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In addition to assembly line balancing, what other

ways can you think of to increase the value-added
time of the process flow line on an automobile
industry shop floor?

Line Balancing in Manufacturing Defined

Line balancing is a production strategy that involves balancing
operator and machine time to match the production rate to the takt
Takt time is the rate at which parts or products must be produced in
order to meet customer demand.
For a given production line, if production time is exactly equal to takt
time, then the line is perfectly balanced. Otherwise, resources should
be reallocated or rearranged to remove bottlenecks or excess
capacity. In other words, the quantities of workers and machines
assigned to each task in the line should be rebalanced to meet the
optimal production rate.

Benefits of Line Balancing

1. Reduce waiting waste
Waiting waste is one of the 8 types of waste of Lean manufacturing. It
refers to any idle time that occurs when operations are not fully
synchronized. For example, waiting waste occurs when operators are
waiting for materials or for someone else to complete their task.
Equipment downtime–time during which equipment is not operating–is
another example of waiting waste.

Line balancing ensures that all operators and machines work together
in a balanced fashion. No operator or machine should be
overburdened or idle. By minimizing downtime, line balancing reduces
waiting waste.
2. Reduce inventory waste

Inventory waste is another type of waste. It corresponds to an excess

of raw materials, work in progress (unfinished goods), or finished
goods. Inventory waste indicates the inefficient allocation of capital.

Line balancing standardizes production, meaning it is much easier to

avoid build-ups or surplus inventory. By reducing idle time, line
balancing ensures that there is minimum work in progress. And finally,
by bringing production time closer to takt time, it guarantees on-time
3. Absorb internal and external irregularities

Line balancing reduces variations within a production line. A balanced

production line is stable and flexible enough to adapt to changes.

For example, if customer demand changes–meaning takt time

changes–operations can be realigned quickly through line balancing.
The consequences of changes brought to a balanced production line
are predictable. It is thus much easier to modify the line to adjust the
production rate.
4. Reduce production costs and increase profits

Perfect line balancing leads to workers and machines that perform in

a fully synchronized manner. No operator is paid for standing idle. All
machines are used to their full potential. In other words, manpower
and machine capacity are maximized. Such process efficiency
represents fewer costs and more profits.
To increase the value-added time of the process flow line of
line balancing with help of :-
1. Calculate takt time
Since the goal of line balancing is to match the production rate to takt
time, being aware of your takt time is essential. Tulip offers an out-of-
the box Takt Time App and Takt Time Dashboard that make
calculating and tracking takt time a seamless part of your production

2. Perform time studies

We wrote a detailed article on how to conduct time studies. The goal
of time studies is to establish the time required to complete each task
along a production line. In other words, you want to find out how long
employees and machines spend on each part of a process.
Keep in mind that while it is possible to do time studies with a
stopwatch and clipboard, there are now significantly better options.
IoT connectivity and cloud computing have transformed data
collection and storage. With sensors and manufacturing apps,
manufacturers can now perform automatic and continuous time
studies, thus eliminating human bias and sample size effect.

3. Identify bottlenecks and excess capacity

When it comes time to analyze the data from your time studies, notice
which parts of the process are taking longer than takt time. Exceeding
takt time means late deliveries, high shipping costs or unhappy
customers. Also, notice which parts are taking less than takt time.
There is excess capacity in those places.
4. Reallocate resources
Start by considering task precedence, which is the sequence in which
tasks must be carried out. For example, if a step requires a certain
part, you need to make sure that part is completed before reaching
that step. A Precedence Diagram can come in handy.

Then, rearrange tasks to reduce excess capacity and bottlenecks. For

example, move resources–workers and equipment–from parts of the
line that have excess capacity to bottlenecks. In other words, aim to
alleviate the workload where there are blockages, and move it to
places where excess capacity can be filled by absorbing more work.
This will reduce the waiting waste in the places where there was
excess capacity. It will also help improve production flow where there
were bottlenecks.

Try to organize elementary tasks into groups that minimize operators’

idle time and that maximize the utilization of machines and equipment.
Share the workload among operators in the most logical way, taking
into account the data on operator performance that you have
gathered. Ideally, each group of tasks should be completed in the
same amount of time to achieve synchronization.

Consider if you have too many or too few workstations. Line balancing
might improve process efficiency to a point where there is excess
capacity throughout your line. It might be beneficial to remove
workstations or combine processes.

Wherever you have several operators performing consecutive tasks

and working as a unit, you should strive to reduce the imbalance
between workers and workloads. Proper arrangement and allocation
of tasks in production lines help maximize output at the desired time.

5. Make other improvements

The analysis of the quantitative data on your lines will surely reveal
other opportunities for improvement that could improve the balance of
your lines.
To implement process improvement, you can manipulate three
parameters: operator time, machine time, and setup time. For
instance, you can give additional training to workers that take longer
to complete tasks or facilitate transitions to reduce changeover times.
You can also upgrade machines or make sure operators follow proper
machine setup and maintenance standard operating procedures

Many Lean practices can also help reduce variation in your lines. 5S
and visual management create a coherent workspace, thus reducing
the time wasted looking for tools and improving process
efficiency. Poka-yoke, or error-proofing, a process that helps catch
defects early, which increases the consistency of output.

Conclusions -: Line balancing is an optimization problem with

significant industrial importance. By improving the efficiency of their
lines, organizations can reduce the wastes of Lean manufacturing and
unlock more value – add time.
2. Discuss the role of logistics in the JIT distribution system. Can increased
use of warehouse automation provide flexibility in the supply chain?
Justify your answer.

