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James Culp (order #7126149)


Copyright 2014. All rights reserved.


Foreword and Credits

I. Introduction
II. The Lesper’ Sector
III. The Krokan/Sudrale Sector
IV. The Krokan Empire
V. The Sudrale Confederation
VI. Maps and Legends
VII. Of Gods and Goddesses
VIII. The Referee’s Corner

10th Millennium© Sector Almanac A1

James Culp (order #7126149)



This is the first in the series of Sector Almanacs. Each Almanac (A1 through A10)
contains two sectors. The descriptions given herein depict the author’s creations of
peoples and societies, civilizations both advanced and primitive. The referee is always
free to change and improvise as he sees fit. The Role-Player is encouraged to read
everything in this manual except the Referee’s Corner; that is where the Referee is given
all the juicy tidbits that make up the backbone of his adventures, as well as some
suggested scenarios for the first time Game Master that hasn’t developed that keen
sense of imaginative thought that will make him the life of the gaming party.


Artists: William Francis and Peter Saga

Bob Culp: Beta Tester and Editor

Jess Culp: Inspiration

To all these fine folks and everyone else who said “get it done Jim; they’ll love it”:
I say thanks and may all the positive energies of the Source, the eternal goddess, shine on your
paths for all time.

10th Millennium© Sector Almanac A1

James Culp (order #7126149)


When man began extending his reach across the heavens to the
neighboring sectors of Ramaris, it was only then that he began to
understand that the human race was made up of quadrillions of
people scattered across light years of space. Indeed, there was
“another entire universe out there”. Our nearest neighbor, the
Krokan Sector, was for thousands of years believed uninhabited
and primitive. We would soon discover that an ancient empire
lay just outside our doorstep and thousands more beyond that….
Queen Elizabeth II of Danfellows, BH 6361

10th Millennium© Sector Almanac A1

James Culp (order #7126149)


I. Introduction

This almanac covers the descriptions, primary planetary data, and system/sector maps
of the two immediate sectors Farewerd and Rearewerd of the Ramaris Sector. The
information will begin with Section II, the Lesper’ Sector, which lies roughly three
parsecs of the Rearewerd edge of the Ramaris Sector. The Lesper’ Sector is newly
named; being formerly the Asrali Empire, which was defeated and dismantled by the
Earth Federation in BH 5522. Section III will begin with the Krokan/Sudrale Sector,
sometimes called the Disputed Sector. This section is brief as the next two sections are
broken down by IV, the Krokan Empire, and V, the Sudrale Confederacy. Section VI
will continue with Maps and Legends of the two sectors and their worlds. Section VII
will describe the overlords of the sectors in the early 10th Millennium. Finally Section
VIII will be the Referee’s Corner, where the referee can find information to guide his
adventures, or some sample scenarios to get him started.

The sectors and galactic directions as ordained and established by the Earth Federation
in AH10009.

10th Millennium© Sector Almanac A1

James Culp (order #7126149)


II. The Lesper’ Sector

The Lesper’ Sector lies Rearewerd of the Ramaris Sector. It contains 4 stars, 11 planets,
and 4 gas giants. The sector is home to many mineral rich worlds and hundreds of
diverse cultures.

Author’s Note:
When referring to the game map of a system/sector, each world has a number designator, and
each star has a letter designator. These numbers appear in the Name/Designation block of the
Primary Planetary Data section of each world’s description.

The Lesperian System

System Star Lesperian (A)
1. Torton

The Ordnon System

System Star Ordnon (B)
2. Ord
3. MeLord

E. Venar Gas Giants

The Baliff System

System Star Baliff (C)
4. Veetna
5. Saddem
6. Andevus
7. Nuna’ne

The Eentar System

System Star Eentar (D)
8. Meena
9. Geena
10. Andor
11. Rorklar

10th Millennium© Sector Almanac A1

James Culp (order #7126149)


Lesperian (Les-p’eer ian) System (A)


Name/ Designation Torton (1)

Sector/System Located Lesper’/ Lesperian
Geographical Data Class R World
Major Continents Torta, Tortugas, Kelmlin, Falkstine
Peak Technological Level I
Government Monarchies
Circumference 278,112 km at equator
Atmosphere Dense
Population 13 billion
Water 31% salty oceans, 24% fresh water
Spaceport Orbital
Major Languages Torta, Kelmlinish, Falster

Torton is a massive world in a star system all by itself. It is considered the “gateway to
the sector” by ships coming from the Ramaris Sector. Torton a highly feudal planet;
considered highly dangerous to outsiders. The kingdoms of Torta and Tortugas date
back to the mid-9th Millennium, when colonies were planted here by various entities,
primarily the Asrali and the Malorians. The island kingdom of Falster is populated by a
race of humans called the Falsterons, a race that considers itself the one true race of
rulers. The Falsterons are much like the Vikings of Earth in the Later Years. The last race
to recognize on Torton is the Kelmlinish. These “little men” are a race of dwarves that
inhabit mountain regions and mine precious metals from the earth. They do not use
electricity or “modern devices”. The Kelmlinish are a small and unique race; rather
stout beings that live natural lives of 3-400 years as a norm.
The world is sparsely populated, and that is due to the high number of large reptiles
that roam its vast jungles.
Torton has a Class A spaceport in orbit, Patagonia Station. This moon sized space
station serves as a convenient stop-over for all ships entering and leaving the trade and
messenger routes that begin and end here.
It is no secret to any space faring persons in the early 10th Millennium that Torton is a
key area in the Lesper Sector. It is where trade lines begin and end, and also where
messenger ships refuel and restock.

10th Millennium© Sector Almanac A1

James Culp (order #7126149)


The Ordnon System (B)


Name/ Designation Ord (2)

Sector/System Located Lesper’/ Ordnon
Geographical Data Class H World
Major Continents Cord, Sword, Hord, Bord, Zord
Peak Technological Level G
Government Feudal Tribes
Circumference 53,062 km at equator
Atmosphere Standard
Population 6.5 billion
Water 11% salty oceans, 2% fresh water
Spaceport none
Major Languages Common tongue across the planet

Ord is a fairly large world in the Ordnon System. It is inhabited by feudal tribes of
approximately 1.4 Billion humans, each on their own island continent. The entire world
is always in a state of war; each tribe struggles to control the planet’s scarce resources,
especially fresh water. The Sworders and the Horders are the strongest tribes,
conquering at will and taking everything from the others. The Zordan are a remote
tribe, nestled in the northern hemisphere on a glacier-continent called Zord. The planet
has rare visitors; it is protected by the Malorian Navy because it is believed that the
human species began on Ord. The Ord have seen an industrial revolution in the past
100 years; most of the tribes now possess metal ships and primitive tanks. Air travel is
still restricted to primitive Zeppelin type airships; fixed and rotary wing aircraft are still
not perfected. Most tribes employ repeating rifles of large calibers, crossbows, and any
type of bladed or club weapon imaginable. Women are overwhelmingly kept in lower
classes in all tribes; child bearing, cooking, and men’s pleasures are their only hopes of

10th Millennium© Sector Almanac A1

James Culp (order #7126149)



Name/ Designation MeLord (Mee- Lord) (3)

Sector/System Located Lesper’/ Ordnon
Geographical Data Class M World
Major Continents Landerfalls, Bullach
Peak Technological Level K
Government Single Monarchy
Circumference 87,475 km at equator
Atmosphere Semi-Dense, Tainted
Population 12.4 billion
Water 44% salty oceans, 32% fresh water
Spaceport B at Landerfalls
Major Languages MeLordian, Familiar, Malorian

MeLord is a large planet in the Ordnon System. It is a mineral and resource rich world
with large oceans and hundreds of spring fed fresh water lakes. The planet is 76% water
covered, leaving land masses to two large continents and several hundred tiny islands
scattered across the globe. The spaceport at Landerfalls City (a city of 32 million
inhabitants) exports millions of tons of sea products (fish, oils, minerals) to other sectors
weekly. The world is known to be ruled by an absolute monarchy that is loved and
worshipped by the whole populace. The world’s single moon, Landerbill, houses a
huge relay station and is orbited by a military space station.

Venar (Vi-nar) Gas Giants (E)

These four massive gas giants cover a vast range of roughly 60 trillion kilometers. These
natural phenomenon give off hydrogen that can be harvested by properly equipped
starships and spacecraft and converted to fuel. It is also key to note that ships can mask
themselves from sensors in the dense clouds of the giants, and it is commonly known
that pirates frequently do so to catch ships unaware of their presence.

10th Millennium© Sector Almanac A1

James Culp (order #7126149)


The Baliff (Bah-leef) System (C)


Name/ Designation Veetna (4)

Sector/System Located Lesper’/ Baliff
Geographical Data Class D World
Major Continents Kuck’ad, Baquba, Asalem
Peak Technological Level G
Government Monarchies; Corporate Governments
Circumference 12,558 km at equator
Atmosphere Thin
Population 2 billion
Water 15% salty oceans, 24% fresh water
Spaceport none
Major Languages Kuck, Baq, Araba, Malorian

Veetna is a small, forest covered world with very hot summers and mild winters; it is
home to thousands of huge Bara forests, as well as over 2,000 unique species of plant
life not found on other worlds. Her money making resources are is her fungi
(mushrooms) and her spices (over a thousand unique plants). The rulers and their
populations of this entire world belong to the ancient religion of Baq’sa’Raq, a religion
that forbids violence and abides by an ancient manuscript containing the Thirteen
Codes of Law, which the priests of each court enforce with harsh penalty for violators.
The three major races of humans on this world are all a peaceful folk, tending their
crops and living healthy and fulfilled lives.
There are three large orbital stations orbiting Veetna, as well as two small moons.

10th Millennium© Sector Almanac A1

James Culp (order #7126149)



Name/ Designation Saddem (Say-dimm) (5)

Sector/System Located Lesper’/ Baliff
Geographical Data Class G World
Major Continents Porg, Hattan, Perflonar
Peak Technological Level J
Government Corporate (Malneer Corporation)
Circumference 47,621 km at equator
Atmosphere Standard
Population 5.7 billion
Water 23% salty oceans, 14% fresh water
Spaceport 2; one “B” at Porg, one orbital “C”
Major Languages Porga, Hattish, Malorian, Aryan

Saddem is the most technologically advanced world in the Baliff System. It was invaded
and occupied by the Malneer Corporation in 9833, and her feudal tribes scattered or
destroyed. The remaining descendants of those tribes, the Porga and the Hattie, are now
assimilated and adapted to Malorian customs and laws. Saddem is a resource rich
planet. Her large oceans teem with life, and her large rain forests naturally produce
Bara trees, the Hattie Bean, and hundreds of other crops that are harvested annually.
There are two orbital stations over Saddem.

10th Millennium© Sector Almanac A1

James Culp (order #7126149)



Name/ Designation Andevus (On-day-voos) (6)

Sector/System Located Lesper’/ Baliff
Geographical Data Class N World
Major Continents Vendar, Wagner, Haltooth
Peak Technological Level F
Government Feudal Tribal Chieftains
Circumference 132,225 km at equator
Atmosphere Dense
Population 23 billion
Water 31% salty oceans, 43% fresh water
Spaceport Three orbital “D”
Major Languages Valmish, Beeran, Qondah, Aryan

Andevus is a massive planet in the Baliff system. The three massive tribes of humans on
the world are the Valmar of Vendar, the Beeran of Haltooth, and the Qondar of Wagner.
These tribes are in a constant state of war driven by perverse religions that the leaders
regard as the “will of the gods.”
Andevus has large warm oceans, and is home to hundreds of unique species of aquatic
life. The most noted being the Valmaan’s Squid, a species of cephalopod that ranges in
sizes from 2 meters to 200 meters in length. Andevus is also home to the dreaded
Dromae, a species of theropod dinosaurs that flourish in this warm year round world.
Despite daily hunting and attempts at extermination, these dangerous pests are in great
numbers across this massive world. The world has three orbital stations over it.

10th Millennium© Sector Almanac A1

James Culp (order #7126149)



Name/ Designation Nunane (Noo-nahn-nee) (7)

Sector/System Located Lesper’/ Baliff
Geographical Data Class B World
Major Continents None
Peak Technological Level J
Government Corporate Leaders
Circumference 8,024 km at the equator
Atmosphere Standard
Population 119 million
Water 1.4% fresh water in deep aquifers
Spaceport none
Major Languages Aryan, Malorian, Familiar

Nunane is a small world on the Starwerd Rim of the Baliff System. It is classified a
desert world because of its vast lack of water. Nunane has no technology or cities of its
own. The “citizens” of the planet are all colonists or occupiers that remained on the
planet at given times for whatever reason. It was colonized by the Malorians in 9845,
and full scale mining operations began in the fall of 9851. Nunane is rich in ducillium
ore, uronium, and gold. This world has no spaceport that would earn a classification.
Mining operations are carried out by mostly automated heavy cargo shuttles and giant
ore barges that operate day and night without interruption.

