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Chapter 5: Paraffin

Chapter 5: Paraffin
5.1 Problem
Both crude oil and gas condensate contain paraffinic components known as wax. Paraffins are
naturally occurring organic molecules composed of carbon and hydrogen. They have the general
formula CnH2n+2 and may exist structurally as linear chains (n-alkanes), branched chains, or
cyclic compounds. The concentration, structure, and molecular weight range of these paraffins
varies considerably from one hydrocarbon source to another. Paraffins have only limited
solubility in the crude unless the temperature of the oil is above the wax appearance temperature,
or WAT. The wax appearance temperature (also called the cloud point) is the temperature at
which paraffin first begins to crystallize.

Paraffin is assumed to be in solution under reservoir conditions or at temperatures above the

WAT. However, if these conditions are altered, the paraffin can precipitate from the crude and
adhere to the surfaces of the system. Wax is defined as a deposit composed of paraffins and other
hydrocarbons that get trapped within the paraffin matrix. These “other” hydrocarbons may
include crude oil and asphaltenes. Following are several factors known to influence the
precipitation of paraffin from crude:

The temperature of the produced fluid falls below the WAT as it comes up the well bore and
into the processing facility. Paraffin may begin to come out of solution and form wax
deposits on the tubing and pipe walls.
As the composition of the hydrocarbon liquid changes (either by mixing with other streams
or losing the volatile components), precipitation can occur.
Foreign matter in the crude such as silt, scale, salts, and corrosion by-products (iron sulfide
and iron oxide) serve as nuclei around which the paraffin can crystallize. When this
mechanism begins, continued growth can proceed.
Rough, porous, or irregular surfaces can increase deposition.
Wax can restrict production by forming deposits on the formation face, tubing, and flowlines. It
can cause pumps and related equipment to stick, resulting in both a loss of production and costly
well workovers.

Wax deposits can also form pads in separation equipment and tank bottoms in stock tanks that
can cause “bad oil.” These pads and tank bottoms must often be removed mechanically from the
vessels at significant cost.

Waxy solids may hinder oil treating when associated with an emulsion problem. Paraffins may
form a waxy gel in the oil, preventing coalescence of the water droplets and reducing the
effectiveness of emulsion breakers.

Waxy crude may develop high viscosity during transmission through trunk lines and, even
worse, may gel and become unpumpable. The temperature at which crude no longer moves or
flows is known as the “pour point.” If the crude temperature falls below the pour point, re-start
of a dead pipeline may be impossible.

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Chapter 5: Paraffin
5.1.1 Offshore and Deepwater Operations
Paraffinic crudes present a greater challenge to offshore and deepwater operators than to onshore
operators because:

The options for treatment are more limited. In Section 5.4, several methods for wax
removal and prevention are discussed. Many of these options are either not practical
offshore or too costly.
The cost of remediation is higher. Removing wax from a subsea flowline is significantly
more costly than a similar job onshore. Well workovers are more expensive because of the
added costs of transporting people, equipment, and chemicals offshore and the costs of
handling any waste generated by the workover.
The cost of failure is much higher. This is not only because of the higher cost of
remediation but also because a subsea flowline completely plugged with wax may be
impossible to remediate and re-start.
Chemical applications are more challenging. Applying chemicals into wells that are
completed subsea often means injecting the products through umbilicals that are several
miles long. The chemicals are subjected to near-freezing temperatures during the travel
through the umbilical, then must withstand the heat and pressure of the wellbore. Products
designed for onshore applications are not always capable of handling the subsea

The key problems caused by wax that concern offshore and deepwater operators are:

Deposition — Wax deposits restrict flow and reduce throughput onshore as well as offshore.
The differences offshore are the increase remediation costs and the increased dollar impact of
flow restrictions in offshore production, where wells typically have higher production rates
than onshore wells.
Viscosity — Offshore operations in deeper water encounter cold temperatures, especially in
the case of subsea flowlines and tiebacks. The viscosity of paraffinic crude oils below the
wax appearance temperature can increase greatly, causing flow problems.
Re-start — Temporary shutdowns are a concern in deepwater operations with paraffinic
crudes because of the chance that the oil will gel in a subsea flowline or pipeline. As stated
earlier, the re-start of a plugged subsea line may be operationally or economically

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Chapter 5: Paraffin
5.2 Theory
All crude oils contain paraffinic components. The chart below demonstrates how paraffin fits
into the scheme of crude oil.

The Constituents of Petroleum Crude

C number Type Example

C1 - C4 Natural Gases Methane, Propane, Butane
C5 - C8 Low Boiling Liquids Petroleum Ether, Light Naphtha, Gasoline
(40 – 120 C)
C9 - C12 Higher Boiling Liquids Kerosene
(120 – 210 C)
C13 - C17 Very High Boiling Liquids Diesel Fuel
(210 – 300 C)
C18 – C34 Non-Volatile Liquids, Paraffin, Lubricating Oils
Long Chain Alkanes
C35+ Non-Volatile Solids, Asphaltenes, Petroleum Coke, Waxes
Very Long Chain Alkanes,
Polycyclic Structures

Crude oils contain three types of paraffins that are liquid and not likely to cause deposition
problems: low molecular weight straight chain, branched chain, and cyclic paraffins.

Low Molecular Weight (C15 or less) Straight Chain

(Also called normal alkanes or n-alkanes and normal paraffins or n-paraffins)


Branched Chain


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Chapter 5: Paraffin





Straight chain paraffins (or n-alkanes) from C16 up are waxy solids under normal ambient
conditions, with solubility decreasing and melting point increasing as carbon numbers increase.
Branching can have a major influence on the melting point of paraffin. A n-alkane C16 paraffin
will have a cloud point of about 70°F. A branched C16 will have a pour point less than -70°F. A
cyclic C16 paraffin will have a pour point even lower. Therefore, the paraffins of concern in the
oil field are n-alkanes (straight chains) of C16 and higher.

5.2.1 Mechanism of Wax Deposition

Because paraffins are inert and will not react with other components, they retain their physical
properties regardless of the chemical mixture of the crude in which they occur. As a
consequence, the temperature at which paraffins crystallize is not significantly affected by
outside chemical influences.

The physical conditions to which paraffin is exposed determine whether it will crystallize. The
physical condition with the greatest influence on paraffin is temperature. If crude becomes cool
enough to allow paraffin crystallization, there is nothing that can be done to stop the growth of
crystals. The best remedy is to modify the form of the crystal so, when coming out of solution
from the crude, they do not cluster and agglomerate and are therefore less likely to deposit on

Under normal conditions, most crude oil pipelines operate under a turbulent flow regime. In this
type of flow, there is a turbulent core and laminar boundary layer adjacent to the pipe wall.

