Asset User Guide - Maintenance

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Updated at Release

Rev. Date Author Description
01 05/03/2019 Ib First issue – InfoSHIP ASSET - Release
02 09/07/2019 Ib General update according to InfoSHIP ASSET – Rel.

IB SRL - Sede Legale e Uffici: Via Cerisola, 37/2 - 16035 Rapallo (GE) - Italy
Tel. +39 0185273088 - -
R.E.A. di GE n.277236 - Reg. Imp. di GE n. 02509260101 - Cap. Soc. 56.000 Euro i.v.
C.F. 02509260101 - P.IVA 00185120995
Certificazioni ISO9001, ISO 27001

1| Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................ 5
1.1 Glossary .............................................................................................................................................................. 5
2| CMS ......................................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.1 General Setting ................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Structure ............................................................................................................................................................. 8
2.2.a Breakdown Structure .................................................................................................................................. 8
2.2.b Ship Breakdown Structure .......................................................................................................................... 9
2.2.c Asset Location ............................................................................................................................................. 9
2.2.d Asset Location Card .................................................................................................................................. 10
2.3 FAMILIES ........................................................................................................................................................... 11
2.3.a Family Information Window ..................................................................................................................... 12
2.4 CLASSIFICATIONS .............................................................................................................................................. 13
2.4.a Classification Treeview ............................................................................................................................. 13
Component ........................................................................................................................................................... 13
2.4.b Classifications ............................................................................................................................................ 14
2.5 GROUP METERS ................................................................................................................................................ 14
2.6 JOBS .................................................................................................................................................................. 14
2.6.a Jobs ........................................................................................................................................................... 14
Grouping Job ......................................................................................................................................................... 18
2.7 TABLES .............................................................................................................................................................. 19
2.7.a Locations ................................................................................................................................................... 19
Measurements ...................................................................................................................................................... 19
Fixed Assets Accounting ....................................................................................................................................... 19
Location Attribute Classes .................................................................................................................................... 19
Criticality Ranks..................................................................................................................................................... 19
Meter types .......................................................................................................................................................... 19
2.7.b Classification ............................................................................................................................................. 20
Problems ............................................................................................................................................................... 20
Problem Categories .............................................................................................................................................. 21
Root Causes .......................................................................................................................................................... 21
Root Cause Categories .......................................................................................................................................... 21
Failure Effects ....................................................................................................................................................... 21

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2.7.c Jobs ........................................................................................................................................................... 21
Activity Types ........................................................................................................................................................ 21
Job Classes ............................................................................................................................................................ 21
Job Categories ....................................................................................................................................................... 21
Job Causes ............................................................................................................................................................. 21
Frequencies ........................................................................................................................................................... 21
Tools...................................................................................................................................................................... 22
2.7.d Responsibility ............................................................................................................................................ 22
Responsibility Configuration ................................................................................................................................. 22
Responsibility Management ................................................................................................................................. 22
2.8 SETTINGS ........................................................................................................................................................... 24
2.8.a Location Settings ....................................................................................................................................... 24
2.8.b Hierarchy Structure Dimensions ............................................................................................................... 24
2.8.c Job Settings ............................................................................................................................................... 24
2.8.d Classification Settings ............................................................................................................................... 24
2.8.e Responsibility Settings .............................................................................................................................. 24
3| Maintenance ......................................................................................................................................................... 25
3.1 WORK REQUEST ................................................................................................................................................ 25
3.1.a Work Requests .......................................................................................................................................... 25
3.1.b Multiple Status Changes on a WR ............................................................................................................. 25
3.2 WORK ORDER .................................................................................................................................................... 26
3.2.a Work Orders.............................................................................................................................................. 26
3.2.b Report ....................................................................................................................................................... 29
3.3 DUE DATES ........................................................................................................................................................ 29
3.3.a Due Dates .................................................................................................................................................. 29
3.3.b Maintenance Planning .............................................................................................................................. 29
3.3.c Report ....................................................................................................................................................... 29
3.4 GANTT ............................................................................................................................................................... 30
3.4.a Role Responsible Gantt ............................................................................................................................. 30
3.4.b Requesting Department Gantt .................................................................................................................. 30
3.4.c Due Dates Gantt ........................................................................................................................................ 30
3.4.d Maintenance Planning Gantt .................................................................................................................... 30
3.5 FAILURE REPORT ............................................................................................................................................... 30
3.6 UTILITIES ........................................................................................................................................................... 31
3.6.a Maintenance Planning .............................................................................................................................. 31
3.7 TABLES .............................................................................................................................................................. 31

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3.7.a WR............................................................................................................................................................. 31
WR Types .............................................................................................................................................................. 31
WR Work Flow ...................................................................................................................................................... 33
Refused Causal ...................................................................................................................................................... 34
Priority .................................................................................................................................................................. 34
3.7.b WO ............................................................................................................................................................ 34
WO Types .............................................................................................................................................................. 34
WO Work Flow ...................................................................................................................................................... 36
Maintenance Type ................................................................................................................................................ 37
Status Causal ......................................................................................................................................................... 37
3.8 SETTINGS ........................................................................................................................................................... 38
3.8.a WR Numbering.......................................................................................................................................... 38
3.8.b WO Numbering ......................................................................................................................................... 38
4| DATASHEET ........................................................................................................................................................... 38
4.1 TABLES .............................................................................................................................................................. 38
4.1 DATASHEET MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................................................. 39
4.2 DATASHEET HANDLING ..................................................................................................................................... 40
5| LOGISTIC ............................................................................................................................................................... 41
5.1 ITEMS ................................................................................................................................................................ 41
5.1.a Stock e Service .......................................................................................................................................... 41
5.1.b Catalogues................................................................................................................................................. 43
5.1.c Item Classification Treeview/Item Classification ...................................................................................... 44
5.2 ITEMS SEARCH .................................................................................................................................................. 44
6| LOCATION, ASSET, FAMILY, ITEM AND JOB STATUS ............................................................................................. 47
7| APPENDIX 1 ........................................................................................................................................................... 48
7.1 CLASSIFICATIONS CODING SYSTEM .................................................................................................................. 48
7.2 COMPONENTS CODING SYSTEM ....................................................................................................................... 48
7.3 ATTRIBUTES CODING SYSTEM........................................................................................................................... 49