10th Millennium© Sector Almanac A1

James Culp (order #7126149)


Eentar System (D)


Name/ Designation Meena (8)

Sector/System Located Lesper’/Eentar
Geographical Data Class M World
Major Continents Poon, Zoon, Rakzahn, Portia
Peak Technological Level L
Government Empire of the Sun
Circumference 102,847 km at the equator
Atmosphere Dense
Population 14.5 billion
Water 28% salty oceans, 19% fresh water
Spaceport One “D” orbital, 1 “B” at Portia
Major Languages Poonish, Zoonish, Rakza, Portian

Meena is the largest and most technologically advanced planet in the Eentar System.
Meena has recorded history dating back to 5565. The world is ruled by a 4000 year old
dynasty of Emperors that have withstood the test of time, invasions, “gods”, and wars
of all types. The seat of the Emperor is at Shulmanu, the great “City of the Sun” in the
large island continent of Portia. Although technologically advanced since 9942, Meena
still observes all ancient customs from 4000 years ago. Portia has a Class B spaceport.
Her space navy has ships capable of travelling to inner system worlds, but no transit
drive capability yet. The orbital station is a massive sensor array (built by the planet’s
scientists) that allows observation of the other system worlds.

10th Millennium© Sector Almanac A1

James Culp (order #7126149)



Name/ Designation Geena (9)

Sector/System Located Lesper’/ Eentar
Geographical Data Class A World
Major Continents None
Peak Technological Level None
Government Emperor of Meena
Circumference 5,658 km at equator
Atmosphere Thin
Population 113
Water 98.22% fresh water
Spaceport “F” at New Shulmanu
Major Languages None

Geena is for all intents and purposes a water world. Her land masses are covered with
fresh water year round. There is a small island continent in the northern hemisphere
where the Meenans landed in 9968, and since then they have claimed the world for the
Emperor and built a small spaceport on the island. It is manned by a small force of
humans and robots. The world is warm year round, and her fresh waters are home to
hundreds of species of fresh water plant and animal life, making this planet a rich
resource for food, agriculture, and water alike.

10th Millennium© Sector Almanac A1

James Culp (order #7126149)



Name/ Designation Andor (10)

Sector/System Located Lesper’/ Eentar
Geographical Data Class H World
Major Continents Kallar and Bondaj
Peak Technological Level H
Government Kings (Queens)
Circumference 50,294 km at equator
Atmosphere Standard
Population 9.8 billion
Water 38% salty oceans, 14% fresh water
Spaceport None
Major Languages Kallarian, Bondajaran, Familiar

Andor is a medium sized world in the Eentar System. It is an agricultural giant

compared to many worlds in the Lesper Sector, as both its massive kingdoms support
millions of agricultural processes annually, producing hundreds of millions of tons of
products for sale to the Malorians and other worlds who come here to trade. Andor
does not have a spaceport, so trade with incoming ships is done with shuttle service

10th Millennium© Sector Almanac A1

James Culp (order #7126149)



Name/ Designation Rorklar (11)

Sector/System Located Lesper’/ Eentar
Geographical Data Class F World
Major Continents Gon, Forsak, Beorhn
Peak Technological Level J
Government Science Station
Circumference 31,303 km at equator
Atmosphere Toxic
Population 216,034
Water 8% fresh water in deep aquifers
Spaceport “C” at Killamar
Major Languages Gon, Malorian, Aryan, Familiar

Rorklar was a world teeming with life prior to 9866. That year, the Malorian
Expeditions landed here to find a huge force of renegade cyborgs from the ancient
Alliance of Humanity performing an overlord campaign of the planet’s inhabitants,
who at the time were at technological levels of E and F. The Malorians responded in
9867 with a massive military invasion, not knowing that the cyborgs had developed and
tested advanced missiles with meson and fusion warheads. A war of epic proportion
ensued, and roughly 92% of the surface of Rorklar was decimated. All but the water in
the deepest aquifers was vaporized, and the ensuing black rain covered the world in a
toxic waste that would render it useless for many years to come. In 9975, a probe from
the Earth Federation Ship Diana sent back data giving promising results. Four years
later a science vessel and team of 34 scientists went to the planet to re-colonize it. In
9997, that colony had prospered to roughly 216 thousand.

10th Millennium© Sector Almanac A1

James Culp (order #7126149)


III. The Krokan / Sudrale Sector

Krokan/Sudrale Sector
Records indicate that the Krokan Empire was founded on Krokanus (Planet K-5) in BH
5773. The Krokans achieved inner system travel in roughly 1200 years.
This sector lays Farewerd of Ramaris and is home to the Krokan Empire. The old
Empire (prior to 9343) consisted of 21 planets. In 9343 the Great Sudrale Rebellion
occurred and war waged for the better part of four hundred years. The ceasefire terms
would produce a line of demarcation Starwerd to Rearewerd (see Sector Map) through
Rondor’s Rift skirting Odanus on her Nearewerd Side. Several attempts over the years
to form peace treaties and trade alliances have been attempted by both sides, all to no
avail. In 9550, the Sudrale worlds (nine) claimed succession from the empire, although
the Emperor never granted such status. At the beginning of the 10th Millennium the
sector is divided as it appears on the Sector Map in this manual.

10th Millennium© Sector Almanac A1

James Culp (order #7126149)


IV. The Krokan Empire

The Krokan Empire is an old and rich empire with ten of her planets being very rich in
natural resources. The capital is at K-5, Krokanus. As the 10th Millennium begins,
Supreme Emperor* Octavius Daius XIII rules the empire.

*: In the texts of this book, “Emperor” capitalized means the Supreme Emperor of the Krokan
Empire at Krokanus; a non-capitalized “emperor” reference would refer to a lesser emperor of a
portion of one of the worlds or territories.

10th Millennium© Sector Almanac A1

James Culp (order #7126149)


Rondor’s Rift (1):

This massive expanse of space covers approximately 16% of the space that covers the
expanse of this sector. The rift is an ionized cloud that is visually inhibitive, but not so
dense as to restrict ship movement.

Krokan Empire:
Rondor’s Rift

The Kroka System (A)

1. K-1 or Krokull
2. K-6 or Krosun-sah
3. K-3 or Kraku’un
4. K-4 or Gardenia
5. K-5 or Krokanus
6. K-2 or Kroda-ko

The Krobon System

B. System Star Krobon
7. K-7 or Krobania
8. K-8 or Krolam-Ko
9. K-9 or Keorpta

The Krokson System

C: Krokson- System Star
10. K-10 or Kroso-Ko
11. K-11 or Krosoda
12. K-12 or Krober-Sun
13. K-13 or Kro-bla’na

Sudrale Confederacy
14. Sector DMZ (see narrative)

The Odan System

15. Odanus
16. Rondor’s Three I
17. Odan- System Star
18. Rondor’s Three II
19. Rondor’s Three III

10th Millennium© Sector Almanac A1

James Culp (order #7126149)


The Sudron System

20. P-2 or Mech World
21. Sudron- System Star
22. P-3 or Sukoo-Su
23. Sudon
24. P-1 or Suzuzzu
25. Sudral

10th Millennium© Sector Almanac A1

James Culp (order #7126149)



Name/ Designation K-1 (Krokull) (1)
Sector/System Located Krokan Empire/ Kroka
Geographical Data Class H planet
Major Continents Perrna, Siine/ No oceans.
Peak Technological Level M
Government Ranking Military Officer
Circumference 55,000 km at the equator
Atmosphere thin
Population 764 Million, roughly 130 million slaves
Water 11% Water. Deep aquifers.
(2) one at Perrna, the other at Siine
Spaceport (military)
Major Languages Krokan, Sudrale, Ramaran, Kalar

K-1 is a medium sized world and it unique in the perspective that it has no oceans and
no moon. The world is a vast high desert planet with two massive countries; Perrna and
Siine. The world is supplied with water from vast underground aquifers. However,
these aquifers are very deep beneath the surface and require massive efforts to extract
the water. The key point is, however, that it is the cleanest and purest water in the
sector. For this reason, massive underground cites have been built to house thousands
of miners and slaves to supply the planet with water and to export billions of liters of
water to other worlds, the naval fleets, and to vast reservoirs in Perrna’s Southern

10th Millennium© Sector Almanac A1

James Culp (order #7126149)



Name/ Designation K-2 (Krosun-sah) (2)

Sector/System Located Krokan Empire/ Kroka
Geographical Data Class F Planet
Major Continents Bunis, Rud, and Valkar
Peak Technological
Level L
Government Corporation (under Imperial control)
Circumference 38,885 km at the equator
Atmosphere Standard
Approx.. 1 billion citizens, roughly 200 million
Population slaves
Water 41% salty oceans, 24% fresh water
2: one military in Bunis, one civilian at Keka
Spaceport (Rud)
Major Languages Krokan, Sudrale, Aryan, Kalarian

K-2 is a mining world. It has three continents with three major nationalities of humans,
all Krokan. The Buns, the Ruds, and the Valkarians are very different peoples, but all
claim allegiance to the Empire. The planet is mostly controlled by the Wagner
Corporation from Mars; this is public knowledge and not done in secrecy as many times
is the case. The kings of the three nations fall under the Emperor’s control and report
incomes and earnings to the Capital on a yearly basis, whereupon the Wagner
Corporation takes its cut for supplying machinery and technical personnel to the mines.
The nations’ kings are figureheads loyal to the Empire, and the citizens are more
productive for this reason.
The Wagner Corporation pays for a standing army and planetary defense. The
corporation has two large space stations in orbit, as well as a fleet of mercenary vessels
numbering 40-50 depending on the time of the month.
K-2 is rich in Ducillium and Uronium. Her mines produce roughly 20,000 kilotons of
ore per day. The Valkarians are a race of telepaths that date their ancestry back to pre-
Empire times. They are also genetically linked to the Aryans of Mars.

10th Millennium© Sector Almanac A1

James Culp (order #7126149)



Name/ Designation K-3 (Kraku’un) (3)

Sector/System Located Krokan Empire/Kroka
Geographical Data Class C planet
Major Continents None
Peak Technological
Level H
Government Military
Circumference 9,598.5 km at the equator
Atmosphere Toxic (APE required)
Approx. 8,000 military; roughly 4,500 to
Population 6,000 slaves at any given time
10% fresh water in extremely deep
Water aquifers
Spaceport One, military, at Keezon Main
Major Languages Krokan, Sudrale, Ogish, Mogish

K-3 is a small world that teemed with life prior to 9925 when it was invaded by a
mercenary navy from a then unknown origin. After three years of brutal war with the
fiendish and cowardly Og, the Krokans achieved the victory and claimed Og a colony
of the Empire, which it remains such to this day. However, during this barbaric war, K-
3 was decimated by nuclear strikes to its surface, leaving it almost lifeless with a toxic
atmosphere that is filled with poisonous gas and only 4% oxygen.

10th Millennium© Sector Almanac A1

James Culp (order #7126149)


OG Miner.

10th Millennium© Sector Almanac A1

James Culp (order #7126149)



Name/ Designation K-4 ( Gardenia) (4)

Sector/System Located Krokan Empire/ Kroka
Geographical Data Class E planet
Major Continents Korn, Keesak, Kepsoor
Peak Technological
Level D
Government Corporate Overlord/Religious Oligarchy
Circumference 23,116 km at the equator
Atmosphere Standard

Population Roughly 540 Million citizens

Water 31% salty oceans, roughly 23% fresh water
Spaceport One Type A at Keesak; one orbital
Major Languages Primitive Krokan

K-4 is rich in plush river valleys, livestock, and vast vineyards. This tiny planet is in
primitive stages of human evolution, and the Empire keeps it that way via the Krosan
Corporation, a partnership with the Schultz Conglomerate of Mars.
The territories of Korn and Keesak are vast river valleys that boast the richest organic
soils in the known universe. For this reason this world is the sole source of purely
organic fruits and vegetables for export to the Capital. The territory of Kepsoor is a vast
grassland that is home to the largest herds of Kalar sheep, the purest and highly prized
meat next to Rison’s beast in the inner sectors.
The citizens of K-4 are primitive, using primitive tools and bare hands to perform all
labor. Crops and sheep are harvested year round, exporting billions of tons of products
to the capital every year. The Krokans of K-4 are a simple people who work and live in
caves and crude huts, and worship the Emperor at Krokanus as their god.