In the turbulent core, temperature, velocity, and wax concentration are independent of radial
position. In the laminar boundary layer, there is a high velocity gradient and decrease in
temperature towards the pipe wall.

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Chapter 5: Paraffin
The laminar boundary layer controls the wax deposition rate.

Two mechanisms, molecular diffusion and shear dispersion govern the transport of dissolved or
precipitated wax from the liquid crude to the pipe wall. Molecular diffusion transports dissolved
wax, and shear dispersion transports precipitated wax.

If a pipeline is operating within a laminar flow regime, deposition will increase as the velocity of
the oil decreases. Under worst-case conditions, the oil will solidify at the pipeline wall and the
pipeline will rapidly become choked with wax. Molecular Diffusion

In a pipeline where oil is cooling down, molecular diffusion occurs as soon as the pipe wall
temperature reaches the cloud point. There is then a wax concentration gradient between a higher
level of dissolved wax in the turbulent core of the oil and the lower level of wax still in solution
at the pipe wall. This causes dissolved wax to diffuse towards the pipe wall where it is

Pipe wall surfaces are inherently rough, providing nucleation sites for precipitation. The
precipitated wax gradually becomes incorporated into an immobile layer.

Deposition only occurs when the oil is being cooled. If the pipe wall temperature is higher than
the bulk oil temperature, molecular diffusion can be reversed and waxy residues on the pipe wall
can be redissolved into the turbulent core. Shear Dispersion

Wax crystals already present in the flowing crude tend to flow at the mean speed of the crude oil.
However, close to the pipe wall, shearing of the liquid causes lateral movement of the particles
of wax. This lateral movement is called shear dispersion.

This leads to the transport of precipitated wax from the turbulent core to the pipe wall where it
may either deposit directly onto the wall surface or link with wax already deposited by molecular

With shear dispersion, there is no tendency for nucleation to occur at the pipe wall surface. This
can lead to a less tenacious deposit than would occur by molecular diffusion.

Factors that affect shear dispersion are:

Wall shear rate.

Quantity of precipitated wax.
Shape and size of wax crystals.

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Chapter 5: Paraffin
Shear dispersion mechanisms only become significant if the precipitated wax content in the
turbulent core is high. This only occurs when the bulk oil temperature is well below the cloud

Although an increase in shear rate tends to encourage more lateral dispersion of wax particles
toward the pipe wall, the increase in shear rate also encourages deposited wax crystals to be
stripped off the pipe wall. For any given system, equilibrium is reached where deposition
approaches a maximum thickness of deposit, provided conditions remain constant.

It is considered that molecular diffusion is the dominant process at higher temperatures and shear
dispersion will dominate at lower temperatures when shorter chain length (or soft) n-alkanes
contribute to the deposition process. It is most likely that both mechanisms proceed

5.3 Conducting the System Survey

5.3.1 Identification
Problem crudes may be divided into four classes as described below. Crudes with API Gravity > 20 (with Low Wax Content)

This class has low wax content (<2%) and includes gaseous hydrocarbon streams.

Very likely, such oils will not present either a viscosity problem or a deposition problem in
production or field operations. This is because only a small amount of the liquid components of
these oils will solidify on cooling.

Even though such crude may contain very low paraffin levels, if the paraffins present happen to
be long straight chain hydrocarbons, it is possible these paraffins may crystallize as the crude
cools and cause deposition or solids problems in heat exchangers, separators, or storage tanks.

If an oil contains less than 2% wax, it is highly unlikely that there will be a significant increase in
the viscosity of the oil as it cools.

Gaseous hydrocarbon streams may contain significant quantities of condensate. Condensate is an

excellent solvent for paraffins, and it may carry small quantities of dissolved paraffins along with
the gas. Although the percentage of paraffin present in the total gas volume is low, the paraffins
are concentrated in the condensate, and a wax deposit may form at any point in the stream where
a pressure drop is experienced. If the gas contains minor amounts of oil, for example due to poor
demisting, wax deposition may occur in gas/gas heat exchangers.

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Chapter 5: Paraffin Crudes with API Gravity > 20 (with Moderately High and High Wax Content)

With moderately high wax content (>2%, <8%)

Crudes with more than 2% wax have a good chance of forming deposits downhole, in
flowlines, and in transmission lines. Deposits may need to be removed by routine scraping
and pigging.

As the crude cools, crystallization of the contained waxes will likely cause a slight increase
in viscosity, which may require an increase in pumping horsepower.

Another problem common to crudes of this type is formation of paraffin pads in separators
and storage tanks.
With high wax content (>8%)

Crude oils containing more than 8% wax will potentially suffer from deposition problems at
high temperatures when the first wax starts to crystallize and pumpability problems as it
cools towards its solidification temperature. This will progress ultimately to a networking of
the contained waxes that cause the crude to gel and lock up the line.

All of the problems exhibited by waxy crudes arise from the decrease in solubility that the
contained waxes experience as the crude cools from reservoir temperature. Crudes with API Gravity < 20 (Heavy Crudes)

Crudes with an API gravity of less than 20 will most likely contain asphaltenes. Asphaltic
components have higher densities than other hydrocarbon components and contribute to the
increase in crude density, which is expressed by low API numbers.

Crudes with API gravity below 20 but above 10 are called heavy crudes and they exhibit a
different set of properties and problems than do paraffinic crudes. Hard, brittle, high-melting-
point deposits or high crude density and viscosity are likely to cause problems in their
production, separation, and transmission. Crudes with API gravity < 10 (Very Heavy Crudes)

Crudes with API gravity less than 10 are classified as very heavy crude. These crude oils have a
high asphaltene content. Because of their high viscosity, they present very serious problems in
their production, treatment, and transmission.

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Chapter 5: Paraffin
5.3.2 Areas of Paraffin Deposition
The history of field operations will immediately indicate if a paraffin problem exists. The Lease
Operator will be able to tell you where in the production system paraffin is depositing.
Generally, there are four areas where paraffin deposition will occur: Formations/Perforations

Formations plugged with paraffin, inorganic deposits, or other debris will reduce the total
producing capability of a reservoir. Paraffin that deposits around the perforations will limit fluid
entry into the well and, hence, limit crude flow.

Because paraffin generally has a melting point of around 120°F to 140ºF, most wells with higher
bottom hole temperature (BHT) will naturally keep paraffin fluid in the formation. In these cases,
formation plugging will occur infrequently. Tubing

Paraffin that deposits in the tubing can occur for a variety of reasons. As the produced fluids rise
to the surface, cooler temperatures may be encountered, especially if the fluids hit cold zones in
the well. If a pressure drop occurs as the fluid rises in the tubing and gas escapes, paraffin may
crystallize out of solution.

