IBPS PO Exam 11.10.2014 Solved Previous Year Question Paper PART 1

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|. Which of the following is true regarding the given LeU eee g Directions (1-5) : Study the following information to answer the given questions. Eight people— A,B, C,D,E, F,G and H are sitting around a éircular table facing the centre, not necessarily in the same order. Three people are siting between A and D. B is sitting second to the right of A. Cis sitting to the immediate right of F. Dis not an immediate neighbour of either F or E. His not an immediate neighbour of B. ‘What is E’s position with respect to G ? (1) Third to the left (2) Second to the right (3) Third to the right (4) Second to the left (5) Fifth to the right Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their seating positions inthe above arrangement and! so form, a group. Which one does not belong to the group ? (1) GE ype (3) AF (4) AB ()CE Who is sitting third to the right of the one who is sitting 10 | the immediate right of H? aa @B QE ac @G arrangement ? (1) Eis second to the left of C (2) Bis an immediate neighbour of G (3) His an immediate neighbour of A (4) Dis not an immediate neighbour of H (5) None is true How many people are sitting between H and A when ‘counted from the right side of H? ) Three (2) None , (3) More than three | (4) One (9) Two ‘Directions (6-10) : In each of the questions Below. tny statements to be true even ifthey seem to be at variance fom the commonly known facts and then decide which of she ‘eiven conclusions - logically fellows from the sien ‘statements disregarding the commonly knovn facts Give answer : (1) If only conclusion I follows (2) If only conclusion If follows G3) If either conclusion I or II follows (4) If neither conclusion I nor IT follows (5) If both conclusions land II follow Statements : Some forms are cards. Some forms are papers © Conclusions : 1. Atleast some cards are forms, II. Atleast some cards are papers. ‘Statements : All animals are predators. All predators we tigers. Conelusions : 1 All tigers are definitely predators. IL. All animals are tigers. . Statements : All squares are circles, No circle isa tangle Conelusions : 1, No square is a triangle, TI All circles are squares, Statements : All bricks are walls. Some bricks are pill Conclusions 1. Some pillars are walls, TL, All pillats are walls, . Statements : No place is a tank.’ Some places are venues Conclusions : I. Some venues are tanks, ML All places are venues, Directions (W418) + Siudy th ction onswerae apa 22 Saw 1¢- following inform Seven plays~ A,B, C.D, 7 lays = A B.C, D,B, F and G are to be held on" pa ays (Starting on Monday and ending SS a hot neeessatily in the same order. Only one pity Cay ane 8Y. Only vo plays will be eld ater PS 'Y 6¥0 Plays will beheld between play F and play 6-0"* : : Statements : © F2G thrée plays will be held between play B and play E. Play B ‘willnot be held on Sunday. Play 4 will be held before play D -and pity C (ot necessarily immediately before). Play C will beheld after play D (not necessarily immediately after). 11. Play D will be held on which day ? (1) Monday (2) Tuesday ) Wednesday (4) Thursday (6) Saturday 12, Which play will be held immediately after play C? t (Ply E Q) Play F B @)Play (4) Play G (5) None of these 413; Which play will be held on Monday ? | (1) Play F (2) Play B | @) Play E (4) Play D 6) Play A M4, If-all severi plays are held in the alphabetical order of their names starting on Monday and ending on Sunday, the positions of how many will remain unchanged as compared to the original schedule ? (1) Tiree: (2) More than three (3) One (4) None. | (6) Two | 18, Play F is related to Monday in a certain way based on the given schedule. Similarly, play Gis related to Thursday. In the same way, play B is related to which of the following days? (1) Wednesday (2) Friday @) Tuesday (4) Saturday (6) Sunday | Directions (16-20) : In these guestions, relationships ‘between different elements is shown in thestatements, These statements are followed by two conclusions Give answer : (1) If only conclusion 1 follows Q) only conclusion II follows G) either conclusion | or conclusion Il follows (4) 1eneither conclusion [ nor conclusion I follows (5) [f both conclusions I and I follow 16 Statements : N202P=Q>R Conclusions : IN >R ILR=N | 1% Statements : WA;WZ ILW1>J>K; LM H.LE 20, Statements :R>S2T2U; MieT ‘Conelusions : 1. V >U ‘ VcR Directions (21-25) : Each of the questions below consists of @ question and two statements numbered J and I given below it, You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question, Read both the statements and Give answer : (1) Ifthe data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement II alone are not sufficient answer the question. (2) Ifthe data in statement Il alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement I alone are not suflicient to answer the question. (3) If the data either in statement I alone or in statement IT alone are sufficient to answer the question. (4) If the data even in both statement I and I] together are ‘not sufficient to answer the question. ()If the data in both statements I and If together are necessary to answer the question. Which bag amongst P, Q, R, Sand T is the heaviest ? 1. Bag Q is heavier than R and $, Bag T is heavier only than bag P. Only three bags are lighter than R. The weight of bag Q is 50 kg which is 2 kg more than bag R. Areal the five friends viz. A, B,C, D and E who are seated around a circular table facing the centre ? L.A sits third to the left of B. B faces the centre. D and E are immediate neighbours of each other. C sits second to right of E. IL. D sits second to right of C. C faces the centre, Both E and A are immediate neighbours of D. B sits second to right of A. 23. Inacollege five different subjects, viz. Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology and Mathematics “are taught on. five different days of the same week, starting from Monday and ending on Friday. Is Chemistry taught on Wednesday ? I. Pwo “subjects are taught between Zoology and Mathematics, Mathematics is taught before Zootogy. Chemisiry is taught on the day immediately next to the day when Physics is taught, Botany is not taught on Friday, IL. Three lectures are scheduled between the lectures of Botany and Zoology. Mathematics is taught immediately before Physics. Is the time in the clock 9 O'clock now ? 1, After halfan hour, the minute and the hour hands of the clock will make an angle of exactly 90° with each other. IL Exactly 15 mimutes back, the hour and the mi hand of the clock coincided with each other, Is F the grand daughter of B? 1. Bisthe father of M. Mis he sister of T. Tis themother of F. t oe the son of F. Vis the daughter of F.R is the brother ° 2. 2. e's 25, 26. 27. 28. Directions (26-28) ¢Study the following infarmation to answer the given questions = i A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following 4 particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement. (Ail the numbers are two-digit ‘numbers and are arranged as per some logic based on the + value of the number.) < i Input: win $6 32 93 bat for 46 him 28 11 give chance Step I: 93 5632 bat for 46 him 28 11 give chance win ‘Step IT : 11 93 56 32 bat for 46 28 give chance win him Step IIL : 56 11 93 32 bat for 46 28 chance win him give Step IV : 28 56 11 93 32 bat 46 chance win him give for Step V ; 46 28 56 11 93 32 bat win bim give for chance Step VI ; 32 46 28 56 11 93 win him give for chance bat and Step VI is the last step of the arrangement of the above ‘input as the intended arrangement is obtained ‘AS per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate steps for the given input. Input : fun 89 at the 28 16 base camp 35 53 here 68 (AMl the numbers given in the arrangement are two-digit smumbers), Which of the following would be the Step I? (1) 89 fun at 28 16 base camp 35 53 hore 68 the (2) 35 53 28 68 16 89 the here fun camp base at (3) 1689 at fun 28 camp base 35 53 68 the here (4) 53 28 68 16 89 35 the here fun camp base at (5) None of the above Which word/number would be at 7th position from the left _ “in Step IV 2 (1) base Qa (3) 35 (4) the (5) 53 Which step number would be the following output ? ‘53 28 68 16 89 2€35 the here fun camp base a) it (2) There will be no such step QI av (iy | Directions (29-32) : Study the following information and the i; sentences (A), (B), (C), D) and (E) given below itearefullyand | answer the questions which follow. | A host of foreign companies are in talks with the Indian | _govemment for selling B 150, a tough, short haul plane ideal for connectivity of smaller towns which i lacking in India at | present. 