor

1 1
− gm1 (gmm +scp )Vi − gm1 gmm Vi
2 2
Vo = gmm +scp 0
| |
gmm go1 +sCC

Whence we find the transfer function to be:

1 1
Vo − gm1 (gmm +scp )− gm1 gmm
2 2
Av (s) = = gmm +scp 0
Vi | |
gmm go1 +sCC

Simplifying the numerator and factoring out g mm and g o1 from the first and second columns
respectively of the denominator determinant:
scp scp
−gm1 gmm ( +1) −gm1 ( +1)
2gmm 2gmm
Av (s) = scp = scp
1+ 0 1+ 0
gmm gmm
gmm go1 | sC | go1 | sC |
1 1+ C 1 1+ C
go1 go1

Replacing the conductance using Eq. (3-1) and expanding the denominator determinant, we
arrive at the transfer function in its final form as:
−gm1 ro1 ( +1)
Av (s) = scp (3-5)
(sCC ro1 +1)( +1)

3.3. Poles and Zeros of the Transfer Function

Writing Eq. (3-5) in terms of its poles and zero:

−A0 (sτz +1)
Av (s) = (sτ (3-6)
p1 +1)(sτp2 +1)

Comparing Eqs. (3-5) and (3-6), the first pole is given by:
1 1
ωp1 = τ =C (3-7)
p1 C ro1

The second pole is given by:

1 gmm
ωp2 = τ = (3-8)
p2 cp

The zero is given by:

1 2gmm
ωz = τ = (3-9)
z cp

3.4. Design to Meet Specifications

3.4.1. Design Equations

DC Gain and Unity-Gain Frequency

Comparing Eqs. (3-5) and (3-6), magnitude of the DC gain is given by:

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 3 Single-Stage Amplifier Load Capacitor

A0 = g m1 ro1 (3-10)

We decide ωp1 to be the dominant pole. Then, using Eqs. (2-63), (3-7) and (3-10) the unity-
gain frequency is given by:
ω0 = (3-11)

Defining PZL Parameters

We do not define any PZL parameter for ωp1 noting that it is a low-frequency far-away pole.
However, it can be written in terms of ω0 by re-writing Eq. (2-63) as:
ωp1 = (3-12)

We define PZL parameter σ for the second pole and zero. Noting from Eqs. (3-8) and (3-9)
that the zero is at twice the frequency of the second pole, we obtain:

ωp2 = σω0 (3-13)

ωz = 2σω0 (3-14)

Circuit Parameters in terms of PZL Parameters

Combining Eqs. (3-8), (3-11) and (3-13):

gmm σcp
= (3-15)
gm1 CC

Stability Equation (Phase Margin)

Using setting s = jω0 in Eq. (3-6) and using Eq. (2-77), the phase margin is given by:

ϕm = 1800 + tan−1(ω0 τz ) − tan−1(ω0 τp1 ) − tan−1(ω0 τp2 )

Using Eqs. (3-12) to (3-14) in the above:

1 1
ϕm = 1800 + tan−1 (2σ) − tan−1(A0 ) − tan−1 (σ) (3-16)

3.4.2. Design Calculations

The table below lists the target performance parameters for the amplifier:

Tab. 3-2. Amplifier specifications.

No. Performance parameter Symbol Value Units

1 Magnitude of DC gain A0 > 30 dB
2 Unity-gain frequency f0 ~ 50 MHz
3 Phase margin ϕm > 60 degrees
4 Gain margin Gm > 10 dB
5 Capacitive load CL 1.6 pF

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 3 Single-Stage Amplifier Load Capacitor

Deciding PZL and Circuit Parameter Values

To meet specifications in Tab. 3-2 we proceed as follows:

We decide on σ = 6.4 placing ωp2 and ωz well above ω0 in frequency. Using this value of σ
̃ m is 85.60 .
in Eq (3-16) and assuming A0 to be a large number, the estimated phase margin ϕ

We choose g m1 = 500μS and CC = CL = 1.6pF so that f0 = 49.74MHz by Eq. (3-11).

Using cp = 100fF, we find g mm = 200μS from Eq. (3-15).

Using ro1 = 200kΩ, we find A0 = 100 = 40dB from Eq. (3-10).

Now, we can find a more accurate phase margin figure using Eq. (3-16):

ϕm = 1800 + 4.480 − 900 − 8.880 = 85.60 .

Based on the above calculations and Fig. 3-1, the circuit parameters, frequency parameters
and estimated cell statistics for the amplifier are summarised in the following three tables:

Tab. 3-3. Design values for circuit parameters.

No. Circuit parameter Symbol Value Units

1 MP1 or MP2 transconductance g m1 500 μS
2 MN1 or MN2 transconductance g mm 200 μS
3 Capacitance loading node N1 cp 100 fF
4 Output resistance ro1 200 kΩ
5 Compensation/Load capacitance CL = CC 1.6 pF

Tab. 3-4. Design values for frequency parameters.

No. Frequency parameter Symbol Value Units

1 First pole fp1 497.4 kHz
2 Unity-gain frequency f0 49.74 MHz
3 Second pole fp2 318.34 MHz
4 Zero fz 636.67 MHz

Tab. 3-5. Amplifier cell statistics estimated for ABC process technology (Appendix 18).

No. Cell statistic Symbol Value Units

1 Cell area Acell 35 × 35 μm2
2 Power consumption @ VDD − VSS = 1.5V Pcell 45 μW

3.4.3. Design Evaluation

Unity feedback factor loop-gain response plots can be obtained from the transfer function in
Eq. (3-5). Appendix 3 lists all necessary formulae. The plots, using parameter values in Tab.
3-3, are shown in Figs. 3-4 and 3-5. Performance parameters for the amplifier may be read

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 3 Single-Stage Amplifier Load Capacitor

off from the plots or from the plot data in Tab. 3-7. The table below compares these figures
with those calculated in the previous sub-section and the specifications in Tab. 3-2.

Tab. 3-6. Comparison of performance parameters.

No. Performance parameter Symbol Calculated Evaluated Specs. Units

1 Magnitude of DC gain A0 40 40 > 30 dB
2 Unity-gain frequency f0 /fc 49.74 50 ~ 50 MHz
3 Phase margin ϕm 85.6 86.1 > 60 degrees
4 Phase crossover frequency fπ − NN − MHz
5 Gain margin Gm − NA > 10 dB

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Chapter 3 Single-Stage Amplifier Load Capacitor

Fig. 3-4. Unity feedback factor loop-gain magnitude response for the amplifier.

Fig. 3-5. Unity feedback factor loop-gain phase response for the amplifier.

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 3 Single-Stage Amplifier Load Capacitor

Tab. 3-7. Data listing for loop-gain response plots in Figs. 3-4 and 3-5.

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 3 Single-Stage Amplifier Load Capacitor

3.5. Concluding Remarks

This amplifier is meant to drive high-impedance or capacitive loads only. With heavy
resistive and capacitive loads, its DC gain and unity-gain bandwidth are drastically reduced
as shown by Eqs. (3-10) and (3-11) respectively.

The entries in Tab. 3-4 show that ωp2 and ωz are at considerably high frequencies compared
to ω0 . This pole and zero are not very far apart and partially cancel each other as shown by
Eqs (3-8) and (3-9) and Figs. (3-4) and (3-5). Therefore, it is not surprising that ϕm is close
to 900 .

As can be seen from Eqs. (3-15) and (3-16), an increase in CC for this amplifier causes σ and,
therefore, ϕm to increase. This happens because ωp2 and ωz remain stationary while ω0 goes
down in frequency according to Eqs. (3-8), (3-9) and (3-11). For sufficiently high values of
CC , ϕm approaches 900 . Under such conditions, not much error will be committed if we
assume this amplifier to have just one pole ωp1 , neglecting ωp2 and ωz .

In the following chapters, we shall simplify our analyses by making the abovementioned
assumption for stages using this amplifier under similar conditions.

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 4 Two-Stage Amplifier Miller

Two-Stage Amplifier with Miller Compensation

4.1. Introductory Notes

Since the invention of John Milton Miller in 1920, the Miller capacitor has been used to
achieve frequency compensation in operational amplifiers built with any type of active
device, including vacuum tubes. The circuit we are going to study in this chapter is a CMOS
version of the first two stages of the A741 bipolar operational amplifier, introduced in 1968
[R2-11,12, R3-2].

CMOS implementations of this amplifier were already in use since 1974. By 1977-78, it was
found that a resistor, dubbed “nulling resistor” in early literature, had to be inserted in series
with the Miller capacitor for acceptable phase margin figures [R1-1]. Relatively low
transconductance of CMOS devices mandated this change over Bipolar implementations.
However, efficient output stages like those in Bipolar amplifiers were not possible to
implement because of non-availability of comparable voltage follower structures in CMOS.

Nevertheless, this amplifier can be designed to drive resistive loads for on-chip and
moderately low-impedance off-chip applications. The greatest advantage of this amplifier lies
in the simplicity of its frequency compensation. It is well understood in the circuit design
community, has the potential of providing great results with the least amount of effort and is
probably the most widely used embedded amplifier in integrated circuits.

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 4 Two-Stage Amplifier Miller

4.2. Circuit Analysis and Transfer Function

Circuit Diagram

Fig. 4-1. Circuit schematic for the amplifier.

The circuit parameters for the amplifier are defined below:

Tab. 4-1. Circuit parameters for the amplifier.

No. Circuit parameter Symbol

1 First stage transconductance (MP1 or MP2) g m1
2 Net resistance loading first stage (node N1) ro1
3 Net capacitance loading first stage (node N1) cp1
4 Second stage transconductance (MN3) g m2
5 Net resistance loading second stage (node OUT) RL
6 Net capacitance loading second stage (node OUT) CL
7 Compensation resistance RC
8 Compensation capacitance CC

Block Diagram

Fig. 4-2. Block diagram for the amplifier

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 4 Two-Stage Amplifier Miller

Referring to Figs. 4-1, 4-2 and Tab. 4-1, transistors MP1, MP2, MP3, MN1 and MN2 constitute
the first stage represented by the block marked g m1 where g m1 is the transconductance of
either MP1 or MP2. Transistors MN3 and MP4 constitute the second stage represented by the
block marked g m2 where g m2 is the transconductance of MN3. RC and CC provide Miller
compensation to the amplifier.

Small-Signal Equivalent Circuit

The small-signal equivalent circuit for the amplifier can be drawn from its block diagram as
shown below:

Fig. 4-3. Simplified small-signal equivalent circuit for the amplifier.

Other than low-frequency MOS models being used, the first stage of the amplifier has been
simplified in Fig. 4-3 as per discussions in Section 3.5.

Network Equations and Solutions

For convenience, we shall consider conductances instead of resistances such as:

1 1
g o1 = r , GL = R (4-1)
o1 L

and admittances instead of impedances such as:

1 jωC
yC = 1 = 1+jωCC R (4-2)
RC + C C

We shall assume the following to approximate some results later:

g m1 , g m2 ≫ g o1 , GL and cp1 ≪ CC , CL (4-3)

Applying Laplace transforms and KCL to nodes N1 and OUT in Fig. 4-3:

(g o1 + scp1 + YC )V1 − YC Vo = −g m1 Vi (4-4)

(g m2 − YC )V1 + (GL + sCL + YC )Vo = 0 (4-5)

Eqs. (4-4) and (4-5) can be written in vector-matrix form as:

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 4 Two-Stage Amplifier Miller

g o1 + scp1 + YC −YC V −g V
[ ] [ 1 ] = [ m1 i ] (4-6)
g m2 − YC GL + sCL + YC Vo 0

Applying Cramer’s rule to solve Vo from Eq. (4-6):

go1 +scp1 +YC −gm1 Vi
| |
gm2 −YC 0
Vo = go1 +scp1 +YC −YC
| |
gm2 −YC GL +sCL +YC

Expanding the numerator determinant:

gm1 Vi (gm2 −YC )
Vo = go1 +scp1 +YC −YC
| |
gm2 −YC GL +sCL +YC

Whence we find the transfer function to be:

Vo (s) gm1 (gm2 −YC )
Av (s) = = go1 +scp1 +YC −YC
Vi (s) | |
gm2 −YC GL +sCL +YC

Replacing the first column of the denominator determinant by the sum of its first and second
gm1 (gm2 −YC )
Av (s) = go1 +scp1 −YC
| |
GL +sCL +gm2 GL +sCL +YC

Factoring out g m2 from the numerator determinant and, at the same time, g o1 and GL from
the first and second columns respectively of the denominator determinant:
gm1 gm2 (1− C )
Av (s) = cp1 Y
1+s − C
go1 GL
go1 GL | G Y
L +s CL +gm2 C
1+s L + C
go1 go1 go1 GL GL

Replacing the conductances and admittances using Eqs. (4-1) and (4-2):
gm1 gm2 ro1 RL [1− ]
gm2(sRC CC +1)
Av (s) = sCC RL
1+scp1 ro1 −
sCC RC +1
|r sCC RL
o1 +sC r +g
RL L o1 m2 ro1 1+sCL RL +
sCC RC +1

We now factor out from the numerator square bracket as well as from the second
sCC RC +1
column of the denominator determinant. The factor cancels out leaving behind:
gm1 gm2 ro1 RL (sCC RC +1− )
Av (s) = 1+scp1 ro1 −sCC RL
|ro1 (1+sCL RL )(sCC RC +1)+sCC RL |
+sCL ro1 +gm2 ro1

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 4 Two-Stage Amplifier Miller

Expanding the denominator determinant and re-arranging terms in the numerator and
denominator, we arrive at the transfer function in its final form as:
gm1 gm2 ro1 RL [sCc (RC − )+1]
Av (s) = s3 c 2 (4-7)
p1 CC CL ro1 RC RL + s [cp1 (CC RC +CL RL +CC RL )ro1 +CC CL ro1 RL +CC CL RC RL ]
+ s[ cp1 ro1 + CL RL + CC (ro1 +RC +RL +gm2 ro1 RL )]+1

4.3. Poles and Zeros of the Transfer Function


To find the poles and zeros of Eq. (4-7) we need to factorise the denominator and for that
purpose we approximate it using Eq. (4-3) to obtain:
gm1 gm2 ro1 RL [sCc (RC − )+1]
̃ v (s) = 3
A 2 [c
s c p1 CC CL ro1 RC RL +s p1 (CC +CL )+CC CL ]ro1 RL +sCC gm2 ro1 RL +1

Factorising the denominator of Eq. (4-8) using Eq. (2-40):

gm1 gm2 ro1 RL [sCc (RC − )+1]
̃ v (s) =
cp1 CL RC CL +cp1 (1+ L )
(sCC gm2 ro1 RL +1)[s2 +s +1]
gm2 gm2

Factorising the quadratic polynomial in the denominator once more using Eq. (2-40):
gm1 gm2 ro1 RL [sCc (RC − )+1]
̃ v (s) =
(sCC gm2 ro1 RL +1)(s a +1)(sCb RC +1)

Ca = CL + cp1 (1 + CL ) (4-10)

1 1 1 1
=c +C +C (4-11)
Cb p1 C L

Poles and Zeros

Writing Eq. (4-8) in terms of its poles and zero:

A0 (sτz +1)
̃ v (s) =
A (4-12)
(sτ p1 +1)(sτp2 +1)(sτp3 +1)

Comparing Eqs. (4-9) and (4-12) the first pole is given by:
1 1
ωp1 = τ =C (4-13)
p1 C gm2 ro1 RL

The second pole is given by:

1 gm2
ωp2 = τ = (4-14)
p2 Ca
Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 4 Two-Stage Amplifier Miller

The third pole is given by:

1 1
ωp3 = τ =C (4-15)
p3 b RC

And the zero is given by:

1 1
ωz = τ = 1 (4-16)
z Cc (RC − )

4.4. Design to Meet Specifications

4.4.1. Design Equations

DC Gain and Unity-Gain Frequency

Comparing Eqs. (4-9) and (4-12) magnitude of the DC gain is given by:

A0 = g m1 g m2 ro1 R L (4-17)

We decide ωp1 to be the dominant pole. Then, using Eqs. (2-63), (4-13) and (4-17) the unity-
gain frequency is given by:
ω0 = (4-18)

Defining PZL Parameters

We do not define any PZL parameter for ωp1 noting that it is a low-frequency far-away pole.
However, it can be expressed in terms of ω0 re-writing Eq. (2-63) as:
ωp1 = (4-19)

We define PZL parameters σ and μ for ωp2 and ωz such that:

ωp2 = σω0 (4-20)

ωz = μωp2 = σμω0 (4-21)

We do not define any PZL parameter for ωp3 noting it to be a high-frequency far-away pole.
However, we can write it in terms of ω0 using Eqs. (4-15) and (4-18) as:
ωp3 = g ω0 (4-22)
m1 RC Cb

Circuit Parameters in terms of PZL Parameters

Combining Eqs. (4-14), (4-18) and (4-20) we find:

gm2 σCa
= (4-23)
gm1 CC

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 4 Two-Stage Amplifier Miller

Combining Eqs. (4-16), (4-18) and (4-21):

1 1
RC = g + (4-24)
m2 σμgm1

Stability Equation (Phase Margin)

Setting s = jω0 in Eq. (4-12) and using Eq. (2-77), the phase margin is given by:

ϕm = 1800 + tan−1(ω0 τz ) − tan−1(ω0 τp1 ) − tan−1(ω0 τp2 ) − tan−1(ω0 τp3 )

Substituting Eqs. (4-20) to (4-24) in the above:

1 1 C C
ϕm = 1800 + tan−1 (σμ) − tan−1(A0 ) − tan−1 (σ) − tan−1 (σCb + σμCb ) (4-25)
a c

4.4.2. Design Calculations

The table below lists the target performance parameters for the amplifier:

Tab. 4-2. Amplifier specifications.

No. Performance parameter Symbol Value Units

1 Magnitude of DC gain A0 > 70 dB
2 Unity-gain frequency f0 ~ 50 MHz
3 Phase margin ϕm > 60 degrees
4 Gain margin Gm > 10 dB
5 Resistive load RL 10 kΩ
6 Capacitive load CL 6 pF

Deciding PZL and Circuit Parameter Values

To meet specifications in Tab. 4-2 we proceed as follows:

We decide on σ = 2.286 and μ = 1.591 placing ωz slightly above ωp2 in frequency with
σμ = 3.637. Using these values of σ and μ in Eq. (4-25), assuming A0 to be a large number
̃ m is 81.740 .
and neglecting contribution due to ωp3 , the estimated phase margin ϕ

Next, we choose g m1 = 500μS and CC = 1.6pF so that f0 = 49.74MHz by Eq. (4-18).

Using cp1 = 200fF, we find Ca = 7pF from Eq. (4-10) and Cb = 173fF from Eq. (4-11).

Subsequently, we find g m2 = 5mS using Eq. (4-23) and R C = 750Ω using Eq. (4-24).

Using ro1 = 200kΩ, we find A0 = 5000 ≈ 73.98dB from Eq. (4-17).

Now, we can find a more accurate phase margin figure using Eq. (4-25):

ϕm = 1800 + 15.370 − 900 − 23.630 − 2.320 = 79.420 .

Based on the above calculations and Fig. 4-1, the circuit parameters, frequency parameters
and estimated cell statistics for the amplifier are summarised in the following three tables:
Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 4 Two-Stage Amplifier Miller

Tab. 4-3. Design values for circuit parameters.

No. Circuit parameter Symbol Value Units

1 First stage transconductance g m1 500 μS
2 First stage resistive load ro1 200 kΩ
3 First stage capacitive load cp1 200 fF
4 Second stage transconductance g m2 5 mS
5 Second stage resistive load RL 10 kΩ
6 Second stage capacitive load CL 6 pF
7 Compensation resistance RC 750 Ω
8 Compensation capacitance CC 1.6 pF

Tab. 4-4. Design values for frequency parameters.

No. Frequency parameter Symbol Value Units

1 First pole fp1 9.95 kHz
2 Unity-gain frequency f0 49.74 MHz
3 Second pole fp2 113.71 MHz
4 Zero fz 180.91 MHz
5 Third pole fp3 1.23 GHz

Tab. 4-5. Amplifier cell statistics estimated for ABC process technology (Appendix 18).

No. Cell statistic Symbol Estimated value Units

1 Cell area excluding RL1 and CL1 Acell 38 × 38 μm2
2 Power consumption @ VDD − VSS = 1.5V Pcell 195 μW

4.4.3. Design Evaluation

Unity feedback factor loop-gain response plots can be obtained from the transfer function in
Eq. (4-8). Appendix 4 lists all necessary formulae. The plots, using parameter values in Tab.
4-3, are shown in Figs. 4-4 and 4-5. Performance parameters for the amplifier may be read
off from the plots or from the plot data in Tab. 4-7. The table below compares these figures
with those calculated in the previous sub-section and the specifications in Tab. 4-2.

Tab. 4-6. Comparison of performance parameters.

No. Performance parameter Symbol Calculated Evaluated Specs. Units

1 Magnitude of DC gain A0 73.98 74 > 70 dB
2 Unity-gain frequency f0 /fc 49.74 50 ~ 50 MHz
3 Phase margin ϕm 79.42 81.5 > 60 degrees
4 Phase crossover frequency fπ − NN − MHz
5 Gain margin Gm − NA > 10 dB

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 4 Two-Stage Amplifier Miller

Fig. 4-4. Unity feedback factor loop-gain magnitude response for the amplifier

Fig. 4-5. Unity feedback factor loop-gain phase response for the amplifier

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 4 Two-Stage Amplifier Miller

Tab. 4-7. Data listing for loop-gain response plots in Figs. 4-4 and 4-5.

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 4 Two-Stage Amplifier Miller

4.5. Concluding Remarks

Compared to the amplifier in Chapter 3, this amplifier has higher gain, and the gain does not
go down drastically with resistive load. Presence of a second stage is responsible for the
improvements. However, the amplifier is still somewhat sensitive to very low resistive loads
with which its unity-gain bandwidth too tends to go down [R1-9].

From Eqs. (4-10) and (4-23) we can observe that g m2 requirement for this amplifier is nearly
proportional to CL . Thus, large values of g m2 would be needed for the amplifier to drive large
values of CL , causing power and area consumption to go up. On the other hand, small values
of g m2 would be needed for the amplifier to drive small values of CL , causing the DC gain to
go down.

However, Eq. (4-23) also shows that usage of large σ values can effectively mitigate the
abovementioned problem of DC gain loss. In that case R C , and not g m2 , need to be reduced
according to Eq. (4-24). In conclusion, this amplifier is best suited to work with small to
moderate CL and moderate to large R L values.

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 5 Two-Stage Amplifier Cascode-Miller

Two-Stage Amplifier with Cascode-Miller Compensation

5.1. Introductory Notes

This variant of the Miller compensation technique was employed in one of the very early
operational amplifier designs using CMOS devices – the CA3130, introduced in 1974 [R3-1].
The benefits of this compensation technique over Miller’s became a topic of discussion in the
early ’80s (R. Read and J. Weiser [R1-1]). Finally, a preliminary analysis to explain the
benefits became available in 1983 [R1-2]. A comprehensive analysis [R1-3] followed a year
later. Eventually, however, this technique became popularly known within the integrated
circuit design community as “Ahuja compensation,” being named after the author of the 1983

The main advantages of this compensation technique over Miller’s are firstly, the phase
margin degradation with capacitive load is much less [R1-2,3] and secondly, the power
supply rejection ratio (PSRR) figures at high frequencies are considerably better [R1-1,2,3].

However, there are disadvantages too. It may be difficult to obtain a smooth Miller-like
magnitude and phase response for the compensated amplifier just beyond the unity-gain
frequency. The responses tend to peak up in those regions. This too can be attributed to low
transconductance of CMOS devices [R1-3,13].

The above difficulty is probably the reason why this compensation technique gained
popularity much later (around 1995), by when sufficient downscaling of CMOS technology
had taken place and relatively large transconductances could be obtained without expending a
lot of power.

In this chapter we investigate two variants of this compensation. The first variant (type 1) was
described in [R1-1,2] whereas the second variant (type 2) was described in [R1-3]. However,
it is the second variant that eventually became popular [R1-13].

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 5 Two-Stage Amplifier Cascode-Miller

5.2. Circuit Analysis and Transfer Function

5.2.1. Amplifier Type 1

Circuit Diagram

The cascode compensation transistor MPC for this amplifier is separate from the first stage.

Fig. 5-1. Circuit schematic for amplifier type 1.

The circuit parameters are defined below:

Tab. 5-1. Circuit parameters for amplifier type 1.

No. Circuit parameter Symbol

1 First stage transconductance (MP1 or MP2) g m1
2 Net resistance loading first stage (node N1) ro1
3 Net resistance loading second stage (node OUT) cp1
4 Cascode transistor transconductance (MPC) g mc
5 Cascode transistor output resistance (MPC) roc
6 Cascode transistor gate-source capacitance (MPC) cpc
7 Cascode bias transistor output resistance (MP5) rob
8 Second stage transconductance (MN3) g m2
9 Net resistance loading second stage (node OUT) RL
10 Net capacitance loading second stage (node OUT) CL
11 Compensation capacitance CC

Block Diagram

Fig. 5-2. Block diagram for amplifier type 1.

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 5 Two-Stage Amplifier Cascode-Miller

Referring to Figs. 5-1, 5-2 and Tab. 5-1, transistors MP1, MP2, MP3, MN1 and MN2 constitute
the first stage represented by the block marked g m1 where g m1 is the transconductance of
either MP1 or MP2. Transistors MP7 and MN3 constitute the second stage represented by the
block marked g m2 where g m2 is the transconductance of MN3. MP4, MP5, MP6 and MPC
constitute a stand-alone cascode current source pair. The cascode transistor MPC couples the
capacitor CC from the amplifier output to the first stage output providing cascode-Miller
compensation. MPC is represented by the block marked g mc , g mc being its transconductance.

Small-Signal Equivalent Circuit

The small-signal equivalent circuit for the amplifier can be drawn from its block diagram as
shown below:

Fig. 5-3. Simplified small-signal equivalent circuit for amplifier type 1.

Other than low-frequency MOS models being used, the first stage of the amplifier has been
simplified in Fig. 5-3 as per discussions in Section 3.5. The cascode current source pair has
been replaced simply by its equivalent output resistance.

Network Equations and Solutions

For convenience, we shall consider conductances instead of resistances such as:

1 1 1 1
g o1 = r , g oc = r , g ob = r , GL = R (5-1)
o1 oc ob L

We shall assume the following to approximate some results later:

g m1 , g m2 ≫ g o1 , g oc , g ob , GL and cp1 , cpc ≪ CC , CL (5-2)

Applying Laplace transforms and KCL to nodes N1, Nc and OUT in Fig. 5-3:

(g o1 + g oc + scp1 )V1 − (g mc + g oc )Vc = −g m1 Vi (5-3)

−g oc V1 + (g mc + g oc + g ob + scpc + sCC )Vc − sCC Vo = 0 (5-4)

g m2 V1 − sCC Vc + (GL + sCL + sCC )Vo = 0 (5-5)

Eqs. (5-3) to (5-5) can be written in vector-matrix form as:

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 5 Two-Stage Amplifier Cascode-Miller

g o1 + g oc + scp1 −g mc − g oc 0 V1 −g m1 Vi
[ −g oc g mc + g oc + g ob + scpc + sCC − sCC ] [ Vc ] = [ 0 ]
g m2 −sCC GL + sCL + sCC Vo 0


Applying Cramer’s rule to solve Vo from Eq. (5-6):

go1 +goc +scp1 −gmc −goc −gm1 Vi
| −goc gmc +goc +gob +scpc +sCC 0 |
gm2 −sCC 0
Vo = g01 +goc +scp1 −gmc −goc 0
| −goc gmc +goc +gob +scpc +sCC − sCC |
gm2 −sCC GL +sCL +sCC

Using cofactor expansion for the numerator determinant along its third column:
−goc gmc +goc +gob +scpc +sCC
−gm1 Vi | |
gm2 −sCC
Vo = go1 +goc +scp1 −gmc −goc 0
| −goc gmc +goc +gob +scpc +sCC − sCC |
gm2 −sCC GL +sCL +sCC

Whence we find the transfer function to be:

−goc gmc +goc +gob +scpc +sCC
−gm1 | |
Vo (s) gm2 −sCC
Av1 (s) = = go1 +goc +scp1 −gmc −goc 0 (5-7)
Vi (s)
| −g oc g mc +g oc +gob +scpc +sCC − sC C |
gm2 −sCC GL +sCL +sCC

Approximating Eq. (5-7) using Eq. (5-2):

−goc gmc +sCC
−gm1 | |
̃ v1 (s) = gm2 −sCC
A go1 +goc +scp1 −gmc −goc 0
| −goc gmc +sCC − sCC |
gm2 −sCC GL +sCL +sCC

Replacing the first row of the numerator determinant by the sum of its rows and, at the same
time, replacing the second column of the denominator determinant by the sum of its second
and third columns:
gm2 −goc gmc
−gm1 | g −sCC |
̃ v1 (s) =
A m2
go1 +goc +scp1 −gmc −goc 0
| −goc gmc − sCC |
gm2 GL +sCL GL +sCL +sCC

Replacing the first column of the denominator determinant by the sum of its first and second
gm2 −goc gmc
−gm1 | g −sCC |
̃ v1 (s) =
A m2
go1 +scp1 −gmc −gmc −goc 0
| gmc −goc gmc − sCC |
GL +sCL +gm2 GL +sCL GL +sCL +sCC

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 5 Two-Stage Amplifier Cascode-Miller

Approximating the above one more time using Eq. (5-2):

gm2 gmc
−gm1 |g −sCC |
̃ v1 (s) =
A m2
go1 +scp1 −gmc −gmc 0
| gmc gmc − sCC |
GL +sCL +gm2 GL +sCL GL +sCL +sCC

Replacing the first row of the denominator determinant by the sum of its first and second
gm2 gmc
−gm1 |g −sCC |
̃ v1 (s) =
A m2
go1 +scp1 0 − sCC
| gmc gmc − sCC |
GL +sCL +gm2 GL +sCL GL +sCL +sCC

Factoring out g m2 and g mc from the first and second columns respectively of the numerator
determinant and, at the same time, g o1 , g mc and GL from the first, second and third columns
respectively of the denominator determinant:
1 1
−gm1 gm2 gmc |1 −s CC |
̃ v1 (s) =
A cp1
1+s 0 −s C
go1 GL
| gmc C |
go1 gmc GL 1 −s C
go1 GL
| |
+s L + m2 +s L 1+s L +s C
go1 go1 go1 gmc gmc GL GL

The factor g mc cancels out, being common to both numerator and denominator. Replacing the
conductances using Eq. (5-1):
1 1
−gm1 gm2 ro1 RL |1 −s CC |
̃ v1 (s) =
A scp1 ro1 +1 0
− sCC RL
| gmc ro1 1 − sCC RL |
r C 1
sCL ro1 +gm2 ro1 + o1 s L+ sCL RL +sCC RL +1
RL gmc gmc RL

Expanding the numerator and denominator determinants fully and re-arranging terms we
arrive at the transfer function for amplifier type 1 in its final form as:
gm1 gm2 ro1 RL (s C +1)
̃ v1 (s) =
A cp1 CC CL ro1 RL
cp1CC ro1 C C R (5-8)
s3 + s2 [cp1 (CC +CL )ro1 RL + + C L L]
gmc gmc gmc
+s[(CC +CL )RL + C +cp1 ro1 + CC gm2 ro1 RL ] +1

It may be noted that the parameters roc , rob and cpc do not appear in Eq. (5-8).

5.2.2. Amplifier Type 2

Circuit Diagram

The cascode compensation transistor MNC is included in the first stage.

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 5 Two-Stage Amplifier Cascode-Miller

Fig. 5-4. Circuit schematic for amplifier type 2.

The circuit parameters are defined in the table below:

Tab. 5-2. Circuit parameters for amplifier type 2.

No. Circuit parameter Symbol

1 First stage transconductance (MP1 or MP2) g m1
2 Net resistance loading first stage (node N1) ro1
3 Net capacitance loading first stage (node N1) cp1
4 Cascode transistor transconductance (MNC) g mc
5 Cascode transistor output resistance (MNC) roc
6 Cascode transistor gate-source capacitance (MNC) cpc
7 Cascode bias transistor output resistance (MN2) rob
8 Second stage transconductance (MP6) g m2
9 Net resistance loading second stage (node OUT) RL
10 Net capacitance loading second stage (node OUT) CL
11 Compensation capacitance CC

Block Diagram

Fig. 5-5. Block diagram for amplifier type 2.

Referring to Figs. 5.4, 5-5 and Tab. 5.2, transistors MP1, MP2, MP3, MN1, MN2, MN3, MNC, MP4
and MP5 constitute a folded cascode first stage represented by the block marked g m1 where
g m1 is the transconductance of either MP1 or MP2. Transistors MP6 and MN4 constitute the
second stage represented by the block marked g m2 where g m2 is the transconductance of
Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 5 Two-Stage Amplifier Cascode-Miller

MP6. The cascode transistor MNC couples the capacitor CC from the amplifier output to the
first stage output providing Cascode-Miller compensation. MNC is represented by the block
marked g mc , g mc being its transconductance.

Small-Signal Equivalent Circuit

The small-signal equivalent circuit for the amplifier can be drawn from its block diagram as
shown below:

Fig. 5-6. Simplified small-signal equivalent circuit for amplifier type 2.

Other than low-frequency MOS models being used, the first stage of the amplifier has been
simplified in Fig. 5-6 as per discussions in Section 3.5. The folded cascode current mirror has
been replaced simply by its equivalent output resistance.

Network Equations and Solutions

Applying Laplace transforms and KCL to nodes N1, Nc and OUT in Fig. 5-6:
(g o1 + g oc + scp1 )V1 − (g mc + g oc )Vc = − Vi (5-9)

−g oc V1 + (g mc + g oc + g ob + scpc + sCC )Vc − sCC Vo = − Vi (5-10)

g m2 V1 − sCC Vc + (GL + sCL + sCC )Vo = 0 (5-11)

Eqs. (5-9) to (5-11) can be written in vector-matrix form as:

g o1 + g oc + scp1 −g mc − g oc 0 V1 − m1 Vi
[ −g oc g mc + g oc + g ob + scpc + sCC − sCC ] [ Vc ] = [− gm1 V ]
2 i
g m2 −sCC GL + sCL + sCC Vo

Applying Cramer’s rule to solve Vo from Eq. (5-12):

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Chapter 5 Two-Stage Amplifier Cascode-Miller

go1 +goc +scp1 −gmc −goc − gm1 Vi
| 1
−g oc gmc +goc +gob +scpc +sCC − gm1 Vi |
gm2 −sCC 0
Vo = g01 +goc +scp1 −gmc −goc 0
| −goc gmc +goc +gob +scpc +sCC − sCC |
gm2 −sCC GL +sCL +sCC

Using cofactor expansion for the numerator determinant along its third column:
1 −goc gmc +goc +gob +scpc +sCC 1 go1 +goc +scp1 −gmc −goc
− gm1 Vi | |+ gm1 Vi | |
2 g m2 −sCC 2 gm2 −sCC
Vo = g01 +goc +scp1 −gmc −goc 0
| −goc gmc +goc +gob +scpc +sCC − sCC |
gm2 −sCC GL +sCL +sCC

Whence we obtain the transfer function as:

1 −goc gmc +goc +gob +scpc +sCC 1 go1 +goc +scp1 −gmc −goc
− gm1 | |+ gm1 | |
Vo (s) 2 gm2 −sCC 2 gm2 −sCC
Av2 (s) = = g01 +goc +scp1 −gmc −goc 0 (5-13)
Vi (s)
| −goc gmc +goc +gob +scpc +sCC − sCC |
gm2 −sCC GL +sCL +sCC

It may be observed that the denominator determinants in Eqs. (5-7) and (5-13) are identical.
However, that is not the case for the numerators. The reason for this can be understood
comparing Figs. 5-3 and 5-6. The only difference between the two is in the point of
application of the input signal. As a result, the coefficient matrices in Eqs. (5-6) and (5-12)
are identical, accounting for identical denominators. However, the excitation vectors in those
equations are different and that explains the difference in the numerators.

Approximating Eq. (5-13) using Eq. (5-2):

1 −goc gmc +sCC 1 go1 +goc +scp1 −gmc −goc
− gm1 | | + gm1 | |
2 gm2 −sCC 2 gm2 −sCC
̃ v2 (s) =
A go1 +goc +scp1 −gmc −goc 0
| −goc gmc +sCC − sCC |
gm2 −sCC GL +sCL +sCC

Replacing the first row of the both the numerator determinants by the sum of their rows and,
at the same time, replacing the second column of the denominator determinant by the sum of
its second and third columns:
1 gm2 −goc gmc 1 gm2 +go1 +goc +scp1 −gmc −goc −sCC
− gm1 | gm2 −sCC | + 2gm1 | |
̃ v2 (s) = 2 gm2 −sCC
A go1 +goc +scp1 −gmc −goc 0
| −goc gmc − sCC |
gm2 GL +sCL GL +sCL +sCC

Replacing first column of the denominator determinant by sum of its first and second ones:
1 gm2 −goc gmc 1 gm2 +go1 +goc +scp1 −gmc −goc −sCC
− gm1 | gm2 −sCC | + 2gm1 | |
̃ v2 (s) = 2 gm2 −sCC
A go1 +scp1 −gmc −gmc −goc 0
| gmc −goc gmc − sCC |
GL +sCL +gm2 GL +sCL GL +sCL +sCC

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 5 Two-Stage Amplifier Cascode-Miller

Approximating the above one more time using Eq. (5-2):

1 gm2 gmc 1 gm2 +scp1 −gmc −sCC
− gm1 |g | + gm1 | |
2 m2 −sCC 2 gm2 −sCC
̃ v2 (s) =
A go1 +scp1 −gmc −gmc 0
| gmc gmc − sCC |
GL +sCL +gm2 GL +sCL GL +sCL +sCC

Replacing the first row of the denominator determinant by the sum of its first and second
1 gm2 gmc 1 gm2 +scp1 −gmc −sCC
− gm1 |g −sCC | + 2gm1 | gm2 |
̃ v2 (s) = 2 m2 −sCC
A go1 +scp1 0 − sCC
| gmc gmc − sCC |
GL +sCL +gm2 GL +sCL GL +sCL +sCC

Factoring out g m2 and g mc from the first and second columns respectively of the numerator
determinants and, at the same time, g o1 , g mc and GL from the first, second and third columns
respectively of the denominator determinant:
cp1 C
1 1 1+s −1−s C
1 1 gm2 gmc
− gm1 gm2 gmc |1
2 −s C | + 2gm1 gm2 gmc | C
gmc 1 −s C
̃ v2 (s) =
A cp1 C
1+s 0 −s C
go1 GL
| gmc C |
go1 gmc GL 1 −s C
go1 GL
| |
+s L + m2 +s L 1+s L +s C
go1 go1 go1 gmc gmc GL GL

The factor g mc cancels out, being common to both numerator and denominator. Replacing the
conductances using Eq. (5-1):
cp1 C
1 1 1+s −1−s C
1 1 gm2 gmc
− gm1 gm2 ro1 RL |1
2 −s C | + 2gm1 gm2 ro1 RL | CC
gmc 1 −s
̃ v2 (s) =
A scp1 ro1 +1 0 − sCC RL
| gmc ro1 1 − sCC RL |
r C 1
sCL ro1 +gm2 ro1 + o1 s L+ sCL RL +sCC RL +1
RL gmc gmc RL

Expanding the numerator and denominator determinants fully and re-arranging terms we
arrive at the transfer function for amplifier type 2 in its final form as:
cp1 CC CC
gm1 gm2 ro1 RL (−s2 +s + 1)
2gm2 gmc 2gmc
̃ v2 (s) =
A cp1 CC CL ro1 RL cp1CC ro1 CC CL RL (5-14)
s3 + s2 [cp1 (CC +CL )ro1 RL + + ]
gmc gmc gmc
+s[(CC +CL )RL + +cp1 ro1 + CC gm2 ro1 RL ] +1

It may be noted that the parameters roc , rob and cpc do not appear in Eq. (5-14). This was
also the case for Eq. (5-8).

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Chapter 5 Two-Stage Amplifier Cascode-Miller

5.3. Poles and Zeros of the Transfer Functions


To find the poles and zeros of Eqs. (5-8) and (5-14) we need to factorise the numerators and

denominators and, for that purpose, we approximate those using Eq. (5-2) to obtain:
gm1 gm2 ro1 RL (s C +1)
̃ v1 (s) =
A cp1 CC CL ro1 RL C
s3 L
+ s2 (1+ )cp1 CC ro1 RL + sCC gm2 ro1 RL +1
gmc CC

Cp1 CC C
gm1 gm2 ro1 RL (−s2 +s C +1)
2gm2 gmc 2gmc
̃ v2 (s) =
A cp1 CC CL ro1 RL C (5-16)
s3 + s2 (1+ L )cp1 CC ro1 RL + sCC gm2 ro1 RL +1
gmc CC

Factorizing the denominators of Eqs. (5-15) and (5-16) and the numerator of Eq. (5-16) using
Eq. (2-40):
gm1 gm2 ro1 RL (s C +1)
̃ v1 (s) =
A cp1 CL
C cp1 (5-17)
(sCC gm2 ro1 RL +1)[s2 +s(1+ L ) +1]
gm2 gmc CC gm2

CC Cp1
gm1 gm2 ro1 RL (s +1)(−s +1)
2gmc gm2
̃ v2 (s) =
A cp1 CL CL cp1 (5-18)
(sCC gm2 ro1 RL +1)[s2 +s(1+ ) +1]
gm2 gmc CC gm2

Poles and Zeros

Writing Eqs. (5-15) and (5-16) in terms of their poles and zeros:
A0 (1+sτz )
̃ v1 (s) =
A 2 2
(1+sτ p1 )(s τp23 +2sδp23 τp23 +1)

A0 (1+sτz1 )(1+sτz2 )
̃ v2 (s) =
A (5-20)
(1+sτ )(s2 τ2 +2sδ
p1 τ
p23 p23 p23 +1)

Comparing Eqs. (5-17) and (5-19) as well as Eqs. (5-18) and (5-20) the first pole for any of
the amplifier types is given by:
1 1
ωp1 = τ =g (5-21)
p1 m2 ro1 RL CC

Using Eq. (2-19), natural frequency and damping factor of the second and third poles for any
of the amplifier types are given by:

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 5 Two-Stage Amplifier Cascode-Miller

1 gm2 gmc
ωp23 = = √ (5-22)
τp23 cp1 CL


1 C gmc cp1
δp23 = 2 (1 + CL ) √ g (5-23)
C m2 CL

The zero for amplifier type 1 is given by:

1 gmc
ωz = τ = (5-24)
z CC

The zeros for amplifier type 2 are given by:

1 2gmc
ωz1 = τ = (5-25)
z1 CC

1 g
ωz2 = τ = − cm2 (5-26)
z2 p1

Note that ωz2 is a right half s-plane (R.H.P.) zero while ωz1 is left half s-plane (L.H.P.) one.