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1| Introduction
The Configuration Management System (CMS) is a set of tables (Master Tables, Complex Information Cards, etc) and
Business Process Application (BPA) InfoEVO MLP functionalities. It was created to manage processes such as
Maintenance, Logistics, and Procurement for vessels and plants alike.
Should you find terminology or examples in this document that refer specifically to one sector, such as marine, please
note that it is only for the sake of rendering a particular topic or example simpler to understand. All aspects of this BPA
can be set up in a way that can be applied to various sectors.
This first document is a general overview of the product and how it functions. The end goal will ultimately be to create
a CMS document that is inclined towards the sector that the software is being installed on and that will be released with
the application start up package. It will be designed to facilitate a smooth start up process, and above all will have the
objective of creating a uniform implementation that facilitates the continuous evolution of this and all other BPAs.

1.1 Glossary

It is a hierarchical structure of locations which can be organized in various dimensions. Each

Breakdown Structure
dimension represents a different breakdown of its maintenance systems

It represents a system or piece of machinery/equipment which could be subjected to

Asset Location

Any material, sub-assembly or product. InfoEVO manages stock items, services, kits and
variant items
The Classification is a hierarchy structure that defines the different types of locations
Classification linked to a family. These are entities that will not be codified as locations. OR: The
classifications are not codified as locations.

Component It corresponds to a sub-level of a classification. It is strictly connected to corrective

maintenance and to the failure analysis

It identifies systems or pieces of machinery or equipment made by the same Maker and of
Family the same model. Family is the way that an item involved in a maintenance process can be
linked to a Location.

The measure identifies a parameter which must be detected relating to an expected

functional value
It indicates specific information and characteristics of a machine, system or piece of
equipment (i.e. nameplate data).
A Meter represents a counter that measures the use of an equipment. The values of the
meter allow to define a planned maintenance in terms of frequency.
Meter – Group Meter
Group Meters group together Asset Locations that are part of the same machinery, that
work all together and for which maintenance frequencies are express by meters.

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A Job is a complete description of maintenance activities that must be performed on an
Job equipment or a plant and that can include all the information relating to frequency, spare
parts, tools and manpower.

Work Order is the document used to record maintenance activities for a specific
Work Order
equipment/plant. It can include one or more Tasks.
A Task is a specific maintenance activity that must be performed and managed in a Work
Work Request is a document that can be used to manage a failure/malfunctioning of an
Work Request
Due Date represent the deadline when a planned maintenance activity must be performed,
Due Dates for a specific asset location. Each Due Date is automatically generated by the system
according to the frequency that has been set on a Job.

It is a list of Due Dates, following the first one, for specific planned maintenance activities,
Maintenance Planning
in a specific period of time.

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2| CMS
2.1 General Setting
The following figure shows the main elements of the system and the most significant correlations among them. The
present document describes each of them more in detail.

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2.2 Structure

2.2.a Breakdown Structure

The breakdown structure (BDS) is a hierarchical list of the parts of a vessel broken down in to greater and greater detail,
starting from the highest level.
The breakdown can be FUNCTIONAL or ADDITIONAL. According to that, each vessel could potentially have numerous
breakdown structures. The main one is the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), which is FUNCTIONAL and it represents
the decomposition of the vessel or other parts for maintenance purposes. Everything that could undergo maintenance
must be included in the WBS hierarchical structure. The level of detail of the breakdown structure depends on which
part of the plant is necessary to record planned maintenance activities. Thus, the structure must be broken down in
detail, from the main component into each of its individual parts, based on the planned maintenance that will be
The BDS must be detailed down to the location of any machinery that will need to be changed at the end of its lifecycle
or that may wear out and that could be replaced with the same type of machinery made by a different manufacturer.
This is so that the asset-location can be disactivated in the BDS and a new one created with all the information of the
new model. This step is required especially if the new piece of equipment has a different maintenance schedule than
the old one.

The ADDITIONAL breakdown structure(s) (there can be more than one) enables the user to more easily identify the
location. For example, a Position BDS enables you to quickly identify the location that requires maintenance work
because it is entered in the BDS with the physical location where it’s installed on the ship (e.g. deck and specific area on
the deck, when referring to a vessel).
The location where an item can be found in different BDSs always remains the same, but the way in which it can be
displayed differs. In other terms the BDS is the means that let the user to navigate the vessel structure.

Each type of BDS (functional and additional) or just part of it can be created by using the TEMPLATE Breakdown
Structure. The Template BDS is a hierarchical structure that can be copied in its entirety, or just parts of it, and used as
is for one or many ships that have the same structure. The Template is the mean through which many vessels with the
same structure can be kept aligned by a centralized system from which all the ships can easily be managed.
The Template must only consist of information that is valid for all ships, not detailed technical information that only
applies to one or a few ships.
It is also possible to create as many different Template as needed.
The user can choose how they would like to structure the codification system of the treeview.
For example, the BDS of a ship can be organized using the international classification code ‘SFI’ in order to group and
sort all the machinery that falls under a specific category of usage. Alternatively, a custom codification system could be
used which the user can organize in any way they choose. The codes of the asset-locations in the MAIN WBS are the
same that appear in the subsequent BDSs, as the location is only created once in the MAIN BDS and then used to create
additional BDSs. If required, information regarding the physical location of machinery must be inserted in the description
field as the code does not include any information about the physical location of machinery.

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Under CMS→Structure→Breakdown Structure you can find different tools, including Import/Export and Dump for

Import allows you to insert new asset-locations or update already-existing locations. Export allows you either to export
just the structure of the BDS, or the data as well (starting from a selected node, down it).

2.2.b Ship Breakdown Structure

The SHIP BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE is a different view of the WBS of a specific vessel only. This is where you can find
such information as Due Dates, Work Orders, Measurements, etc., for each asset location of the specific vessel.

