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Neonatal Electroencephalography

Lena K. Hellström-Westas

Contents Abstract
The electroencephalogram (EEG) records
The Neonatal Electroencephalogram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Normal EEG Maturation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 electrocortical activity and is a sensitive
Abnormal EEG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 method for assessing brain function. Neurolog-
Effects of Medications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 ical symptoms may be very vague or entirely
Seizures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 absent in infants requiring neonatal intensive
EEG-Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 care. The EEG is an important tool for
Seizure Management with aEEG/EEG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 detecting abnormal brain activity in both term
Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 and preterm infants and can be used for diag-
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 nosing epileptic seizures and following effects
of antiepileptic treatment; the EEG can also
contribute with predictive information on
later neurodevelopmental prognosis.

• The EEG is sensitive for assessing brain

function and for detecting brain
• The amplitude-integrated EEG trend
(aEEG) can be used for monitoring high
risk infants.
• The aEEG gives prolonged information on
trends in brain activity, while the EEG gives
detailed information and confirms findings
in the aEEG.
• The aEEG and EEG can be used for predic-
tion of outcome, diagnosis of seizures, and
evaluation of effects of antiepileptic

L.K. Hellström-Westas (*)

Department of Women’s and Children’s Health, University
Hospital, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden

# Springer International Publishing AG 2016 1

G. Buonocore et al. (eds.), Neonatology,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-18159-2_268-1
2 L.K. Hellström-Westas

The Neonatal Electroencephalogram age (PCA) and postmenstrual age (PMA) repre-
sent a summary of gestational age and postnatal
The electroencephalogram (EEG) records electro- age and are used when assessing EEG maturation.
cortical activity from the brain’s surface. The EEG
activity is also influenced by subcortical activity;
a dissociation of thalamocortical connection is Normal EEG Maturation
associated with the discontinuous burst-
suppression activity. Consequently, the EEG Waveforms and background activity in the EEG
reflects brain function and can be used for early can be described according to amplitude, fre-
detection of both general and focal brain quency, topographic distribution of activity, and
dysfunction. temporal (time) evolution. The normal EEG back-
The EEG is usually recorded from electrodes ground in very preterm infants is mainly discon-
placed over the scalp according to the Interna- tinuous, a pattern that is called tracé discontinu
tional 10–20 system which uses the nasion and which is characterized by high-amplitude bursts
the inion as anatomical landmarks on the skull to of activity alternating with periods of low-voltage
identify electrode positions (Jasper 1958). The activity, interburst intervals (IBI). With increasing
inter-electrode distance is usually 10% or 20% maturation, the duration of the bursts increases,
of the total distance between these positions. The while their amplitude decreases, and simulta-
electrode positions are defined by capital letters neously the IBIs become shorter, resulting in an
followed by a number, for example, F for frontal, increasingly continuous EEG background. The
C for central, T for temporal, O for occipital, with mean IBI duration is around 18–26 s at
even numbers indicating the right side and odd 21–24 weeks PCA and decreases to 10–12 s at
numbers the left side (Fig. 1). Additionally, respi- 25–30 weeks PCA and down to 6–8 s at
ration, electrocardiogram, eye movement, and 34–36 weeks (Fig. 2). The topographic organiza-
electromyogram are recorded, which together tion of the developing EEG occurs in an
with the EEG give supplementary information occipitalfrontal direction. Interhemispheric syn-
such as sleep states, movements, seizures, and chrony of electrocortical activity changes during
possible artifacts. The EEG changes with the maturation: at extremely low PCA the EEG activ-
infant’s maturation. The terms postconceptional ity is usually synchronous, and between 26 and

Fp1 Fp2 Fp1 Fp2

F7 F8 F7 F8
F3 Fz F4 F3 Fz F4

A1 A2 A1 A2
T3 C3 Cz C4 T4 T3 C3 Cz C4 T4

P3 Pz P4 P3 Pz P4
T5 T6 T5 T6

O1 O2 O1 O2


Fig. 1 Electroencephalogram electrode positions commonly used in newborn infants, on the left side for
according to the International 10–20 system (Jasper neonatal EEG and on the right side long-term monitoring
1958). The red circles mark electrode positions that are of aEEG/EEG
Neonatal Electroencephalography 3