10th Millennium© Sector Almanac A1

James Culp (order #7126149)


Sector Capital at City of Krokanus


Name/ Designation K-5 (Krokanus) (5)

Sector/System Located Krokan Empire/ Kroka
Geographical Data Class K planet
Major Continents Krokoon, Krojano, Kokrok, Krokanee
Peak Technological
Level N
Government Seat of the Empire
Circumference 54,432 km at the equator
Atmosphere Standard
Approx. 16 Billion citizens; roughly 4 billion
Population slaves and immigrants or refugees
Water 40% salty oceans, roughly 25% fresh water
Spaceport 1 type A at Krokoon, 1 type B at Korjano
Major Languages Krokan, Aryan

K-5 (Krokanus) is the seat of the Empire. The massive palace of the gods in the City of
the Sun on Krokoon is the home of the Emperor and his family. The Krokan Emperor is
treated and respected as a god would be. No other races of humans are allowed to live
on the same continent with the Emperor, even servants are either Krokan or artificial
humanoids. The Imperial family is treated to lavish accommodations and vast wealth;
each Krokan citizen giving 20% of his earnings yearly to the throne. The Krokan
Emperor has 33 wives and over 200 concubines that do his bidding day and night.
The planet itself is always protected by at least one fleet of the best ships, and a
minimum of 2 divisions of troops are always stationed here, and all must be pure
Krokans. Great care is taken to protect the Imperial family and the throne, because
every Krokan citizen believes that the Emperor is directly chosen and appointed by
Horus himself.

Cause of Wars:
Women are not allowed positions of power in the Empire or its military, and this is the
chief reason for the Sudrale Rebellion in the first place. 300 years of conflict between the
Empire and the Sudrale, as well as the throne of Atlas in Ramaris (both have female

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rulers; Queens or Empress). Krokanus has been toppled twice in the past, and faith in
Empirical rule diminishes sometimes because of this. Many Krokans have paid with
their lives for expressing disbelief, such as “how can a son of god be defeated?” The
Sudrale and the monarchy of Atlas press this as an advantage at every opportunity. The
Sudrale champion the woman as the dominant gender, and for this reason the Emperor
ruled in 9974 that all Sudrale women would be destroyed and sent to the lowest of the
hells at the command of Horus.

Commerce and Trade

Krokanus has rich agricultural and grain industries, and is extremely rich in precious
stones and Bara forests. Her oceans have the largest aquatic animals in the sector, and
the planet exports roughly 1200 tons of these products monthly. The planet receives
monthly shipments from K-4 of organic produce and meat, but this is reserved for the
royal family and the heads of state.

Moons and Stations

Krokanus has 4 moons, all inhabited by colonists. All moons serve as observatories. The
planet is orbited by two space stations, one for the Krokan Navy and the other for the
Wagner Corporation, which sells weapons and technology to the Empire in exchange
for slaves, baracium, and produce.

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Name/ Designation K-6 (Kroda-ko) (6)

Sector/System Located Krokan Empire/ Kroka
Geographical Data Class E planet
Major Continents Kingdoms Kron, Koo, Krekkooero
Peak Technological Level H
Government Regional Governor
Circumference 25,002 km at the equator
Atmosphere Thin
Approx. 2 Billion citizens; roughly 444 million
Population slaves and immigrants or refugees
Water None
Spaceport One, C, orbital. Not a registered port
Major Languages Krokan, Aryan, Sudrale, Torgian

K-6 is a small world that has suffered massive nuclear and meson attacks in the past
three to four wars and therefore has a very weak atmosphere and unstable gravitational
field. The planet is divided into three kingdoms, Kingdoms Kron, Koo, and Krekkooero.
These kingdoms are constantly at war with one another and are treated individually by
the Empire. The planet is kept at a relatively low tech level for this purpose. These
kingdoms have been warring (even during sector wars) for at least twelve centuries.
The planet is cold (typically -2.2 C in the days, and -33.3 during the night. The citizens
of all the kingdoms inhabit subterranean cities and villages, and the slaves and refugees
live in crude dwellings closer to the surface; neither having very little hope of ever
returning to a life giving planet again. The planet does not have a spaceport, and is only
visited when the military desperately requires vast conscriptions for wars on low tech
planets. K-6 exports ducillium, uronium, and a rare drug called Semidine which is a
combat booster drug that soldiers take before engaging in combat. Roughly 30 years
ago, a garage scientist experimented with Semidine, and made a “social street drug”
from the same derivative, and called it “happy time.” Since the first doses were sold on
the street in 10002, over a billion people are now addicted to this drug. For this reason
drug use is rampant on the planet; among citizen, soldier, and slave alike. Compared
demographically, K-6 has the largest per capita robotic police force in the known

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The kings of the three kingdoms pay casual respect to the regional governor who is
housed and protected in an orbital space station. This station has 3-4 battalions of
robotic troops, as well as roughly a company of Krokan Army soldiers.

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Name/ Designation K-7 (Krobania) (7)

Sector/System Located Krokan Empire/ Kroban
Geographical Data Class M planet
Major Continents Krolon, Kroketa, Keela, Kor-kor
Peak Technological Level M/N
Government Regional Governor
Circumference 132,109 km at the equator
Atmosphere Standard
Population Approx. 83 billion
Water 73% salty oceans, 03% fresh water
Spaceport Two, one “A” at Krolon, one “A” at Kroketa
Major Languages Krokan, Aryan, Familiar

K-7 is a Class M planet on the Nearewerd Edge of the Krobon System. It is a military
world and there is always a fleet of naval vessels here. PPD is available to orbital
visitors, but no other information is obtainable and planet-side visitation is forbidden.

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Name/ Designation K-8 (Krolam-Ko) (8)

Sector/ System Located Krokan Empire/ Kroban
Geographical Data Class F planet
Major Continents Krekorta, Kokordor, Krekas, Kreorkorn
Peak Technological Level L
Government Emperor
Circumference 35,674 km at the equator
Atmosphere Standard
Approx. 4 billion citizens, roughly 2 billion
Population slaves
Water 12% salty oceans, 33% fresh water
Spaceport None; small craft spaceports only
Major Languages Krokan, Aryan, Familiar

K-8 is a massive agricultural center and major food supplier to the empire’s armies and
navies, as well as a chief exporter to the Rearewerd worlds. The planet has abundant
fresh water rivers and lakes, and for this reason agriculture thrives with 3-4 growing
seasons per year. All the major grains are grown on this world, as well as vineyards for
wines and grains for liquors of all types. The planet employs half of its populace as well
as a minimum 1.5 billion slaves at all times, and thousands of robots for this life
sustaining purpose.
K-8 exports roughly 400 megatons of produce, grains, and wines per week.

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Name/ Designation K-9 (Keorpta) (9)

Sector/ System Located Krokan Empire/ Kroban
Geographical Data Class I planet
Major Continents Kroksa-Don, Keloptona
Peak Technological Level L
Government Regional Governor
Circumference 62,819 km at the equator
Atmosphere Standard
Approx. 12 billion citizens, roughly 2.3 billion
Population slaves
Water 32% salty oceans, 13% fresh water
Spaceport One Type A on each continent, one in orbit
Major Languages Krokan, Aryan, Sudrale

K-9 is located on the furthest Nearewerd edge of the Empire most of the year. It has
long been called the ‘Nearewerd Vanguard’ of the empire, having sustained the frontal
assaults of the Earth Federation fleets as the empire was invaded during times of
interstellar war. K-9 is also called Keorpta, which means “guardian” in old Krokan. K-9
is a very cool world, never seeing daytime temperatures over 10 C, and oftentimes
seeing temperatures below -20 C at night. K-9 exports uronium, baracium, and oils.

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Name/ Designation K-10 (Kroso-Ko) (10)

Sector/ System Located Krokan Empire/ Krokson
Geographical Data Class K World
Major Continents Kelkeltun, Krobunaa, Kubleen, Kukulgon
Peak Technological
Level M
Government Emperor
Circumference 83,411 km at the equator
Atmosphere Standard
Approx. 40 billion citizens, roughly 19.3 billion
Population slaves
Water 62% salty oceans, 33% fresh water
Spaceport One Type A on Krobunaa, one Type A in orbit
Major Languages Krokan, Aryan, Sudrale, Mogish

K-10 (called Krokoo-nock by the Sudrale) is a large world. The world has vast oceans
teeming with over 3,000 species of aquatic wildlife. The planet has, however, borne the
hardest of Sudrale attacks during the latest wars. K-10 has a massive slave trade,
supplying the three Rearewerd planets with slaves. The planet itself is rich in fresh
water reserves, her massive fresh water lakes (the largest in the Sector) supplying
billions of liters of fresh water to itself and visiting starships. The planet has vast
Uronium reserves, as well as Ducillium and precious metals. K-10 has massive test
facilities for the military, as well as vast fishing networks worked by slaves to provide
the Empire with highly prized commodities such as shellfish, mussels, and the rare
Aquina Shark.

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The Korando space station orbiting K-10.

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Name/ Designation K-11 (11)

Sector/ System Located Krokan Empire/ Krokson
Geographical Data Class M World
Major Continents Kroseeba, Krovakkia, Salitor, Meekahn
Peak Technological Level K
Government Feudal Kingdoms
Circumference 108,196 km at the equator
Atmosphere Dense
Approx. 10 billion citizens, roughly 746
Population thousand slaves
Water 53% fresh water lakes and rivers
Spaceport One Type B in orbit
Major Languages Krokan, Aryan, Sudrale

K-11 is a large world. It has no salty oceans, but plentiful fresh water lakes and rivers.
30-40 cm of rain per month is not uncommon to most areas of this planet. Her four
massive continents are divided by vast mountainous gorges and large river canyons
caused by plate shifts in the past millennium. Like several other Krokan worlds, K-11
has warring empires that constantly battle for control of her resources, slaves, and favor
with the Supreme Emperor.

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Name/ Designation K-12 (Krober-Sun) (12)

Sector/System Located Krokan Empire/ Krokson
Geographical Data Class B World
Major Continents none
Peak Technological Level M
Government Sector Admiral or Imperial Secretary
Circumference 8,286 km at the equator
Atmosphere Thin, exotic
Population Roughly 20,000 troops and 3-400,000 slaves
Water Minimal fresh water in underground aquifers
Spaceport None. Orbital Weapons Station.
Major Languages Krokan, Aryan, Sudrale, Vondorian

K-12 is the first line of defense against forces coming across the border from Odanus.
In the last two wars, K-12 has been decimated to the point of becoming classified a
desert world. Massive nuclear and meson strikes have destroyed all her cities except
two that are underground near her vast Uronium mines. K-12 exports uronium and
ducillium in bulk ships twice per year. The same ships return with food, fuel, and water
for the inhabitants and troops.
The atmosphere on this world is thin and provides very little protection from radiation
from the sun. The planet is mostly hot all year, but bearable, typically 49 C during days
and 33 at night.

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Name/ Designation K-13 (Kro-bla’na) (13)

Sector/System Located Krokan Empire/ Krokson
Geographical Data Class B World
Major Continents none
Peak Technological Level J
Government Corporate Official
Circumference 7,143 km at the equator
Atmosphere Thin
Population Approx. 12,000
Water Minimal fresh water in underground aquifers
Spaceport (B) Orbital
Major Languages Krokan

K-13 is a small world that has no surface water, no cities, and no indigenus human
populations. There are four large Krokan colonies here, each housing about 3,000
personnel each. There is a Class B spaceport orbiting the world.

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V. The Sudrale Confederation

The Sudrale Confederacy or “The Great Rebellion” or “Union of Sudrale Confederates”

is a name given to worlds that cover a vast expanse of space Farewerd of the Krokan
Empire. As far as the Emperor is concerned, the Sudrale worlds are still part of the
Empire, just in a rogue state. It has been decreed by the Emperor, though, that the
worlds will be ethnically cleansed before true peace can endure. War between the
Empress of Sudral and the Krokan Emperor has waged for four centuries, albeit not
always open war. Some years there are nothing but a few border skirmishes, and then
some years there are bold planetary invasions where billions of lives are lost. War has
been escalated to full scale many times because of atrocities (such as the Sudrale slaves
being fed to the Dabrian mercenaries in the Krobon System.

Outside Interference:
The UAB (Mars) overtly supports the Empire. It believes in racial purity and therefore
supports the Emperor’s decrees, of course at a great cost. Mars corporations sell the
Krokan Empire ships, tanks, space stations, mercenaries, and hundreds of other
products on an annual basis.
The Sudrale Confederacy is supported covertly by the Queen of Atlas. She has a psionic
symbiosis with the Empress of Sudral, who in 9992 declared herself Empress of the
Sudrale Coalition of Peaceful Worlds.
The Sudrale are normally a peaceful race, and are genetically telepaths and mind
readers. At least 20% of them are highly psionic beings with abilities that can make
them seem god like. The Krokan Emperor fears this ability, but his years of wisdom
make him respect it too. It is for this reason that Krokan forces do not attack Sudrale
worlds without doing do with overwhelming odds and often times only robotic forces.

