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Name Gisele

Present simple
A Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verb to be. Use short forms where possible.
DANIELA: Hello. (1)_____________ you from here?
are not
ESTEVAN: No, we (2)_____________. (3)_____________
Are you?
DANIELA: No, I (4)____________ from Italy. My name (5)____________ is Daniela.
ESTEVAN: Nice to meet you. I (6)___________
am Estevan. And this (7)____________
are Maite and Javier.
DANIELA: This (8)____________
is Estelle, and this (9)_____________
are is Maria. Where (10)___________
are you
ESTEVAN: We (11)___________ from Spain.
DANIELA: (12)____________
Are you from Madrid?
ESTEVAN: No, we (13)_____________.
are not We (14)____________
are from the north of Spain. Javier and I
am from Bilbao, and Maite (16)___________
is from San Sebastian.
DANIELA: (17)____________
Are you here on holiday?
ESTEVAN: No, we (18)_____________.
are not is
It (19)___________ is
a study trip. This (20)__________ a beautiful
DANIELA: Yes, it (21)_____________.
is Are
(22) ____________ the trip fun?

ESTEVAN: Some of it. The museums (23)____________

is boring. (24)___________
are you here for a holiday?
DANIELA: Yes, I (25)___________ with my parents but I want to be with my friends. It (26)____________
much fun.

B Write the third person singular of the following verbs.

1 go goes
____________ 7 pull Pulls
____________ 13 get gets
2 do does
____________ 8 want ____________
Wants 14 finish finishes
3 study Studies
____________ Drinks
9 drink ____________ 15 wait Waits
4 walk Walks
____________ 10 buy Buys
____________ 16 swim Swims
5 eat Eats
____________ Plays
11 play ____________ 17 cry cryes
6 push ____________
Pushes 12 read reads
____________ 18 wash ___________

C Complete the sentence with the affirmative form of the verb in brackets.
1 I _____________ (read) the newspaper every day.
2 She ____________ (like) computers and going to the cinema.
3 They ____________ (go) to school by bus.
4 We _____________ (want) ice cream now!
5 He _____________ (study) French, German and English.
6 You _____________ (walk) very fast.
7 I ___________
Play (play) football and basketball.
8 She ___________ (finish) work late.
9 It ____________ (work) very slowly.
D Put the words in order to make a sentence.
1 go they early home always __________________________________________________________
2 never sweets eat she ______________________________________________________________
3 we cinema usually Saturdays go the to on ______________________________________________
4 sometimes warm winter in is it ______________________________________________________
5 football often with friends his plays he ________________________________________________
6 always January it rains in ___________________________________________________________
7 dancing usually Fridays on go they ____________________________________________________
8 often music listens to he evenings the in _______________________________________________

E Use the prompts and a verb from the box in the correct form to write full sentences.

get watch play do go rain cook wear drink

We cook for our friends (sometimes)

1 We / for our friends (sometimes) _____________________________________________________
She go her homework ( always)
2 She / her homework (always) ________________________________________________________
3 They / tennis at the weekend (often) They play tennis at the weekend (often)
I get on holiday in June (usually)
4 I / on holiday in June (usually) _______________________________________________________
5 He / coffee for breakfast (always) He ____________________________________________________
drink cofee for breakfast (always)
You get up early in the morning (never)
6 You / up early in the morning (never) _________________________________________________
7 She / TV before dinner (sometimes) __________________________________________________
She watch tv before dinner ( sometimes)
We wear jeans at the weekend (usually)
8 We / jeans at the weekend (usually) __________________________________________________
9 It / in summer (sometimes) _________________________________________________________
It rain in summer (sometimes)

F Look at Mark’s timetable. Complete the sentence with the affirmative form of the verb in

1 Mark __________ (go) to school five days a week.
2 He ____________ to school every day.
3 On Mondays the classes ___________ (start) at 09.00.
4 On Thursdays Mark ___________ (finish) school at 17.00.
5 On Tuesday between 11.30 and 13.30 Mark ___________
does (do) sport.
6 Mark _________ (have) a maths class every day of the week.
7 Mark __________
studies (study) three different languages – English, French and German.
8 At Mark’s school the pupils ___________ (study) IT.
G Complete the sentence with the negative form of the verb in brackets.
1 Mark doesn`t
___________ (go) to school at the weekend.
2 He ____________ (go) to school on Wednesday or Friday afternoon.
3 On Wednesday the classes doesn`t
___________ (start) at 09.00.
4 On Fridays Mark ___________ (finish) school at 17.00.
5 Mark _________ (do) sport on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday.
6 Mark __________ (have) an English class on Thursday.
7 Mark __________ (study) Chinese.
8 At Mark’s school the pupils ___________
don`t (study) Chemistry.