5.4. Design to Meet Specifications

5.4.1. Design Equations

DC Gain and Unity-Gain Frequency

Comparing Eqs. (5-17) and (5-19) as well as Eqs. (5-18) and (5-20) magnitude of the DC
gain for any of the amplifier types is given by:

A0 = g m1 g m2 ro1 R L (5-27)

We decide ωp1 to be the dominant pole. Then using Eqs. (2-63), (5-21) and (5-27), unity-
gain frequency for any of the amplifier types is given by:
ω0 = (5-28)

Defining PZL Parameters

We do not define any PZL parameter for ωp1 noting that it is a low-frequency far-away pole.
However, it can be expressed in terms of ω0 by re-writing Eq. (2-63) as:
ωp1 = (5-29)

We define PZL parameters σ and μ for ωp23 and ωz such that:

ωp23 = σω0 (5-30)

ωz = μωp23 = σμω0 (5-31)

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 5 Two-Stage Amplifier Cascode-Miller

Using Eqs. (5-24), (5-25) and (5-31), ωz1 can be written as:

ωz1 = 2σμω0 (5-32)

We do not define any PZL parameter for ωz2 noting that it is a high-frequency far-away zero.
However, it can be written in terms of ω0 combining Eqs. (5-22), (5-24), (5-26), (5-30) and
(5-31) to obtain:
ωz2 = − μCL ω0 (5-33)

Circuit Parameters in terms of PZL Parameters

From Eqs. (5-24), (5-28) and (5-31) we find:

= σμ (5-34)

From Eqs. (5-22), (5-28) and (5-30) we find:

gm2 σcp1 CL
= (5-35)
gm1 μC2C

Using Eqs. (5-34) and (5-35) we can re-write Eq. (5-23) as:
μ C
δp23 = 2 (1 + CC) (5-36)

Stability Equation (Phase Margin)

Setting s = jω0 in Eq. (5-19) and using Eq. (2-77), phase margin for amplifier type 1:

2ω0 δp23 τp23

ϕm1 = 1800 + tan−1(ω0 τz ) − tan−1(ω0 τp1 ) − tan−1 ( )
1−ω0 2 τ2p23

Using Eqs. (5-29) to (5-31) in the above:

1 2σδp23
ϕm1 = 1800 + tan−1 (σμ) − tan−1(A0 ) − tan−1 ( ) (5-37)
σ2 −1

Setting s = jω0 in Eq. (5-20) and using Eq. (2-77), phase margin for amplifier type 2:

2ω0 δp23 τp23

ϕm2 = 1800 + tan−1(ω0 τz1 ) + tan−1(ω0 τz2 ) − tan−1 (ω0 τp1 ) − tan−1 ( )
1−ω0 2 τ2p23

Using Eqs. (5-29), (5-30), (5-32) and (5-33) in the above:

1 μC 2σδp23
ϕm2 = 1800 + tan−1 (2σμ) − tan−1 (σCC) − tan−1 (A0 ) − tan−1 ( ) (5-38)
L σ2 −1

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Chapter 5 Two-Stage Amplifier Cascode-Miller

5.4.2. Design Calculations

The table below lists the target performance parameters for any of the amplifier types:

Tab. 5-3. Amplifier specifications.

No. Performance parameter Symbol Value Units

1 Magnitude of DC gain A0 > 70 dB
2 Unity-gain frequency f0 ~ 50 MHz
3 Phase margin ϕm > 60 degrees
4 Gain margin Gm > 10 dB
5 Resistive load RL 20 kΩ
6 Capacitive load CL 20 pF

Deciding PZL and Circuit Parameter Values

To meet specifications in Tab. 5-3 we proceed as follows:

We decide on σ = 2.6 and μ = 1 placing ωz right on top of ωp23 and ωz1 , ωz2 higher up in
frequency with σμ = 2.6. Using these values of σ and μ in Eqs. (5-37) and (5-38), assuming
A0 to be a large number and neglecting contribution due to ωz2 , the estimated phase margins
̃ m1 and ϕ
ϕ ̃ m1 are 85.050 for amplifier type 1 and 74.900 for amplifier type 2.

Next, we choose g m1 = 500μS and CC = 1.6pF so that f0 = 49.74MHz by Eq. (5-28) and
g mc = 1.3mS using Eq. (5-34).

We now choose cp1 = 200fF.

Then, g m2 = 2.03mS using Eq. (5-35) and δp23 = 0.54 using (5-36)

Choosing ro1 = 200kΩ, we find A0 = 4060 ≈ 72.17dB using Eq. (5-27).

Now, we can find a more accurate phase margin figure for amplifier type 1 using Eq. (5-37):

ϕm1 = 1800 + 21.040 − 900 − 25.990 = 85.050

and a more accurate phase margin figure for amplifier type 2 using Eq. (5-38):

ϕm2 = 1800 + 10.890 − 1.760 − 900 − 25.990 = 73.140 .

Based on the above calculations and Figs. 5-1, 5-4, the circuit parameters, frequency
parameters and estimated cell statistics for the amplifier are summarised in the following
three tables:

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Chapter 5 Two-Stage Amplifier Cascode-Miller

Tab. 5-4. Design values for circuit parameters (any of the amplifier types).

No. Circuit parameter Symbol Value Units

1 First stage transconductance g m1 500 μS
2 First stage resistive load ro1 200 kΩ
3 First stage capacitive load cp1 200 fF
4 Cascode transistor transconductance g mc 1.3 mS
5 Second stage transconductance g m2 2.03 mS
6 Second stage resistive load RL 20 kΩ
7 Second stage capacitive load CL 20 pF
8 Compensation capacitance CC 1.6 pF

Tab. 5-5. Design values for frequency parameters.

No. Frequency parameter Symbol Value Units

1 First pole fp1 12.25 kHz
2 Unity-gain frequency f0 49.74 MHz
3 Second/third pole fp23 (δp23 ) 129.32 (0.54) MHz (−)
4 Zero amp. type 1 fz 129.32 MHz
5 First zero amp. type 2 fz1 258.64 MHz
6 Second zero amp. type 2 fz2 (R.H.P.) 1.62 GHz

Tab. 5-6. Amplifier cell statistics estimated for ABC process technology (Appendix 18).

No. Cell statistic Symbol Value Units

Type 1 Type 2
1 Cell area excluding RL1 and CL1 Acell 38 × 38 36 × 36 μm2
2 Power consumption @ VDD − VSS = 1.5V Pcell 195 255 μW

5.4.3. Design Evaluation

Unity feedback factor loop-gain response plots can be obtained from the transfer function in
Eqs. (5-15) and (5-16). Appendix 5 lists all necessary formulae. The plots, using parameter
values in Tab. 5-4, are shown in Figs. 5-7 to 5-10. Performance parameters for the amplifier
may be read off from the plots or from the plot data in Tab. 5-8. The table below compares
these figures with those calculated in the previous sub-section and the specifications in Tab.

Tab. 5-7. Comparison of performance parameters.

No. Performance Symbol Calculated Evaluated Specs. Units

parameter Type 1 Type 2 Type 1 Type 2
1 Magnitude of DC gain A0 72.17 72.17 72.2 72.2 > 70 dB
2 Unity-gain frequency f0 /fc 49.74 49.74 55 52 ~ 50 MHz
3 Phase margin ϕm 85.05 73.14 82 72.5 > 60 degrees
4 Phase crossover freq. fπ − − NN 180 − MHz
5 Gain margin Gm − − NA 14 > 10 dB

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 5 Two-Stage Amplifier Cascode-Miller

Fig. 5-7. Unity feedback factor loop-gain magnitude response for amplifier type 1

Fig. 5-8. Unity feedback factor loop-gain phase response for amplifier type 1

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 5 Two-Stage Amplifier Cascode-Miller

Fig. 5-9. Unity feedback factor loop-gain magnitude response for amplifier type 2

Fig. 5-10. Unity feedback factor loop-gain phase response for amplifier type 2

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 5 Two-Stage Amplifier Cascode-Miller

Tab. 5-8. Data listing for loop-gain response plots in Figs. 5-7, 5-8 (left) and in Figs. 5-9, 5-10 (right).

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 5 Two-Stage Amplifier Cascode-Miller

5.5. Concluding Remarks

Low transconductance values g mc of the cascode compensation transistor MPC in Fig. 5-1 or
MNC in Fig. 5-4 is the primary cause behind increased design complexity of this amplifier
over the one in Chapter 4. Being coupled to or built within the first stage, sufficient power is
not readily available to obtain the required amount of transconductance for this transistor. As
can be seen from Eq. (5-23), this causes δp23 to be rather small. On top of that, Eqs. (5-24)
and (5-28) point to the possibility of ωz for amplifier type 1 being located uncomfortably
near ω0 . However, Eq. (5-25) shows that the problem is relatively less severe for amplifier
type 2.

Combining both the above effects, the gain magnitude and phase plots for this amplifier may
show undesirable peaking and unevenness near ω0 if the circuit parameters are not
determined properly. Under extreme conditions, such as light capacitive loads, the magnitude
plot might show multiple gain crossovers indicating stability problems, as discussed in
Section 2.4.5. However, the above difficulty can be mitigated without spending too much
power. A 2009 publication [R1-13] describes a possible solution.

The performance of this amplifier with resistive loads is on par with that of the amplifier in
Chapter 4 with a slight edge for very low load resistances [R1-9]. However, its performance
with capacitive loads is different on several counts. The presence of a small capacitance cp1
in Eq. (5-35) indicates that this amplifier does not need large values of g m2 when driving
large values of CL . At the same time, it means small g m2 values must be used for small CL
values, and that causes a substantial drop in DC gain.

Studying Eqs. (5-34) and (5-35) further we observe that large values of σ would be needed to
mitigate the abovementioned problem of DC gain loss. That, in turn, would need large g mc
values which is difficult to obtain as mentioned in the first paragraph of this section.
Therefore, it is difficult to design this amplifier for small capacitive loads. In conclusion, this
amplifier is best suited to work with large CL and large R L values.

Tab. 5-7 shows that the evaluated fc values deviate slightly but significantly from the
calculated f0 ones, and this reflects in ϕm values too. As discussed in section 2.4.5, this is
likely to happen to amplifier type 1 since both fz and fp23 are located close to f0 , as shown in
Tab. 5-5. It can also be seen that the problem is less severe for amplifier type 2 since only
fp23 is close to f0 but fz1 is located further up in frequency.

From the first three rows of Tab. A17-2, it may be seen that the power and area consumed by
the amplifiers in this chapter are comparable to those of the amplifier in Chapter 4.

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 6 Three-Stage Amplifier Nested Miller

Three-Stage Amplifier with Nested Miller Compensation

6.1. Introductory Notes

This compensation technique was in use in the ’80s and ’90s using bipolar technology.
Earphone driver was probably the primary application in those times. A three-stage design
was chosen since high enough gain was needed to maintain harmonic distortion at low levels
while driving low-impedance transducers. But, with technology down-scaling, three stage
designs have become a necessity for embedded CMOS amplifiers even with high-impedance
on-chip loads.

The technique uses Miller pole-splitting twice by nesting an inner two-stage section (second
and third stages) within the outer two-stage (first stage and inner section) one. The inner
section is equivalent to a single stage at low frequencies because of the pole-split. Thus, two
compensation capacitors are required, one for each section.

Extending the concept of zero positioning introduced in Chapter 4, a CMOS version of this
amplifier requires one resistor to be inserted in series with each of the two compensation
capacitors. However, with two resistors and two capacitors to be determined, the design
process is more complicated. An analytical work published in 2002 [R1-7] provides more
insight into the problem and the solution.

Unlike Miller compensation, this compensation technique never gained widespread

popularity. This might be due to the additional complexity in determining the compensation
components. The circuit design community kept pushing the limits with two-stage designs
and, in the meantime, many alternative methods for compensating three-stage amplifiers were
proposed. Some of those techniques will be discussed in the following chapters.

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 6 Three-Stage Amplifier Nested Miller

6.2. Circuit Analysis and Transfer Function

Circuit Diagram

Fig. 6-1. Circuit schematic for the amplifier.

The circuit parameters are defined below:

Tab. 6-1. Circuit parameters for the amplifier.

No. Circuit parameter Symbol

1 First stage transconductance (MP1 or MP2) g m1
2 Net resistance loading first stage (node N1) ro1
3 Net capacitance loading first stage (node N1) cp1
4 Second stage transconductance (MN3 with MP4 = MP5) g m2
5 Net resistance loading second stage (node N2) ro2
6 Net capacitance loading second stage (node N2) cp2
7 Third stage transconductance (MP6) g m3
8 Net resistance loading third stage (node OUT) RL
9 Net capacitance loading third stage (node OUT) CL
10 Compensation resistance to first stage RC
11 Compensation capacitance to first stage CC
12 Compensation resistance to second stage RD
13 Compensation capacitance to second stage CD

Block Diagram

Fig. 6-2. Block diagram for the amplifier.

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 6 Three-Stage Amplifier Nested Miller

Referring to Figs. 6-1, 6-2 and Tab. 6-1, transistors MP1, MP2, MP3, MN1 and MN2 constitute
the first stage represented by the block marked g m1 where g m1 is the transconductance of
either MN1 or MN2. Transistors MN3, MN4, MP4 and MP5 constitute the second stage
represented by the block marked g m2 where g m2 is the transconductance of MN3. The third
stage represented by the block marked g m3 is constituted by MP6 and MN5 where g m3 is the
transconductance of MP6. RD, CD and RC, CC provide nested Miller compensation to the

Small-Signal Equivalent Circuit

The small-signal equivalent circuit for the amplifier can be drawn from its block diagram as
shown below:

Fig 6-3. Simplified small-signal equivalent circuit for the amplifier.

Other than low-frequency MOS models being used, the first stage of the amplifier has been
simplified in Fig. 6-3 as per discussions in Section 3.5.

Network Equations and Solutions

For convenience, we shall consider conductances instead of resistances such as:

1 1 1
g o1 = r , g o2 = r , GL = R (6-1)
o1 o2 L

and admittances instead of impedances such as:

1 jωC 1 jωC
yC = 1 = 1+jωCC R , yD = 1 = 1+jωCDR (6-2)
RC + C C RD + D D
jωCC jωCD

We shall assume the following to approximate some results later:

g m1 , g m2 , g m3 ≫ g o1 , g o2 , GL and cp1 , cp2 ≪ CC , CD , CL (6-3)

Applying Laplace transforms and KCL to nodes N1, N2 and OUT in Fig. 6-3:

(g o1 + scp1 + YC )V1 − YC Vo = −g m1 Vi (6-4)

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 6 Three-Stage Amplifier Nested Miller

−g m2 V1 + (g o2 + scp2 + YD )V2 − YD Vo = 0 (6-5)

−YC V1 + (g m3 − YD )V2 + (GL + sCL + YC + YD )Vo = 0 (6-6)

Eqs. (6-4) to (6-6) can be written in vector-matrix form as:

g o1 + scp1 + YC 0 −YC V1 −g m1 Vi
[ −g m2 g o2 + scp2 + YD −YD V
] [ 2] = [ 0 ] (6-7)
−YC g m3 − YD GL + sCL + YC + YD Vo 0

Applying Cramer’s rule to solve Vo from Eq. (6-7):

go1 +scp1 +YC 0 −gm1 Vi
| −gm2 go2 +scp2 +YD 0 |
−YC gm3 −YD 0
Vo = go1 +scp1 +YC 0 −YC
| −gm2 go2 +scp2 +YD −YD |
−YC gm3 −YD GL +sCL +YC +YD

Using cofactor expansion for the numerator determinant along its third column:
−gm2 go2 +scp2 +YD
−gm1 Vi | |
−YC gm3 −YD
Vo = go1 +scp1 +YC 0 −YC
| −gm2 go2 +scp2 +YD −YD |
−YC gm3 −YD GL +sCL +YC +YD

Whence we find the transfer function to be:

−gm2 go2 +scp2 +YD
−gm1 | |
Vo (s) −YC gm3 −YD
Av (s) = = go1 +scp1 +YC 0 −YC (6-8)
Vi (s)
| −gm2 go2 +scp2 +YD −YD |
−YC gm3 −YD GL +sCL +YC +YD

Replacing the first row of the numerator determinant by the sum of its rows and, at the same
time, replacing the third column of the denominator determinant by the sum of its first and
third columns:
−gm2 −YC gm3 +go2 +scp2
−gm1 | |
−YC gm3 −YD
Av (s) = go1 +scp1 +YC 0 go1 +scp1
| −gm2 go2 +scp2 +YD −gm2 −YD |
−YC gm3 −YD GL +sCL +YD

Replacing the third column of the denominator determinant by the sum of its last two
−gm2 −YC gm3 +go2 +scp2
−gm1 | |
−YC gm3 −YD
Av (s) = go1 +scp1 +YC 0 go1 +scp1
| −gm2 go2 +scp2 +YD go2 +scp2 −gm2 |
−YC gm3 −YD gm3 +GL +sCL

Approximating the above using Eq. (6-3):

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 6 Three-Stage Amplifier Nested Miller

−gm2 −YC gm3 +scp2

−gm1 | |
̃ v (s) = −YC gm3 −YD
A go1 +scp1 +YC 0 go1 +scp1
| −gm2 go2 +scp2 +YD scp2 −gm2 |
−YC gm3 −YD gm3 +GL +sCL

Factoring out −g m2 and g m3 from the first and second columns respectively of the numerator
determinant and, at the same time, g o1 , g o2 and GL from the first, second and third columns
respectively of the denominator determinant:
Y scp2
1+ C 1+
gm2 gm3
gm1 gm2 gm3 | YC Y
1− D
gm2 gm3
̃ v (s) =
A scp1 Y go1 scp1
1+ + C 0 +
go1 go1 GL GL
| g scp2 YD gm2 scp2 |
go1 go2 GL − m2 1+ + − +
| go1 go2 go2 GL GL |
Y gm3 YD gm3 sCL
− C − 1+ +
go1 go2 go2 GL GL

Replacing the conductances and admittances using Eqs. (6-1) and (6-2):
sCC scp2
1+ 1+
gm2 (1+sCC RC ) gm3
gm1 gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL | sCC sCD
gm2 (1+sCC RC ) gm3 (1+sCD RD )
̃ v (s) =
A sCC ro1 RL
1+scp1 ro1 + 0 +scp1 RL
1+sCC RC ro1
| sCD ro2 |
−gm2 ro1 1+scp2 ro2 + −gm2 RL +scp2 RL
1+sCD RD
| |
sCC ro1 sC r
− gm3 ro2 − D o2 1+gm3 RL +sCL RL
1+sCC RC 1+sCD RD

1 1
We now factor out from the first column and from the second column of
1+sCC RC 1+sCD RD
both the numerator and denominator determinants. The factors cancel out leaving behind:
sC scp2
1+sCC RC + C (1+sCD RD )(1+ )
gm2 gm3
gm1 gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL | sC sCD
1+sCD RD −
gm2 gm3
̃ v (s) =
(1+sCC RC )(1+scp1 ro1 )+sCC ro1 0 +scp1 RL
| |
−gm2 ro1 (1+sCC RC ) (1+sCD RD )(1+scp2 ro2 )+sCD ro2 −gm2 RL +scp2 RL
−sCC ro1 gm3 ro2 (1+sCD RD )−sCD ro2 1+gm3 RL +sCL RL

Now it is time to fully expand the numerator and the denominator determinants. An
inspection of the anti-diagonal elements of the numerator determinant show that the
numerator polynomial is of degree 3. Similarly, the main diagonal elements of the
denominator determinant show that the denominator polynomial is of degree 5. A full
expansion would result in unmanageably large number of terms. Therefore, we need to make
some simplifications at this stage. Firstly, we choose:
1 2
RC = g and RD = g (6-9)
m2 m3

Using Eq. (6-9), the transfer function reduces somewhat to:

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 6 Three-Stage Amplifier Nested Miller

2sC 2sCD scp2

1+ C (1+ )(1+ )
g gm3 gm3
gm1 gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL | sCm2 sCD
gm2 gm3
̃ v (s) =
(1+ )(1+scp1 ro1 )+sCC ro1 0 +scp1 RL
gm2 ro1
| sC 2sCD |
−gm2 ro1 (1+ C ) (1+ )(1+scp2 ro2 )+sCD ro2 −gm2 RL +scp2 RL
| gm2 gm3 |
−sCC ro1 gm3 ro2 (1+ D )−sCD ro2 1+gm3 RL +sCL RL

Full expansion of the determinants still yields large number of terms, particularly in the
denominator. Therefore, and secondly, we make use of Eq. (6-3) to approximate the results of
the expansions and arrive at the transfer function in its final form as:
2cp2 CC CD C C
gm1 gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL [−s3 + s( C + D ) + 1]
gm2 g2 gm2 gm3
̃ v (s) =
A 2cp1 cp2 CC CD CL ro1 ro2 RL
cp1 2cp2 (6-10)
s5 + s4 ( + )CC CD CL ro1 ro2 RL
gm2 gm3 gm2 gm3
3 2 (g )r
+ s CC CD CL ro1 ro2 RL + s CC CD m2 +gm3 o1 ro2 RL + sCC gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL +1

It will be evident, as we continue further, that the choice as in Eq. (6-9) moves two (one right
half and the other left half s-plane) zeros to high frequencies leaving behind one left-half s-
plane zero. This result is achieved by removal of the s2 term in the numerator by cancellation.

6.3. Poles and Zeros of the Transfer Function


Factorizing the numerator and denominator of Eq. (6-10) using Eq. (2-40):
C C 2cp2 CC CD
gm1 gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL [s( C + D ) + 1][−s2 +1]
gm2 gm3 gm3 (CC gm3 +CD gm2 )
̃ v (s) =
A 2cp1 cp2 CD CL cp1 2cp2 CD CL
s4 + s3 ( + )
m2 g2
gm2 gm3 gm2 gm3
(sCC gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL +1)[ ]
C C g +g
+ s2 D L + sCD ( m2 m3 )+1
gm2 gm3 gm2 gm3

Factorizing the biquadratic polynomial enclosed by the square bracket in the denominator
using Eq. (2-57):
C C 2cp2 CC CD
gm1 gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL [s( C + D ) + 1][−s2 +1]
gm3 gm3 (CC gm3 +CD gm2 )
̃ v (s) =
A 2c p1 c p2 c p1 2cp2
C C g +g
(sCC gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL +1)[s2 D L + sCD ( m2 m3 )+1][ s2 g g + s( +
gm2 gm3
gm2 gm3 gm2 gm3 m2 m3

Factorizing the last factors in the numerator and denominator further using Eq. (2-24):

C C 2cp2 CC CD 2cp2 CC CD
gm1 gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL [s( C + D )+1][s√ +1][−s√ +1]
gm2 gm3 gm3 (CC gm3 +CD gm2 ) gm3 (CC gm3 +CD gm2 )
̃ v (s) =
A CD CL g +g 2cp2 cp1 (6-11)
(sCC gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL +1)[s2 + sCD ( m2 m3 )+1](s +1)(s +1)
gm2 gm3 gm2 gm3 gm3 gm2

Poles and Zeros

Writing Eq. (6-10) in terms of its poles and zeros:

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 6 Three-Stage Amplifier Nested Miller

A0 (sτz1 +1)(sτz2 +1)(sτz3 +1)

̃ v (s) =
A 2 2 (6-12)
(sτ p1 +1)(s τp23 +2sδp23 τp23 +1)(sτp4 +1)(sτp5 +1)

Comparing Eqs. (6-11) and (6-12) the first pole is given by:
1 1
ωp1 = τ =C (6-13)
p1 C gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL

Using Eq. (2-19), the natural frequency and damping factor of the second and third poles are
given by:

1 gm2 gm3
ωp23 = =√ (6-14)
τp23 CD CL

g +gm3 C
δp23 = 2 m2 √ CD (6-15)
√ m2 gm3
g L

The fourth pole is given by:

1 g
ωp4 = τ = 2cm3 (6-16)
p1 p2

The fifth pole is given by:

1 gm2
ωp5 = τ = (6-17)
p1 cp1

The first zero is given by:

1 1
ωz1 = τ = CD C (6-18)
z1 + C
gm3 gm2

The second zero is given by:

1 g g gm2
ωz2 = τ = √2cm3 ( Cm3 + ) (6-19)
z2 p2 D CC

And the third zero is given by:

1 g g gm2
ωz3 = τ = −√2cm3 ( Cm3 + ) (6-20)
z3 p2 D CC

It may be noted that ωz2 and ωz3 have mirror symmetry about the jω axis in the s-plane, and
therefore, the phases due to these cancel each other.

6.4. Design to Meet Specifications

6.4.1. Design Equations

DC Gain and Unity-Gain Frequency

Comparing Eqs. (6-11) and (6-12) magnitude of the DC gain is given by:

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 6 Three-Stage Amplifier Nested Miller

A0 = g m1 g m2 g m3 ro1 ro2 R L (6-21)

We decide ωp1 to be the dominant pole. Then, using Eqs. (2-63), (6-13) and (6-21) the unity-
gain frequency is given by:
ω0 = (6-22)

Defining PZL Parameters

We do not define any PZL parameter for ωp1 noting that it is a low-frequency far-away pole.
However, it can be expressed in terms of ω0 by re-writing Eq. (2-63) as:
ωp1 = (6-23)

We define PZL parameters σ and μ for ωp23 and ωz1 such that:

ωp23 = σω0 (6-24)

ωz1 = μωp23 = σμω0 (6-25)

We do not define any PZL parameter for ωp4 and ωp5 noting those to be high-frequency far-
away poles. However, we can write the poles in terms of ω0 using Eqs. (6-16), (6-17) and (6-
22) as:
g C
ωp4 = 2gm3 cC ω0 (6-26)
m1 p2

g C
ωp5 = g m2c C ω0 (6-27)
m1 p1

Circuit Parameters in terms of PZL Parameters

Combining Eqs. (6-14), (6-18), (6-24) and (6-25) we arrive at the quadratic equation:

gm3 √CD CL gm3 C

− √g + CD = 0 (6-28)
gm2 μCC m2 C

Using Eq. (2-14) the preferred solution for Eq. (6-28) is given by:

gm3 κ√CD CL C 1 C
√g = where, κ = 1 + √1 − 4μ2 CC provided μ ≤ 2 √CL (6-29)
m2 2μCC L C

Combining Eqs. (6-14), (6-22), (6-24) and (6-29) we find:

gm2 2σμ
= (-)
gm1 κ

gm3 κσCD CL
= (6-31)
gm1 2μC2C
Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 6 Three-Stage Amplifier Nested Miller

Using Eq. (6-29) we can re-write Eq. (6-15) as:

κC μC
δp23 = 4μCD + κCC (6-32)

Stability Equation (Phase Margin)

Setting s = jω0 in Eq. (6-12) and using Eq. (2-77), the phase margin is given by:

ϕm = 1800 + tan−1(ω0 τz1 ) + tan−1(ω0 τz2 ) + tan−1(ω0 τz3 ) − tan−1(ω0 τp1 )

2ω0 δp23 τp23

−tan−1 ( ) − tan−1 (ω0 τp4 ) − tan−1(ω0 τp5 )
1−ω20 τ2p23

As mentioned in the previous section, phases due to ωz2 and ωz3 cancel each other.

Substituting Eqs. (6-23) to (6-27) and (6-30), (6-31) in the above:

1 2σδp23 4μcp2 CC
ϕm = 1800 + tan−1 (σμ) − tan−1(A0 ) − tan−1 ( ) − tan−1 ( κσC )
σ2 −1 D CL

− tan−1 (2σμC ) (6-33)

6.4.2. Design Calculations

The table below lists the target performance parameters for amplifier.

Tab. 6-2. Amplifier specifications.

No. Performance parameter Symbol Value Units

1 Magnitude of DC gain A0 > 100 dB
2 Unity-gain frequency f0 ~ 50 MHz
3 Phase margin ϕm > 60 degrees
4 Gain margin Gm > 10 dB
5 Resistive load RL 10 kΩ
6 Capacitive load CL 6 pF

Deciding PZL and Circuit Parameter Values

To meet the specifications in Tab. 6-2 we proceed as follows:

We decide on σ = 2.25 and μ = 0.95 placing ωz1 nearly on top of ωp23 in frequency with
σμ = 2.1375. Using these values of σ and μ in Eq. (6-33), assuming A0 to be a large number
̃ m = 76.160 .
and neglecting contributions due to ωp4 and ωp5 , the estimated phase margin ϕ

Using g m1 = 500μS and CC = 1.6pF, f0 = 49.74MHz using Eq. (6-22).

Next, we find κ = 1.193 using Eq. (6-29).

We use CD = 2.5pF, cp1 = 100fF and cp2 = 200fF.

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 6 Three-Stage Amplifier Nested Miller

Then, g m2 = 1.79mS from Eq. (6-30) and g m3 = 4.14mS from Eq. (6-31).

Using Eq. (6-32), we find δp23 = 0.703.

Next, we find R C = 559Ω and R D = 483Ω using Eq. (6-9).

We choose ro1 = 200kΩ and ro2 = 55kΩ.

Then, A0 = 407583 ≈ 112.2dB using Eq. (6-21).

Now, we can find a more accurate phase margin figure using Eq. (6-33):

ϕm = 1800 + 25.070 − 900 − 37.910 − 1.730 − 10 = 74.430 .

Based on the above calculations and Fig. 6-1, the circuit parameters, frequency parameters
and estimated cell statistics for the amplifier are summarised in the following three tables:

Tab. 6-3. Design values for circuit parameters.

No. Circuit parameter Symbol Value Units

1 First stage transconductance g m1 500 μS
2 First stage resistive load ro1 200 kΩ
3 First stage capacitive load cp1 100 fF
4 Second stage transconductance g m2 1.79 mS
5 Second stage resistive load ro2 55 kΩ
6 Second stage capacitive load cp2 200 fF
7 Third stage transconductance g m3 4.14 mS
8 Third stage resistive load RL 10 kΩ
9 Third stage capacitive load CL 6 pF
10 Compensation resistance to first stage RC 559 Ω
11 Compensation capacitance to first stage CC 1.6 pF
12 Compensation resistance to second stage RD 483 Ω
13 Compensation capacitance to second stage CD 2.5 pF

Tab. 6-4. Design values for frequency parameters.

No. Frequency parameter Symbol Value Units

1 First pole fp1 122.04 Hz
2 Unity-gain frequency f0 49.74 MHz
3 First zero fz1 106.32 MHz
4 Second/third pole fp23 (δp23 ) 111.92 (0.703) MHz (−)
5 Second or third zero fz2 / fz3 (R.H.P.) 852.91 MHz
6 Fourth pole fp4 1.65 GHz
7 Fifth pole fp5 2.85 GHz

Tab. 6-5. Amplifier cell statistics estimated for ABC process technology (Appendix 18).

No. Cell statistic Symbol Value Units

1 Cell area excluding RL1 and CL1 Acell 59 × 59 μm2
2 Power consumption @ VDD − VSS = 1.5V Pcell 255 μW

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 6 Three-Stage Amplifier Nested Miller

6.4.3. Design Evaluation

Unity feedback factor loop-gain response plots can be obtained from the transfer function in
Eq. (6-10). Appendix 6 lists all necessary formulae. The plots, using parameter values in Tab.
6-3, are shown in Figs. 6-4 and 6-5. Performance parameters for the amplifier may be read
off from the plots or from the plot data in Tab. 6-7. The table below compares these figures
with those calculated in the previous sub-section and the specifications in Tab. 6-2.

Tab. 6-6. Comparison of performance parameters.

No. Performance parameter Symbol Calculated Evaluated Specs. Units

1 Magnitude of DC gain A0 112.04 112 > 100 dB
2 Unity-gain frequency f0 /fc 49.74 50.5 ~ 50 MHz
3 Phase margin ϕm 74.43 75 > 60 degrees
4 Phase crossover frequency fπ − 280 − MHz
5 Gain margin Gm − 20 > 10 dB

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 6 Three-Stage Amplifier Nested Miller

Fig 6-4 Unity feedback factor loop-gain magnitude response for the amplifier.

Fig 6-5 Unity feedback factor loop-gain phase response for the amplifier.

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 6 Three-Stage Amplifier Nested Miller

Tab. 6-7. Data listing for loop-gain response plots in Figs. 6-4 and 6-5.

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 6 Three-Stage Amplifier Nested Miller

6.5. Concluding Remarks

As can be seen from Eq. (6-21), this amplifier can be designed to provide sufficiently high
DC gains with large or medium values of R L . The DC gain does drop with small R L values
but not as much as the amplifiers in Chapters 4 and 5 because of the presence of one more
amplifying stage.

It may be noted from Eq. (6-29) that κ is nearly a constant with its values ranging from 1 to 2.
Therefore, Eq. (6-31) indicates that g m3 requirement can largely remain the same provided
changes in CL is countered with a change in CD in the opposite direction. In other words, this
amplifier can use largely the same g m3 value for driving small as well as large CL values,
provided CD is adjusted as mentioned.

Eqs. (6-30) and (6-31) together show that by choosing PZL or circuit parameters
appropriately, the amplifier can be designed to work with a wide range of CL values
providing optimum performance in terms of DC gain and power consumption.

It is possible to achieve large δp23 values for this amplifier. This will be evident from Eq. (6-
32). Consequently, the loop-gain magnitude and phase plots for this amplifier are smooth like
those for the amplifier in Chapter 4.

Tab. 6-6 shows that the evaluated fc value deviates slightly but significantly from the
calculated f0 one. As discussed in Section 2.4.5, this is likely to happen since both fz1 and
fp23 are located close to f0 , as shown in Tab. 6-4. It can also be seen that the problem is less
severe for this amplifier compared to the one in Chapter 5 because of a larger δp23 value.
However, the corresponding deviation in ϕm is not in the right direction. That is likely due to
approximation errors involved in finding high frequency poles/zeros.

This amplifier has one more set of compensation capacitor and resistor in addition to one
more gain stage compared to the amplifiers in Chapters 4 and 5. Therefore, it is expected to
be more expensive in terms of area and power. The first three rows of Tab. A17-2 and the
first row of Tab. A17-3 show how this amplifier fares.

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 7 Three Stage Amplifier Miller, Active FF CS

Three-Stage Miller Compensated Amplifier with

Active Feedforward around Centre-Stage

7.1. Introductory Notes

A three-stage amplifier can be Miller compensated like a two-stage one by feeding forward
the signal around its centre stage at high frequencies. Bipolar operational amplifiers OP05
and OP07 [R2-11,12, R3-3,4] introduced in 1972 and 1975 respectively are probably the
earliest ones to make use of this idea. A capacitor was used as the feedforward element in
these implementations. A resistor was used in series with this capacitor to favour the forward
path of the signal over the backward path. This implementation, though successful in Bipolar
designs, does not work well in CMOS as high values for the output stage transconductance
are required for proper compensation. Fig. 2-1 shows the small-signal equivalent circuit.

Later in 1986, another implementation of the same idea was published [R1-4]. Using
primarily a CMOS process, it used a specially created NPN Bipolar transistor for the
feedforward path. The Bipolar device, replacing the resistor in the former implementation,
was used as a voltage follower providing maximum signal feedforward while preventing any
signal feedback. However, this is no longer anything special as modern CMOS processes do
allow good Bipolar devices to be implemented with just one additional masking step. In this
chapter we shall be discussing the latter implementation only.

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 7 Three Stage Amplifier Miller, Active FF CS

7.2. Circuit Analysis and Transfer Function

Circuit Diagram

Fig. 7-1. Circuit schematic for the amplifier.

The circuit parameters are defined below:

Tab. 7-1. Circuit parameters for the amplifier.

No. Circuit parameter Symbol

1 First stage transconductance (MN1 or MN2) g m1
2 Net resistance loading first stage (node N1) ro1
3 Net capacitance loading first stage (node N1) cp1
4 Second stage transconductance (MP3 with MN6 = MN7) g m2
5 Net resistance loading second stage (node N2) ro2
6 Net capacitance loading second stage (node N2) cp2
7 Third stage transconductance (MN8) g m3
8 Net resistance loading third stage (node OUT) RL
9 Net capacitance loading third stage (node OUT) CL
10 Feedforward capacitance CF
11 Compensation resistance RC
12 Compensation capacitance CC

Block Diagram

Fig 7-2. Block diagram for the amplifier.

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 7 Three Stage Amplifier Miller, Active FF CS

Referring to Figs. 7-1, 7-2 and Tab. 7-1, transistors MN1, MN2, MN4, MP1 and MP2 constitute
the first stage represented by the block marked g m1 where g m1 is the transconductance of
either MN1 or MN2. Transistors MP3, MP4, MN6 and MN7 constitute the second stage
represented by the block marked g m2 where g m2 is the transconductance of MP3 or MP4.
Transistors MN8 and MP5 make up the third stage represented by the block marked g m3 where
g m3 is the transconductance of MN8. The feedforward path around the second stage is
provided through the capacitor CF, driven by a voltage follower comprising of QN2 and MN5.
The voltage follower is assumed to be ideal (which is reasonable when using a good NPN
Bipolar transistor) and is represented by the block marked 1. Transistors QN1 and MN3 are
added for symmetrical loading of the first stage. RC and CC provide the usual Miller

Small-Signal Equivalent Circuit

The small-signal equivalent circuit for the amplifier can be drawn from its block diagram as
shown below:

Fig. 7-3. Simplified small-signal equivalent circuit for the amplifier.

Other than low-frequency MOS models being used, the first stage of the amplifier has been
simplified in Fig. 7-3 as per discussions in Section 3.5. The voltage follower for feedforward
has also been replaced with an ideal one as mentioned above.

Network Equations and Solutions

For convenience, we shall consider conductances instead of resistances such as:

1 1 1
g o1 = r , g o2 = r , GL = R (7-1)
o1 o2 L

and admittances instead of impedances such as:

1 jωC
yC = 1 = 1+jωCC R (7-2)
RC + C C

We shall assume the following to approximate some results later:

g m1 , g m2 , g m3 ≫ g o1 , g o2 , GL and cp1 , cp2 ≪ CF , CC , CL (7-3)

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 7 Three Stage Amplifier Miller, Active FF CS

Applying Laplace transforms and KCL to nodes N1, N2 and OUT in Fig. 7-3:

(g o1 + scp1 + YC )V1 − YC Vo = −g m1 Vi (7-4)

−(sCF + g m2 )V1 + (g o2 + scp2 + sCF )V2 = 0 (7-5)

−YC V1 + g m3 V2 + (GL + sCL + YC )Vo = 0 (7-6)

We now define:

C2 = cp2 + CF (7-7)

Eqs. (7-4) to (7-6) can be written in vector-matrix form using Eq. (7-7) as:

g o1 + scp1 + YC 0 −YC V1 −g m1 Vi
[ −sCF − g m2 g o2 + sC2 0 V
] [ 2] = [ 0 ] (7-8)
−YC g m3 GL + sCL + YC Vo 0

Applying Cramer’s rule to solve Vo from Eq. (6-7):

go1 +scp1 +YC 0 −gm1 Vi
| −sCF −gm2 go2 +sC2 0 |
−YC gm3 0
Vo = go1 +scp1 +YC 0 −YC
| −sCF −gm2 go2 +sC2 0 |
−YC gm3 GL +sCL +YC

Using cofactor expansion of the numerator determinant along its third column:
−sCF −gm2 go2 +sC2
−gm1 Vi | |
−YC gm3
Vo = go1 +scp1 +YC 0 −YC
| −sCF −gm2 go2 +sC2 0 |
−YC gm3 GL +sCL +YC

Whence we find the transfer function to be:

−sCF −gm2 go2 +sC2
Vo (s) −gm1 | |
−YC gm3
Av (s) = = go1 +scp1 +YC 0 −YC (7-9)
Vi (s)
| −sCF −gm2 go2 +sC2 0 |
−YC gm3 GL +sCL +YC

Replacing the first column of the numerator determinant by the sum of its first and second
columns and doing the same to the denominator determinant:
go2 +scp2 −gm2 go2 +sC2
−gm1 | |
gm3 −YC gm3
Av (s) = go1 +scp1 +YC 0 −YC
|go2 +scp2 −gm2 go2 +sC2 0 |
gm3 −YC gm3 GL +sCL +YC

Replacing the first row of the numerator determinant by the sum of its rows and, at the same
time, replacing the first column of the denominator determinant by the sum of its first and
third columns:
Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 7 Three Stage Amplifier Miller, Active FF CS

go2 +scp2 +gm3 −gm2 −YC go2 +gm3 +sC2

−gm1 | |
gm3 −YC gm3
Av (s) = go1 +scp1 0 −YC
|go2 +scp2 −gm2 go2 +sC2 0 |
GL +sCL +gm3 gm3 GL +sCL +YC

Approximating the above using Eq. (7-3):

scp2 +gm3 −gm2 −YC gm3 +sC2
−gm1 | |
̃ v (s) = gm3 −YC gm3
A go1 +scp1 0 −YC
|scp2 −gm2 go2 +sC2 0 |
sCL +gm3 gm3 GL +sCL +YC

Factoring out −g m2 and g m3 from the first and second columns respectively of the numerator
determinant and g o1 , g o2 and GL from the first, second and third columns respectively of the
denominator determinant:
Y scp2 gm3 sC
1+ C − − 1+ 2
gm2 gm2 gm2 gm3
gm1 gm2 gm3 | YC gm3
− 1
gm2 gm2
̃ v (s) =
A scp1 Y
1+ 0 − C
go1 GL
|scp2 g sC |
go1 go2 GL g − gm2 1+g 2 0
| o1 o1 o2 |
sCL gm3 gm3 sC Y
+ 1+ L + C
go1 go1 go2 GL GL

Replacing the conductances and admittances using Eqs. (7-1) and (7-2):
sCC scp2 gm3 sC
1+ − − 1+ 2
gm2 (1+sCC RC ) gm2 gm2 gm3
gm1 gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL | sCC g
− m3 1
gm2 (1+sCC RC ) gm2
̃ v (s) =
1+scp1 ro1 0 −
1+sCC RC
|sc r −g r 1+sC2 ro2 0 |
| p1 o1 m2 o1 |
sCL ro1 +gm3 ro1 gm3 ro2 1+sCL RL +
1+sCC RC

We now factor out 1+sC from the first column of the numerator determinant and the third
column of the denominator determinant. This factor cancels out leaving behind:
sCC scp2 gm3 sC2
+(1− − )(1+sCC RC ) 1+
gm2 gm2 gm2 gm3
gm1 gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL | sCC gm3
− (1+sCC RC ) 1
gm2 gm2
̃ v (s) =
A 1+scp1 ro1 0 −sCC RL
|scp1 ro1 −gm2 ro1 1+sC2 ro2 0 |
sCL ro1 +gm3 ro1 gm3 ro2 (1+sCL RL )(1+sCC RC )+sCC RL

We may fully expand the numerator and denominator determinants now. An inspection of the
diagonal elements of the numerator determinant shows that the numerator polynomial is of
degree 2. Similarly, the main diagonal elements of the denominator determinant show that the
denominator polynomial is of degree 4. A full expansion would result in unmanageably large
number of terms. Therefore, we need to make some simplifications at this stage. Firstly, we

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 7 Three Stage Amplifier Miller, Active FF CS

p C2
RC = where p = (7-10)
gm3 CF

Using Eq. (7-10), the transfer function reduces somewhat to:

sCC scp2 gm3 pC sC2
+(1− − )(1+s C ) 1+
gm2 gm2 gm2 gm3 gm3
gm1 gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL | sCC gm3 pC
− (1+s C ) 1
gm2 gm2 gm3
̃ v (s) =
A 1+scp1 ro1 0 −sCC RL
scp1 ro1 −gm2 ro1 1+sC2 ro2 0
| |
sCL ro1 +gm3 ro1 gm3 ro2 (1+sCL RL )(1+s )+sCC RL

Full expansion of the determinants still yields large number of terms, particularly in the
denominator. Therefore, and secondly, we make use of Eq. (7-3) to approximate the results of
the expansions and arrive at the transfer function in its final form as:
gm1 gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL [s( + ) + 1]
gm3 gm2
̃ v (s) =
A pcp1 CC C2 CL ro1 ro2 RL (7-11)
s4 + s3 CC C2 CL ro1 ro2 RL + s2 CC CF gm3 ro1 ro2 RL + sCC gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL +1

We can see that the choice in Eq. (7-10) moves a possible right half s-plane zero to infinity
leaving behind a left half s-plane one. This result is achieved by removal of the s2 term in the
numerator by cancellation.

