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CNS 765: Addiction Counseling


I, Michelle White, agree to give up and be free from the following habit, substance, or behavior
of my choice for part of the Summer 2022 Semester (Ex., Summer 2017):

- All soda, including diet, sugar free, and zero varieties

- Snack cakes (ie. Little Debbie, Tasty Kake, and Hostess varieties)

In addition, I will add the following positive behavior in place of the habit, substance, or behavior
I am giving up: I plan to replace drinking soda with drinking at least 32 oz (the capacity of my
water bottle) of water a day. I will be allowed to utilize sugar and calorie free water enhancers
(like Mio or Lipton packets) to flavor my water if I am struggling to reach my daily goal or if I feel
the need to drink something sweet. I plan to replace eating snack cakes with eating healthier
alternatives of sweets (like chocolate bread that has zucchini in it or chocolate muffins that hide
pureed vegetables and fruits. I also plan to more closely track my sweets habit by tracking how
often I consume these alternate sweets and what portion size I consume in a journal.
Additionally, I want to add the habit of walking 30 minutes a day at least five days a week to my

I plan to enlist the support of these 3 individuals in my life to help me in this process

My sister Allison, my mom Maria, and my friend Danielle .

I understand that entering into and upholding, as best I can, this contract is part of the
abstinence experience for this course and will assist me in further developing my empathy skills
for current and future clients.

Michelle White
Student’s Signature

06/26/22 Date

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