2.2.c Asset Location

Individual branches of the breakdown structure are referred to as ASSET-LOCATIONS. An Asset-Location could represent
a plant, a machinery, an area or anything else that could require maintenance work to be carried out on it.
Asset Locations may be used exclusively to navigate inside the hierarchy structure or could be flagged to be submitted
for maintenance. They can be told apart by the different icon colour (yellow) used to identify them.
If the “Manage Criticality Ranks” is active, you can assign a different level of criticality to each Asset Location.

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You must make sure that the “Maintenance” flag is active while a Location is undergoing maintenance. Likewise, the
“downtime” or “failure” flags can be useful to state whether an Asset Location is subjected to further analysis.
Asset Locations of Template type belong to the Template breakdown, while the ones that are created using a Template
model are identified with a “T” symbol next to the icon.
From the Template asset location card it is possible to have information about any misalignments between the Template
and the asset locations of a specific ship, which have been originated from the template. Some icons indicate the status
of alignment/misalignment and, if needed, the button “Align Asset Locations/Template →” allows to align the ship asset
location to the template (but not vice versa).

2.2.d Asset Location Card

Each Asset Location can be viewed two ways:

- In an information window
- Through the Card
This is where information about an Asset Location is available.

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You can access a specific Asset Location from the list of all the Asset Locations or from the Asset Location in the WBS.
From there, you can access the information window which is where you will find detailed Asset Location information
such as the code, status, name, serial number, ship, classification and family. You can insert information about the cost
centre, department and supplier, add attachments where necessary and include the criticality level if the “Manage
Criticality Ranks” flag is ticked. It is from this window under the “Other Data” tab that you can set the maintenance
parameters of the Asset Location when you are creating it (e.g. start date, downtime and/or failures, etc). Any
information regarding the position of the Asset Location in other BDS dimensions, both Functional and Additional, can
be inserted into the “Hierarchy Structure” tab.
You can access the main information (informational and location management info) for any given asset location right
from the Card of the asset location. The “Main” tab in the Card gives you an overview of the main information such as
classification, family, technical structure, items, maintenance work, WR and WO as a report. The Card includes other
tabs which give you information on the asset location such as Jobs, Due Dates, WRs and WOs that have already been
opened on the asset location. From here you can also open new WOs (both corrective and preventative) and new WRs.
The Card is where you can see items that are connected to the asset location, plus link new ones to it or delete existing
ones. You can also link different types of meters, see and update attributes and measurements, and change the status
of the asset location. You can also see any changes that have been made to the location since it was first created, as
well as add or view attachments.
There are different widgets available that, providing they were activated during setup, allow you to see graphical
representations of data, such as maintenance KPI figures.

The FAMILY identifies plant, machineries or parts of them which have the same maker and model. The FAMILY is the
tool through which it is possible to group together Asset Locations of different vessels, but of the same maker and

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model. Therefore, it allows you to easily share the same information (e.g. descriptions, manuals, diagrams, etc.) for like
Asset Locations amongst different Ships.
A Family, therefore, can be linked to various Locations (as long as they are of the same make/model), but a Location can
only have one Family linked to it. Similarly, a Classification can have many Families linked to it, but a Family can only be
linked to one Classification.
A Family should be created whenever there is the need to identify specific maker-model information for a Classification.
The items linked to the family are only those specifically used to perform the maintenance on the asset location which
has been properly connected to the family of interest. Anyway, other items, not included in the family, are available in
the catalogue of that maker, as described in following paragraphs.

2.3.a Family Information Window

There are two different ways to see the information connected to a Family:
- Information Window
- Card

The Information Window is where you will find Family-specific information such as code and description, the
Classification the Family is linked to, the maker and model, etc..

While a Family is in DRAFT status it does not have to be linked to a Classification, however the link becomes mandatory
once it becomes ACTIVE.
The Family Card is where you will find detailed information regarding Locations, items, and attachments which can be
added or deleted. This is also where you will find information about the Family’s attributes, that you can complete with
a precise value which is valid for this Family. By default, the Classification that is linked to the Family will be suggested,

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although it is possible to select a different Classification as long as it is in a higher position in the treeview than the
originally-suggested Classification. It is possible to copy the attribute information to all the Locations associated to the
Family. Attributes that are asset-location specific will not be filled in with a value in the Family, but in the asset location
It is possible to select (and complete with a value) attributes that are to be distributed from the Classification to the
Family (Autoload from Classification) and/or to choose which attributes to link to a Family from the complete list of
attributes which are available in the system.
From the Card it is possible to change the Family status and see WO, WR, and Jobs associated to the Asset Locations
linked to the Family, across all of the operating Ships. You can also see this information via the widgets on your home

The CLASSIFICATIONS are used as a way to group together Asset Locations of a particular type. Each classification can
then be subdivided into different sections (as in the Main Breakdown Structure).
The Classifications are different entities from the Asset Locations and they are used to define what type the Location is.
A Classification can have many Locations listed under it, but each Location can only be assigned to one Classification.

2.4.a Classification Treeview

Classifications are also organized in a breakdown structure (Treeview). The Treeview will have the same layout structure
as the Asset Location WBS, despite having a different codification system than the Asset Location’s.
From the main list of Classifications you can then view the list of Asset Locations and Families that are linked to each
Classification. You can also create a COMPONENT under any branch of the Classification.


COMPONENTS are the most detailed information of the machinery for which it is not needed to create an asset location.
Components are used to record specific information CORRECTIVE MAINTENANCE purposes and to make failure analysis.
The Component Window contains information such as the code and name of the component, as well as the father
component that it is linked to. The Component itself can be broken down to the most exhaustive level necessary in
order to be able to detail corrective maintenance on the different parts of the machinery and to provide information
about problems and failures.
Each component has four tabs that are used to complete a Failure Analysis; the four tabs are Problems, Failure Modes,
Local Effects, and Root Cause. This information can also be found in the Corrective Maintenance WO window or in the
Failure Report window.

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2.4.b Classifications

From the list of all the Classification, you can access the Card of each of them. The Card will give you all available and
modifiable detailed information of each Component including measurements, attributes and any attachments there
may be. There are also widgets which can be configured according to function and need.