Fig. 2 Examples of aEEG trends (duration 6 h) with w stable infant. The aEEG/EEG activity dominated by
corresponding raw EEG (25 s). (a) Single-channel aEEG/ discontinuous activity although short periods of more con-
EEG (P3-P4) from the first day of life in a GA 23+6 tinuous activity can be seen (1). (b) Single-channel aEEG/
4 L.K. Hellström-Westas

30 weeks’ PCA there is increased (ECG), which is measured in millivolt and conse-
desynchronization, which again is followed by quently has a magnitude of 1000 times that of the
increasing synchronization at PCAs above EEG. High frequency oscillation ventilation
30 weeks (André et al. 2010; Mizrahi et al. 2004). (HFOV) in the NICU is often performed with
Sleep wake cycling can be identified in the frequencies between 10 and 15 Hz, that is, fre-
EEG from around 30 weeks’ PCA, but immature quencies that are parts of the normal EEG activity.
cycling can be seen already from around Care has to be taken to avoid such interference by
24–25 weeks PCA although specific sleep states avoiding contact between the electrodes and the
cannot be distinguished. Active sleep, or rapid eye bedding and to evaluate the raw-EEG signal for
movement (REM) sleep, can usually not be dis- this artifact when using amplitude-integrated EEG
tinguished from wakefulness in the EEG without (aEEG) monitoring.
other measures, that is, direct observation or eval- During normal EEG maturation, several dis-
uation of eye movements, respiration, and muscu- tinctive waveforms and patterns are expected to
lar activity. Quiet sleep, or non-REM, sleep is appear and disappear at certain PCA: these fea-
characterized by increased discontinuity. The tures can be used for evaluation of the infant’s
EEG during quiet sleep in term infants is either brain maturation, but their functional and anatom-
discontinuous (tracé alternant) or contains high ical correlates are not known (Vanhatalo and Kaila
voltage slow activity (HVS) (Fig. 2). 2006). Delta brush pattern is characterized by runs
The distribution of the main EEG frequencies, of fast activity (alpha-beta) superimposed on delta
that is, delta (< 4 Hz), theta (4–8 Hz), alpha waves; this pattern is typical of the very preterm
(8–12 Hz), beta (13–20 Hz), also change with EEG. Temporal theta bursts (temporal saw-tooth)
maturation, although there is usually a mix of are brief, rhythmic, 4–6 Hz transients that first
frequencies at all PCA. In preterm infants, high appear around 26 weeks’ PCA and reach a max-
voltage delta activity and, to some extent, theta imum at 30–32 weeks before they disappear. Tem-
activity is predominant, while more theta and poral sharp waves may appear during the first
alpha activity can be identified in term infants weeks of life in infants born at 31–32 weeks’
(André et al. 2010; Mizrahi et al. 2004). Very gestation. However, if abundant, or persisting,
slow EEG activity (<0.5 Hz) has also been dem- they are associated with brain injury. Frontal
onstrated both in term and preterm infants. Exper- sharp wave transients appear from 34 to
imental data indicate that this activity may be 35 weeks’ PCA and disappear around 10 weeks
essential for the development of brain wiring pro- later (André et al. 2010; Mizrahi et al. 2004).
cesses (Vanhatalo and Kaila 2006). The EEG sig- The accuracy of estimation of PCA from vari-
nal is weak (measured in microvolts) and can ous EEG measures is usually 2 weeks. An inter-
easily be disturbed by movements, electrical inter- esting observation in a few publications is that the
ferences in the neonatal intensive care unit EEG activity in very preterm infants seems to
(NICU), and respiration. Especially when the exhibit a progressive increase during the first
EEG activity is very depressed, the recording days of life: whether this is due to postnatal adap-
may pick up the signal from the electrocardiogram

Fig. 2 (continued) EEG (P3-P4) from the first day of life stroke. Continuous aEEG/EEG background with sleep
in a stable infant with GA 27+0 weeks demonstrating wake cycling, including (1) tracé alternant sleep, (2) con-
alternating periods with continuous (1) and more discon- tinuous activity representing wakefulness or rapid eye
tinuous (2) activity, which may represent crude sleep wake movement (REM) sleep, and (3) a brief seizure
cycling. (c) Two-day-old full-term infant with a suspected
Neonatal Electroencephalography 5