5 (A) B 150 planes not only have low operating costs than | competing planes like Cezana but also a much ber rack record in tems of safety and efficiency. | (B) The profit margin of road transport operators in the | smaller towns connected by B 150 planes has been reduced substantially as a majority of people prefer air transport over other means of transport. (C) Smaller towns, at present, are beter connected by roads and railways as compared to flight services, | (D)B 150 planes arc capable of operating i sectors whe:. + lange siclines Cannot fly duc to challenging conditier 29. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35, ). Which of the statements (A), (B), (C), (D) and such 2s mist, shost sunways, ete. Suck planes can ais osile up as cargo planes and charter Sights forthe ri. - and the elite, é (E) B 150 planes need to operate in the existing airpor. * whic are situated in bigger cities poly and are poor connected to the sanaller cities. Which of the statements (A), (B), (C), (D) and (E} can i inferred from the facts‘ information given in the stateren Un inference is something which is not directly stated ', can be inferred from the given facts) (1) Only A (2) Only B (3) Only C (4) Both B and D (5) Only E QA QB ac @D - (GE Which of the statements (A), (B), (C), (D) and mentioned above represents a possible consequence 0: success of B 150 planes in smaller cities ? (A QB BC @D OE Which of the statements (A), (B), (C), (D) and (E) wou! favour the foreign companies bid to sell B 156 planes India? (2) Only A Q) Only B 3) Both B and C (4) Both A and D (5) Both E and C Directions (33-38) : Study the following information t2 answer the given questions, In a certain code, F “always create new ideas’ is written as “ba ri sha gi’ “ideas and new thoughts’ is written as “fa gi mua si", “create thoughts and insights” is written as ‘ma jo ba fa’ and “new and better Solutions’ is written as *kiri ‘What is the code for ‘ideas? “fa lo ba’ could be a code for which of ing? (aca! hich of the following (2) create and i 3) ideas and thy (4) create new. tic (5) always better ideas Q)ri 4) fa “31. Which of the followi Be ng may represent ‘insights always _ WMiokito Q)kitori (3) sha jo ri (4) to sha jo F @)shato be $8. What is the code for ‘thoughts’ ? (ma Q) fa (3)ba A) jo (8) Either jo or fa 39. Study the following information to answer the given question All existing and upcoming hotels within the 5 km radius of national parks and sanctuaries in India will have to pay 30% of their annual furmover as tax to the government, ‘Which of the following statements can be inferred from the ‘acts! information given in the above statement (1) The tax collected from the hotels will be used for upkeep of these national parks and sanctuaries, (2) Hotels which are sponsored by the govemment will not have to pay any tax even if these are located within the 5 km radius of such wildlife hotspots. @)Ecosystem of the national parks and sanctuaries is adversely affected even if the hotels are located outside the 5 km radius. (4) Government allows the construction of hotels within 5 km radius of national parks and sanctuaries. (5) Such a step is taken by the environment ministry to boost eco-tourism and perk up revenue collection of State governments which follows. Tenants’ associations have demanded a ‘vacancy tax’ on all vacant and unsold flats in Mumbai, Which of the following would support the demand made by the tenants’ associations ? (1) House owners too have demanded for laws that make it easier to evict tenants who default on rent payment. (2) Such a tax law would be difficult to implement as it ‘would be difficult to record the number of vacant flats in 25 the city. (3) People with surplus money buy many houses and rent these out while many consumers cannot afford even i their first house. a © (4) The number of vacant flats in Mumbai is much lower : vacancy tax already exists (5) Such a tax would compel the house owners to selV/rent ~ properties which in tur would control hoarding and sky rocketing of property prices. 