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From the dim dawn of history, Journalism existed in ancient Rome before 59 bce, - The Acta

Diurna recorded and published events such as public speeches.

Journalism gained momentum with the invention of the printing press by Johannes
Gutenberg in the 15th century. He wrote and taught journalism for over 25 years
While interesting and entertaining on the one side, Journalism empowers the informed,
provide citizens with the information they need to make the best possible decisions
about their lives, their communities, their societies, and their governments.
Be it exposing crime or a serious offence, protecting public health and safety, preventing
them from being misled by some statement or action of an individual or organisation,
Journalism offers investigative information, news, reviews, columns and feature-
While a Reporter's job is to relay the story to the public, the Journalist researches new
stories and contribute to newspapers, magazines, and written editorials.

 Journalists have an obligation to seek out the truth and report it as accurately as
possible with Independence, Fairness, Public accountability, Harm minimization,
Avoiding defamation and Proper acknowledgement.

 Journalism would always remain an Indispensable Part of Society

 An invisible fourth branch of government
 That Produces original content to shape opinions and makes our lives

Truly “The voiceless have a voice. A journalist’s job is to amplify it.”

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