Group Meters group together Asset Locations that are part of the same machinery, that work all together and for which
maintenance frequencies are express by meters (i.e. running hours).
Before you can create a Group Meter, you must define what kind of Meter you will be using (e.g. running hours). For
the aforementioned Asset Locations, it’s important to activate the “Asset Location with Meter” flag and make sure to
insert the type of Meter the Asset Location uses, bearing in mind that it must be the same as the Group Meter type.

You can create new Group Meters from the main list, as well as access the Card for those already created. It is from the
Card that you can link and unlink Asset Locations, update the Group Meter, attach documents, and see the history list
of all the changes previously made to the Group. An Asset Location can only be unlinked from the Group Meter if it is
not currently undergoing maintenance related to that meter.
You can also access the Information Window from the Card. This is where you will find more detailed information such
as: code, description, the operative ship, the unit of measure and the type of meter it is, update procedures, and the
starting date of the Group Meter. Furthermore, it includes how often the meter is read, the date and number from the
last reading, and both past and present rate information.

2.6 JOBS

2.6.a Jobs

New Jobs can be created and the Card of those already created can be accessed from the main JOBS list. The information
window of the Job includes information about what tasks need to be completed and a set of parameters that outlines
how they should be performed or defined. You can also set the frequency of the Job and create a checklist.

The application allows to set the codification system by using different combinations:

- operative ship
- activity type
- job class
- job category
- job cause
- classification

Whichever criteria the configuration responsible decides to use, it will be a mandatory field in the job window. The code
won’t be modifiable anymore.

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Contrarily, If the user decides for a free codification the system will not request mandatory fields and the code will be
modifiable until it is in draft.

Activity Type is a mandatory field that characterizes the maintenance work and can also be used on WOs for corrective
maintenance to indicate what kind of work must be performed. Job Class is used to classify maintenance work (e.g.
Technical, Safety, etc.). Job Category tells you what category the work falls under (e.g. Mechanical, Electrical, etc.), and
the Job Cause tells you what the work is being performed for (PMS, Regulations, Shipowner, etc.).
Linking the Job to an operating ship means that that specific work is only being performed on that specific ship, and it
cannot be linked to any others.
Filling in both the Classification and the Family fields allows you to filter the asset locations and the items that need to
be linked to the job on the basis of that Classification and that Family….
Any notes or instructions inserted in the job window will appear on the WO Task.
Any additional information, such as Department or Maintenance type, that is inserted will be helpful to the end user as
they will have to insert less information each time they must perform an activity and will make filtering easier. The WO
Type, to be specified in the Job card, drives the WO type that will be created when the maintenance activity is

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The Job Card does not include any information regarding the Work Center or the Role Responsible that is in charge of
the maintenance work. The Work Center and the Role Responsible is assigned when linking the asset location to the
job. (see Responsibility Management).
If it is a Planned Maintenance being done, the first due date will appear under the DUE DATES (and in a GANTT chart)
of the asset Location(s) it’s assigned to. The maintenance work could also be defined as a Grouping Job (explanation to
follow) or if it is a work that needs to follow specific steps/asset locations order (Route).
Inserting the “Work Duration” information will enable the system to automatically fill in the estimated date/time (can
be modified manually) the Task in the WO should be finished by.
The Planning Days field allows the user to define the range of time on which the Maintenance Planning Gantt Chart will
be calculated.
The system provides 365 days as the default range of calculation, but it is completely modifiable when the configuration
responsible is creating a job, if the Manual Planning Date flag is ticked, and then when the asset location is linked to the
job itself.
It is also possible specify if a job has an execution limit and to set how many times this maintenance has to be done by
activating “Job execution limit” field and setting the limit number.
For a Grouping Job it is also possible to select “Update Maintenance Start Date” that allows to re-start calculating
frequencies for all maintenance jobs included in the grouping job considering the date when the grouping job is
completed as new starting date. This utility re-starts a maintenance which has been performed for a limited time of
Furthermore, in the section Datasheet/Checklist it is possible to specify if this maintenance job requires to collect
measurements using a Datasheet or a Checklist or both. According to that, only if the flag “Checklist” is active the tab
“Checklist” appears, and it is possible to create the checklist.

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The FREQUENCY of the job can be based on either calendar days or a meter counter. However, Route maintenance can’t
have a frequency expressed by a meter.
Due dates can either be generated by “Start Date”, or from the “Last Done Work”.
The first setting takes into account the start management date recorded on the asset location and will be generated
every x amount of days. The second instead takes into account the last WO completed for that specific job.
The frequency tab in the Job window provides the option of recording an alternative due date for a specific asset

From the Checklist tab you can specify any measurements/parameters to be collected when the maintenance activity
is performed.
Please note that before compiling the checklist the measurements and the measurement categories must be set up in
the system.
Measurements can be numerical value, that can be recorded on the asset location as well, or they can give evidence of
performed activities (i.e. OK/NOT OK, DONE/NOT DONE, ….).

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It is possible to set the measurement survey in the check list as mandatory for changing the WO status to COMPLETED.
The system also allows to create a WR and/or a WO (for unplanned maintenance or to anticipate a planned
maintenance. In this last option it is also necessary to specify the Job to be performed) if a threshold value is overcome.
In order to do that, the measurement must be recorded both on the asset location and on the WO and:

• if the measurement is “lookup” type, when defining the measurement it must be set what action is to be done
in case the threshold value is overcome (alert/open WR/open WO/anticipate planned maintenance)
• If the measurement is numerical type, minimum value and maximum value, that represent the threshold
values, must be defined when linking the measure to the specific location

