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Present Perfect Simple Negative Form

Name: Result: __/20 Date: __/__/20__

1. As for myself, I ________________ them. (see)

2. Possibly you ____________________ my letter. (receive)

3. He _________________ to me for-I don't know but it's a month. (write)

4. A cause of another kind _______________ without its influence. (be)

5. I _________________ for five months. (smoke)

6. It's perfectly true I ___________________ him. (promise)

7. He _____________ fever at all. (get)

8. The morning _______________ its freshness. (lose)

9. I ____________________ him for twenty-four hours. (mention)

10. I ________________ them of that. (tell)

11. You _______________ far enough for that. (go)

12. I _______________ out, you know. (be)

13. The trouble is that the world ________________ by them. (live)

14. I _______________ well for two or three days. (feel)

15. Still I _________________ in vain. (live)

16. I mean we _______________ in society. (meet)

17. I ______________ a bite this morning. (have)

18. I _____________________ my hat and coat. (take off)

19. I ___________________ the middle background yet. (make out)

20. We _________________ at all yet. (talk)

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