7.3. Poles and zeros of the Transfer Function


Factorizing the denominator of Eq. (7-11) using Eq. (2-40):

gm1 gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL [s( + F ) + 1]
gm3 gm2
̃ v (s) =
A pcp1 C2 CL C C C
(sCC gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL +1)[s3 + s2 2 L + s F +1]
gm2 g2
gm2 gm3 gm2

Factorizing the cubic polynomial in the denominator using Eq. (2-57):

gm1 gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL [s(+ F ) + 1]
gm3 gm2
̃ v (s) =
A C C C pcp1 (7-12)
(sCC gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL +1)(s2 2 L + s F +1)(s +1)
gm2 gm3 gm2 gm3

Poles and Zeros

Writing Eq. (7-11) in terms of its poles and zero:

A0 (sτz +1)
̃ v (s) =
A 2 2 (7-13)
(sτ p1 +1)(s τp23 +2sδp23 τp23 +1)(sτp4 +1)

Comparing Eqs. (7-12) and (7-13) the first pole is given by:
1 1
ωp1 = τ =C (7-14)
p1 C gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 7 Three Stage Amplifier Miller, Active FF CS

Using Eq. (2-19) the natural frequency and damping factor of the second and third poles are
given by:

1 gm2 gm3
ωp23 = =√ (7-15)
τp23 C2 CL

CF gm3
δp23 = √g (7-16)
2√C2 CL m2

The fourth pole is given by:

1 g
ωp4 = τ = pcm3 (7-17)
p4 p1

The zero is given by:

1 1
ωz = τ = pCC CF (7-18)
z +
gm3 gm2

7.4. Design to meet Specifications

7.4.1. Design Equations

DC Gain and Unity-Gain Frequency

Comparing (7-10) and (7-11) magnitude of the DC gain is given by:

A0 = g m1 g m2 g m3 ro1 ro2 R L (7-19)

We decide ωp1 to be the dominant pole. Then, using Eqs. (2-63), (7-14) and (7-19) the unity-
gain frequency is given by:
ω0 = (7-20)

Defining PZL Parameters

We do not define any PZL parameter for ωp1 noting that it is a low-frequency far-away pole.
However, it can be expressed in terms of ω0 by re-writing Eq. (2-63) as:
ωp1 = (7-21)

We define PZL parameters σ and μ for ωp23 and ωz such that:

ωp23 = σω0 (7-22)

ωz = μωp23 = σμω0 (7-23)

We do not define any PZL parameter for ωp4 noting it to be a high-frequency far-away pole.
However, we can write the pole in terms of ω0 using Eqs. (7-17) and (7-20) as:

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 7 Three Stage Amplifier Miller, Active FF CS

gm3 CC
ωp4 = ω0 (7-24)
pgm1 cp1

Circuit Parameters in terms of PZL Parameters

Combining (7-10), (7-15), (7-18), (7-22) and (7-23) we arrive at the quadratic equation:

gm3 √C2 CL gm3 pCC

− √g + =0 (7-25)
gm2 μCF m2 CF

Using Eqs. (2-14) and (7-10) the preferred solution for Eq. (7-25) is given by:

gm3 κ√C2 CL C 1 C
√g = where, κ = 1 + √1 − 4μ2 CC provided μ ≤ 2 √CL (7-26)
m2 2μCF L C

Combining Eqs. (7-10), (7-17), (7-20), (7-22) and (7-26):

gm2 2σμCF
= (-)
gm1 κCC

gm3 κσpCL
= (7-28)
gm1 2μCC

Using Eq. (7-26) we can re-write Eq. (7-16) as:

δp23 = 4μ (7-29)

Stability Equation (Phase Margin)

Setting s = jω0 in Eq. (7-13) and using Eq. (2-77), the phase margin is given by:

2ω0 δp23 τp23

ϕm = 1800 + tan−1(ω0 τz ) − tan−1 (ω0 τp1 ) − tan−1 ( ) − tan−1 (ω0 τp4 )
1−ω20 τ2p23

Substituting (7-21) to (7-24) and (7-28) in above:

1 2σδp23 2μcp1
ϕm = 1800 + tan−1 (σμ) − tan−1(A0 ) − tan−1 ( ) − tan−1 ( κσC ) (7-30)
σ2 −1 L

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Chapter 7 Three Stage Amplifier Miller, Active FF CS

7.4.2. Design Calculations

The table below lists the target performance parameters of the amplifier.

Tab. 7-2. Amplifier specifications.

No. Performance parameter Symbol Value Units

1 Magnitude of DC gain A0 > 100 dB
2 Unity-gain frequency f0 ~ 50 MHz
3 Phase margin ϕm > 60 degrees
4 Gain margin Gm > 10 dB
5 Resistive load RL 10 kΩ
6 Capacitive load CL 6 pF

Deciding PZL and Circuit Parameter Values

To meet the specifications in Tab. 7-2 we proceed as follows:

We decide on σ = 2.5974 and μ = 0.77 placing ωz slightly behind ωp23 in frequency with
σμ = 2. Using these values of σ and μ in Eq. (7-30), assuming A0 to be a large number and
̃ m = 91.390 .
neglecting contribution due to ωp4 , the estimated phase margin is ϕ

Using g m1 = 500μS and CC = 1.6pF, f0 = 49.74MHz using Eq. (7-20).

Next, κ = 1.606 using Eq. (7-26) and δp23 = 0.52 using (7-29).

We use CF = 1.6pF, cp1 = 100fF and cp2 = 200fF.

Then, C2 = 1.8pF using Eq. (7-7) and p = 1.125 using Eq. (7-10).

Next, we find g m2 = 1.25mS using Eq. (7-27) and g m3 = 5.71mS using Eq. (7-28).

Then, R C = 197Ω using Eq. (7-10).

We use ro1 = 200kΩ and ro2 = 55kΩ.

Then, A0 = 392,562.5 ≈ 111.88dB using Eq. (7-19).

Now, we can find a more accurate phase margin figure using (7-30):

ϕm = 1800 + 26.570 − 900 − 25.180 − 0.350 = 91.040 .

Based on the above calculations and Fig. 7-1, the circuit parameters, frequency parameters
and estimated cell statistics for the amplifier are summarised in the following three tables:

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Chapter 7 Three Stage Amplifier Miller, Active FF CS

Tab. 7-3. Design values for circuit parameters.

No. Circuit parameter Symbol Value Units

1 First stage transconductance g m1 500 μS
2 First stage resistive load ro1 200 kΩ
3 First stage capacitive load cp1 100 fF
4 Second stage transconductance g m2 1.25 mS
5 Second stage resistive load ro2 55 kΩ
6 Second stage capacitive load cp2 200 fF
7 Third stage transconductance g m3 5.71 mS
8 Third stage resistive load RL 10 kΩ
9 Third stage capacitive load CL 6 pF
10 Compensation resistance RC 197 Ω
11 Compensation capacitance CC 1.6 pF
12 Feedforward capacitance CF 1.6 pF

Tab. 7-4. Design values for frequency parameters.

No. Frequency parameter Symbol Value Units

1 First pole fp1 126.71 Hz
2 Unity-gain frequency f0 49.74 MHz
3 Zero fz 99.48 MHz
4 Second/third pole fp23 (δp23 ) 129.20 (0.52) MHz (−)
5 Fourth pole fp4 8.08 GHz

Tab. 7-5. Amplifier cell statistics estimated for ABC process technology (Appendix 18).

No. Cell statistic Symbol Value Units

1 Cell area excluding RL1 and CL1 Acell 54 × 54 μm2
2 Power consumption @ VDD − VSS = 1.5V Pcell 285 μW

7.4.3. Design Evaluation

Unity feedback factor loop-gain response plots can be obtained from the transfer function in
Eq. (7-11). Appendix 7 lists all necessary formulae. The plots, using parameter values in Tab.
7-3, are shown in Figs. 7-4 and 7-5. Performance parameters for the amplifier may be read
off from the plots or from the plot data in Tab. 7-7. The table below compares these figures
with those calculated in the previous sub-section and the specifications in Tab. 7-2.

Tab. 7-6. Comparison of performance parameters.

No. Performance parameter Symbol Calculated Evaluated Specs. Units

1 Magnitude of DC gain A0 111.88 112 > 100 dB
2 Unity-gain frequency f0 /fc 49.74 65 ~ 50 MHz
3 Phase margin ϕm 91.04 85 > 60 degrees
4 Phase crossover frequency fπ − 530 − MHz
5 Gain margin Gm − 33 > 10 dB

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 7 Three Stage Amplifier Miller, Active FF CS

Fig. 7-4. Unity feedback factor loop-gain magnitude response for the amplifier.

Fig. 7-5. Unity feedback factor loop-gain phase response for the amplifier.

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 7 Three Stage Amplifier Miller, Active FF CS

Tab. 7-7. Data listing for loop-gain response plots in Figs. 7-4 and 7-5.

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 7 Three Stage Amplifier Miller, Active FF CS

7.5. Concluding Remarks

As can be seen from Eq. (7-19), this amplifier can be designed to provide sufficiently high
DC gains with large or medium values of R L . The DC gain does drop with small R L values
but not as much as the amplifiers in Chapters 4 and 5. The presence of one more amplifying
stage like the amplifier in Chapter 6 is responsible for this behaviour.

It may be noted from Eqs. (7-7) and (7-10) that ‘p’ is nearly a constant with a value close to 1
and from Eq. (7-26) that κ behaves similarly with its values ranging from 1 to 2. Therefore,
Eq. (7-28) indicates that g m3 requirement for this amplifier is nearly proportional to CL . Thus,
large values of g m3 would be needed for the amplifier to drive large values of CL , causing
power and area consumption to go up. On the other hand, small values of g m3 would be
required for the amplifier to drive small values of CL , causing the DC gain to go down.

However, Eqs. (7-27) and (7-28) show that by choosing PZL or circuit parameters
appropriately, the abovementioned problems can be overcome to some extent. In conclusion,
this amplifier behaves more like the one in Chapter 4 with capacitive loads.

Unlike the amplifier in Chapter 6, it is difficult to achieve large δp23 values for this amplifier.
This will be evident comparing Eqs. (6-32) and (7-29). Consequently, the loop-gain
magnitude and phase plots for this amplifier are not as smooth as those for amplifiers in
Chapters 4 and 6.

Tab. 7-6 shows that the evaluated fc value deviates significantly from the calculated f0 one,
and this reflects in the ϕm value too. As discussed in Section 2.4.5, this is likely to happen
since both fz and fp23 are located close to f0 with fz being closer, as shown in Tab. 7-4. Small
δp23 value may also be partially responsible.

From the first two rows of Tab. A17-3 one can see that this amplifier consumes less area but
more power than the amplifier in Chapter 6.

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 8 Three-Stage Amplifier Miller, Passive FF CS

Three-Stage Miller Compensated Amplifier with

Passive Feedforward around Centre-Stage

8.1. Introductory Notes

In Chapter 7, we saw how compensation could be achieved using feedforward around the
centre stage of a three-stage CMOS amplifier using an NPN Bipolar transistor in series with a
capacitor in the feedforward path. However, an extra masking step is required to fabricate the
NPN device, leading to higher cost. Two publications, one in 2014 [R1-14] and the other in
2016 [R1-15], addressed this problem.

Eliminating the bipolar device, the above publications proposed the usage of passive
feedforward needing just one capacitor in the feedforward path. However, for the
feedforward to dominate the signal fed to the output stage at high frequencies, the bandwidth
of the centre-stage had to be reduced. This reduction was achieved without many side-effects
using a passive RC network and a MOS transistor, an idea published in 2008 [R1-12]. As it
turns out, the passive network does not affect the amplifier performance appreciably so long
as its time-constant is above a minimum value helping, in addition, to minimise signal
feedback through the feedforward path.

In this chapter we are going to discuss the amplifier published in 2016 mentioned above. This
implementation uses Miller compensation discussed in Chapter 4 for its overall compensation
like the amplifier in Chapter 7.

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 8 Three-Stage Amplifier Miller, Passive FF CS

8.2. Circuit Analysis and Transfer Function

Circuit Diagram

Fig. 8-1. Circuit schematic for the amplifier.

The circuit parameters are defined below:

Tab. 8-1. Circuit parameters for the amplifier.

No. Circuit parameter Symbol

1 First stage transconductance (MN1 or MN2) g m1
2 Net resistance loading first stage (node N1) ro1
3 Net capacitance loading first stage (node N1) cp1
4 Second stage transconductance (MP3 with MN4 = MN5) g m2
5 Net resistance loading second stage (node N2) ro2
6 Net capacitance loading second stage (node N2) cp2
7 Third stage transconductance (MN6) g m3
8 Net resistance loading third stage (node OUT) RL
9 Net capacitance loading third stage (node OUT) CL
10 Feedforward capacitance CF
11 Compensation resistance RC
12 Compensation capacitance CC
13 Resistance in the second stage bandwidth limiting network RD
14 Capacitance in the second stage bandwidth limiting network CD

Block Diagram

Fig. 8-2. Block diagram for the amplifier.

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 8 Three-Stage Amplifier Miller, Passive FF CS

Referring to Figs. 8-1, 8-2 and Tab. 8-1, transistors MN1, MN2, MN3, MP1 and MP2 constitute
the first stage represented by the block marked g m1 where g m1 is the transconductance of
either MN1 or MN2. Transistors MP3, MP4, MN4 and MN5 constitute the second stage
represented by the block marked g m2 where g m2 is the transconductance of MP3 or MP4.
Transistors MN6 and MP5 make up the third stage represented by the block marked g m3 where
g m3 is the transconductance of MN6. Feedforward path around the second stage is provided
through the capacitor CF. RC and CC provide the usual Miller compensation for the amplifier.
RD and CD along with MP4 form a network to limit the bandwidth of the second stage and
enable feedforward through CF at high frequencies. This network can be shown to be
equivalent to a RC series network connected from the second stage output node to ground
[R1-12]. The components of this equivalent network are given by:
cD = g m2 R D CD and rD = g (8-1)

Small-Signal Equivalent Circuit

The small-signal equivalent circuit for the amplifier can be drawn from its block diagram as
shown below:

Fig. 8-3. Simplified small-signal equivalent circuit for the amplifier.

Other than low-frequency MOS models being used, the first stage of the amplifier has been
simplified in Fig. 8-3 as per discussions in Section 3.5. The network RD, CD, MP4 in Fig. 8-1
has been replaced with its approximate equivalent as in Fig. 8-2 and is given by Eq. (8-1).

Network Equations and Solutions

For convenience, we shall consider conductances instead of resistances such as:

1 1 1 1
g o1 = r , g o2 = r , g o3 = r and GL = R (8-2)
o1 o2 o3 L

and admittances instead of impedances such as:

1 jωCC 1 jωgm2 RD CD
yC = 1 = jωR and yD = 1 = using Eq. (8-1) (8-3)
RC + C CC +1 rD + jωRD CD +1
jωCC jωcD

We shall assume the following to approximate some results later:

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 8 Three-Stage Amplifier Miller, Passive FF CS

g m1 , g m2 , g m3 ≫ g o1 , g o2 , GL and cp1 , cp2 ≪ CC , CD , CF , CL (8-4)

Applying Laplace transforms and KCL to nodes N1, N2 and OUT in Fig. 8-3:

(g o1 + scp1 + sCF + YC )V1 − sCF V2 − YC Vo = −g m1 Vi (8-5)

−(g m2 + sCF )V1 + (g o2 + scp2 + sCF + YD )V2 = 0 (8-6)

−YC V1 + g m3 V2 + (GL + sCL + YC )Vo = 0 (8-7)

We now define:

C1 = cp1 + CF and C2 = cp2 + CF (8-8)

Eqs. (8-5) to (8-7) can be written in vector-matrix form using Eq. (8-8) as:

g o1 + sC1 + YC −sCF −YC V1 −g m1 Vi

[ −g m2 − sCF g o2 + sC2 + YD 0 ] [V2 ] = [ 0 ] (8-9)
−YC g m3 GL + sCL + YC Vo 0

Applying Cramer’s rule to solve for Vo from Eq. (8-9):

go1 +sC1 +YC −sCF −gm1 Vi
| −gm2 −sCF go2 +sC2 +YD 0 |
−YC gm3 0
Vo = go1 + sC1 +YC −sCF −YC
| −gm2 −sCF go2 +sC2 +YD 0 |
−YC gm3 GL +sCL +YC

Using cofactor expansion of the numerator determinant along its third column:
−gm2 −sCF go2 +sC2 +YD
−gm1 Vi | |
−YC gm3
Vo = go1 +sC1 +YC −sCF −YC
| −gm2 −sCF go2 +sC2 +YD 0 |
−YC gm3 GL +sCL +YC

Whence we find at the transfer function to be:

−gm2 −sCF go2 +sC2 +YD
Vo (s) −gm1 | |
−YC gm3
Av (s) = = go1 +sC1 +YC −sCF −YC
Vi (s)
| −gm2 −sCF go2 +sC2 +YD 0 |
−YC gm3 GL +sCL +YC

Replacing the first row of the numerator determinant by the sum of its first and second rows
and replacing the first column of the denominator determinant by the sum of its first and third
−gm2 −sCF −YC gm3 +go2 +sC2 +YD
−gm1 | |
−YC gm3
Av (s) = go1 +sC1 −sCF −YC
|−gm2 −sCF go2 +sC2 +YD 0 |
GL +sCL gm3 GL +sCL +YC

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 8 Three-Stage Amplifier Miller, Passive FF CS

Replacing the second column of the denominator determinant by the sum of its first and
second columns and using Eq. (8-8) for simplification:
−g −sCF −YC gm3 +go2 +sC2 +YD
−gm1 | m2 |
−YC gm3
Av (s) = go1 +sC1 go1 +scp1 −YC
|−gm2 −sCF go2 −gm2 +scp2 +YD 0 |
GL +sCL gm3 +GL +sCL GL +sCL +YC

Approximating the above using Eq. (8-4):

−gm2 −sCF −YC gm3 +sC2 +YD
−gm1 | |
̃ v (s) = −YC gm3
A go1 +sC1 go1 +scp1 −YC
|−gm2 −sCF go2 −gm2 +scp2 +YD 0 |
GL +sCL gm3 +sCL GL +sCL +YC

Factoring out −g m2 and g m3 from the first and second columns respectively of the numerator
determinant and g o1 , g o2 and GL from the first, second and the third columns respectively of
the denominator determinant:
sC Y sC2 Y
1+ F + C 1+ + D
gm2 gm2 gm3 gm3
gm1 gm2 gm3 | Y
C 1
̃ v (s) =
A sC1 go1 scp1 Y
1+ + − C
go1 go2 go2 GL
| g sC g scp2 YD |
go1 go2 GL − gm2 −g F 1− m2 + +
go2 go2 go2
| o1 o1 |
GL sCL gm3 sCL sC Y
+ + 1+ L + C
go1 go1 go2 go2 GL GL

Replacing the conductances using Eq. (8-2) and admittances using Eq. (8-3):
sCC sgm2 RD CD
sCF gm2 sC2 gm3
|1+gm2 + sRCCC +1 1+gm3 + sRD CD +1 |
gm1 gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL sCC
| |
sRCCC +1
̃ v (s) =
A ro2 sCC RL
1+sC1 ro1 +scp1 ro2 −
ro1 sRC CC +1
| sg r R C |
−gm2 ro1 −sCF ro1 1−gm2 ro2 +scp2 ro2 + m2 o2 D D 0
sRD CD +1
| |
ro1 sCC RL
+sCL ro1 gm3 ro2 +sCL ro2 1+sCL RL +

We now factor out sR from the first column of the numerator determinant as well as the
C CC +1
third column of the denominator determinant. At the same time, we factor out from
sRD CD +1
the second column of both numerator and denominator determinants. The product
(sRC CC +1)(sRD CD +1)
of the above two factors, being factors of both the numerator and
denominator, cancel out leaving behind:

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 8 Three-Stage Amplifier Miller, Passive FF CS

sC sC sC2 sg R C
( F +1)(sRC CC +1)+ C ( +1)(sRD CD +1)+ m2 D D
g gm2 gm3 gm3
gm1 gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL | m2 sC
sRD CD +1
̃ v (s) =
A r
1+sC1 ro1 ( o2 +scp1 ro2 )(sRD CD +1) −sCC RL
|−g r −sC r (1−gm2 ro2 +scp2 ro2 )(sRD CD +1)+sgm2 ro2 RD CD 0 |
| m2 o1 F o1 |
+sCL ro1 (gm3 ro2 +sCL ro2 )(sRD CD +1) (sCL RL +1)(sRC CC +1)+sCC RL

We may fully expand the numerator and denominator determinants now. An inspection of the
diagonal elements of the numerator determinant show that the numerator polynomial is of
degree 3. Similarly, the main diagonal elements of the denominator determinant show that the
denominator polynomial is of degree 5. A full expansion would result in unmanageably large
number of terms especially in the denominator. Therefore, we need to make some
simplifications at this stage. Firstly, we choose:
p C cp2
RC = g where p = C2 and we define q = (8-10)
m3 F CF

Using Eq. (8-10) and simplifying the element 𝑎22 in the denominator determinant:
sC pC sC sC2 sg R C
( F +1)(s C +1)+ C ( +1)(sRD CD +1)+ m2 D D
g gm3 gm2 gm3 gm3
gm1 gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL | m2 sC
C sRD CD +1
̃ v (s) =
A r
1+sC1 ro1 ( o2 +scp1 ro2 )(sRD CD +1) −sCC RL
|−gm2 ro1 −sCF ro1 1−gm2 ro2 +sRD CD +scp2 ro2 (sRD CD +1) 0 |
| |
ro1 pCC
+sCL ro1 (gm3 ro2 +sCL ro2 )(sRD CD +1) (sCL RL +1)(s +1)+sCC RL
RL gm3

Secondly, we make use of Eqs. (8-3) and (8-10) to approximate and simplify the results of the
expansions to arrive at the transfer function in its final form as:
gm1 gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL [s2 ( + )+s(CD RD + C + F )+1]
gm3 gm2 gm3 gm2
̃ v (s) =
A (8-11)
(cp1 +cp2 )C2 CC CL CD RD ro1 ro2 RL
s5 +s4 [C2 CC CL +(cp1 +cp2 )CF (CC +CL )]CD RD ro1 ro2 RL
+s3 (CL + m3 CF )CC CD gm2 RD ro1 ro2 RL +s2 CC CD gm2 gm3 RD ro1 ro2 RL +sCC gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL +1

We can see that the choice in Eq. (8-10) moves a possible right half s-plane zero to infinity
leaving behind two left half s-plane ones. This result is achieved by removal of the s3 term in
the numerator by cancellation.

8.3. Poles and zeros of the Transfer Function


For factorisation, we need to approximate the numerator of (8-11) further assuming:

CD R D ≫ g (8-12)

Eqs. (8-8), (8-10) and (8-12) show that ‘p’ in coefficient of ‘s’ in the numerator quadratic
polynomial can be replaced with ‘q’. Doing that and factorizing the denominator of Eq. (8-
11) using Eq. (2-40) we arrive at:
Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 8 Three-Stage Amplifier Miller, Passive FF CS

gm1 gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL [s2 ( + )+s(CD RD + C + F )+1]
gm3 gm2 gm3 gm2
̃ v (s) =
A g
(cp1 +cp2 )C2 CL CD RD (CL + m3 CF )CD RD
(sCC gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL +1)[s4 +s3 C3 CL CD RD + s2 gm2
+ sCD RD +1]
gm2 g2
gm2 gm3 gm3


(cp1 +cp2 )(CL +CC )

C3 = cp2 + CF [1 + ] (8-13)

The numerator can now be factorised using Eq. (2-24). The bi-quadratic polynomial in the
denominator can be factorised once more using Eq. (2-40). Thus, we arrive at:
gm1 gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL (sCD RD +1)[s( + )+1]
gm3 gm2
̃ v (s) =
A g
(cp1 +cp2 )C2 CL C C CL + m3 CF
(sCC gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL +1)(sCD RD +1)[s3 2 +s2 3 L +s +1]
gm2 gm3 gm2 gm3 gm3

The factor (sCD R D + 1) appears in both numerator and denominator and, therefore, cancel
each other. The cubic polynomial in the denominator can be factorised using Eq. (2-57) and
thus we obtain:
gm1 gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL [s(
+ ) + 1]
gm3 gm2
̃ v (s) =
A C C C g +C (8-14)
(sCC gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL +1)(s2 3 L +s L m2 F gm3 + 1)(s Ca + 1)
gm2 gm3 gm2 gm3 gm3

1 1 1 1
=c + pC + pC (8-15)
Ca p1 +cp2 L C

Poles and Zeros

Writing Eq. (8-14) in terms of its poles and zero:

A0 (sτz +1)
̃ v (s) =
A 2 2
(sτ p1 +1)(s τp23 +2sδp23 τp23 +1)(sτp4 +1)

Comparing Eqs. (8-14) and (8-16), the first pole is given by:
1 1
ωp1 = τ =C (8-17)
p1 C gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL

Using Eq. (2-30) the natural frequency and damping factor of the second and third poles are
given by:

gm2 gm3
ωp23 = √ (8-18)

m2 g CL +gm3 CF
δp23 = 2√g (8-19)
m2 gm3 C3 CL

The fourth pole is given by:

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 8 Three-Stage Amplifier Miller, Passive FF CS

1 gm3
ωp4 = = (8-20)
τp4 Ca

And the zero is given by:

1 1
ωz = τ = qCC CF (8-21)
z +
gm3 gm2

8.4. Design to Meet Specifications

8.4.1. Design Equations

DC Gain and Unity-Gain Frequency

Comparing Eqs. (8-14) and (8-16) magnitude of the DC gain is given by:

A0 = g m1 g m2 g m3 ro1 ro2 R L (8-22)

We decide ωp1 to be the dominant pole. Then, using Eqs. (2-63), (8-17) and (8-22) the unity-
gain frequency is given by:
ω0 = (8-23)

Defining PZL Parameters

We do not define a PZL parameter for ωp1 noting that it is a low-frequency far-away pole.
However, it can be written in terms of ω0 by re-writing Eq. (2-63) as:
ωp1 = (8-24)

We define PZL parameters σ and μ for ωp23 and ωz such that:

ωp23 = σω0 (8-25)

ωz = μωp23 = σμω0 (8-26)

We do not define any PZL parameter for ωp4 noting that it is a high-frequency far-away pole.
However, we can write the pole in terms of ω0 using Eqs. (8-20) and (8-23) as:
g C
ωp4 = gm3Cc ω0 (8-27)
m1 a

Circuit Parameters in terms of PZL Parameters

Combining Eqs. (8-10), (8-18), (8-21), (8-25) and (8-26) we arrive at the quadratic equation:

gm3 √C3 CL gm3 qCC

− √g + =0 (8-28)
gm2 μCF m2 CF

Using Eqs. (2-14) and (8-10) the preferred solution for Eq. (7-28) is given by:

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 8 Three-Stage Amplifier Miller, Passive FF CS

gm3 κ√C3 CL cp2 CC 1 C C

√g = where, κ = 1 + √1 − 4μ2 provided μ ≤ 2 √c 3 CL (8-29)
m2 2μCF C3 CL p2 C

Combining Eqs. (8-18), (8-23), (8-25) and (8-29):

gm2 2σμCF
= (8-30)
gm1 κCC

gm3 κσC C
= 2μC 3CL (8-31)
gm1 F C

Using Eq. (8-29) we can re-write Eq. (8-19) as:

κ μC
δp23 = 4μ + κCF (8-32)

Stability Equation (Phase Margin)

Setting s = jω0 in Eq. (8-16) and using Eq. (2-77), the phase margin is given by:

2ω0 τp23 δp23

ϕm = 1800 + tan−1(ω0 τz ) − tan−1 (ω0 τp1 ) − tan−1 ( ) − tan−1(ω0 τp4 )
1−ω20 τ2p23

Using Eqs. (8-24) to (8-27) and (8-31) in the above we arrive at:
1 2σδp23 2μC C
ϕm = 1800 + tan−1 (σμ) − tan−1(A0 ) − tan−1 ( ) − tan−1 (kσCa CF ) (8-33)
σ2 −1 3 L

8.4.2. Design Calculations

The table below lists the target performance parameters of the amplifier.

Tab. 8-2. Amplifier specifications.

No. Performance parameters Symbol Value Units

1 Magnitude of DC gain A0 > 100 dB
2 Unity gain frequency f0 ~ 50 MHz
3 Phase margin ϕm > 60 degrees
4 Gain margin Gm > 10 dB
5 Resistive load RL 10 kΩ
6 Capacitive load CL 6 pF

Deciding PZL and Circuit Parameter Values

To meet the specifications in Tab. 8-2 we proceed as follows:

We decide on σ = 2.2 and μ = 1 locating ωz right on top of ωp23 in frequency with σμ =

2.2. Using these values of σ and μ in Eq. (8-33), assuming A0 to be a large number and
̃ m = 70.530 .
neglecting contribution due to ωp4 , the estimated phase margin is ϕ

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 8 Three-Stage Amplifier Miller, Passive FF CS

Using g m1 = 500μS and CC = 1.6pF so that f0 = 49.74MHz from Eq. (8-23).

We also use cp1 = 100fF and cp2 = 200fF with CF = 1pF.

Then, C2 = 1.2pF, C3 = 1.44pF, Ca = 250fF using Eqs. (8-8), (8-10), (8-13) and (8-15).

Then, κ = 1.923 using Eq. (8-29).

Subsequently, g m3 = 5.71mS, g m2 = 715μS and δp23 = 0.84 using Eqs. (8-30) to (8-32)
respectively. Thus, R C = 210Ω using Eq. (8-10).

Next, we choose R D = 10kΩ and CD = 1pF so that the requirement specified by Eq. (8-12) is
met with ease.

Using ro1 = 200kΩ and ro2 = 100kΩ, the DC gain is found to be A0 = 408,265 ≈
12.22dB using Eq. (8-22).

Now, we can find a more accurate phase margin figure using Eq. (8-33):

̃ m = 1800 + 24.440 − 900 − 43.910 − 0.780 = 69.750 .


Based on the above calculations and Fig. 8-1, the circuit parameters, frequency parameters
and estimated cell statistics for the amplifier are summarised in the following three tables:

Tab. 8-3. Design values for circuit parameters.

No. Circuit parameters Symbol Value Units

1 First stage transconductance g m1 500 μS
2 First stage resistive load ro1 200 kΩ
3 First stage capacitive load cp1 100 fF
4 Second stage transconductance g m2 715 μS
5 Second stage resistive load ro2 100 kΩ
6 Second stage capacitive load cp2 200 fF
7 Third stage transconductance g m3 5.71 mS
8 Third stage resistive load RL 10 kΩ
9 Third stage capacitive load CL 6 pF
10 Compensation resistance RC 210 Ω
11 Compensation capacitance CC 1.6 pF
12 Feedforward capacitance CF 1 pF
13 Second stage bandwidth limiting resistance RD 10 kΩ
14 Second stage bandwidth limiting capacitance CD 1 pF

Tab. 8-4. Design values for frequency parameters.

No. Description Symbol Value Units

1 First pole fp1 121.83 Hz
2 Unity gain frequency f0 49.74 MHz
3 Zero fz 109.43 MHz
4 Second/third pole fp23 (δp23 ) 109.43 (0.84) MHz (−)
5 Fourth pole fp4 3.64 GHz

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 8 Three-Stage Amplifier Miller, Passive FF CS

Tab. 8-5. Amplifier cell statistics estimated for ABC process technology (Appendix 18).

No. Cell statistic Symbol Value Units

1 Cell area excluding RL1 and CL1 Acell 56 × 56 μm2
2 Power consumption @ VDD − VSS = 1.5V Pcell 225 μW

8.4.3. Design Evaluation

Unity feedback factor loop-gain response plots can be obtained from the transfer function in
Eq. (8-11). Appendix 8 lists all necessary formulae. The plots, using parameter values in Tab.
8-3, are shown in Figs. 8-4 and 8-5. Performance parameters for the amplifier may be read
off from the plots or from the plot data in Tab. 8-7. The table below compares these figures
with those calculated in the previous sub-section and the specifications in Tab. 8-2.

Tab. 8-6. Comparison of performance parameters

No. Performance parameters Symbol Calculated Evaluated Specs. Units

1 DC gain magnitude A0 112.22 112 > 100 dB
2 Unity gain frequency f0 /fc 49.74 55 ~ 50 MHz
3 Phase margin ϕm 69.75 65 > 60 degrees
4 Phase crossover frequency fπ − 450 − MHz
5 Gain margin Gm − 32 > 10 dB

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Chapter 8 Three-Stage Amplifier Miller, Passive FF CS

Fig 8.4. Unity feedback factor loop-gain magnitude response for the amplifier.

Fig 8.5. Unity feedback factor loop-gain phase response for the amplifier.

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 8 Three-Stage Amplifier Miller, Passive FF CS

Tab. 8-7. Data listing for loop-gain response plots in Figs. 8.4 and 8.5.

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 8 Three-Stage Amplifier Miller, Passive FF CS

8.5. Concluding Remarks

As can be seen from Eq. (8-22), this amplifier can be designed to provide sufficiently high
DC gains with large or medium values of R L . The DC gain does drops with small R L values
but not as much as the amplifiers in chapters 4 and 5 because of the presence of one more
amplifying stage. The amplifiers in chapters 6 and 7 behave similarly.

From Eqs. (8-4), (8-13) and (8-29) it may be noted that κ is a near constant with values
ranging from 1 to 2 while C3 : CF behaves similarly with its values approximately in the same
range. Therefore, Eq. (8-31) indicates that g m3 requirement for this amplifier is nearly
proportional to CL . Thus, large values of g m3 would be needed for the amplifier to drive large
values of CL , causing power and area consumption to go up. On the other hand, small values
of g m3 would be required for the amplifier to drive small values of CL , causing the DC gain
to go down.

However, Eqs. (8-30) and (8-31) also show that by choosing PZL and circuit parameters
appropriately, the abovementioned problems can be overcome to some extent. In conclusion,
this amplifier behaves more like the ones in Chapters 4 and 7 with capacitive loads.

Like the amplifier in Chapter 6 but unlike the amplifier in Chapter 7, good δp23 values can be
achieved for this amplifier. This will be evident from Eqs. (6-32), (7-29) and (8-32).
Consequently, the gain magnitude and phase plots for this amplifier are nearly as smooth as
those for amplifiers in Chapters 4 and 6.

Tab. 8-6 shows that the evaluated fc value deviates significantly from the calculated fc one,
and this reflects in the ϕm value too. As discussed in Section 2.4.5, this is likely to happen
since both fz and fp23 are located close to f0 , as shown in Tab. 8-4. However, the deviation is
unduly large for a good δp23 value. Therefore, it is likely that the approximation errors
involved in finding high frequency poles/zeros contributed significantly to this case.

The first three rows of Tab. A17-3 show that this amplifier has the best cell statistics among
all the three-stage amplifiers discussed so far.

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 9 Three-Stage Amplifier Cascode-Miller, Passive FF CS

Three-Stage Cascode-Miller Compensated Amplifier with

Passive Feedforward around Centre-Stage

9.1. Introductory Notes

In Chapter 7, we saw how compensation could be achieved using feedforward around the
centre stage of a three-stage CMOS amplifier using an NPN Bipolar transistor in series with a
capacitor in the feedforward path. However, an extra masking step is required to fabricate the
NPN device, leading to higher cost. Two publications, one in 2014 [R1-14] and the other in
2016 [R1-15], addressed this problem.

Eliminating the bipolar device, the above publications proposed the usage of passive
feedforward needing just one capacitor in the feedforward path. However, for the
feedforward to dominate the signal fed to the output stage at high frequencies, the bandwidth
of the centre-stage had to be reduced. This reduction was achieved without many side-effects
using a passive RC network and a MOS transistor, an idea published in 2008 [R1-12]. As it
turns out, the passive network does not affect the amplifier performance appreciably so long
as its time-constant is above a minimum value helping, in addition, to minimise signal
feedback through the feedforward path.

In this chapter we are going to discuss the amplifier published in 2014 mentioned above. This
implementation uses Cascode-Miller compensation discussed in Chapter 5 for its overall

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 9 Three-Stage Amplifier Cascode-Miller, Passive FF CS

9.2. Circuit Analysis and Transfer Function

Fig. 9-1. Circuit schematic for the amplifier.

The circuit parameters are defined below:

Tab. 9-1. Circuit parameters for amplifier.

No. Circuit parameter Symbol

1 First stage transconductance (MP1 or MP2) g m1
2 Net resistance loading first stage (node N1) ro1
3 Parasitic capacitance loading first stage (node N1) cp1
4 Second stage transconductance (MP6 with MN5 = MN6) g m2
5 Net resistance loading second stage (node N2) ro2
6 Net capacitance loading second stage (node N2) cp2
7 Third stage transconductance (MN7) g m3
8 Net resistance loading third stage (node OUT) RL
9 Net capacitance loading third stage (node OUT) CL
10 Cascode transistor transconductance (MN4) g mc
11 Compensation capacitance CC
12 Feedforward capacitance CF
13 Resistance in the second stage bandwidth limiting network RD
14 Capacitance in the second stage bandwidth limiting network CD

Block Diagram

Fig. 9-2. Block diagram for the amplifier.

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 9 Three-Stage Amplifier Cascode-Miller, Passive FF CS

Referring to Fig. 9-1, Fig. 9-2 and Tab. 9-1, transistors MP1, MP2, MP3, MN1, MN2, MN3, MN4,
MP4 and MP5 constitute the folded-cascode first stage represented by the block labelled g m1
where g m1 is the transconductance of either MP1 or MP2. The compensation capacitor CC is
connected to the first stage output through the cascode transistor MN4. Transistors MN5, MN6,
MP6 and MP7 constitute the second stage represented by the block labelled g m2 where g m2 is
the transconductance of MP6 or MP7. Transistors MP8 and MN7 make up the third stage
represented by the block labelled g m3 where g m3 is the transconductance of MN7.
Feedforward path around the second stage is provided through the capacitor CF. RD and CD
form a network along with MP7 to limit the bandwidth of the second stage and enable
feedforward through CF. This network can be shown to be equivalent to a RC series network
connected from the second stage output node to ground [R1-12]. The components of this
equivalent network are given by:
cD = g m2 R D CD and rD = g (9-1)

Small-Signal Equivalent Circuit

The simplified small-signal equivalent for the amplifier can be drawn from its block diagram
as shown:

Fig. 9-3. Simplified small-signal equivalent circuit for the amplifier.

Other than low-frequency MOS models being used, the first stage in Fig. 9.1 has been
simplified in line as per the discussions in Section 3.5. Output resistance and gate-source
capacitance of the cascode transistor MN4 and output resistance of its bias transistor MN2 have
not been included in Figs. 9-2 and 9-3 since we have already shown in Sections 5.2.1 and
5.2.2 that these circuit parameters have minimal effect on the overall performance of the

Network Equations and Solutions

For convenience, we shall consider conductances instead of resistances such as:

1 1 1 1
g o1 = r , g o2 = r , g o3 = r and GL = R (9-2)
o1 o2 o3 L

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 9 Three-Stage Amplifier Cascode-Miller, Passive FF CS

and admittances instead of impedances such as:

1 jωgm2 RD CD
yD = 1 = using Eq. (9-1) (9-3)
rD + jωRD CD +1

We shall assume the following to approximate some results later:

g m1 , g mc , g m2 , g m3 ≫ g o1 , g o2 , GL and cp1 , cp2 ≪ CC , CD , CF , CL (9-4)

Using Laplace transforms and KCL at nodes N1, Nc, N2 and OUT we have:
(g o1 + scp1 + sCF )V1 − g mc Vc − sCF V2 = −g m1 (9-5)

(g mc + sCC )Vc − sCC Vo = −g m1 (9-6)

−(g m2 + sCF )V1 + (g o2 + scp2 + sCF + YD )V2 = 0 (9-7)

−sCC Vc + g m3 V2 + (GL + sCL + sCC )Vo = 0 (9-8)

We now define:

C1 = cp1 + CF and C2 = cp2 + CF (9-9)

Eqs. (9-5) to (9-8) can be written in vector-matrix form using (9-9) as:
g o1 + sC1 −g mc −sCF 0 V1 −g m1 2i
0 g mc + sCC 0 −sCC V Vi
[ ] [ c ] = −g m1 2 (9-10)
−g m2 − sCF 0 g o2 + sC2 + YD 0 V2
0 −sCC g m3 GL + sCL + sCC Vo 0
[ 0 ]

Applying Cramer’s rule to solve for Vo from Eq. (9-10):

go1 +sC1 −gmc −sCF −gm1 i
| V |
0 gmc +sCC 0 −gm1 i
| 2|
−gm2 −sCF 0 go2 +sC2 +YD 0
0 −sCC gm3 0
Vo = go1 +sC1 −gmc −sCF 0
0 gmc +sCC 0 −sCC
| |
−gm2 −sCF 0 go2 +sC2 +YD 0
0 −sCC gm3 GL +sCL +sCC

Using cofactor expansion of the numerator determinant along its fourth column:
0 gmc +sCC 0 go1 +sC1 −gmc −sCF
gm1 i|−gm2 −sCF 0 go2 +sC2 +YD |−gm1 i|−gm2 −sCF 0 go2 +sC2 +YD |
2 2
0 −sCC gm3 0 −sCC gm3
Vo = go1 +sC1 −gmc −sCF 0
0 gmc +sCC 0 −sCC
| |
−gm2 −sCF 0 go2 +sC2 +YD 0
0 −sCC gm3 GL +sCL +sCC

Whence we find the transfer function to be:

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 9 Three-Stage Amplifier Cascode-Miller, Passive FF CS

0 gmc +sCC 0 go1 +sC1 −gmc −sCF

gm1 g
|−gm2 −sCF 0 go2 +sC2 +YD | − m1 |−gm2 −sCF 0 go2 +sC2 +YD |
2 2
Vo (s) 0 −sCC gm3 0 −sCC gm3
Av (s) = = go1 +sC1 −gmc −sCF 0
Vi (s)
0 gmc +sCC 0 −sCC
| |
−gm2 −sCF 0 go2 +sC2 +YD 0
0 −sCC gm3 GL +sCL +sCC

For the first determinant in the numerator, we replace its third column with the sum of its first
and third columns. For the second determinant in the numerator, we replace its first column
with the sum of its first and second columns. For the denominator determinant we replace its
third column with the sum of its first and third columns and its second column by the sum of
its second and fourth columns and using Eq. (9-9) for simplification:
0 gmc +sCC 0 go1 −gmc +sC1 −gmc −sCF
|−gm2 −sCF 0 go2 −gm2 +scp2 +YD |− gm1 | −gm2 −sCF 0 go2 +sC2 +YD |
2 2
0 −sCC gm3 −sCC −sCC gm3
Av (s) = go1 +sC1 −gmc go1 +scp1 0
0 gmc 0 −sCC
|−g −sC 0 go2 −gm2 +scp2 +YD 0 |
m2 F
0 GL +sCL gm3 GL +sCL +sCC

Now we replace the third column of the second determinant in the numerator by the sum of
its first and third columns and using Eq. (9-9) for simplification:
0 gmc +sCC 0 go1 −gmc +sC1 −gmc go1 −gmc +scp1
|−gm2 −sCF 0 go2 −gm2 +scp2 +YD |− gm1 | −gm2 −sCF 0 go2 −gm2 +scp2 +YD |
2 2
0 −sCC gm3 −sCC −sCC gm3
Av (s) = go1 +sC1 −gmc go1 +scp1 0
0 gmc 0 −sCC
|−g −sC 0 go2 −gm2 +scp2 +YD 0 |
m2 F
0 GL +sCL gm3 GL +sCL +sCC

Approximating the above using Eq. (9-4):

0 gmc +sCC 0 −gmc +sC1 −gmc −gmc +scp1
|−gm2 −sCF 0 −gm2 +scp2 +YD |− gm1 |−gm2 −sCF 0 −gm2 +scp2 +YD |
2 2
0 −sCC gm3 −sCC −sCC gm3
̃ v (s) =
A go1 +sC1 −gmc go1 +scp1 0
0 gmc 0 −sCC
| |
−gm2 −sCF 0 go2 −gm2 +scp2 +YD 0
0 GL +sCL gm3 GL +sCL +sCC

We now factor out g m2 , g mc , g m3 from the first, second, third columns respectively of the
first numerator determinant and −g m2 , g mc , g m3 from the first, second, third columns
respectively of the second numerator determinant. At the same time, we factor out g o1 , g mc ,
g o2 and GL from the first, second, third and fourth columns respectively of the denominator
determinant to arrive at:

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Chapter 9 Three-Stage Amplifier Cascode-Miller, Passive FF CS

sCC gmc sC1 g scp1

0 1+ 0 − −1 − mc +
gmc gm2 gm2 gm3 gm3
1 | sC g scp2 YD | | sC gm2 scp2 YD |
g g g g −1− F 0 − m2 + + + 1+g F 0 − + +
2 m1 m2 mc m3 | gm2 gm3 gm3 gm3 | | m2 gm3 gm3 gm3 |
sC sCC sC
[ 0 − C 1 − C 1 ]
gm2 gmc
̃ v (s) =
sC go1 scp1
1+ 1 −1 + 0
go1 go2 go2
| sC |
0 1 0 − C
go1 gmc go2 GL g sC g scp2 YD
− m2 − F 0 1− m2 + + 0
| go1 go1 go2 go2 go2 |
GL sCL gm3 sC sC
0 + 1+ L + C
gmc gmc go2 GL GL

