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BSN 3-YC-13

Course Task 5
Study Questions:
1. What are the effects of aging on sensory function?
- Your senses deteriorate, which can make it more difficult for you to detect details. Your way
of life may be affected by sensory changes. You could struggle to maintain relationships
with people, enjoy activities, and communicate. Isolation can be caused by sensory

2. What can be done to prevent sensory dysfunction vision and hearing losses with aging?
- Protect Your Senses. The best way to avoid both vision and hearing loss is to practice prevention
and sensory safety throughout your life, not just as you age
- Practice Stress Management
- Optimize Your Diet
- Have Regular Eye and Ear Exams

3. Explain language barrier that led to impaired verbal communication?

- Verbal communication that is impaired refers to a person's incapacity to understand,
convey, or process language. The causes of this can be anything from a linguistic barrier to a
physical obstruction to speech. While a stroke can result in a wide range of speech
abnormalities, conditions like autism can induce developmental speech delays.

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