The Role of the JIT Delivery System in

Manufacturing Logistics

During periods of growth, manufacturers of all sizes tend to come to the

same realization: they’ve run out of space for equipment and people and
need to expand.
Enter the Just in Time (JIT) delivery system.
When too much of your existing space is dedicated to storing and staging
materials – not making products – and you’re not looking for physical
expansion, JIT delivery is an ideal solution. In this article, we’ll examine JIT
in detail, explain how a 3PL can help you take advantage of it, and discuss
how JIT is still relevant post-pandemic.

What is a “just in time” delivery system?

Historically, manufacturers utilized what’s now referred to as a “just in

case” logistics model. With this model, every item that the manufacturing
operation could require – from nuts and bolts to packaging materials – was
kept on-hand by the manufacturer “just in case” it was needed. This took
up (i.e., wasted) large amounts of storage space that was no longer
available for production. It was also a very expensive way to operate since
items had to be purchased well before they were used.
“Just in time” (JIT) is a lean manufacturing logistics strategy in which
materials are kept off-site and delivered to the manufacturer precisely when
they are needed (as determined by demand signals or a pre-determined
schedule). These materials can be nuts, bolts, and packaging components
as described above – or they can be custom kits that are pre-assembled by
3PL at a nearby location and delivered as needed.
The biggest benefit of a just-in-time delivery system is that the
manufacturer’s need for on-hand inventory is greatly reduced – freeing up
more space for core operations. The JIT approach also frees up associates
to focus on assembly instead of non-value-adding work like unboxing parts
or discarding garbage. Additionally, the manufacturer’s logistics costs can
be significantly reduced as space and labor costs are typically lower at an
off-site warehouse (such as that of a 3PL) than they would be at the
manufacturing plant.

JIT as part of a 3PL manufacturing logistics

So, if the inventory is no longer with the manufacturer, where does it go?
JIT delivery is often a component of a larger 3PL inbound warehousing
operation for the manufacturer. In this operation, the 3PL will take on the
tasks of receiving and storing materials at its nearby warehouse(s),
managing the inventory, and delivering products to the plant as needed.
With vendor-managed inventory (VMI), the supplier of the materials retains
ownership of the inventory until it is delivered to the manufacturer. 3PLs
routinely help to facilitate these arrangements – storing the materials on
behalf of the supplier and then performing final delivery. 3PL systems give
the supplier secure visibility to the warehouse management system to
manage min/max levels.
VMI results in substantial cash flow improvements for the manufacturer
who is not responsible for the materials until they arrive “just in time.”
 .According to a recent Supply Chain and Demand Executive article,
“businesses are now planning and pulling multiple levers to make their
supply chains far more resilient and reliable. For some, this means physical
changes to their supply chain footprints, such as increasing inventory of
critical products, dual sourcing of raw materials and localizing or
regionalizing supply and production networks.”
JIT delivery very much has a place in this smarter manufacturing supply
chain. Like many other supply chain components, however, it does need to
adapt to new realities. This can result in changes such as sourcing
components from multiple providers and even combining JIT and just-in-
case inventory models.
Whatever it means for your particular business, a 3PL that specializes in
manufacturing logistics should be able to help you plan and manage it.
After all, the right 3PL for your business does much more than simple
storage – it’s a true partner that has the logistics expertise to match market
opportunities with market challenges.
Kanban Logistics is one such 3PL. Located in Eastern North Carolina, our
warehouse network specializes in logistics support for manufacturers and
has worked extensively with aerospace, automotive, and other advanced
companies of all sizes. To learn how we can support your East Coast
operations with JIT delivery and many other manufacturing logistics

Increased use of warehouse automation provide flexibility in the

supply chain !

What is a supply chain?

A supply chain can be associated with movement and storage of flow of goods
which is accompanied by informational and financial flows. A typical goods flow
begins with suppliers and passes through multiple manufacturing and warehousing
facilities before distribution to the final customer.
The use of supply chain automation solutions can optimize your business

Behind the scenes, there are all the employees, resources, data, processes, and
technologies that together enable the appearance of finished goods in customer’s
hands or at their front door. These complicated chains of people and processes can
be managed in one of two ways:
 A traditional method focused on production and provision and reliant on
siloed systems with little to no data sharing.
 An automated (digital) method powered by up-to-date technologies that
connect all the network components, speed up processes, and enable all
stakeholders to access reliable, real-time data.

Why do organizations need to automate supply chains?

Today, supply chain management is not limited to manufacturing and delivery. It is
focused on boosting customer experience. It means, customer satisfaction should be the
main driving force of all supply chain workflows. However, there are hindrances
that create gaps and vulnerabilities across supply chains, as well as stop businesses
from growing. Many of these result from adherence to manual operations and
postponed automation plans.

We suggest that you answer the questions below and, based on the responses,
decide if it is time for you to automate.

Is your supply chain rigid?

Unpredictability due to delayed deliveries or capacity issues seems to be an everyday

occurrence for supply chains. Ask yourself if your company is able to quickly
respond to emergencies and adapt sourcing, manufacturing, and distribution
operations to rapidly changing conditions. If your processes lack flexibility and
agility, you might want to rethink your supply chain management.

Are you meeting customer demand?

With supply chains based on manual workflows, the risk of damaged, lost or
delayed shipments is high due to poor shipment monitoring and lack of real-time
data. Taking into account the growing expectations of today’s customer, such
errors are costly: they can lead to customer dissatisfaction and damage to the
company’s reputation. According to a recent article in Forbes, a supply chain that relies
on archaic manual processes is not competitive anymore. The only way to keep
customers happy is to examine your core workflows and identify your supply chain
blind spots.

