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International Mobilization and Preparation for ACTion - Online Course

25 January- 1 February 2022

Purpose and objectives

IMPACT course is in general a basic training for delegates for overseas humanitarian
missions in the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.
The objectives of the course are to:
- Increase participants' understanding of and commitment to the Fundamental Principles, to
the mandate of the Movement components.
- Address challenges of working in situations of conflicts, disaster, capacity building and
- Provide participants with knowledge, skills, and practical tips to work effectively with the
host National Society and their colleagues in the field.

For Japanese participants, the course will also touch on the system and procedures within
Japanese Red Cross Society for international deployments.

Course content
Building on what has been learnt in the WORC (World of Red Cross and Red Crescent), the
IMPACT course includes also new topics which have been developed recently and are
highlighted in the new Strategy 2030 and RC/RC Movement Decisions:

- Strengthening Movement Collaboration and Coordination

- IFRC Surge initiatives, Core Competency Framework for Rapid Response personnel
- Protection Gender Inclusion
- Community Engagement and Accountability
- Cash in Emergencies
- Accountability and Compliance
- Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse

Course Structure
IMPACTOnline is a learning Journey combining individual online learning, virtual groupwork
and webinars. It covers the following:
• Understanding the Context and the National Societies
• The Fundamental principles and Values into practice
• National Society Development
• Rapid Response tools and systems
• International Humanitarian Law
• Working in conflict situation
• Security
• Working together
• Compliance and accountability
Tuesday 25 January - Tuesday 1 February 9:00-18:30 (JST) *No course on 29-30 January
And pre-training meeting (rehearsal and groupwork) 20 January 16:00-17:00 (JST)
*9:00-12:30(JST) : e-leaning (self-paced) / 13:00-18:30(JST) :group work and webinar
Participants may adjust the e-learning schedule to the time of their preference.

Course language

Online (Zoom)


Pre-course preparation
All participants must complete the "World of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies"
(WORC) and the “Stay Safe - Personal Security” (currently this course is under
redevelopment, meanwhile you can take “Stay Safe -Personal Security crash course as an
alternative) module prior to attending the course. These are a web-based self-learning
program that takes approximately 4.5 hours for WORC and 4 hours for Stay Safe (1hours for
crash course), which gives participants a sound orientation into the Red Cross and Red
Crescent Movement.
A free online registration is available at
The certificate of the completion of WORC and Stay Safe module has to be sent to the contact
address below prior to the course.

Course design and prerequisite:

The course is composed of 14 hours self-paced asynchronous online training, 12 hours Home
Group Assignments and 18 hours for 6 “live” webinars with NS/IFRC/ICRC facilitation (See
course schedule). The details of the online trainings will be shared after the selection of
participants. Aside from the 14 hours online training, you must complete the following courses
as a prerequisite. Those are all available at IFRC Learning Platform.
“Staff Code of Conduct”, “101: Corruption Prevention” and “Targeted - An introduction
to cybersecurity”

Contact Information
Minami HOBARA and Kana ITO
Planning and Coordination Division, International Department, Japanese Red Cross Society
Telephone: +81-3-3437-7090 Fax: +81-3-6679-0785

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