49. Study the following paragraph and answer the question than other metros such as Delhi and Chennai where | 4 42, 43, 4s. & 47. Directions (41-45) : Study she following information to answer the given questions. Eight people -J, K, L, M,N, O, P and Q are siting around & circular table facing the centre, not necessarily in the same order. Q is sitting third to the right of M. There is only one person sitting between M and J. There are only three people between J and K. P is an immediate neighbour of J. There are only three people between P and L, N is second to the right of P. Which of the following is true regarding the given arrangement ? (1) M isan immediate neighbour of K (2) Nis an immediate neighbour of J (3) Pis second to the left of 0 (4) There are four people between N and O (5) None is true ‘Who is sitting second to the left of the one who is sitting second to the left of Q? ()M @K @N @L (I Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their seating positions in the above arrangement and so form a ‘gzoup, Which one does not belong to the group ? (DPQ (2) KL (3)MN (4) QO (5)KO . What is N’s position with respect to K? (2) Second to the left (3) Third tothe tert (6) Fourth to the left How many people are sitting between K and P_ when (Q) Second to the right (4) Thied to the right ‘counted from the right side of K ? (1) One (2) Two @) Three (4) None (5) More than three Direetions (46-48) : Study the following information 10 answer the given questions A isthe mother of B, B is the sister of C, Dis the son of C, Eis the brother of D, Fis the mother of E, Gis the granddaughter of A. H has only two children ~ B and C. How is F related to H w ) cea (2) Daughter-in-law in-law 4) ter cea coud ae How is C related to E? (QL) Father (2) Son (3) Mother (4) Cousin brother (5) Cannot be determined Who is the mother of G ? ae QB G)F 4) Either B or F (8) Either C or F = Diteetions (49-50): The following questions are Basetfon the five three-letter words given below :—+1(E) FAN HOP GET CUB MID AL (NOTE : The words formed after performing thé given operations may or may not be meaningful English Words.) 49. Ifthe positions of the first and second letters of all the words are interchanged, how may words will form meaningful english words ? (1) None Q) Three G) One Two (8) More than three 50. If all the letters in each of. the Words are arranged alphabetically (within the word), how many words will remain unchanged ? () Two (2) Three (3) One (4) None (5) More than three Lidar Seu cu ey Td Directions (51-55) : Which of the phrases (1), (2), (3) and (4) given below each sentence should replace the phrase printed in bold in the sentence to make it grammatically correct ? If the sentence is correct as it is given and no correction is required, mark (5) as the answer. SI. Seeing that there was an ongoing sale in one of her favourite stores, Seeta made a bee-line for it immediately after entering ‘the Mall. (1) made a bee’s line for (3) made bee-tine to (5) No correction required '52., Sharon made it to work in the nicks of times, or else she would have missed the meeting. (I) nick of time (2) nicked time (3) nick of timeliness (4) nick and time (5) No correction required 53. Varun was on cloud nine after having stood first in his class. (2) in ninth cloud (3) a cloudy nine (5) No correction required 54. Vithal had a habit of pass the buck when it came to important issues at work. (1) pass fo bucking (2) passing buck G) passing the buck (4) pass buck (5) No correction required 55, Puneet raked his brains and tried to find ananswer toa tricky. ‘question given in the paper but couldn't find one. (1) rake his brain (2) racked his brains (3) racked brains (4) raked brain. (5) No correction required (2) make bees lined to (4) make bee-line to (2).on nine clouds (4) cloud on nine Directions (56-60) : Rearrange’ the ‘following igh sentences / group of sentences (A), (B), (C). (P). E), (F, (G) and (Hin the proper sequence to form a meaningfy paragraph; then answer the questions given below them, {(A) During the examination the invigilator notived the ci, ‘and despite Rajesh’s plea for innocence asked hin. ‘eave the examination hall. (B) At this point Ravish realised his mistake and felt guijyy + she immediately confessed his’ misdeed 10 i invigilator and left the examination’ ‘hall. (©) Rajesh forgave Ravish because Ravish had not only accepted his mistake on time bat also had not let Rajesh ‘be punished for the wrong reason. *» (D) Ravish and Rajesh were in college and had been friends since childhood. However, Ravish did not trust Rajesh, () Another Student - Satisti- who had seen Ravish hiding something in Rajesh’s desk stood up and informed the invigilator of what he had seen: () One day Ravish decided to test Rajesh’s friendship ang 86 during one of the college examinations Ravish wen early to class and hid some chits in Rajesh’s desk, (G) Rajesh did not believe Satish, instead was furious tha: Satish had falsely blamed his friend and agreed that he ‘would leave his examination only if Ravish was kept out of the matter. (H) After the examination was over Ravish apologised io Rajesh and promised that he would be a good friead from then onwards. 