You can insert or update information for Items, Manpower and Tools in the Card.
Under the MANPOWER tab you can insert information regarding personnel, the amount manpower hours required to
finish a job, and manpower costs. This information will be available, and can be changed, in the WO.
The TOOLS tab is where you can insert any information regarding tools that you need in order to complete tasks and for
which it is possible to specify a hourly rate. A WO can be set up in such a way that by including a particular tool on it,
that tool will automatically be reserved in the warehouse for the date/time stated on the WO.
ITEMs can be linked to a Job using the AUTOLOAD ITEMS option. You can filter and link numerous Items at once but
only those that are linked to the Family (which by default would be that of the Job).
It is also possible to filter items by Classification. The zoom of items that can be linked does not include the ones that
are not “Cancelled” and still not linked to that job.
The Job Card is where you can link an ASSET LOCATION to the job if the following conditions are met:
* In the Asset Location Card, the Maintenance flag is ticked
* The Asset Location is a non-template type
* The Asset Location is not already linked to that Job
Asset Locations can be linked to a Job using AUTOLOAD LOCATIONS option. You can filter and link numerous Asset
Location at once but only those that are linked to the Family and Classification (which by default would be the ones
specified on the Job).
From LINK LOCATIONS you can:

- link new Asset Locations to the activity

- add a different frequency to each linked Asset Location, although it must be the same type (date-based or
meter-based) as the main Job
- manage other useful information such as start date, last WO done, meter starting value, etc,
The Job Card is also where you can link Attachments, change the status of the job, see the WO already performed on
that job and have information about the Job history. The UTILITY tab allows to suspend maintenance, to change the
date/the meter value of last WO done for all the asset locations linked to the Job, to Duplicate Job and to create a new
Version of it.

Grouping Job
Grouping Job refers to work that can be grouped together, for example:
Con il termine Grouping Job si intende un lavoro che può raggruppare:
• Work to be done on different Asset Locations (that are on the same branch in the BDS), but that has the same

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• Work performed on the same asset location which has a low frequency rate (24000 RHS) and that includes
other work with a higher frequency (12000 RHS)
You can create a Grouping Job for Locations that are located under the same “father” branch on the hierarchy structure,
with the Grouping Job referring this “father” location.
It is not necessary to fill in information regarding the Check List, Manpower, and Tools under the Grouping Job, as that
information will already be compiled under each single Job that is linked to the Grouping Job.
When you are linking Locations to the Grouping Job it is also possible to develop a work plan with a to-do list of all the
jobs that need to be completed alongside the Grouping Job with a detailed list of all the positions in which this work will
be carried out.


2.7.a Locations

A measurement is a value, whether numerical or not, which must be taken and compared to the expected value. An
important phase of the system configuration is defining measurements and relative categories which will be part of the
checklist for a specific job.
When creating the measurement in the system, it must be set if it is a numerical type (and then indicate the unit of
measure, the number of characters and if and how many decimals are requested) or lookup. It also possible to convert
the measurement into other ones if these are already available in the system.

Fixed Assets Accounting

Label that identifies the asset (durable asset whose cost is amortized over several fiscal years).

Location Attribute Classes

This is the archive of attribute classes as defined for asset locations and/or classifications. Attribute classes are a set of
attributes, selected from the list of attributes that is already coded within the system, which can be linked to a
classification and transferred to the family and location. The attributes in the classification do not have to be given a
value because the values are specific for family and/or location.

Criticality Ranks
This is the list of the different levels of criticality that can be assigned to an asset location. Each criticality rank can have
a different level of priority depending on the maintenance to be done.

Meter types
This is a list of the different types of Meters that can be found in the system (e.g. running hours, km, etc.).

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When creating a Meter Type, it is possible to set parameters about values to be recorded and rate values.

2.7.b Classification

This is an archive of all the problems that have occurred in the system. The problems can be linked to Components.
You can either activate “Problem” or “Failure Mode”, or both together.
A problem is a situation that is noted by the user. The user signals that an anomaly has occurred and specifies it in a WR
or a WO. Problems can be linked to Components and Classifications in order to be able to select them on the WR or
Failure Mode defines potential problems from a maintenance point of view and can be specified under corrective
maintenance WO Tasks once the work has been completed. In order to select the Failure Mode it must already be linked
to the Components.
An operating Ship can be marked as a reference for each Problem/Failure Mode

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It’s possible to configure different types of problems in the system, which can be linked to an Activity and a Default Job.
This will make it easier for the user on board to set up a WO as some fields can be already filled in according to the
detected problem.

Problem Categories
In this section, there is a list of Problem Categories which can be added onto at any time and includes all the types of
problems that may occur. The Problem Category can then be selected on the WR or WO.

Root Causes
This is where you find an archive of all Root Causes, i.e. the reasons for breakdowns, that have been identified in the
system. The list can be added to at any point. This list is managed in the Failure Report during the analysis of the
breakdown and must already be linked to the Classification Components. You can also specify an operative Unit as a

Root Cause Categories

Root Causes can be grouped by Category. In this section there is a list of all the existing categories, which can be added
to at any time.

Failure Effects
This is an archive of the Failure Effects which explains the different effects that an equipment failure can have on a
system. The failure effect can be found under LOCAL EFFECT in the Task section of a corrective maintenance WO. In
order to select a failure mode, it must already be linked to the classification components.
Before closing a Failure Report, the END EFFECT information must be inserted.

2.7.c Jobs

Activity Types
This is an archive of the Activity Types.
The Activity Type is mandatory information which must be filled in when creating a job.
It’s possible to configure a default job which can be automatically filled in on the corrective maintenance WO for
identifying the work to be performed. This will make it easier for the user on board to fill in the WO.

Job Classes
This is an archive of the Job Classes. For each Job Class it is possible to specify a different period for the Maintenance
Planning from the one already set as default, by activating the flag “Manual Planning Date” as well.

Job Categories
This is an archive of the Job Categories.

Job Causes
This is an archive of the Job Causes.

This is an archive of the Frequencies. They can be set up either as calendar type or meter type. In this case, you must
specify the counter.

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This is an archive of the Tools that may be necessary when completing a Maintenance Job. Each tool can have a cost
associated with it. Tools can be selected by browsing the list of Items.

2.7.d Responsibility

Responsibility Configuration
This functionality enables the user to set up the rules of Responsibility, in terms of who is in charge of which
maintenance job, by applying different parametric values.

