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Condition Positive

Sean Creef

A Sourcebook for
the Chronicles of Darkness
Sean Creef

Condition Positive
Author: Sean Creef
Developer: Sean Creef
Editor: Sean Creef
Artist: Chronicles of Darkness Art Packs #5 and #6
Special Thanks
Sam Cuomo, Manu Zolezzi

© 2019 White Wolf Entertainment AB. All rights reserved. Vampire:The Requiem, Werewolf: The Forsaken,
Mage: The Awakening, Changeling: The Lost, Hunter: The Vigil, Giest: The Sin Eaters, Demon: The
Descent, Mummy: The Curse, Beast: The Primordial, Promethean: The Created, Chronicles of Darkness,
Storytelling System™, and Storytellers Vault™ are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of White Wolf
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2 Condition positive
Condition Positive
When playing in a Chronicles of Darkness game, characters will occasionally
have lucky breaks and turns of fate, where the dice shine on them and they
obtain an Exceptional Success. As described on page 69 of Chronicles of
Darkness 2nd Edition, a character obtains a beneficial Condition. The purpose
of this book is to provide players and Storytellers a compiled list of conditions
to provide unique perks as a reward for these exceptional rolls.

The Conditions presented in Condition Positive are designed to provide

more interesting benefits than a simple +2 modifier on a roll using that Skill.

As a reminder, Resolving any Condition grants the character a Beat.

Also included is a separate sheet that lists the Conditions in this supplement
by Skill.
“Just Dropped In
(To See What
Condition My
Condition Was
- Mickey

Condition Positive
4 Condition positive
Resolution: Your character utilizes the bonus as
Adrenaline Rush described above.
Beat: N/A
The thrill of victory is coursing through your
veins. Either in sport or in combat, your body is Badass
running hot and heavy. You may resolve this
condition to gain +3 to any roll during which Your martial skill is so that you are able to act
Initiative is being tracked as if spending a even when you would otherwise be cowed or
Willpower. bested. During combat you may Resolve this
Sources: Athletics, Brawl, Weaponry Condition to ignore the effects of the Beaten Down
Resolution: Your character utilizes the bonus as Tilt, both on yourself and others. Attacking a
described above. character that has surrendered is still a Breaking
Beat: N/A Point
Sources: Brawl
Alert Resolution: Your character utilizes the bonus as
described above.
You’ve noticed something, and now you remain Beat: N/A
on edge. Any sound or shadowy figure could be a
threat, so you are on high alert. When making a
Perception Roll, you may instead choose to Resolve Beast Whisperer
this Condition to automatically succeed.
Sources: Perception Attribute Test You’re working with animals so frequently that
Resolution: Your character utilizes the bonus as you can almost speak their language. When using
described above. Animal Ken to deal with any natural creature, you
Beat: N/A may Resolve this Condition to eliminate any
penalties to the roll.
Attentive Sources: Animal Ken
Resolution: Your character utilizes the bonus as
While performing an Investigation or casing a described above.
location, you paid extra attention to detail. You Beat: N/A
know where the rug is torn in the old apartment or
when the subway trains roar by and deafen all noise. Caregiver
When attempting a roll using a skill besides
Investigation, you may Resolve this condition to Tending to someone’s illness or injuries is rarely
gain the 8-Again bonus for a single roll. an instantaneous process. You are interested in a
Sources: Investigation, Larceny patient’s long term recovery from harm. When
Resolution: Your character utilizes the bonus as someone you have successfully treated fully recovers
described above. from their Wounds or Disease, resolve this
Beat: N/A Condition.
Sources: Medicine
Backdoor Resolution: As described above.
Beat: N/A
Through diligent effort in crafting code exploits
or performing social engineering, you have a partial Codehead
backdoor into a computer system. When
attempting an Extended Hacking Action, reduce After a marathon programming session, you can
the successes required by 2 and Resolve this see the code in your sleep. Whenever you are
Condition. attempting a non-Hacking Computer roll, you may
Sources: Computer, Subterfuge Resolve this Condition to gain the Rote quality on
a single roll.