Replacing conductances using Eq. (9-2) and admittances using Eq. (9-3) and simplifying:
0 1+ 0
| sgm2 RD CD |
1 sC g scp2
g g g r r R gm3
2 m1 m2 m3 o1 o2 L −1− F 0 − m2 + +
| gm2 gm3 gm3 sRD CD +1 |
[ 0 − 1
gmc sC1 g sc p1
− −1 − mc +
gm2 gm2 gm3 gm3
| sgm2 RD CD |
+ 1+ sCF g scp2 gm3
0 − m2 + +
| gm2 gm3 gm3 sRD CD +1 |
− 1 ]
gm2 gmc
̃ v (s) =
A ro2
1+sC1 ro1 −1 +scp1 ro2 0
| 0 1 0 −sCC RL |
sg r R C
−gm2 ro1 −sCF ro1 0 1−gm2 ro2 +scp2 ro2 + m2 o2 D D 0
sRD CD +1
| |
1 sC
0 + L gm3 ro2 1+sCL RL +sCC RL
gmc RL gmc

We now factor out from the third column of both numerator and denominator
sRD CD +1
determinants. This factor, being common to both the numerator and denominator, cancel out
leaving behind:
0 1+ 0
1 | sC g scp2 sg R C |
g g g r r R −1− F 0 (sRD CD +1)(− m2 + )+ m2 D D
2 m1 m2 m3 o1 o2 L | gm2 gm3 gm3 gm3 |
[ 0 − sRD CD +1
gmc sC1 gmc scp1
− −1 (sRD CD +1)(− + )
gm2 gm2 gm3 gm3
| sC gm2 scp2 sgm2 RD CD |
+ 1+g F 0 (sRD CD +1)(− +
gm3 gm3
| m2 |
− sRD CD +1 ]
gm2 gmc
̃v =
A r
1+sC1 ro1 −1 (sRD CD +1)( o2 +scp1 ro2 ) 0
| 0 1 0 −sCC RL |
−gm2 ro1 −sCF ro1 0 (sRD CD +1)(1−gm2 ro2 +scp2 ro2 )+sgm2 ro2 RD CD 0
| |
1 sCL
0 + gm3 ro2 (sRD CD +1) 1+sCL RL +sCC RL
gmc RL gmc

We may fully expand the numerator determinants now. An inspection of the elements of the
numerator determinants show that the numerator polynomial is of degree 4. A full expansion
results in unmanageably large number of terms. We do not present all the terms here but use

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 9 Three-Stage Amplifier Cascode-Miller, Passive FF CS

Eq. (9-4) to approximate the results of the expansion. At the same time, we simplify the
element 𝑎33 of the denominator determinant to obtain:
C C C R 1 1
gm1 gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL [−s4 +s3 F C D D ( + )
gm2 gmc gm3 2gm2 gmc gm3
C C 1 1 C C C C R 1 1 C C R
+s2 { F C ( + )+ 1 C + C D D ( + )+ F D D }
2gm2 gmc gm3 2gmc gm3 2 gmc gm3 gm2
CC 1 1 CF
+s{ ( + )+ +CD RD }+1]
2 gmc gm3 gm2
̃ v (s) =
A r
1+sC1 ro1 −1 (sRD CD +1)( o2 +scp1 ro2 ) 0
| 0 1 0 −sCC RL |
−gm2 ro1 −sCF ro1 0 1−gm2 ro2 +sRD CD +scp2 ro2 (sRD CD +1) 0
| |
1 sCL
0 + gm3 ro2 (sRD CD +1) 1+sCL RL +sCC RL
gmc RL gmc

The denominator determinant may be fully expanded now. An inspection of the elements of
the denominator determinant show that the denominator polynomial is of degree 5. A full
expansion yields an unmanageably large number of terms. We do not present all the terms
here but approximate and simplify the denominator using Eqs. (9-4) and (9-9). Thus, we
arrive at the transfer function in its final form as:
cp2 CF CC CD RDC C C R 1 1
gm1 gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL [−s4 +s3 F C D D ( + )
gm2 gmc gm3 2gm2 gmc gm3
C F CC( 1 1 C1 CC + CC CD R D 1 1 C C R
+s2 { + )+ ( + )+ F D D }
2gm2 gmc gm3 2gmc gm3 2 gmc gm3 gm2
CC 1 1 CF
+s{ ( + )+ +CD RD }+1]
2 gmc gm3 gm2
̃ v (s) =
A (9-11)
(cp1 +cp2 )CF CC CL CD ro1 ro2 RD RL g
s5 +s4 [cp1 CC CL m2 +(cp1 +cp2 )CF (CC +CL )]CD ro1 ro2 RD RL
gmc gmc
+s3 CF CC CD gm3 ro1 ro2 RD RL +s2 CC CD gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RD RL +sCC gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL +1

9.3. Poles and Zeros of the Transfer Function


For factorisation, we need to approximate the coefficient of ‘s2’ in the numerator of (9-11)
further. We assume the last two terms are much larger than the first two terms, meaning:
C 1 1 C CF C 1 1 g C CC
CD R D [ 2C (g +g )+g F ] ≫g [ 2C (g + g ) + 2g m2g 1 ]
mc m3 m2 m2 mc m3 mc m3 CF

The above can be reduced, with the help of (9-9), to:

CF g2 C
CD R D ≫ g provided CF ≥ 2gm2g C (9-12)
m2 mc m3

However, we drop only the second term in the coefficient of ‘s2’ to re-write Eq. (9-11) as:
cp2 CF CC CD RDC C C R 1 1
gm1 gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL [−s4 +s3 { F C D D ( + )}
gm2 gmc gm3 2gm2 gmc gm3
C C 1 1 C C R 1 1 C C R
+s2 { F C ( + )+ C D D ( + )+ F D D }
2gm2 gmc gm3 2 gmc gm3 gm2
CC 1 1 CF
+s{ ( + )+ +CD RD }+1]
2 gmc gm3 gm2
̃ v (s) =
A (cp1 +cp2 )CF CC CL CD ro1 ro2 RD RL g
s5 +s4 [cp1 CC CL m2 +(cp1 +cp2 )CF (CC +CL )]CD ro1 ro2 RD RL
gmc gmc
+s3 CF CC CD gm3 ro1 ro2 RD RL +s2 CC CD gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RD RL +sCC gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL +1

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 9 Three-Stage Amplifier Cascode-Miller, Passive FF CS

Subsequently, factorising the numerator using Eq. (2-58) with m = 3 and the denominator
using Eq. (2-40), we arrive at:
C C C R 1 1 C C 1 1 C C R 1 1 C C R
gm1 gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL [s3 F C D D ( + )+s2 { F C ( + )+ C D D ( + )+ F D D }
2gm2 gmc gm3 2gm2 gmc gm3 2 gmc gm3 gm2
CC 1 1 CF 2cp2
+s{ ( + )+ +CD RD }+1](−s +1)
2 gmc gm3 gm2 gmc +gm3
̃ v (s) =
A (cp1 +cp2 )CF CL CD RD (cp1 +cp2 )CF CL CD RD C C R
(sCC gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL +1)[s4 +s3 +s2 F D D +sCD RD +1]
gmc gm2 gm3 gm2 gm3 C3 gm2


1 cp1 gm2 1 1 1
= [(c ]C + C + C (9-13)
C3 p1 +cp2 )gmc F L C

Factorizing, once more, the numerator using Eq. (2-30) and denominator using Eq. (2-40):
C C 1 1 2cp2
gm1 gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL (sCD RD +1)(s F +1)[s C ( + )+1](−s +1)
gm2 2 gmc gm3 gmc +gm3
̃ v (s) =
A (cp1 +cp2 )CF CL (cp1 +cp2 )CF CL C
(sCC gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL +1)(sCD RD +1)[s3 +s2 +s F +1]
gmc gm2 gm3 gm2 gm3 C3 gm2

The factor (sCD R D + 1) appears in both the numerator and denominator and, therefore,
cancel out and we arrive at the factorised transfer function in its final form as:
C C 1 1 2cp2
gm1 gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL (s F +1)[s C ( + )+1](−s +1)
gm2 2 gmc gm3 gmc +gm3
̃ v (s) =
A (9-14)
(cp1 +cp2 )CF CL (cp1 +cp2 )CF CL C
(sCC gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL +1)[s3 +s2 +s F +1]
gmc gm2 gm3 gm2 gm3 C3 gm2

The cubic polynomial in the denominator of Eq. (9-14) cannot be factorised using any of the
methods described in Section 2.2. Therefore, we must leave it unfactorized. The last three
poles of Eq. (9-14) will be located using PZL parameters as described in Section 2.4.3.

Poles and Zeros

Writing Eq. (9-14) in terms of its poles and zeros:

A0 (sτz1 +1)(sτz2 +1)(sτz3 +1)
̃ v (s) =
A 2 τ2 +2sδ (9-15)
(sτ p1 +1)(s p23 p23 τp23 +1)(sτp4 +1)

Comparing Eqs. (9-14) and (9-15), the first pole is given by:
1 1
ωp1 = τ =C (9-16)
p1 C gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL

The first zero is given by:

1 gm2
ωz1 = τ = (9-17)
z1 CF

The second zero is given by:

1 2
ωz2 = τ = 1 1 (9-18)
z2 CC ( + )
gmc gm3

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 9 Three-Stage Amplifier Cascode-Miller, Passive FF CS

and the third (right-half plane) zero is given by:

1 gmc +gm3
ωz3 = τ = − (9-19)
z3 2cp2

9.4. Design to Meet Specifications

9.4.1. Design Equations

DC Gain and Unity-Gain Frequency

Comparing Eqs. (9-14) and (9-15) magnitude of the DC gain is given by:

A0 = g m1 g m2 g m3 ro1 ro2 R L (9-20)

We decide ωp1 to be the dominant pole. Then. using Eqs. (2-63), (9-16) and (9-20) the unity-
gain frequency is given by:
ω0 = (9-21)

Defining PZL Parameters

We do not define a PZL parameter for locating ωp1 noting that it is a low-frequency far-away
pole. However, it can be written in terms of ω0 by re-writing Eq. (2-63) as:
ωp1 = (9-22)

We define PZL parameters σ, μ and λ for ωp23 , ωp4 and ωz1 such that:

ωp23 = σω0 (9-23)

ωp4 = λωp23 = σλω0 (9-24)

ωz1 = μωp23 = σμω0 (9-25)

We now combine Eqs. (9-18) and (9-21) to obtain:

ωz2 = gm1 g ω0 (9-26)
+ m1
2gmc 2gm3

Eq. (9-26) relates ωz2 to ω0 with transconductance ratios to be determined later. Therefore,
we do not define a PZL parameter for it. We do not define a PZL parameter for ωz3 too since
it is a high-frequency far-away zero, but we combine Eqs. (9-19) and (9-21) to obtain:
(gmc +gm3 )CC
ωz3 = − ω0 (9-27)
2gm1 cp2

Circuit Parameters in terms of PZL Parameters

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 9 Three-Stage Amplifier Cascode-Miller, Passive FF CS

Substituting Eqs. (9-23) and (9-24) into the last two factors in the denominator of Eq. (9-15)
and multiplying those, we arrive at the cubic polynomial:
1 λ+2δp23 1+2λδp23
s 3 σ3 λω3 + s 2 +s +1
0 σ2 λω20 σλω0

Equating the above with the cubic polynomial (the second factor) in the denominator of (9-
14) we find:

1 (cp1 +cp2 )CF CL

= (9-28)
σ3 λω30 gmc gm2 gm3

λ+2δp23 (cp1 +cp2 )CF CL

= (9-29)
σ2 λω20 gm2 gm3 C3

1+2λδp23 CF
=g (9-30)
σλω0 m2

Combining (9-17), (9-25) and (9-30):

1 1
δp23 = 2μ − 2λ (9-31)

Combining Eqs. (9-17), (9-21) and (9-25):

gm2 σμCF
= (9-32)
gm1 CC

Combining Eqs. (9-21), (9-28), (9-29) and (9-31):

gmc σ(1+μλ− )C3
= (9-33)
gm1 μCC

Combining Eqs. (9-21), (9-29), (9-30) and (9-31):

gm3 σλ(cp1 +cp2 )CL

= μ (9-34)
gm1 (1+μλ− )C3 CC

Stability Equation (Phase Margin)

Setting s = jω0 in Eq. (9-15) and using Eq. (2-77), the phase margin is given by:

ϕm = 1800 + tan−1(ω0 τz1 ) + tan−1(ω0 τz2 ) + tan−1(ω0 τz3 ) − tan−1(ω0 τp1 )

2ω0 δp23 τp23

− tan−1 ( ) − tan−1 (ω0 τp4 )
1−ω20 τ2p23

Substituting Eqs. (9-22) to (9-27) in the above we arrive at:

1 g g 2gm1 cp2
ϕm = 1800 + tan−1 (σμ) + tan−1 (2gm1 + 2gm1 ) − tan−1 [(g ]
mc m3 mc +gm3 )CC

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 9 Three-Stage Amplifier Cascode-Miller, Passive FF CS

2σ 1
− tan−1(A0 ) − tan−1 [( ) δp23 ] − tan−1 ( ) (9-35)
σ2 −1 σλ

9.4.2. Design Calculations

The table below lists the target performance parameters of the amplifier.

Tab. 9-2. Amplifier specifications.

No. Performance parameters Symbol Value Units

1 Magnitude of DC gain A0 > 100 dB
2 Unity gain frequency f0 ~ 50 MHz
3 Phase margin ϕm > 60 degrees
4 Gain margin Gm > 10 dB
5 Resistive load RL 10 kΩ
6 Capacitive load CL 20 pF

Deciding PZL and Circuit Parameter Values

To meet the specifications in Tab. 9-2 we proceed as follows:

We decide on σ = 3, μ = 3 and λ = 2 locating ωz slightly behind and ωp4 ahead of ωp23 in
frequency with σμ = 2 and σλ = 6. Using these values of σ, μ and λ in Eq. (9-35), assuming
A0 to be a large number and neglecting contributions due to ωz2 and ωz3 , the estimated phase
̃ m = 86.550 .
margin is ϕ

Next, we find δp23 = 0.5 using Eq. (9-31).

Using g m1 = 500μS and CC = 1.6pF, f0 = 49.74MHz from Eq. (9-21).

We use cp1 = 100fF, cp2 = 200fF and CF = 1pF

Then, g m2 = 625μS using Eq. (9-32).

Next, we find g mc = 3.86mS and C3 = 1.372pF using Eqs. (9-13) and (9-33).

Subsequently, we find g m3 = 4.1mS using Eq. (9-34).

We choose R D = 20kΩ and CD = 1pF so that the requirements in Eq. (9-12) are met.

Using ro1 = 200kΩ and ro2 = 160kΩ, the DC gain is found to be A0 = 410,000 ≈
112.26dB from Eq. (9-20).

Now, we can find a more accurate phase margin figure using (9-35):

ϕm = 1800 + 26.570 + 7.170 − 0.90 − 900 − 20.560 − 9.460 = 92.820 .

Based on the above calculations and Fig. 9-1, the circuit parameters, frequency parameters
and estimated cell statistics for the amplifier are summarised in the following three tables:

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 9 Three-Stage Amplifier Cascode-Miller, Passive FF CS

Tab. 9-3. Design values for circuit parameters.

No. Circuit parameters Symbol Value Units

1 First stage transconductance g m1 500 μS
2 First stage resistive load ro1 200 kΩ
3 First stage capacitive load cp1 100 fF
4 Second stage transconductance g m2 625 μS
5 Second stage resistive load ro2 160 kΩ
6 Second stage capacitive load cp2 200 fF
7 Third stage transconductance g m3 4.1 mS
8 Third stage resistive load RL 10 kΩ
9 Third stage capacitive load CL 20 pF
10 Cascode transistor transconductance g mc 3.86 mS
11 Compensation capacitor CC 1.6 pF
12 Feedforward capacitor CF 1 pF
13 Second stage bandwidth limiting resistance RD 20 kΩ
14 Second stage bandwidth limiting capacitance CD 1 pF

Tab. 9-4. Design values for frequency parameters.

No. Description Symbol Value Units

1 First pole fp1 121.32 Hz
2 Unity gain frequency f0 49.74 MHz
3 First zero fz1 99.48 MHz
4 Second/third pole fp23 (δp23 ) 149.22 (0.5) MHz (−)
5 Fourth pole fp4 298.44 MHz
6 Second zero fz2 394.94 MHz
7 Third zero fz3 3.17 (RHP) GHz

Tab. 9-5. Amplifier cell statistics estimated for ABC process technology (Appendix 18).

No. Cell statistic Symbol Value Units

1 Cell area excluding RL1 and CL1 Acell 58 × 58 μm2
2 Power consumption @ VDD − VSS = 1.5V Pcell 255 μW

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 9 Three-Stage Amplifier Cascode-Miller, Passive FF CS

9.4.3. Design Evaluation

Unity feedback factor loop-gain response plots can be obtained from the transfer function in
Eq. (9-11). Appendix 9 lists all necessary formulae. The plots, using parameter values in Tab.
9-3, are shown in Figs. 9-4 and 9-5. Performance parameters for the amplifier may be read
off from the plots or from the plot data in Tab. 9-7. The table below compares these figures
with those calculated in previous sub-section and the specifications in Tab. 9-2.

Tab. 9-6. Comparison of performance parameters.

No. Performance parameters Symbol Calculated Evaluated Specs. Units

1 DC gain magnitude A0 112.26 112 > 100 dB
2 Unity gain frequency f0 /fc 49.74 70 ~ 50 MHz
3 Phase margin ϕm 92.82 88 > 60 degrees
4 Phase crossover frequency fπ − 400 − MHz
5 Gain margin Gm − 22 > 10 dB

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 9 Three-Stage Amplifier Cascode-Miller, Passive FF CS

Fig 9.4. Unity feedback factor loop-gain magnitude response for the amplifier.

Fig 9.5. Unity feedback factor loop-gain phase response for the amplifier.

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 9 Three-Stage Amplifier Cascode-Miller, Passive FF CS

Tab. 9-7. Data listing for loop-gain response plots in Figs. 9.4 and 9.5.

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 9 Three-Stage Amplifier Cascode-Miller, Passive FF CS

9.5. Concluding Remarks

As can be seen from Eq. (9-20), this amplifier can be designed to provide sufficiently high
DC gains with large or medium values of R L . The DC gain does drop with small R L values
but not as much as the amplifiers in Chapters 4 and 5 because of the presence of one more
amplifying stage. The amplifiers in Chapters 6 to 8 behave similarly.

Examining Eq. (9-13) with the help of Eq. (9-4) we can check that (cp1 + cp2 ): C3 in Eq. (9-
34) is a small ratio for large values of CL . Therefore, this amplifier can be designed to drive
large values of CL without needing large values of g m3 . On the other hand, when CL is small,
then Eq. (9-13) shows C3 is small too. In such a case, Eqs. (9-33) and (9-34) show that small
values of g m3 and g mc must be used. However, usage of small g m3 values pose more
problems than that of small g mc values since the former causes the DC gain to drop.

However, Eqs. (8-30) and (8-31) also show that by choosing PZL and circuit parameters
appropriately, the abovementioned problem with small CL values can be overcome to some
extent. In conclusion, this amplifier behaves more like the one in Chapters 5 with capacitive
loads but without the issue of multiple gain-crossovers mentioned in Section 5.5.

Eqs. (5-36), (6-32), (7-29), (8-32) and (9-31) show that like amplifiers in Chapters 5 and 7
and unlike amplifiers in Chapters 6 and 8, high enough δp23 values are difficult to obtain for
this amplifier. Consequently, the loop-gain magnitude and phase plots are not as smooth as
those for the amplifiers in Chapters 4, 6 and 8. Large g mc values are needed but as mentioned
in Section 5.5, the problem can be overcome using the technique described in [R1-13].

Tab. 8-6 shows that the evaluated fc value deviates significantly from the calculated f0 one,
and this reflects in the ϕm value too. As discussed in Section 2.4.5, this is likely to happen
since both fz1 and fp23 are located close to f0 with fz1 being closer, as shown in Tab. 9-4. A
relatively small δp23 value also is a contributing factor. Approximation errors involved in
finding high frequency poles/zeros may have contributed too, judging by the fact that the
abovementioned deviation is substantially large.

The first four rows of Tab. A17-3 show that this amplifier consumes the second largest area
but the second lowest power among all the three-stage amplifiers discussed so far.

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 10 Three-Stage Amplifier Miller CS

Three-Stage Amplifier with Centre-Stage Miller Compensation

10.1. Introductory Notes

By the turn of the twenty-first century, reduction in DC gain for two-stage amplifiers became
noticeable as the gain per stage due to technology scaling eventually came down markedly.
Researchers developed several methods for compensating a three-stage amplifier [R1-4-
8,10,12,14,15] over time. We studied some of those in Chapters 6 to 9. However, engineers in
the industry were reluctant to deviate too much from the trusted two-stage designs discussed
in Chapters 4 and 5. They wanted a simple solution to the three-stage amplifier compensation

In this chapter we shall be discussing a three-stage amplifier design that simply adds an extra
inverting stage at the output of a two-stage Miller compensated amplifier discussed in
Chapter 4. This design was probably in use by 2015 in the industry but has remained
relatively unknown. As far as it is known, no paper on this amplifier is available in
international journals or conference proceedings. However, the same appears embedded in an
application published as a 2016 industry co-supervised student dissertation [R2-13].

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 10 Three-Stage Amplifier Miller CS

10.2. Circuit Analysis and Transfer Function

Circuit diagram

Fig. 10-1. Circuit schematic for the amplifier.

The circuit parameters are defined below:

Tab. 10-1. Circuit parameters for amplifier.

No. Circuit parameter Symbol

1 First stage transconductance (MP1 or MP2) g m1
2 Net resistance loading first stage (node N1) ro1
3 Net capacitance loading first stage (node N1) cp1
4 Second stage transconductance (MN3) g m2
5 Net resistance loading second stage (node N2) ro2
6 Net capacitance loading second stage (node N2) cp2
7 Third stage transconductance (MN4) g m3
8 Net resistance loading third stage (node OUT) RL
9 Net capacitance loading third stage (node OUT) CL
10 Compensation resistance RC
11 Compensation capacitance CC

Block diagram

Fig. 10-2. Block diagram for the amplifier

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 10 Three-Stage Amplifier Miller CS

We refer to Figs. 10-1, 10-2 and Tab. 10-1. It can be observed that Fig. 10-2 differs from Fig.
4-2 essentially by the addition of an inverting stage comprising of transistors MN4 and MP5
and represented by the block marked g m3 where g m3 is the transconductance of MN4. In
addition to this, the terminals named INM and INP are interchanged.

Small-Signal Equivalent Circuit

The small-signal equivalent circuit for the amplifier can be drawn from its block diagram as
shown below:

Fig. 10-3. Simplified small-signal equivalent circuit for the amplifier

Other than low-frequency MOS models being used, the first stage of the amplifier has been
simplified in Fig. 10-3 as per discussions in Section 3.5.

Network Equations and Solutions

Since this amplifier simply adds a third stage to the amplifier in Chapter 4, we may borrow
useful results from that chapter and make necessary changes and additions. It can be noted
that elements R L and CL and node OUT in Fig. 4.3 are ro2 and cp2 and N2 respectively in Fig.
10-3. We may now obtain the transfer function for the first two stages in Fig. 10-3 applying
these changes to Eq. (4-7) and approximating the result using Eq. (4-3) to arrive at:
V2 (s) gm1 gm2 ro1 ro2 [sCc (RC − )+1]
̃ v1,2 (s) =
A = cp1 cp2
Vi (s) s3 cp1 cp2 CC ro1 ro2 RC + s2 (cp1 +cp2 + )CC ro1 ro2 + sCc gm2 ro1 ro2 +1

Applying Laplace transforms and KCL at node OUT in Fig. 10-3:

g m3 V2 + (GL + sCL )Vo = 0 where GL is given by Eq. (4-1).

We may obtain the transfer function of the third stage from the above and Eq. (4-1) as:
V (s) −gm3 −g R
Av3 (s) = Vo(s) = G = sC m3 L
2 L +sCL R +1

Using Eqs. (10-1) in (10-2) we can find the overall transfer function of the amplifier as:

̃ v1,2 Av3 = Vo (s) , whence we have:

̃ v (s) = A
A V (s) i

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 10 Three-Stage Amplifier Miller CS

−gm1 gm2 gm3 r01 ro2 RL [sCC (RC − )+1]
̃ v (s) =
A cp1 cp2
(sCL RL +1)[s3 cp1 cp2 CC r01 ro2 RC + s2 (cp1 +cp2 + )CC ro1 ro2 + sCc gm2 ro1 ro2 +1]

10.3. Poles and Zeros of the Transfer Function


Factorisation the cubic polynomial in the denominator of Eq. (10-3) using Eq. (2-40):
−gm1 gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL (sCC RZ +1)
̃ v (s) =
A cp1 cp2 (10-4)
cp1 cp2 RC cp1 +cp2 +
(sCC gm2 r01 ro2 +1)(sCL RL +1)[s2 +s + 1]
gm2 gm2

1 gm2 RC −1
where, RZ = RC − g = (10-5)
m2 gm2

Poles and Zeros

Writing Eq. (10-4) in terms of its poles and zero:

−A0 (sτZ +1)
̃ v (s) =
A 2 τ2 +2sδ (10-6)
(sτ p1 +1)(sτp2 +1)(s p34 p34 τp34 +1)

Comparing Eqs. (10-4) and (10-6), the first pole is given by:
1 1
ωp1 = τ =g (10-7)
p1 m2 ro1 ro2 CC

The second pole is given by:

1 1
ωp2 = τ =C (10-8)
p2 L RL

Using Eq. (2-19) the natural frequency and damping factor of the third and fourth poles are
given by:

ωp34 = √c (10-9)
p1 cp2 RC

1 cp2 cp1 √cp1 cp2

δp34 = 2√g [√c + √c + ] (10-10)
m2 RC p1 p2 CC

And the zero is given by:

1 1
ωz = τ = C (10-11)
z c RZ

10.4. Design to Meet Specifications

10.4.1. Design Equations

DC gain and unity-gain frequency

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 10 Three-Stage Amplifier Miller CS

Comparing Eqs. (10-4) and (10-5) magnitude of the DC gain is given by:

A0 = g m1 g m2 g m3 ro1 ro2 R L (10-12)

We decide to use phase-lead compensation with ωp1 , ωp2 and ωz below the unity-gain
frequency ω0 . Therefore, using Eqs. (2-66), (10-7), (10-8), (10-11) and (10-12) we find:
gm1 gm3 RZ
ω0 = (10-13)

Defining PZL Parameters

We do not define any PZL parameter for ωp1 and ωp2 noting those to be low-frequency far-
away poles. However, we can express those in terms of ω0 combining Eqs. (10-7) and (10-8)
with Eqs. (10-12) and (10-13) such as:
ω A 0 C C RZ
ωp1 = A 0 where A01 = (10-14)
01 C L RL

ω A 0 RZ
ωp2 = A 0 where A02 = g (10-15)
02 m2 ro1 ro2

We define PZL parameters σ and μ for ωp34 and ωz such that:

ωp34 = σω0 (10-16)

ωz = μωp2 = σμω0 (10-17)

Circuit Parameters in terms of PZL parameters

Combining Eqs. (10-9), (10-11), (10-16) and (10-17) we arrive at the quadratic equation:

√cp1 cp2
g m2 R C − √g m2 R C − 1 = 0 (10-18)

Using Eq, (2-14) the only possible solution for Eq. (10-18) is given by:

κ√cp1 cp2 4μ2 C2C

√g m2 R C = 2μCC
where, κ = 1 + √1 + c (10-19)
p1 cp2

Combining Eqs. (10-11), (10-13) and (10-17):

1 C
RZ = √CL (10-20)
√σμgm1 gm3 C

Using (10-20) in (10-13):

m1 gm3
ω0 = √ σμC (10-21)

Combining Eqs. (10-5) and (10-20) and using Eq. (10-19) in the result:

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 10 Three-Stage Amplifier Miller CS

gm2 κ2 cp1 cp2 σμCC

=( − 1) √ (10-22)
√gm1 gm3 4μ2 C2C CL

Using (10-19) in (10-10):

μ C C
δp34 = κ (1 + c C + c C ) (10-23)
p1 p2

Stability Equation (Phase Margin)

Setting s = jω0 in Eq. (10-6) and using Eq. (2-77), the phase margin is given by:

2ω0 δp34 τp34

ϕm = 1800 + tan−1 (ω0 τz ) − tan−1 (ω0 τp1 ) − tan−1 (ω0 τp2 ) − tan−1 ( )
1−ω20 τ2p34

Substituting (10-14) to (10-17) in above we arrive at:

1 2σ
ϕm = 1800 + tan−1 (σμ) − tan−1 (A01 ) − tan−1 (A02 ) − tan−1 [(σ2−1) δp34 ] (10-24)

10.4.2. Design Calculations

The table below lists the target performance parameters of the amplifier:

Tab. 10-2. Amplifier specifications.

No. Performance parameters Symbol Value Units

1 Magnitude of DC gain A0 > 100 dB
2 Unity gain frequency f0 ~ 50 MHz
3 Phase margin ϕm > 60 degrees
4 Gain margin Gm > 10 dB
5 Resistive load RL 10 kΩ
6 Capacitive load CL 30 pF

Deciding PZL and Circuit Parameter Values

To meet the specifications in Tab. 10-2 we proceed as follows:

We decide on σ = 6 and μ = 24 , locating ωp34 above and ωz below ω0 in frequency with
σμ = 4. Using these values of σ and μ in Eq. (10-24) and assuming A01 , A02 to be large
̃ m = 65.530 .
numbers, the estimated phase margin is ϕ

We use cp1 = 100fF and cp2 = 200fF and Cc = 2.2pF.

Then, κ = 2.637 using (10-19) and δp34 = 0.537 using (10-23).

From Eq. (10-21) we see that we must have √g m1 g m3 = 1.275mS for f0 = 49.96MHz.

We decide on g m1 = 500μS and g m3 = 3.25mS to meet the above requirement.

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 10 Three-Stage Amplifier Miller CS

Then, g m2 = 542μS using Eq. (10-22), R C = 7.633kΩ using Eq. (10-19) and R Z = 5.788kΩ
using Eq. (10-5).

Using ro1 = 200kΩ, ro2 = 200kΩ we find A0 = 352,300 ≈ 110.94dB, A01 = 14,953.49

and A02 = 94.06 respectively from Eqs. (10-12), (10-14) and (10-15).

Now, we can find a more accurate phase margin figure using Eq. (10-24):

ϕm = 1800 + 75.960 − 900 − 89.390 − 10.430 = 66.140 .

Based on the above calculations and Fig. 10-1, the circuit parameters, frequency parameters
and estimated cell statistics for the amplifier are summarised in the following three tables:

Tab. 10.3. Design values for circuit parameters.

No. Circuit parameters Symbol Value Units

1 First stage transconductance g m1 500 μS
2 First stage resistive load ro1 200 kΩ
3 First stage capacitive load cp1 100 fF
4 Second stage transconductance g m2 542 μS
5 Second stage resistive load ro2 200 kΩ
6 Second stage capacitive load cp2 200 fF
7 Third stage transconductance g m3 3.25 mS
8 Resistive load RL 10 kΩ
9 Capacitive load CL 30 pF
10 Compensation resistance RC 7.633 kΩ
11 Compensation capacitance CC 2.2 pF

Tab. 10-4. Design values for frequency parameters.

No. Description Symbol Value Units

1 First pole fp1 3.34 kHz
2 Second pole fp2 531.15 kHz
3 Zero fz 12.49 MHz
4 Unity gain frequency f0 49.96 MHz
5 Third/fourth pole fp34 (δp34 ) 299.76 (0.537) MHz (−)

Tab. 10-5. Amplifier cell statistics estimated for ABC process technology (Appendix 18).

No. Cell statistic Symbol Value Units

1 Cell area excluding RL1 and CL1 Acell 43 × 43 μm2
2 Power consumption @ VDD − VSS = 1.5V Pcell 150 μW

10.4.3. Design Evaluation

Unity feedback factor loop-gain response plots can be obtained from the transfer function in
Eq. (10-3). Appendix 10 lists all necessary formulae. The plots, using parameter values in
Tab. 10-3, are shown in Figs. 10-4 and 10-5. Performance parameters for the amplifier may

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 10 Three-Stage Amplifier Miller CS

be read off from the plots or from the plot data in Tab. 10-7. The table below compares these
figures with those calculated in the previous sub-section and the specifications in Tab. 10-2.

Tab. 10-6. Comparison of performance parameters.

No. Performance parameters Symbol Calculated Evaluated Specs. Units

1 Magnitude of DC gain A0 110.94 111 > 90 dB
2 Unity gain frequency f0 /fc 49.96 50 ~ 50 MHz
3 Phase margin ϕm 66.14 66.1 > 60 degrees
4 Phase crossover frequency fπ − 300 − MHz
5 Gain margin Gm − 17.5 > 10 dB

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 10 Three-Stage Amplifier Miller CS

Fig. 10-4. Unity feedback factor loop-gain magnitude response for the amplifier

Fig. 10-5. Unity feedback factor loop-gain phase response for the amplifier

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 10 Three-Stage Amplifier Miller CS

Tab. 10-7. Data listing for loop-gain response plots in Figs. 10-4 and 10-5.

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 10 Three-Stage Amplifier Miller CS

10.5. Concluding Remarks

As can be seen from Eq. (10-12), this amplifier can be designed to provide sufficiently high
DC gains with large or medium values of R L . The DC gain does drop with small R L values
but not as much as the amplifiers in Chapters 4 and 5 because of the presence of one more
amplifying stage. The amplifiers in Chapters 6 to 9 behave similarly.

Eq. (10-21) shows ω0 , for this amplifier, unlike the amplifiers in Chapters 4 to 9, depends on
CL in addition to CC . This behaviour is caused by the usage of phase-lead compensation
instead of dominant pole compensation. It is also clear from this equation and Eq. (10-17)
that large CL CC values will be needed to locate ωz far below ω0 . However, CC cannot be too
large to optimise cell area and to comply with the restriction in Eq. (10-22) and, therefore, CL
needs to be large. At the same time, both Eqs. (10-21) and (10-22) show the g m1 g m3
requirement for this amplifier is directly proportional to CL . This means the product needs to
be small for small CL values and that will cause loss in DC gain. In summary, this amplifier is
easily designed for large CL values. However, it should also be possible to cater for smaller
CL values by choosing PZL and circuit parameters appropriately.

This amplifier is surprisingly efficient in terms of power and area consumption. It has the best
cell statistics among all three-stage amplifiers we have studied so far, and this will be evident
from the first five rows of Tab. A17-3.

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 11 Two-Stage Amplifier Miller, Active FF

Two-Stage Miller Compensated Amplifier

with Active Feedforward

11.1. Introductory Notes

We came across the usage of “nulling resistor(s)” in series with the Miller compensation
capacitor(s) in Chapters 4 and 6. The objective was to eliminate the right-half s-plane zero(s)
or to re-locate it(those) to the left-half s-plane so that better phase margins could be obtained.

A 1997 publication [R1-5] provided an alternative solution to the above problem. It proposed
replacing the “nulling resistor(s)” with active feedforward circuit(s) that could serve the same
purpose mentioned above. Named by the authors “Nested Gm-C Compensation,” the greatest
advantage of this technique is in the ease of generalization while building multistage

In this chapter we shall be discussing this compensation technique when applied to a two-
stage amplifier. Three-stage and four-stage amplifiers using one and two levels of nesting of
a non-inverting input only version of this two-stage amplifier (referred to as “basic module”
in [R1-5]) will be discussed in the next two chapters.

At the time of publication of this book, this two-stage amplifier has rarely been used in
practice, probably because the amplifier in Chapter 4 is so well-known.

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 11 Two-Stage Amplifier Miller, Active FF

11.2. Circuit Analysis and Transfer Function

Circuit Diagram

Fig. 11-1. Circuit schematic for the amplifier.

The circuit parameters for the amplifier are defined below:

Tab. 11-1. Circuit parameters for amplifier.

No. Circuit parameter Symbol

1 First stage transconductance (MP1 or MP2) g m1
2 Net resistance loading first stage (node N1) ro1
3 Net capacitance loading first stage (node N1) cp1
4 Second stage transconductance (MN6) g m2
5 Net resistance loading second stage (node OUT) RL
6 Net capacitance loading second stage (node OUT) CL
7 Feedforward transconductance (MP1, MN1, MN3, MN4, MN5) g mf1
8 Feedforward transconductance ratio (g mf1 : g m1 ) k1
9 Compensation capacitance CC

Block diagram

Fig. 11-2. Block diagram for the amplifier.

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 11 Two-Stage Amplifier Miller, Active FF

We refer to Figs 11.1 and 11.2 and Table 11.1. Transistors MP1, MP2, MP3, MN1 and MN2
constitute the first stage represented by the block marked g m1 where g m1 is the
transconductance of either MP1 or MP2. Transistors MN6 and MP5 constitute the second stage
represented by the block marked g m2 where g m2 is the transconductance of MN6. The
feedforward path with transconductance g mf1 is provided through transistors MP1, MN1, MN3,
MN4 and MN5 and is represented by the block marked g mf1 where g mf1 is a function of the
transconductances of the constituent transistors given by:
g g
g mf1 = k1 g m1 where k1 = 2gmN3 gmN5 (11-1)
mN1 mN4

Small-Signal Equivalent Circuit

The small-signal equivalent circuit for the amplifier can be drawn from its block diagram as
shown below:

Fig. 11-3. Simplified small-signal equivalent circuit for the amplifier.

Other than low-frequency MOS models being used, the first stage of the amplifier has been
simplified in Fig. 11-3 as per discussions in Section 3.5. Any parasitic capacitance associated
with g mf1 has been neglected too.

Network Equations and Solutions

For convenience, we shall consider conductances instead of resistances such as:

1 1
g o1 = r , GL = R (11-2)
o1 L

We shall assume the following to approximate some results later:

g m1 , g m2 ≫ g o1 , GL ; cp1 ≪ CC , CL and k1 < 10 (11-3)

Applying Laplace transforms and KCL to nodes N1 and OUT in Fig. 11-3:

(g o1 + scp1 + sCC )V1 − sCC Vo = g m1 Vi (11-4)

(g m2 − sCC )V1 + ( GL + sCL + sCC )Vo = −g mf1 Vi (11-5)

We now define:
Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 11 Two-Stage Amplifier Miller, Active FF

C1 = cp1 + CC , CT = CL + CC (11-6)

Eqs. (11-4) and (11-5) can be written in vector-matrix form using (11-1) and (11-6) as:

g o1 + sC1 −sCC V g V
[ ] [ 1 ] = [ m1 i ] (11-7)
g m2 − sCC GL + sCT Vo −k1 g m1 Vi

Applying Cramer’s rule to solve for Vo from Eq. (11-7):

g +sC1 gm1 Vi
| o1 |
gm2 −sCC −k1 gm1 Vi
Vo = go1 +sC1 −sCC
| |
gm2 −sCC GL +sCT

Expanding the numerator determinant:

−k1 gm1 Vi (go1 +sC1 )−gm1 Vi (gm2 −sCC )
Vo = g +sC1 −sCC
| o1 |
gm2 −sCC GL +sCT

Whence we find the transfer function to be:

Vo (s) −k1 gm1 (go1 +sC1 )−gm1 (gm2 −sCC )
Av (s) = = g +sC1 −sCC
Vi (s) | o1 |
gm2 −sCC GL +sCT

Replacing the first column of the denominator determinant by the sum of its first and second
columns and using Eq. (11-6) we arrive at:
Vo (s) −k1 gm1 (go1 +sC1 )−gm1 (gm2 −sCC )
Av (s) = = go1 +scp1 −sCC
Vi (s) | |
gm2 +GL +sCL GL +sCT

Rearranging the numerator and factoring out g o1 from the first column and GL from the
second column of the denominator determinant we arrive at:
s(CC gm1 −k1 C1 gm1 )− gm1 gm2 − k1 gm1 go1
Av (s) = cp1 C
1+s −s C
go1 GL
go1 GL |g |
m2 + GL +s CL C
1+s T
go1 go1 go1 GL

Approximating the numerator using Eq. (11-3):

s(CC gm1 −k1 C1 gm1 )− gm1 gm2
̃ v (s) =
A cp1 C
1+s −s C
go1 GL
go1 GL |g |
m2 + GL +s CL C
1+s T
go1 go1 go1 GL

Rearranging the numerator and replacing the conductances using Eq. (11-2):
k C −C
−gm1 gm2 ro1 RL (s 1 1 C + 1)
̃ v (s) =
A 1+scp1 ro1
| r |
gm2 ro1 + 01 +sCL ro1 1+sCT RL

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 11 Two-Stage Amplifier Miller, Active FF

Finally, expanding the denominator determinant and using (11-6), we arrive at the transfer
function in its final form as:
k C −C
−gm1 gm2 ro1 RL (s 1 1 C + 1)
̃ v (s) = 2
s (c p1 CT +CC CL )ro1 RL + s(CC gm2 ro1 RL +CT RL +C1 ro1 ) + 1

11.3. Poles and Zeros of the Transfer Function


To find the poles and zeros of Eq. (11-8) we need to factorise the denominator and for that
purpose we approximate it using Eq. (11-3) to obtain:
k C −C
−gm1 gm2 ro1 RL (s 1 1 C + 1)
̃v = 2
s (c p1 CT +CC CL )ro1 RL + sCC gm2 ro1 RL + 1

Factorising the denominator of (11-9) using Eq. (2-40):

k C −C
−gm1 gm2 ro1 RL (s 1 1 C + 1)
̃v =
cp1 CT +CC CL (11-10)
(sCC gm2 ro1 RL + 1)[s + 1]
CC gm2

Poles and Zeros

Writing Eq. (11-10) in terms of its poles and zero:

̃ v = −A0(sτz+1)
A (11-11)
(sτ p1 +1)(sτp2 +1)

Comparing Eqs. (11-10) and (11-11) the first pole is given by:
1 1
ωp1 = τ =C (11-12)
p1 C gm2 ro1 RL

And the second pole is given by:

1 CC gm2 gm2
ωp2 = τ =c = (11-13)
p2 p1 CT +CC CL Ca

where, using Eq. (11-6):

Ca = CL + cp1 (1 + CL ) (11-14)

And the zero is given by:

1 gm2
ωz = τ = k (11-15)
z 1 C1 −CC

11.4. Design to Meet Specifications

11.4.1. Design Equations

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 11 Two-Stage Amplifier Miller, Active FF

DC Gain and Unity-Gain Frequency

Comparing Eqs. (11-10) and (11-11) magnitude of the DC gain is given by:

A0 = g m1 g m2 ro1 R L (11-16)

We decide ωp1 to be the dominant pole. Then, using Eqs. (2-63), (11-12) and (11-16) the
unity-gain frequency is given by:
ω0 = (11-17)

Defining PZL parameters

We do not define any PZL parameter for ωp1 noting that it is a low-frequency far-away pole.
However, it can be expressed in terms of ω0 re-writing Eq. (2-63) as:
ωp1 = (11-18)

We define PZL parameters σ and λ for ωp2 and ωz such that:

ωp2 = σω0 (11-19)

ωz = λω0 (11-20)

Circuit Parameters in terms of PZL Parameters

Using Eqs. (11-13) and (11-17) in Eq. (11-19):

gm2 σCa
= (11-21)
gm1 CC

Combining Eqs. (11-15), (11-17) and (11-20):

CC g C
k1 = + gm2 (λCC ) (11-22)
C1 m1 1

Stability Equation (Phase Margin)

Setting s = jω0 in Eq. (11-11) and using Eq. (2-77), the phase margin is given by:

ϕm = 1800 + tan−1(ω0 τz ) − tan−1 (ω0 τp1 ) − tan−1(ω0 τp2 )

Using (11-19) and (11-20) in the above we arrive at:

1 1
ϕm = 1800 + tan−1 (λ) − tan−1(A0 ) − tan−1 (σ) (11-23)

11.4.2. Design Calculations

The table below lists the target performance parameters of the amplifier:

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 11 Two-Stage Amplifier Miller, Active FF

Tab. 11-2. Amplifier specifications.

