Key Nonfiction Text Features Lesson

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CREDITS: This presentation template was created by SlidesGo,

including icons by Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik.
What text features do you see?
1. Maps 2. Chart/Graph

3. Picture and Caption 4. Heading

5. Bold words
Click and drag the images to match each text feature to its name.


Click and drag the characteristics to the text feature they match.
● Tells the reader
● Bigger than the
HEADING rest of the text
the main idea of a

● Shows where
MAP important places ● Usually has a key

● Examples: pie
CHART/GRAPH chart, bar graph
● Shows data

● Tells the reader ● Makes an important

BOLD WORD which words are in word stand out in a
the glossary paragraph

● Helps the reader

PICTURE AND imagine what the
● Explains why a
picture is included
CAPTION text is describing with the text
Use the text below to answer the questions in full sentences.
What text feature do you see?
Bold word, picture, caption

After reading only the heading, what can you infer this
text is about?
This is about holidays in Mexico.

How do headings help the reader understand the text?

They tell the reader the main idea of the text.
Use the text below to answer the questions in full sentences.
What text feature do you see?
Heading, picture, caption

Why did the author choose to make these words bold?

They are unfamiliar words that are important for
understanding the main idea of the text.

Based on the text, what can you infer the meaning of

“immigrants” is?
People who live in one country but are from
another country.
Use the text below to answer the questions in full sentences.
What text feature do you see?
Chart, heading, bold words

Why did the author include this picture?

It shows what cities in Mexico look like which
helps the reader understand the text.

How does reading the caption help you understand this

You learn more about the city in the picture and
learn why it was important enough to include a
Use the text below to answer the questions in full sentences.
Using your own words, describe Mexico City based on
the picture and caption.
It is a very big city with a lot of people. It has a lot
of buildings that are very small.

Why is it always important to read captions?

They tell you more about the picture and explain
why it’s so important.
Use the text below to answer the questions in full sentences.
Find Belize on the map. Put the red circle around it. Find the Gulf of Mexico on the map. Put the yellow star on it.
Find Mexico City on the map. Put the orange triangle around it.
Use the text below to answer the questions in full sentences.
What text feature do you see?
Bold words

Why did the author include this map?

It shows where the places are that they talk
about in the text.

How does this map help you understand the text?

I can picture what the places look like so I know
more about what it’s talking about.
Use the text below to answer the questions in full sentences.
What text feature do you see?
Heading, picture, caption, bold word

According to the chart, what percentage of people in

Mexico work in farming?
13.7% of people in Mexico work in farming.

How does this chart help you better understand the

The text tells me what kinds of jobs people do
but the chart tells me how many people do those
Use what you’ve learned to answer the questions in full sentences.
Why do authors include text features? Why is is important to look at all the text features while
They include text features because they help the
reader learn more important information about The text features all tell you different, important
the text. information so you have to look at all of them to
learn all the information.

How will your knowledge of text features help you while

researching for your country project?
When I research, I can look at the text features
and learn more information to use in my project.

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