In sum: the implementation of digital technologies like advanced analytics and

forecasting is vital to remedying your supply chain weaknesses and ensuring
customer satisfaction.
What is supply chain
While thinking about automation, many people visualize machines replacing

Supply chain process automation

However, supply chain automation refers broadly to the implementation of up-to-

date technologies to automate operations which used to be performed manually
and thus reduce potential for human errors in specific supply chain workflows. But
it is worth mentioning that there is no fast and easy way to automate.
Implementing a technology usually follows several basic steps, such as employing
a customer-centric supply chain strategy, auditing the existing workflows and
figuring out the required improvements, selecting unified data standards for
formerly separated systems and solutions, and choosing tools for the processes that
you need to automate and so on. Once you have completed the basic steps, you can
proceed with the implementation of advanced technologies that meet the needs of
your business.

Benefits of supply chain automation

The advantages your company stands to gain by automating your supply chain
processes are numerous. Having limited space here, we will focus on the most
significant ones.

Automating manual tasks

Processing documents — purchase and shipment orders, bills of lading, customs

declarations, and others — is one of the most time-consuming tasks in manual
supply chains. By implementing standardized, replicable processes that connect
your supply chain, you save time and money while making your supply chain
much more efficient.
Minimizing human errors

Human errors (accidentally duplicating orders, incorrectly entering data, picking

and packing the wrong item in an order, etc.) constitute one of the most significant
risk factors in supply chain management. When your supply chain management
system is based on manual processes, mistakes creep in inevitably. Automated
systems help eliminate such errors, which, even while unintentional, might cost
your business money and lead to loss of customers.

Increasing visibility and transparency

Lost orders often mean lost customers. With more and more nodes in today’s
supply chain, enabling end-to-end visibility is a key concern for executives. Data
empowers businesses to detect and fix weaknesses in the supply chain before they
become significant problems. According to a McKinsey and Company study, 80%
of respondents need to improve and invest in digital planning to increase supply
chain visibility.

Suitable solutions integrated into existing software or created as part of supply

chain orchestration platforms allow greater operational control and reaction speed.
It is especially vital for healthcare supply chain automation or automation in
logistics. We will be pleased to equip your business with a flexible and reliable

Improved customer experience

The universal truth about today’s customers is that they expect to receive their
orders as soon as possible with outstanding customer service in the event that
problems arise . Supply chain automation serves customers in multiple ways, from
automatically triggering order fulfillment to picking and packing the orders.

With technologies streamlining your business, your customers will reap the
benefits and you will be able to maintain high customer satisfaction and loyalty
What supply chain processes can be
Supply chain management is usually considered in relation to the movement of
physical goods. However, a significant portion of the process occurs behind the
scenes. Back-office operations set the stage for all supply chain processes. They
include operations responsible for the vast amounts of data that control the
movement of raw materials and finished goods, procurement, and the production
flow. Implementing automation in this process can significantly increase the speed
and efficiency of tasks.

Using artificial intelligence (AI) and optical character recognition (OCR),

businesses can achieve nearly 100% back office automation. Automation can cover
tasks Including (but not limited to) data capturing, recognizing document content,
etc. Robotic process automation (RPA) can also positively impact supply chain
productivity and efficiency. According to a global survey, 44% of the participants
expect RPA to have a significant or moderate impact on supply chains by 2023.

Warehouse management
Today, warehouse automation is a strong tendency in the supply chain industry.
Certain software can automatically aggregate and process orders, and then send
tracking information to customers. In some cases, these programs can
automatically direct every order to the most suitable warehouse based on the
available space and picking efficiency.

The process of automation in warehousing has also grown increasingly

sophisticated. Possibilities include automatic identification and data capture
(AIDC) technology, including mobile barcoding and radio frequency
identification, as well as box selection algorithms. The latter recommends the best
size box to reduce waste and minimize the risk of product damage.

Transportation, which is one of the most important processes in the supply chain,
can be automated in different ways. But all automation systems are aimed at
enabling fast, precise and qualitative delivery in a more economical and effective
way. These are just a few examples of such solutions. Route optimization helps
determine the best carriers and fastest, most efficient routes. Multi-dimensional
monitoring tool provides real-time information on your vehicles and notifies you
of potential delays. These and other technologies in transportation software
development allow you to optimize your transportation processes and reduce
transportation costs.

Supply chain automation trends

The game-changing technologies in supply chain management include but are not
limited to artificial intelligence, advanced analytic tools, digital twins, and many

Robotics and automation in supply chain management

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI is a technology that is making a huge difference in supply chain management.
AI typically doesn’t solve problems that have already occurred, but it is extremely
helpful in predicting the potential ones. AI can automate supply and demand
planning and optimize inventory management, which allows businesses to take
preventive measures: to bolster supply BEFORE shortage and to reduce inventory
BEFORE reduction of demand. Along with balancing supply and demand, AI
helps predict risks related to suppliers. Companies often suffer from raw materials
insecurity: if they have insufficient inventory, suppliers serve the lowest margin
customers last or not at all. AI helps managers understand which suppliers’ mail
fail to deliver and why, so that managers can find a workaround.

In sum, AI is no longer an option for your supply chain transformation — it is a

must-have. AI solutions provide supply chains with an unsurpassed level of agility.
This applies especially to supply chain automation in logistics, transportation,
healthcare, and more.
2. Discuss the role of third-party logistics in the
JIT distribution system. Explain the 3PL
concept with some online shopping

What is a 3PL? Third Party Logistics and Ecommerce

Definition: Third Party Logistics providers ("3PL") are utilized by many ecommerce
businesses to oversee and manage their supply chain management. 3PLs specialize in
optimizing the supply chain, allowing online stores to focus on marketing and other
business operations.

In today’s competitive business market, keeping costs down while increasing the
speed and efficiency of a company’s logistics operations is imperative. The military
was the first to coin the term 3PL, as it developed this method for efficiently
transferring resources to areas where they are most needed. 3PL has continued to
grow as the deregulation of interstate trucking reduced barriers to entry in the freight
management industry.