No. Performance parameters Symbol Value Units

1 Magnitude of DC gain A0 > 70 dB
2 Unity gain frequency f0 ~ 50 MHz
3 Phase margin ϕm > 60 degrees
4 Gain margin Gm > 10 dB
5 Resistive load RL 10 kΩ
6 Capacitive load CL 6 pF

Deciding PZL and Circuit Parameter Values

To meet specifications in Tab. 11-2 we proceed as follows:

We decide on σ = 2.286 and λ = 10 locating ωz well ahead of ωp2 in frequency. Using

these values of σ and λ in Eq. (11-23) and assuming A0 to be a large number, the estimated
̃ m = 72.080 .
phase margin is ϕ

Using g m1 = 500μS and CC = 1.6pF, f0 = 49.74MHz from Eq. (11-17).

We use cp1 = 200fF.

Then, Ca = 7pF from Eq. (11-14) and C1 = 1.8pF from Eq. (11-6).

Subsequently, we find g m2 = 5mS from Eq. (11-21).

Next, we find k1 = 1.778 from Eq. (11-22) and g mf1 = 889μS from Eq. (11-1).

Using ro1 = 200kΩ, we find A0 = 5000 ≈ 73.98dB from Eq. (11-16).

Now, we can find a more accurate phase margin figure using Eq. (11-23):

ϕm = 1800 + 5.710 − 900 − 23.630 = 72.080 .

Based on the above calculations and Fig. 11-1, the circuit parameters, frequency parameters
and estimated cell statistics for the amplifier are summarised in the following three tables:

Tab. 11-3. Design values for circuit parameters.

No. Circuit parameters Symbol Value Units

1 First stage transconductance g m1 500 μS
2 First stage resistive load ro1 200 kΩ
3 First stage capacitive load cp1 200 fF
4 Second stage transconductance g m2 5 mS
5 Resistive load RL 10 kΩ
6 Capacitive load CL 6 pF
7 Feedforward transconductance g mf1 889 μS
8 Feedforward transconductance ratio k1 1.778 −
9 Compensation capacitance CC 1.6 pF

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 11 Two-Stage Amplifier Miller, Active FF

Tab. 11-4. Design values for frequency parameters.

No. Description Symbol Value Units

1 First pole fp1 9.95 kHz
2 Unity gain frequency f0 49.74 MHz
3 Second pole fp2 113.71 MHz
4 Zero fz 497.36 MHz

Tab. 11-5. Amplifier cell statistics estimated for ABC process technology (Appendix 18).

No. Cell statistic Symbol Estimated value Units

1 Cell area excluding RL1 and CL1 Acell 38 × 39 μm2
2 Power consumption @ VDD − VSS = 1.5V Pcell 225 μW

11.4.3. Design Evaluation

Unity feedback factor loop-gain response plots can be obtained from the transfer function in
Eq. (11-9). Appendix 11 lists all necessary formulae. The plots, using parameter values in
Tab. 11-3 are shown in Figs. 11-4 and 11-5. Performance parameters for the amplifier may be
read off from the plots or from the plot data in Tab. 11-7. The table below compares these
figures with those calculated in the previous sub-section and the specifications in Tab. 11-2.

Tab. 11-6. Comparison of performance parameters.

No. Performance parameters Symbol Calculated Evaluated Specs. Units

1 DC gain magnitude A0 73.98 74 > 70 dB
2 Unity gain frequency f0 /fc 49.74 50 ~ 50 MHz
3 Phase margin ϕm 72.08 72.2 > 60 degrees
4 Phase crossover frequency fπ − NN − MHz
5 Gain margin Gm − NA > 10 dB

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 11 Two-Stage Amplifier Miller, Active FF

Fig. 11-4. Unity feedback factor loop-gain magnitude response for the amplifier.

Fig. 11-5. Unity feedback factor loop-gain phase response for the amplifier.

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 11 Two-Stage Amplifier Miller, Active FF

Tab. 11-7. Data listing for loop-gain response plots in Figs. 11-4 and 11-5.

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 11 Two-Stage Amplifier Miller, Active FF

11.5. Concluding Remarks

A study of Eqs. (4-10), (4-23), (11-14) and (11-21) suggests the performances of this
amplifier with various R L and CL values are on par with those of the amplifier in Chapter 4.
However, there are differences and some of those are highlighted below.

Eq. (11-10) shows this amplifier has a single pole beyond ω0 while Eq. (4-9) shows the one
in Chapter 4 has two such poles. That implies, using g mf1 instead of R C one can re-locate ωz
without incurring any additional pole. However, Eqs (11-1), (11-20), (11-22) and (11-23)
show locating ωz at lower frequencies to achieve higher phase margin figures requires large
values of g mf1 to be realized, increasing area/power consumption in turn.

Comparing the first and fourth rows of Tab. A17-2, we see that this amplifier is slightly
worse off than the amplifier in Chapter 4 in terms of both area and power consumption.

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 12 Three-Stage Amplifier Nested Miller, Active FF

Three-Stage Nested Miller Compensated Amplifier

with Active Feedforward

12.1. Introductory Notes

We came across the usage of “nulling resistor(s)” in series with the Miller compensation
capacitor(s) in Chapters 4 and 6. The objective was to eliminate the right-half s-plane zero(s)
or to re-locate it(those) to the left-half s-plane so that better phase margins could be obtained.

A 1997 publication [R1-5] provided an alternative solution to the above problem. It proposed
replacing the “nulling resistor(s)” with active feedforward circuit(s) that could serve the same
purpose mentioned above. Named by the authors “Nested Gm-C Compensation,” the greatest
advantage of this technique is in the ease of generalization while building multistage

In this chapter we shall be discussing this compensation technique when applied to a three-
stage amplifier using one level of nesting of the “basic module” as discussed in Section 11.1

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 12 Three-Stage Amplifier Nested Miller, Active FF

12.2. Circuit Analysis and Transfer Function

Circuit Diagram

Fig. 12-1. Circuit schematic for the amplifier.

The circuit parameters for the amplifier are defined below:

Tab. 12-1. Circuit parameters for the amplifier.

No. Circuit parameter Symbol

1 First stage transconductance (MP1, MP2) g m1
2 Net resistance loading first stage (node N1) ro1
3 Net capacitance loading first stage (node N1) cp1
4 Second stage transconductance (MN6 with MP5 = MP6) g m2
5 Net resistance loading second stage (node N2) ro2
6 Net capacitance loading second stage (node N2) cp2
7 Third stage transconductance (MP7) g m3
8 Net resistance loading third stage (node OUT) RL
9 Net capacitance loading third stage (node OUT) CL
10 First feedforward transconductance (MP1, MN1, MN3, MN4, MN5) g mf1
11 First feedforward transconductance ratio (g mf1 : g m1 ) k1
12 Second feedforward transconductance (MN7) g mf2
13 Second feedforward transconductance ratio (g mf2 : g m2 ) k2
14 Compensation capacitance to first stage CC
15 Compensation capacitance to second stage CD

Block diagram

Fig. 12-2. Block diagram for the amplifier.

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 12 Three-Stage Amplifier Nested Miller, Active FF

Referring to Fig. 12.1, Fig. 12.2 and Table 12.1, transistors MP1, MP2, MP3, MN1 and MN2
constitute the first stage represented by the block marked g m1 where g m1 is the
transconductance of either MP1 or MP2. Transistors MN6, MN8, MP5 and MP6 constitute the
second stage represented by the block marked g m2 where g m2 is the transconductance of
MN6. Transistors MN9 and MP7 make up the third stage represented by the block marked g m3
where g m3 is the transconductance of MP7. The first feedforward path with transconductance
g mf1 is provided through transistors MP1, MN1, MN3, MP4, MN4 and MN5 and is represented by
the block marked g mf1 . The second feedforward path with transconductance g mf2 is provided
through MN7 and is represented by the block marked g mf2 .
g g g
g mf1 = k1 g m1 where k1 = 2gmN3 gmN5 and g mf2 = k 2 g m2 where k 2 = gmN7 (12-1)
mN1 mN4 mN6

Small-Signal Equivalent Circuit

The small-signal equivalent circuit for the amplifier can be drawn from its block diagram as
shown below:

Fig. 12-3. Simplified small-signal equivalent circuit for the amplifier.

Other than low-frequency MOS models being used, the first stage of the amplifier has been
simplified in Fig. 12-3 as per discussions in Section 3.5. Any parasitic capacitance associated
with g mf1 has been neglected too.

Network Equations and Solutions

For convenience, we shall consider conductances instead of resistances such as:

1 1 1
g o1 = , g o2 = , GL = (12-2)
ro1 ro2 RL

We shall assume the following to approximate some results later:

g m1 , g m2 , g m3 ≫ g o1 , g o2 , GL ; cp1 , cp2 ≪ CC , CD , CL and k1 , k 2 < 10 (12-3)

Applying Laplace transforms and KCL to nodes N1, N2 and OUT in Fig. 12-3:

(g o1 + scp1 + sCC )V1 − sCC Vo = g m1 Vi (12-4)

−g m2 V1 + (g o2 + scp2 + sCD )V2 − sCD Vo = 0 (12-5)

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 12 Three-Stage Amplifier Nested Miller, Active FF

(g mf2 − sCC )V1 + (g m3 − sCD )V2 + (GL + sCL + sCC + sCD )Vo = −g mf1 Vi (12-6)

We now define:

C1 = cp1 + CC , C2 = cp2 + CD , CT = CL + CC + CD (12-7)

Eqs. (12-4) to (12-6) can be written in vector-matrix form using Eqs. (12-1) and (12-7) as:

g o1 + sC1 0 −sCC V1 g m1 Vi
[ −g m2 g o2 + sC2 −sCD ] [V2 ] = [ 0 ] (12-8)
k 2 g m2 − sCC g m3 − sCD GL + sCT Vo −k1 g m1 Vi

Using Cramer’s rule to solve for Vo from Eq. (12-8):

go1 +sC1 0 gm1 Vi
| −gm2 go2 +sC2 0 |
k2 gm2 −sCC gm3 −sCD −k1 gm1 Vi
Vo = go1 +sC1 0 −sCC
| −gm2 go2 +sC2 −sCD |
k2 gm2 −sCC gm3 −sCD GL +sCT

Using cofactor expansion of the numerator determinant along its third column:
−gm2 go2 +sC2 g +sC1 0
gm1 Vi | |−k1 gm1 Vi | o1 |
k2 gm2 −sCC gm3 −sCD −gm2 go2 +sC2
Vo = go1 +sC1 0 −sCC
| −gm2 go2 +sC2 −sCD |
k2 gm2 −sCC gm3 −sCD GL +sCT

Whence we find the transfer function as:

−gm2 go2 +sC2 g +sC1 0
Vo (s) gm1 | |−k1 gm1 | o1 |
k2 gm2 −sCC gm3 −sCD −gm2 go2 +sC2
Av (s) = = go1 +sC1 0 −sCC
Vi (s)
| −gm2 go2 +sC2 −sCD |
k2 gm2 −sCC gm3 −sCD GL +sCT

We replace the second column of both the numerator determinants by the sum of the
respective first and second columns. At the same time, we replace the third column of the
denominator determinant by the sum of its first, second and third columns to arrive at:
−gm2 −gm2 +go2 +sC2 g +sC1 go1 +sC1
gm1 | |−k1 gm1 | o1 |
k2 gm2 −sCC k2 gm2 −sCC +gm3 −sCD −gm2 −gm2 +go2 +sC2
Av (s) = go1 +sC1 0 −sCC +go1 +sC1
| −gm2 go2 +sC2 −sCD +go2 +sC2 −gm2 |
k2 gm2 −sCC gm3 −sCD GL +sCT +gm3 −sCD +k2 gm2 −sCC

Using Eqs. (12-3) and (12-7) the transfer function approximates and simplifies to:
−gm2 −gm2 +sC2 g +sC1 go1 +sC1
gm1 | |−k1 gm1 | o1 |
k2 gm2 −sCC k2 gm2 −sCC +gm3 −sCD −gm2 −gm2 +sC2
̃ v (s) =
A go1 +sC1 0 go1 +scp1
| −gm2 go2 +sC2 go2 +scp2 −gm2 |
k2 gm2 −sCC gm3 −sCD k2 gm2 +gm3 +GL +sCL

Expanding the numerator determinants and re-arranging:

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 12 Three-Stage Amplifier Nested Miller, Active FF

2 (C
̃ v (s) = gm1 [s C C2 −k1 C1 C2 )+s(CD gm2 −k2 C2 gm2 +k1 C2 go1 )−gm2 gm3 ]
A go1 +sC1 0 go1 +scp1
| −gm2 go2 +sC2 scp2 −gm2 |
k2 gm2 −sCC gm3 −sCD GL +sCL +gm3 +k2 gm2

Using Eq. (12-3) for another round of approximations the numerator simplifies to:
̃ v (s) = gm1 [sg (C+sC
A C C2 −k1 C1 C2 )+s(CD gm2 −k2 C2 gm2 )−gm2 gm3 ]
0 go1 +scp1
o1 1
| −gm2 go2 +sC2 go2 +scp2 −gm2 |
k2 gm2 −sCC gm3 −sCD GL +sCL +gm3 +k2 gm2

Now we can eliminate (remove to infinity) one of the zeros by choosing:

k1 = (12-9)

We use Eq. (12-9) to simplify the numerator. Then, we factor out g o1 , g o2 and GL from the
first, second and third columns respectively of the denominator determinant to arrive at:
k C −C
−gm1 gm2 gm3 (s 2 2 D +1)
̃ v (s) =
A C go1 cp1
1+s 1 0 +s
go1 GL GL
| g C go2 cp2 gm2 |
go1 go2 GL − m2 1+s 2 +s −
go1 go2 GL GL GL
| |
gm2 C gm3 C CL gm2 gm3
k2 −s C −s D 1+s +k2 +
go1 go1 go2 go2 GL GL GL

Using Eq. (12-2) to replace the conductances:

k C −C
−gm1 gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL (s 2 2 D +1)
̃ v (s) =
1+sC1 ro1 0 +scp1 RL
| RL |
| −gm2 ro1 1+sC2 ro2 +scp2 RL −gm2 RL |
k2 gm2 ro1 −sCC ro1 gm3 ro2 −sCD ro2 1+sCL RL +k2 gm2 RL +gm3 RL

We fully expand the denominator determinant and simplify using Eqs. (12-7), (12-3) and re-
arrange to arrive at:
k C −C
−gm1 gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL (s 2 2 D +1)
̃ v (s) =
A s3 (C1 C2 CL + cp1 C2 CC +cp2 C1 CD )ro1 ro2 RL
+s2 [(C1 C2 + C1 CD gm3 RL )ro1 ro2 +{cp2 CD +C2 (CL +CC )}ro2 RL +{cp1 CC +C1 (CL +CD )}ro1 RL ]
+s[CC gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL +(C1 +k2 CC gm2 RL )ro1 +(C2 +CD gm3 RL )ro2 +CT RL ]+1

provided k 2 ≪ 1 + gm3 (12-10)

For the next step, however, we need to further approximate Eq. (12-10) using Eq. (12-3) to
select the dominant terms in the coefficient of each power of ‘s’ to arrive at the transfer
function in its final form as:
k C −C
−gm1 gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL (s 2 2 D +1)
̃ v (s) = 3
A 2
s C 1 C2 CL ro1 ro2 RL +s C1 CD gm3 ro1 ro2 RL +sCC gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL +1

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 12 Three-Stage Amplifier Nested Miller, Active FF

12.3. Poles and Zeros of the Transfer Function


Factorising the denominator of Eq. (12-11) using Eq. (2-40):

k C −C
−gm1 gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL (s 2 2 D +1)
̃ v (s) =
A C2 CL CD (12-12)
(sCC gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL +1)(s2 +s +1)
k1 gm2 gm3 k1gm2

Poles and Zeros

Writing Eq. (12-12) in terms of its poles and zero:

−A0 (sτz +1)
̃ v (s) =
A 2 2
(sτ p1 +1)(s τp23 +2sδp23 τp23 +1)

Comparing Eqs. (12-12) and (12-13), the first pole is given by:
1 1
ωp1 = τ =C (12-14)
p1 C gm2 gm3 r01 r02 RL

Using Eq. (2-19), the natural frequency and damping factor of the second and third poles are
given by:

1 k1 gm2 gm3
ωp23 = =√ (12-15)
τp23 C2 CL

CD gm3
δp23 = √k (12-16)
2√C2 CL 1 gm2

The zero is given by:

1 gm3
ωz = τ = k (12-17)
z 2 C2 −CD

12.4. Design to Meet Specifications

12.4.1. Design Equations

DC Gain and Unity-Gain Frequency

Comparing Eqs. (12-12) and (12-13) magnitude of the DC gain is given by:

A0 = g m1 g m2 g m3 ro1 ro2 R L (12-18)

We decide ωp1 to be the dominant pole. Then, using Eqs, (2-63), (12-14) and (12-18) the
unity-gain frequency is given by:
ω0 = (12-19)

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 12 Three-Stage Amplifier Nested Miller, Active FF

Defining PZL Parameters

We do not define any PZL parameter for ωp1 noting that it is a low-frequency far-away pole.
However, it can be expressed in terms of ω0 by re-writing Eq. (2-63) as:
ωp1 = (12-20)

We define PZL parameters σ and λ for ωp23 and ωz such that:

ωp23 = σω0 (12-21)

ωz = λω0 (12-22)

Circuit Parameters in terms of PZL Parameters

Combining Eqs. (12-15), (12-19) and (12-21):

gm2 gm3 σ2 C2 CL
= (12-23)
g2m1 k1 C2C

Using Eq. (12-23) in Eq. (12-16):

σ C g
δp23 = 2k (CDg m1) (12-24)
1 C m2

Combining Eqs. (12-17), (12-19) and (12-22):

CD g C
k2 = + gm3 (λCC ) (12-25)
C2 m1 2

Stability Equation (Phase Margin)

Setting s = jω0 in (12-13) and using Eq. (2-77), the phase margin is given by:

2ω0 δp23 τp23

ϕm = 1800 + tan−1(ω0 τz ) − tan−1 (ω0 τp1 ) − tan−1 ( )
1−ω20 τ2p23

Substituting Eqs. (12-20) to (12-22) in the above:

1 2σ
ϕm = 1800 + tan−1 (λ) − tan−1(A0 ) − tan−1 [(σ2−1) δp23 ] (-)

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 12 Three-Stage Amplifier Nested Miller, Active FF

12.4.2. Design Calculations

The table below lists the target performance parameters of the amplifier.

Tab. 12-2. Amplifier specifications.

No. Performance parameters Symbol Value Units

1 Magnitude of DC gain A0 > 100 dB
2 Unity gain frequency f0 ~ 50 MHz
3 Phase margin ϕm > 60 degrees
4 Gain margin Gm > 10 dB
5 Resistive load RL 10 kΩ
6 Capacitive load CL 6 pF

Deciding PZL and Circuit Parameter Values

To meet the specifications in Tab. 6-2 we proceed as follows:

We decide on σ = 2.5 and λ = 10 locating ωz well ahead of ωp23 in frequency. Using these
values of σ and λ in Eq. (12-26) and assuming A0 to be a large number, the estimated phase
̃ m = 68.930 .
margin is ϕ

Using g m1 = 500μS and CC = 1.6pF, f0 = 49.74MHz from Eq. (12-19).

Next, we use cp1 = 100fF and cp2 = 200fF and CD = 1.6pF.

Then, C1 = 1.7pF and C2 = 1.8pF from Eq. (12-7) and k1 = 0.941 from Eq. (12-9).

We further use g m2 = 1.25mS. Then, we find:

g m3 = 5.6mS from (12-23), δp23 = 0.53 from Eq. (12-24) and k 2 = 1.884 from (12-25).

Then, g mf1 = 471μS and g mf2 = 2.355mS from (12-1).

It may be observed that the condition in (12-10) is satisfied to some extent.

Using ro1 = 200kΩ and ro2 = 50kΩ we find A0 = 350,000 ≈ 110.88dB from (12-18).

Now, we can find a more accurate phase margin figure using Eq. (12-26):

ϕm = 1800 + 5.71 − 900 − 26.780 = 68.930 .

Based on the above calculations and Fig. 12-1, the circuit parameters, frequency parameters
and estimated cell statistics for the amplifier are summarised in the following three tables:

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 12 Three-Stage Amplifier Nested Miller, Active FF

Tab. 12-3. Design values for circuit parameters.

No. Circuit parameters Symbol Value Units

1 First stage transconductance g m1 500 μS
2 First stage resistive load ro1 200 kΩ
3 First stage capacitive load cp1 100 fF
4 Second stage transconductance g m2 1.25 mS
5 Second stage resistive load ro2 50 kΩ
6 Second stage capacitive load cp2 200 fF
7 Third stage transconductance g m3 5.6 mS
8 Third stage resistive load RL 10 kΩ
9 Third stage capacitive load CL 6 pF
10 First feedforward transconductance g mf1 471 μS
11 First feedforward transconductance ratio k1 0.941 −
12 Second feedforward transconductance g mf2 2.355 mS
13 Second feedforward transconductance ratio k2 1.884 −
14 Compensation capacitor to first stage CC 1.6 pF
15 Compensation capacitor to second stage CD 1.6 pF

Tab. 12-4. Design values for frequency parameters.

No. Description Symbol Value Units

1 First pole fp1 142 Hz
2 Unity gain frequency f0 49.74 MHz
3 Second/third pole fp23 (δp23 ) 124.35 (0.53) MHz (−)
4 Zero fz 497.36 MHz

Tab. 12-5. Amplifier cell statistics estimated for ABC process technology (Appendix 18).

No. Cell statistic Symbol Estimated value Units

1 Cell area excluding RL1 and CL1 Acell 54 × 55 μm2
2 Power consumption @ VDD − VSS = 1.5V Pcell 255 μW

12.4.3. Design Evaluation

Unity feedback factor loop-gain response plots can be obtained from the transfer function in
Eq. (12-11). Appendix 12 lists all necessary formulae. The plots, using parameter values in
Tab. 12-3 are shown in Figs. 12-4 and 12-5. Performance parameters for the amplifier may be
read off from the plots or from the plot data in Tab. 12-7. The table below compares these
figures with those calculated in the previous sub-section and the specifications in Tab. 12-2.

Tab. 12-6. Comparison of performance parameters.

No. Performance parameters Symbol Calculated Evaluated Specs. Units

1 Magnitude of DC gain A0 110.88 111 > 100 dB
2 Unity gain frequency f0 /fc 49.74 50 ~ 50 MHz
3 Phase margin ϕm 68.93 68.7 > 60 degrees
4 Phase crossover frequency fπ − 150 − MHz
5 Gain margin Gm − 15 > 10 dB

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 12 Three-Stage Amplifier Nested Miller, Active FF

Fig. 12-4. Unity feedback factor loop-gain magnitude response for the amplifier.

Fig. 12-5. Unity feedback factor loop-gain phase response for the amplifier.

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 12 Three-Stage Amplifier Nested Miller, Active FF

Tab. 12-7. Data listing for loop-gain response plots in Figs. 12-4 and 12-5.

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 12 Three-Stage Amplifier Nested Miller, Active FF

12.5. Concluding Remarks

A study of Eqs. (6-21), (6-31), (12-18) and (12-23) suggests the performances of this
amplifier with various R L and CL values are on par with those of the amplifier in Chapter 6.
However, there are differences and some of those are highlighted below.

Eq. (12-12) shows this amplifier has a single pair complex poles beyond ω0 while Eq. (6-11)
shows the one in Chapter 6 has several such poles including one pair of complex poles. That
implies, using g mf1 and g mf2 instead of R C and R D one can eliminate or re-locate zeros
without incurring any additional pole.

Eqs (12-1), (12-22), (12-25) and (12-26) show locating ωz at lower frequencies to achieve
higher phase margin figures requires large values for g mf2 to be realized. Interestingly, this
requirement does not affect the overall area/power consumption much since g mf1 (MN5) and,
most importantly, g mf2 (MN7) re-use part of the bias current of g m3 (MP7) and share area with
the output stage load transistor MN9 as shown in Fig. 12-1. However, it may be evident that
the condition in Eq. (12-10) will be difficult to satisfy and that will affect δp23 in turn.

From the first and sixth rows in Tab. A17-3 we see that this amplifier consumes smaller area
than the amplifier in Chapter 6. The reduction in area is primarily due a smaller value of CD
used, as shown in Tabs. 6-3 and 12-3. However, the advantage in area is at the expense of a
decent δp23 value as can be seen from Tabs. 6-4 and 12-4.

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 13 Four-Stage Amplifier Double Nested Miller, Active FF

Four-Stage Double Nested Miller Compensated Amplifier

with Active Feedforward

13.1. Introductory Notes

We came across the usage of “nulling resistor(s)” in series with the Miller compensation
capacitor(s) in Chapters 4 and 6. The objective was to eliminate the right-half s-plane zero(s)
or to re-locate it(those) to the left-half s-plane so that better phase margins could be obtained.

A 1997 publication [R1-5] provided an alternative solution to the above problem. It proposed
replacing the “nulling resistor(s)” with active feedforward circuit(s) that could serve the same
purpose mentioned above. Named by the authors “Nested Gm-C Compensation,” the greatest
advantage of this technique is in the ease of generalization while building multistage

In this chapter we shall be discussing this compensation technique when applied to a four-
stage amplifier using two levels of nesting of the “basic module” as discussed in Section

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 13 Four-Stage Amplifier Double Nested Miller, Active FF

13.2. Circuit Analysis and Transfer Function

Circuit Diagram

Fig. 13-1. Circuit schematic for the amplifier.

The circuit parameters for the amplifier are defined below:

Tab. 13-1. Circuit parameters for amplifier.

No. Circuit parameter Symbol

1 First stage transconductance (MP1 or MP2) g m1
2 Net resistance loading first stage (node N1) ro1
3 Net capacitance loading first stage (node N1) cp1
4 Second stage transconductance (MN6 with MP5 = MP6) g m2
5 Net resistance loading second stage (node N2) ro2
6 Net capacitance loading second stage (node N2) cp2
7 Third stage transconductance (MN9 with MP7 = MP8) g m3
8 Net resistance loading third stage (node N3) ro3
9 Net capacitance loading third stage (node N3) cp3
10 Fourth stage transconductance (MP9) g m4
11 Net resistance loading fourth stage (node OUT) RL
12 Net capacitance loading fourth stage (node OUT) CL
13 First feedforward transconductance (MP1, MN1, MN3, MN4, MN5) g mf1
14 First feedforward transconductance ratio (g mf1 : g m1 ) k1
15 Second feedforward transconductance (MN7) g mf2
16 Second feedforward transconductance ratio (g mf2 : g m2 ) k2
17 Third feedforward transconductance (MN10) g mf3
18 Third feedforward transconductance ratio (g mf3 : g m3 ) k3
19 Compensation capacitance to first stage CC
20 Compensation capacitance to second stage CD
21 Compensation capacitance to third stage CE

Block Diagram

Referring to Fig. 13.1, Fig. 13.2 and Tab. 13.1, transistors MP1, MP2, MP3, MN1 and MN2
constitute the first stage represented by the block marked g m1 where g m1 is the
transconductance of either MP1 or MP2. Transistors MN6, MN8, MP5 and MP6 constitute the
second stage represented by the block marked g m2 where g m2 is the transconductance of
MN6. Transistors MN9, MN11, MP7 and MP8 constitute the third stage represented by the block
Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 13 Four-Stage Amplifier Double Nested Miller, Active FF

marked g m3 where g m3 is the transconductance of MN9. Transistors MN12 and MP9 make up
the fourth stage represented by the block marked g m4 where g m4 is the transconductance of
MP9. The first feedforward path with transconductance g mf1 is provided through transistors
MP1, MN1, MN3, MP4, MN4 and MN5 and is represented by the block marked g mf1 . The second
feedforward path with transconductance g mf2 is provided through MN7 and is represented by
the block marked g mf2 . The third feedforward path with transconductance g mf3 is provided
through MN10 and is represented by the block marked g mf3 .

Fig. 13-2. Block diagram for the amplifier.

g g g
g mf1 = k1 g m1 where k1 = 2gmN1 gmN5 and g mf2 = k 2 g m2 where k 2 = gmN7
mN3 mN4 mN6

and g mf3 = k 3 g m3 where k 3 = (13-1)

Small-Signal Equivalent Circuit

Fig. 13-3. Simplified small-signal equivalent circuit for the amplifier.

Other than low-frequency MOS models being used, the first stage of the amplifier has been
simplified in Fig. 13-3 as per discussions in Section 3.5. Any parasitic capacitance associated
with g mf1 has been neglected too.

Network Equations and Solutions

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 13 Four-Stage Amplifier Double Nested Miller, Active FF

For convenience, we shall consider admittances instead of impedances such as:

1 1 1 1
g o1 = r , g o2 = r , g o3 = r , GL = R (13-2)
o1 o2 o3 L

We shall assume the following to approximate some results later:

g m1 , g m2 , g m3 , g m4 ≫ g o1 , g o2 , g o3 , GL ; cp1 , cp2 , cp3 ≪ CC , CD , CE , CL and k1 , k 2 , k 3 < 10


Applying Laplace transforms and KCL to nodes N1, N2, N3 and OUT in Fig. 13-3:

(g 01 + scp1 + sCC )V1 − sCC Vo = g m1 Vi (13-4)

−g m2 V1 + (g o2 + scp2 + sCD )V2 − sCD Vo = 0 (13-5)

−g m3 V2 + (g o3 + scp3 + sCE )V2 − sCE Vo = 0 (13-6)

(g mf2 − sCC )V1 + (g mf3 − sCD )V2 + (g m4 − sCE )V3

+(GL + sCL + sCC + sCD + sCE )Vo = −g mf1 Vi (13-7)

We now define:

C1 = cp1 + CC , C2 = cp2 + CD , C3 = cp3 + CE , CT = CL + CC + CD + CE (13-8)

Eqs. (13-4) to (13-7) can be written in vector-matrix form using Eqs. (13-1) and (13-8) as:

g o1 + sC1 0 0 −sCC V1 g m1 Vi
−g m2 g o2 + sC2 0 −sCD V 0
[ ] [ 2] = [ ] (13-9)
0 −g m3 g o3 + sC3 −sCE V3 0
k 2 g m2 − sCC k 3 g m3 − sCD g m4 − sCE GL + sCT Vo −k1 g m1 Vi

Using Cramer’s rule to solve for Vo from (13-9):

go1 +sC1 0 0 gm1 Vi
−gm2 go2 +sC2 0 0
| |
0 −gm3 go3 +sC3 0
k2 gm2 −sCC k3 gm3 −sCD gm4 −sCE −k1 gm1 Vi
Vo = go1 +sC1 0 0 −sCC
−gm2 go2 +sC2 0 −sCD
| |
0 −gm3 go3 +sC3 −sCE
k2 gm2 −sCC k3 gm3 −sCD gm4 −sCE GL +sCT

Using cofactor expansion of the numerator determinant along its fourth column:
−gm2 go2 +sC2 0 go1 +sC1 0 0
−gm1 Vi | 0 −gm3 go3 +sC3 |−k1 gm1 Vi | −gm2 go2 +sC2 0 |
k2 gm2 −sCC k3 gm3 −sCD gm4 −sCE 0 −gm3 go3 +sC3
Vo = go1 +sC1 0 0 −sCC
−gm2 go2 +sC2 0 −sCD
| |
0 −gm3 go3 +sC3 −sCE
k2 gm2 −sCC k3 gm3 −sCD gm4 −sCE GL +sCT

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 13 Four-Stage Amplifier Double Nested Miller, Active FF

Whence we find the transfer function as:

−gm2 go2 +sC2 0 go1 +sC1 0 0
−gm1 | 0 −gm3 go3 +sC3 |−k1 gm1 | −gm2 go2 +sC2 0 |
Vo (s) k2 gm2 −sCC k3 gm3 −sCD gm4 −sCE 0 −gm3 go3 +sC3
Av (s) = = go1 +sC1 0 0 −sCC
Vi (s)
−gm2 go2 +sC2 0 −sCD
| |
0 −gm3 go3 +sC3 −sCE
k2 gm2 −sCC k3 gm3 −sCD gm4 −sCE GL +sCT

We replace the second column of both the numerator determinants by the sum of the
respective first and second columns to arrive at:
−gm2 go2 +sC2 −gm2 0 go1 +sC1 go1 +sC1 0
−gm1 | 0 −gm3 go3 +sC3 |−k1 gm1 | −gm2 go2 +sC2 −gm2 0 |
k2 gm2 −sCC k2 gm2 +k3 gm3 −sCD −sCC gm4 −sCE 0 −gm3 go3 +sC3
Av = go1 +sC1 0 0 −sCC
−gm2 go2 +sC2 0 −sCD
| |
0 −gm3 go3 +sC3 −sCE
k2 gm2 −sCC k3 gm3 −sCD gm4 −sCE GL +sCT

Using Eqs. (13-3) and (13-8) the transfer function approximates and simplifies to:
−gm2 sC2 −gm2 0 go1 +sC1 go1 +sC1 0
−gm1 | 0 −gm3 go3 +sC3 |−k1 gm1 | −gm2 sC2 −gm2 0 |
k2 gm2 −sCC k2 gm2 +k3 gm3 −sCD −sCC gm4 −sCE 0 −gm3 go3 +sC3
̃ v (s) =
A go1 +sC1 0 0 −sCC
−gm2 go2 +sC2 0 −sCD
| |
0 −gm3 go3 +sC3 −sCE
k2 gm2 −sCC k3 gm3 −sCD gm4 −sCE GL +sCT

Now, we replace the third column of both the numerator determinants by the sum of the
respective second and third columns. At the same time, we replace the fourth column of the
denominator determinant by the sum of its first, second, third and fourth columns to arrive at:
−gm2 sC2 −gm2 sC2 −gm2
−gm1 | 0 −gm3 go3 +sC3 −gm3 |
k2 gm2 −sCC k2 gm2 +k3 gm3 −sCD −sCC k2 gm2 +k3 gm3 +gm4 −sCE −sCD −sCC
go1 +sC1 go1 +sC1 go1 +sC1
−k1 gm1 | −gm2 sC2 −gm2 sC2 −gm2 |
̃V = 0 −gm3 go3 +sC3 −gm3
A go1 +sC1 0 0 go1 +sC1 −sCC
−gm2 go2 +sC2 0 go2 +sC2 −gm2 −sCD
| |
0 −gm3 go3 +sC3 go3 +sC3 −gm3 −sCE
k2 gm2 −sCC k3 gm3 −sCD gm4 −sCE k2 gm2 +k3 gm3 +gm4 +GL +sCT −sCC −sCD −sCE

Using Eq. (13-3) to further approximate the numerator and Eq. (13-8) to simplify the
−gm2 sC2 −gm2 sC2 −gm2
−gm1 | 0 −gm3 sC3 −gm3 |
k2 gm2 −sCC k2 gm2 +k3 gm3 −sCD −sCC k2 gm2 +k3 gm3 +gm4 −sCE −sCD −sCC
go1 +sC1 go1 +sC1 go1 +sC1
−k1 gm1 | −gm2 sC2 −gm2 sC2 −gm2 |
̃ v (s) = 0 −gm3 sC3 −gm3
A go1 +sC1 0 0 go1 +scp1
−gm2 go2 +sC2 0 go2 +scp2 −gm2
|| ||
0 −gm3 go3 +sC3 go3 +scp3 −gm3
k2 gm2 −sCC k3 gm3 −sCD gm4 −sCE k2 gm2 +k3 gm3 +gm4 +GL +sCL

Expanding the numerator determinants and re-arranging:

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 13 Four-Stage Amplifier Double Nested Miller, Active FF

s3 (CC C2 C3 −k1 C1 C2 C3 )+s2 (CD C3 gm2 −k2 C2 C3 gm2 −k1 C2 C3 go1 )

gm1 [ ]
̃ v (s) = +s(CE gm2 gm3 −k3 C3 gm2 gm3 )−gm2 gm3 gm4
A go1 +sC1 0 0 go1 +scp1
−gm2 go2 +sC2 0 go2 +scp2 −gm2
|| ||
0 −gm3 go3 +sC3 go3 +scp3 −gm3
k2 gm2 −sCC k3 gm3 −sCD gm4 −sCE k2 gm2 +k3 gm3 +gm4 +GL +sCL

Using Eq. (13-3) for another round of approximations the numerator simplifies to:
s3 (CC C2 C3 −k1 C1 C2 C3 )+s2 (CD C3 gm2 −k2 C2 C3 gm2 )
gm1 [ ]
̃ v (s) = +s(CE gm2 gm3 −k3 C3 gm2 gm3 )−gm2 gm3 gm4
A go1 +sC1 0 0 go1 +scp1
−gm2 go2 +sC2 0 go2 +scp2 −gm2
|| ||
0 −gm3 go3 +sC3 go3 +scp3 −gm3
k2 gm2 −sCC k3 gm3 −sCD gm4 −sCE k2 gm2 +k3 gm3 +gm4 +GL +sCL

Now we can eliminate (remove to infinity) two of the zeros by choosing:

k1 = and k 2 = (13-10)
C1 C2

We use Eq, (13-10) to further simplify the numerator. Then, factor out g o1 , g o2 , g o3 and GL
from the first, second and third columns respectively of the denominator determinant to arrive
k C −C
−gm1 gm2 gm3 gm4 (s 3 3 E +1)
̃ v (s) =
go1 cp1
1+s 1 0 0 +s
go1 GL GL
| g C go2 cp2 gm2 |
− m2 1+s 2 0 +s −
go1 go2 GL GL GL
go1 go2 go3 GL gm3 C go3 cp3 gm3
0 − 1+s 3 +s −
go2 go3 GL GL GL
| |
g C gm3 C gm4 C CL gm2 g g
k2 m2 −s C k3 −s D −s E 1+s +k2 +k3 m3 + m4
go1 go1 go2 go2 go3 go3 GL GL GL GL

Using (13-2) to replace the conductances:

k C −C
−gm1 gm2 gm3 gm4 ro1 ro2 ro3 RL (s 3 3 E +1)
̃ v (s) =
1+sC1 ro1 0 0 +scp1 RL
| RL |
−gm2 ro1 1+sC2 ro2 0 +scp2 RL −gm2 RL
| 0 −gm3 ro2 1+sC3 ro3 +scp3 RL −gm3 RL |
k2 gm2 ro1 −sCC ro1 k3 gm3 ro2 −sCD ro2 gm4 ro3 −sCE ro3 1+sCL RL +k2 gm2 RL +k3 gm3 RL +gm4 RL

We fully expand the denominator determinant, simplify using Eqs. (13-8) and (13-10) and re-
arrange. The total number of terms in the denominator being prohibitively large (72 in
number), we refrain from presenting the complete transfer function. Instead, we further
approximate it for the next step using (13-3) to select the dominant terms in the coefficient of
each power of ‘s’ and arrive at the transfer function in its final form as:
k C −C
−gm1 gm2 gm3 gm4 ro1 ro2 ro3 RL (s 3 3 E +1)
̃ v (s) = 4
A 3C
s C 2 CC CE CL ro1 ro2 ro3 RL +s 1 C2 CE gm4 ro1 ro2 ro3 RL +s C1 CD gm3 gm4 ro1 ro2 ro3 RL
+sCC gm2 gm3 gm4 ro1 ro2 ro3 RL +1

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 13 Four-Stage Amplifier Double Nested Miller, Active FF

g C g
provided k 3 ≪ 1 + gm4 and k 3 ≪ 1 + CDg m4 (13-11)
m3 3 m2

13.3. Poles and zeros of the Transfer Function


Factorising the denominator of Eq. (12-11) using Eq. (2-40):

k C −C
−gm1 gm2 gm3 gm4 ro1 ro2 ro3 RL (s 3 3 E +1)
̃ v (s) =
C2 CE CD (13-12)
(sCC gm2 gm3 gm4 ro1 ro2 ro3 RL +1)(s3 + s2 +s +1)
gm2 gm3 gm4 k1 gm2 gm3 k1gm2

The cubic polynomial in the denominator of Eq. (13-12) cannot be factorised using any of the
methods described in section 2.2. Therefore, we must leave it unfactorized. Its poles will be
located using PZL parameters as described in Section 2.4.3.

Poles and Zeros

Writing Eq. (13-12) in terms of its poles and zero:

−A0 (sτz +1)
̃ v (s) =
A 2 2
(sτ p1 +1)(sτp2 +1)(s τp34 +2sτp34 δp34 +1)

Comparing Eqs. (13-12) and (13-13), the first pole is given by:
1 1
ωp1 = τ =C (13-14)
p1 C gm2 gm3 gm4 r01 r02 r03 RL

and the zero is given by:

1 gm4
ωz = τ = k (13-15)
z 3 C3 −CE

13.4. Design to Meet Specifications

13.4.1. Design Equations

DC Gain and Unity-Gain Frequency

Comparing Eqs. (13-12) and (13-13) magnitude of the DC gain is given by:

A0 = g m1 g m2 g m3 g m4 ro1 ro2 ro3 R L (13-16)

We decide ωp1 to be the dominant pole. Then, using Eqs, (2-63), (13-14) and (13-16) the
unity-gain frequency is given by:
ω0 = (13-17)

Defining PZL parameters

We do not define a PZL parameter for locating ωp1 noting that it is a low-frequency far-away
pole. However, it can be expressed in terms of ω0 by re-writing Eq. (2-63) as:
Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 13 Four-Stage Amplifier Double Nested Miller, Active FF

ωp1 = (13-18)

We define PZL parameters σ, μ and λ for ωp2 , ωp34 and ωz such that:
ωp2 = τ = σω0 (13-19)

ωp34 = τ = μωp2 = σμω0 (13-20)

ωz = λω0 (13-21)

Circuit Parameters in terms of PZL Parameters

Substituting Eqs. (13-19) and (13-20) into the last two factors in the denominator of Eq. (13-
13) and multiplying those, we arrive at the cubic polynomial:
1 2δp34
1 2δp34 + 1+
3 2 μ μ
s +s +s +1
σ3 μ2 ω30 σ2 μω20 σω0

Equating the above with the cubic polynomial (the second factor) in the denominator of Eq.
(13-12) we find:
1 C2 CE CL
=g (13-22)
σ3 μ2 ω30 m2 gm3 gm4

2δp34 + C2 CE
=k (13-23)
σ2 μω20 1 gm2 gm3

1+ CD
=k (13-24)
σω0 1 gm2

Combining Eqs. (13-10), (13-17), (13-22) and (13-23):

gm4 C
= σ(2μδp34 + 1) (CL ) (13-25)
gm1 1

Combining Eqs. (13-10), (13-17), (13-23) and (13-24):

gm3 σμ(μ+2δp34 ) CE
= (k ) (13-26)
gm1 2μδp34 +1 2 CC

Combining (13-10) and (13-24):

gm2 σμ CD
= μ+2δ (k ) (13-27)
gm1 p34 1 CC

Combining (13-15), (13-17) and (13-21):

CE g C
k3 = + gm4 (λCC ) (13-28)
C3 m1 3

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 13 Four-Stage Amplifier Double Nested Miller, Active FF

Stability Equation (Phase Margin)

Setting s = jω0 in Eq. (13-13) and using Eq. (2-77), the phase margin is given by:

2ω0 δp34 τp34

ϕm = 1800 + tan−1(ω0 τz ) − tan−1 (ω0 τp1 ) − tan−1(ω0 τp2 ) − tan−1 ( )
1−ω20 τ2p34

Substituting Eqs. (13-17), (13-18) and (13-19) in the above:

1 1 2σμ
ϕm = 1800 + tan−1 (λ) − tan−1(A0 ) − tan−1 (σ) − tan−1 [(σ2μ2 −1) δp34 ] (13-29)

13.4.2. Design Calculations

The table below lists the target performance parameters of the amplifier.

Tab. 13-2. Amplifier specifications.

No. Performance parameters Symbol Value Units

1 Magnitude of DC gain A0 > 120 dB
2 Unity gain frequency f0 ~ 50 MHz
3 Phase margin ϕm > 60 degrees
4 Gain margin Gm > 10 dB
5 Resistive load RL 1 kΩ
6 Capacitive load CL 6 pF

Deciding PZL and Circuit Parameter Values

To meet the specifications in Tab. 13-2 we proceed as follows:

7 10
We decide on σ = 2 , μ = and λ = 10, locating ωp34 with σμ = 5 and ωz ahead of ωp2 in
frequency. Using these values of σ, μ and λ in Eq. (13-29) and assuming A0 to be a large
̃ m = 68.00.
number, the estimated phase margin is ϕ

Using g m1 = 500μS and CC = 1.6pF, f0 = 49.74MHz from Eq. (13-17).