tation or recovery after the delivery is not known which the IBIs contain more activity. The BS pat-
(Victor et al. 2005). tern is abnormal at all maturational stages; it is
associated with the presence of brain damage,
administration of sedative medications, and some
Abnormal EEG rare encephalopathies (mainly nonketotic hyper-
glycinemia and Ohtahara syndrome). In term
When a hypoxic-ischemic, hemorrhagic, or meta- infants, a recording with predominant IBI duration
bolic insult occurs, for example, perinatal of more than 30 s is highly predictive of death or
asphyxia, intracranial hemorrhage, or severe poor neurological outcome (Menache et al. 2002).
hypoglycemia, the EEG activity is immediately Chronic stage EEG changes may appear within
affected. The response, a transient depression, is a few weeks after an insult and are markers of
very similar in humans of all ages and animals. persisting brain injury. Chronic stage background
The magnitude of the EEG depression and the abnormalities can be categorized as being either
time to recovery of the EEG background activity dysmature or disorganized. Dysmature EEG pat-
correlates with the severity of the insult. The terns are characterized by delayed development
electrocortical activity usually recovers after a (> 2 weeks) and are associated with cognitive
time-period that may last from minutes to weeks. impairment. Disorganized EEG patterns develop
Seizures of varying intensity often develop during after severe acute insults and are characterized by
the recovery phase (Watanabe et al. 1999). Sleep- deformity of delta waves and brushes, as well as
wake cycling is usually depressed or entirely presence of abnormal sharp waves; they are
absent during the acute stage. Chronic EEG closely associated with white matter damage and
changes, such as abnormal waveforms or poor development of cerebral palsy (Okumura et al.
synchronization of activity, may persist as 2002). Some waveforms, especially positive
markers of permanent damage. The consistent rolandic sharp waves (PRSW), are markers of
way by which the electrocortical activity behaves white matter damage. PRSW are predictive of
after an insult, and the relation between the sever- later cerebral palsy when appearing with a fre-
ity of the EEG activity and the brain damage, quency of more than two per minute in the neo-
makes EEG sensitive for diagnosis of brain dam- natal EEG (Marret et al. 1992).
age and for early prediction of outcome.
A severe insult may result in an entirely flat
(inactive, isoelectric) EEG, while milder insults Effects of Medications
may only result in subtle slowing of the EEG or
increased discontinuity. Burst-suppression (BS) Administration of antiepileptic or sedative medi-
and undifferentiated extremely low voltage pat- cations such as benzodiazepines (diazepam, mid-
terns may also be present after severe insults. azolam), phenobarbital, opioids (morphine,
These EEG patterns are associated with increased fentanyl), and lidocaine is associated with tran-
risk for adverse outcome in asphyxiated term sient depression of the EEG background that may
infants. last for minutes to hours. The most common
In the preterm infant, milder insults may cause response to a loading dose of sedative or anticon-
prolonged IBIs, and more severe insults may also vulsant medication in a term infant with normal
change the background activity to a BS pattern. continuous EEG background is a change of the
Burst suppression is characterized by bursts of background activity to a moderately discontinu-
activity with a flat (inactive) or very ous pattern. Preterm infants and term infants with
low-amplitude IBIs, as compared to the normal already compromised brain function tend to
discontinuous background of the preterm infant in respond with more profound discontinuity,
6 L.K. Hellström-Westas

Fig. 3 Two-channel aEEG-recording showing 6 h of the aEEG trend was moderately depressed for 6 h before
aEEG and 25 s of EEG in a full-term asphyxiated infant recovery (not shown). The traces are from top to bottom:
treated with hypothermia. The aEEG/EEG background aEEG: left side (F3-P3), aEEG: right side (F4-P4), EEG:
was continuous when the infant received diazepam due to left side (F3-P3), EEG: right side ( F4-P4), EEG: cross-
a suspected right-sided electroclinical seizure (seen as cerebral frontal (F3-F4), EEG: cross-cerebral parietal
rhythmic activity in F4-P4 and P3-P4). After diazepam, (P3-P4)

