Adverb Jeopardy Fun Activities Games

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Adverb Jeopardy

Adverb Jeopardy
where? when? how? how often? to what extent?

100 He fell down the Call him now. She spoke to them I will never say that I am very thirsty.
stairs? kindly. again.

200 My sister took me She will talk to him It was terribly hot They always go to He dug the hole
there. then. last night. the movies. too deep.

300 The cat ran away. I need to eat She read quietly to I often wear long I almost broke
soon. her brother. underwear in the my ankle.

400 She looked up in I will drive you to He slowly turned He seldom calls his The music is so
the sky. the mall later. around. parents. loud.

500 Please put your bag They recently He ran quickly I like to dance He is an
here. bought a new down the street. sometimes. extremely shy
home. boy.
Adverb Jeopardy

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