We use CD = CE = 1.6pF , cp1 = 100fF, cp2 = 200fF and cp3 = 400fF.

Then, C1 = 1.7pF, C2 = 1.8pF and C3 = 2.0pF from Eq. (13-7) and, thus, k1 = 0.941 and
k 2 = 0.889 from (13-10).

Let us choose δp34 = 0.5. Then, using Eqs. (13-25), (13-26) and (13-27) we find:

g m2 = 1.1mS, g m3 = 2.8mS and g m4 = 15mS.

Using (13-28) we find k 3 = 3.2. Subsequently, using Eq. (13-1) we find:

g mf1 = 471μS, g mf2 = 978μS and g mf3 = 8.96mS.

It may be observed that the condition in Eq. (13-11) is satisfied to some extent.

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 13 Four-Stage Amplifier Double Nested Miller, Active FF

Using ro1 = 200kΩ, ro2 = 40kΩ and ro3 = 20kΩ, we find the DC gain to be:

A0 = 3,696,000 ≈ 131.36dB from Eq. (13-16).

Now, we can find a more accurate phase margin figure using Eq. (13-29):

ϕm = 1800 + 5.710 − 900 − 15.950 − 11.770 = 68.00 .

Based on the above calculations and Fig. 13-1, the circuit parameters, frequency parameters
and estimated cell statistics for the amplifier are summarised in the following three tables:

Tab. 13-3. Design values for circuit parameters.

No. Circuit parameters Symbol Value Units

1 First stage transconductance g m1 500 μS
2 First stage resistive load ro1 200 kΩ
3 First stage capacitive load cp1 100 fF
4 Second stage transconductance g m2 1.1 mS
5 Second stage resistive load ro2 40 kΩ
6 Second stage capacitive load cp2 200 fF
7 Third stage transconductance g m3 2.8 mS
8 Third stage resistive load ro3 20 kΩ
9 Third stage capacitive load cp3 400 fF
10 Fourth stage transconductance g m4 15 mS
11 Fourth stage resistive load RL 1 kΩ
12 Fourth stage capacitive load CL 6 pF
13 First feedforward transconductance g mf1 471 μS
14 First feedforward transconductance ratio k1 0.941 −
15 Second feedforward transconductance g mf2 978 μS
16 Second feedforward transconductance ratio k2 0.889 −
17 Third feedforward transconductance g mf3 8.96 mS
18 Third feedforward transconductance ratio k3 3.2 −
19 Compensation capacitor to first stage CC 1.6 pF
20 Compensation capacitor to second stage CD 1.6 pF
21 Compensation capacitor to second stage CE 1.6 pF

Table 13.4 Design values for frequency parameters

No. Description Symbol Value Units

1 First pole fp1 13.46 Hz
2 Unity gain frequency f0 49.74 MHz
3 Second pole fp2 174.09 MHz
4 Third/fourth pole fp34 (δp34 ) 248.7 (0.5) MHz (−)
5 Zero fz 497.36 MHz

Tab. 13-5. Amplifier cell statistics estimated for ABC process technology (Appendix 18).

No. Cell statistic Symbol Estimated value Units

1 Cell area excluding RL1 and CL1 Acell 72 × 73 μm2
2 Power consumption @ VDD − VSS = 1.5V Pcell 540 μW

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 13 Four-Stage Amplifier Double Nested Miller, Active FF

13.4.3. Design Evaluation

Unity feedback factor loop-gain response plots can be obtained from the transfer function in
Eq. (13-11). Appendix 13 lists all necessary formulae. The plots, using parameter values in
Tab. 13-3 are shown in Figs. 13-4 and 13-5. Performance parameters for the amplifier may be
read off from the plots or from the plot data in Tab. 13-7. The table below compares these
figures with those calculated in the previous sub-section and the specifications in Tab. 13-2.

Tab. 13-6. Comparison of performance parameters.

No. Performance parameters Symbol Calculated Evaluated Specs. Units

1 Magnitude of DC gain A0 131.36 131 > 120 dB
2 Unity gain frequency f0 /fc 49.74 50 ~ 50 MHz
3 Phase margin ϕm 68 68 > 60 degrees
4 Phase crossover frequency fπ − 190 − MHz
5 Gain margin Gm − 12 > 10 dB

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 13 Four-Stage Amplifier Double Nested Miller, Active FF

Fig. 13-4. Unity feedback factor loop-gain magnitude response for the amplifier.

Fig. 13-5. Unity feedback factor loop-gain phase response for the amplifier.

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 13 Four-Stage Amplifier Double Nested Miller, Active FF

Tab. 13-7. Data listing for loop-gain response plots in Figs. 13-4 and 13-5.

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 13 Four-Stage Amplifier Double Nested Miller, Active FF

13.5. Concluding Remarks

A study of Eqs. (6-31), (12-23) and (13-25) suggests this amplifier behaves similarly as those
in Chapters 11 and 12 with varying CL values. However, Eqs. (6-21), (12-18) and (13-16)
show that this amplifier can comfortably drive lower R L values compared to the others. In
terms of figures, it can drive R L as small as 1kΩ while maintaining an overall DC gain as
large as 131dB, as can be seen from Tab. 13-6.

For this amplifier, k1 and k 2 were chosen to eliminate two zeros while k 3 was chosen to re-
locate the remaining zero ωz at lower frequencies to achieve better phase margin results.
However, according to Eqs. (13-1), (13-21), (13-28) and (13-29) that requires larger values
for g mf3 to be realized. Like the amplifier in Chapter 12, this requirement does not affect the
overall area/power consumption much since g mf1 (MN5), g mf2 (MN7) and, most importantly,
g mf3 (MN10) re-use part of the bias current of g m4 (MP9) and share area with the output stage
load transistor MN11 as shown in Fig. 13-1. However, it may be evident that the condition in
Eq. (13-11) will be difficult to satisfy and that will affect δp34 in turn.

Comparing Tabs. 12-5 and 13-5 we see that this amplifier consumes more area/power than
the amplifier in Chapter 12. The ability of this amplifier to drive low R L values as mentioned
in the first paragraph of this section justifies the increase.

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 14 Two-Stage Amplifier Non-Miller, Active FF

Two-Stage Amplifier with Non-Miller

Active Feedforward Compensation

14.1. Introductory Notes

We dealt with variants of the Miller compensation technique, requiring at least one Miller
capacitor in Chapters 4 to 13. The maximum number of such capacitors being one less than
the number of stages.

In a radical shift from the above idea of compensation, a 2003 publication [R1-8] described a
technique for compensating multistage amplifiers without any Miller capacitor(s). It proposed
insertion of zeros using active feedforward to counter the poles of the amplifier, the number
of zeros being one less than the number of poles or stages. However, the bandwidth of the
individual stages had to be limited for the feedforward path(s) to operate effectively.
Therefore, a total removal of capacitors was not quite possible. Like the amplifiers in
Chapters 11 to 13, this idea too can be easy generalised to build multistage amplifiers.

In this chapter we shall be discussing this compensation technique when applied to a two-
stage amplifier. Three-stage and four-stage amplifiers building on this amplifier will be
discussed in Chapters 15 and 16.

Like the amplifier in Chapter 11, this two-stage amplifier too has rarely been used in practice
till now, thanks to the popularity of the amplifier in Chapter 4.

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 14 Two-Stage Amplifier Non-Miller, Active FF

14.2. Circuit Analysis and Transfer Function

Circuit Diagram

Fig. 14-1. Circuit schematic for the amplifier.

The circuit parameters for the amplifier are defined below:

Tab. 14-1. Circuit parameters for amplifier.

No. Circuit parameter Symbol

1 First stage transconductance (MP1 or MP2 or MP4 or MP5) g m1
2 Net resistance loading first stage (node N1) ro1
3 Parasitic capacitance loading first stage (node N1) cp1
4 Bandwidth limiting capacitance for first stage (node N1) CB1
5 Second stage transconductance (MN6) g m2
6 Net resistance loading second stage (node OUT) RL
7 Net capacitance loading second stage (node OUT) CL
8 Feedforward transconductance to second stage (MP4, MN3, MN5) g mf2
9 Feedforward transconductance ratio (g mf2 : g m1 ) k2

Block Diagram

Fig. 14.2. Block diagram for the amplifier.

We refer to Figs 14.1 and 14.2 and Table 14.1. Transistors MP1, MP2, MP3, MN1, MN2 and MP4,
MP5, MP6, MN3, MN4 constitute the first stage represented by the block marked g m1 where g m1
is the transconductance of any one of MP1, MP2, MP4 or MP5. Transistors MN6 and MP7
constitute the second stage represented by the block marked g m2 where g m2 is the

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 14 Two-Stage Amplifier Non-Miller, Active FF

transconductance of MN6. The feedforward path with transconductance g mf2 is provided

through transistors MP4, MN3 and MN5 and is represented by the block marked g mf2 where
g mf2 is a function of the transconductances of the constituent transistors given by:
g mf2 = k 2 g m1 where k 2 = 2gmN5 (14-1)

Small-Signal Equivalent Circuit

Fig. 14-3. Simplified small-signal equivalent circuit for the amplifier.

Other than low-frequency MOS models being used, the first stage of the amplifier has been
simplified in Fig. 14-3 as per discussions in Section 3.5. Parasitic capacitance associated with
g mf2 has been neglected too.

Network Equations and Solutions

For convenience, we shall consider conductances instead of resistances such as:

1 1
g o1 = r , GL = R (14-2)
o1 L

We define:

C1 = cp1 + CB1 (14-3)

We shall assume the following to approximate some results later:

g m1 , g m2 ≫ g o1 , GL ; cp1 ≪ CB1 , CL and k 2 < 10 (14-4)

Applying Laplace transforms and KCL to nodes N1 and OUT in Fig. 14-3 and using Eqs. (14-
2) and (14-3):

(g o1 + sC1 )V1 = g m1 Vi (14-5)

g m2 V1 + ( GL + sCL )Vo = −g mf2 Vi (14-6)

Eqs. (14-5) and (14-6) can be written in vector-matrix form using Eq. (14-1) as:

g o1 + sC1 0 V g V
[ ] [ 1 ] = [ m1 i ] (14-7)
g m2 GL + sCL Vo −k 2 g m1 Vi

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 14 Two-Stage Amplifier Non-Miller, Active FF

Applying Cramer’s rule to solve for Vo from Eq. (14-7):

g +sC1 gm1 Vi
| o1 |
gm2 −k2 gm1 Vi
Vo = g +sC1 0
| o1 |
gm2 GL +sCL

Expanding the numerator and denominator determinants:

−gm1 gm2 Vi −k2 gm1 go1 Vi −sk2 C1 gm1 Vi
Vo = (g01 +sC1 )( GL +sCL )

Whence we can find the transfer function to be:

Vo (s) −gm1 gm2 −k2 gm1 go1 −sk2 C1 gm1
Av (s) = =
Vi (s) (g01 +sC1 )( GL +sCL )

Approximating the transfer function using Eq. (14-4):

̃ v (s) = −gm1gm2 −sk2C1gm1

A (g +sC )( G +sC )
01 1 L L

Factoring out g o1 and GL in the denominator and rearranging the numerator:

k C
−gm1 gm2 (s 2 1 + 1)
̃ v (s) =
go1 GL (s 1 + 1)(s L + 1)
go1 GL

Replacing the conductances using Eq. (14-2) and rearranging we arrive at the transfer
function in its final form as:
k C
−gm1 gm2 ro1 RL (s 2 1 +1)
̃ v (s) =
(sC1 ro1 +1)(sCL RL +1)

14.3. Poles and Zeros of the Transfer Function

Writing (14-8) in terms of its poles and zero:

A0 (sτz +1)
̃ v (s) =
A (14-9)
(sτ +1)(sτ +1)
p1 p2

Comparing (14-8) and (14-9) the two poles are given by:
1 1
ωp1 = τ =C (14-10)
p1 1 ro1

1 1
ωp2 = τ =C (14-11)
p2 L RL

And the zero is given by:

1 g
ωz = τ = k m2 (14-12)
z C 2 1

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 14 Two-Stage Amplifier Non-Miller, Active FF

14.4. Design to Meet Specifications

14.4.1. Design Equations

DC Gain and Unity-Gain Frequency

Comparing (14-8) and (14-9) magnitude of the DC gain is given by:

A0 = g m1 g m2 ro1 R L (14-13)

We decide to use phase-lead compensation with ωp1 , ωp2 and ωz below the unity-gain
frequency ω0 . Therefore, using Eqs. (2-66), (14-1) and (14-10) to (14-13) we find:
k2 gm1 gmf2
ω0 = = (14-14)

Defining PZL Parameters

We do not define any PZL parameter for ωp1 and ωp2 noting those to be low-frequency far-
away poles. However, we can express those in terms of ω0 combining Eqs. (14-1), (14-10)
and (14-11) with Eqs. (14-13) and (10-14) such as:
ω C C
ωp1 = A 0 where A01 = k 2 g m1 ro1 (C1 ) = g mf2 ro1 (C1 ) (14-15)
01 L L

ωp2 = A 0 where A02 = k 2 g m1 R L = g mf2 R L (14-16)

We define PZL parameter σ for ωz such that:

ωz = σω0 (14-17)

Circuit Parameters in terms of PZL Parameters

Substituting (14-12) and (14-14) into (14-17) we find:

gm2 k22 σC1

= (14-18)
gm1 CL

Stability Equation (Phase Margin)

Setting s = jω0 in Eq. (14-9) and using Eq. (2-77), the phase margin is given by:

ϕm = 1800 + tan−1(ω0 τz ) − tan−1(ω0 τp1 ) − tan−1(ω0 τp2 )

Substituting Eqs. (14-15) to (14-17) in the above we arrive at:

ϕm = 1800 + tan−1 (σ) − tan−1(A01 ) − tan−1(A02 ) (14-19)

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 14 Two-Stage Amplifier Non-Miller, Active FF

14.4.2. Design Calculations

The table below lists the target performance parameters of the amplifier.

Tab. 14-2. Amplifier specifications.

No. Performance parameters Symbol Value Units

1 Magnitude of DC gain A0 > 60 dB
2 Unity gain frequency f0 > 50 MHz
3 Phase margin ϕm > 60 degrees
4 Gain margin Gm > 10 dB
5 Resistive load RL 10 kΩ
6 Capacitive load CL 6 pF

Deciding PZL and Circuit Parameter Values

To meet the specifications in Tab. 14-2 we proceed as follows:

We decide on σ = locating ωz below ω0 in frequency. Using this value of σ in Eq. (14-19)
̃ m = 63.440 .
and assuming A01 , A02 to be large numbers, the estimated phase margin is ϕ

Using g mf2 = 2mS, so that f0 = 53.05MHz from Eq. (14-14).

Using C1 = 3pf and cp1 = 150fF, CB1 = 2.85pF from Eq. (14-3).

Using k 2 = 4 we find g m1 = 500μS from Eq. (14-1) and g m2 = 2mS from Eq. (14-18).

Using ro1 = 200kΩ, A01 = 200 from Eq. (14-15), A02 = 20 from Eq. (14-16) and A0 =
2000 ≈ 66.02dB from Eq. (14-13).

Now, we can find a more accurate phase margin figure using Eq. (14-19):

ϕm = 1800 + 63.440 − 89.710 − 87.130 = 66.600 .

Based on the above calculations and Fig. 14-1, the circuit parameters, frequency parameters
and estimated cell statistics for the amplifier are summarised in the following three tables:

Tab. 14-3. Design values for circuit parameters.

No. Circuit parameters Symbol Value Units

1 First stage transconductance g m1 500 μS
2 First stage resistive load ro1 200 kΩ
3 First stage capacitive load cp1 150 fF
4 Bandwidth limiting capacitance for first stage CB1 2.85 pF
5 Second stage transconductance g m2 2 mS
6 Second stage resistive load RL 10 kΩ
7 Second stage capacitive load CL 6 pF
8 Feedforward transconductance g mf2 2 mS
9 Feedforward transconductance ratio k2 4 −

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 14 Two-Stage Amplifier Non-Miller, Active FF

Tab. 14-4. Design values for frequency parameters.

No. Description Symbol Value Units

1 First pole fp1 265.25 kHz
2 Second pole fp2 2.6525 MHz
3 Zero fz 26.525 MHz
4 Unity gain frequency f0 53.05 MHz

Tab. 14-5. Amplifier cell statistics estimated for ABC process technology (Appendix 18).

No. Cell statistic Symbol Value Units

1 Cell area excluding RL1 and CL1 Acell 49 × 50 μm2
2 Power consumption @ VDD − VSS = 1.5V Pcell 165 μW

14.4.3. Design evaluation

Unity feedback factor loop-gain response plots can be obtained from the transfer function in
Eq. (14-8). Appendix 14 lists all necessary formulae. The plots, using parameter values in
Tab. 14-3, are shown in Figs. 14-4 and 14-5. Performance parameters for the amplifier may
be read off from the plots or from the plot data in Tab. 14-7. The table below compares these
figures with those calculated in the previous sub-section and the specifications in Tab. 14-2.

Tab. 14-6. Comparison of performance parameters.

No. Performance parameters Symbol Calculated Evaluated Specs. Units

1 Magnitude of DC gain A0 66.02 66 > 60 dB
2 Unity gain frequency f0 /fc 53.05 53 > 50 MHz
3 Phase margin ϕm 66.60 66.1 > 60 degrees
4 Phase crossover frequency fπ − NN − MHz
5 Gain margin Gm − NA − dB

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 14 Two-Stage Amplifier Non-Miller, Active FF

Fig. 14-4. Unity feedback factor loop-gain magnitude response for the amplifier.

Fig. 14-5. Unity feedback factor loop-gain phase response for the amplifier.

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 14 Two-Stage Amplifier Non-Miller, Active FF

Tab. A14-7. Data listing for loop-gain response plots in Figs. 14-4 and 14-5.

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 14 Two-Stage Amplifier Non-Miller, Active FF

14.5. Concluding Remarks

A study of Tabs. 4-3, 4-6, 11-3, 11-6, 14-3 and 14-6 shows that this amplifier has a lower DC
gain compared to those in Chapters 4 and 11 for the same R L value. This happens because of
a relatively low g m2 value for this amplifier. The performances with various CL values are
very different and some of those are highlighted below.

Eqs. (4-18), (11-17) and (14-14) show that ω0 , for this amplifier, is inversely proportional to
CL instead of CC for the others. This means it is not suitable for variable load applications.
However, comparing Figs. 4-4, 11-4 and 14-4 we see, for nearly equal unity-gain bandwidth,
this amplifier has higher 3-dB bandwidth (265kHz against 10kHz) and larger gain at 1MHz
(54dB against 34dB) despite its DC gain being lower (66dB against 74dB). This
characteristic is typical of non-Miller phase-lead compensated amplifiers because none of the
poles are pushed back to very low frequencies by Miller multiplication of capacitor(s).
Therefore, this compensation is better for high-frequency designs.

From Tab. A17-2 we can see that this amplifier consumes the lowest power but largest area
among all the two-stage amplifiers. The size of CB1 in this amplifier is largely responsible for
the increase in area.

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 15 Three-Stage Amplifier Non-Miller, Active FF

Three-Stage Amplifier with Non-Miller

Active Feedforward Compensation

15.1. Introductory Notes

We dealt with variants of the Miller compensation technique, requiring at least one Miller
capacitor in Chapters 4 to 13. The maximum number of such capacitors being one less than
the number of stages.

In a radical shift from the above idea of compensation, a 2003 publication [R1-8] described a
technique for compensating multistage amplifiers without any Miller capacitor(s). It proposed
insertion of zeros using active feedforward to counter the poles of the amplifier, the number
of zeros being one less than the number of poles or stages. However, the bandwidth of the
individual stages had to be limited for the feedforward path(s) to operate effectively.
Therefore, a total removal of capacitors was not quite possible. Like the amplifiers in
Chapters 11 to 13, this idea too can be easy generalised to build multistage amplifiers.

In Section 14.5 we noted that the bandwidth limiting capacitor CB1 is larger than a normal
Miller capacitor used in Chapter 4 or 11 thereby increasing area consumption. In a 2006
publication [R1-10], this problem was overcome using Miller multiplication of small
capacitors to realize bandwidth limiting capacitors.

In this chapter we shall be discussing this compensation technique when applied to a three-
stage amplifier. However, we shall stick to the non-Miller version of the compensation.

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 15 Three-Stage Amplifier Non-Miller, Active FF

15.2. Circuit Analysis and Transfer Function

Circuit Diagram

Fig. 15-1. Circuit schematic for the amplifier.

The circuit parameters for the amplifier are defined below:

Tab. 15-1. Circuit parameters for amplifier.

No. Circuit parameter Symbol

1 First stage transconductance (MP1 or MP2 or MP4 or MP5) g m1
2 Net resistance loading first stage (node N1) ro1
3 Parasitic capacitance loading first stage (node N1) cp1
4 Bandwidth limiting capacitor for first stage (node N1) CB1
5 Second stage transconductance (MN5) g m2
6 Net resistance loading second stage (node N2) ro2
7 Parasitic capacitance loading second stage (node N2) cp2
8 Bandwidth limiting capacitor for second stage (node N2) CB2
9 Third stage transconductance (MP8) g m3
10 Net resistance loading third stage (node OUT) RL
11 Net capacitance loading third stage (node OUT) CL
12 Feedforward transconductance to second stage (MP4, MN3, MN6) g mf2
13 Feedforward transconductance ratio (g mf2 : g m1 ) k2
14 Feedforward transconductance to third stage (M P5, MN4, MN7) g mf3
15 Feedforward transconductance ratio (g mf3 : g m1 ) k3

Block Diagram

Fig. 15-2. Block diagram for the amplifier.

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 15 Three-Stage Amplifier Non-Miller, Active FF

Referring to Figs. 15-1 and 15-2 and Table 15-1, transistors MP1, MP2, MP3, MN1, MN2 and
MP4, MP5, MP6, MN3, MN4 constitute the first stage represented by the block marked g m1
where g m1 is the transconductance of any one of MP1, MP2, MP4 or MP5. Transistors MN5 and
MP7 constitute the second stage represented by the block marked g m2 where g m2 is the
transconductance of MN5. Transistors MP8 and MN7 constitute the third stage represented by
the block marked g m3 where g m3 is the transconductance of MP8. The feedforward path with
transconductance g mf2 is provided through transistors MP4, MN3 and MN6 and is represented
by the block marked g mf2 . The feedforward path with transconductance g mf3 is provided
through transistors MP5, MN4 and MN7 and is represented by the block marked g mf3 where
g mf2 and g mf3 are functions of the transconductances of the constituent transistors given by:
gmN6 gmN7
g mf2 = k 2 g m1 where k 2 = and g mf3 = k 3 g m1 where k 3 = (15-1)
2gmN3 2gmN4

Small-Signal Equivalent Circuit

Fig. 15-3. Simplified small-signal equivalent circuit for the amplifier.

Other than low-frequency MOS models being used, the first stage of the amplifier has been
simplified in Fig. 15-3 as per discussions in Section 3.5. Parasitic capacitances associated
with g mf2 and g mf3 have been neglected too.

Network Equations and Solutions

For convenience, we shall consider conductances instead of resistances such as:

1 1 1
g o1 = r , g o2 = r , GL = R (15-2)
o1 o1 L

We define:

C1 = cp1 + CB1 and C2 = cp2 + CB2 (15-3)

We shall assume the following to approximate some results later:

g m1 , g m2 , g m3 ≫ g o1 , g o2 , GL ; cp2 , cp2 ≪ CB1 , CB2 , CL and k 2 , k 3 < 10 (15-4)

Applying Laplace transforms and KCL to nodes N1, N2 and OUT in Fig. (15-3) and using
Eqs. (15-2) and (15-3):

(g o1 + sC1 )V1 = g m1 Vi (15-5)

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 15 Three-Stage Amplifier Non-Miller, Active FF

g m2 V1 + (g o2 + sC2 )V2 = −g mf2 Vi (15-6)

g m3 V2 + ( GL + sCL )Vo = g mf3 Vi (15-7)

Eqs. (15-5) to (15-7) can be written in vector-matrix form using Eq. (15-1) as:

g o1 + sC1 0 0 V1 g m1 Vi
[ g m2 g o2 + sC2 0 ] [V2 ] = [−k 2 g m1 Vi ] (15-8)
0 g m3 GL + sCL Vo k 3 g m1 Vi

Applying Cramer’s rule to solve for Vo from (15-8):

go1 +sC1 0 gm1 Vi
| gm2 go2 +sC2 −k2 gm1 Vi |
0 gm3 k3 gm1 Vi
Vo = go1 +sC1 0 0
| gm2 go2 +sC2 0 |
0 gm3 GL +sCL

Using cofactor expansion of the numerator determinant along its third column and expanding
the denominator determinant in full:
g go2 +sC2 g +sC1 0 g +sC1 0
gm1 Vi | m2 |+k2 gm1 Vi | o1 |+k3 gm1 Vi | o1 |
0 gm3 0 gm3 gm2 go2 +sC2
Vo = (go1 +sC1 )(go2 +sC2 )( GL +sCL )

Whence we can find the transfer function to be:

g go2 +sC2 g +sC1 0 g +sC1 0
Vo (s) gm1 | m2 |+k2 gm1 | o1 |+k3 gm1 | o1 |
0 gm3 0 gm3 gm2 go2 +sC2
Av (s) = =
Vi (s) (go1 +sC1 )(go2 +sC2 )( GL +sCL )

Expanding the numerator determinants and rearranging:

gm1 [s2 k3 C1 C2 +s(k2 C1 gm3 +k3 C2 go1 +k3 C1 go2 )+gm2 gm3 +k2 gm3 go1 +k3 go1 go2 ]
Av (s) = (go1 +sC1 )(go2 +sC2 )( GL +sCL )

Approximating the numerator using Eq. (15-4):

̃ v (s) = gm1 (s
A 3 C1 C2 + sk2 C1 gm3 + gm2 gm3 )
(g 01 +sC1 )(g02 +sC2 )( GL +sCL )

Factoring out g o1 , g o2 and GL in the denominator and rearranging the numerator:

k C C k C
gm1 gm2 gm3 (s2 3 1 2 + s 2 1 + 1)
gm2 gm3 gm2
̃ v (s) =
go1 go2 GL (s 1 + 1)(s 2 + 1)(s L + 1)
go1 go2 GL

Replacing the conductances using Eq. (15-2) and rearranging we arrive at the transfer
function in its final form as:
k C C k C
gm1 gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL (s2 3 1 2 + s 2 1 + 1)
gm2 gm3 gm2
̃ v (s) =
A (15-9)
(sC1 ro1 +1)(sC2 ro2 +1)(sCL RL +1)

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 15 Three-Stage Amplifier Non-Miller, Active FF

15.3. Poles and Zeros of the Transfer Function


We leave the numerator of Eq. (15-9) un-factorised so that we may locate its zeros with PZL
parameters at a later stage using the method described in Section 2.4.3.

Poles and Zeros

Writing (15-9) in terms of its poles and zeros:

̃ v = A0(sτz1+1)(sτz2+1)
A (15-10)
(sτ +1)(sτ +1)(sτ +1)
p1 p2 p3

Comparing Eqs. (15-9) and (15-10), the three poles are given by:
1 1
ωp1 = τ =C (15-11)
p1 1 ro1

1 1
ωp2 = = (15-12)
τp2 C2 ro2

1 1
ωp3 = τ =C (15-13)
p3 L RL

Using Eq. (2-24) in addition to the above equations:

1 gm2 gm3
ωz1 ωz2 = τ = (15-14)
z1 τz2 k3 C 1 C 2

15.4. Design to Meet Specifications

DC Gain and Unity-Gain Frequency

Comparing Eqs. (15-9) and (15-10) magnitude of the DC gain is given by:

A0 = g m1 g m2 g m3 ro1 ro2 R L (15-15)

We decide to use phase-lead compensation with ωp1 , ωp2 , ωp3 , ωz1 and ωz2 below the
unity-gain frequency ω0 . Therefore, using Eqs. (2-66) and (15-11) to (15-15) we find:
k3 gm1 gmf3
ω0 = = (15-16)

Defining PZL Parameters

We do not define any PZL parameter for ωp1 , ωp2 and ωp3 noting those to be low-frequency
far-away poles. However, we can express those in terms of ω0 combining Eqs. (15-11) to
(15-13) with Eqs. (15-15) and (15-16) such as:
ω C C
ωp1 = A 0 where A01 = k 3 g m1 ro1 (C1 ) = g mf3 ro1 (C1 ) (15-17)
01 L L

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 15 Three-Stage Amplifier Non-Miller, Active FF

ω C C
ωp2 = A 0 where A02 = k 3 g m1 ro2 (C2 ) = g mf3 ro2 (C2 ) (15-18)
02 L L

ωp3 = A 0 where A03 = k 3 g m1 R L = g mf3 R L (15-19)

We define PZL parameters σ and μ for ωz1 and ωz2 such that:

ωz2 = σω0 (15-20)


ωz1 = μωz2 = σμω0 (15-21)

Circuit Parameters in terms of PZL Parameters

Substituting Eqs. (15-20) and (15-21) into the two factors in the numerator of Eq. (15-10) and
multiplying those we arrive at the quadratic polynomial:
1 1+μ
s 2 σ2 μω2 + s σμω + 1
0 0

Equating the above with the quadratic polynomial in the numerator of Eq. (15-9) we find:
1 k C1 C2
= g3 (15-22)
σ2 μω20 m2 gm3

1+μ k2 C 1
= (15-23)
σμω0 gm2

Combining Eqs. (15-16), (15-22) and (15-23):

gm3 k23 σ(1+μ) C2

= (C ) (15-24)
gm1 k2 L

Combining (15-16) and (15-23):

gm2 k2 k3 σμ C1
= (C ) (15-25)
gm1 1+μ L

Stability Equation (Phase Margin)

Setting s = jω0 in Eq. (15-10) and using Eq. (2-77), the phase margin is given by:

ϕm = 1800 + tan−1 (ω0 τz1 ) + tan−1 (ω0 τz2 ) − tan−1 (ω0 τp1 ) − tan−1 (ω0 τp2 )

−tan−1 (ω0 τp3 )

Substituting Eqs. (15-17) to (15-21) in the above we arrive at:

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 15 Three-Stage Amplifier Non-Miller, Active FF

1 1
ϕm = 1800 + tan−1 (σμ) + tan−1 (σ) − tan−1 (A01 ) − tan−1 (A02 ) − tan−1 (A03 ) (15-26)

15.4.2. Design Calculations

The table below lists the target performance parameters of the amplifier.

Tab. 15-2. Amplifier specifications

No. Performance parameters Symbol Value Units

1 Magnitude of DC gain A0 > 90 dB
2 Unity gain frequency f0 ~ 50 MHz
3 Phase margin ϕm > 60 degrees
4 Gain margin Gm > 10 dB
5 Resistive load RL 10 kΩ
6 Capacitive load CL 6 pF

Deciding PZL and Circuit Parameter Values

To meet the specifications in Tab. 15-2 we proceed as follows:

1 1
We decide on σ = 4 and μ = 1 with σμ = 4, locating the ωz1 and ωz2 on top of each other
and below ω0 in frequency. Using these values of σ and μ in Eq. (15-26) and assuming
̃ m = 61.920 .
A01 , A02 and A03 to be large numbers, the estimated phase margin is ϕ

Using g mf3 = 2mS, f0 = 53.05MHz from Eq. (15-16).

We use C1 = C2 = 3pF, cp1 = 100fF and cp2 = 200fF. Then CB1 = 2.9pF and CB2 = 2.8pF
from Eq. (15-3).

Using k 2 = 2 and k 3 = 4, we find g m1 = 500μS and g mf2 = 1mS from Eq. (15-1), g m2 =
250μS from Eq. (15-25) and g m3 = 1mS from Eq. (15-24).

Using ro1 = 200kΩ, ro2 = 200kΩ we find A01 = 200 from Eq. (15-17), A02 = 200 from
Eq. (15-18), A03 = 20 from Eq. (15-19) and A0 = 50,000 ≈ 93.98dB from Eq. (15-15).

Now, we can find a more accurate phase margin figure using Eq. (15-26):

ϕm = 1800 + 75.960 + 75.960 − 89.710 − 89.710 − 87.140 = 65.360 .

Based on the above calculations and Fig. 15-1, the circuit parameters, frequency parameters
and estimated cell statistics for the amplifier are summarised in the following three tables:

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 15 Three-Stage Amplifier Non-Miller, Active FF

Tab. 15-3. Design values for circuit parameters.

No. Circuit parameters Symbol Value Units

1 First stage transconductance g m1 500 μS
2 First stage resistive load ro1 200 kΩ
3 First stage capacitive load cp1 100 fF
4 Bandwidth limiting capacitor first stage CB1 2.9 pF
5 Second stage transconductance g m2 250 μS
6 Second stage resistive load ro2 200 kΩ
7 Second stage capacitive load cp2 200 fF
8 Bandwidth limiting capacitor second stage CB2 2.8 pF
9 Third stage transconductance g m3 1 mS
10 Third stage resistive load RL 10 kΩ
11 Third stage capacitive load CL 6 pF
12 Feedforward transconductance to second stage g mf2 1 mS
13 Feedforward transconductance ratio second stage k2 2 −
14 Feedforward transconductance to third stage g mf3 2 mS
15 Feedforward transconductance ratio third stage k3 4 −

Tab. 15-4. Design values for frequency parameters.

No. Description Symbol Value Units

1 First pole fp1 265.25 kHz
2 Second pole fp2 265.25 kHz
3 Third pole fp3 2.6525 MHz
4 First Zero fz1 13.2625 MHz
5 Second zero fz2 13.2625 MHz
6 Unity-gain frequency f0 53.05 MHz

Tab. 15-5. Amplifier cell statistics estimated for ABC process technology (Appendix 18).

No. Cell statistic Symbol Value Units

1 Cell area excluding RL1 and CL1 Acell 66 × 67 μm2
2 Power consumption @ VDD − VSS = 1.5V Pcell 180 μW

15.4.3. Design Evaluation

Unity feedback factor loop-gain response plots can be obtained from the transfer function in
Eq. (15-9). Appendix 15 lists all necessary formulae. The plots, using parameter values in
Tab. 15-3, are shown in Figs. 15-4 and 15-5. Performance parameters for the amplifier may
be read off from the plots or from the plot data in Tab. 15-7. The table below compares these
figures with those calculated in the previous sub-section and the specifications in Tab. 15-2.

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 15 Three-Stage Amplifier Non-Miller, Active FF

Tab. 15-6. Comparison of performance parameters.

No. Performance parameters Symbol Calculated Evaluated Specs. Units

1 DC gain magnitude A0 93.98 94 > 90 dB
2 Unity gain frequency f0 /fc 53.05 53 ~ 50 MHz
3 Phase margin (unity-feedback factor) ϕm 65.36 64.7 > 60 degrees
4 Phase crossover frequency fπ − 1.5, 9 − MHz
5 Gain Margin (unity-feedback factor) Gm − NA > 10 dB
6 Range of unstable closed-loop gain A̅ cl0 − 24 to 60 − dB

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 15 Three-Stage Amplifier Non-Miller, Active FF

Fig. 15-4. Unity feedback factor loop-gain magnitude response for the amplifier.

Fig. 15-5. Unity feedback factor loop-gain phase response for the amplifier.

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 15 Three-Stage Amplifier Non-Miller, Active FF

Tab. 15-7. Data listing for loop-gain response plots in Figs. 15-4 and 15-5.

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 15 Three-Stage Amplifier Non-Miller, Active FF

15.5. Concluding Remarks

A study of Tabs. 6-3, 6-6, 12-3, 12-6, 15-3 and 15-6 shows that this amplifier has a lower DC
gain compared to those in Chapters 6 and 12 for the same R L value. This happens because of
relatively low g m2 and g m3 values for this amplifier. The performances with various CL
values are very different and some of those are highlighted below.

Eqs. (6-22), (12-19) and (15-16) show that ω0 , for this amplifier, is inversely proportional to
CL instead of CC for the others. This means it is not suitable for variable load applications.
However, comparing Figs. 6-4, 12-4 and 15-4 we see, for nearly equal unity-gain bandwidth,
this amplifier has higher 3-dB bandwidth (200kHz against 100Hz) and larger gain at 1MHz
(70dB against 35dB) despite its DC gain being lower (94dB against 113dB). This
characteristic is typical of non-Miller phase-lead compensated amplifiers because none of the
poles are pushed back to very low frequencies by Miller multiplication of capacitor(s).
Therefore, this compensation is better for high-frequency designs.

From Fig. 15-5 and Tabs 15-4, 15-6 we see that the phase of the loop-gain dips below 0dB
between 1.5MHz and 9MHz. Therefore, there are two phase-crossover frequencies below fc .
However, the phase margin at unity feedback factor meets specifications, indicating the
amplifier is conditionally stable as discussed in Section 2.4.6. It should be possible to come
up with an unconditionally stable amplifier locating ωz1 and ωz2 at lower frequencies
adjusting PZL and circuit parameters, especially CB1 and CB2 , as Eqs. (15-24) and (15-25)

From Tab. A17-3 we can see that this amplifier consumes the second lowest power but
largest area among all the three-stage amplifiers. The sizes of CB1 and CB2 in this amplifier
are largely responsible for the area increase.

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 16 Four-Stage Amplifier Non-Miller, Active FF

Four-Stage Amplifier with Non-Miller

Active Feedforward Compensation

16.1. Introductory Notes

We dealt with variants of the Miller compensation technique, requiring at least one Miller
capacitor in Chapters 4 to 13. The maximum number of such capacitors being one less than
the number of stages.

In a radical shift from the above idea of compensation, a 2003 publication [R1-8] described a
technique for compensating multistage amplifiers without any Miller capacitor(s). It proposed
insertion of zeros using active feedforward to counter the poles of the amplifier, the number
of zeros being one less than the number of poles or stages. However, the bandwidth of the
individual stages had to be limited for the feedforward path(s) to operate effectively.
Therefore, a total removal of capacitors was not quite possible. Like the amplifiers in
Chapters 11 to 13, this idea too can be easy generalised to build multistage amplifiers.

In Section 15.5 we noted that the bandwidth limiting capacitors CB1 and CB2 are larger than
normal Miller capacitors used in Chapter 6 or 12 thereby increasing area consumption. In a
2006 publication [R1-10], this problem was overcome using Miller multiplication of small
capacitors to realize bandwidth limiting capacitors.

In this chapter we shall be discussing this compensation technique when applied to a four-
stage amplifier. However, we shall stick to the non-Miller version of the compensation.

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 16 Four-Stage Amplifier Non-Miller, Active FF

16.2. Circuit Analysis and Transfer Function

Circuit Diagram

Fig. 16-1. Circuit schematic for the amplifier.

The circuit parameters for the amplifier are defined below:

Tab. 16-1. Circuit parameters for the amplifier.

No. Circuit parameter Symbol

1 First stage transconductance (MP1 or MP2 or MP4 or MP5) g m1
2 Net resistance loading first stage (node N1) ro1
3 Parasitic capacitance loading first stage (node N1) cp1
4 Bandwidth limiting capacitor for first stage CB1
5 Second stage transconductance (MN5) g m2
6 Net resistance loading second stage (node N2) ro2
7 Parasitic capacitance loading second stage (node N2) cp2
8 Bandwidth limiting capacitor for second stage CB2
9 Third stage transconductance (MP8) g m3
10 Net resistance loading third stage (node N3) ro3
11 Parasitic capacitance loading third stage (node N3) cp3
12 Bandwidth limiting capacitor for third stage CB3
13 Fourth stage transconductance (MP9) g m4
14 Net resistance loading fourth stage (node OUT) RL
15 Net capacitance loading fourth stage (node OUT) CL
16 Feedforward transconductance to second stage (MP4, MN3, MN6) g mf2
17 Feedforward transconductance ratio (g mf2 : g m1 ) k2
18 Feedforward transconductance to third stage (M P5, MN4, MN7) g mf3
19 Feedforward transconductance ratio (g mf3 : g m1 ) k3
20 Feedforward transconductance to fourth stage (M P4, MN3, MN8) g mf4
21 Feedforward transconductance ratio (g mf4 : g m1 ) k4

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 16 Four-Stage Amplifier Non-Miller, Active FF

Block Diagram

Fig. 16-2. Block diagram for the amplifier.

Referring to Figs. 16-1 and 16-2 and Table 16-1, transistors MP1, MP2, MP3, MN1, MN2 and
MP4, MP5, MP6, MN3, MN4 constitute the first stage represented by the block marked g m1
where g m1 is the transconductance of any one of MP1, MP2, MP4 or MP5. Transistors MN5 and
MP7 constitute the second stage represented by the block marked g m2 where g m2 is the
transconductance of MN5. Transistors MP8 and MN7 constitute the third stage represented by
the block marked g m3 where g m3 is the transconductance of MP8. Transistors MP9 and MN8
constitute the fourth stage represented by the block marked g m4 where g m4 is the
transconductance of MP9. The feedforward path with transconductance g mf2 is provided
through transistors MP4, MN3 and MN6 and is represented by the block marked g mf2 . The
feedforward path with transconductance g mf3 is provided through transistors MP5, MN4 and
MN7 and is represented by the block marked g mf3 . The feedforward path with
transconductance g mf4 is provided through transistors MP4, MN3 and MN8 and is represented
by the block marked g mf4 . The transconductances g mf2 , g mf3 and g mf3 are given by:
g g
g mf2 = k 2 g m1 where k 2 = 2gmN6 and g mf3 = k 3 g m1 where k 3 = 2gmN7
mN3 mN4

and g mf4 = k 4 g m1 where k 4 = 2gmN8 (16-1)

Small-Signal Equivalent Circuit

Fig. 16-3. Simplified small-signal equivalent circuit for the amplifier.

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 16 Four-Stage Amplifier Non-Miller, Active FF

Other than low-frequency MOS models being used, the first stage of the amplifier has been
simplified in Fig. 16-3 as per discussions in Section 3.5. Parasitic capacitances associated
with g mf2 , g mf3 and g mf4 have been neglected too.