including burst-suppression pattern. The EEG temporal evolution. A seizure pattern in the EEG
background usually recovers within 2–2.5 h after is often defined as “a sudden, repetitive, evolving
a single dose of sedative medications in term and stereotyped ictal pattern with a clear begin-
infants, but in preterm infants the EEG depression ning middle and ending and a minimum duration
may last longer (Norman et al. 2013; Shany et al. of 10 seconds” (Shellhaas and Clancy 2007).
2008) (Fig. 3). Repeated doses and continuous However, also ictal patterns with shorter duration
infusion of such medications may, of course, be than 10 s, and more prolonged epileptiform activ-
associated with prolonged and more marked dis- ity, for example, periodic lateralized epileptiform
continuity. In several studies, it has been demon- discharges (PLED), are associated with adverse
strated that surfactant treatment is associated with a outcomes (Oliveira et al. 2000).
profound aEEG depression that occurs immedi- Status epilepticus is usually defined as contin-
ately after administration and has a duration of up uously ongoing epileptic activity or repetitive sei-
to 10 min in some infants, the reason for this zures with a duration of more than 30 min.
response is not known (Hellström-Westas et al. Seizures are most frequently seen in temporal
1992). and central areas and are less commonly detected
in frontal and occipital EEG leads (Shellhaas and
Clancy 2007; Patrizi et al. 2003). Term infants
Seizures tend to have a focal onset of seizures, while sei-
zures in a preterm more often are regional (Patrizi
The electrographic appearance of neonatal sei- et al. 2003). Clinical seizure identification can be
zures can be very variable as regards waveform difficult, since ill newborn infants may have
morphology, frequency, localization, and seizure-like movements without corresponding
Neonatal Electroencephalography 7

seizure activity in the EEG. However, several good overview of changes in minimum and max-
studies have demonstrated that a majority of neo- imum electrocortical activity over hours and days
natal seizures actually are entirely subclinical and (Fig. 2). Maturational aEEG changes parallels the
these seizures can consequently only be diag- EEG development, which is expected since it is
nosed with EEG. derived from the EEG. A main developmental
In babies with electroclinical seizures (clinical feature in the aEEG trend is the progressive rise
and EEG seizures), administration of antiepileptic of the lower border (during the more discontinu-
drugs is associated with a phenomenon called ous quiet sleep) reflecting the increasing EEG
electroclinical dissociation, that is, the clinical continuity with increasing gestational age
seizures stop while subclinical seizures in the (Zhang et al. 2011a).
EEG persist or even increase in numbers (Boylan The usefulness of the aEEG has been demon-
et al. 2002). strated in a large number of studies in both term
and preterm infants. Several studies have shown
that the findings in aEEG recorded within the first
EEG-Monitoring 3–6 h after birth asphyxia are highly predictive of
neurodevelopmental outcome (Spitzmiller et al.
Video-EEG monitoring is the gold standard of 2007). Abnormal background patterns (BS,
EEG-monitoring. However, multiple channel extremely low voltage, flat) are predictive of
EEG and video is not available in all NICUs, adverse outcome, while normal continuous or
and it is often too complicated for the neonatal slightly discontinuous patterns are associated
staff to interpret the EEG bedside on a 24 h/7 day with normal outcome. Sleep wake cycling
basis unless continuous service is provided from appearing before 36 postnatal hours is associated
an EEG department. This limitation has, so far, with better outcome in infants with moderate
confined the use of video-EEG to complicated hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE). These
cases and research studies. In contrast, continuous studies were all performed in asphyxiated infants
EEG-monitoring with limited numbers of chan- who did not receive treatment with therapeutic
nels, usually one to three (cross-cerebral and hypothermia. However, postasphyctic interven-
fronto-central or fronto-parietal leads), and tion with moderate hypothermia is associated
including compressed EEG trends such as the with an altered predictive value of the aEEG/
amplitude integrated EEG (aEEG), is increasingly EEG (Thoresen et al. 2010). This is expected,
used in many NICUs. These monitors are easy to since hypothermia is an intervention that aims to
apply and to interpret by the neonatal staff and can change and improve outcome. In hypothermia-
be used 24/7. The first analogue aEEG monitor treated infants, an early normalization of the
was created in the 1960s by Prior and Maynard aEEG/ EEG is associated with good outcome,
and was called Cerebral Function Monitor (CFM) while a delayed recovery of an abnormal aEEG/
(Maynard et al. 1969). Modern digital monitors EEG background until 36–48 h may still be asso-
display and store the raw EEG, which is also ciated with a healthy recovery. It is recommended
necessary to assess – at least intermittently – for to monitor brain function during the whole hypo-
correct evaluation of the activity in the aEEG/ thermia treatment since seizures may appear dur-
EEG and for excluding potential artifacts. ing the rewarming. A full EEG should always be
The aEEG trend is derived from the raw EEG; recorded in these infants.
first the EEG signal is passed through an asym- Also in late preterm infants the aEEG/EEG is
metric filter which strongly attenuates low predictive of outcome after perinatal asphyxia
(<2 Hz) and high (>15 Hz) EEG frequencies, (Jiang et al. 2015). Several studies have also
then the signal undergoes rectification, semi- shown that the early electrocortical background
logarithmic display (to give better resolution activity is predictive of outcome in very preterm
within very low voltage activity), and time- infants, including infants with intraventricular
compression. The resulting aEEG trend gives a hemorrhages (IVH) and white matter damage
8 L.K. Hellström-Westas

