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Multimedia Design Project Assessment (MDPA) Report Template

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Learner Analysis (PSC 2.5, 2.6)
● World Language Academy is a bilingual school, meaning students receive
content material in English and in Spanish. In third grade, students are
learning in a 50/50 model. This means that 50% percent of a student’s day
is spent in an English class while the other 50% is spent in a Spanish class.
English teachers, like myself, teach ELA and Social Studies. While the
Spanish teacher teaches math, science and Spanish ELA. Students in the
3rd grade range from the ages 8-10 and their reading levels range from
below grade level to above. In Hall County teachers, use Fountas and
Pinell to assess a student’s reading level. In my current class students
range from a level B to level U. About 48% of my class are ESOL and are
served my me because I have an ESOL endorsement. Four students in the
class have an IEP and are pulled out by the resource teacher.
● Hall County is a 1:1 tech district and each 3rd grader has a Chromebook
assigned to them. This allows for the use a project-based learning. Many
of our social studies units are assessed using a project. For example for our
Native American unit students use various resource to conduct research on
a tribe and learn how the resources around them affects their lives.
Students then take what they have learned and create a Book Creator
presentation and a diorama representing their tribe. Students then present
their tribe in a wax museum.

Context Analysis

● Class characteristics – Class sizes range from about 20-25 students.

Students are placed on a team of teachers. Each team of teachers is
consists of an English and Spanish teacher. One group of students will
start with either an English or a Spanish teacher. These are considered the
students homeroom teacher. Students will spend about 2.5 hours in their
homeroom. Students will then switch with the other class. Students will
stay in that class for 2.5 hours as well. (PSC 2.5)
● Technical considerations – Hall County is a 1:1 technology district. In
third grade, students are assigned a Chromebook to use all year long. The
district has also installed Read&Write on all county computers for
students to use. Students with IEP accommodations use Read&Write
frequently but it is also available for regular ed. students to use.
● Teacher characteristics – I have a high level of comfort in technology.
Being the schools Blast leader means helping co-workers with various
technology needs and teaching them how to use various programs
provided by the school. Even before I was Blast lead many teachers would
come to me for assistance because they knew I was proficient in our
schools technology.
● Standards –
▪ SS3H2: Describe European exploration in North America
● A. Describe the reasons for the obstacles to the exploration
of North America.
● B. Describe the accomplishments of: John Cabot
(England), Vasco Núñez de Balboa (Spain), Hernando de
Soto (Spain), Christopher Columbus (Spain), Henry
Hudson (The Netherlands), and Jacques Cartier (France).
● C. Describe examples of the cooperation and conflict
between European explorers and American Indians.
▪ SS3G3: Describe how physical systems affect human systems.
● A. Describe how the early explorers adapted, or failed to
adapt, to various physical environments in which they
▪ ELAGSE3W7: Conduct short research projects that build
knowledge about a topic.
▪ ELAGSE3W8: Recall information from experience or gather
information from print and digital sources; take brief notes on
sources and sort evidence into provided categories.
▪ ELAGSE3SL4: Report on a topic or text, tell a story, or recount
an experience with appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive
details, speaking clearly at an understandable pace.
● ISTE Standards
▪ ISTE-S 1: Students leverage technology to take an active role in
choosing, achieving, and demonstrating competency in their
learning goals, informed by the learning sciences.
● C. Students use technology to seek feedback that informs
and improves their practice and to demonstrate their
learning in a variety of ways.
▪ ISTE-S 6: Students communicate clearly and express themselves
creatively for a variety of purposes using the platforms, tools,
styles, formats and digital media appropriate to their goals.
● A. Students choose the appropriate platforms and tools for
meeting the desired objectives of their creation or
● B. Students create original works or responsibly repurposed
or remix digital resources into their new creations.
Task Analysis

● Learning Objectives –
▪ Essential Questions:
● What motivated the Europeans to explore other parts of the
● What technology prevented them from knowing the
Americas existed?
● What obstacles did the Europeans face? How did they
overcome those obstacles?
▪ Dispositional objectives
● Working in a small group
● Presenting material to a small group.

Students will use an assigned Canvas module to complete their project. In the
Canvas module, students will have access to an overview of the project, their
online research notes, various resources to conduct research and the various
productivity tools students may use to complete their presentation, along with
examples and videos of how to use each option.
One UD principle used in the project is the equitable use. Each student will have
access to audio or video explanations of the content. This will allow for the
students who need the assistive technology to not feel singled out. The project
also uses the simple and intuitive principle. The design of the Canvas module was
intently made simple to not overwhelm students to have the information they need
to know. The content was kept to only the information students need to know for
the project. The research websites also range in reading levels and ability making
it possible for all students to participate.
While students will be completing their own individual project, students
will work in small groups to help gather their research. Students will also work
with their small group to provide and receive feedback on their presentation.
Students will use a Google Slides template to record their research.
Various websites will be provided to conduct their research. These websites are
found on the research Canvas page. Google my Maps will also be used for
students to draw and label the expeditions paths their explorer took. Once students
have conducted their research and created their Google Map they will have the
option to choose Canvas Studio, FlipGrid, Voki or BrainPOP video creator to
design a video biography on their explorer. Before students record their video,
they will write up a script of what they will say while recording. Students will
read each other’s scripts and provide feedback.
Various adaptive technologies will be available for students who require
an accommodation. For example, students will have access to Read&Write. This
program will allow students who struggle in reading or writing to complete the
project. Students can either have the text read to them or they can speak into the
program and their speech will be converted to text. Canvas also has an integrated
text to speech program that students can use if they need the assignment
directions read to them. I will also create videos showing each step of the project
for students to follow.