In any case, paraffin that deposits in the tubing will decrease well efficiency. Lower production
means unrealized dollars for the producer. Paraffin deposition in well tubing can be so severe
that it will literally restrain rod movement to the point where production ceases. Heavy paraffin
deposition can damage a pump and render it inoperable. Flowlines

Paraffin deposition in flowlines will be most prevalent in colder climates but can occur under
almost any condition if the crude is quite paraffinic. Increase in flowline pressures over time is a
reliable indicator of the presence of paraffin. If flow through a pipeline is slow, paraffin will
settle out more easily.

Flowlines restricted by paraffin mean lower production, loss of revenues, and possible equipment
damage if pressure is allowed to build. Tank Bottoms

Large paraffin deposits may exist in storage vessels, especially if the crude is allowed to stand
without agitation for a long time. This paraffin can build up layers at the bottom of the tank
ranging from a few inches to several feet. Tank bottoms minimize tank capacities and will
eventually cause handling problems and expense if the bottoms have to be physically removed.

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Chapter 5: Paraffin
More importantly, if these paraffin bottoms can be refluidized, they would be worth additional
revenue as crude instead of waste.

5.3.3 Paraffin Identification Field Tests

Wax deposits will range anywhere from a pure white substance to almost totally black and
asphaltic in appearance. Centrifuge Tube Test Method

Physical confirmation of paraffin can be made by means of the Centrifuge Tube Test.


1. To a centrifuge tube filled to the 50% mark with a suitable grindout solvent (Stoddard
Solvent, Varsol, toluene, etc.), add the crude sample to the 100% mark, add 2 to 3 drops of
slugging compound (EC2003A), and shake well.

2. Centrifuge for about 3 minutes. If the emulsion was not completely resolved and there is a
remaining BS layer, complete the following steps.

3. Heat tube and contents to about 120°F, and agitate well to ensure complete breaking of the

4. Again, heat the tube to about 150°F and centrifuge 1 minute. If the last two steps resolved the
emulsion, paraffin can be present. To confirm this, let the tube cool to ambient temperature
and centrifuge again. If paraffin is present, it will have congealed and reappeared as a BS
layer or plug in the tube. Hot Xylene Test

This test is a qualitative way to determine if a deposit sample is mostly organic or inorganic.


Take a portion of the deposit sample to be tested and try to dissolve it in hot xylene. If the
sample dissolves, it is organic. If the sample does not dissolve, it is inorganic in nature (scale,
iron sulfide, rust, sand, clay, etc.)

Caution: Xylene is a flammable liquid. Keep away from heat, sparks, and open flame. Keep
containers closed. Do not breathe vapor. Use with adequate ventilation.

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Chapter 5: Paraffin Melt Test

This is a qualitative test to distinguish between paraffin and asphaltenes.


1. Place a portion of the suspected paraffin/asphaltene sample in a porcelain crucible. A small

metal bowl or cup will substitute for the crucible if necessary.

2. Heat the sample over a flame.

3. Observe the behavior of the sample.

Paraffin will melt down to a liquid smoothly and re-solidify upon cooling. Asphaltenes will puff
up and expand upon heating. They will not liquefy easily or solidify upon cooling. When
burning, asphaltenes will crackle and pop. Pentane Solubility Test

This test is a way of distinguishing between paraffins and asphaltenes.


Take a portion of the suspected paraffin/asphaltene sample, and try to dissolve it in hot pentane.
Hot kerosene, diesel, or gasoline can serve as substitutes for hot pentane. Paraffin will be soft
and pliable and will dissolve in these solvents. Asphaltenes will be dark black, hard, and brittle
and will not dissolve in these solvents.

Caution: The solvents used in this procedure are flammable. Pentane and gasoline are extremely
flammable. Keep away from heat, sparks, and open flame. Keep the containers closed. Do not
breathe vapor. Use with adequate ventilation.

Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. Wash thoroughly after handling. In case of contact,
immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Call a physician. Flush skin
with water. Wash clothing before reuse.

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Chapter 5: Paraffin
5.4 Problem Resolution Options
An operator experiencing paraffin deposition problems has several options:

Insulated or heated pipes

Dilution with low wax content crude
Allowing the deposits to form until production is reduced to an unacceptable level (The
deposits are then removed by some physical process like hot oiling (melting) or scraping the
deposits from tubulars and equipment.)
Chemical additives

Often times a combination of two or more of the above will be necessary.

5.4.1 Melting the Deposits

Paraffin deposits may be liquefied by the application of heat. Heat may be applied continuously
to a system using line or downhole heaters. These methods have the advantage of simplicity but
the disadvantage of increased energy costs as compared to other options.

In onshore operations, heat is most commonly applied using a hot oil truck. This process is
known as “hot oiling.” Liquids such as hot crude or hot water are pumped down the annulus of
the well to remove wax deposits. Hot oiling works by heating the tubing from the outside. The
heated tubing melts the wax deposits. The advantages of hot oiling are its simplicity, low cost,
and immediate results. Hot oiling can cause formation damage, however, unless the fluids are
clean and paraffin-free.

For offshore and deepwater operations, hot oiling with a truck is not possible and the equipment
necessary to heat oil to the required temperature would be big and hazardous to operate on an
offshore facility. Most offshore facilities do not use heat to remove wax deposits. At least one
deepwater operator, however, continuously circulates hot water from the host platform through a
pipe-in-pipe design to subsea wells and back to the platform to prevent wax and gas hydrate

5.4.2 Scraping (Wirelining)

Well pressure is a major factor in the decision to scrape a well. High-pressure wells cannot use
hot oiling, nor can hot oiling be used offshore.

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Chapter 5: Paraffin Advantages

Periodic scraping (wirelining):

It has about the same cost as hot oiling.

Scraping physically removes paraffin without melting; this avoids re-deposition, but it may
cause plugging.
Scraping is well established; it is the technique of choice in some areas.
Scraping requires no handling of low flash point chemicals.
If deposits are very hard, scraping can be augmented by a chemical soak.

Continuous scraping:

Continuous scraping keeps production levels high.

The system operates while the well is producing.
Continuous scraping can be used for paraffin removal from high-pressure wells.
In gas lift wells, this process can be used with the continuous addition of chemicals to keep
the deposit soft and easier to remove. Disadvantages

Scraping is not as efficient as hot oiling (about two-thirds as effective).