Sudrale Women:
Women are the dominant gene of the Sudrale race. Sudrale women typically have olive
skin, are big boned, and have large natural breasts, a characteristic that can mean much
in social circles. Women are heads or state, military commanders, leaders and teachers
in Sudrale society. Men are the inferior gene and are typically soldiers, factory workers,
farmers, and generally subservient to women. Concubines are always men in Sudrale
society, it is an abomination for a Sudrale women to be such. Sudrale women who
resort to or are forced into prostitution or sexual slavery are not welcome back into
society, however they can take up positions among men and earn respect with years of

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The Sudrone
There is a race of genetically engineered women in Sudrale society called the Sudrone.
These women have four typical characteristics: greatly enhanced beauty and body
composition, enhanced strength and endurance, superior intellect, and long flowing
hair that is braided into stylish modes for combat and training. The Sudrone make up
100% of the Empress’ Elite Guard, and 100% of the military’s Special Forces brigades.
Sudrone are employed extensively as covert operatives, spies, and always as elite
warriors and trainers.

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Sector DMZ (demilitarized zone)

In 9999, the Sudrale Empress set forth a decree that no armed vessels from any Krokan
world would be allowed to pass the established border. In no less than a month after
the decree, Krokan vessels began testing the Sudrale’s resolve. Border skirmishes in the
hundreds occurred, and the Sudrale Express decreed that there would thereby be a
demilitarized zone (DMZ) 50,000 kilometers on the Sudrale side of the border. The
decree further stated that a challenged ship must: 1) Contact the nearest naval element
and describe its intentions, and 2) had one attempt at proper transmission of proper
codes, or it was subsequently declared a target.
In 10002, this DMZ was fully established and manned in sixty locations by the Sudrale
5th Expeditionary Navy, a formidable force of 360 warships and 22 fleet carriers.
This same year the Krokan Emperor proclaimed that the Sudrale had abandoned all
hopes of peace, and that the Empress and her court were enemies of the Empire and
that he was placing a price on their heads of 200 Billion credits in gold.

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Name/ Designation Sudral (25)

Sector/ System Located Sudrale Confederacy/ Sudron
Geographical Data Class R World
Major Continents Sudan, Suvane, Sunoor, Sozoor
Peak Technological Level O
Government Empirical Rule
Circumference 293,023 km at the equator
Atmosphere Standard, Dense
Population 328 billion citizens, roughly 13 billion slaves
Water 44% salty oceans, 19% fresh water rivers
Spaceport One “A” in orbit, one “A” at Sudan, see below
Major Languages Sudrale, Atlassian, Familiar

Sudrale is a massive world, and it the Capital of the Sudrale Confederacy, now called
the Sudrale Coalition of Free Worlds. It is home to the Empress Katerina Sudrana-soo,
the self-appointed empress of the Sudrale Worlds, designer of the Sudrale Rebellion,
then the Confederacy, and now the Sudrale Coalition of Free Worlds. The Empress is a
highly advanced master psionic with 32 disciplines, and is regarded as a goddess by the
people of the Sudrale worlds. She publicly acknowledges the Queens of Atlas as her
mentors and sisters of the Light.

The Empress uses a system of governors to rule the masses much in the same fashion
that the Queen of Atlas does. The four gargantuan kingdoms are governed by Sudrones
selected to be Empenes, a title that means “Overseer.” These four women are selected
by the Empress herself and reviewed by the Queen of Odanus before undergoing a
rigorous three year training program to be selected for the position. An Empene is the
third highest title a woman can achieve in Sudrale society, and has incredible social
status across the stars, except in the Krokan worlds of course. An empress, queen, or
Empene of Sudrale society is automatically an honorary citizen of Danfellows on Atlas,
and can go there and live in retirement after surrendering her title.

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Commerce and Trade

Sudral is rich in minerals, particularly precious metals that include gold, platinum,
silver, and copper. Its forests are thick with the tallest Bara trees in the sector. Her
oceans and rivers command a year round fishing industry that exports over four million
kilotons of sea-foods and products per year. Sudral has large herds of Rison’s Beasts,
her abundant grasslands the perfect place for them to procreate and prosper.

Sudral is a massive world orbiting the system star at the same distance Earth does Sol in
Ramaris. Sudral has warm southern climates and cold northern ones. The planet is ice
capped at both poles.

Sudan is by far the largest continent on Sudral. It is home to the throne of the Empress,
in the great southern city of Ashamel (means city of Light). Ashamel is a city of
millions, but the grand palace is atop the mountain that stands in the city’s center. The
Empress and her court look down upon the city and the great coast from a lofty height
of 400 feet. Sudan is also home to the Sudrale College of the Mind (a psionic
development facility) where ‘gifted’ children (those with psionic abilities) are cared for
and developed. Extremely “gifted” children are selected at early ages and trained by
members of the Empress’ court to be closely monitored for development. Children from
all over the sector are sent here for training.

Suvane is the great island continent in the western hemisphere of the planet. Its vast
coastlines and plains are home to millions of species of herbivores, carnivores, and
omnivores. In times of peace, off-world persons come from sectors away to hunt on this
great continent. The palace of the Empene Meliana Susono is located in the great city of
Sosoodan on the western coast. Suvane is also home to the 167th Special Forces Brigade,
an elite unit of the deadliest Sudrone warriors in service.

Sunoor is a massive island that spans a large area of the South Ocean, a warm water
body that teems with fish and sharks, as well as hundreds of species of mussels and
shellfish. The palace of the Empene Gionni Ariva Susogo is located at the farthest
eastern tip of the island in the great city of Sun Sooganon. The fishing operations of
Sunoor’s south waters provide 40% of the world’s fish product export.

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Sozoor is a massive mountainous continent with hundreds of fresh water lakes and
rivers. It is the home of the Su-Orgna diamond mines, as well as the great south caverns
of the Sea, home to the palace of the Empene Chanela Suson-Da. The continent boasts
the great north inlet, a water way of over 32,000 kilometers that leads sea faring vessels
to the underwater passages that pass underneath the continent and come out the other
side. This massive cavern and undersea area is also used to hide starship fleets from

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Name/ Designation Sudon (23)

Sector/System Located Sudrale Confederacy/ Sudron
Geographical Data Class L World
Major Continents Subel, Sudrella
Peak Technological
Level J
Government Monarchies
Circumference 98,515 km at the equator
Atmosphere Standard
Population 9 Billion citizens, roughly 2 billion slaves
Water 67% salty oceans, 2% fresh water rivers and lakes
Spaceport One “A” on each continent
Major Languages Sudrale, Krokan, Aryan, Sudon’

Sudon’ is a large world that has two gigantic continents and thousands of tiny islands
in her vast oceans. The planet is sparsely populated for its size world. The massive
continent of Subel is home to the Sudrande, the shepherds of the largest livestock herds
in the known universe. The grasslands on this mass expanse of real estate are home to
the Suvorn Buffalo (cousin species to Rison’s Beasts). These hoofed animals export meat
and animal products to all of the worlds in the Sudrale Confederation. The continent
does not have large cities, nor does it have high technology. The Sudrande are a race of
animal trainers, breeders, and woodsmen that date back 4,000 years. The military does
not conscript from them (although some volunteer) and the Empress alone gives them
orders to do anything different. The Suvorn Buffalo are an extremely dangerous species
of herbivore, and a real challenge to herd and harvest. The Sudrande do this with
precision and esteemed pride.
The remaining worlds in the Sudron System have historical names but are referred to
by the Sudrale Navy as P-1 through P-3.

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Name/ Designation P-1 (Suzuzzu) (24)

Sector/ System Located Sudrale Confederacy/ Sudron
Geographical Data Class E World
Major Continents N/A Frozen world
Peak Technological
Level O
Government Regional Governor
Circumference 25, 909 km at the equator
Atmosphere Standard

Population 1 Billion citizens, roughly 3 million slaves

21% salty oceans, 38% fresh water rivers and
Water lakes. Frozen year round.
Spaceport One "A" in orbit
Major Languages Sudrale

P-1 (also called Suzuzzu) is a fairly small world with an extremely cold climate and few
natural resources. The world is home to the great Susalla shipyards, a massive
subterranean operation.
The shipyards of Subel are roughly 10% above ground and 90% below ground in
naturally hardened ducillium caverns. 80% of these operations are fully automated, the
Sudral government having purchased high tech computers and machinery from the
Flynnt Corporation of Atlas.
The domed city of Suba is located in the great sea cavern of Supellor, an ancient cavern
that the people believe was home to a sea god when the sun shone bright on this world.
The city is home to the workers, slaves, security personnel, and support personnel for
the shipyards. The city has an artificial “sun” that simulates days and nights.

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Name/ Designation P-2 (Mech-World) (20)

Sector/System Located Sudrale Confederacy/ Sudron
Geographical Data Class F World
Major Continents None
Peak Technological Level N
Government Senior Military Officer
Circumference 34,201 km at the equator
Atmosphere Toxic
Population roughly 550 artificial humans (androids)
Water none
Spaceport One "B" in orbit
Major Languages Machine languages, Sudrale

P-2 (also called Mech World) is a frozen, medium sized world that was vastly
decimated by the wars of the last century. She has a toxic atmosphere, no water, and
unstable gravity.
The activity on this world is 100% mechanized; it is performed by robots and overseen
by androids that maintain, service, and repair the thousands of robots that assemble any
mechanical or digital tool (including computers and weapons) that are used by
mankind. P-2 is 100% government funded and completely owned and overseen by the
Sudrale Navy’s Special Procedures Division.
The factories of P-2 produce millions of circuits, electronic components, and fully
assembled vehicles and robots for export to the Sudrale worlds.

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Name/ Designation P-3 (Sukoo-Su) (22)

Sector/ System Located Sudrale Confederacy/ Sudron
Geographical Data Class G World
Major Continents Susoo, Sureq
Peak Technological Level N
Government Empene Ruler
Circumference 41,343 km at the equator
Atmosphere Thin
Population 4 Billion citizens, 1.7 Billion slaves
Water 82% salty oceans
Spaceport One "B" on Susoo, one "A" on Sureq
Major Languages Sudrale, Aryan, Krokan, Vogish, Kalarian

P-3 (also called Sukoo-Su) is an Earth sized world. The world is Earth sized, but had a
thin atmosphere due to bombardments from the last war. The world has no fresh water
reserves, so billions of gallons of fresh water is imported weekly to operate the massive
desalinization plants that are scattered across her vast coastlines.

P-3 is unique in that it has one massive continent that spans 83% of the linear distance
of the globe. There are no other land masses. This continent is divided into four large

P-3 has four large territories: Suoba, Susoo, Sureq, and Subee. The world capital is at
Sureq, where the Empene Cherylla Su-Son-Du rules and oversees the four territorial
governors that she appoints. The spaceport located there is for her use only.

Trade and Commerce

Suoba and Susoo are fishing societies; low tech but efficient mariners fish the worlds
shallow seas for several thousand species of marine life that are exported weekly to
Sudrale Worlds. The territory of Subee is the largest slave processing center in all of the
Sudrale worlds. Slaves are brought here by pirates* and slave traders from the Mellar,
Ramaris, and 002 Sectors for high priced sales. The most prized slave is a Krokan. The
most cherished slave is an Aryan from Mars, but this activity is done with the utmost
secrecy. Thousands of slaves remain here as workers while millions are shipped away.

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Criminal slaves with records of pedophilia or rape are sold to pirates and often times
specifically sent to Dabria in the Lucan Sector. The small territory of Sureq is not
involved with trade.
The planet’s most abundant natural resources (after sea products) are the Bara tree and
the minerals emerald and ruby.

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Name/ Designation Odanus (15)

Sector/ System Located Sudrale Confederacy/ Odan
Geographical Data Class V World
Major Continents Seven: (listed below)
Peak Technological
Level M
Government Monarchy
Circumference 638,477 km at the equator
Atmosphere Dense, standard
Population 214 Billion citizens; 2.3 Billion slaves
39% salty oceans, 28% fresh water rivers and
Water lakes
Spaceport "A" at Suvalsu, "A" at Surano, 2 "B" orbital
Major Languages Krokan, Aryan, Sudrale, Vondorian

Odanus is the largest planet in the Sudrale/Krokan Sector. It is larger than Goliath.
This planet has a massive gravitational pull that draws metallic particles around its
orbit, making space flight on and off the world very risky. For this reason Odanus has
two orbital spaceports that serve its galactic needs. These spaceports are outside of the
path of the particles, and are each as large as Nirvana in the Ramaris Sector.
Odanus is the Rearewerd dreadnaught of the Sudrale Confederacy, or as the young
politicians call it, the Sudrale Coalition of Peaceful Worlds.