I chose the use the LMS, Canvas, to house my project. Canvas allows me to create
a module and input all the materials I need, such as assignments, rubrics, videos
etc. Canvas also allows me to grade and provide feedback to students. I started by
creating a European Explorers module and then adding pages for the overview
and each of the Explorers. Students will only be assigned to their specific
explorer. They will not be able to see the other pages with the other explorers.
Students will start the module on the overview page. On the overview page, there
is an overview of the project as well as the student’s assigned explorer and group.
Once students find their explorer they can click on the explorer and it will take
them to the research page. On this page, students will see a list of various
resources to conduct research and their research notes template. Students will
work with their groups to find the information needed and each group member
will fill out their own individual research notes. From this page, students will be
able to submit the research notes once they have completed. Students will then
click the next button. The next page will be the Google my Maps. On this page,
students will see a video on how to make a copy of the Google Maps and how to
draw and label the required lines. Students will use the line tool to illustrate the
paths their explorers took on their various expeditions. Students will be required
to label and give a brief description of the expedition above each line. Once again,
students will have the ability to submit their Google assignment from this page.
The next page will be the video explanation page. Students will look at the video
examples provided by the teacher and the video rubric to determine which
productivity tool best works for their project. Students will have the option to
choose from Canvas Studio, FlipGrid, BrainPop video creator or Voki. Students
will create a video biography of their explorer. The video will need to be well
designed and included all the required parts from the rubric. Once students have
created their videos, they will upload their videos to the video submission page.
The project is estimated to take about 3 weeks.
Week 1: Project introduction and research
Week 2: Video and feedback
Week 3: Presentations

This project will be completed in school and will approximately take about 3
weeks. Students will complete the project during a 30 minute social studies
period. Students will need access to a device as well as internet access. Hall
County to a 1:1 device county so students will use their assigned Chromebooks.
Students will work with their groups to help research and find information. The
teacher will also circle the classroom and assist and check up on students. Once
students get to the video portion of the project, the teacher will also be available
for technology support. If the teacher does not know the problem, students can
ask the media specialist.

Student Learning –

A rubric will be used to assess the student’s research as well as their videos. I
will also walk around and listen to each of their presentations. Students
should be becoming experts on their explorer and be able to teach someone
else about their explorer. During the presentations, students should also be
able to answer any questions about their explorer. (Within reason) Students
will also walk around and listen to each other’s presentations. As students
walk around they will fill out an information sheet on each of the explorers.
They will also watch each other’s videos to help fill out the sheet. This will be
use as a quiz grade.
Product Design –
As I am walking around assisting students, I will make notes on any issues they
are having with the design of the project. I want to make sure that the links are
clear and students know where to click to open each link. I will also observe to
see if students are using the audio or videos embedded. I will have students
complete a survey at the end of the project to check if the overall design of the
project worked and if they would want anything extra.
Project Development – Overall, the project design was successful. Next time I
will add a informational writing piece along with the video. This will allow
students to have a formal document with the information that is also well
organized. Some of the videos did not contain all the information needed
even though students researched the information. The writing piece will help
students get all the information they researched into writing. Then they can
create their video from that.

Instructional Design – Canvas was a good choice to use because it allowed me

to have all the needed material as well as having students submit their
projects on the platform. I also like that Canvas allows me to assign pages and
assignments to certain students. This is helpful because then other students
are getting confused on which websites they should be clicking on. Next time
I will add an embedded video to each explorer page to help students have an
overview of the explorer before they research.

Personal Growth – I learned that is okay to give some flexibility to the

students when it come to how they want to present their information. Before
this project, I would have given them the video program they needed to use
as opposed to allowing them to pick which one works best for them. Next
time I think I will allow them to create whatever type of ended project they
would like. They can do a PowerPoint presentation, video, poster, flyer etc. I
have to get used to allowing the kids some freedom.

For Others – Make sure to plan for technology mishaps. Have back up articles
just incase the internet is out one day. When planning your groups, structure
the groups with students of varying abilities. This will allow the higher-level
students to help the lower level ones in the research process. The lower level
ones will surprise you when it comes to create the video. They were able to
assist the higher-level students in this area.

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