How Is Just-in-Time (JIT) Used By A 3PL?

It is a prime example of how good supplier relationships are vital to an efficient
manufacturing supply chain.

Commonly used as a method for improving efficiency and minimizing cost by

third party logistics companies, a Just-in-time (JIT) inventory strategy is one of the
primary benefits provided by Manufacturing Support Services companies.

JIT requires tight coordination between production and vendors for it to work
right. Under JIT, raw materials, parts, and components are ordered and delivered
just as they are needed for producing finished goods. The concept can extend
further up the supply chain to include sub-assembled parts as well.

The parts do not arrive earlier or after they are required; but they arrive just as they
are needed.
3PL’s use JIT as a strategy to provide several specific benefits to their clients
beyond just cost reduction and enhanced efficiency.These additional benefits are
realized through:

1. Having little or no inventory levels means that holding costs (such as

warehouse space) and carrying costs are minimized.
2. Funds that used to be tied up in inventory are freed up and can be used
3. Space previously used for holding inventory can be used for more
productive uses.
4. Under JIT, production setup time is reduced resulting to quicker response
time to client’s needs. Also, greater output potential is realized when firms
switch to JIT.
5. Obsolescence rate is decreased since raw materials and goods are not held
for long. Further, risks such as damage of inventory by fire or theft are

When a company works with a 3PL for manufacturing support services, there is
clearly the expectation of value and a positive ROI. JIT is often the “lowest
hanging fruit” and first process to implement in this type of arrangement.

Through proper planning and well managed supplier relationships, efficient JIT
inventory management is an attainable goal for any manufacturer.

EXAMPLE OF 3PL WITH E-COMMERCE -:Shiprocket Fulfillment is an

eCommerce fulfillment solution offering a platform for order fulfillment,
warehousing, catalog, and inventory management. 

3PL or third-party logistics companies focus on supply chain operations to help

businesses grow. This includes everything from order management to inventory
solutions and order fulfillment. With the right 3PL solution provider, brands can
convert more sales and deliver their products faster, better, and more efficiently to
customers, all while saving costs. 

However, unlike B2C, B2B order fulfillment needs more robust 3PL services to
provide comprehensive order fulfillment.   
What is Third Party Logistics?
Third-party logistics, or 3PL, is a term that’s used interchangeably with fulfillment
warehouse or fulfillment center. Companies providing 3PL services offer many of
the same services as order fulfillment companies. These services include:

 Warehousing
 Inventory Management
 Order Picking & Packing
 Kitting & Customisation
 Order Shipping
 Reverse Logistics (Returns Management)

A third-party logistics company acts as an eCommerce fulfillment company. It

provides all the services businesses need to outsource their logistics operations . 

3rd Party Logistics Services

Apart from warehousing, there are multiple services offered by third party
logistics. These include:

 Kitting services
 Just-in-time customisation
 eCommerce fulfillment
 Customised packaging
 Dedicated customer support

Third-Party Logistics Process

When businesses outsource their fulfillment, their products ship directly from the
manufacturer to the 3rd-party logistics warehouse. Once their inventory arrives, the
third-party logistics company can provide a range of services. Here are just a few
of the elements of the third-party logistics process for boosting order fulfillment.

Seamless Integration
Not all businesses manufacture their own products. The goods are ordered from a
different business and assembled somewhere else. The finished products are then
packed and moved to the warehouse. There needs to be proper sync among all
these parties to streamline all processes. The 3PL logistics company of your choice
should offer seamless integration with sales channels, suppliers, and order &
warehouse management systems for seamless order fulfillment. 
End-To-End Order Visibility
3PL companies also provide businesses with end-to-end order visibility. The
business and its suppliers should be able to access the same inventory and product
catalogs and see the order fulfillment process. With real-time linking, there
remains clear visibility of your order management system. With end-to-end order
visibility, customers can check if a product is in stock or get notified when it is not. It ensures
customer satisfaction and proper order fulfillment.

Array Of Shipping Partners

Finding a 3PL service provider to manage your order fulfillment should not be a
recurring thought, hence choosing a third-party logistics company with multiple
carrier options is desirable. Usually, a 3rd party logistics provider relies on its own
logistics arm, which has limited network reach. But some providers have multiple
carrier partners that businesses can choose from. Choosing the right courier partner
can save shipping costs, and the wrong one can affect your business reputation.

Warehousing Network
A 3PL provider can have an extensive network of warehouses nationwide to ensure
better serviceability. This means businesses can offer same/next-day delivery
services to their customers, deploy fast but low-cost ground shipping, and find
optimal delivery routes that boost the order fulfillment speed. If your business
needs warehousing services, it is imperative to choose the correct network under
the geographical locations.

Customer Communication
Throughout the entire order fulfillment process, a 3PL logistics provider keeps the
customer in the loop with order updates and notifications. They do it on demand, in
real-time. Through real-time order updates, the customers are informed about their
product journey, increasing the delivery success of the order. Efficient customer
communication provides an intimation of the entire order journey, reducing the
chance of RTO orders. Buyer communication also ensures a smoother NDR
redressal in case of non-delivery.
4. With nearly 2,000 sellers joining the Amazon marketplace each and every day,
you must always keep your finger on the pulse of your competitors’ business. You
need to understand exactly what your competitors are doing in order to get ahead:
how they’re pricing their products, where they’re sourcing from, what the quality of
their products is like, how they market their products, what’s in their listing content,
and so on.

Competitor analysis is an extremely important piece of the puzzle when you’re

selling on Amazon. Without this information, how could you possibly have a
competitive advantage? 

Keep on reading to learn more about how to find, define, and analyze your
competitors on Amazon.