The minimum charges for periodic scraping can be uneconomical for isolated wells.
Large chunks of paraffin may settle in flowlines and cause blockage.
The metal-to-metal contact roughens the tubing wall, which encourages deposition. (It has
been shown that paraffin deposits do not adhere well to shiny metal surfaces but do adhere to
roughened surfaces.)

5.4.3 Offshore and Deepwater Operations

For minor wax deposition or unexpected flow restrictions, many offshore and deepwater
operators rely on pigging or solvent soaks to remove deposits from flowlines and pipelines.
Scraping is often used in offshore wells in shallow water to remove wax deposits. If wax
deposition or viscosity is more severe, chemical treatment becomes the most economical

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Chapter 5: Paraffin
5.4.4 Chemical Treatment
In addition to the mechanical techniques of hot oiling and scraping, there are several approaches
involving the application of chemicals that may prove more beneficial.

If hot oiling is already in use, it will be necessary to compare the cost of hot oiling versus
chemical treatment, thereby opening the possibility of testing various products. This comparison
would provide an excellent opportunity to use your Nalco ROI program and training.

Paraffin control chemicals are classified as solvents, dispersants, wax crystal modifiers (or
paraffin inhibitors), and pour point depressants. Solvents

Solvents remove paraffin deposits by dissolving the paraffin. Many types of solvents have been
used in the past. These include condensate, casing head gasoline, pentane, light gas oil, xylene,
toluene, carbon tetrachloride, carbon disulfide, and terpenes among others.

The most commonly used solvents for many years were the chlorinated hydrocarbons: carbon
tetrachloride, trichloroethylene, and perchloroethylene. They were relatively inexpensive, had a
high density, and were nonflammable. However, crude treated with these chlorinated
hydrocarbons caused problems in the refinery. It was for this reason that their use was
discontinued. These solvents are not now and should never be used in the oil field.

To appreciate the benefits of solvent removal compared to hot oiling, it should be recognized that
hot oiling removes paraffin deposits by an entirely different physical method than does a solvent.
Hot oiling attempts to introduce heat into the tubular to melt the paraffin so that, when the
paraffin converts to its liquid form, it will be carried out with the produced oil. Hot oiling
removes the low-melting paraffins easily, but the high-melting paraffins require a great deal of
heat. If the high-melting paraffins are not completely removed by the hot oiling, they will
accumulate and slowly reduce the internal diameter of the tubular until production is retarded.

Solvency attacks the crystal from the outside in. A good solvent dissolves paraffin molecules off
the surface, regardless of the structure, size, or melting point of the molecule. This requires
much less energy than is needed to melt the crystal.

As with any solvent process, the effectiveness of the solvent increases with increasing
temperature and agitation. It is not necessary that heat is used with a solvent, but both heat and
agitation speed up the process of dissolving. Hot solvents dissolve paraffins faster than cold
solvents, but the energy requirement to improve the solvency power of solvents is far lower than
the energy requirement for hot oiling.

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Chapter 5: Paraffin
Because the solvent itself is removing the paraffin deposit, it is necessary to use a solvent
volume sufficient to accomplish complete dissolution. Consequently, when solvents are used, a
relatively large volume may be required. This may be economically unattractive to the customer.

To make solvent usage economical, it will most likely be spotted at the level where the deposit
exists and then allowed to soak several hours to dissolve the deposit (minimum soak time four

Solvents may also be effective in removing blockage from flowlines, but this depends on the
degree of blockage. If the flowline is:

Totally blocked (i.e., there is no pressure bleed-off), solvents will prove ineffective. In this
case, solvents simply dissolve paraffin off the face of the deposit.
Partially blocked (i.e., there is slow pressure bleed-off), solvents can penetrate and eventually
dissolve deposits. Again, heat will be very beneficial to the solvent action. Dispersants

Solvents will lose effectiveness if there is too much water associated with the crude. In general,
dispersants will prove more effective when more than a 20% water cut is present.

Dispersants perform a different function and are applied differently than solvents. The dispersant
does not do the work of removing the deposit, and it is not used in a concentrated fashion, as is a
solvent. The dispersant is used at ppm treatment levels in a carrier fluid; it is the carrier fluid that
removes the paraffin.

The carrier fluid might be a paraffin solvent, hot crude, or hot water. The latter two offer a means
to introduce heat into the wellbore to melt the paraffin.

Dispersants will not remove paraffin when injected on a continuous basis. Instead, dispersants
are used to prevent paraffin deposition in systems that have been cleaned by mechanical,
thermal, or chemical means.

Dispersants work by coating the paraffin crystal and the metal surfaces, causing the paraffin
crystals to repel each other and the metal surfaces. This approach to paraffin control does not
prevent the paraffin crystals from forming but merely keeps them from forming a solid deposit
and keeps them moving with the crude.

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Chapter 5: Paraffin Wax Crystal Modifier (Paraffin Inhibitor)

The number, size, and shape of wax crystals determines their tendency to increase crude
viscosity, network into a gel, and form a deposit. The three most common growth patterns are as

A. Needles — These can network and trap the liquid fraction of the crude.

B. Malcrystals — Poorly shaped crystals that cannot network; they are pumpable.

C. Plates — Plates are pumpable, but it is possible for plates to curl on their edges to form
hollow needles that can network.

A fourth type (D) called microcrystalline waxes are found in the residues in refinery stills, but
they are not encountered in crude wax deposits or precipitates.

Wax crystal modifiers (also called paraffin inhibitors) are usually polymeric materials. These
materials are thought to prevent paraffin deposition by co-crystallizing and modifying the wax
crystal. They change the shape of the paraffin crystal as it comes out of solution so that it does
not form needles, will not network, and will move with the liquid portion of the crude.

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Chapter 5: Paraffin
Wax crystals grow by the addition of individual paraffin molecules to the edge of a crystal
nucleus. Wax crystal modifiers have a structure that in part is similar to that of wax. They co-
crystallize with the wax by taking the place of a paraffin molecule on the edge of the growing
crystal. See figure below.

The balance of the wax crystal modifier interferes with the proper molecular registration of new
paraffin molecules, and growth terminates or occurs in a different direction so that a well-formed
needle does not grow. The malcrystals that form cannot network to form deposits and will
remain suspended in the crude.

It is important to note that wax crystal modifiers affect the formation of paraffin crystals just as
the crystals begin to form, that is, at the cloud point. Wax crystal modifiers can do little to
change the cloud point itself. This is not the case with pour point, which can be lowered
chemically. (See Section Pour Point Depressant.)