Odanus has vast oceans teeming with thousands of species of aquatic life, and has a
huge fishing industry that exports trillions of kilotons of these products to the rest of the
Confederacy on a monthly basis. Odanus is also a great resource for fresh water, her
vast river deltas and great lakes providing fresh water and products to the lesser
worlds. It is said that the Krokan Emperor would make Odanus his capital if he could
ever capture it, but thus far that has not been achieved.
Odanus has billions of slaves from Nondorf Worlds, 100% of them willing. In 9987,
hundreds of ships carrying refugees from Vondor and Korandor arrived in the system,
begging asylum on any world that would take them in. The Empress (with cooperation
from the world’s leaders) granted them asylum on Odanus with the condition that they

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work as slaves for 10 years before being granted status as subjects. All that agreed
stayed, those that did not fled to Krokan worlds.

Military Status:
Odanus is home to the 12th Sudrale Naval Fleet (which includes the Space Command),
the 10th and 22nd Aerial Armored Divisions, and the 1st and 3rd Special Forces
Regiments. Using technology more than brawn, the leaders of the world employ entire
divisions of SADBOT VI and the Moroni Battle Robot for defense in case of invasion.

Odanus is home to Queen LaLana Sudra-soo, the heir to the throne of Sudral. The
Queen is an advanced psionic with 11 disciplines, and is regarded as a goddess to the
people of the planet, although she acknowledges the Empress as her Supreme publicly.
The Queen uses a system of governors to rule the masses much in the same fashion that
the Queen of Atlas does. The seven massive territories are governed by Empenes, a title
that means “Overseer.” These seven women are selected by the Queen and reviewed by
the Empress herself, and undergo a rigorous three year training program to get selected
for the position. An Empene is the third highest title a woman can achieve in Sudrale
society, and has incredible social status across the stars, except in the Krokan worlds of

Odanus has seven massive continents (each is designated a territory) scattered across
her vast hemispheres. They are Skakalp, Suvalsu, Surano, Sutal, Supparan, Palperon,
and Su-sudona.

Palperon and Supparan

The western territories of have vast mountain ranges spanning their entire length. These
mountainous territories are home to the Odan-Su uronium mines. These vast, deep
mines produce over one billion kilotons of uronium ore per year.

This vast territory is rich with thousands of kilometers of Gromme’s Grass, a highly
nutritious plant that is edible and palatable to animals as well as humans. The grass is
harvested by massive robotic combines twice a year, and shipped to factories on Sutal.
The grass produces grains, sugars, and very palatable roots that make over a thousand
food products in Sutal City’s massive factories. These massive grasslands are highly
prized and protected by strict laws. The non-prairie areas of Skakalp are dedicated to
machinery storage yards and cities. The grasslands of Skakalp are watered naturally by

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annual rains and artificially by massive canal systems that are fed by the Great Tigris

By far the largest of the continent-territories, Suvalsu is home to the largest marshes in
the known universe and frozen tundra that make up the north and south poles. The
poles are not glacialized, but nonetheless in a year round frozen state. The massive
marshes of the South Seas support a massive fishing and hunting industry. Thousands
of species of fish and amphibians inhabit them. There are two species that are unique to
Odanus, the Morkel Swamp Frog and the Terapsaur.
The frog is a small black and yellow amphibian that eats mosquitos as its main diet.
However, the frog’s parotid glands contain the single deadliest poison in the entire
sector. One quarter of a milliliter of this poison will kill the average main in 20 seconds.
For this reason the bio toxin special weapons divisions of the Sudrale Navy have teams
of biologists monitoring the frog’s environment to ensure its preservation. The frog’s
toxin is harvested from several thousand samples every year and converted to
bioweapons. The Terapsaur is an aquatic reptile similar to an alligator but larger and
ten times more aggressive. The average adult terapsaur is roughly nine meters at full
maturity (1 ½ to 2 years). The adults eat their body weight in meat every day. The
reason the Terapsaur is protected is for its young. When the hatchlings are about 3-5
months old, they are captured and processed for dining. Their tender meat (like lobster)
is a delicacy to the Sudrale, at least those that can afford it.
The north pole of Odanus in central Suvalsu is home to the 175th Majesty’s Air Force
and Space Command. This gigantic elite unit of pilots, navigators, crews, and hundreds
of support and security personnel are garrisoned at the massive Sudra-Soo Air Base.
This base covers thousands of kilometers of runways, storage facilities, maintenance
hangars, and the largest Spaceport in the known universe.

Sutal is a large continent that is mostly high desert in the north and rolling, wooded
hills in the south. The entire continent (its cities and towns) is dedicated to
manufacturing weapons and equipment for the Sudrale militaries. Massive factories
(automated and slave worked) are scattered across the continent and produce millions
of kilotons of products per year. The reason Sutal is revered and respected so by friends
and enemies alike is that this process is performed with 100% clean energy. The
factories have no harmful output to the atmosphere due to the Suqell filtering system
invented by Martin Suqell of Supher-Soo, a small village on the continent’s southern
coast. The filtering system is made of 100% natural products, primarily Gromme’s Grass
from Skakalp. The Empress herself visited the world in 10001 and awarded Martin the
rank of High Knight in the court of honor, a rare honor for a male in Sudrale culture.

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This large continent lies in the eastern ocean that is mostly cold year round. This
massive ocean produces the highest number of crustaceans and cold water clams in the
sector. Su-sudona (Called “su-su”for short) has a massive fishing industry, and the
largest deep sea operation in the sector. In the early 10th Millennium, the government of
this territory (at the Empene’s directing) is performing experiments with massive deep
sea cities. Many corporations (including Flynnt) have placed bids and donated high
tech submarines for these endeavors.

This beautiful island continent is blessed with beautiful forests and pristine lakes and
rivers. It is home to the Queen’s spaceport in the city of the gods, Supholon. The
spaceport provides all transport for the Queen and her dignitaries, where locally or off
planet. The continent is also home to the Queen’s colleges. They are:
• The Suvern Colleges at Su-Sana (12)
• The Soo-Sunsoon Colleges at Su-Borea (6)
• The School of the Mind at Supholon
• The technical colleges at Subree-so (32)
On Odanus, all male Sudrale children are mandated to complete one year of college. All
females are mandated to complete three years. Gifted and high achieving students of
either sex are mandated to complete 8 years of college ( all Sudrone fall into the latter

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Rondor’s Three

The name Rondors that is given to the three worlds and the rift come from the great
explorer Patricia Rondor, a Sudrale “pirate” that started the Sudrale Rebellion in
roughly 99600. Patricia was the Captain of the famous Thunder Hawks battle group
that thwarted the Krokan Invasion of Odanus in 99598.


Name/ Designation Rondor's Three

Sector Located Sudrale Confederacy
Geographical Data Class B Worlds (Three) (I, II, III )
Major Continents None
Peak Technological
Level H
Government Senior Military Officer Present
Circumference 7500 to 8100 km at the equator
Atmosphere Trace

Population (see narrative)

Water None native
Spaceport 1 “B” on each world
Major Languages Sudrale

Rondor’s Three (also called the Three Worlds) are tiny worlds are no larger than some
moons, and are considered ‘dead worlds’ as they have only trace atmospheres, and no
climates or indigenous life. The worlds are designated I, II, and III.
The Sudrale military uses worlds I and II for zero gravity training, weapon testing, and
training grounds for troops. There are always 2-3 brigades of army or navy troops on
these worlds at any given time. Slaves typically quartered here are for performance of
menial tasks. World III is a penal colony for criminals sentenced to hard labor for life.
These unlucky persons mine precious minerals by hand tool for their remaining life.
Most prisoners here are Aryans or Krokan war criminals.
Each planet has a Class B spaceport. In times of war, all three worlds are used as staging
points for Nearewerd or Rearewerd invasions.

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VI. Maps and Legends

The Lesper’ Sector

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The Lesper Sector Starmap as presented to the Earth Federation by John Xavier Flynnt
in the 9th Millennium.

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The Krokan/Sudrale Sector

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The Krokan Empire/ Sudrale Confederation Starmap as accepted by the Earth

Federation in 9992.

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Odanus as seen from outer orbits with digital hex finder and continent names added.
Odanus is the largest world in the sector.

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Sudral as seen by orbital viewer in 10003.

Sudral is home to the Empress of the Sudrale Coalition of Free Worlds.

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Saddem as seen by orbital viewer with digital hex finder.

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SECTOR MAP Quick Reference

Krokan Empire:
Rondor’s Rift

The Kroka System (A)

1. K-1 or Krokull
2. K-6 or Krosun-sah
3. K-3 or Kraku’un
4. K-4 or Gardenia
5. K-5 or Krokanus
6. K-2 or Kroda-ko

The Krobon System

B. System Star Krobon
7. K-7 or Krobania
8. K-8 or Krolam-Ko
9. K-9 or Keorpta

The Krokson System

C: Krokson- System Star
10. K-10 or Kroso-Ko
11. K-11 or Krosoda
12. K-12 or Krober-Sun
13. K-13 or Kro-bla’na

Sudrale Confederacy
14. Sector DMZ (see narrative)

The Odan System

15. Odanus
16. Rondor’s Three I
17. Odan- System Star
18. Rondor’s Three II
19. Rondor’s Three III

The Sudron System

20. P-2 or Mech World
21. Sudron- System Star
22. P-3 or Sukoo-Su
23. Sudon

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24. P-1 or Suzuzzu

25. Sudral

SECTOR MAP Quick Reference


The Lesper’ Sector

The Lesperian System

System Star Lesperian (A)
1. Torton

The Ordnon System

System Star Ordnon (B)
2. Ord
3. MeLord

E. Venar Gas Giants

The Baliff System

System Star Baliff (C)
4. Veetna
5. Saddem
6. Andevus
7. Nuna’ne

The Eentar System

System Star Eentar (D)
8. Meena
9. Geena
10. Andor
11. Rorklar

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VII. Of Gods and Goddesses

They summoned and asked the goddess,

the midwife of the gods, the wise birth-giver,
“To a creature give life, create workers!
Create a primitive worker,
that he may bear the yoke!
Let him bear the yoke assigned by Enlil,
Let the worker carry the toil of the gods!”
-the ancient texts of the Anunnaki

Humanoids of all species and races have one major flaw in common; throughout the
ages they have all felt the need to create gods to be their invisible masters. The great
psionics of the 9th and 10th Millenniums realized this and recognized that they could
assume these roles and become “immortal” like the gods and goddesses of myth and
legend. These “gods” were even given the ancient names and ceremonial pomp
according to the ancient transcripts that told of these great beings and their feats of
magnificence. It was only when men fully realized the folly of this charade, did they
become great themselves and develop into a true race of highly evolved beings to be
reckoned with in the Universe. Sadly billions of lives would pay the price before this

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Alconneus Periphal Lucifer

Alcon was born on Rorklar in 9957. He was admitted to the Colleges of Gifted Scientists
at age 13. He completed his second PhD at the age of 22, and was given millions of
dollars in grants for scientific research in the fields of physics and space exploration.
Alcon is a gifted psionic. He is has almost unlimited abilities in telepathy and astral
projection. During his time of research at over 12 universities, Alcon secretly built a cult
dedicated to his name, and 13 years later it was known as the Holy Cup of Lucifer. In a
short time, it simply became known as the Staff of Lucifer, and remained under that
name well into the 10th Millennium. At the beginning of the 10th Millennium, Alcon
resides in several sectors, depending on his whims, and has over 320 Million followers
and hundreds of priests at his beckon call. He is a multi-trillionaire, and owns 12 mega-
corporations, or at least very large shares in them. In 10010, Alcon turns 53 years old.
However, due to his discipline in psionics, he appears a youthful man of 25. Alcon is a
sadist, a masochist, a pedophile, and a strict totalitarian. He does not tolerate mistakes,
and frequently hires top level assassins to grease high level officials that do not do his

Paul Dean Ak’nah

Paul was born on Neptune in 9978. He is the son of two cyborgs which were
descendants of the Alliance of Humanity. He never attended school until he was forced
by the military to enter the Academy of Mind Sciences on Goliath at age 19, because he
was spinning out of control with his reckless use of his special abilities. Paul focused on
school and disciplinary studies until 10000, when he decided that he had enough of
school and borrowed a large sum of money from his Uncle on Atlas. He then purchased
a small corporation, LaGrange Exports LLC, and began shipping arms for the UAB to
select worlds in the Lesper Sector where mercenary armies were in constant need of
replenishment. In 10008, Paul had renamed himself the Ak-nah the Overlord, and has
been given several territories on four planets as his kingdoms. He is highly gifted with
the psionic ability of persuasion, and also has a large cult following his every whim.