Condition Positive
Sources: Computer
Resolution: Your character utilizes the bonus as
described above. Forecaster
Beat: N/A
You always pay careful attention to the weather,
Conduit (Persistent) and prepare accordingly. When confronted with an
Environmental Tilt, you may Resolve this
Whether it be through ritual incantation, diligent Condition to negate up to 2 points of penalty
research or attempts to practice some sort of mystic imposed by the Tilt.
spell, you have connected to Twilight. When a Sources: Survival
character gains this Condition, choose a type of Resolution: Your character utilizes the bonus as
Ephemeral being (Angel, Ghost, Spirit, etc). Beings described above.
of that type may treat the character and her Beat: N/A
immediate surroundings (around a room) as having
the Open Condition.
Sources: Curses, Occult
Resolution: You undertake a dedicated action to
purge the Condition (Usually an Extended Occult
Beat: An Entity uses the Open Condition you

You not only hit, you hit hard and you hit with
precision. You may resolve this condition to
upgrade an amount of damage from an attack equal
to the weapon modifier (minimum 1). Bashing
damage becomes lethal, lethal damage becomes
aggravated. Under some circumstances, this may be
a breaking point for mortal characters.
Sources: Brawl, Weaponry, Firearms.
Resolution: As above
Beat: N/A

You talk the talk so well that everyone simply
assumes you can walk the walk. Through an aura of
intimidation, you can cause others to flinch. Even
those immune to fear respect your perceived
lethality. When entering a combat situation, you
may Resolve this Condition to subtract 3 from the Gift of Gab
Initiative total of a single opponent for the
remainder of the scene. Words seem to roll off of your tongue and into
Sources: Intimidation the hearts and minds of anyone who listens.
Resolution: Your character utilizes the bonus as Resolve this condition when making a social
described above. maneuvering roll to automatically open an
Beat: N/A additional door.

6 Condition positive
Sources: Persuasion, Socialize, Empathy attack, you may Resolve this Condition to treat the
Resolution: As above attack as if it were made using a
Beat: N/A weapon with a damage rating of 1 (This makes
the attack Lethal).
Honorary Membership Sources: Brawl
Resolution: Your character utilizes the bonus as
(Persistent) described above.
By all appearances you shouldn’t fit in, but you Beat: N/A
do. When interacting with a group to which your
character is not a member (Possesses no Status or
Equivalent Merits) you may ignore up to 3 points
of penalty to Social Rolls. The Storyteller decides
what is considered a Group or Membership. For
example, Werewolf Tribes do not have a Status
merit, but it is clear through initiation who is or is
not a member.
Sources: Politics, Socialize
Resolution: Your character gains membership in
the group, or does something to be rejected by
Beat: N/A

Political insight this keen is a rare commodity.
Through your shrewd maneuvering, you may
Resolve this condition to add +2 dice to any roll
using a Social Attribute or Skill.
Sources: Politics
Resolution: Your character utilizes the bonus as
described above.
Beat: N/A

Legacy Builder
What you have built, you built to last. This
Condition can be obtained when crafting any
material object. When an object you constructed
would take Structure damage, Resolve this
Condition to ignore one level of damage it would
have taken. You do not need to be present, or
aware, of the damage being dealt - your work stands
on its own.
Sources: Crafts
Resolution: When an object would ignore
Beat: N/A
The only thing that matters in a fight is that you
walk away. Sometimes this means making sure the
other guy doesn’t. When making an unarmed Lethal Intent
Condition Positive
Beat: N/A
Lie Detector Memory Palace (Persistent)
You’ve been around the block more than enough Exceptional recall allows you to form a small
to know when someone is trying to manipulate you. mental fortress to which you can mentally retreat in
When using mundane skill to determine if times of stress and pain. By focussing on a memory,
someone is lying, you may Resolve this Condition you gain a +1 Die bonus to rolls to resist pain and
to gain the Rote Quality for the Action. psychological stress.
Sources: Empathy Sources: Memory Attribute Tests (Intelligence +
Resolution: Your character utilizes the bonus as Composure)
described above. Resolution: Forget the memory, fail a roll in
Beat: N/A which you utilized the bonus.
Beat: Resist a negative stimulus through use of
Locksmith this Condition.