To be effective, wax crystal modifiers must be mixed into the crude oil when the oil is above the
cloud point. After paraffin crystals have already formed, adding a wax crystal modifier will have
little or no effect. Pour Point Depressant (PPD)

Pour point depressants are wax crystal modifiers — these names are often used interchangeably.
A pour point depressant is defined by its function and not its chemistry. On one crude oil a PPD
may work well as a pour point depressant; on another oil it may prevent wax deposition; while
on a third crude it may have good functionality for both. PPDs may be applied in crude oils
where the pour point of the crude is relatively high. PPDs must be mixed into the oil at a
temperature above the cloud point to be effective.

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Chapter 5: Paraffin
5.5 Value and ROI Calculations and Examples

5.5.1 Value
The value of paraffin remediation and control programs lies in the dollars returned to the
customer by the dollars invested in our program. In general, paraffin programs return value in
three ways:

Restorative value comes from a situation where current costs are excessive and are
correctable. Paraffin remediation programs provide this type of value by removing
restrictions to flow and returning the system to its optimum production level.
Opportunistic value comes from a situation where you can improve the customer’s
operations to increase profit margins on current sales. An example is the use of paraffin
inhibitors to improve the efficiency of an oil-treating program, thereby lowering the
customer’s cost per barrel of pipeline oil.
Preventative values are things you do to prevent your customer from having a competitive
disadvantage. Values that can prevent a customer from incurring a competitive disadvantage
are priceless. A PARASQUEEZE® formation squeeze program and the use of a paraffin
inhibitor in a subsea line are examples of providing preventative value because they prevent
costly clean-outs and decreased oil production.

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Chapter 5: Paraffin
5.5.2 ROI
The financial return to the customer of the value of your paraffin control program can be
expressed as a Return on Investment, or ROI.

ROI Calculations for Paraffin Control Programs

% ROI = Incremental $ Returned - Incremental $ Spent x 100

Incremental $ Spent

Incremental Dollars Returned: Agreed-upon gross savings from these areas —

− Decreased remediation costs — Number of fewer clean-outs in a one-year period times
the average cost of a clean-out (use total clean-out cost: chemical, labor, equipment,
safety training, waste disposal, etc.)
− Reduced total treatment cost — Compared to hot-oil treatments (include the costs of
treating the paraffin after it cools upon reaching the separation equipment) and
mechanical removal.
− Incremental production — Average oil production in bbl between clean-outs after
treatment compared to before treatment times price of crude per bbl.
− Decreased oil and/or water treatment costs — (For systems in which paraffins cause
problems such as interface pads, oil carryover, wet oil, etc.) compare treating costs before
and after paraffin treatment. Costs could include chemical, heat, re-treatment, slop oil
treatment, and overboard water fines.
Total Dollars Spent: All the costs the customer incurred to implement the ONES program
that achieved the savings. For example: chemical cost, one-time start-up costs, annual
depreciation expense on feed equipment, etc., in one year.
Incremental Dollars Spent: The difference between the Total Dollars Spent with ONES and
the Total Dollars Spent with the competitor (or without ONES) in one year.

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Chapter 5: Paraffin
5.6 Relevant Lab Testing
The following laboratory procedures can be performed to assist in the paraffin inhibitor selection

5.6.1 Cold Finger (or Cold Coil) Deposition Test

The Cold Finger Deposition test helps to predict whether a particular oil will suffer from paraffin
or wax deposition under pipeline conditions. Hot oil is exposed to a cold surface and after a
fixed period, the weight of deposited wax is determined and a comparison is made between the
amount of deposit for treated and untreated crude.

5.6.2 ASTM D-97 Pour Point Unit

There are four ASTM D-97 pour point units available in the Sugar Land Laboratory. They vary
in size and in temperature range. A seven-cell unit that uses a variable temperature controller is
the device used for crude oils. For most pour point tests, use the standard ASTM D-97
procedure. However, on occasions, it is necessary to deviate from the ASTM D-97 procedure to
match field conditions.

5.6.3 Constant Temperature Ramp Down Pour Point Unit

This devise is like the standard ASTM D-97 pour point units. The main difference is the
temperature ramp down rate is variable. This allows for a more accurate pour point test.

5.6.4 TA 1000 Viscometer

This is a viscometer that can measure the viscosity of a crude oil during cooling, the shear stress
versus shear rate profile at a fixed temperature, and yield point. This viscometer will also
measure cloud point.

5.6.5 Brookfield Viscometer

This viscometer measures the viscosity of a crude oil during cooling and shear stress versus
shear rate profiles at a fixed temperature.

5.6.6 Fann 35 and 50 Viscometers

These viscometers can measure various rheological properties of petroleum products.

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Chapter 5: Paraffin
5.6.7 DSC Instruments
The DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimeter) measures the cloud point and melting point of
crudes. The DSC procedures are varied and can match specific needs.
5.6.8 H. P. Gas Chromatograph
The Gas Chromatograph measures the paraffin carbon chain distribution in crude oils. This
instrument can measure carbon chains up to C-80.

5.6.9 Paraffin Flow Loop

This instrument is a highly technical instrument designed to emulate pipeline conditions. This
instrument’s primary function is to measure paraffin deposition rates and pressure increases
under pipeline conditions.

5.6.10 Restart Flow Loop

This is a flow loop designed to measure the restart pressure of crude in a pipeline.

5.7 Field Selection Tests

5.7.1 Paraffin Inhibitor Field Test (Field Pour Point)

This tests the ability of paraffin inhibitors to lower the pour point of a crude oil:

Gather a fresh sample of chemical-free crude oil from the point where the paraffin chemical
will be injected. Heat (if necessary) just enough to fluidize the sample.
Determine the activation temperature. This is the maximum temperature that the oil will
reach after the chemical has been injected.
Fill 5 prescription bottles to the 100-ml mark with the crude.
Add one of the following concentrations of paraffin inhibitor to each bottle — 250, 500, 750,
and 1,000 ppm — and keep one bottle free of inhibitor for a blank. Label each bottle.
Heat the samples to the activation temperature and let set for 30 minutes.
Mix the bottles well. Cool to room temperature and place in a freezer.
Compare the various concentrations with the blank, and select the lowest dosage that enables
the oil to remain the most fluid.
Test other chemicals in the same manner and compare results.