4. How would you carry out the following planning tasks?

A. Find competitive products and their sales plans on
B. Get your product to the top of the search results for

A. Find competitive products and their

sales plans on Amazon.

How to find and define competitors and their sales plan on

When conducting product research for your Amazon business, competition from
sellers with similar products should be one of your biggest considerations. How do
you know what you’re up against if you don’t know exactly who your competitors
will be?

The easiest way to find your competition is to simply search for your product ideas
on Amazon. Start with a broad keyword and see what comes up in the search
results. The competition will be high for a broader term, but as you niche down
and get more specific, the number of your direct competitors will shrink — and
these remaining competitors are the ones you should focus on.

Let’s say we want to sell a coffee maker. As you probably know, there are many
different types of coffee machines in the market. You have traditional drip coffee
makers, pod coffee brewing machines, single-serve machines, espresso machines
— you get the idea. 

For this example, we want to sell a single-serve coffee machine. To start, let’s
search for the broad term, “coffee maker,” and see what comes up. 

As expected, we see a variety of coffee machines to choose from. Technically, all

of these coffee machines would be your competition, but the idea is to target long-
tail, niched-down keywords that are much more specific to your actual product. 

Now let’s search for “single-serve coffee machine.”

These search results show single-serve coffee machines only — instead of 25

different types of coffee machines. The products that appear in the search results
from this specific search term will be the main competition that you want to focus

Take note of the first 10 to 20 products on the first page, as these represent the
high-performing competitors you’ll want to monitor. 

Track each product within a spreadsheet, or, to make it much easier, use
our Product Tracker tool. This tool organizes competitors by group, and compares
product ideas and sales metrics for you. With Product Tracker, you can track real-
time sales and observe key metrics of your competitor’s listings.

How to analyze competitors on Amazon

Once you know who your main competitors are, it’s time to identify their strengths
and weaknesses and figure out how you can beat them.

 1. Identify the keywords competitors rank for

This is extremely important. If you want your products to show up when a

customer searches for that item, you need to be sure you’re targeting the right
keywords and keyword phrases. If not, you could be missing out on potential
impressions and sales. 
While you can figure out what keywords you’d like to target without using
software tools, you can save time and energy using keyword research tools. By
using Jungle Scout’s Keyword Scout, you can see which keywords your
competitors are using and ranking for, as well as other helpful metrics. 

If you filter by “organic rank” in Keyword Scout, you’ll receive a list of keywords
that a specific ASIN is ranking highly for. 

2. Audit your competitors’ listings

This is where you can identify potential weaknesses within your competitors’
listings. Do photos have poor image quality? Are listings missing specific product
information? Do products have a sub-par rating? 

You can learn from what your competitors are doing in terms of listing
optimization and use this information to make your listing even better. Here are the
components of a listing to closely inspect in your audit:

The title not only informs the customer of what your product is, but it also tells
Amazon’s A9 search engine what it is, and whether or not it is relevant to a buyer.
Take note of the keyword phrases your top competitors are using within the title. 

Do you see anything you can add/remove to improve your product title? Are your
competitors missing important information your customer should know from the
start? These are some things to think about when creating a strong title for your

Notice anything with the Hamilton Beach listing above? It’s missing the brew
volume in the title. In the Keurig listing, it clearly states that this machine brews 6
to 10 ounces of coffee. If I was a customer searching for a coffee maker, that
would be the type of information I’d like to know before clicking through to the
product page to consider making a purchase. 

Images are a huge selling point on Amazon. Since the customer cannot touch, feel,
or see a product in person before buying, you need to be sure you have the highest-
quality images and infographics possible for your listing.

 Take a look at the search results below and examine each one of your competitor’s
main images. How can you make your main image stand out within the search

Which one of the above listing images stands out the most to you? By adding a
yellow cup to the picture on the left, the seller created a point of visual interest,
making that coffee maker stand out from the rest of the products in the search

Bullet points and description

Read through your competitor’s bullet points and descriptions, and take note of
how they describe their products. What is the tone like? What features and benefits
do they highlight? What helpful information is missing? 

See what others are doing and figure out ways you can make your listings even
more informative. 

Skip the fluff and avoid filler words that are not useful to your customer. Keep
your information to the point, yet persuasive. The faster a customer can find the
information they’re looking for, the more likely they are to be compelled to
purchase your product. 

What are customers saying about your competitor’s products? What are their pain
points for those items? What do they like about their purchases?

Use your competitor’s reviews to spot weaknesses in their product and product
listing. For example, if a review mentions that the listing has incorrect or missing
information, you’ll know to include accurate and thorough product information in
your own listing. 

How can your product help resolve the issues a customer is having with your
competitor’s product? This is a good opportunity to draw attention to the benefits
of buying your product, so make sure to include that information. Reviews are also
a great way to discover potential keywords that your type of customer uses. 

Take a look at the underlined sentences in the review above. You can see that the
customer mentioned exactly what was wrong with the product. This is very useful
information as you can use it to assure your customers through your listing that
your product does not have these problems, and that your product is clearly the
better choice.
Another missed opportunity worth noting in the review above is the mention of
“bad customer service.” If this seller had provided good customer service, it could
have saved them from this negative review in the first place.

3. Monitor competitor pricing 

Pricing places a huge role in customer purchase behavior — especially on

Amazon. If a customer sees two similar products with similar review ratings,
they’ll most likely go for the cheaper option. 

With that being said, you still need to make a profit. It is important to understand
the price history of a particular market to determine a product’s long-term
viability. If the price of the product you’re selling or are interested in selling
fluctuates frequently, it may not be a good market to get into. 

Here is where Product Tracker can also help: it will monitor Buy Box prices to
track if your competitors sell a product at a consistent price point. With this
information, you’ll be able to avoid potential losses and stick to selling products
with prices that are stable enough for you to profit from. 