Network Equations and Solutions

For convenience, we shall consider conductances instead of resistances such as:

1 1 1 1
g o1 = r , g o2 = r , g o3 = r , GL = R (16-2)
o1 o2 o3 L

We define:

C1 = cp1 + CB1 , C2 = cp2 + CB2 , C3 = cp3 + CB3 (16-3)

We shall assume the following to approximate some results later:

g m1 , g m2 , g m3 , g m4 ≫ g o1 , g o2 , g o3 , GL ; cp2 , cp2 , cp3 ≪ CB1 , CB2 , CB3 , CL

and k 2 , k 3 , k 4 < 10 (16-4)

Applying Laplace transforms and KCL to nodes N1, N2, N3 and OUT in Fig. (16-3) and using
Eqs. (16-2) and (16-3):

(g o1 + sC1 )V1 = g m1 Vi (16-5)

g m2 V1 + (g o2 + sC2 )V2 = −g mf2 Vi (16-6)

g m3 V2 + (g o3 + sC3 )V3 = g mf3 Vi (16-7)

g m4 V3 + (GL + sCL )Vo = −g mf4 Vi (16-8)

Eqs. (16-5) to (16-8) can be written in vector-matrix form using Eq. (16-1) as:

g o1 + sC1 0 0 0 V1 g m1 Vi
g m2 g o2 + sC2 0 0 V −k g V
[ ] [ 2 ] = [ 2 m1 i ] (16-9)
0 g m3 g o3 + sC3 0 V3 k 3 g m1 Vi
0 0 g m4 GL + sCL Vo −k 4 g m1 Vi

Using Cramer’s rule to solve for Vo from Eq. (16-9):

go1 +sC1 0 0 gm1 Vi
gm2 go2 +sC2 0 −k2 gm1 Vi
| |
0 gm3 go3 +sC3 k3 gm1 Vi
0 0 gm4 −k4 gm1 Vi
Vo = go1 +sC1 0 0 0
gm2 go2 +sC2 0 0
| |
0 gm3 go3 +sC3 0
0 0 gm4 GL +sCL

Using cofactor expansion of the numerator determinant along its third column and expanding
the denominator determinant in full:

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 16 Four-Stage Amplifier Non-Miller, Active FF

gm2 go2 +sC2 0 go1 +sC1 0 0

−gm1 Vi | 0 gm3 go3 +sC3 |−k2 gm1 Vi | 0 gm3 go3 +sC3 |
0 0 gm4 0 0 gm4
go1 +sC1 0 0 go1 +sC1 0 0
−k3 gm1 Vi | gm2 go2 +sC2 0 |−k4 gm1 Vi | gm2 go2 +sC2 0 |
0 0 gm4 0 gm3 go3 +sC3
Vo = (go1 +sC1 )(go2 +sC2 )(go3 +sC3 )( GL +sCL )

Whence we can find the transfer function to be:

gm2 go2 +sC2 0 go1 +sC1 0 0
−gm1 | 0 gm3 go3 +sC3 |−k2 gm1 | 0 gm3 go3 +sC3 |
0 0 gm4 0 0 gm4
go1 +sC1 0 0 go1 +sC1 0 0
−k3 gm1 | gm2 go2 +sC2 0 |−k4 gm1 | gm2 go2 +sC2 0 |
Vo (s) 0 0 gm4 0 gm3 go3 +sC3
Av (s) = = (go1 +sC1 )(go2 +sC2 )(go3 +sC3 )( GL +sCL )
Vi (s)

Expanding the numerator determinants fully and rearranging:

s3 k4 C1 C2 C3 +s2 (k3 C1 C2 gm4 +k4 C1 C2 go3 +k4 C1 C3 go2 +k4 C2 C3 go1 )

−gm1 [+s(k2 C1 gm3 gm4 +k3 C1 gm4 go2 +k3 C2 gm4 go1 +k4 C1 go2 go3 +k4 C2 go1 go3 +k4 C3 go1 go2 )]
+(gm2 gm3 gm4 +k2 gm3 gm4 go1 +k3 gm4 go1 go2 +k4 go1 go2 go3 )
Av (s) = (sC1 +go1 )(sC2 +go2 )(sC3 +go3 )(sCL +GL )

Approximating the numerator using Eq. (16-4):

3k 2k
̃ v (s) = −gm1(s
A 4 C1 C2 C3 +s 3 C1 C2 gm4 +sk2 C1 gm3 gm4 +gm2 gm3 gm4 )
(sC1 +go1 )(sC2 +go2 )(sC3 +go3 )(sCL +GL )

Factoring out g o1 , g o2 , g o3 and GL in the denominator and rearranging the numerator:

k4 C1 C2 C3 k C C k C
−gm1 gm2 gm3 gm4 (s3 +s2 3 1 2 +s 2 1 +1)
gm2 gm3 gm4 gm2 gm3 gm2
̃ v (s) =
go1 go2 go3 GL (s 1 + 1)(s 2 + 1)(s 3 + 1)(s L + 1)
go1 go2 go3 GL

Replacing the conductances using Eq. (16-2) and rearranging, we arrive at the transfer
function in its final form as:
k4 C1 C2 C3 k C C k C
−gm1 gm2 gm3 gm4 ro1 ro2 ro3 RL (s3 +s2 3 1 2 +s 2 1 +1)
gm2 gm3 gm4 gm2 gm3 gm2
̃ v (s) =
A (16-10)
(sC1 ro1 +1)(sC2 ro2 +1)(sC3 ro3 +1)(sCL RL +1)

16.3. Poles and Zeros of the Transfer Function


We leave the numerator of Eq. (16-10) un-factorised so that we may locate its zeros with PZL
parameters at a later stage using the method described in Section 2.4.3.

Poles and Zeros

Writing (16-10) in terms of its poles and zeros:

A0 (sτz1 +1)(sτz2 +1)(sτz3 +1)
̃ v (s) =
A (16-11)
(sτ +1)(sτ +1)(sτ +1)(sτ +1)
p1 p2 p3 p4

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 16 Four-Stage Amplifier Non-Miller, Active FF

Comparing (16-10) and (16-11) the four poles are given by:
1 1
ωp1 = τ =C (16-12)
p1 1 ro1

1 1
ωp2 = τ =C (16-13)
p2 2 ro2

1 1
ωp3 = τ =C (16-14)
p3 3 ro3

1 1
ωp4 = τ =C (16-15)
p4 L RL

Using Eq. (2-30) in addition to the above equations:

1 gm2 gm3 gm4
ωz1 ωz2 ωz3 = τ = (16-16)
z1 τz2 τz3 k3 C 1 C 2 C 3

16.4. Design to meet specifications

DC gain and Unity-Gain Frequency

Comparing (16-10) and (16-11) magnitude of the DC gain is given by:

A0 = g m1 g m2 g m3 g m4 ro1 ro2 ro3 R L (16-17)

We decide to use phase-lead compensation with ωp1 , ωp2 , ωp3 , ωp4 , ωz1 , ωz2 and ωz3
below the unity-gain frequency ω0 . Therefore, using Eqs. (2-66) and (16-12) to (16-17) we
k4 gm1 gmf4
ω0 = = (16-18)

Defining PZL parameters

We do not define any PZL parameter for ωp1 , ωp2 , ωp3 and ωp4 noting those to be low-
frequency far-away poles. However, we can express those in terms of ω0 combining Eqs.
(16-12) to (16-15) with Eqs. (16-17) and (16-18) such as:
ω C C
ωp1 = A 0 where A01 = k 4 g m1 ro1 (C1 ) = g mf4 ro1 (C1 ) (16-19)
01 L L

ω C C
ωp2 = A 0 where A02 = k 4 g m1 ro2 (C2 ) = g mf4 ro2 (C2 ) (16-20)
02 L L

ω C C
ωp3 = A 0 where A03 = k 4 g m1 ro3 (C3 ) = g mf4 ro3 (C3 ) (16-21)
03 L L

ωp4 = A 0 where A04 = k 4 g m1 R L = g mf4 R L (16-22)

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 16 Four-Stage Amplifier Non-Miller, Active FF

We define PZL parameters σ and μ for ωz1 , ωz2 and ωz3 such that:

ωz3 = σω0 (16-23)

ωz2 = μωz3 = σμω0 (16-24)


ωz1 = μωz2 = σμ2 ω0 (16-25)

Circuit Parameters in terms of PZL Parameters

Substituting Eqs. (16-23) to (16-25) into the three factors in the numerator of Eq. (16-11) and
multiplying those we arrive at the cubic polynomial:
1 1+μ+μ2 1+μ+μ2
s 3 σ3 μ3ω3 + s2 σ2μ3 ω2 + s +1
0 0 σμ2 ω0

Equating the above with the cubic polynomial in the numerator of Eq. (16-10) we find:
1 k4 C 1 C 2 C 3
=g (16-26)
σ3 μ3 ω30 m2 gm3 gm4

1+μ+μ2 k C1 C2
= g3 (16-27)
σ2 μ3 ω20 m2 gm3

1+μ+μ2 k2 C 1
= (16-28)
σμ2 ω 0 gm2

Combining Eqs. (16-18), (16-26) and (16-27):

gm4 k24 σ(1+μ+μ2 ) C3

= k3
(C ) (16-29)

Combining (16-18), (16-27) and (16-28):

gm3 k3 k4 σμ C2
= (C ) (16-30)
gm1 k2 L

Combining (16-18) and (16-28):

gm2 k2 k4 σμ2 C1
= (C ) (16-31)
gm1 1+μ+μ2 L

Stability Equation (Phase Margin)

Setting s = jω0 in Eq. (16-11) and using Eq. (2-77), the phase margin is given by:

ϕm = 1800 + tan−1 (ω0 τz3 ) + tan−1 (ω0 τz2 ) + tan−1 (ω0 τz1 )

−tan−1 (ω0 τp1 ) − tan−1 (ω0 τp2 ) − tan−1 (ω0 τp3 ) − tan−1 (ω0 τp4 )

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 16 Four-Stage Amplifier Non-Miller, Active FF

Substituting (16-19) to (16-25) in above we arrive at:

1 1 1
ϕm = 1800 + tan−1 (σ) + tan−1 (σμ) + tan−1 (σμ2 )

−tan−1 (A01 ) − tan−1 (A02 ) − tan−1 (A03 ) − tan−1 (A04 ) (16-32)

16.4.2. Design Calculations

The table below lists the target performance parameters of the amplifier.

Tab. 16-2. Amplifier specifications.

No. Performance parameters Symbol Value Units

1 Magnitude of DC gain A0 > 110 dB
2 Unity gain frequency f0 ~ 50 MHz
3 Phase margin ϕm > 60 degrees
4 Gain margin Gm > 10 dB
5 Resistive load RL 10 kΩ
6 Capacitive load CL 6 pF

Deciding PZL and Circuit Parameter Values

To meet the specifications in Tab. 16-2 we proceed as follows:

1 1
We decide on σ = 6 and μ = 1 with σμ = 6, locating the ωz1 , ωz2 and ωz3 on top of each
other and below ω0 in frequency. Using these values of σ and μ in Eq. (16-32) and assuming
̃ m = 61.620 .
A01 , A02 , A03 and A04 to be large numbers, the estimated phase margin is ϕ

Using g mf4 = 2mS, f0 = 53.05MHz from Eq. (16-18).

We use C1 = C2 = C3 = 3pF, cp1 = cp2 = 100fF and cp3 = 200fF. Then, CB1 = CB2 =
2.9pF and CB3 = 2.8pF from Eq. (16-3).

Using k 2 = k 3 = k 4 = 4 we find g m1 = 500μS and g mf2 = g mf3 = g mf4 = 2mS from Eq.
(16-1), g m2 = 222μS from Eq. (16-31), g m3 = 167μS from Eq. (16-30) and g m4 = 500μS
using Eq. (16-29).

Choosing ro1 = ro2 = ro3 = 200kΩ, we find A01 = A02 = A03 = 200 and A01 = 20 using
Eqs. (16-19) to (16-22) and A0 = 741480 ≈ 117.40dB using Eq. (16-17).

Now, we can find a more accurate phase margin figure using Eq. (16-32):

ϕm = 1800 + 80.540 + 80.540 + 80.540

−89.710 − 89.710 − 89.710 − 87.140 = 65.350 .

Based on the above calculations and Fig. 16-1, the circuit parameters, frequency parameters
and estimated cell statistics for the amplifier are summarised in the following three tables:

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 16 Four-Stage Amplifier Non-Miller, Active FF

Tab. 16-3. Design values for circuit parameters.

No. Circuit parameters Symbol Value Units

1 First stage transconductance g m1 500 μS
2 First stage resistive load ro1 200 kΩ
3 First stage capacitive load cp1 100 fF
4 Second stage transconductance g m2 222 μS
5 Second stage resistive load ro2 200 kΩ
6 Second stage capacitive load cp2 100 fF
7 Third stage transconductance g m3 167 μS
8 Third stage resistive load ro3 200 kΩ
9 Third stage capacitive load cp3 200 fF
10 Fourth stage transconductance g m4 500 μS
11 Fourth stage resistive load RL 10 kΩ
12 Fourth stage capacitive load CL 6 pF
13 Feedforward transconductance to 2nd stage g mf2 2 mS
14 Feedforward transconductance ratio 2nd stage k2 4 −
15 Feedforward transconductance to 3rd stage g mf3 2 mS
16 Feedforward transconductance ratio 3rd stage k3 4 −
17 Feedforward transconductance to 4th stage g mf4 2 mS
18 Feedforward transconductance ratio 4th stage k4 4 −
19 Bandwidth limiting capacitor 1st stage CB1 2.9 pF
20 Bandwidth limiting capacitor 2nd stage CB2 2.9 pF
21 Bandwidth limiting capacitor 3rd stage CB3 2.8 pF

Tab. 16-4. Design values for frequency parameters.

No. Description Symbol Value Units

1 First pole fp1 265.25 kHz
2 Second pole fp2 265.25 kHz
3 Third pole fp3 265.25 kHz
4 Fourth pole fp4 2.6525 MHz
5 First Zero fz1 8.8417 MHz
6 Second zero fz2 8.8417 MHz
7 Third zero fz3 8.8417 MHz
8 Unity gain frequency f0 53.05 MHz

Tab. 16-5. Amplifier cell statistics estimated for ABC process technology (Appendix 18).

No. Cell statistic Symbol Value Units

1 Cell area excluding RL1 and CL1 Acell 82 × 83 μm2
2 Power consumption @ VDD − VSS = 1.5V Pcell 210 μW

16.4.3 Design Evaluation

Unity feedback factor loop-gain response plots can be obtained from the transfer function in
Eq. (16-10). Appendix 16 lists all necessary formulae. The plots, using parameter values in
Tab. 16-3, are shown in Figs. 16-4 and 16-5. Performance parameters for the amplifier may
be read off from the plots or from the plot data in Tab. 16-7. The table below compares these
figures with those calculated in the previous sub-section and the specifications in Tab. 16-2.

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 16 Four-Stage Amplifier Non-Miller, Active FF

Tab. 16-6. Comparison of performance parameters.

No. Performance parameters Symbol Calculated Evaluated Specs. Units

1 DC gain magnitude A0 117.4 117 > 110 dB
2 Unity gain frequency f0 /fc 53.05 53 ~ 50 MHz
3 Phase margin (unity feedback factor) ϕm 65.35 64.7 > 60 degrees
4 Phase crossover frequency fπ − 0.45, 13 − MHz
5 Gain margin (unity feedback factor) Gm − NA > 10 dB
6 Range of unstable closed-loop gain A̅ cl0 − 16 to 100 − dB

Rest of the space in this page is left intentionally blank.

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 16 Four-Stage Amplifier Non-Miller, Active FF

Fig. 16.4. Unity feedback factor loop-gain magnitude response for the amplifier.

Fig. 16.5. Unity feedback factor loop-gain phase response for the amplifier.

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 16 Four-Stage Amplifier Non-Miller, Active FF

Tab. 16-7. Data listing for loop-gain response plots in Figs. 16-4 and 16-5.

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Chapter 16 Four-Stage Amplifier Non-Miller, Active FF

16.5. Concluding Remarks

A study of Tabs. 13-3, 13-6, 16-3 and 16-6 shows that this amplifier has a lower DC gain
compared to the amplifier in Chapter 13 for a higher R L value. This happens because of
relatively low g m2 , g m3 and g m4 values for this amplifier. The performances with various CL
values are very different and some of those are highlighted below.

Eqs. (13-17) and (16-18) show that ω0 , for this amplifier, is inversely proportional to CL
instead of CC for the other one. This means it is not suitable for variable load applications.
However, comparing Figs. 13-4 and 16-4 we see, for nearly equal unity-gain bandwidth, this
amplifier has higher 3-dB bandwidth (200kHz against 12Hz) and larger gain at 1MHz (80dB
against 35dB) despite its DC gain being lower (112dB against 132dB). This characteristic is
typical of non-Miller phase-lead compensated amplifiers because none of the poles is pushed
back to very low frequencies by Miller multiplication of capacitor(s). Therefore, this
compensation is better for high-frequency designs.

From Fig. 16-5 and Tabs 16-4, 16-6 we see that the phase of the loop-gain dips below 0dB
between 450kHz and 13MHz. Therefore, there are two phase-crossover frequencies below fc .
However, the phase margin at unity feedback factor meets specifications, indicating the
amplifier is conditionally stable as discussed in Section 2.4.6. It should be possible to come
up with an unconditionally stable amplifier locating ωz1 , ωz2 and ωz3 at lower frequencies
adjusting PZL and circuit parameters, especially CB1 , CB2 and CB3 , as Eqs. (16-29) to (15-31)

From Tab. A17-4 we can see that this amplifier consumes lower power, but larger area
compared to the one in Chapter 13. The sizes of CB1 , CB2 and CB3 in this amplifier are largely
responsible for this.

Additionally, we may take note of a trend emerging on the dependence of ω0 on CC and CL

among the amplifiers discussed in this book. For amplifiers using dominant pole
compensation with Miller (floating) capacitors as in Chapters 4 to 13 except 10, ω0 is
inversely proportional to CC and independent of CL . For the ones using phase-lead
compensation with Miller capacitors as in Chapter 10, ω0 is inversely proportional to the
square root of the CL CC product. For the ones using phase-lead compensation with non-Miller
(grounded) capacitors as in Chapters 14 to 16, ω0 is inversely proportional to CL only. The
above opposing trends seem to merge for the amplifier in Chapter 3 which uses dominant
pole compensation with a non-Miller capacitor and ω0 is inversely proportional to CL which
also serves as CC .

In conclusion, we may say only the amplifiers in Chapters 4 to 9 and 11 to 13 are suitable for
working with varying CL values. On the other hand, the amplifiers in Chapters 14 to 16 are
quite different from the rest. They have low power consumption and good high-frequency
performance but consume large area and are suitable for operating with fixed CL values only.

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Appendix 1 Symbols and Notations

Appendix 1
Symbols and Notations

Tab. A1-1. Mathematical notations.

No. Notation Description Example

1 𝐴 Matrix 𝑎 𝑏
𝐴=[ ]
𝑐 𝑑
2 det⁡(𝐴) Determinant of matrix 𝐴 𝑎 𝑏
det(𝐴) = | |
𝑐 𝑑
3 𝑣⃗ Vector 𝑣1
𝑣⃗ = [𝑣 ]
4 𝑎𝑝𝑞 An element of matrix 𝐴 𝑎13 is the element in the first row and third
or det⁡(𝐴) column
5 𝑓(𝑥) A function of the variable 𝑥 𝑓(𝑥) = 𝑎𝑥 2 + 𝑏𝑥 + 𝑐
6 𝑃(𝑥) Polynomial function of the variable 𝑥 𝑃(𝑥) = 𝑎𝑛 𝑥 𝑛 + 𝑎𝑛−1 𝑥 𝑛−1 + ⋯ + 𝑎1 𝑥 + 𝑎0
7 𝑓(𝑥, 𝑦) A function of the variables 𝑥 and 𝑦 𝑓(𝑥, 𝑦) = 𝑎𝑥 2 + 𝑏𝑦 2
8 𝑗 √−1 Complex number 𝑧 = 𝑎 + 𝑗𝑏
9 |𝑧| Magnitude of complex number 𝑧 |𝑧| = √𝑎2 + 𝑏 2
10 〈𝑧〉 Phase angle of complex number 𝑧 𝑏
〈𝑧〉 = tan−1 ( )

11 ≫ Much larger than 𝑎 ≫𝑏+𝑐

12 ≪ Much less than 𝑎 ≪𝑏−𝑐
13 ≈ Approximate value of a variable 𝑏
14 ≅ Approximate equation 𝐹(𝑥) ≅ (𝑥 + 𝑎)(𝑥 + 𝑏)
15 ! Factorial sign 𝑛! = … (𝑛 − 2)(𝑛 − 1)𝑛
16 ~ More or less 𝑎⁡~⁡1
17 NN Does not exist −
18 NA Not available −

Tab. A1-2. Frequency and related parameters/variables.

No. Symbol Description Units

1 ω Angular frequency rad./sec.
2 f = ω/2π Frequency Hz
3 τ, ζ = 1/ω Time-constant sec.
4 ω0 Ideal gain crossover or unity-gain angular frequency (β = 1) rad./sec.
5 f0 = ω0 /2π Ideal gain crossover or unity-gain frequency (β = 1) Hz
6 ωc Actual gain crossover or unity-gain angular frequency (β = 1) rad./sec.
7 fc = ωc /2π Actual gain crossover or unity-gain frequency (β = 1) Hz
8 ωπ Phase crossover angular frequency rad./sec.
9 fπ = ωπ /2π Phase crossover frequency Hz
10 ωpx Real pole frequency (negated): x = 1, 2, 3, … in increasing order rad./sec.
11 fpx = ωpx /2π Real pole frequency (negated): x = 1, 2, 3, … in increasing order Hz
12 τpx = 1/ωpx Time-constant corresponding to ωpx sec
13 ωpxx Complex pole (magnitude): xx = consecutive numbers to go with ωpx rad./sec.
14 fpxx = ωpxx /2π Complex pole (magnitude): xx = consecutive numbers to go with fpx Hz
15 τpxx = 1/ωpxx Time-constant corresponding to ωpxx sec.
16 ωzx Real zero frequency (negated): x = 1, 2, 3, … in increasing order rad./sec.
17 fzx = ωzx /2π Real zero frequency (negated): x = 1, 2, 3, … in increasing order Hz
18 τzx = 1/ωzx Time-constant corresponding to ωzx sec.

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Appendix 1 Symbols and Notations

Tab. A1-3. Circuit parameters and signal voltages.

No. Symbol Description

1 g mx Gain stage transconductance: x = stage number
2 g mfx Feedforward transconductance: x = to or from stage number
3 rox Net resistance loading output of gain stage: x = stage number
4 g ox = 1/rox Net conductance loading output of gain stage: x = stage number
5 cpx Net parasitic capacitance loading output of gain stage: x = stage number
6 RL Net resistance loading output stage
7 GL = 1/R L Net conductance loading output stage
8 CL Net capacitance loading output stage
9 R L1 Externally applied resistive load
10 CL1 Externally applied capacitive load
11 RX Internal resistance used for compensation or as defined in text: X = capital letter
12 CX Internal capacitance used for compensation or as defined in text: X = capital letter
13 YX Internal admittance used for compensation or as defined in text: X = capital letter
14 vx Signal voltage level at node number x
15 vi Signal input source voltage level
16 vo Signal voltage level at output

Tab. A1-4. Performance parameters.

No. Symbol Description Units

1 A0 Magnitude of DC gain dB
2 Acl0 Magnitude of DC closed-loop gain dB
3 β ≈ 1/A cl0 Feedback factor (frequency independent) −
4 ̅ cl0
A Range of unstable DC closed-loop gains dB
5 Av Transfer function −
6 ̃v
A Approximate transfer function −
7 AvdB Magnitude of transfer function dB
8 Φv Phase of transfer function deg.
9 ϕm Phase margin deg.
10 ϕ̃m First estimate of phase margin deg.
11 Gm Gain margin dB
12 Acell Amplifier cell area μm2
13 Pcell Amplifier cell power consumption μW

Tab. A1-5. PZL and other parameters/variables.

No. Symbol Description

1 σ PZL parameter
2 μ PZL parameter
3 λ PZL parameter
4 ρ PZL parameter
5 δpxx Damping factor for complex pole ωpxx
6 κ Parameter related to quadratic equation
7 ε Amount of magnitude response peaking due to complex pole
8 k, m, n, p, q Integers or circuit parameters as defined in text.
9 s Laplace Transform variable
10 kx Ratio of g mfx : g m1

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Appendix 1 Symbols and Notations

Tab. A1-6. Circuit symbols/notations.

No. Symbol Description

1 Resistor R X

2 Capacitor CX

N-Channel MOS Transistor MNx

P-Channel MOS Transistor MPx

NPN Bipolar Transistor Q Nx

6 Block representing gain-stage g mx or ⁡g mfx

7 Block representing current conveyor g mx

3 Controlled current source g mx1 vx2

8 Signal voltage source vi

9 Signal ground (reference)

10 VDD Positive power supply voltage input terminal

11 VSS Negative power supply voltage input terminal
12 OUT Amplifier output terminal
13 INM Amplifier inverting input terminal
14 INP Amplifier non-inverting input terminal
15 VBNX Bias voltage input terminal for N-Channel MOS transistors: x = 1, 2
16 VBPX Bias voltage input terminal for P-Channel MOS transistors: x = 1, 2

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Appendix 2 Useful Results, Magnitude Response

Appendix 2
Useful Results Pertaining to Magnitude Response

A2.1. Deviation of 𝛚𝐜 from 𝛚𝟎 due to Close-In Poles/Zeros

Assuming the slope of the magnitude curve to be −20dB/decade at ωc and ω0 :

̃ vdB (ω0 ) = −20 log (ωc )

̃ vdB (ωc ) − A
A ω 0

̃ vdB (ωc ) = 0dB, we have from the above:

Since A

̃ vdB (ω0 ) = 20 log (ωc )

A (A2-1)
ω 0

A2.1.1 Close-In Simple Zero in Dominant Pole Compensation

In this case we consider the dominant pole ωp1 and the zero ωz1 just above ω0 only,
neglecting all other poles/zeros. Then the transfer function is given by:

̃ v (s) = A0 (sτz1+1)
A (A2-2)
sτ +1p1

Setting s = jω in Eq. (A2-1) and applying ω0 ≫ ωp1 so that sτp1 ≫ 1:

̃ v (jω) = A0(1+jωτz1)
A jωτ p1

We now find ωc by setting ω = ωc in the above and equate its magnitude with unity to

A0 √1+ω2c τ2z1
1= ωc τp1

Whence, we arrive at:

ω2c (τ2p1 − A20 τ2z1 ) − A20 = 0

Using Eq. (2-63) and defining ωz1 = σω0 with PZL parameter σ in the above:
(σ2 − 1) − σ2 = 0 (A2-3)

The results of the analysis for Eq. (A2-2) were computed using Eqs. (A2-1) and (A2-3) and
summarised in the table below:

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Appendix 2 Useful Results, Magnitude Response

Tab. A2-1. Results of proximity analysis for Eq. (A2-2).

𝛚𝐜 : 𝛚𝟎 ̃ 𝐯𝐝𝐁 (𝛚𝟎 )
𝐀 𝛔
Actual to ideal ratio of gain crossover freq. dB Magnitude at 𝛚𝟎 PZL parameter
1.15 (15% deviation) 1.21 2.03
1.10 (10% deviation) 0.83 2.40
1.05 (5% deviation) 0.42 3.28

A2.1.2 Close-In Simple Pole in Dominant Pole Compensation

In this case we consider the dominant pole ωp1 and the pole ωp2 just above ω0 only,
neglecting all other poles/zeros. Then the transfer function is given by:
̃ v (s) =
A (A2-4)
(sτ p1 +1)(sτp2 +1)

Setting s = jω in Eq. (A2-3) and applying ω0 ≫ ωp1 so that sτp1 ≫ 1:

A0 A0
̃ v (jω) =
A = −ω2τ
jωτ p1 (1+jωτp2 ) p1 τp2 +jωτp1

We now find ωc by setting ω = ωc in the above and equate its magnitude with unity to
√ω4c τ2p1 τ2p2 +ω2c τ2p1

Whence, we arrive at:

ω4c τ2p1 τ2p2 + ω2c τ2p1 − A20 = 0

Using Eq. (2-63) and defining ωp2 = σω0 with PZL parameter σ in the above:

ω4c ω2
+ σ2 ωc2 − σ2 = 0 (A2-5)
0 0

The results of the analysis for Eq. (A2-4) were computed using Eqs. (A2-1) and (A2-5) and
summarised in the table below:

Tab. A2-2. Results of proximity analysis for Eq. (A2-4).

𝛚𝐜 : 𝛚𝟎 ̃ 𝐯𝐝𝐁 (𝛚𝟎 )
𝐀 𝛔
Actual to ideal ratio of gain crossover freq. dB Magnitude at 𝛚𝟎 PZL parameter
0.85 (–15% deviation) –1.41 1.37
0.90 (–10% deviation) –0.92 1.86
0.95 (–5% deviation) –0.45 2.89

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Appendix 2 Useful Results, Magnitude Response

A2.1.3. Close-In Complex Pole Pair in Dominant Pole Compensation

In this case we consider the dominant pole ωp1 and the complex pole pair ωp23 just above
ω0 only, neglecting all other poles/zeros. Then the transfer function is given by:
̃ v (s) =
A 2 2
(sτ p1 +1)(s τp23 +2sτp23 δp23 +1)

Setting s = jω in Eq. (A2-5) and applying ω0 ≫ ωp1 so that sτp1 ≫ 1:

A0 A0
̃ v (jω) =
A 2 2 = −2ω2τ 2 2
jωτ p1 (1−ω τp23 +j2ωτp23 δp23 ) p1 τp23 δp23 +jωτp1 (1−ω τp23 )

We now find ωc by setting ω = ωc in the above and equate its magnitude with unity to
1= 2
√4ω4c τ2p1 τ2p23 δ2p23 +ω2c τ2p1 (1−ω2c τ2p23 )

Whence, we arrive at:

ω6c τ2p1 τ2p23 + 2ω4c (2δ2p23 − 1)τ2p1 τ2p23 + ω2c τ2p1 − A20 = 0

Using Eq. (2-63) and defining ωp23 = σω0 with PZL parameter σ in the above:

ω6c ω4 ω2
+ 2σ2 (2δ2p23 − 1) ωc4 + σ4 ωc2 − σ4 = 0 (A2-7)
ω60 0 0

The results of the analysis for Eq. (A2-6) were computed using Eqs. (A2-1) and (A2-7) and
summarised in the tables below:

Tab. A2-3. Results of proximity analysis for Eq. (A2-6) with δp23 = 0.8.

𝛚𝐜 : 𝛚𝟎 ̃ 𝐯𝐝𝐁 (𝛚𝟎 )
𝐀 𝛔
Actual to ideal ratio of gain crossover freq. dB Magnitude at 𝛚𝟎 PZL parameter
0.85 (–15% deviation) –1.41 1.34
0.90 (–10% deviation) –0.92 1.70
0.95 (–5% deviation) –0.45 2.44

Tab. A2-4. Results of proximity analysis for Eq. (A2-6) with δp23 = 0.707.

𝛚𝐜 : 𝛚𝟎 ̃ 𝐯𝐝𝐁 (𝛚𝟎 )
𝐀 𝛔
Actual to ideal ratio of gain crossover freq. dB Magnitude at 𝛚𝟎 PZL parameter
0.85 (–15% deviation) –1.41 1.08
0.90 (–10% deviation) –0.92 1.29
0.95 (–5% deviation) –0.45 1.66

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Appendix 2 Useful Results, Magnitude Response

Tab. A2-5. Results of proximity analysis for Eq. (A2-6) with δp23 = 0.6.

𝛚𝐜 : 𝛚𝟎 ̃ 𝐯𝐝𝐁 (𝛚𝟎 )
𝐀 𝛔
Actual to ideal ratio of gain crossover freq. dB Magnitude at 𝛚𝟎 PZL parameter
0.85 (–15% deviation) –1.41 0.87
0.90 (–10% deviation) –0.92 0.98
0.95 (–5% deviation) –0.45 1.13

Tab. A2-6. Results of proximity analysis for Eq. (A2-6) with δp23 = 0.5.

𝛚𝐜 : 𝛚𝟎 ̃ 𝐯𝐝𝐁 (𝛚𝟎 )
𝐀 𝛔
Actual to ideal ratio of gain crossover freq. dB Magnitude at 𝛚𝟎 PZL parameter
0.85 (–15% deviation) –1.41 0.75
0.90 (–10% deviation) –0.92 0.82
0.95 (–5% deviation) –0.45 0.91

A2.1.4. Close-In Zero in Phase-Lead Compensation

In this case we consider two low-frequency far-away poles ωp1 and ωp2 and one zero ωz1
just below ω0 only, neglecting all other poles/zeros. Then the transfer function is given by:

̃ v (s) = A0(sτz1+1)
A (A2-8)
(sτ +1)(sτ +1)
p1 p2

Setting s = jω in Eq. (A2-8) and applying ω0 ≫ ωp1 , ωp2 so that sτp1 , sτp2 ≫ 1:

̃ v (jω) = A0 (1+jωτz1) = A0 (1+jωτ

A z1 )
(jωτ )(jωτ )p1 −ω2 τ τ
p2 p1 p2

We now find ωc by setting ω = ωc in the above and equate its magnitude with unity to

A0 √1+ω2c τ2z1
1= ω2c τp1 τp2

Whence, we arrive at:

ω4c τ2p1 τ2p2 − ω2c A20 τ2z1 − A20 = 0

Using Eq. (2-66) and defining ωz1 = σω0 with PZL parameter σ in the above:
ω4c ω2
− ωc2 − σ2 = 0 (A2-9)
ω40 0

The results of the analysis for Eq. (A2-8) were computed using Eqs. (A2-1) and (A2-9) and
summarised in the table below:

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Appendix 2 Useful Results, Magnitude Response

Tab. A2-7. Results of proximity analysis for Eq. (A2-8).

𝛚𝐜 : 𝛚𝟎 ̃ 𝐯𝐝𝐁 (𝛚𝟎 )
𝐀 𝛔
Actual to ideal ratio of gain crossover freq. dB Magnitude at 𝛚𝟎 PZL parameter
1.15 (15% deviation) 1.21 0.65
1.10 (10% deviation) 0.83 0.50
1.05 (5% deviation) 0.42 0.34

A2.2. Magnitude Response Peaking due to Damping Factor of Complex Pole Pair

In this case, we consider a single complex pole pair. The transfer function is given by:
̃ v (s) = 2 2
A (A2-10)
s τ p23 +2sτp23 δp23 +1

Setting s = jω in Eq. (A2-10):

̃ v (jω) =
A 1−ω2 τ2 p23 +j2ωτp23 δp23

The magnitude squared of the above can be found to be:

A20 A20
̃ v (ω)|2 =
|A 2 = ω4τ4 2 τ2 (2δ2 −1)+1 (A2-11)
(1−ω2 τ2p23 ) +4ω2 τ2p23 δ2p23 p23 +2ω p23 p23

The value ω = ωm at which Eq. (2-11) has a maximum can be found by setting the
derivative of with respect to ω of the denominator to zero such that:

4ω3m τ4p23 + 4ωm τ2p23 (2δ2p23 − 1) = 0

Whence we find:

ω2m = (A2-12)

Substituting (A2-12) for ω into (A2-11) we find the maximum value of (A2-11) to be:

̃ v (ω)|2 =
|A (A2-13)
max 4δp23 (1−δ2p23 )

The amount of peaking ε can be found from (A2-11) with ω = 0 and (A2-13) as:
̃ v (ω)|
|A 1
ε= ̃ v (0)|
= (A2-14)
2δp23 √1−δ2p23

Amounts of peaking for various values of damping factors were computed and listed in the
table below:

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Appendix 2 Useful Results, Magnitude Response

Tab. A2-8. Amount of magnitude response peaking with damping factor for Eq. (A2-10).

No. Damping factor 𝛅𝐩𝟐𝟑 Amount of peaking 𝛆 in dB

1 0.7 0.002
2 0.6 0.355
3 0.5 1.250
4 0.4 2.695
5 0.3 4.847
6 0.2 8.136
7 0.1 14.023

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Appendix 3 Plot Formulae for Chapter 3

Appendix 3
Formulae for Plots in Chapter 3

A3.1. Frequency Response from the Transfer Function

We substitute s = jω in Eq. (3-5) and re-arrange to obtain:

−gm1 ro1 (1+jω )
Av (jω) = cp (A3-1)
(1+jωCC ro1 )(1+jω )

We define:

A0 = g m1 ro1 (A3-2)

NC1 = ωCC ro1 (A3-3)

Npm = g (A3-4)

We can re-write Eq. (A3-1) using Eqs. (A3-2) to (A3-4) as:

−A0 (1+j Npm )
Av (jω) = (1+jN (A3-5)
C1 )(1+jNpm )

A3.2. Plotting the Unity Feedback Factor Loop-Gain Responses

We can find the magnitude AvdB (ω) in dB and the phase Φv (ω) in degrees of the loop-gain
with unity feedback factor (Section 2.4.6) from Eq. (A3-5) as:

2 1 2 2
AvdB (ω) = 20log(A0 ) + 10log (1 + 4 Npm ) − 10log(1 + NC1 ) − 10log(1 + Npm ) (A3-6)

Φv (ω) = 1800 + tan−1 (2 Npm ) − tan−1(NC1 ) − tan−1(Npm ) (A3-7)

The loop-gain magnitude and phase responses for Eq. (3-5) can now be plotted using Eqs.
(A3-2) to (A3-4), (A3-6), (A3-7) and circuit parameter values in Tab. 3-3.

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Appendix 4 Plot Formulae for Chapter 4

Appendix 4
Formulae for Plots in Chapter 4

A4.1. Frequency Response from the Transfer Function

We substitute s = jω in Eq. (4-8) and re-arrange to obtain:

gm1 gm2 ro1 RL [1+jωCc (RC − )]
̃ v (jω) =
1−ω2 [c 3
p1 (CC +CL )+CC CL ]ro1 RL +j(ωCC gm2 ro1 RL −ω cp1 CC CL ro1 RC RL )

We define:

A0 = g m1 g m2 ro1 R L (A4-2)

NC0 = ωCC g m2 ro1 R L (A4-3)

N11 = ωcp1 ro1 (A4-4)

NCC = ωCC R C (A4-5)

NCL = ωCC R L (A4-6)

NLL = ωCL R L (A4-7)

NC1 = ωCC ro1 (A4-8)

NCZ = ωCc (R C − g ) (A4-9)

We can re-write Eq. (A4-1) using Eqs. (A4-2) to (A4-9) as:

A0 (1+jNCZ )
̃ v (jω) =
A 1−N 11 NCL −N11 NLL −NC1 NLL +j(NC0 −N11 NCC NLL )

Further defining:

XD = 1 − N11 NCL − N11 NLL − NC1 NLL (A4-10)

YD = NC0 − N11 NCC NLL (A4-11)

We arrive at:

̃ v (jω) = A0(1+jNCZ)
A (A4-12)
X +jY

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Appendix 4 Plot Formulae for Chapter 4

A4.2. Plotting the Unity Feedback Factor Loop-Gain Responses

We can find the magnitude AvdB (ω) in dB and the phase Φv (ω) in degrees of the loop-gain
with unity feedback factor (Section 2.4.6) from Eq. (A4-12) as:
2 2
AvdB (ω) = 20log(A0 ) + 10log(1 + NCZ ) − 10log(XD + YD2 ) (A4-13)
Φv (ω) = 1800 + tan−1 (NCZ ) − tan−1 (XD ) (A4-14)

The loop-gain magnitude and phase responses for Eq. (4-8) can now be plotted using Eqs.
(A4-2) to (A4-11), (A4-13), (A4-14) and circuit parameter values in Tab. 4-3.

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Appendix 5 Plot Formulae for Chapter 5

Appendix 5
Formulae for Plots in Chapter 5

A5.1. Frequency Response from the Transfer Function

We substitute s = jω in Eqs. (5-15) and (5-16) and re-arrange to obtain:

gm1 gm2 ro1 RL (1+jω C )
̃ v1 (jω) =
cp1 CC CL ro1 RL (A5-1)
1− ω (1+ )cp1 CC ro1 RL +j(ωCC gm2 ro1 RL −ω3
2 )
CC gmc

Cp1 CC C
gm1 gm2 r01 RL (1+ω2 +jω C )
2gm2 gmc 2gmc
̃ v2 (jω) =
A C cp1 CC CL ro1 RL (A5-2)
1− ω2 (1+ L )cp1 CC ro1 RL +j(ωCC gm2 ro1 RL −ω3 )
CC gmc

We define:

A0 = g m1 g m2 ro1 R L (A5-3)
A1 = 1 + CL (A5-4)

NC0 = ωCC g m2 ro1 R L (A5-5)

N11 = ωcp1 ro1 (A5-6)

NCL = ωCC R L (A5-7)

NLL = ωCL R L (A5-8)

NCC = (A5-9)

N12 = (A5-10)

We can re-write Eq. (A5-1) and Eq. (A5-2) using Eqs. (A5-3) to (A5-10) as:
A0 (1+jNCC )
̃ v1 (jω) =
A 1−A 1 N11 NCL +j(NC0 −N11 NCC NLL )

1 1
A0 (1+ N12 NCC +j NCC )
̃ v2 (jω) =
A 2 2
1−A 1 N11 NCL +j(NC0 −N11 NCC NLL )

Further defining:

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Appendix 5 Plot Formulae for Chapter 5

XD = 1 − A1 N11 NCL (A5-11)

YD = NC0 − N11 NCC NLL (A5-12)

XN2 = 1 + 2 N12 NCC (A5-13)

YN2 = 2 NCC (A5-14)

We arrive at:

̃ v1 (jω) = A0(1+jNCC)
A (A5-15)
X +jY


̃ v2 (jω) = A0(XN2+jYN2)
A (A5-16)
X +jY

A5.2. Plotting the Unity Feedback Factor Loop-Gain Responses

We can find the magnitude AvdB (ω) in dB and the phase Φv (ω) in degrees of the loop-gain
with unity feedback factor (Section 2.4.6) from Eqs. (A5-15) and (A5-16) as:
2 2
Av1dB (ω) = 20log(A0 ) + 10log(1 + NCC ) − 10log(XD + YD2 ) (A5-17)
Φv1 (ω) = 1800 + tan−1(NCC ) − tan−1 (XD ) (A5-18)

2 2 ) 2
Av2dB (ω) = 20log(A0 ) + 10log(XN2 + YN2 − 10log(XD + YD2 ) (A5-19)
Φv2 (ω) = 1800 + tan−1 (XN2) − tan−1 (XD ) (A5-20)
N2 D

The loop-gain magnitude and phase responses for Eqs. (5-15) and (5-16) can now be plotted
using Eqs. (A5-3) to (A5-14), (A5-17) to (A5-20) and circuit parameter values in Tab. 5-4.

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Appendix 6 Plot Formulae for Chapter 6

Appendix 6
Formulae for Plots in Chapter 6

A6.1. Frequency Response from the Transfer Function

We substitute s = jω in Eq. (6-10) and re-arrange to obtain:

2ω3 cp2 CC CD ωCC ωCD
gm1 gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL [1 + j( + + )]
gm2 g2 gm2 gm3
̃ v (jω) =
A cp1 2cp2
1+ω4 ( + )CC CD CL ro1 ro2 RL −ω2 CC CD (gm2 +gm3 )ro1 ro2 RL
gm2 gm3
2ω5 cp1 cp2 CC CD CL ro1 ro2 RL
+ j( −ω3 CC CD CL ro1 ro2 RL +ωCC gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL )
gm2 gm3

We define:

A0 = g m1 g m2 g m3 ro1 ro2 R L (A6-2)

A1 = (g m2 + g m3 )R L (A6-3)

NC1 = ωCC ro1 (A6-4)

ND2 = ωCD ro2 (A6-5)

NLL = ωCL R L (A6-6)

NC0 = (A6-7)

NC2 = (A6-8)

ND3 = (A6-9)

N12 = (A6-10)

N23 = (A6-11)

Using (A6-2) to (A6-11) we can write (A6-1) as:

A0 [1 + j(N23 NC2 ND3 +NC2 +ND3 )]
̃ v (jω) =
A 1+(N 12 +N23 )NC1 ND2 NLL −A1 NC1 ND2 +j(N12 N23 NC1 ND2 NLL −NC1 ND2 NLL +A0 NC0 )

Further defining:

XD = 1 + (N12 + N23 )NC1 ND2 NLL − A1 NC1 ND2 (A6-12)

YD = N12 N23 NC1 ND2 NLL − NC1 ND2 NLL + A0 NC0 (A6-13)
Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Appendix 6 Plot Formulae for Chapter 6

YN = N23 NC2 ND3 + NC2 + ND3 (A6-14)

We arrive at:

̃ v (jω) = A0(1+jYN )
A (A6-15)
X +jY

A6.2. Plotting the Unity Feedback Factor Loop-Gain Responses

We can find the magnitude AvdB (ω) in dB and the phase Φv (ω) in degrees of the loop-gain
with unity feedback factor (Section 2.4.6) from Eq. (A6-15) as:

AvdB (ω) = 20log(A0 ) + 10log(1 + YN2 ) − 10log(XD

+ YD2 ) (A6-16)
Φv (ω) = 1800 + tan−1 (YN ) − tan−1 (XD ) (A6-17)

The loop-gain magnitude and phase responses for Eq. (6-10) can now be plotted using Eqs.
(A6-2) to (A6-14), (A6-16), (A6-17) and circuit parameter values in Tab. 6-3.