There’s always a way to open any lock. So long as Methodical

your character has at least rudimentary tools, you
may Resolve this Condition to automatically pick The scientific method is a tried and true process
any non-magical, physical lock. This isn’t for producing dependable results. When
accomplished any faster than usual, but it will get attempting any action using the Science Skill, you
done. may resolve this Condition to gain the Rote quality
Sources: Larceny for that roll.
Resolution: Your character utilizes the bonus as Sources: Science
described above. Resolution: Your character utilizes the bonus as
Beat: N/A described above.
Beat: N/A
Lucky Break
MVP (Persistent)
Your character has avoided a major attack, and
this has them fighting at a defensive advantage. When the game is on the line and your team
Having already avoided one attack, your character needs someone to count on, you are always there.
may resolve this condition to turn a dodge action When engaged in an athletic contest, you receive
into a Rote action. the 8-Again quality on Athletics rolls, as well as
Sources: Exceptional success on a Dodge roll Attribute based rolls that are directly related, such
Resolution: As above as Strength + Stamina for a feat of strength.
Beat: N/A Sources: Athletics
Resolution: Lose an athletic competition
Membership Perks Beat: Win a competition.

When you are part of the cool crowd, people give One-Hit Wonder
you things. Your drinks are free, you get comped
tickets and all sorts of gifts. You may Resolve this Your fifteen minutes of fame have begun. Until
Condition to freely obtain any item of cost 2 or less the end of the Story, you are considered to possess
without a need for a roll, someone will gift it to you a dot of Fame for a particular project, be it a single
for free. Storytellers and players should work song, painting, or film. At the end of the Story, this
together to determine what is an appropriate gift. dot fades away (Sanctity of Merits does not apply).
Sources: Socialize Sources: Expression
Resolution: Your character utilizes the bonus as Resolution: This Condition fades at the end of a
described above. Story without Resolving.

8 Condition positive
Beat: Someone recognizes your character in a way Resolution: Your character utilizes the bonus as
that advances the story. described above.
Beat: N/A
Pattern Recognizer
The human brain is programmed to respond to
patterns. Through diligent concentration or a There is no such thing as overpreparation - better
stroke of inspiration, you can use this natural trait to have something and not need it than need it and
to assist with an Investigation. Resolve this not have it. You have prepared a stash for an
Condition to remove the Incomplete Tag from a emergency situation. You may Resolve this
previously acquired Clue. Condition to freely obtain any item of cost 2 or less
Sources: Investigation without a need for a roll as you had it previously
Resolution: Your character utilizes the bonus as stashed away for a rainy day. Storytellers and players
described above. should work together to determine what is an
Beat: N/A appropriate emergency item.
Sources: Survival, Streetwise
Plausible Denial Resolution: Your character utilizes the bonus as
described above.
An expert manipulator, skilled at lies and half- Beat: N/A
truthed deceptions. During an attempt to deceive
another using natural Skill, you may resolve this Pride in Your Work
condition to gain the Rote quality for that Action.
Sources: Subterfuge The tools and equipment you create instill a sense
Resolution: Your character utilizes the bonus as of pride. The first time you see someone succeed in
described above. a task that uses an object you created, Resolve this
Beat: N/A Condition.
Sources: Crafts
Precise Shooter Resolution: As above.
Beat: N/A
Bullet placement can sometimes mean the
difference in a round being absorbed by a kevlar Psychoanalyst
vest and an undead creature’s brain being
destroyed. Through practice and experience, you Human psychology is an ever evolving field
are better able to hit smaller targets. When making of study, and one which can take a lifetime to
an attack against a Specified Target (Chronicles of master. When attempting to diagnose or treat a
Darkness page. 92), Resolve this Condition to psychiatric illness, trauma, or other mental health
reduce the Penalty by up to 3 points. issue, subtract 2 successes from the required total
Sources: Firearms for any Extended Action and then Resolve this
Resolution: Your character utilizes the bonus as Condition.
described above. Sources: Empathy
Beat: N/A Resolution: Your character utilizes the bonus as
described above.
Prepared to Kill Beat: N/A

Peace is no longer an option. When engaged in Quick Fingers

violent conflict, you may Resolve this Condition to
negate the Initiative Penalty of your weapon for the You’ve practiced and trained for so long that,
remainder of the Scene. even in failure, you can grasp victory. When you fail
Sources: Weaponry a Larceny roll, you may Resolve this Condition to