4. Track competitor’s monthly sales

Tracking your competitor’s sales will give you a good understanding of how much
inventory they’re moving and the potential profit they could be making. It also lets
you know whether or not this particular niche or market is healthy. 

You don’t want to get into a market that is trending down or has low demand.
Tracking sales gives you more confidence in the product you decide to sell. The
last thing you want to do is launch a product that no one wants to buy. 
Again, you can use our Product Tracker tool to track the average sales, revenue,
and Best Seller Rank of a product or group of products over time. These extremely
valuable insights allow you to make more informed decisions for your Amazon

5. Explore how your competition markets their products

How your products and your competitor’s products are branded and marketed can
be the key factors in a customer’s decision to purchase. This comes down to the
tone of the listing copy, the product images, packaging design, A+ content, and
how the brand communicates with its customers.

You should also take a look into their off-Amazon marketing efforts such as their
social media presence. Social media has a huge impact on ecommerce and brand
awareness. In fact, over half of consumers have purchased something they first
heard about on social media. 

Here are some questions to ask yourself:

 How does your competition use social media? 

 What is their following like? 
 What platforms are they on? 
 How often do they post? 
 What is their engagement rate? 
 Do they use other platforms like emails or blogs?

All of these questions can help you better understand your competition and the
consumers in your market.

Gain a better understanding of your competitors on

Without knowledge of the competitive landscape, you will have a hard time
growing your Amazon business. Researching your competitor’s sales and
marketing strategies helps give you a better understanding of what you are up
against in the Amazon marketplace, and offers you a competitive edge. 

Do you have more questions about analyzing your competitors on Amazon? Let us
know in the comments!

B. Get your product to the top of the

search results for Google/Amazon

For those in the business of trying to drive organic traffic, Google is the
all-powerful. It crawls the web, determining which pages are the most
useful and relevant for its users for virtually any topic. We don’t just trust
Google’s results, we rely on them.

With such immense power and influence, getting your small business on

the first page of Google might seem unrealistic, However, it this very
power Google holds that makes it more possible than ever for small and
local businesses to rank high in search results—for free!

In this post I’m going to cover several tangible actions you can take to
help your business rise to the top of the first page, using two free
strategies: website optimization and listing optimization. I will first cover
the importance of the first page of Google and then get into the tactics,
which include:
 Adding keywords to specific places on your website
 Creating content for humans, not Google
 Emphasizing location
 Regularly updating and maintaining your Google listing
 And many more
It’s abundantly clear that the first page of Google is a worthwhile (if not
essential) goal for any business, but let’s first go over its specific benefits,
as this can help you prioritize within your business’s strategy.

Why the first page of Google is important

Google’s search results are getting more robust— with Knowledge Panels,
answer boxes, expandable related questions, local results, and more. With
so many ways to stand out, working for top ranking is well worth the
effort, especially considering that traffic and click-through rate both fall
off precipitously as one works their way down the search results.

Getting on the first page means significantly higher click-through


It’s a known fact that the first page of Google captures the majority of
traffic, but did you know that there are significant differences in click-
through rates for the top vs bottom results? One study shows the following
click-through rates by Google position:
• First result: 36.4% clickthrough rate
• Second result: 12.5% clickthrough rate
• Third result: 9.5% clickthrough rate

CTR continues to decline, down to 2.2% for the 10th result (there are
usually 10 organic results max per page, even less now with local results,
ads, answer boxes, and other new features. If you’re not at the top
of Google search results, you are missing out on a lot of clicks.

Get immediate exposure

Top results for Google searches now also populate “Position Zero” answer
boxes, otherwise known as featured snippets:

Earning a top spot on Google could lead to getting featured in a featured

snippet, granting your business immediate exposure and increasing your
Top position traffic share

Another study found that the top result on Google captures 33% of search
traffic. The closer to the top you can get your website to appear on Google,
the better your search presence and brand authority.
How strong is your SEO and online presence? Find out in 90 seconds
with our free website grader!

How does first-page ranking benefit your business?

It’s important to understand the different goals that getting a top ranking
on Google can help your business to achieve.

1. Improve your visibility

Let’s say you have a brick-and-mortar location. If you had the choice
between putting your business on the main road that goes through town or
a quiet side street, which one would you choose? The main road, of

With 167 billion searches per month, getting on the first page of Google is
like planting your business on the busiest road in town. The more people
that see your website, the greater your brand awareness. The more familiar
consumers are with your brand, the more receptive they will be to
conversion activities.

2. Generate more leads

Now what if you had to choose between the main street of a diverse town
or a town of ideal customers?  There are as many Google first pages
as search queries out there. Your goal is to get on the first page for queries
that your ideal customers are performing. By doing so, you get discovered
by consumers that are searching online with the intent to buy or engage.
These people are the most likely to convert into leads and customers for
your business.
3. Increase engagement

According to Adweek, 81% of shoppers conduct online research before

buying, and Google is the go-to for this. With answer boxes, the “People
also ask” section, and local results showing contact information, maps,
reviews, ratings, and descriptions, Google’s search engine results page
alone enables consumers to learn about, compare, and engage with your
business before even clicking on your result.

A People Also Ask section.

4. Drive website traffic

Snippets and answer boxes can only provide so much information. While a
search engine results page itself can sometimes supply all the information
a person needs, there are still a number of queries for which people will
inevitably click through to a website. Don’t forget that it often takes
several engagements with a business before a person converts into a
customer, so interactions with your website are important.

Not only does being on the first page of Google drastically increase traffic
to your website; not being on the first page of Google has a huge
disadvantage. In fact, the first page of Google captures at least 71% of web
traffic (some sources say up to 92%), and the second page is far from a
close second: It drops to 6% of website clicks. This steep decline in web
traffic is an indicator of just how important the first page of Google is.