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Hella (Hecate)

Jean Sacon Baptiste was born on Meena in 9976. She was given to the holy emperor at
age 13 as a virgin slave. The Emperor of course immediately noticed her beauty and
sensed her psionic potential, and proclaimed her a god-daughter of the royal family.
After 20 years of service and schooling at the supervision of the Imperial Services, Jean
proclaimed herself a free woman and demanded release on her own recognizance. The
Emperor was enraged; he had her mind “cleansed” and banished her to the Venar Gas
Mines, a series of space stations that collect and refine fuels for starships. Five years
later Jean emerged once again calling herself Hella, the goddess of War and Death.
Immediately gaining followers and acolytes, as well as junior psionics as priests, Hella
began a rampage of death across the Tak’Na Sector, killing and gathering money,
starships, personnel, and hundreds of followers and slave armies. Hella has the
incredible psionic abilities of possession, pyrokinesis, and teleportation. Hella is a
beautiful woman and frequently seduces heads of state and top officials in governments
to do her will.

Captain Darius Jacobe IV

Darius is a leading figure in the opening of the 10th Millennium in the Lesper Sector.
Darius commands the renowned Night Searcher, a 7500 ton Christiana Class Cruiser
that is commissioned to explore all the sectors Rearewerd of the Ramaris Sector. This is
a 3 year mission ordained and supported by the Queen of Atlas and the Earth
Federation. Darius was born on Halliburd Station in 9953 to Chanel Preston Jacobe and
Darius Jacobe the III. He was diagnosed with a severe spinal disease at age 2, then at
age 3 was diagnosed with APPS (advanced psionic potential syndrome). His parents
immediately moved to Danfellows on Atlas, so the boy could be raised in the care of the
School of Advanced Mind Sciences at Danfellows Main. At age 12 Darius attained his
PhD in physics, and at age 16 he attained his second PhD in Genetics. At the age of
maturity (19) Darius was an accomplished psionicist, and at age 22 was knighted in the
Royal Court of Danfellows. He then served 8 years in her majesty’s secret services, and
then became high protector of the Queen’s emissary to Halliburd. Upon his father’s
death in 9999, Darius was given command of the Night Searcher, and sent on a three
year mission to the Lesper, Tak’Na, and Cook Sectors. Although blessed with incredible
powers, Darius (like the Queens of Atlas) never the chose the “god” path but instead
used his power and knowledge for aiding the week and feeding the hungry.

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Eshad’ra’kaha Petriusd Lohihhm

This man was born in 9000 BH on Earth in the harshest winter known to the region of
Kanada in over 200 years. He was the son of Peter Lohihhm and Selah Elom, two
lifelong devotees to the ancient art and spiritual following of the She’ pa’la.
Peter and Selah were each in their late seventies when Eshad was born; he was three
months premature and less than 7 cm in length and 800 grams at birth. The boy was not
expected to be a healthy person, if he lived at all. At age 2 years and 3 months, he far
exceeded that expectation when he was accepted to the Kanada Academy of the
Ancients, the training ground of some of the most brilliant minds of the 8th Millennium
and many before. The child showed remarkable aptitude for psionics and excelled at
advanced test usually attributed to highly advance children twice his age. Later, at age 9
years, Shad (his name evolved into one syllable) he took the entrance exams for the
Advanced College of Intellects, a small institution completely overseen and financed by
the Academy of the Ancients. Shad scored in the 99.8 percentile, a feat only achieved by
two persons before in recorded history.
He as accepted into the elite doctorate program and advanced training schools at age 10
years 3 months, and studied there for 4 years. He graduated with the class of 9015 with
a doctorate in astrophysics; and as the youngest person to receive a doctorate at such a
young age. He immediately pledged to accept a scholarship at the Tu Private School for
Advanced Persons (in Southern Lemuria) for 6 years, studying the arts of the Shre pa’la
and pursuing a double doctorate in quantum technologies and industrial engineering.
He graduated Grand Sire of Studies in 9022, the most advanced student in Earth’s
recorded history. It was at this time that he decided to study medicine; as his mother
had died in 9020 of a then unknown form of Holbert’s Strain, a rare virus named after
the late Rans Holbert in 8090.
Much to the disappointment of his financial backers, he went on a 20 year search for the
cure to the virus; attaining a 4th Doctorate of Medical Technology in this time working
jobs of labor and servitude thought by most to be “far beneath him.”
Shad surfaced in 9042, applying at the Jonas Barrett Institute for Disease as an
understudy and physician’s assistant. In 9044, he was noted Senior Fellow and
Chairman of the Board of Directors, and given the job of Chief of Medical Operations.
He excelled at these positions for the next 50 years, and in 9092 oversaw the final stages
of development for the Esahda Biochip, a tiny chip placed in a human when they are
born, which identifies any invasion into the human body immediately, and tells the
brain to begin processing the necessary natural barriers to block it. Upon going to a
medical facility, the bearer could be scanned, and the medical facility could
immediately identify a disease or other invasion using the chip’s information. Millions
of lives could be saved annually just on Earth. Untold billions could be saved

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throughout the sector. The hospital’s owners, the Gallegher Corporation, immediately
sought to mass market the chip, seeking to make untold trillions from its sale. Shad
rejected this idea; he wanted to sell it to everyone at the lowest amount feasible, and see
disease eradicated from the Ramaris Sector in his lifetime.
The next year would see a great separation of loyalties and score of financial squabbles;
however Shad retained a full patent on the chip, and refused to release it on the market,
fearing that only the rich would receive its benefits. He resigned from Jonas Barrett at
age 94, and retreated to his private resort on Yu, Lemuria’s sparsely populated country,
and planned to live out his days there. The next two years would be anything but
peaceful for him, as he was constantly harassed to sell the patent for the chip.
In private laboratory, Shad produced 1000 of the biochips, placing them in 10 one
hundred unit boxes, and sending them to heads of government of the nine worlds, and
keeping one for himself and his two children and their families. At this time, Shad was
a Shre Dah, an accomplished master of the arts of the Shre’ pa’la. Being a practitioner of
its arts and ways of life for his entire life, he was an advanced psionic with astounding
powers of telepathy and many other unknown abilities. For this reason he could not be
swindled by any scheme the corporations contracted, and in 9098 he executed his
Living Will to his family, and disappeared without a trace. Before he made this
unexpected move, he financed the building of the Home for the Gifted, a charity that
takes in children with ‘special’ needs. This facility was staffed with several fellows that
had never swayed from his side, and their associates. The facility was renamed Elohim
Estate two years later by Shad’s son Timetheo.
In the following years, the Academy of the Ancients was renowned for grooming the
sector’s greatest minds; even some of the queens of Atlas. The ancient art of the Shre’
pa’la was revered and respected for Millennia to come, and the belief that all things
come from the Source, even the gods, was household teaching well into the 10th
Some 300 years later a prophet from the Academy of the Ancients declared that Shad
had been a god that visited our world in human form, and returned to his realm when
his tasks were done. It was not long after that when temples were built to his name, and
Elohim was called the Father of Our Time.
In the Krokan/Sudrale conflicts hundreds of years later, some 200 Krokan commanders
saw visions of a man they described as a kindly, elderly gentleman, who appeared to
them and told them to stop their warring and follow him. These persons became the
greatest prophets and men of their time, all professing that “Elohim had turned them
from their evil ways…”
Centuries later, it was said that he was the ancient that created the Earth and the other 8
worlds. In the 10th Millennium, Elohim was synonymous with “God.”

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Diana Anne Ferguson was born on Torton in 9870. She was the seventh child of seven,
and was raised from age 12 to adulthood by her older siblings because her parents died
in the great flood of 9812. Diana was a beautiful young woman, and soon discovered
that she loved helping the sick and the weak. Not long after that, she realized that she
had a unique power to heal the injured with her mind. This rare ability is a psionic feat
known to few as telekinetic transformation. By the age of 25, Diana realized that she
also had the ability to speak to the deaf and to hear the mute. At age 50, Diana had
established charities across three star systems, and was loved and revered by park
bench bums and Kings alike. At age 62, while travelling to Ramaris to visit the great city
of Danfellows, her ship was seized by a pirate ship, and she was sold from master to
master for 30 years before being bought by a ship with a dying captain. Upon healing
the near death man, she was taken to Danfellows on Atlas and awarded the Star of Isis,
the highest honor a healer can receive. She was also noticed by the Princess Calena, and
given audience with the Queen of Atlas. The Queen, psionically recalling Diana’s trials
and deeds, awarded her with a mansion and title. In one year the mansion was a home
for the homeless, and Diana was again healing the sick and wounded.
She died at the age of 114. She was given the same funeral as a head of state in the city
of Danfellows on March 21, 9984. On the first day of the season of Ostara, it was
declared by the Queen that it would also be remembered as Diana’s Day.

Thomas Bale Richtor

Thomas was born on Granduer’s Station in 9913. He was the son of Hans Von Richtor,
an Aryan scientist and geneticist that was one of the key players in the Wagner
Corporation’s Super Soldier Program. At age 13, Thomas was sent to Earth for college
and possible attendance at one of the psionic training academies. At age 22, he had
achieved a Master’s Degree in Bio-Mechanical Engineering, and was working on a
second one in Quantum Space Networking. One grim day he received the call that his
father had been killed in a laboratory accident, and he hopped the next transport
headed to Venus. Upon reaching his father’s townhouse on Granduer’s and speaking to
authorities, he realized that his father had been dead for four years and that all of his
research and Thomas’ inheritance was gone. Not knowing what to do, he happened to
run into a character in the spaceport bar that informed him that he was a former agent
for the UAB, and that Thomas’ father’s death was no accident, and that he knew where
he had been killed. After a long search and thousands of dollars in debt, Thomas finally
found his father’s murderer, a UAB agent dying in a hospital on Malor 2. This man
disclosed all information to Thomas, and gave his final apology. In 9940, Thomas
arrived at the secret laboratory where his father had last been known to be. Using secret
family passwords, he opened the lab and discovered that his father had developed a

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serum that extends life to 150 years of age, and another that boosts psionic abilities to
abnormal and very dangerous levels. Thomas immediately took a dose of both serums.
He awoke two days later. After several experiments and near death trials, Thomas
developed the Bale Vaccine, a one-time shot that makes a person appear young to age
120 or more, depending on his health, and gives women better figures and less body
hair. The psionic booster had seemingly no effect, until one afternoon Thomas grew
angry at a waiter in a restaurant, and told the man to go kill himself. The young waiter
promptly walked over the buffet, fetched a large butcher knife and stabbed himself in
the heart. Thomas was never charged with a crime; but he now knew he was dealing
with a most powerful drug.
He immediately began mass producing and marketing his new found drug (the Bale
Vaccine) to thousands of eager customers, and by 9990 he had sold so many doses of his
wonder drug that he was an eccentric trillionaire with stock and ownership in hundreds
of corporations. He had also secretly began experimenting with the psionic booster and
after several years developed techniques in which he could speak to masses and tell
persuade them to do almost anything. At the age of 85, Thomas’ corporations were sued
by over 10,000 persons for side effects of the Bale Vaccine. He settled out of court for 450
Billion. He then disappeared out of sight and mind and has never been heard of since.
Thomas now has an identity of Richtoff Von Schiemer. He is 90 years old in the early
10th Millennium, and lives in various parts of the Lesper and Krokan sectors for short
times. He is known to his business associates as Mr. Black. He is known to many slaves
and poor people as Ba’al, the god of fertility, rain, and thunder.