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Chapter 5: Paraffin
5.7.2 Paraffin Solvents/Dispersants Field Test (Hot Flask
This tests the ability of inhibitors, solvents, and dispersants to affect the deposition of paraffin in
a system:

Place 100 ml of produced fluid or water to be used for clean-out into several bottles along
with approximately 4 gm of paraffin deposit.
Add 0.5 ml of each chemical to be evaluated into individual bottles, except one bottle. This
will be utilized as a blank. Label each bottle to identify the chemicals.
Shake the bottles to mix the chemical into the solution.
Place the bottles into a water bath (temperature 180-200°F) until the paraffin sample has
Remove the bottles from the bath and shake equal amounts until all of the paraffin deposit re-
solidifies (5-10 min.).
Visually determine the effectiveness of the chemicals by observation of —
a) The size of the paraffin particles (smaller preferred).
b) The quantity of paraffin adhering to the bottles and the bottle tops (no adhering
c) The clarity of the water/produced fluids (most clear preferred).
Note: Steps (a) and (b) determine the effectiveness of the chemical in preventing re-
deposition and re-agglomeration. Step (c) determines the extent to which a chemical will
avoid emulsifying oil into water.

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Chapter 5: Paraffin
5.7.3 Paraffin Solvent/Dispersant Field Test (Solvency Test)
This tests the relative effectiveness of different solvents in dissolving paraffin deposits:

Place approximately 10 gm of paraffin deposit to be treated into several 6-ounce prescription

Place the bottles into a hot water bath (150°F) to melt the paraffin.
When the paraffin is fluid, remove the bottles from the bath and replace the bottles on their
sides. Upon cooling, a column of paraffin will be stuck to one side of each bottle.
After the paraffin has solidified, turn the bottles upright and fill them with 100 ml of
produced fluid or the fluid you will be using to flush your chemical downhole or into
flowlines. Fluid must be at ambient temperature.
Add 2 ml of a different paraffin chemical (straight) to each bottle and agitate them several
times over a 3-hour period.
The most effective products will be those that remove the most paraffin off the sides of the
bottles into the carrier fluid.

5.7.4 Tank Bottom Test

This test is designed to choose compounds that disperse paraffin the best in an oil medium. This
test can be used for recommending batch treatments or continuous injection to correct tank
bottom problems.

Gather a sample of clean, chemical free oil and a sample of the tank bottom.
Place a mixture of ½ oil and ½ tank bottom into a number of bottles.
Inject 1,000 ppm chemical into each bottle, leaving one bottle untreated as the blank.
Shake the bottles 100 times and pour the contents into a standard graduated centrifuge tube.
Each chemically treated test oil should be in a different marked tube.
Let the oil sit for 4 to 24 hours before reading the results. The percentage bottom that has
been precipitated can be read by looking at the graduations on the centrifuge tubes. If a
bottom cannot be seen in the tube, it may be necessary to invert the tube and quickly read the
level of the bottom remaining in the narrow tip of the tube.

The compound leaving the least amount of bottom in the bottom of the centrifuge tube is the
most effective.

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Chapter 5: Paraffin
5.8 Guidelines for Application
In general terms, there are two methods of applying paraffin control chemicals. These are batch
treatment and continuous treatment.

Batch operations employing mechanical, thermal, or chemical techniques have an inherent

disadvantage that is corrected by continuous treatment. Any batch method is treating the problem
after it has become severe and needs attention. Consequently, the system will experience
variations in production levels until cleaned. With continuous treatment, production levels
remain constant.

5.8.1 Batch Treatment

Methods by which chemicals may be applied for batch treatments include: using a pump truck,
adding chemicals during hot oiling, adding them through a wellhead lubricator, or using the
suction of a triplex pump in a hydraulic lift system.

If a well has no packer or is fitted with a valved packer, treated fluid may be circulated down the
annulus. A well with a packer will require either that the treated fluid be spotted in the tubulars
and allowed to soak or that product and fluids be squeezed into the formation, allowed to soak,
and then be produced back to effect treatment.

The advantages of batch chemical treatment are as follows:

It works in combination with other processes to improve their effectiveness.

− Hot oiling — Chemical treatment helps the hot oil to completely remove the paraffin
while reducing the downstream problems that commonly occur in flowlines and tanks.
− Scraping — Soaking the paraffin before scraping softens the deposit and makes it easier
to remove.
− Pigging — The effectiveness of a soluble pig is improved by preceding it with a solvent
Treatment can be used to prepare flowlines to handle additional paraffin released by
Adding chemical will reduce the frequency of treatment versus hot oiling or scraping, which
may not include chemical.
For treating tanks, chemical treatment can compete economically with hot oiling in tanks that
have mixing capability if time is not a factor (typically four hours for hot oiling versus 24
hours for chemical treatment).

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Chapter 5: Paraffin
Some disadvantages of batch type treatments are:

Cost. If large volumes of solvent are required to remove buildup downhole and in flowlines,
hot oiling or scraping will be preferred.
Chemical treatment may be unattractive if the need for hot oiling or scraping is only reduced
rather than eliminated.
Solvent treatment cannot clear a completely plugged flowline.
Use of dispersants is dependent on a carrier fluid (solvent or hot liquid).
There may be handling liabilities with low flash point solvents.

Batch treatment has the following disadvantages when treating tanks:

Chemical treatment requires about 24 hours to clean oil, whereas hot oiling requires only
about four hours.
Correct choice of chemicals requires that the problem is accurately identified, i.e., emulsion
problems versus paraffin problem, and this may be difficult.

5.8.2 Continuous Treatment

There are two ways to prevent the deposition of paraffin: either keep the crude hot enough to
dissolve or melt the wax, or add a chemical on a continuous basis, which will discourage the
agglomeration or deposition of crystals. Downhole

It is crucial to the function of the chemicals used for the prevention of paraffin deposits that they
be added to the crude before the conditions favoring crystallization occur. If added to the
wellbore, they must be added below the point where deposition occurs.

The method to be used for continuous application of chemicals depends on the type of well
completion. (See diagrams in the Appendix at the end of this chapter.)

In a well with no packer, or a packer with a valve, chemical can be circulated —

− Down the annulus by adding it to a crude sidestream.
− With the power oil in a hydraulic lift pump.
If the well is fitted with a packer, the only options available are —
− The use of a squeeze with slow feedback.
− The continuous addition of chemical downhole through a capillary transmission system

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Chapter 5: Paraffin

Solvent can be squeezed into the formation with the intent of dissolving away paraffin blockage
on the formation face (the solvent will be slowly produced back with the crude). The solvent
should be applied as a prolonged soak to encourage as much solution of paraffin as possible.
Aromatic solvents are recommended.

Although this might be an effective way to clean the formation face close to the wellbore, it is
unlikely to produce any long-term benefits; paraffin solvents are not the types of chemicals likely
to adhere to formation clays. Squeezing surface-active dispersants dissolved in aromatic carriers
may offer a better chance of achieving some degree of long-term protection.