4. Increase your industry authority

Getting on the first page of Google requires regularly creating high-quality

content that Google recognizes is satisfying the needs of its searchers. This
takes time, but the increased traffic and trust that will result is well worth
the investment.
In addition, writing regularly about your industry and business will require
you to stay in tune with what your target audience wants to know as well
as what the latest updates are in your industry. Appearing on the first page
of Google is important because it facilitates the development and
maintenance of a robust knowledge base upon which your business can
firmly stand.

5. Earn trust

Google’s algorithm is designed to recognize spammy, suspicious, and low-

quality content. If you’re consistently showing up on the first page of
Google, it means that Google recognizes you as a trusted source of
information, and consumers trust businesses that Google trusts.

6. Build your audience

As mentioned above, getting on the first page of Google requires creating

high-quality, evergreen content. This type of content is the gift that keeps
on giving; it can be repurposed and redistributed across a variety of
marketing channels including social media, email, and paid ads.
Your content-driven efforts to get on the first page of Google will provide
you with more material and more opportunities to engage with your target
audience, nurture leads, and stay top of mind.

7. Speed up your sales cycle

Consumers today have so many options to choose from, as well as access

to all the information and tools they need to discover, vet, and make a
decision about a business. Where do they go to kick off their research?
Google! Getting on the first page of Google helps you to bring in those
top-of-funnel leads and get your sales cycle in gear.

How many different ways can you get on the first page of
Google for free?
Getting on the first page of Google is not only a common goal among
small business owners, but also a very feasible one. Google is not focused
on quantity, but quality. As a result, a larger company or bigger budget
does not equate to top rank. There are several factors behind Google’s
algorithm and, thanks to the fact that Google’s results page has many
different components, there are also different types of media that can
achieve first-page status. They include:
• Blog posts and website pages (in organic results)
• Your Google My Business account (in the local/maps section)

Optimizing your Google My Business listing ensures your business and

its ratings show up for local queries.
• Snippets of your website content (in Google’s many search results page
features including “People also ask” and the answer box.
• Your landing pages (This is via the paid ads section, which is not free,
but still worth mentioning. For more help with using paid strategies to get
on the first page of Google, head to this post on Google Ads tutorials.)
Now let’s get back to the two free mediums by which you can get to the
first page.

How to use your website to get on the first page of Google

The practice of aligning your website with search engine ranking factors is

called search engine optimization (SEO). You do not necessarily search
engine-optimize your whole site at once, but rather each individual page
on your site. Here’s how to do so:
1. Determine your keywords

First, determine which search queries you want Google to answer with
your website pages. These are known as keywords—which, by the way,
can be single words OR phrases.
Examples of keywords include:

• “MA tenant laws”

• “salon near me”
• “brunch Boston”
• “air conditioner repair Brighton”
• “how to plug a leaky roof”
• “how to get on the first page of Google”

Each page on your website should target a different set of keywords so

that the pages aren’t competing with each other.
The right keywords for your business are those that your ideal customers
are typing in to get the products and services they need. For help choosing
keywords for your business, try our Free Keyword Tool.

Use our Free Keyword Tool to find high-volume keywords for your niche. 

2. Tell Google what keywords you’re using

Google works by crawling the web, ranking the millions of pages that
exist, and storing them in an index. When a user performs a search,
Google can then scan through its more organized index (rather than the
whole web) to quickly come up with relevant results.

Therefore, another important step for showing up on the first page of

Google is to make it as easy as possible for Google to scan, index, and
retrieve your site. Do this by placing keywords in the following places:
Meta title
Every blog post and page of your website has a meta title. This title
appears at the top of your page in the form of a header but also as the title
of that page’s listing in search results (depending upon your CMS
Meta description
The meta description is the little blurb that shows up underneath the title in
Google’s search results.

In addition to telling Google what your page is about, the meta description
quickly tells a searcher what they can expect if they click on your page,
increasing the relevant clicks to that page. Therefore the meta description
helps Google to put your business on the right first page for the right
searches and helps Google searchers to keep it there.
Your URL consists of your domain name (such as wordstream.com),
followed by a forward slash, followed by text separated by dashes.

Including keywords in your URL will help Google more quickly identify
what your page is about. Also, the URL appears in between the title and
meta description in search results. A clean URL that matches the title of
the page is more appealing and trustworthy to users, and better suited for
first-page appearances.

Alt tags
Google can only see images if the image has a text alternative (aka alt tag).
If your alt tag includes keywords, Google can detect further relevancy of
that page and feel more comfortable putting you on its first page of search

3. Write for humans

Of course, the body of your page’s content is the most important place to
include the keywords for which you’re trying to rank. However, it is
crucial that these keywords are not systematically and excessively inserted
but naturally incorporated. In fact, Google can now detect keyword
stuffing and if it does it will place you far, far from the first page of its
The key to getting on the first page of Google is providing useful,
trustworthy, easy-to-read, but informative content that will keep your
target audience on your pages and coming back for more. And
conversationally sharing the knowledge already in your head is both free
and easy. Just remember that if you want to rank on the first page of
Google for a particular keyword search, your page needs to provide the
information, and not just the keywords, that users are trying to obtain
when they type that search into Google.

4. Emphasize location

Another free way to get your website pages on the first page of Google is
to target location-based queries. Make sure your website clearly indicates
your city and/or geographic area, via your contact page and potentially
also through blog posts and services pages. That way, when people search:
“your industry” + ”your city”, Google will pick up that information
and show your business as a “near me” search result.

Even if a user does not search using a specific location, Google will still
serve up geographically relevant results based on their IP address, so local
SEO is not only free, but always important (even during a pandemic).

