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By: Lorna M. Favela
a. Screening and Risk Stratification
b. University of Houston Non-Exercise Test for Predicting VO2 max
a. Resting Heart Rate: 91 BPM
b. Resting Blood Pressure: 126/78
c. ACSM’s Guidelines
a. According to the ACSM’s Guideline the client can be cleared for physical activity.
The patient has no CV, Metabolic or renal disease and does not pose signs or
symptoms suggestive of those listed above. I do however recommend the client
to get an updated physical examination.
d. Waist to Hip Ratio
a. Waist to Hip Ratio
i. Waist: 76.56cm
ii. Hip: 96.52
iii. Ratio: 0.73
iv. Results: The patient falls under the moderate (.71-.77 range) category of
risk factors for females.
e. Client’s Fitness Goals
a. The client’s fitness and personal health goals are to increase muscular strength,
decrease body weight from 166 lbs to 162 lbs, increase flexibility and maintain
muscular endurance.
f. Body Composition
g. Body Weight
a. 166 lbs, 75.3 kg
b. Height 67.3 in, 171 cm
h. 7-site Skinfold Test
a. Abdominal: 19mm
b. Triceps: 19mm
c. Chest: 6mm
d. Midaxillary: 7mm
e. Subscapular: 12mm
f. Suprailiac: 17mm
g. Thigh: 30mm
i. Body Fat
a. 26.2% fat
j. Body Density: 1.04
k. Lean Body Mass
a. 56.1 kg, 123.68 lbs
l. Fat Mass
a. 19.2 kg, 42.32 lbs
m. Calculated BMI: Weight/height^2
a. 26
n. Bioelectric Impedance
a. Body Fat %: 26.2
b. BMI: 26
o. Muscular Assessment
p. Muscular Endurance Battery
a. YMCA Bench Press Test 130 lbs (1 repetition)
q. Isometric Strength Battery
a. Back Dynamometer
i. 90 kg
ii. 89kg
iii. 92 kg
b. Leg Dynamometer
i. 99kg
ii. 114 kg
iii. 115 kg
c. Hand Grip Dynamometer Right (dominant) at 90 degrees
i. 70 kg
ii. 72 kg
iii. 63 kg
d. Hand Grip Dynamometer Left at 90 degrees
i. 79 kg
ii. 66 kg
iii. 65 kg
e. Hand Grip Dynamometer Right (dominant) at 0 degrees
i. 75 kg
ii. 70 kg
iii. 70 kg
f. Hand Grip Dynamometer Left at 0 degrees
i. 70 kg
ii. 66 kg
iii. 65 kg
g. Leg Dynamometer
i. 99 kg
ii. 114 kg
iii. 115 kg
r. Flexibility Assessment
a. Modified Sit and Reach
i. 16 in
ii. 17.25 in
iii. 18 in
s. Cardiovascular Assessment
a. YMCA Cycle Ergometer Results
i. Female, 21 years old
ii. Weight: 166 lbs, 66.8 kg
iii. 85% Max Heart Rate:33.4
iv. Resting BP: 117/76
v. Resting HR: 74
vi. Max HR: 189
1. WR: 150
a. HR: 87
b. BP: 128/82
2. WR: 600
a. HR: 120
b. BP: 132/84
3. WR: 750
a. HR: 139
b. BP: 140/85
4. WR: 900
a. HR: 157
b. BP: 140/85
t. Rockport 1-mile Walk Test
a. HR: 102
b. Age: 21
c. Weight: 166 lbs, 75.2 kg
d. Time: 17:04:32
e. METs: 11.5254
f. VO2 Max: 40.3388
g. Population Avg: 36.6050
h. Score: 75
i. Rating: Good
j. Suggested program: Orange
u. YMCA 3 min Step Test
a. Resting HR: 84
b. HR after test: 120 bpm
c. VO2 max: 43.646

A. Screening and Risk Stratification Summary

a. After looking at the 20118 PARQ+ Health History questionnaire form, it can be
determined that this client is healthy. The client does not have any CV, metabolic
or renal disease however, her father has known hypertension. The only
moderate risk factors this female patient falls into is for the waist-to-hip ratio
with a measurement of 76.56 cm at the waist and 103.94 at the hip making the
combined ratio 0.73 in which for the clients age group this category
represents .71-.77.
b. Client passed initial screening and risk assessment
c. This client has goals of increasing muscular strength, decrease body weight from
166lbs to 162lbs, increase flexibility, and maintain muscular endurance.  
B. Body Composition summary
a. The client showed fair numbers for body fat percentage and BMI, however we
take into account that she is a soccer athlete. According to ACSM guidelines the
clients and performing a 7-site skinfold test we had a result of 26.2% for body fat
falling into the fair category for females between the ages of 20-29. The patients
BMI of 25 puts her at below average for her age group.
b. The client did show a positive result of a healthy range for both a lean body mass
of 123.68 lbs to fat mass with a value of 42.32 lbs
C. Muscular Assessment Summary
a. For muscular assessment the patient performed multiple means of strength and
endurance tests because she was healthy enough for them.
b. The client had a max 1- RM for bench press of 130 lbs
c. For the hand grip dynamometers, the client falls under the excellent category for
the right hand and average for the left hand.
d. For the back dynamometer the client falls under excellent category
e. For the leg dynamometer the client falls under the excellent category
f. For the client’s flexibility assessment the client falls into the good percentile with
her modified sit and reach value being just above 18 in.
g. For the final summary of muscular assessment, the client has great values
already in both strength and flexibility but of course there is room for
development and growth as far as flexibility. Because she is an athlete her initial
and absolute strength and isometric strength values are well above average.
D. Cardiovascular assessment summary
a. The client does have a high resting HR to begin with in the 70-74 range but still
appears to be very well aerobically trained. The only segment that needs
improvement is the flexibility area. The client has a slightly elevated HR after the
completion of the 3-minute step test as well.
E. Overall summary:
a. As far as the client’s overall health they are overall healthy. The client can
improve flexibility segments and endurance categories to reach her desired
goals. The client appears to be above average for risk screening, strength, and
cardiovascular fitness.
F. Exercise Prescription
a. Recommendations to increase muscular strength
i. Weight training: increase to 5 sessions per week at 45-60 minutes
ii. Low to moderate volume with 1-8 reps at 80-100% of max HR
iii. Incorporate free weights
iv. Allow rest time of 1-2 minutes
b. Recommendations to increase flexibility
i. Incorporate stretching sessions after workouts and before
ii. Incorporate yoga 2-3 times a week for 30-50 min a week
c. Recommendations to decrease body weight
i. Maintain cardio after interval training sessions
ii. Focus on mostly fat free diet
iii. Keep consistent workout routine
iv. Avoid eating late at night
v. Incorporate 30-60 min of cardio 5-6 times per week.

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