Wax crystal modifiers may provide some long-term protection, but they should be used with
caution. Because they are polymeric molecules, they may have trouble penetrating the pores of a
very tight formation. Low molecular weight modifiers are most likely to penetrate the formation
deep enough to be physically trapped in the formation pores.

It is also important to use low molecular weight modifiers due to the decreasing oil solubility of
modifiers as they increase in molecular weight. The wax crystal modifiers must be soluble in the
crude in order to be produced back. If the modifier is not soluble in the crude, it is possible for it
to solidify in the formation and cause plugging. Umbilicals

Subsea completions can be continuously treated through special capillary tubing strings located
inside umbilicals. The fluids going through these umbilicals are subjected to cold temperatures
(35-40°F on the sea floor), then to the high temperature and pressure inside the producing well.
In some umbilical applications that are several miles long, the chemical may be in the umbilical
for several days before it reaches the well. For these reasons, thought and care must be given to
the products used in these applications. Nalco has developed SURFLO CERTIFIED® products
that offer field-proven assurance of quality and compatibility with umbilical injection systems.

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Chapter 5: Paraffin
5.8.3 Squeeze Treatment: PARASQUEEZE®
PARASQUEEZE is an oil production paraffin control program invented by and patented by
Nalco Chemical Company in 1987 (U.S. Patent 4,693,312). The premise of this program is to
squeeze a paraffin inhibitor into a formation along with an activator. The patented application
controls the return of the inhibitor from the formation, thus providing protection from paraffin
deposition at the source. The activator allows for a slow feedback of the inhibitor that will
protect the formation, tubing, flowlines, and battery from paraffin deposition over an extended


PARASQUEEZE inhibitors are EC6013A, EC6494A, and EC6508A.

Product Selection

FIELD SCREENING of paraffin inhibitors may be accomplished by running the Field Pour
Point test.
LAB SCREENING of inhibitors requires one gallon of fresh crude per inhibitor to be tested.
− Complete a TSR requesting the selection of a paraffin inhibitor for a PARASQUEEZE
− Attach to the TSR a wellbore diagram and information about the reservoir to be
squeezed, including type of rock, permeability and percent porosity.
− Label and ship the crude oil samples according to the regulations for shipment of
hazardous materials.

General Procedure

(NOTE: If the formation has a BHT less than 100°F or has a permeability less than 300
millidarcies, contact Research or Marketing before recommending a PARASQUEEZE

1. WELLBORE/TUBING: Clean out. This step is essential to prevent possible formation

damage by debris removed from the tubing and formation face. Use a locally successful
procedure or see the example that follows this general procedure.
2. Pump activator (R-2035) in a lease crude solution.
3. PAD: Pump a pad of lease crude between the activator and the inhibitor.
4. PARASQUEEZE: Pump inhibitor in lease crude solution.
5. Overflush with 100 bbls. Of lease crude or one day’s oil production, whichever is greater.
6. Displace annulus/tubing with water or oil.

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Chapter 5: Paraffin
7. Shut in production 24 to 48 hours.
8. Return to production.
9. Monitor with Field Pour Point test.

PARASQUEEZE Procedure Example

1. Clean out existing paraffin in tubing and wellbore. Hot water well with 1 drum EC6006A in
75 barrels of 2% KCl water; heat to 240°F. Circulate well for 8 hours; produce load to
2. Shut in tubing and pump down annulus 1 drum R-2035 in 10 barrels crude. *
3. Pump down annulus a pad of 10 barrels lease crude. *
4. Pump down annulus 1 drum PARASQUEEZE inhibitor in 10 barrels lease crude. *
5. Overflush with 150 barrels lease crude. *
6. Displace annulus with produced water. *
7. Shut in 48 hours.
8. Return to normal production.

* NOTE: All fluid squeezed into any formation must be free of solids and compatible with the
formation. Flowlines

Continuous treatment of flowlines is easily done because of flowline accessibility. Justification

would come from frequent blockage with consequent loss of production, or because an isolated
well cannot be economically treated using hot oiling or scraping.

For effective treatment, the chemical must be applied before the oil reaches the cloud point.
Dispersants and wax crystal modifiers are the chemicals most effective for control.


The CTS system allows treatment of high-pressure wells without shut down or scraping.
Continuous chemical additions keep tubing and flowlines open to maintain a high level of
On clean flowlines, the overall cost of continuous treatment is less than hot oiling or
Continuous treatment keeps the inter-field transfer lines open and reduces the need to shut in
production because of blockage.

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Chapter 5: Paraffin
It works in combination with other processes. Scraping in gas lift well — continuous addition
to gas lift wells either makes scraping unnecessary or reduces frequency of cutting; it makes
paraffin deposits softer for easier removal; and it helps to lower normal high cutting costs.
Continuous treatment is often more economical for small fields than hot oiling or scraping
because of minimum charges for those methods.
In a rod pumped well, continuous addition through a bypass keeps rods free of paraffin, puts
less stress on the rods and less wear on the prime mover, and results in less down time and
cost for remedial work.
Beneficial effects carry through the system to keep flowlines, tanks, separation equipment,
and lines cleaner.
Continuous treatment produces cleaner, more salable oil.
Eliminating paraffin deposits that have water trapped in them reduces corrosion.


CTS system is needed, i.e., cost.

Dependency on chemical pumps may be a weakness. It depends on how closely the operator
maintains and monitors pump performance and dosage.

5.9 Field Monitoring Techniques

Monitoring the effectiveness of a paraffin treatment program can be accomplished through the
use of various techniques and equipment in much the same manner as those used to determine
the existence and deposition of paraffin in producing systems. The methods available and their
use will depend on where the paraffin deposits in the system are and the type of system being

5.9.1 Field History

Previous field history or problems can generally be discussed with production personnel to
determine the potential for paraffin problems on new wells being brought on stream or the
existence of existing paraffin problems. Trouble spots can be identified and the severity of the
problem can be determined. A reduction or elimination of the problem after a treating program
has been initiated can be used as a yardstick to measure the effectiveness of the program.

Water break-through or an increase in water production often results in a decrease in paraffin

deposition as paraffin normally ceases to cause problems when the water production increases to
20% and above.

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Chapter 5: Paraffin
5.9.2 Visual Inspection
Visual inspection of downhole and surface equipment — such as sucker rods, choke bodies,
flowlines, dump valves, and meter loops — provides actual evidence of the effectiveness or
failure of a treating program. Determining when a pump is to be pulled or a line is to be opened
will provide the opportunity to examine the equipment. Many times, rod pumps can be examined
at the pump shop at the time they are broken down for repairs and samples of deposits can be
obtained for analysis.