5. Optimize for mobile

You will not find a website at the top of a Google search that is not
responsive. Consumers now use phones and tablets more than computers
and laptops, and the majority of local searches are performed on mobile
devices. As a result, Google favors mobile-friendly websites. In fact, all
sites are now indexed by mobile-first indexing.
Responsive is ideal, as your website will adapt to any size screen and
maintain functionality. However, if you don’t have a responsive website,
there are adjustments you can make to your site to ensure the most
seamless experience for a mobile user.
6. Focus on user experience

Being mobile-friendly isn’t enough for a website. It must also be appealing

and user-friendly. A website with intuitive navigation, clear calls to action,
and answers to your visitors’ most immediate questions will keep visitors
there longer and coming back later—which Google will notice and, in
turn, rank you higher. The higher you rank, the more traffic you will get to
your site, and the more likely you are to show up on the first page.
To optimize every aspect of your website, check out our Ultimate Website
Audit Checklist (with an Epic 6-Tab Google Sheet).

How to use your business listings to get on the first

page of Google
In addition to your website pages, your online business directory
listings can also show up on the first page of a Google search. Here’s what
you need to do:

7. Create a Google My Business account

Google My Business is evolving into one of the most powerful (not to

mention free) tools for local business owners. Both Google Maps and
Search pull from Google My Business to produce local listings (known as
Business Profiles). Creating a Google My Business account is a fast and
easy way to add more information to your Business Profile, which helps it
to to appear on the first page of Google Maps and Search (in the local
results section). Make sure you follow through with claiming and
verifying your listing so that you can monitor, maintain, and optimize your

8. Optimize your Google Business Profile

Speaking of optimizing your listing, I consider this strategy a separate

entity because while creating a Google listing can help you with your
visibility, it can only take you so far in terms of ranking. Rather than
creating a bare-bones listing and hoping that it shows up for one or two
searches, optimize your Google business listing for maximum visibility.
Here’s how:
Complete every section of your profile
The more information you include in your Google My Business listing, the
more searches for which it can show up on the first page. In fact, complete
Google My Business listings get, on average, 7X more clicks than
incomplete listings.

Keep your name consistent

Use the same exact name for your business at all times. Google doesn’t like
discrepancies—even those as minor as “Co.” vs “Company”
Update your information
Not being able to find your business, showing up to find it closed, or getting an
operator when trying to call can not only deter a customer, but also lead them to
distrust your business or write a negative review. Stay on top of your Google
listing and make the necessary updates and changes so that it can be trusted enough
to be at the top of the list.

Upload photos to your listing

Google My Business strives to equip consumers with as much information about a
business as possible, before even encountering that business. This includes what
it’s like to be at that business, so be sure to upload photos that depict not only the
products and services your business offers but also the atmosphere and people that
frequent it.

9. Obtain customer reviews

Google searchers love to see what other people think about a business, so it’s no
surprise that the businesses with more positive Google reviews show up on the first
page. Ask customers in person and create a review shortcut link so you can easily
encourage reviews across your online channels. While this technically falls under
the list of Google My Business optimizations, don’t forget that there are plenty
other review sites—all of which have an impact on your ranking.
Reviews can land you in the “Local Pack” which shows up at the top of Google’s

10. List your business on other directories

Google Business Profile is powerful, but you should still create and optimize
listings on other popular directories like Yelp. First, because Yelp has high traffic
and is widely trusted by Google, so your business’s Yelp page can very well show
up on the first page of Google for relevant searches. Second, because a solid listing
with positive reviews improves your online presence in general. Online review and
links from other trusted sites send signals to Google that figure into its ranking
As with your Google Business Profile, make sure the rest of your online directory
listings are complete and accurate, consistent across platforms, updated, and that
you are collecting and responding to reviews. Don’t forget to add photos to your
online listings as well.

You can use this free business listings grader from LocaliQ to see how your
Google Business Profile and other important listings look online.

How to Get on the first page of Google [recap]

Getting to the top of Google, or even just improving your ranking, is very doable,
even for small businesses. It takes work and time, but it is one of the most
important things you can do for your business. By knowing where and how to
make adjustments, you can get your business the visibility it deserves. Here are the
strategies in a recap:

1. Create a keyword strategy to target terms your target customers are searching.
2. Incorporate the keywords into your website content as well as HTML tags.
3. Write for humans (not search engines).
4. Target location-based searches.
5. Optimize for mobile.
6. Focus on user experience.
7. Create a Google My Business account.
8. Optimize your Business Profile.
9. Obtain customer reviews.
10.10.List your business on directories.

5. Installing an MRP system tends to integrate the material

management, production management, and other functions of the
organisation. Elaborate on the statement.
MRP, which stands for Material Requirements Planning, is a computer-
based inventory management system that helps companies manage their
manufacturing processes more efficiently. When an MRP system is installed,
it integrates the material management, production management, and other
functions of the organization, as it brings all the relevant data and
processes under one centralized system.

With an MRP system, organizations can better manage their material

inventory by keeping track of their stock levels, lead times, and demand
forecasts. The system also helps to optimize production planning and
scheduling by ensuring that the necessary materials are available when
needed. This results in a smoother flow of materials and production
activities, which ultimately leads to improved productivity and cost savings.

Furthermore, an MRP system can integrate with other organizational

functions such as accounting and finance, purchasing, and sales. This allows
for better communication and coordination between departments, as all
relevant information is available in one system. For example, the MRP
system can generate purchase orders automatically based on inventory
levels, which can then be tracked and managed within the same system.

Overall, an MRP system integration can streamline various aspects of an

organization's operations, leading to improved efficiency, cost savings, and
better customer satisfaction

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