Condition Positive
immediately reroll the same die pool as if you had The crowd loves you, and they haven’t even seen
never rolled it. your encore yet. When engrossed in a performance,
Sources: Larceny you can Resolve this Condition in order to gain 9-
Resolution: Your character utilizes the bonus as Again to all Athletics and Expression rolls related
described above. to the performance for the remainder of the scene.
Beat: N/A Sources: Expression
Resolution: Your character utilizes the bonus as
Researcher described above.
Beat: N/A
Having poured through scholarly journals,
religious texts, legal briefs and other dense Slow Moving
information sources, you have learned more than
you likely suspect. Once in a future scene, you may Careful and controlled motion increases your
Resolve this Condition and ask one Yes or No odds of someone detecting you. If you fail a
question of the Storyteller in regards to the topic mundane Stealth roll, you may Resolve this
you had previously researched. Condition to immediately reroll the same dice pool
Sources: Academics, Occult, Science. as if you never rolled.
Resolution: Your character utilizes the bonus as Sources: Stealth
described above. Resolution: Your character utilizes the bonus as
Beat: N/A described above.
Beat: N/A
Street Cred
Discretion is the better part of valor. Through
careful positioning and situational awareness, you Something you have done has made you a legend.
have established an escape plan ahead of time. Your story may not live forever, but for now you can
Resolve this condition to escape from a situation bank on that reputation to get you somewhere. In
without rolling. This Condition cannot be used a situation where your character’s reputation
against Supernatural Powers that prevent escape, (deserved or not) precedes them, you may Resolve
nor does it allow one to Break Free of a Grapple. this Condition to immediately reroll the same die
Sources: Stealth, Survival, Streetwise pool as if you had never rolled it.
Resolution: Your character utilizes the bonus as Sources: Streetwise
described above. Resolution: Your character utilizes the bonus as
Beat: N/A described above.
Beat: N/A
Seasoned Rider (Persistent)
Stunt Enthusiast
When mounted, you and your steed are in sync.
Your ease in the saddle allows for a high degree of Not only do you love to drive, you love to drive
confidence in both rider and mount. When hard. This has led to more than one incident of
undertaking any rolls related to controlling a your vehicle colliding with a solid object, including
mount, you gain the 9-again quality. other vehicles. Whenever a vehicle you are
Sources: Animal Ken controlling (or just lost control of) engages in a
Resolution: Lose the mount, botch a roll while crash (Chronicles of Darkness page 99), you may
mounted. Resolve this Condition to increase or decrease the
Beat: Roll 3 or more successes while riding.


10 Condition positive
vehicles effective size for the purposes of inflicting Muscle memory and situational awareness
and receiving damage. (This does not increase combine to enable your character to count
Structure). ammunition and reload in an opportune moment.
Sources: Drive You may Resolve this Condition to reflexively
Resolution: Your character utilizes the bonus as reload any carried firearm.
described above. Sources: Firearms
Beat: N/A Resolution: Your character utilizes the bonus as
described above.
Surgical Beat: N/A

Knowledge of anatomy and physiology are crucial Tactical (Hurt Locker)

in providing medical care. But, in an emergency
they can also be used to harm. A character can Muscle memory and situational awareness
Resolve this Condition while making a close combine to enable your character to count
combat attack, armed or unarmed, to increase the ammunition and reload in an opportune moment.
Weapon Rating by an amount equal to their You may Resolve this Condition to have one extra
Medicine. This Condition cannot take a Weapon reload for a carried weapon.
Modifier above +5, and as a weapon will inflict Sources: Firearms
lethal damage even unarmed. Using this Condition Resolution: Your character utilizes the bonus as
is a Breaking Point for any character which would described above.
suffer Breaking Points from murder. Beat: N/A
Sources: Medicine
Resolution: Your character utilizes the bonus as Threatening
described above.
Beat: N/A Be it through appearance or mannerism, you
convey a sense of menace that people believe you
Tactical will follow through on. When engaged in Social
Maneuvering, you may Resolve this Condition to