56. Which of the following should be the FIFTH sentence afier the rearrangement ? (G Q)H QE @)D gc ‘$7. Which of the following should be the FOURTH sentence after the rearrangement ? (Cc @D QE @F (5)G 58, Which of the following should be the EIGHTH (Last) sentence after the rearrangement ? (DA 2 eB "@c @p GE ‘59. Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence the rearrangement ? wa @c G)F ve 60. Which of the following should be’the SECOND sents"? afler the rearrangement ? (AE @B @G @F G)E QB @D ol. 7. Directions (61-70) + 1 sp, 1 In the following passage, there are | blanks, euch of which has been munched Heoe reba wordslphrases are suggert hfs the blank wore Oe ge, one of whch fis the lnk a ‘he: appropriate wordiphrase in Once upon a time, Amiara ‘ + Armarasakth ruled the city-state of | ie iivthe south of India, He had anion | sony ho ees w mater of eds) fo hi | <2) that his sons had no interest nearing, the king summoned is nites and sid, "You know I am nat ipPY With My sons. According to men of learning, an | tunborn son is better than a som who isa ..(63)uu.A son whe | is stupid will bring dishonour to his father, How ean | moke | my sons fi to be my ...(64)... 21 turn to you for advice.” | i ‘he name of Vishnu Sharman, 4 great scholar enjoying the ..(66)... of hundceds of his spe. eis the most (67). pean fo or Your children. Entrust them to his care and very soon you will ee the change.” | One ofthe ministers ...(65) ‘The king summoned Vishnu Sharman and pteaded with him Oh, venerable scholar, take pity on me and please train my | sons, Turn them into great scholars and f willbe ..(68)...10 | you all my life.” Vishnu Sharman said “Ob, king, eount six ‘months from today. If I do not make your childern great | scholars, you can ask me to change my (69). ‘The king immediately called his sons and handed them over 4 the care of tne learned man. Sharman took them to his | monastery where he ...(70)... teaching them. Keeping his | ‘word, he finished the task the king entrusted to him in six tnonths. Thus, the king, now, had scholars for sons (ache (2) worry @) joy (4) pity. (S)hazard | . (1) Fact (3) Since | (5) Being | (1) stupid (2) brilliant (3) fool (4) uneducated | (5) scholar | ()self, (2) place (3) successors (4) level | (5) siblings (1) suggested (2) requested (3) called (4) pointed (5) said (1) teachings (2) attendance (3) glamour (4) rights (5) respect ent (2) right iB ae (4) actual (5) skill (2) oblige eo ee (5) disciple 69. » G) importance (2) name G) clothes (4) location )life () embark. (2) mustered G)begun (4) decided G) started Directions (71-80) Read the following passage carefully ‘and answer the questions given below it. Certain words, ‘have been printed in bold to help you locate them while ‘answering some of the questions. ‘A long time ago, on a big tree in the fap of the mountain, lived a bird named Sindhuka, It was a rather special bird because its droppings tured into gold as soon as they hit the ground. One day, « hunter came to the tree in search of prey and he saw Sindhuka’s droppings hit the ground and turn into gold, ‘The hunter was struck with wonder, He thought, “I have ‘been hunting birds and small anirials since I was @ boy, but in all my 80 years, I have never seen such « miraculous ‘reature, He decided that he had to catch the bird somehow, He climbed the tre and skilfully scta trap for the bird. The bird, quite unaware of the danger it was in, stayed on the tree and sang merrily. But it was soon caughr in the hunter's trap. ‘The hunter immediately seized it and shoved it into a cage. ‘The hunter took the bird home joyfully. But as he had time tothink over his good fortune later, he suddenly realised, “IF the king comes to know of this wonder, he will certainty take away the bid from me and he might even punish me for kecping such @ rare treasure all to myself. So it would be safer and more honourable if 1 were to go to the king and prosent the unique bird to hitn.” The next day, the hunter took the bird to the king and presented it to him in court with great reverence. The king \was delighted to receive such an unusual and rare gif. He told his courtiers to keep the bird safe and feed it with