Responsibility Management

This is where it is possible to define the Role Responsible and the Work Center for planned maintenance and corrective
maintenance by setting specific criteria in the Responsibility Management. This allows to not specify the figure
responsible/in charge of performing the maintenance in the Job Card, but to identify them according to specific
parameters of the Job itself (e.g. Job Class, Job Category, Job Cause) and/or to the Classification, and/or to the Asset
Location, and/or to the specific Ship. This functionality allows the user to assign different criteria to different
Organizational Area of the structure.

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In the case of Corrective Maintenance, the responsibility can be assigned by which type of problem has occurred and/or
which component is involved.
The Work Center and Role Responsible too will be automatically inserted in the WO Task accordingly, even if they will
remain modifiable.

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2.8.a Location Settings

This is the window from which the parameters regarding Locations are set.

2.8.b Hierarchy Structure Dimensions

This is where it is possible to create many other alternative dimension and all the already existing ones are visible. In
this window it is also possible to set the Main Dimension.

2.8.c Job Settings

This is where it is possible to set job parameters and how to create the job code. If the code is automatically set, then
the following conditions occur:

• The fields in the job card that create the job code are mandatory
• The fields in the job card that create the job code can’t be modified any more once the job has
been created.
When saving the Job, the system checks the uniqueness of the value assigned to the job code.
This is also where it is possible to set the period for the Maintenance Planning Gantt. The default value is 365 days but
here the time period can be modified.

2.8.d Classification Settings

This is the window where it is possible to set export services for components and attributes.

2.8.e Responsibility Settings

This is the window in which it is possible to set parameters for the “Responsibility”, even though they can be changed
for satisfying different needs.

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3| Maintenance

3.1.a Work Requests

The system allows to set up different types of WR Work Flows and WR Work Flows, which enables the user to manage
different processes (WR Work Flow) and collect different kinds of information (WR Type). When creating a WR you will
be asked for information such as the number, date, status, and origin of the WR, as well as the operating ship, asset
location, classification, specific component and the problem with it, and the role in charge of the request, the priority
and a field for noting any additional information related to the failure. It is also possible to get information about the
asset location downtime status and failure management as well.
The card is where you are able to change the status, see and add attachments and see the history of the WR.
When a WR is closed with a WO, the information will automatically be transferred to the WO.

3.1.b Multiple Status Changes on a WR

This option allows you to select and close numerous WR at once, either with numerous WOs (one per WR) or with just
one WO.
If you would like to close numerous WR with numerous WO (Multiple WO) these conditions must be valid:
• The WRs must all be opened under the same Ship
• The WRs must all be of the same Type
• The WRs must all have the same Priority level
• If the option “Assign default activity from Problem” is active on the WO, the WRs must all pertain to the same
activity (derived from the Problem)
• The WRs must have the Asset Location field filled in

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If all the WR selected must be combined into a Single WO, the WO Type must be one that allows this action to take
place (that is “WO from Work Request” and “Add Task” must be checked in the window that defines the WO Type). The
following conditions must also be met:

• The WRs must all be opened under the same Ship

• The WRs must all be of the same Type
• The WRs must all belong to the same branch of the BDS (this step is not necessary if the “Disable breakdown
structure constraint” option is checked)
• The Asset Location field must be filled in on all the WRs
If you are generating a Single WO, it’s important to note that “Down” and “Failure” can’t be managed nor activated in
WO, neither once it has been created.


3.2.a Work Orders

It is possible to have different types of WO and WO Work Flows in the system. The type of information to be collected
and the processes that can be managed by it depends on the type of WO and the Work Flow set up in the system. The
WO Work Flow allows you to define the statuses ith has to pass through and in what order, choosing from the set of
statuses already available in the system.
A WO can be generated in different ways:

• By due date, i.e. for planned maintenance

• Following a WR, i.e. for machinery failure or malfunction
• Immediately creating a WO following a failure or a malfunction (skipping a WR)

If you have a WO that was created for planned maintenance, it is not necessary to fill in any field relating to Problems,
whereas you would have to for a WO created following a failure.
For every WO, regardless the WO Type, there are some information that must be filled in such as the number, date,
status, origin, WO type, operating Ship, department requesting the work, the CER and the priority level. There is also
information regarding the downtime of an Asset Location and the estimated start/end date of the WO. The priority level
will already be filled in (although it can be modified) on WOs that refer to asset locations that have a criticality rank for
which a priority level is managed. There is also a Notes section which allows you to fill in any other information pertinent
to the maintenance work.
Downtime status for Asset Locations in reference to WO can be managed in the information Window of the WO.
The WO card enable to manage and update information in relation to tasks, meters, attachments, spare part
documentation and WO history can all be viewed and done in the Card. An attachment loaded on the WO can be
attached on the location as well by using the utility “Send to clipboard”.

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You can either fill in the WO date and time (when you are actually creating a WO for planned maintenance) and the
system automatically fill in the estimated start date of the planned maintenance. Many fields will be filled in
automatically based on the association planned maintenance job/asset Location the WO is being created for, depending
on the WO type and WO Work Flow settings.
A Grouping Job WO is made up of only one WO comprised of many Tasks (which correspond to the different Jobs that
need to be done). However, you can exclude jobs from the WO and in that case the due dates would not be updated .
After a WO has been generated, the information Window will contain such information as: the WO number (which is
generated automatically), type, priority level, operating ship, start and end date (estimated and actual) of work and the
department requesting the WO. There will also be a field for any notes related to the WO.
The Card is where you will find information on each individual Task that makes up the WO, and it is also where you can
fill in the check lists for each Task. Here you will also find information regarding: Items, manpower, picking lists and
service requests. The user must change the task status after completing ach Task. The role responsible and the Work
Center of each task will already be defined based on the Responsibility Management and the link between Job and Asset
It is possible to manage many Jobs in the same WO using the utility NEW TASK. A New Task can be added if in the WO
type the flag “Add task” has been selected and if the WO is not in one of the following status: DEFERRED, DONE,

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Clicking on Fast Check List will open a window that shows a list of all the measures that have to be recorded/updated
on that WO so that they can be more quickly managed at once.
A Corrective Maintenance WO can either be created immediately after a failure has been detected, or it can be created
from a WR.
In the first scenario, all fields related to the failure must be filed in. In the second scenario, the fields will already be
filled in based on the information in the WR.
By linking a specific Activity to a specific Job, the application will insert it as a task in the WO Card.
It’s possible to select and change the status of all the tasks at once which, in turn, will change the status of the WO.
You can add one or more new Tasks to the WO by clicking on NEW TASK, and link WR by clicking on LINK WR, based on
the WO Type configuration (if the flags “WO from Work Request” e “Add Task” have been selected in the WO Type) and

3.2.b Report

This utility allows to create a report which lists Work Orders, specifying parameters by using the filters, including or not
details about the Tasks of the WO included in the list (Work Order Specification and Work Order List respectively).