Condition Positive
force one Door open as if you had used Hard Again to any non-attack rolls using Physical
Leverage. Attributes for the remainder of the Scene.
Sources: Your character utilizes the bonus as Sources: Athletics
described above. Resolution: Your character utilizes the bonus as
Resolution: Intimidation described above.
Beat: N/A Beat: N/A

While you may not literally leave no trail, you are
Warrior Minded
so good at covering your tracks that you may as well
not do so. When being pursued or hunted, you may Lethality fills your every motion during a fight,
Resolve this Condition to apply a penalty equal to knowing that you must kill or be killed. A character
your Stealth skill to the next roll to follow or track may Resolve this Condition in order to remove the
your character. Skill from an opponent’s Defense for an attack
Sources: Stealth (Usually Athletics).
Resolution: Your character utilizes the bonus as Sources: Weaponry
described above. Resolution: Your character utilizes the bonus as
Beat: N/A described above.
Beat: N/A
Warmed Up
Well Read
Having already gotten your blood flowing and
body loose, you are prepared for prime athletic The depth of information you absorb will no
performance. Resolve this Condition to gain 9- doubt be of use eventually. Having a breadth of

12 Condition positive
knowledge grants unforeseen benefits. You may Sources: Occult
Resolve this Condition to gain the 9-Again Quality Resolution: Your character utilizes the bonus as
on a single roll. described above.
Sources: Academics Beat: N/A
Resolution: Your character utilizes the bonus as
described above.
Beat: N/A White Knuckled (Persistent)
Speed is in your blood, and you grip the wheel as
Whispered Secrets hard as you can. When your vehicle is operating at
excessive speed you feel it become a part of you.
Perhaps you stared into the void so long you saw Whenever you are driving a vehicle above the Safe
something. You may have read a cursed tome and Speed, you gain +2 Dice to all Drive rolls.
internalized dark secrets. Either way, you have Sources:
insights that are not entirely your own. You may Resolution: Crash a vehicle.
resolve this Condition to grant +3 Dice to a single Beat: N/A
roll. This is always a Breaking Point for Mortal

Condition Positive
Conditions by
Mental Skills
Skill Badass 5
Critical 6
Academics Lethal Intent 7
Researcher 10 Drive
Well Read 12
Stunt Enthusiast 10
Computer White Knuckled 13
Backdoor 5 Firearms
Codehead 5
Critical 6
Crafts Precise Shooter 9
Legacy Builder 7 Tactical 11
Pride in Your Work 9 Tactical (Hurt Locker) 11
Investigation Larceny
Attentive 5 Attentive 5
Pattern Recognizer 9 Locksmith 8
Quick Fingers 9
Caregiver 5 Stealth
Surgical 11 Retreating 10
Occult Slow Moving 10
Traceless 12
Conduit (Persistent) 6
Whispered Secrets 13 Survival
Politics Forecaster 6
Prepper 9
Kingmaker 7
Honorary Membership (Persistent) 7 Weaponry
Adrenaline Rush 5
Critical 6
Methodical 8
Prepared to Kill 9
Researcher 10
Warrior Minded 12
Physical Skills Social Skills
Athletics Animal Ken
Adrenaline Rush 5
Beast Whisperer 5
MVP injury. 8
Seasoned Rider (Persistent) 10
Warmed Up 12
Brawl Empathy
Gift of Gab 6
Adrenaline Rush 5

14 Condition positive
Lie Detector 8 Socialize
Psychoanalyst 9 Gift of Gab 6
Expression Honorary Membership (Persistent) 7
One-Hit Wonder 8 Membership Perks 8
Showstopper 10 Streetwise
Intimidation Retreating 10
Feared 6 Street Cred 10
Threatening 11 Subterfuge
Persuasion Backdoor 5
Gift of Gab 6 Plausible Denial 9

Condition Positive
Condition Positive

Condition Positive is an accessory for Storytellers and Players of any

Chronicles of Darkness 2nd Edition game.

When playing in the Chronicles of Darkness, characters will occasionally

have lucky breaks and turns of fate, where the dice shine on them and they
obtain an Exceptional Success. As described on page 69 of Chronicles of
Darkness 2nd Edition, a character obtains a beneficial Condition. This
supplement contains over 45 beneficial Conditions to apply to characters,
including at least 2 for any Skill.

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