the best bird food available, ‘The King’s prime minister though, was reluctant to accept the bird. He said “O Rajah, how can you believe the word of a foolish hunter and accept this bird ? Has anyone in our kingdom ever seen a bird dropping gold ? The hunter must be either crazy of telling lies. | think it is best that you release the bird from the cage.” After a little thought, the king felt that his prime minister's words were correct. So he ordered the bird to be released. Butas soon as the door ofthe eage was thrown open, the bird flew out, perched itself on a nearby doorway and defecated. To everyone's surprise, the dropping immediately turned into gold. The king mourned his loss. Which ofthe following is possibly the most appropriate title for the story ? (1) The Skilled Hunter (2) The King’s Prime Minister 8) The King’s Defeat (4) The Bird With The Gold Dropping ()The Trials And, Tribulations Of The Foolish Bird Sindhuka if the 72. Which of the foll8 Wiig emotions made the bunie bird to the king ? (1) Respect Q) Joy a (3)Pride. @) Fear () Awe 73. Which of the following is TRUE according tothe story ? () Birds like Sindhuka were very common in the area near the mountain (Q) Sindhuka remained caged forthe rest of its life. (G) Sindhuka was unaware of the trap laid by the hunter, (4) The king, when told to not accept the bird, didnot listen to his prime minister (3) All are true 74. Why was the King’s prime minister reluctant to accept the bird ? (1) He believed that the bird would die if caged (2) He knew about the hunter's habit of lying (3) He believed that the bird would bring bad luck to the king (4) Bis sources had informed him that the hunter was crazy (5) None of the above 75. How did the hunter find Sindhuka ? (1) He had read stories about the bird and had set traps at various locations in the city. (2) He followed the bird’s droppings. (3) He was on the lookout fora prey when he chanced upon it (4) People from the city had informed him about the bird's whereabouts. (5) He was attracted by the bird’s calls. Directions (76-78) : Choase the word/group of words which is most similar in meaning 10 the word/ group of words printed in bold as used in the passage. 16: RATHER (2) Regular (2) Quite (G) Instead (4) But (8) Known 77, RELEASE () Free (2) Vacate @) Vent (4) Let expire (5) Make public 78. REVERENCE 5 (1)Respect 2) Detail (3) Astonishment (4) Hope (6) Remembrance Directions (79-80) : Choose the word which is most ‘opposite in meaning to'the word printed in bold as used in the passage. 79. RELUCTANT (1) True Oke (3) Averse (4) Hesiant (5) Keen 80. SKILFULLY (0) Angrily (2) Haphazardly (G3) Highly (4) Cheaply (5) Defily ‘wrapped tight against the ebill air, be offers a, staple for tate ‘cooking, for,60 rupees a ito, the most he can remember. Business is brisk bat most custome, pick up only a small handful of onions, That is just as wet, ‘wholesale supplies are tight, he says, and the quality is po, [As India’s economy. grows by some 9% a year, food price, are soaring. In late December the commerce ministry judy) that food inflation had reached 18.3%; with pricey vegetais; mostly to blame, Officials: have made some attempts temper the rise in the past month-serapping import taxes fy, ‘onions, banning their export and ordering low-priced sales ‘goverament-run shops. But there is'no quick fix. Heavy rain in the west of India brought a rotten, harvow, Vegetables from further a field-ineluding @ politics) sensitive delivery from a neighbéuritig country - are co to move on India’s crowded, potholed ‘roads. Fev refrigerated lorries and poor logistics mean that much oi each harvest is wasted. Newspapers allege hoarders ar cashing in. The biggest problems are structural. Food producer. hampered by land restrictions, archaic retail networks ani bad infrastructure, fail to meet extra demand from consumers. It was estimated in October that a 39% ris: income per person in the previous five years might hav: created an extra 220 million regular consumers of milk. eggs, meat and fish. Supplies have not kept up with this potential demand. The broader inflation rate may.be a less eye-watering problem than the onions suggest. The central bank has lifted interest rates steadily in the past year and is expected to do $0 again later this month. Headline inflation fell to 7.5% in ‘November, down by: just over a percentage point from October, though it is still above the central bank's forest of 5.5% for March. 