3.3.a Due Dates

The Due Dates function enables you to see all the Due Dates in the database in chronological order. You can easily filter
the Due Dates by time period, Work Center, Role Responsible, Location, Job, Ship, etc..
From this window it is possible to create the WO to manage the maintenance activity.

3.3.b Maintenance Planning

Maintenance Planning shows all of the Due Dates for a set period of time, in addition to the first one, relative to the
corresponding Asset Location. You can apply filters (based on dates, the role responsible for the work, or the location,
job, ship, etc) so as to narrow down which Due Dates you see.

3.3.c Report

This would be a report of Due Dates for a particular Asset Location. You can filter by Ship, dates, Job, Asset Location, or
by the role responsible for executing the maintenance.

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You can choose whether you would like to see the Gantt chart based on a weekly or a monthly schedule.
In all of the following settings (3.4.a-d) it is possible to apply various filters such as: criticality, breakdown dimension,
Asset Location, Job, time frame, etc.

3.4.a Role Responsible Gantt

WOs can be filtered based on the Role Responsible for the work in a specific time frame. Searches can also be narrowed
down by the Status of a WO, in addition to the filters already described above.

3.4.b Requesting Department Gantt

Here a WO can be filtered by the department requesting the work to be done as well as by time frame. As above,
searches can also be narrowed down by the Status of the WO.

3.4.c Due Dates Gantt

This is a list of the first maintenance Due Dates filtered by time frame. It is possible to filter by the Work Center and it is
possible to see all WOs relating to a specific Due Date.

3.4.d Maintenance Planning Gantt

This is a list of all of the maintenance due dates for a set period of time, shown in Gantt chart format. A above, it is
possible to see all WOs relating to a specific Due Date.


A Failure Analysis can be done using the information derived from Component failures. A Failure Analysis is conducted
on a specific Component of a Classification, and the analysis can be done using the Failure Report function.
If the failure management has been activated for the Asset Location and the WO type as well, then it is possible to
create a Failure Report from the WO card. If so, it will be possible to close the WO only if the Failure Report is duly filled
Some fields in the report will already be filled in with information from the WO, while the rest will have to be filled in
following the failure analysis.

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3.6.a Maintenance Planning

This feature enables the user to update the Maintenance Planning at any time.


3.7.a WR

WR Types
The system enables you to define various types of WR for the management of the corrective maintenance WR.

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There are some fields in the WR Type window that are must be filled in, such as the code number, the description field,
and the WR Workflow that this type of WR is linked to.
Other fields to be filled in in this window are as follows:

This field states from where a WR derived. For example:

• WR from Daily Maintenance: the WR is manually generated from a regular maintenance activity from the Work
Request page.
• WR from WO: the WR originates from the WO and it includes information about the problem which is managed
by the WO.
• WR From Measurement: the WR originates if the threshold value of a Measurement is overcome.
• WR from Externa System: the WR originates from an external input

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This is a detailed description of what the fields in the WR initialization phase mean as well as the
various options for each:

• Dimension: the dimension that will be suggested when opening a WR.

• Ship: there are two options for this field 1) “Asset Location” i.e. the Ship which the WR is open under, or 2)
“Default” i.e. the same Ship as the User/Group of Users/Company that is opening the WR.
• Requesting Department: this field can be filled in two ways. The first is “Asset Location”, according to which
this field in the WR corresponds to the one of the Asset Location, the second is “User”, according to which the
Operative Department is the same of the User who opens the WR.
• WO Type: this is the type of WO that will be opened once you close the WR.
• Component Problems: if this flag is ticked, then the user will only be able to select the problems that are linked
to this Component when they open a WR.

These are fields that must be filled in before closing the WR. The user can decide which fields are mandatory. Asset
Location should be set as mandatory field.

It indicates the fields and in which sequence they appear in the description field.

WR Work Flow
This configuration allows the user to decide which steps to include in the WR from a predefined list of status already
available in the system.

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Refused Causal
If a WR is REFUSED, a reason for the refusal must be included. Therefore, there needs to be a list of reasons to choose
from configured in the system.

This is a list of the different priority levels available to choose from when filling out a WR.

3.7.b WO

WO Types
The system allows you to set the different types of WO you would like to have available for managing both corrective
and preventative maintenance.

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There are certain fields in the WO Type window that must be filled in, such as the code, what kind of maintenance needs
to be performed, and the WO Work Flow (these fields are marked with a red asterisk). Other useful information includes:
Ship, initialization parameters, and the origin of the WO, fields that must be filled in before closing the WO and the
fields and in which sequence they have to appear in the description field.
For sections Origin, Initialization and Mandatory Fields refer to the WR Type. The section Task Description Settings in
the WO Type corresponds to the Description Settings in the WR Type.

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In the Card section of the WO Type window it is possible to specify the information to be managed in the Task of the
WO (that is Check List, Items, Tools, Manpower, Datasheet) and to indicate Items and Documents settings. As regards
Items, it is possible to select Asset Location Items that allows to see in the Work Order only items that have been
previously linked to the location.
Other Settings field allows to specify how to manage Meters in the WO and it is possible to have the automatic creation
of a Failure Report if this section is flagged.

WO Work Flow
This is where you can decide which statuses to include in the WO and the order they should be in. The statuses you can
choose from are already set in the system.
You can set different parameters for each status (for example when an Asset Location is taken out of the DOWNTIME
status, when the completion of a failure report is mandatory).