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Appendix 7 Plot Formulae for Chapter 7

Appendix 7
Formulae for Plots in Chapter 7

A7.1 Frequency Response from the Transfer Function

We substitute s = jω in Eq. (7-11) and re-arrange to obtain:

ωpCC ωCF
gm1 gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL [1+ j( + )]
gm3 gm2
̃ v (jω) =
A pcp1 CC C2 CL ro1 ro2 RL
1− ω2 CC CF gm3 ro1 ro2 RL + ω4 + j(ωCC gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL − ω3 CC C2 CL ro1 ro2 RL )


We define:

A0 = g m1 g m2 g m3 r01 ro2 R L (A7-2)

A1 = g m3 R L (A7-3)

NC1 = ωCC r01 (A7-4)

NF1 = ωCF r02 (A7-5)

NLL = ωCL R L (A7-6)

NC0 = (A7-7)

NC3 = (A7-8)

NF2 = (A7-9)

N13 = (A7-10)

Using (A7-2) to (A7-10) we can write (A7-1) as:

A0 [1+ j(NC3 +NF2 ) ]
̃ v (jω) =
1−A1 NC1 NF1 +pN13 NC1 NF1 NLL + j(A0 NC0 −pNC1 NF1 NLL )

Further defining:

XD = 1 − A1 NC1 NF1 + pN13 NC1 NF1 NLL (A7-11)

YD = A0 NC0 − pNC1 NF1 NLL (A7-12)

YN = NC3 + NF2 (A7-13)

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Appendix 7 Plot Formulae for Chapter 7

We arrive at:

̃ v (jω) = A0(1+jYN )
A (A7-14)
X +jY

A7.2. Plotting the Unity Feedback Factor Loop-Gain Responses

We can find the magnitude AvdB (ω) in dB and the phase Φv (ω) in degrees of the loop-gain
with unity feedback factor (Section 2.4.6) from Eq. (A7-14) as:

AvdB (ω) = 20log(A0 ) + 10log(1 + YN2 ) − 10log(XD

+ YD2 ) (A7-15)
Φv (ω) = 1800 + tan−1 (YN ) − tan−1 (XD ) (A7-16)

The loop-gain magnitude and phase responses for Eq. (7-11) can now be plotted using Eqs.
(A7-2) to (A7-14), (A7-15), (A7-16) and circuit parameter values in Tab. 7-3.

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Appendix 8 Plot Formulae for Chapter 8

Appendix 8
Formulae for Plots in Chapter 8

A8.1. Frequency Responses from the Transfer Function

We substitute s = jω in Eq. (8-11) and re-arrange to obtain:

cp2 CC CD RD C C R C C C
gm1 gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL [1 − ω2 ( − F D D ) + j(ω 2 C + ωCD RD + ω F )]
gm3 CF gm2 gm3CF gm2
̃ v (jω) =
A (A8-1)
1 + ω4 [C 2
2 CC CL +(cp1 +cp2 )CF (CC +CL )]CD RD ro1 ro2 RL − ω CC CD gm2 gm3 RD ro1 ro2 RL
(cp1 +cp2 )C2 CC CL CD RD ro1 ro2 RL g
+ j[ω5 − ω3 (CL + m3 CF )CC CD gm2 RD ro1 ro2 RL
gm3 gm2
+ ωCC gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL ]

We define:

A0 = g m1 g m2 g m3 ro1 ro2 R L (A8-2)

A1 = g m2 ro2 (A8-3)

A2 = g m3 R L (A8-4)
A3 = CC (A8-5)

A4 = (A8-6)

NC0 = (A8-7)

NC1 = ωCC ro1 (A8-8)

NCL = ωCC R L (A8-9)

NFL = ωCF R L (A8-10)

NFr = ωCF ro2 (A8-11)

NFg = (A8-12)

NLL = ωCL R L (A8-13)

NDD = ωCD R D (A8-14)

N22 = ωC2 ro2 (A8-15)

N23 = (A8-16)

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Appendix 8 Plot Formulae for Chapter 8

Npr = ω(cp1 + cp2 )ro1 (A8-17)

ω(cp1 +cp2 )
Npg = (A8-18)

Np3 = (A8-19)

Using Eqs. (A8-2) to (A8-19) we can write Eq. (A8-1) as:

̃ v (jω) = 1+N N AN0[1−A

3 Np3 NDD −NFg NDD + j(A3 N23 +NDD +NFg ) ]
+j(Npg NC1 N22 NLL NDD −A1 NC1 NLL NDD −A1 A4 NC1 NFL NDD +A0 NC0 )

Further defining:

XD = 1 + NC1 N22 NLL NDD + Npr NFr NCL NDD + Npr NFr NLL NDD − A1 A2 NC1 NDD (A8-20)

YD = Npg NC1 N22 NLL NDD − A1 NC1 NLL NDD − A1 A4 NC1 NFL NDD + A0 NC0 (A8-21)

XN = 1 − A3 Np3 NDD − NFg NDD (A8-22)

YN = A3 N23 + NDD + NFg (A8-23)

We arrive at:

̃ v (jω) = A0(XN +jYN )

A (A8-24)
X +jY

A8.2. Plotting the Unity Feedback Factor Loop-Gain Responses

We can find the magnitude AvdB (ω) in dB and the phase Φv (ω) in degrees of the loop-gain
with unity feedback factor (Section 2.4.6) from Eq. (A8-24) as:
AvdB (ω) = 20log(A0 ) + 10log(XN + YN2 ) − 10log(XD
+ YD2 ) (A8-25)
Φv (ω) = 1800 + tan−1 (XN ) − tan−1 (XD ) (A8-26)

The loop-gain magnitude and phase responses for Eq. (8-11) can now be plotted using Eqs.
(A8-2) to (A8-23), (A8-25), (A8-26) and circuit parameter values in Tab. 8-3.

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Appendix 9 Plot Formulae for Chapter 9

Appendix 9
Formulae for Plots in Chapter 9

A9.1. Frequency Responses from the Transfer Function

We substitute s = jω in Eq. (9-11) and re-arrange to obtain:

gm1 gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL [1−ω4
gm2 gmc gm3
C C 1 1 C C C C R 1 1 C C R
−ω2 { F C ( + )+ 1 C + C D D ( + )+ F D D }
2gm2 gmc gm3 2gmc gm3 2 gmc gm3 gm2
C C C R 1 1 C 1 1 C
+j[−ω3 { F C D D ( + )}+ω{ C ( + )+ F +CD RD }]]
2gm2 gmc gm3 2 gmc gm3 gm2
̃ v (jω) =
A g
1+ω4 [cp1 CC CL m2 +(cp1 +cp2 )CF (CC +CL )]CD ro1 ro2 RD RL −ω2 CC CD gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RD RL
(cp1 +cp2 )CF CC CL CD ro1 ro2 RD RL
+j[ω5 −ω3 CF CC CD gm3 ro1 ro2 RD RL +ωCC gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL ]


We define:

A0 = g m1 g m2 g m3 ro1 ro2 R L (A9-2)

A1 = g m2 ro2 (A9-3)

A2 = g m3 R L (A9-4)
A3 = gm2 (A9-5)

NC0 = (A9-6)

NC1 = ωCC ro1 (A9-7)

ωCC 1 1
NC2 = (g +g ) (A9-8)
2 mc m3

NC3 = (A9-9)

NCL = ωCC R L (A9-10)

NFr = ωCF ro2 (A9-11)

NFg = (A9-12)

N1c = 2g (A9-13)

NLL = ωCL R L (A9-14)

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Appendix 9 Plot Formulae for Chapter 9

NDD = ωCD R D (A9-15)

Np1 = ω(cp1 + cp2 )ro1 (A9-16)

Np2 = ωcp1 ro2 (A9-17)

ω(cp1 +cp2 )
Npa = (A9-18)

Npb = (A9-19)

Using Eqs. (A9-2) to (A9-19) we can write Eq. (A9-1) as:

̃ v (jω) = A0[1−Npb NFg1+A

NC3 NDD −NC2 NFg −NC2 NDD −NFg NDD −N1c NC3 + j(−NC2 NFg NDD +NC2 +NFg +NDD ) ]
+j(Npa NC1 NFr NLL NDD −A2 NC1 NFr NDD +A0 NC0 )

Further defining:

XD = 1 + A3 Np2 NC1 NLL NDD + Np1 NFr NCL NDD + Np1 NFr NLL NDD − A1 A2 NC1 NDD (A9-20)

YD = Npa NC1 NFr NLL NDD − A2 NC1 NFr NDD + A0 NC0 (A9-21)

XN = 1 − Npb NFg NC3 NDD − NC2 NFg − NC2 NDD − NFg NDD − N1c NC3 (A9-22)

YN = −NC2 NFg NDD + NC2 + NFg + NDD (A9-23)

We arrive at:

̃ v (jω) = A0(XN +jYN )

A (A9-24)
X +jY

A9.2. Plotting the Unity Feedback Factor Loop-Gain Responses

We can find the magnitude AvdB (ω) in dB and the phase Φv (ω) in degrees of the loop-gain
with unity feedback factor (Section 2.4.6) from Eq. (A9-24) as:
AvdB (ω) = 20log(A0 ) + 10log(XN + YN2 ) − 10log(XD
+ YD2 ) (A9-25)
Φv (ω) = 1800 + tan−1 (XN ) − tan−1 (XD ) (A9-26)

The loop-gain magnitude and phase responses for Eq. (9-11) can now be plotted using Eqs.
(A9-2) to (A9-23), (A9-25), (A9-26) and circuit parameter values in Tab. 9-3.

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Appendix 10 Plot Formulae for Chapter 10

Appendix 10
Formulae for Plots in Chapter 10

A10.1. Frequency Responses from the Transfer Function

We substitute s = jω in Eq. (10-3) and re-arrange to obtain:

−gm1 gm2 gm3 r01 ro2 RL [1+ jωCC (RC − )]
̃ v (jω) =
A cp1 cp2

(1+jωCL RL )[1−ω2 (cp1 +cp2 + )CC ro1 ro2 +j(ωCc gm2 ro1 ro2 −ω3 cp1 cp2 CC r01 ro2 RC )]


We define:

A0 = g m1 g m2 g m3 ro1 ro2 R L (A10-2)

A12 = g m1 g m2 ro1 ro2 (A10-3)

N11 = ωcp1 ro1 (A10-4)

N22 = ωcp2 ro2 (A10-5)

cp1 cp2
N12 = ω (cp1 + cp2 + ) ro2 (A10-6)

NC0 = (A10-7)

NC1 = ωCC r01 (A10-8)

NCC = ωCC R C (A10-9)

NLL = ωCL R L (A10-10)

NCZ = ωCC (R C − g ) (A10-11)

Using Eqs. (A10-2) to (A10-10) we can write Eq. (A10-1) as:

−A0 (1 + jNCZ )
̃ v (jω) =
A (1 +jN LL )[1− N12 NC1 + j(A12 NC0 − N11 N22 NCC )]

Further defining:

XD = 1 − N12 NC1 (A10-12)

YD = A12 NC0 − N11 N22 NCC (A10-13)

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Appendix 10 Plot Formulae for Chapter 10

We arrive at:

̃ v (jω) = −A0(1 + jNCZ)

A (A10-14)
(1 + jN )(X + jY

A10.2. Plotting the Unity Feedback Factor Loop-Gain Responses

We can find the magnitude AvdB (ω) in dB and the phase Φv (ω) in degrees of the loop-gain
with unity feedback factor (Section 2.4.6) from Eq. (A10-14) as:
2 2 ) 2
AvdB (ω) = 20log(A0 ) + 10log(1 + NCZ ) − 10log(1 + NLL − 10log(XD + YD2 ) (A10-15)

Φv (ω) = 1800 + tan−1 (NCZ ) − tan−1(NLL ) − tan−1 (XD ) (A10-16)

The loop-gain magnitude and phase responses for Eq. (10-3) can now be plotted using Eqs.
(A10-2) to (A10-13), (A10-15), (A10-16) and circuit parameter values in Tab. 10-3.

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Appendix 11 Plot Formulae for Chapter 11

Appendix 11
Formulae for Plots in Chapter 11

A11.1. Frequency Responses from the Transfer Function

We substitute s = jω in Eq. (11-9) and re-arrange to obtain:

k C −C
−gm1 gm2 r01 RL (jω 1 1 C + 1)
̃ v (jω) =
1−ω2 (c p1 CT +CC CL )r01 RL + jωCC gm2 r01 RL

We define:

A0 = g m1 g m2 ro1 R L (A11-2)

N11 = ωcp1 ro1 (A11-3)

NC1 = ωCC r01 (A11-4)

NLL = ωCL R L (A11-5)

NTL = ωCT R L (A11-6)

NC0 = ω g C (A11-7)

k1 C 1 − C C
Nz1 = ω (A11-8)

Using Eqs. (A11-2) to (A11-8) we can write Eq. (A11-1) as:

−A0 (1+jNz1 )
̃ v (jω) =
A 1−N 11 NTL −NC1 NLL + jA0 NC0

Further defining:

XD = 1 − N11 NTL − NC1 NLL (A11-9)

YD = A0 NC0 (A11-10)

We arrive at:

̃ v (jω) = −A0(1+jNz1 )
A (A11-11)
X + jY

A11.2. Plotting the Unity Feedback Factor Loop-Gain Responses

We can find the magnitude AvdB (ω) in dB and the phase Φv (ω) in degrees of the loop-gain
with unity feedback factor (Section 2.4.6) from Eq. (A11-11) as:

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Appendix 11 Plot Formulae for Chapter 11

2 )
AvdB (ω) = 20log(A0 ) + 10log(1 + Nz1 − 10log(XD + YD2 ) (A11-12)

Φv (ω) = 1800 + tan−1 (Nz1 ) − tan−1 (XD ) (A11-13)

The loop-gain magnitude and phase responses for Eq. (11-9) can now be plotted using Eqs.
(A11-2) to (A11-10), (A11-12), (A11-13) and circuit parameter values in Tab. 11-3.

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Appendix 12 Plot Formulae for Chapter 12

Appendix 12
Formulae for Plots in Chapter 12

A12.1. Frequency Responses from the Transfer Function

We substitute s = jω in Eq. (12-11) and re-arrange to obtain:

k C −C
−gm1 gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL (1+jω 2 2 D )
̃v =
A (A12-1)
1−ω2 C1 CD gm3 ro1 ro2 RL +j(ωCC gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL −ω3 C1 C2 CL ro1 ro2 RL )

We define:

A0 = g m1 g m2 g m3 ro1 ro2 R L (A12-2)

A1 = g m3 R L (A12-3)

N11 = ωC1 ro1 (A12-4)

N22 = ωC2 ro2 (A12-5)

ND2 = ωCD ro2 (A12-6)

NLL = ωCL R L (A12-7)

NC0 = ω g C (A12-8)

k2 C2 −CD
Nz2 = ω (A12-9)

Using Eqs. (A12-2) to (A12-9) we can write Eq. (A12-1) as:

−A0 (1+jNz2 )
̃ v (jω) =
A 1− A 1 N11 ND2 + j(A0 NC0 − N11 N22 NLL )

Further defining:

XD = 1 − A1 N11 ND2 (A12-10)

YD = A0 NC0 − N11 N22 NLL (A12-11)

We arrive at:

̃ v (jω) = −A0(1+jNz2 )
A (A12-12)
X + jY

A12.2. Plotting the Unity Feedback Factor Loop-Gain Responses

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Appendix 12 Plot Formulae for Chapter 12

We can find the magnitude AvdB (ω) in dB and phase Φv (ω) in degrees of the loop-gain with
unity feedback factor (Section 2.4.6) from Eq. (A12-12) as:
2 )
AvdB (ω) = 20log(A0 ) + 10log(1 + Nz2 − 10log(XD + YD2 ) (A12-13)

Φv (ω) = 1800 + tan−1 (Nz2 ) − tan−1 (XD ) (A12-14)

The loop-gain magnitude and phase responses for Eq. (12-11) can now be plotted using Eqs.
(A12-2) to (A12-11), (A12-13), (A12-14) and circuit parameter values in Tab. 12-3.

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Appendix 13 Plot Formulae for Chapter 13

Appendix 13
Formulae for Plots in Chapter 13

A13.1. Frequency Responses from the Transfer Function

We substitute s = jω in Eq. (13-11) and re-arrange to obtain:

k C −C
−gm1 gm2 gm3 gm4 ro1 ro2 ro3 RL (1+jω 3 3 E )
̃v =
1+ω4 C 2 CC CE CL ro1 ro2 ro3 RL −ω
1 CD gm3 gm4 ro1 ro2 ro3 RL+j(ωCC gm2 gm3 gm4 ro1 ro2 ro3 RL
−ω3 C1 C2 CE gm4 ro1 ro2 ro3 RL )

We define:

A0 = g m1 g m2 g m3 g m4 ro1 ro2 ro3 R L (A13-2)

A1 = g m3 ro3 (A13-3)

A2 = g m4 R L (A13-4)

N11 = ωC1 ro1 (A13-5)

NC1 = ωCC ro1 (A13-6)

N22 = ωC2 ro2 (A13-5)

ND2 = ωCD ro2 (A13-7)

NE3 = ωCE ro3 (A13-8)

NLL = ωCL R L (A13-9)

NC0 = ω g C (A13-10)

k3 C3 −CE
Nz3 = ω (A13-11)

Using Eqs. (A13-2) to (A13-11) we can write Eq. (A13-1) as:

−A0 (1+jNz3 )
̃ v (jω) =
A 1+N C1 N22 NE3 NLL − A1 A2 N11 ND2 + j(A0 NC0 − A2 N11 N22 NE3 )

Further defining:

XD = 1 + NC1 N22 NE3 NLL − A1 A2 N11 ND2 (A13-12)

YD = A0 NC0 − A2 N11 N22 NE3 (A13-13)

We arrive at:
Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Appendix 13 Plot Formulae for Chapter 13

̃ v (jω) = −A0(1+jNz3)
A (A13-14)
X + jY

A13.2 Plotting the Unity Feedback Factor Loop-Gain Responses

We can find the magnitude AvdB (ω) in dB and the phase Φv (ω) in degrees of the loop gain
with unity feedback factor (Section 2.4.6) from Eq. (A13-14) as:
2 )
AvdB (ω) = 20log(A0 ) + 10log(1 + Nz3 − 10log(XD + YD2 ) (A13-15)

Φv (ω) = 1800 + tan−1 (Nz3 ) − tan−1 (XD ) (A13-16)

The loop-gain magnitude and phase responses for Eq. (13-11) can now be plotted using Eqs.
(A13-2) to (A13-13), (A13-15), (A13-16) and circuit parameter values in Tab. 13-3.

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Appendix 14 Plot Formulae for Chapter 14

Appendix 14
Formulae for Plots in Chapter 14

A14.1. Frequency Responses from the Transfer Function

We Substitute s = jω in Eq. (14-8) and re-arrange to obtain:

k C
−gm1 gm2 ro1 RL (1+jω 2 1 )
̃v =
(1+jωC1 ro1 )(1+jωCL RL )

We define:

A0 = g m1 g m2 ro1 R L (A14-2)

N11 = ωC1 ro1 (A14-3)

NLL = ωCL R L (A14-4)

k C1
Nz1 = ω g2 (A14-5)

Using Eqs. (A14-2) to (A14-5) we can write Eq. (A14-1) as:

̃ v = −A0(1+jNz1 )
A (A14-6)
(1+jN )(1+jN
11 LL )

A14.2. Plotting the Unity Feedback Factor Loop-Gain Responses

We can find the magnitude AvdB (ω) in dB and the phase Φv (ω) in degrees of the loop gain
with unity feedback factor (Section 2.4.6) from Eq. (A14-6) as:
2 ) 2 ) 2 )
AvdB (ω) = 20log(A0 ) + 10log(1 + Nz1 − 10log(1 + N11 − 10log(1 + NLL (A14-7)


Φv (ω) = 1800 + tan−1 (Nz1 ) − tan−1(N11 ) − tan−1(NLL ) (A14-8)

The loop-gain magnitude and phase responses for Eq. (14-8) can now be plotted using Eqs.
(A14-2) to (A14-5), (A14-7), (A14-8) and circuit parameter values in Tab. 14-3.

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Appendix 15 Plot Formulae for Chapter 15

Appendix 15
Formulae for Plots in Chapter 15

A15.1. Frequency Responses from the Transfer Function

We substitute s = jω in Eq. (15-9) and re-arrange to obtain:

k C C k C
gm1 gm2 gm3 ro1 ro2 RL (1−ω2 3 1 2 +jω 2 1 )
gm2 gm3 gm2
̃v =
A (A15-1)
(1+jωC1 ro1 )(1+jωC2 ro2 )(1+jωCL RL )

We define:

A0 = g m1 g m2 g m3 ro1 ro2 R L (A15-2)

N11 = ωC1 ro1 (A15-3)

N22 = ωC2 ro2 (A15-4)

NLL = ωCL R L (A15-5)

k C1
Nz1 = ω g2 (A15-6)

k C2
Nz2 = ω k 3g (A15-7)
2 m3

Using Eqs. (A15-2) to (A15-7) we can write Eq. (A15-1) as:

̃ v = −A0(1−Nz1Nz2 +jNz1 )
A (1+jN )(1+jN )(1+jN
11 22 LL )

We further define:

XN = 1 − Nz1 Nz2 (A15-8)

YN = Nz1 (A15-9)

Then we have:
−A0 (XN +jYN )
̃v =
A (A15-10)
(1+jN )(1+jN )(1+jN
11 22 LL )

A15.2. Plotting the Unity Feedback Factor Loop-Gain Responses

We can find the magnitude AvdB (ω) in dB and the phase Φv (ω) in degrees of the loop gain
with unity feedback factor (Section 2.4.6) from Eq. (A15-10) as:

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Appendix 15 Plot Formulae for Chapter 15

AvdB (ω) = 20log(A0 ) + 10log(XN + YN2 ) − 10log(1 + N11
2 ) 2 )
− 10log(1 + N22
2 )
−10log(1 + NLL (A15-11)

Φv (ω) = 1800 + tan−1 (XN ) − tan−1(N11 ) − tan−1(N22 ) − tan−1(NLL ) (A15-12)

The loop-gain magnitude and phase responses for Eq. (15-9) can now be plotted using Eqs.
(A15-2) to (A15-9), (A15-11), (A15-12) and circuit parameter values in Tab. 15-3.

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Appendix 16 Plot Formulae for Chapter 16

Appendix 16
Formulae for Plots in Chapter 16

A16.1. Frequency Responses from the Transfer Function

We substitute s = jω in (16-10) and re-arrange to obtain:

k C C k C k C C C
−gm1 gm2 gm3 gm4 r01 ro2 ro3 RL [1−ω2 3 1 2 +j(ω 2 1 −ω3 4 1 2 3 )]
gm2 gm3 gm2 gm2 gm3 gm4
̃v =
A (A16-1)
(1+jωC1 ro1 )(1+jωC2 ro2 )(1+jωC3 ro3 )(1+jωCL RL )

We define:

A0 = g m1 g m2 g m3 ro1 ro2 R L (A16-2)

N11 = ωC1 ro1 (A16-3)

N22 = ωC2 ro2 (A16-4)

N33 = ωC3 ro3 (A16-5)

NLL = ωCL R L (A16-6)

k C1
Nz1 = ω g2 (A16-7)

k C2
Nz2 = ω k 3g (A16-8)
2 m3

k C3
Nz3 = ω k 4g (A16-9)
3 m4

Using Eqs. (A16-2) to (A16-9) we can write Eq. (A16-1) as:

̃ v = −A0[1−Nz1Nz2 +j(Nz1−Nz1Nz2Nz3)]
A (1+jN )(1+jN )(1+jN )(1+jN )
11 22 33 LL

We further define:

XN = 1 − Nz1 Nz2 (A16-10)

YN = Nz1 − Nz1 Nz2 Nz3 (A16-11)

Then we have:
−A0 (XN +jYN )
̃v =
A (A16-12)
(1+jN 11 )(1+jN22 )(1+jN33 )(1+jNLL )

A16.2. Plotting the Unity Feedback Factor Loop-Gain Responses

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Appendix 16 Plot Formulae for Chapter 16

We can find the magnitude AvdB (ω) in dB and the phase Φv (ω) in degrees of the loop-gain
with unity feedback factor (Section 2.4.6) from (A16-12) as:
AvdB (ω) = 20log(A0 ) + 10log(XN + YN2 ) − 10log(1 + N11
2 ) 2 )
− 10log(1 + N22
2 ) 2 )
−10log(1 + N33 − 10log(1 + NLL (A16-13)

Φv (ω) = 1800 + tan−1 (XN ) − tan−1(N11 ) − tan−1(N22 ) − tan−1(N33 ) − tan−1(NLL )


The loop-gain magnitude and phase responses for Eq. (16-10) can now be plotted using
(A16-2) to (A16-11), (A16-13), (A16-14) and circuit parameter values in Tab. 16-3.

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Appendix 17 Comparison of Amplifiers

Appendix 17
Categorized Comparison of Amplifiers

Tab. A17-1. Single-Stage amplifier.

Chapter Compensation 𝐀𝟎 𝐟𝐜 𝛟𝐦 𝐆𝐦 𝐀̅ 𝐜𝐥𝟎 𝐀𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐏𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥

No. Type (dB) (MHz) (deg.) (dB) (dB) (𝛍𝐦𝟐 ) (𝛍𝐖)
3 Dominant pole 40 50 86.1 NA NN 35 × 35 45

Tab. A17-2. Two-Stage amplifiers.

Chapter Compensation 𝐀𝟎 𝐟𝐜 𝛟𝐦 𝐆𝐦 𝐀̅ 𝐜𝐥𝟎 𝐀𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐏𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥

No. Type (dB) (MHz) (deg.) (dB) (dB) (𝛍𝐦𝟐 ) (𝛍𝐖)
4 Dominant pole 74 50 81.5 NA NN 38 × 38 195
5 type I Dominant pole 72.2 55 82 NA NN 36 × 36 255
5 type 2 Dominant pole 72.2 52 72.5 14 NN 36 × 36 255
11 Dominant pole 74 50 72.2 NA NN 38 × 39 225
14 Phase-lead 66 53 66.1 NA NN 49 × 50 165

Tab. A17-3. Three-Stage amplifiers.

Chapter Compensation 𝐀𝟎 𝐟𝐜 𝛟𝐦 𝐆𝐦 ̅ 𝐜𝐥𝟎

𝐀 𝐀𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐏𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥
No. Type (dB) (MHz) (deg.) (dB) (dB) (𝛍𝐦𝟐 ) (𝛍𝐖)
6 Dominant pole 112 50.5 75 20 NN 59 × 59 255
7 Dominant pole 112 65 85 33 NN 54 × 54 285
8 Dominant pole 112 55 65 32 NN 56 × 56 225
9 Dominant pole 112 70 88 22 NN 58 × 58 255
10 Phase-lead 111 50 66.1 17.5 NN 43 × 43 150
12 Dominant pole 111 50 68.7 15 NN 54 × 55 255
15 Phase-lead 94 53 64.7 NA 24 to 60 66 × 67 180

Tab. A17-4. Four-Stage amplifiers.

Chapter Compensation 𝐀𝟎 𝐟𝐜 𝛟𝐦 𝐆𝐦 𝐀̅ 𝐜𝐥𝟎 𝐀𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐏𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥

No. Type (dB) (MHz) (deg.) (dB) (dB) (𝛍𝐦𝟐 ) (𝛍𝐖)
13 Dominant pole 131 50 68 12 NN 72 × 73 540
16 Phase-lead 117 53 64.7 NA 16 to 100 82 × 83 210

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Appendix 18 Hypothetical Process Technology Data

Appendix 18
Hypothetical Process Technology ABC

Tab. A18-1. ABC CMOS process technology data.

No. Parameter Symbol Value Units

1 Minimum feature size Lmin 110 nm
2 No. of polysilicon layers xP x=1 −
3 No. of metal layers xM x=3 −
4 Mobility-Oxide thickness product NMOS μN COX 1.00 mA/V 2
5 Mobility-Oxide thickness product PMOS μP COX 333 μA/V 2
6 Resistor (P+ poly) constant R const 200 Ω/sq.
7 Capacitor (metal-metal) constant Cconst 2.00 fF/μm2
8 Rated operating power supply voltage Vopt 1.5 V

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Appendix 19 Units and Prefixes

Appendix 19

Units and Prefixes

Tab. A19-1. Symbols/abbreviations for units and related information.

No. Unit symbol/abbreviation Description Unit of

1 A Amperes Current
2 V Volts Voltage
3 Ω Ohms Resistance
4 F Farads Capacitance
5 S Siemens Conductance/transconductance
6 W Watts Power
7 B Bells Ratio in logarithmic scale
8 m Metres Length
9 Hz Hertz Frequency
10 rad. Radians Angle in circular measure
11 deg. or 0 Degrees Angle in 1/360-th of a complete revolution
12 sec. Seconds Time

Tab. A19-2. Symbols for unit-prefixes and related information.

No. Unit-prefix symbol Description Numerical value

1 f Femto 10−15
2 p Pico 10−12
3 n Nano 10−9
4 μ Micro 10−6
5 m Milli 10−3
7 d Deci 10−1
8 k Kilo 103
9 M Mega 106
10 G Giga 109

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Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Bibliography Papers, Books, Datasheets

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[R1-1] Paul R. Gray and Robert G. Meyer, “MOS Operational Amplifier Design –– A Tutorial Overview,”
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[R1-2] Bhupendra K. Ahuja, “An Improved Frequency Compensation Technique for CMOS Operational
Amplifiers,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, pp. 629-633, Vol. 18, No. 6, December 1983.

[R1-3] David. B. Ribner and Miles A. Copeland, “Design Techniques for Cascoded CMOS Op Amps with
Improved PSRR and Common-Mode Input Range,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, pp. 919-925, Vol. SC-
19, No. 6, December 1984.

[R1-4] Dennis M. Monticelli, “A Quad CMOS Single-Supply Op Amp with Rail-to-Rail Output Swing,” IEEE
Journal of Solid-State Circuits, pp. 1026-1034, Vol. SC-21, No. 6, December 1986.

[R1-5] Fan You, Sherif H. K. Embabi and Edgar Sanchez-Sinencio, “Multistage Amplifier Topologies with
Nested Gm-C Compensation,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, pp. 2000-2011, Vol. 32, No. 12, December

[R1-6] Ka Nang Leung and Philip K. T. Mok, “Analysis of Multistage Amplifier–Frequency Compensation,”
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, pp. 1041-1056, Vol. 48, No. 9, September 2001.

[R1-7] Gaetano Palumbo and Salvatore Pennisi, “Design Methodology and Advances in Nested-Miller
Compensation,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, pp. 893-903, Vol. 49, No. 7, July 2002.

[R1-8] Bharath K. Thandri and Jose Siva-Martinez, “A Robust Feedforward Compensation Scheme for
Multistage Operational Transconductance Amplifiers with No Miller Capacitors,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State
Circuits, pp. 237-243, Vol. 38, No. 2, February 2003.

[R1-9] Uday Dasgupta and Yong Ping Xu, “Effects of Resistive Loading on Unity Gain Frequency of Two-
Stage CMOS Operational Amplifiers,” Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and
Systems, pp. I-361-I-364, 2003.

[R1-10] G. Mitteregger, C. Ebner, S. Mechnig, T. Blon, C. Holuigue, E. Romani, A. Melodia and V. Melini, “A
14b 20mW 640MHz CMOS CT ΣΔ ADC with 20MHz Signal Bandwidth and 12b ENOB,” IEEE ISSCC Digest
of Technical Papers, pp. 131-140, February 2006.

[R1-11] Jae-Seung Lee, Jun Hyun Bae, Ho-Young Kim, Ji-Yong Um, Jae-Yoon Sim, and Hong June Park, “A
Design Guide of 3-stage CMOS Operational Amplifier with Nested Gm-C Frequency Compensation,” Journal
of Semiconductor Technology and Science, pp. 20-27, Vol. 7, No. 1, March 2007.

[R1-12] V. Dhanasekaran, J. Silva-Martinez and E. Sanchez-Sinencio, “A 1.2mW 1.6Vpp-Swing Class AB

16Ω Headphone Driver Capable of Handling Load Capacitance up to 22nF,” IEEE ISSCC Digest of Technical
Papers, pp. 434-435, February 2008.

[R1-13] Uday Dasgupta, “Issues in “Ahuja” Frequency Compensation Technique,” Proceedings of the IEEE
International Symposium on Radio-Frequency Integration Technology, pp. 326-329, 2009.

[R1-14] Uday Dasgupta, G.T. Ong, J.M. Cao, S.L. Chew, “A Versatile Three-stage Operational Amplifier with
Second-stage Bypass Compensation,” Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Circuits,
pp. 232-235, 2014.

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Bibliography Papers, Books, Datasheets

[R1-15] Uday Dasgupta, “Low Voltage 2-Stage and 3-Stage Push-Pull Output Amplifiers in 65-nm CMOS
Technology,” Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Circuits, 2016.

R2. Books

[R2-1] Benjamin C. Kuo, “Automatic Control Systems, 2nd Edition,” Copyright © 1967 Prentice Hall, Inc.

[R2-2] Jacob Millman and Christos C. Halkias, “Integrated Electronics – Analog and Digital Circuits and
Systems, International Student Edition,” McGraw-Hill Kogakusha Ltd., Copyright © 1972 McGraw-Hill, Inc.,
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 79-172657.

[R2-3] M. E. Van Valkenburg, “Network Analysis, 3rd Edition,” Copyright © 1974 Prentice-Hall Inc.

[R2-4] J. G. Chakravorty and P. R. Ghosh, “Advanced Higher Algebra,” Copyright © 1987 Authors, U. N. Dhur
& Sons Pvt. Ltd. ISBN 81-85624-17-8.

[R2-5] Erwin Kreyszig, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 8th Edition,” Copyright © 1999 John Wiley &
Sons, Inc., ISBN 0-471-15496-2.

[R2-6] Steven J. Leon, “Linear Algebra with Applications, 6th Edition,” Copyright © 2002 Prentice-Hall Inc.,
ISBN 0-13-035568-2.

[R2-7] E. B. Vinberg, “A Course in Algebra,” Copyright © 2003 The American Mathematical Society, ISBN 0-

[R2-8] Jerald G. Graeme, Gene E. Tobey, and Lawrence P. Huelsman, “Operational Amplifiers – Design and
Applications, International Student Edition,” McGraw-Hill Kogakusha Ltd., Copyright © 1971 Burr-Brown
Research Corporation, ISBN 07-064917-0.

[R2-9] Satoshi Sakurai and Mohammed Ismail, “Low-Voltage CMOS Operational Amplifiers – Theory, Design
and Implementation,” Copyright © 1995 Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN 0-7923-9507-7.

[R2-10] Rudy G. H. Eschauzier and Johan H. Huijsing, “Frequency Compensation Techniques for Low-Power
Operational Amplifiers,” Copyright © 1995 Springer Science + Business Media Dordrecht, ISBN 978-1-4419-

[R2-11] Thomas H. Lee, “IC Op-Amps Through the Ages,” Copyright © 2000 Author, rev. November 18, 2002.

[R2-12] Walter G. Jung, “Op Amp Applications Handbook,” Copyright © 2005 Analog Devices,
Newnes/Elsevier, ISBN 0-7506-7844-5.

[R2-13] Meng Yuan, “A Programmable Voltage Reference for Sub-1.2V Power Supplies,” Undergraduate
Dissertation, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, April 2016.

R3. Datasheets
[R3-1] RENESAS “CA3130 Datasheet,” FN817 Rev. 6.00 Aug 1, 2005, Copyright © 1998-2005 Intersil
Americas LLC.

[R3-2] Texas Instruments “LM741 Datasheet,” SNOSC25D May 1998, Revised October 2015, Copyright ©
1998-2015 Texas Instruments Inc.

[R3-3] Precision Monolithics “OP-05 Datasheet,” Rev. A2, Copyright © 1989 Precision Monolithics Inc.

[R3-4] Analog Devices “OP-07 Datasheet,” Copyright © 2002-2011 Analog Devices Inc.

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Index List of Key Terms


Admittance: 17, 20, 48, 49

Amplification DC: 18
Amplification, voltage: 14
Amplifier, CMOS: 14, 102, 116
Amplifier, compensated: 15
Amplifier, conditionally stable: 14, 34, 35, 201, 214
Amplifier, embedded: 14, 15
Amplifier, feedback: 14, 28, 33
Amplifier, four-stage: 16, 166, 202
Amplifier, multistage: 1, 180, 190, 202
Amplifier, operational: 13-15
Amplifier, operational transconductance: 36
Amplifier, single-stage: 16, 36
Amplifier, three-stage: 16, 17, 75, 89, 102, 116, 132, 154, 190
Amplifier, two-stage: 16, 46, 57, 132, 143, 180
Amplifier, uncompensated: 14
Amplifier, unconditionally stable: 34, 201, 214
Analog: 13, 14
Analysis: 15, 16
Analysis, circuit: 37, repeated in the same sections of Chapters 3 to 16.
Analysis, nodal: 17
Analysis, algebraic: 22
Analysis, mathematical: 15
Approximation: 31, 32
Approximate: 22-27, 32

Bandwidth: 102, 116

Bandwidth, 3-dB: 14, 189, 201, 214

Calculations, design: 40, repeated in the same sections of Chapters 3 to 16.

Capacitance: 28
Capacitor: 31, 75, 89, 102, 116, 180, 190, 202
Capacitor, compensation: 36, 38, 75, 143, 154, 166
Capacitor, non-Miller: 214
Capacitor, Miller: 46, 180, 190, 202, 214
Cascode: 14, 57-59, 61
Circuit, integrated: 13-15, 57
Circuit, monolithic integrated: 13
Circuit, small-signal equivalent: 17, 38, repeated in the same sections of Chapters 3 to 16.
Coefficient, polynomial: 19, 23, 25, 29
Compensation, “Ahuja”: 57
Compensation, frequency: 14
Compensation, Cascode-Miller: 16, 57, 116, 118
Compensation, centre-stage-Miller: 16
Compensation, dominant pole: 14, 15, 27, 28
Compensation, Double Nested Miller: 16
Compensation, Miller: 16, 48, 75, 102, 104, 132, 143, 180, 190, 202
Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Index List of Key Terms

Compensation, Nested Miller: 16

Compensation, non-Miller: 16, 180, 190, 202
Compensation, phase-lead: 14, 15, 27, 29
Compensation, phase-lag: 14
Conductance: 20, 38, 39, repeated in the same sections of Chapters 3 to 16.
Current Law, Kirchoff’s (KCL): 17, 38, repeated in the same sections of Chapters 3 to 16.

Determinant, expansion, pre-conditioning: 18-21, 38, 39, repeated in the same sections of Chapters 3 to 16.
Device, Bipolar: 13, 14, 89
Device, CMOS: 13, 14, 57
Device, MOS: 15
Diagram, block: 37, repeated in the same sections of Chapters 3 to 16.
Diagram, circuit: 37, repeated in the same sections of Chapters 3 to 16.
Digital: 13, 14
Distortion, harmonic: 75
Down-scaling: 13, 14, 15, 57, 75

Element, matrix, or determinant: 19

Element, main diagonal: 79, 93
Element, anti-diagonal: 79
Equations, design: 39, repeated in the same sections of Chapters 3 to 16.
Equations, network: 38, repeated in the same sections of Chapters 3 to 16.
Equations, nodal: 17, 18
Equation, stability: 28, 30-32, 40, repeated in the same sections of Chapters 3 to 16.
Evaluation, design: 32, 41, repeated in the same sections of Chapters 3 to 16.
Expansion, determinant, cofactor: 18, 19, 21

Factor, amplification: 14
Factor, damping: 22, 66, 81, 95
Factor, feedback: 16, 30, 32, 33
Feedback: 28, 30, 32-34
Feedback, negative: 14, 15
Feedforward: 16
Formula, Vieta: 24
Frequency, gain crossover: 31, 32, 33, 34, 35
Frequency, phase crossover: 33, 34
Frequency, unity-gain: 14, 16, 26, 30, 39, repeated in the same sections of Chapters 3 to 16.
Frequency, natural: 22, 66, 81, 95
Function, decreasing: 34

Gain, closed-loop: 14, 33, 35

Gain, open-loop: 14
Gain, DC: 18, 21, 27, 39, 132, repeated in the same sections of Chapters 3 to 16.

Impedance: 45
Integration: 14
Input: 13
Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Index List of Key Terms

Linear: 13-15
Load, capacitive: 38, 45
Load, high-impedance: 45, 75
Load, resistive: 45
Load, on-chip: 75
Loop-gain: 16, 41, repeated in the same sections of Chapters 3 to 16.
Low-frequency: 15

Magnitude: 16, 22, 24-27, 29

Margin, gain: 30, 33
Margin, phase: 26, 28, 30, 31, 33, 143
Matrix, coefficient: 64
Mixed-signal: 13, 14
Model, MOS device or transistor: 15, 38, repeated in the same sections of Chapters 3 to 16.
Model, small-signal: 15
Multiplication, Miller: 189, 190, 201, 202, 214

Nesting: 75, 143,

Network, RC, passive: 102, 116

Operation, elementary row/column: 19

Output: 13
Output resistance: 14

Parameter, circuit: 17, 28-30, 40-42, repeated in the same sections of Chapters 3 to 16.
Parameter, device: 15
Parameter, frequency: 41, 53
Parameter, performance: 14, 40-42, repeated in the same sections of Chapters 3 to 16.
Parameter, small-signal: 15
Parameter, PZL: 27-32, 40-42, repeated in the same sections of Chapters 3 to 16.
Plot, formulae: 16
Plot, magnitude: 26, 32, 33
Plot, phase: 32
Plot, loop-gain magnitude: 32-34, repeated in the same sections of Chapters 3 to 16.
Plot, loop-gain phase: 32-34, repeated in the same sections of Chapters 3 to 16.
Pole: 14, 15, 16, 39, 45, 180, 190, 202 repeated in the same sections of Chapters 3 to 16.
Pole, dominant: 15
Pole, high-frequency far-away: 29
Pole, low-frequency far away: 29
Polynomial: 19, 21
Polynomial, bi-quadratic: 25, 80
Polynomial, cubic: 23, 24
Polynomial, higher degree: 22
Polynomial, quadratic: 21-23, 50
Power supply rejection (PSRR): 57

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Index List of Key Terms

Resistance: 28, repeated in the same sections of Chapters 3 to 16.

Resistance, output: 14
Resistor: 17, 31, 46, 75, 89
Resistor, nulling: 46, 143
Response, magnitude: 16, 33
Response, phase: 16, 33
Roots, polynomial: 21, 22, 24-26
Rule, Cramer’s: 18, 38

Semiconductor: 13, 14
Signal, input 30, 33
Simulation: 15
Size, feature: 13
Specifications, design: 39, 40, repeated in the same sections of Chapters 3 to 16.
Stability: 15, 26-28, 31, 32, 34
Stable: 14, 28, 34
Stage: 14, 17
Stage, input: 36
Stage, inverting: 132
Stage, output: 16
Statistics, cell: 41, repeated in the same sections of Chapters 3 to 16.
Symbol: 16, 20

Technology, CMOS process: 13, 14, 57, 89

Terminal, inverting input: 33
Terminal non-inverting input: 33
Time-constant: 19, 20, 26
Transconductance: 14, 28, 31, 37, 38, repeated in the same sections of Chapters 3 to 16.
Transfer function: 16, 17-22, 26, 29-33, 37-39, repeated in the same sections of Chapters 3 to 16.
Transform, Laplace: 17, 18, 38, repeated in the same sections of Chapters 3 to 16.
Transistor: 13, 28, 37, repeated in the same sections of Chapters 3 to 16.
Transistor, Bipolar, NPN: 89, 91, 102, 116
Transistor, MOS: 102, 116

Variable, Laplace Transform: 18

Vector-Matrix: 18, 38, repeated in the same sections of Chapters 3 to 16.

Zero: 14, 15, 16, 21, 26-29, 31, 32, 39, 45, 180, 190, 202 repeated in the same sections of Chapters 3 to 16.
Zero, high-frequency far-away: 68
Zero, left half s-plane: 67, 80, 94, 143
Zero, right half s-plane: 67, 80, 94, 143

Multistage CMOS Amplifiers – Analytical Case Studies in Frequency Compensation
Uday Dasgupta received his B.Tech. Degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering
from Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India in 1976. Thereafter, he received his
M.Eng. Degree in Microelectronics and M.Sc. Degree in Mathematics from National
University of Singapore, Singapore in 2000 and 2008 respectively.

He had been in the Electronics and IC Design industry for 42 years – in India initially and
later in Singapore – and is currently retired. He worked on discrete Bipolar circuits and
CMOS/Bi-CMOS integrated circuits in seven nationally/internationally reputed companies.

He was awarded 41 US patents and published more than 10 papers in international journals
and conferences. His interest was in high speed and low-voltage, low-power Analog
Integrated Circuit design. His current interest is in authoring technical books based on his
work experience.

ISBN 978-981-18-4087-6

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