(West et al. 2011; Wikström et al. 2012; Song et al. (often a rise, rarely a brief decrease) in the aEEG
2015; Iyer et al. 2015). The highest number of pattern. Repeated seizures and status epilepticus
bursts for a specified time and the lowest will result in a pattern similar to a saw-tooth, while
interburst intervals, that is, the best electrocortical ongoing epileptic seizure activity may be difficult
activity, are sensitive measures when the electro- to distinguish since there is no major change in the
cortical background is discontinuous. Seizures, aEEG trend (Figs. 1c and 4). Brief seizures
mainly subclinical, may also be prevalent in (< 30 s) may be very difficult to identify in the
infants developing both IVH and periventricular compressed aEEG trend, and for this reason it is
leukomalacia (PVL). As in more mature infants, also important to review the raw-EEG for seizure
presence of sleep-wake cycling during the first activity. Some of the newer aEEG/EEG monitors
week of life is usually an indicator of good recov- have seizure alerts which can be useful for identi-
ery. However, also extra-cranial factors, such as fication of brief seizures, although no seizure
cardiac output and blood pressure, and carbon alarms have a 100% sensitivity.
dioxide levels seem to affect the aEEG/EEG back-
ground in preterm infants.

Seizure Management with aEEG/EEG The EEG and the aEEG/EEG gives clinically
important information on brain function and can
Continuous aEEG/EEG-monitoring can be very be used for diagnosing seizures and for evaluation
useful for early detection of seizures in high-risk of brain function through assessment of electro-
infants. However, the reduced number of EEG cortical background abnormalities. The back-
electrodes will record fewer seizures than a full ground activity shortly after an insult is highly
EEG. Nevertheless, it has been demonstrated that predictive of neurological injury and outcome.
a single-channel EEG from bilateral central leads, Metabolic diseases are frequently associated
or a two-channel aEEG/EEG, can record around with background abnormalities and seizures
75–85% of all seizures in a full EEG (Shellhaas (Olischar et al. 2012). For continuous monitoring
and Clancy 2007; Zhang et al. 2011b). A reason in the NICU, video-EEG is the gold standard, but
for this is that at least 60–70% of neonatal seizures this method is not available for daily use in many
appear in the central, temporal, and parietal areas hospitals. Other EEG trends such as IBI or
(Patrizi et al. 2003). A high detection rate of frequency-based trends may also prove to be of
seizures in the aEEG/EEG requires that the full value for evaluation of brain function. When
raw EEG is inspected. If just the aEEG trend is aEEG/EEG is recorded with a reduced number
inspected, only 20–40% of seizures in the EEG of electrodes, it is necessary to perform repeated
will be detected (Shellhaas et al. 2007). Seizure EEGs and perform the monitoring in close collab-
identification in the aEEG trend requires the oration with clinical neurophysiologists or
electrographic features of the seizure to be clearly neurologists.
distinguishable from the overall background
activity since this will produce a transient change
Neonatal Electroencephalography 9

Fig. 4 Subclinical status epileptics in two full-term also be seen in frontal (F3-F4) and parietal (P3-P4) leads.
infants treated with moderate hypothermia for perinatal (b) A single-channel recording with aEEG duration 4 h,
asphyxia. (a) This figure shows 6 h of aEEG and 25 s of and 38 s of EEG below. The seizures are continuously
EEG and a clearly visible saw-tooth pattern indicating on-going during the whole aEEG recording, and therefore,
repeated seizures. The seizure pattern disappears after there is no saw-tooth pattern in the aEEG. Inspection of the
administration of effective antiepileptic treatment, chang- raw EEG should identify the seizures, and a seizure detec-
ing the background pattern to discontinuous. The seizure tion alarm would probably also detect the seizures. The
displayed in the EEG started 2 min earlier on the left side aEEG background looks continuous without any variabil-
(F3-P3), not shown in the EEG but can be seen in the aEEG ity, but due to the seizures the background activity cannot
trace. The seizure activity in the EEG is right-sided and can be assessed
10 L.K. Hellström-Westas

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