Sarah Lynn MacKenzee was born in Missoula, Montana in Midwestern Kanada in 9950.
She was the second child of Michael MacKenzee and Anahita Abdullah. Sarah was a
shy child well into her late teens, keeping to her studies and hoping to pursue a degree
in the marine biological sciences. She was an incredible swimmer and diver, and did so
very often even under the ice of Montana’s frozen lakes and rivers. It was not long
before she was also highly recognized for her beauty. She won beauty pageants all
through high school and into community college. She was offered a modeling contract
at the age of 23, and was going to travel to Lemuria in the fall of 9973 to pursue that
adventure, as well as swim and dive in the beautiful southern oceans. While walking
with her sister to market one snowy day, she was struck by a car and knocked to the
ground, where she lay paralyzed for 6 hours. She awoke to realize that she could see
and hear, but her back was broken and she was immobile. Her sister had made it out of
the car, but two boys had seemingly came to her aid, then turned to their true intentions
of having their way with her. After an hour of being beaten and brutally sodomized, the
boys ran away. In the last few hours of her life, Sarah’s sister lay on top of Sarah, and
kept her warm until she died of blood loss and freezing temperatures. Sarah was found

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later in a pool of her sister’s blood, still alive. She would spend the most part of the next
year in the hospitals and physical therapy gyms. It was here that she swore to be the
greatest soldier that ever lived, and at age 25 joined the First Terran Marines and
headed to Atlantis for boot camp. Sarah excelled at soldiering. She was a natural at all
tasks, and the best swimmer and diver on the entire training base. Her beauty had also
blossomed to incredible proportion.
The following year she completed Advanced Infantry School, and was accepted to the
Special Forces 200th Force Recon, a formidable group of selected soldiers that carry out
clandestine missions in the most dangerous places.
After six years of dangerous assignments and near death experiences, Sarah decided
that she might as well make the real money for her troubles. By this time Sarah had
been training in the arts of the Shre’ pal’la for three years, and had attained the rank of
junior master. Calling in favors and cashing in savings bonds, she scraped up enough to
start her own mercenary unit, and accepted her first ticket that same year. After several
years of doing this, Sarah was a multi-millionaire and had turned down hundreds of
marriage proposals from Colonels, Generals, Kings, and Trillionaires. At the age of 35,
Sarah considered retirement and a return to modeling. It was then that she met Gerard
Collins, a pilot that had attained the rank of Starship Captain on the famous Night
Searcher, a Christiana Class Starship that carried out missions suitable to her tastes. She
elected to hire on as a mercenary soldier/advisor/and trainer. Three years and forty star
systems later, Sarah found herself standing next to her now husband Gerard as he
received the rank of Darkor in the Court of Danfellows. A year later the couple would
retire to Ardurandes, a world in the Ramaris Sector where they are the companions of
the Shraku, a race of psionic intellects. It was there that Sarah completed the teachings
of the Shre Pal la, and learned to channel psionic thought from her husband, and
became a spiritual guardian and advisor to hundreds of people worlds away. In the
early 10th Millennium, Sarah is regarded a Goddess in many sectors.

Empress Katerina Sudrana-soo

The Empress of the Sudrale Confederation is a highly advanced master psionic with 32
disciplines, and is regarded as a goddess by the people of the Sudrale worlds. She
publicly acknowledges the Queens of Atlas as her mentors and sisters of the Light.
Katerina’s second in rule is Queen LaLana Sudra-so of Odanus, the heir to the throne of
Sudral. The Queen is an advanced psionic with 18 disciplines, and is regarded as a
goddess to the people of the planet, although she acknowledges the Empress as her

10th Millennium© Sector Almanac A1

James Culp (order #7126149)


VIII: The Referee’s Corner

This section is meant exclusively for the referee. Don’t worry, the world won’t end if the
Role Player reads this section, and you know damn well he will. It’s human nature to
investigate. In all rhyme and reason, it shouldn’t help the Role Player to read this
section, as the experienced referee will already have plenty of twists and turns added to
his adventure to suffice. However, the Universe in the 10th Millennium is an ever
changing one. Corporations with extremely greedy goals seek to expand their interests
across the galaxy, and fatten their pockets accordingly. The following list of additions
to the world’s descriptions will add the referee in adding plot and storyline to the
character’s adventures throughout the sectors, worlds, and cultures visited. Enjoy- Jim

The following is a section that contains Referee’s information on each world that he
may or may not disclose to the Role Players in their adventures. The information is
typically about corporate or military (or both) ventures on the particular world at a
given place in time. The referee may, of course, change this information the way that he
sees fit to do so.

The Lesper’ Sector

Several out of sector entities control pieces of the Lesper Sector. The Aryans of Mars,
Corporations from Malor I and Malor II in the MaCumbrian Sector, and the Earth
Federation’s secret societies. The Malneer Corporation of Malor I in the MaCumbrian
Sector is a huge influence on Lesper worlds, chiefly because of its proximity. The
Aryans of Mars have several trade agreements with the Malorians, and many “off the
books” deals with kings and emperors of many of the world’s countries. This cocktail of
vested interests typically results in skirmishes two or three times a month, usually
resulting in the big dog getting his way. Below the referee will find most of the worlds
listed and brief narrative describing information that he may or may not want to
disclose to the players. Typically, this is military information that matters substantially
to characters attempting to operate on these worlds.

10th Millennium© Sector Almanac A1

James Culp (order #7126149)


The Lesperian System

1. Torton
Patagonia Station is a corporate joint venture by a group of wealthy investors on Mars
and the United Citizens Coalition of Malor 1 and 2. Scientifically, the station monitors
the world for advancement, and studies geological, demographic, and climate changes
of the large planet. This typically unlikely merger is one reached out of pure greed, and
political and social differences are quelled in the face of big money. The station is highly
controversial in political circles; some citing that this massive piece of technology gives
the big corporations advantages over competitors. Others accuse the Malorians of
having a plot to control the sector by military might, a feat that would be initialized by
converting Patagonia Station into a military base. A huge rumor that can be heard in
spaceport bars and aboard freighters is that the Wagner Corporation of Mars plans to
build a shipyard here.

2. Ord
All tribes worship the great sky god Ba’al, god of rain, thunder, and fertility. Each tribe
has a high priest that visits the holy sky ship* annually, where he is given the year’s
directives, and blessed with another year of life for his tribe. Most tribes give great gifts
to the sky ship each year, typically a large number of female virgins or a small number
of male warriors.

*= a visiting patrol ship from Malor 1 with a “god” on board

3. MeLord
The Malorian Navy seized control of the planet in 9934, and still covertly control it
though the Queen and Royal Court that it planted here (as a child with Malorian
advisors) in 9946. The Queen is a gifted psionic, and the citizens of MeLord and Ord
consider her the wife of Ba’al. The Queen has a royal court of 4,000 servants, governors,
mayors, and trusted tax collectors. She also employs a very well paid army of 250,000
mercenary troops collected from many worlds. These soldiers of the coin keep peace
throughout the world, and also escort the Queen or her dignitaries on their many

4. Veetna

Veetna is a small but extremely important planet in the Lesper Sector. Veetna is the only
planet in the sector claimed by the Earth Federation. It was colonized in 9928 by the
renowned explorer John Xavier Flynnt, the founding father of Flynnt Industries.

10th Millennium© Sector Almanac A1

James Culp (order #7126149)


Veetna is well known for her underground facilities, which rival those of Mercury or
Neptune in the Ramaris Sector. The UAB continually petitions the Earth Federation
Council for possession of this planet, claiming that they colonized it before Flynnt, who
was an emissary for the Queen of Atlas and the King of Goliath.
The Earth Federation has three orbital stations over Veetna, as well as military bases on
both of her moons. These orbital stations and bases are heavily armed and
complemented with SADBOTs and tanks, and well supplied regularly. The Queen of
Atlas regards Veetna as the primary defense for not allowing the UAB to establish a
stronger foothold in this sector.

5. Saddem
The Malneer Corporation controls this world with a large army stationed on an orbital
spaceport and 5 large planet-side bases. The planetary spaceport is at Porg, a modern
and technologically advanced port city in the southern hemisphere. The Porga and the
Hattie both have kings and gods, but understand that their Malorian overlords are their
lifeblood and key to trade, commerce, and advancement, which they crave above all

6. Andevus
This large world is claimed and occupied by the UAB on Mars. This giant planet was
explored and partially colonized by the Malorian expeditions of 9841-9864, but efforts to
build bases or stations planet side were wrought with natural disasters and frequent
brutal attacks from the Vendara and the Haltooth clans. Many years later the UAB of
Mars mounted a heavily armed expedition to the world, ousted the Malorians, and took
control of the world. The story of Andevus for the most part is a long and dreadful one.
Three “gods” Lucifer*, Ak’nah**, and Hella (Hecate)*** play a sick game of chess with
human life and the planet’s overall wellbeing. These “gods” are of course nothing more
than highly psionic humans with large corporate influences and well financed armies.
Each of these overlords has a space station in orbit, and they all have ties of some sort or
agreements with the powerful UAB and its dreams of conquering the universe.

7. Nuna’ne
In 9921, the Wagner Corporation of Mars struck a deal with the Malneer Corporation of
Malor 1, and these corporate giants agreed to split the costs and profits of mining the
world for 100 years, the expected time it was agreed that it would take to strip the
planet down to worthless rock. As of 10,004, these mega-corporations have removed
millions of tons of ore from the little world. Nunane is also a prison planet for all of the
Malorian/Aryan controlled planets of the entire Lesper Sector. Prisoners that do not
receive immediate death penalties are sent here for life work sentences, where they
work the mines that are not automated.

10th Millennium© Sector Almanac A1

James Culp (order #7126149)


8. Meena
At the beginning of the 10th Millennium, the reigning emperor Camzikal has sat on the
throne for 112 years, and is growing old. His son, Camzikahn, is nearing the age of
maturity (34) and will replace the old emperor when he dies. The dynasty of emperors
are a psionic race of humans, psionic powers being genetically passed from generation
to generation. These powers include advanced telepathy, advanced telekinesis, and
many others. For these reasons the empire does not observe gods, the emperor and his
family are the gods.

9. Geena
At the outset of the 10th Millennium, the UAB is covertly planning to install a high tech
undersea station that will be the basis for the occupation and takeover of this resource
rich world. The organization currently has small special forces contingents operating on
the world.

10. Andor
The monarchies of Kallar and Bondaj could have advanced the world to space age
technologies centuries ago, but have not done so because of years of war and brutal
takeovers. In 9989, these warring monarchies were united under the Bond of Equity, a
peace accord brokered by the 17 year old Princess Kallassi of Kalar City. At the
beginning of the 10th Millennium, there is a deal on the table with the Malorian
Expeditionary Force to build a Class A Spaceport in orbit, and projections for the
peoples of the planet to achieve space travel in the coming years.


Krokan Empire:
Rondor’s Rift
Moving through the Rift:
Starships with hydrogen drives can move though the rift at ½ speed. Starships with
uronium drives can proceed at ¾.

Space combat in the Rift:

Combat is restricted in the rift. Lasers lose 50% effectiveness, missiles attack with a +40
penalty, and all other weapons are at the referee’s discretion.

10th Millennium© Sector Almanac A1

James Culp (order #7126149)


1. K-1 or Krokull
The vast desert outback of Siine is home to the largest military base in the sector. The
Krokan Empire’s military has the largest human infantry in the known universe,
numbering over three billion. The massive continent of Perrna is a testing facility for the
latest weapons, as well as a slave processing and selection center. The Perrna spaceport
is a world’s military point of entry and point of debarkation.

3. K-3 or Kraku’un
The now serves as a detention center and slave collection center for the Krokan Empire.
The planet has vast underground caverns and tunnels that make up a massive complex
of prisons, detention areas, and work camps. There is typically 3-4 brigades of the 12th
Krokan Infantry Division operating here; conscripting slaves and captives for service in
low tech warfare on primitive neighboring worlds Vog, Mog, and Og.
The planet is governed by the senior military officer posted here, typically a Brigadier
General, a Rear Admiral, or a Chief of Police.

Additional note: In 9973, the worlds of Vog, Mog, and Og in the Rogue System of the
Mellar System were defeated and claimed as part of the Krokan Empire. They are
sometimes now referred to as Imperial Colonies Ak, Zak, and Norak.

4. K-4 or Gardenia
The Shultz Conglomerate has an orbital space station here, and a mercenary navy of 30
ships or the planet’s defense, as well as a team of bio-technicians that monitor the
world’s processes but never interfere with it. In exchange for these services, megatons
of organic produce and lamb meat are exported to Mars on a monthly basis.

7. K-7 or Krobania
K-7 is a semi-military planet. Two of her continents are military training bases for the
Krokan Army and Navy. Krolon is reserved for the Navy, and Kroketa for the Army.
The planet does not employ slaves, and does not allow immigration. The only exception
to this rule is that captured Sudrale or Ramaran operatives are used as prizes for
training hunts, as well as “opposing forces” for real life war games. News of this
activity reached the ears of the Queen of Atlas and the Sudrale Empress in recent years.
This news has re-fueled war efforts drastically.
The planet has very little fresh water, so it imports billions of giga-liters of water yearly
and uses massive desalinization plants for producing potable water.
At any given time, there is at least one naval fleet in orbit here, and it will be
complemented with 3-4 heavy brigades of top notch troops who serve as trainers.
The planet is governed by a Prime Minister who reports to the Senior Military officer in
command (typically a two star General or a Rear Admiral). The civilian populace is

10th Millennium© Sector Almanac A1

James Culp (order #7126149)


primarily comprised of government agency workers that provide technical support to

the military.

Civilians live on the island continents of Keela and Kor-kor, and labor to aid the
military in all efforts. One of the largest (after food and medical services) is prostitution
for the lonely soldiers on long deployments and 2 year assignments.