5.9.3 Well Records

Well records can prove to be a valuable source of information. They can provide insight into
production rates and the rate decline or loss of production prior to initiation of a treating
program. As paraffin deposits in the tubing, across the formation face, or across perforations, the
flow of fluids is restricted and production will decline.

Well records can also provide information on the severity of the problem (how often the well
required hot oiling or scraping), the location of the paraffin build-up, and the success or failure of
previous or current treating programs.

5.9.4 Pressure
Monitoring wellhead and flowline pressures can provide insight into the possible deposition of
paraffin in tubing and flowlines. As paraffin deposits in the tubing, wellhead pressures can be
expected to decline while deposits in flowlines will cause pressures to rise as the flow of liquids
become restricted. Backpressure in the flowline at the wellhead may also indicate plugging of the
flowline by a paraffin deposit.

5.9.5 Sucker Rod Movement

Monitoring sucker rod movement on pumping wells can sometimes be used as a guide to test the
effectiveness of treating programs on wells that form paraffin deposits on sucker rods. Paraffin
can deposit on sucker rods to the point of restricting the movement of the rods as they travel up
and down in the tubing. High lifting loads can be imposed on the pump jack as it lifts the
paraffin-laden rods. The rods may hang on the down stroke to the point that the total weight of
the rods is supported by the paraffin deposit and not the pumping unit. In some instances, it is
possible to see slack develop in the bridle cables during the down stroke as the paraffin supports
the weight of the string.

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Chapter 5: Paraffin
5.9.6 Thiefing or Gauging Stock Tanks
Paraffin deposits in stock tanks accumulate as tank bottoms. The deposits can be found by
gauging or thiefing the bottom of the tanks and running a grind out of the sample.

5.9.7 Pour Point

Field pour point can be used to monitor the return of wax crystal modifier from a formation
squeeze application.

5.10 Reporting Capabilities, 6SS, and Continuous

Reporting should include the following key performance indicators:

Results of monitoring:
− Field Pour Point
− Pressure changes
− Production figures
− Measurements of vessel bottoms
− Performance of oil treating program
− Coupons, nipples, etc.
Remediation Costs, including downtime versus prior to treatment
Cost per bbl treated versus target
Squeeze life (if applicable)
ROI for reporting period in currency and in percent return versus target
A statement of any key issues potentially affecting the ROI

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Chapter 5: Paraffin
5.11 Capabilities Presentation
Paraffin Training

5.12 Reference Materials

Please refer to these documents for further discussion of paraffin treatment:

Deepstar* Paraffin Discussion — Deepstar is an oil industry consortium organized to study

offshore flow assurance issues. Nalco is a member of this consortium.

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Chapter 5: Paraffin
5.13 Appendix

5.13.1 Paraffin Product Selection Guide

Methods to N Can you
determine obtain a
problem w/o a representative
deposit sample deposit


Determine that sample is


Is NO Deposit is asphaltene.
deposit See Asphaltene Control
soluble Product Selection Guide


Deposit is paraffin.
What is the problem?

Paraffin Deposits Paraffinic crude that gels, has high viscosity or high pour point

Remova Is the need to Products
Control /
remove the deposit EC6012A
or control / prevent EC6013A
Solvents and Dispersants it? Inhibitors and Dispersants
EC6494A *
Is water cut
less than Or

* These products are assured to

Global Global
Products Products be umbilical compatible.

EC6004A S
EC6009A EC6002A

Location of Deposits


See Downhole See Flowline SYSTEM See Tank
Treating Guide Treating Guide See Oil Treating Treating Guide

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Chapter 5: Paraffin
5.13.2 Downhole Paraffin Treating Guide


Annulus: Annulus:
PARASQUEEZE® Capillary Tubing Gas Lift Continuous with Batch with Power Oil
String Production Flush Water Flush & Other

Global Products Global Products Global Products Global Products

YES Through
umbilical EC6012A EC6012A EC6002A EC6012A
? EC6284A EC6013A EC6005A EC6013A
EC6426A EC6284A EC6140A EC6284A
EC6453A EC6426A EC6426A
EC6494A * EC6494A EC6453A Or EC6453A
EC6508A EC6494A Regional EC6494A
EC6509A EC6508A Products EC6508A
Global Products EC6509A EC6509A
EC6508A EC6002A EC6002A
EC6005A EC6005A
EC6140A EC6140A
Global Products
Or Or
EC6012A EC6002A Products Products
EC6013A EC6005A
EC6284A EC6140A
EC6453A Or
* These products are assured to be
EC6494A * Regional
EC6508A Products umbilical compatible.


< -20°F / <-30°C < 14°F / < -10°C < 35°F / < 2°C > 35°F / > 2°C

Global Products Global Products Global Products Global Products


EC6002A EC6284A EC6012A EC6012A
EC6005A EC6494A * EC6013A EC6013A
EC6140A EC6284A EC6284A
Or EC6002A EC6453A
Regional EC6005A DISPERSANTS EC6494A *
Products EC6140A EC6002A EC6508A
Regional EC6002A
Products Or EC6005A
Regional EC6140A
* These products are assured to be Products
umbilical compatible. Or
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Chapter 5: Paraffin

5.13.3 Flowline Paraffin Treating Guide


Continuous Batch
Injection Treatment

Global Products Global Products

EC6012A EC6002A
EC6013A EC6005A
EC6284A EC6140A
EC6453A Or
EC6494A * Regional
EC6508A Products

EC6140A * These products are assured to be
umbilical compatible.

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Chapter 5: Paraffin
5.13.4 Oil Treating System Guide



Continuous Batch
Injection Treatment

Global Products Global Products

EC6012A EC6002A
EC6013A EC6005A
EC6284A EC6140A
EC6453A Or
EC6494A * Regional
EC6508A Products

EC6140A * These products are assured to be
umbilical compatible.

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Chapter 5: Paraffin
5.13.5 Tank Paraffin Treating Guide

Take sample of tank bottom

Is the
Hard deposit deposit Soft deposit
hard or

Procedure: Procedure:

• Draw off the top oil to the • For each 100 bbls of oil,
bottom. add two gallons of
• For one foot of bottom, add product
500 ppm product • Roll tank for 2-8 hours
• For two feet of bottom, add • To prevent of minimize
750 ppm product future buildup, put a
• For three feet of bottom, add treatment plan into place
1,000 ppm product ith i hibit
• Use a minimum of 5 gallons
of product per 200 bbls
• Circulate bottom and let soak

Global Products

EC6002A EC9037A
EC6005A EC9041A
EC6140A EC9049A



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