7 ‘81. What is responsible for the increased demand among consumers for certain food stuf? (2) There has been an increase in the wholesale supplies f this food stuf (2) The vegetables ‘in the market are very highly priced. G) There has been an increase it the: cof people. lack of availability, o tes in the : - of vogetab| (8) There hasbeen 3 82. Which of the fotio (@) Goverment is banning the export of certain es! ‘vegetables ‘in order to. check the food inflation. a ee ‘Vegetables are mostly responsible for tbe -@) forced, settle 83.’ Which of the following is/are the reason/s for increase in ~~ food! vegetable prices ? © (AYBad weather (B) Land restrictions (© Poor infrastructure for storage and transportation (1) Only (B) (2) (A) and (C) (3) (A) and (B) (4) (B) and (C) (5) All (A), (B) and (C) Which of the following is/are TRUE in the context of the passage ? (A) The interest rates are being raised in India, (B) India is witnessing a steady economic growth. (©)It has been proven that the food inflation is mainly ‘because of hoarding. (1) All (A), (B) and(C)_—_2) (A) and (B) @) Only (C) (4) (B) and (C) (5) None is true Which of the following is possibly the most appropriate title for the passage ? (1) Food Inflation In India (2) Of Onions And Vendors (3) Food Deficit Worldwide (4) Food Imports In India (5) Benefits To Indian Consumers Directions (86-90) : Each question below has two blanks, each blank indicating that something has beer omitted. Choose the set of words for each blank which best fits the ‘meaning of the sentence as a whole. ‘The water transport project on the west coast is ..,.., 10 get a shot in the arm with a new plan in which the Road Development Corporation will build the infrastructure and on ea (1) scheduled, let (2) verge, permit. (3) set, sanctions (4) slated, allow: (5) bound, task ‘As the weekend finally rolled around, the city folk were only ...... happy to settle down and laugh their cares ....... (1) just, afar (2) too, away (3) extremely, off (4) very, up. (5) so, on ‘The flood of brilliant ideas has not only _. us, but has also: encouraged us to the last date for submission of entries. “(1) overwhelmed, extend, (3) dismayed, decide (5) happy, boundary ‘about prolonged power cuts in urban areas, the authorities have decided to ‘over to more reliable and ‘eco-friendly systems to run its pumps. (1) Worried, shift (2) Frantic, move : (3) Troubled, jump (4) Concerned, switch |» (5) Endangered, click es i marks this year have ...... Col ME She igh oust mals cert eI v references. : fone their subject pr sh at ajoled, ask (4) strained, compromise 88. 86. (2) enjoyed, stretch (4) seared, scrap _ G)enirusted, wait t ot Te eT eo m1 93. 98. Directions (91-95) : In each of these questions, a. number series is given. In each series only one number is wrong. Find out the wrong number. 3601 3602 1803 604 154 36 12 (1) 3602 (2) 1803, G) 604 (4) 154 (5)36 4-12 42 196 1005 6066 42511 qyi2 (2) 42 (3) 1005, 4) 196 (5) 6066 2.8 12 20 30 42 56 (ys 42 G)30 (420 (12 32 16 24 65 210 945 5197.5 (946 Q)16 @)24 (4)210 (8) 65 7 13.25 49 97 194 385 (13 (2)49 Q)97 (@) 194 (5)25 Mr, X invested a certain amount in Debit and Equity funds in the ratio of 4 : 5 respectively. At the end of one year, he carned a toial dividend of 30% on his investment. After one year he reinvested the amount including dividend in the ratio of 6 : 7 in Debt and Equity Funds, If the amount reinvested in Equity Funds was % 94,500/-, what was the original amount invested in Equity Funds ? (a) 75,000 (2% 81,000/- (3) 60,000/- (4) 65,000/- (5) None of these Father's age is 30 years more than the son’ age. Ten years hence the father’s age will become three times the son’s age that time. What is son’s present age in years ? as QT @)s (4) Cannot be determined (5) None of these Ifthe length of a rectangular field is increased by 20% and the breadth is reduced by 20%, the area of the rectangle will be 192 m®. What is the area of the original rectangle ? (1) 184m? (2) 196 m? (3) 204m? (4) 225 m? (5) None of these Inside a square plot a circular garden is developed which exactly fits in the square plot and the diameter of the garden. is equal to the side of the square plot which is 28 m. What is the area of the space left out in the square plot after developing the garden ? (1) 98 m? Q) 146 m* (3) 84m? (4) 168 m? (None of these

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