H Complete the question with Do or Does. Then write short answers.

1 _________ Yes, he has
Mark have an art lesson on Monday? _______________________________
2 _________
Does Yes
classes start at 08.00 on Tuesday? __________________________________
3 _________ Yes, They study
the students study IT at Mark’s school? ______________________________
4 _________ Yes, he go
Mark go to school on Friday afternoon? ______________________________
5 _________ Yes, sometimes
they have any time for sport? ______________________________________

I Complete the sentences with the affirmative or negative form.

leaves is not
1 The plane __________ (leave) in half an hour but Nick _________ (not/be) at the airport.
2 My best friend ___________
loves interest not
(love) science fiction films but they ___________ (not/interest) me.
do not study
3 I ____________ is
(not/study) Chemistry because it ___________ (be) difficult.
does not go
4 The Sun ____________ go
(not/go) round the Earth, the Earth ___________ (go) round the Sun!
own not
5 My teacher ____________ it be
(not/own) a mobile phone because some people think they ________
(be) bad for your health.
6 According to scientists, animals ___________ (live) longer if they do not eat
____________ (not/eat) too

J Complete the conversation with the correct words from the box.
do (3x) does doesn’t don´t like likes never sometimes watch

A: Do you (0) like

________ TV during the day?
B: No, I (1) never
__________. I work during the day.
A: What about the evenings? Do you watch TV then?
B: Yes, I (2) __________.
A: What programmes (3) __________ you like?
likes don`t
B: I (4) __________ films and comedy shows. But I (5) __________ watch the news – It’s boring.
A: (6) __________ you watch TV on your own or with members of your family?
B: Well, I (7) _________ watch
sometimes watch TV with my sister, but not very often. She (8) _________ dramas and
music programmes.
A: (9) Does
__________ she watch the news?
B: No, she (10) ____________.
K Use the verbs below to write questions. Then write true answers.
Example: what time / you / get up? What time do you get up? I usually get up at 7.30.
Do you work in an office? Yes, I do.
1 you / work / in an office ____________________________________________________________
What do you have for breakfast? I usually bread and cooffe
2 what / you / have / for breakfast _____________________________________________________
3 how often / you / watch TV How
often do you watch tv? I usually watch one hour et nigth

4 your family / go to the beach / in summer ______________________________________________

Do your family go to the beach in summer? Yes, we go.

5 you / often / go to bed / late ________________________________________________________

Do you often go late to bed? Yes, I do.

6 how often / your best friend / phone you ______________________________________________

Do how often your best friend phone you? Yes, she phone me every day

L James is a university student. He is going to answer your questions about his eating habits.
Using the ideas below, write down the questions.

Example: How many meals a day / have? How many meals a day do you usually have?

2 When / have breakfast? When do you have breakfast?


3 How often / eat out? How often do you eat out?


4 What cuisine / prefer? What cuisine do you prefer?


5 What / your favourite restaurant? What is your favorite restaurant

Do you cook your self? Do you like it?
6 Cook yourself? You like it? __________________________________________________________
Do you watch any cookery programmes? Why?
7 Watch any cookery programmes? Why? _______________________________________________

Look at the notes. What does James answer?

Example: Usually I have two-three meals a day during the week, at the weekend I normally eat four
times a day.
I have breackfast everyday, et seven I am, but on sunday I don`t take breakfast because I wake up at 11.
2 ________________________________________________________________________________
I it alt occasionally when my friends invite me.
3 ________________________________________________________________________________
I like Mexican cosiner because a like spicy food.
4 ________________________________________________________________________________
I like go to mexican restaurant with my Spanish friends
5 ________________________________________________________________________________
Yes, I do its my favorit hobby
6 ________________________________________________________________________________
Yes, I do sometimes because day give some useful advice.
7 ________________________________________________________________________________

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