K-7’s two military bases have vast training area for testing weapons and new
technologies. When the Wagner Corporation sold the T-6 GMV tank to the empire, it
was here that they were tested and trained on.

8. K-8 or Krolam-Ko
K-8 is always guarded by the 119th Vanguard, a home defense mercenary navy that
specializes in planetary defense. This Vanguard (mostly Dabrians and Ogians) is highly
paid (with respect and monetary compensation) because it keeps the wolves out of the
“bread basket.” The Vanguard is also provided monthly with captured Sudrale women,
who are used for pleasure and then nourishment.

9. K-9 or Keorpta
K-9 is a very mountainous planet, and under her vast mountain ranges are huge natural
caverns, where the Kelops have built vast subterranean cities. It is for this reason that K-
9 has endured over 100 nuclear bombardments and remains a productive planet. K-9 is
a massive exporter of Uronium and gold. Her subterranean factories mine over 10,000
kilotons of ore each day. Her caverns also house massive artificial biomes for
agriculture. The planet is surprisingly 80% self- sustained.
K-9 is the only planet in the Krokan Empire to have a large population of Ramaran
slaves. This is due to the hundreds of troop transports that have crashed here during
failed invasions because of severe winds and a highly ionic atmosphere. Slaves of all
races on K-9 are field workers and miners.
The world has an indigenous ape like species called the Kroberbion; a distant relative of
the Dabrians. The species only has a female gene, and is capable of self- reproduction.
The “Krobs” as they are called, are a reclusive mountain ape that are 100% vegetarians
and cave dwellers. They abide high in mountain areas where humans fear to go because
of high winds and bitter temperatures.
Sudrale/Ramaran refugee colony: In the southwest kingdom of Kroksa-don, there is a
large Sudrale/ Ramaran colony of women and children numbering about 10,000 that no
off worlders know about.
Key Note: If the Dabrians were to discover the Kroberion, they would believe them to
be their ancestors (and they probably are) and more than likely go to great lengths to

10th Millennium© Sector Almanac A1

James Culp (order #7126149)


seize the population of these beings from the planet. Great strides are taken by the
Krokans (as well as the Martian Corporations) to see that this never happens.

The Krokson System

C: Krokson- System Star
10. K-10 or Kroso-ko
K-10 has the largest island slave breeding camps in the known universe. Large breasted
Sudrale women are prized across the stars, and the trade of such is a multi-trillion credit
industry, as well as many other races for other uses. The Mogish men are highly prized
as arena gladiators, and Sudrale men are vastly valued for their technical abilities.
K-10 has a massive orbital space station here, owned by the Wagner Corporation of
Mars. The station is a testing facility for medical sciences. Slaves are brought here for
such purposes. The activities conducted on this world are second to none in fueling the
Sudrale Confederacy and the gaining greater support for the cause from outside
agencies and governments.

11. K-11 or Krosoda

On Salitor, the royal family is part Sudrale by marriage. The remainder of the countries
are trying to make that bloodline a memory.
In 9997, the Krokan Emperor ordered the 188th Naval Expeditionary Fleet, as well as the
21st Infantry Division (MECH) to K-11 to restore order and dethrone the kings.

12. K-12 or Krober-Sun

Normally two divisions of army troops are stationed here for two year tours watching
over the mining operations that are conducted by slaves and robotic machines.
The planet is protected by an Orbital Weapons Station provided by the Wagner
Corporation Mars, as well as hundreds of Vondorian troops conscripted after the last
Krokan invasion of two Nondorf Sector worlds.

13. K-13 or Kro-bla’na

Krokan/Aryan research facility. When visited, these facilities appear to be terraforming
research facilities. In reality, they are genetic test facilities where the Krokan Special
Forces and the UAB are attempting to make a race of super slave-soldiers. Of course,
Sudrale, Ramaran, and Vondorian slaves or captives are used for this purpose. The
facilities are typical on the surface; they go hundreds of stories underground.

10th Millennium© Sector Almanac A1

James Culp (order #7126149)


Sudrale Confederacy

14. Sector DMZ (see narrative)

15. Odanus
Odanus and the Rondor’s Three area is always occupied by the 5th Sudrale Navy.
The Surrano spaceport is guarded by an elite battalion of Sudrone and two battalions of

20. P-2 or Mech World

A military force of a brigade or larger is always in orbit, as is an Orbital Weapons
Station that was seized during the last skirmish with a piecemeal Krokan Expeditionary
Fleet who tried to “plant” the station here and seize control. The small and inadequate
fleet was destroyed without a word spoken. The station, designed by the Wagner
Corporation of Mars, was retrofitted and became part of the Sudrale Navy’s inventory.
The government of Mars denies any such sale to the Krokans.
Freighters frequent this world weekly; there are always parts coming in and products
going out.

22. P-3 or Sukoo-Su

P-3 has a military spaceport at Susoo, and its surrounding base is home to the 28th
Armored Division, the 99th Light Infantry Division, and the 2nd Sudrone Ranger Brigade.

23. Sudon
In the northern hemisphere, the Sufallor Mountains and plateaus are home to the
Sudrale Naval Space Command and the 10th Mountain Air Force, the component part of
the Sudrale Navy that controls advanced training on fighting aircraft, starship crews,
and special operations forces. Sudrellas’ arctic seas, massive plateaus, and vast
mountain ranges provide vast training grounds for such.

24. P-1 or Suzuzzu

The Sudrale Navy maintains a large orbital battle station over this world. The battle
station (built by Flynnt Industries) has a three full heavy fighter wings, three battalions
of Sudrone Marines, and a full brigade of SADBOT VIII.

10th Millennium© Sector Almanac A1

James Culp (order #7126149)


Sample Adventures:

A. Visiting Rorklar
An Earth Federation Expedition goes to Rorklar. Its directives are to check the
status of the colonists, ensure there is not a strong Malorian presence here, and
re-supply and re-arm the colonists. However, much unbeknownst to the EF, the
Malorians have been very busy the past year, and have built a large
underground base that houses a large amount of troops (a battalion) and it is
already putting massive pressure on the colonists to side with them and leave the
• The Malorians are roughly 600 strong, and also have a unit of 300 combat
robots similar to the Moroni Battle Robot.
• The Malorians will offer peace deals twice (in which the colonists must
become prospective Malorian citizens subject to Malorian law.
• The colonists (led by Jonas Barrack) are highly resistant to Malorian
influence. These people came here to start a new life and their own
• The Night Searcher in under command of Darius Jacobe. He is a skilled
politician and has DEBE for his gorgeous ambassadors.
• The EF space station has been attacked by pirates, but the pirates made it
look like the Malorian Navy did it. A thorough investigation will show
that it was pirates. 140 of the 200 personnel on the science station have
been raped and butchered; the other 60 are missing. There are security
tapes (hidden by the senior officer in a safe behind the main computer)
containing video footage of:
 Thievery and pillage
 Rape of several men and women
 Savage torture of the command crew
 Binding and loading women and young girls on a docked 200 ton freighter
Role Players can be characters of either side, station crew, Night Searcher Crew or Staff,
Colonists (officials or not), or the Malorian force planet side.

B. A Plea on Odanus
An ambassador (a person fed up with the Empire’s tyrannical rule) comes to Odanus to
beg an audience with Queen Sudra-soo. He claims that he will tell her tactical secrets of
the Empire’s defenses if she will covertly destroy the space station orbiting K-12. If

10th Millennium© Sector Almanac A1

James Culp (order #7126149)


granted, he tells the Queen that the space station is a processing center for girls ages 12-
17, prime slave ages for pirate ships who want “fresh meat” for long voyages.
A NORPE or the Referee needs to play the Queen, the ship’s Captains, the soldiers for
hire, and any other roles (besides the ambassador) that the Role Players do not play.
• The space station is as he says. The Aryans of Mars placed it here to collect a
variety of races of young girls and women for prize slave sales to customers such
as Krokan dignitaries, Dabrians, Aryans, and in some rare cases, Sudrale pirates.
• The station is guarded by two companies of marines, as well as a company of
SADBOT V, making a boarding party assault a no reality.
• There are two noble dignitaries aboard the station, both war criminals wanted by
the Sudrale Empress for war crimes against women.
• The ambassador will provide funding for a ship, explosives, equipment,
henchmen, etc.
• In trade for this act, the ambassador will provide critical information to the
Sudrale Queen about the Emperors coming journeys around the sector where he
will be vulnerable to assassination.

C. A Fugitive to K-8
The character(s) are approached by an agent of the Sudrale Secret Service.
A Krokan war criminal as escaped via a transport ship and returned to his home world
of K-8 to hide among his people. He is guilty of selling vital information to the Krokans
regarding Sudrale defenses on the border worlds. K-8 is an agricultural world with
plush river valleys bordering massive farms, orchards, and plantations. The world has
thousands of tiny villages across its four continents. The people of the world are
farmers, ranchers, and for the most part a simple folk that do not involve themselves
with politics or matters of state.
• The fugitive has taken up hiding in his cousin’s small estate on the vast island
continent of Krekas. There are no COM lines, public, or rental transportation on
this continent. The people here are simple and work every day dawn to dusk and
sleep long nights. The man has blended well into the local area.
• The character(s) are approached by an agent of the Sudrale Special Forces, a
beautiful woman, and another person she introduces as Alena. She offers the
character(s) two million EFCs for capturing the fugitive, and taking him to P-1
and turning him over to the local police. She stresses that this mission is
completely “off the books” and if you are caught, there is no rescue party of
intervention of any sort.
• The character(s) need someone with telepathic abilities, transport, and at least
one experienced soldier type to capture the man, who is rumored to be quite an
adversary in a fight.

10th Millennium© Sector Almanac A1

James Culp (order #7126149)


D. K-6: To Make a Purchase

The characters in this scenario are any part(s) of a financial venture by the
McGruder Corporation of Venus to go to K-6 in the Krokan Empire and purchase
a large quantity of street Semidine from a local dealer to be taken back to
Ramaris and mass produced for purposes of secretly marketing to mining
companies that employ thousands of miners on remote planets and moons for
long durations. The company is willing to pay top dollar.
• The group needs to have a minimum of an accountant, two or three
soldier/mercenary types, a pilot, navigator, and a chemist.
• There will be 4-5 street dealers that will see large quantities for big money.
• Only half of these dealers will deliver the product.
• There is a 50% chance that the drug shipment delivered is tainted, and
will cause seizures or death one to two hours after taken.
• If authorities are alerted to the group’s intentions, they are immediately
arrested, “kangaroo court” convicted, and sentenced to hard labor.
• If the group does make a good purchase, and they are stopped by border
inspectors returning to Ramaris, they are also detained and held for
indefinite periods.

E. Exploring Geena
The United Aryan Brotherhood seeks to expand its interests in the Lesper Sector, and
has been doing so for forty years now. Geena is a tiny resource rich world with very
few inhabitants and a mostly automated spaceport at New Shulmanu, a tiny island in
the western ocean. The Meenan Emperor a world away wishes to keep Geena this way,
as a guarantee that there will always be fresh resources for his people to rely upon. This
is, of course, a pipe-dream at best. The UAB, the Malorian Corporations, and the Earth
Federation have had their eyes on Geena for many years. The EF and the Malneer
Corporation of Malor I have recently signed contracts with the Meenan Emperor for
hunting and fishing charters to Geena, and undersea explorations for the purposes of
finding new life and uncharted regions, all to the profit and glory of the emperor.
The UAB has made no such deals, and remained mute at conferences.
This scenario can be a simple exploration/expedition to investigate the world, or it can
take several nasty turns.
• The Erath Federation and the Malneer Corporation will carry out peaceful
incursions on the planet as requested.
• The UAB has sent twelve teams of 12 persons each (in various guises) to explore
and find the perfect place for secret UAB outposts. The UAB teams have at least

10th Millennium© Sector Almanac A1

James Culp (order #7126149)


two levels higher technologies than the other visitors, and at least four levels
above the Meenans.
• The characters in this scenario can be from any three outside entities, or Meenan
police on the spaceport.
• The UAB will be covert and passive at first, then they will start aggressive
operations when they ascertain or assume that there is no real competition here.
• The Meenans WILL deploy military forces to Geena to protect their interests.
• The UAB force is outfitted with high tech grav APCs, 12 man submarines, and
the latest arms and gear.
• The Earth Federation and Malorian Charters are up to the referee’s discretion
and can have any intentions that he desires.

10th Millennium© Sector Almanac A1

James Culp (order #7126149)


This manual is dedicated to all veterans of all wars, and to the wives and
mothers who saw their sons and daughters leave one day, never to return.

10th Millennium© Sector Almanac A1

James Culp (order #7126149)


James Culp (order #7126149)


Thank you so much for purchasing this product!

James Culp (order #7126149)

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