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Cerro El Pital

Is a transnational mountain, located exactly on the border between El Salvador and Honduras. El Pital is the highest peak in El Salvador and the
third highest peak in Honduras. It has an elevation of 2,730 meters above sea level. In addition to a cool climate, El Pital has a humid forest made
up of trees such as pine, oak and cypress.

The highest part of Pital is called Horqueta, which is of great tourist attraction since it is the place where El Salvador borders Honduras. It is
located in the heart of Chalchuapa, department of Santa Ana, 80 kilometers west of the capital.

This area is within an archaeological area of approximately 10 km² where archaeological sites such as Pampe, El Trapiche, Las Victorias, San
Francisco, Nuevo Tazumal and others are also located. Among these sites is also the Casa Blanca Archaeological Park.

Chalchuapa was a city with its own culture and that combined influences from other sites related to Mayan groups, Teotihuacanos, Toltecs, etc.
Chalchuapa in general is one of the oldest prolonged settlement spaces in El Salvador, that is, it was not interrupted over time with the
occupations for the Preclassic, Classic, Postclassic, Conquest, Colony and Republic Periods.

Tazumal was a ruling settlement at its peak for the Classic Period (200 BC to 900 AD).

Address: Diagonal 5.ª calle oriente, calle al Cuje, Chalchuapa, Santa Ana

Hours: Tuesday through Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Guided tour: 35 to 45 minutes

Capacity: 15 people per group

Admission: Salvadorans $1.00, Central Americans and resident foreigners $3.00, and non-residents $5.00. Residents of the municipality where
the park is located, students with a valid card, people with disabilities, seniors and children under 12 years old, enter for free.
Joya de Cerén is a pre-Columbian site of El Salvador located in the vicinity of San Juan Opico and
Las Flores, in the department of La Libertad, in the central-western region of El Salvador.

It was inhabited at least since 400 by an agricultural town tributary of San Andrés and was
abandoned around the year 600 because of the eruption of Laguna Caldera. The site allows you to
appreciate the daily life of a Mayan farming people of 1400 years ago, the only one known in El

It is one of the most important archaeological sites in Mesoamerica because it shows what life was
like for ordinary people. That is why it is often called the Pompeii of America, compared to the
archaeological site of Pompeii, located in Italy.
The Santa Ana Volcano, located in Ilamatepec, has an elevation of 2,381 mts, and it is the
highest in this country. Its last eruptions occurred in 1904, 1920 and in 20052.

It is part of the Los Volcanes complex in the Apaneca mountain range, within a tropical
mountainous cloud forest, in a coffee region about 65 kilometers west of the capital. The main
activities of the region are agriculture and tourism.

In August 2005 it presented the typical activity of many volcanoes prior to an eruption. On
Saturday, October 1, 2005, there was an explosion in which the volcano expelled ash and rocks
through the skies. Also, an avalanche of hot water began to descend from the crater killing at least
two people and forcing the evacuation of the San Blas area.
Cerro Verde is located in the department of Santa Ana, 77 kilometers from San
Salvador, was founded by Mr. Raúl Contreras and opened to the public in 1955, forming part of
the "Los Volcanes Complex", established as a priority area for the conservation of the environment
in El Salvador.

This park has an extension of 54 blocks, the interpretive trails: "The Mysterious Flowers", "A
Window to Nature", and the "Old Mountain Hotel", hikes to the volcanoes of Izalco (height 1,980
meters above sea level) and Santa Ana (height 2,381 meters above sea level), viewpoints,
recreational playground, abundant flora and fauna, modern sanitary services, parking and
cafeteria, among others.Since its reopening on December 15, 2002, it offers all tourists many
innovative changes that have been satisfactory with much effort to date.

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