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Status changes and editing of each Task, and consequently of the WO, depend on securities set for the User Groups
when configuring the system and they are not application constraints. Thus, they can be easily configured considering
the needs of the system users.

Maintenance Type
This is a configurable list of the different types of maintenance that can managed by the system, which would then
become one of the obligatory fields in a WO Type.

Status Causal
This is the list of the causes which can be associated to the different statuses of the WO. For some statuses the cause is

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3.8.a WR Numbering

This is where you will decide which fields and in what order (of the WR) the alphanumeric code of
the WR will be set from.

3.8.b WO Numbering

This is where you will decide which fields and in what order (of the WO) the alphanumeric code of
the WO will be set from.

The Datasheet is the tool which collects measurements / data and which is reachable in the specific
section “DATASHEET” in the menu.
This utility allows to configure many different types of datasheet by creating an “offline” Excel which
will be uploaded in the system after being filled in. Any kind of measurement (numeric or lookup
ones) can be collected by using the Datasheet, either to update values linked to an asset location
or not (for example during routine activity, maybe not strictly connected to the performances of an
If the Datasheet is used as an output of a maintenance activity, it can be linked to the Work Order
which derives from the pertaining maintenance job.

It is possible to set different forms of Datasheet and different workflows for each of them according
to the needs (from the menu DATASHEET →TABLES). Furthermore, the status of the Datasheet are fully
configurable. The figures below shows only some examples.

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The system allows to create as many Datasheet Templates as needed (from the menu DATASHEET
→DATASHEET MANAGEMENT) and to organize/collect them in a treeview structure (as shown on the
left side of the image below) as well.

From the section Cell/Measurement, it is possible to link each cell of the Excel file, where each
measurement is to be filled in, to the Datasheet Template by specifying the sheet cell position. If these
measurements have been already linked to the asset location, then the updated values will be
recorded and visible also in the asset location card. On the contrary, if the measurements haven’t
been linked to any asset location, then they will be recorded and visible only in the Datasheet.

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It is possible configure the Datasheet Template in order to have the last value of each measurement
available as a “comment” which appears in the cell of the Excel file when the new value is filled in.
Depending on the workflow configuration, the numeric measurement values typed in the Excel file
can be validated against the minimum and maximum values set for each specific Asset Location
Measurement. The validation doesn’t block the measurement import process from the Datasheet,
but warns the user about possible issues.
Mandatory measurements can also be managed by setting it in the workflow configuration.


After having configured the template, the Datasheet is ready to be filled in either going to DATASHEET
→ DATASHEET HANDLING (where it is possible to generate the Datasheet for collecting measures of
a specific Asset-Location) or directly from the WO (section Task →Datasheet). According to that, if
the Datasheet is required as an output of the WO (Target →Work Order), it is visible in the section
“Datasheet”, but here it is not possible to create a new one.

Otherwise, if the Datasheet does not originate from a WO, it is possible to create the document by
using the button “New Datasheet”.
In the sections “Datasheet” or “Closed Datasheet” it is possible to view all the documents under
completion or already closed respectively.

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An ITEM could be any of the following: a spare part, a consumable, or a service. The system only differentiates between
a physical Item or a service Item.

5.1.a Stock e Service

The main difference between a STOCK ITEM and a SERVICE ITEM is that the former is a physical item (spare part or
consumable) and the latter is a service performed by a person.

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If a stock item (a spare part) is to be managed in a warehouse, then LOGISTIC DATA would have to be included. Service
Items never require logistic data to be inserted.
In the MAIN information window of an Item there are certain fields that must be filled in, and others that are optional.
The CODE is automatically filled in and how the code is to be generated can also be set.
In case of Service Item, the system requires to specify the service, filling the field “Charge Type”, which can be Service,
Transport, Packing, Rounding e Other Charge. According to the choice made for the Charge Type, it is defined the
“Service Type”, as Quantity or as Value.

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Beyond the main description, it is also possible to add an ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION which can be written in and seen
on the REQ.
The SHIP field need only be filled in if the Item refers exclusively to one operative Ship, otherwise the field is left blank.
The MAKER field should be filled in if it’s a spare part Item, while if it’s a consumable item this field can be left blank as
the maker varies.
The PRODUCT GROUP identifies a way to group items; the ITEM CATEGORY identifies different item categories (i.e. spare
part, consumable, service, ...).
The CLASSIFICATION is a mandatory field both for a stock item and for a service. Being that, at least a very easy
classification for the items must be configured in the system before creating the item (as an example –
Consumables/Spare Parts/Services).
Other useful information, such as pictures and different ships of measure (based on a conversion chart in the system)
can be found in the OTHER DATA tab. Here you can also find any data related to an ALTERNATIVE ITEM which is an Item
that can be substituted for the current Item in use even though it is managed differently in the warehouse and perhaps
has a different maker, etc.
In the LOGISTIC DATA section you can set whether or not an item is managed in the warehouse by ticking the “Storable”
flag and assign a default warehouse. You can also include logistical information such as where the Item can be located
in the warehouse and how to restock the Item.
In the KEYS tab specific Item identification key information can be inserted, such as the supplier code or any other codes
that may be used to identify the Item. It is possible to write a brief description for each code inserted.
The Item Card contains various tabs (Documents, Last Price, Price List) and information about where the stock Item can
be located in the warehouse as well as information about stock movements, purchasing, etc. Any Job/Asset
Location/Family an Item is linked to is visible here (tab CMS). This is also where you can add, update, or fill in info related
to the item: Keys, Attachments, Attributes, Status or History.

5.1.b Catalogues

An organizational system that this application has is the ability to easily view Items in Catalogue form.
The Catalogue can be made by compiling product information from the maker of supplier (as in a Part List), or it can be
as simple as a supplier catalogue or company catalogue.
The system includes export and import services for the entries of the catalogue and import and export services for the
items to be linked to the entries of a catalogue/to a classification as well.

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5.1.c Item Classification Treeview/Item Classification

ITEM CLASSIFICATION is another way to aggregate Items. The level of detail in the Item Classification depends greatly
on the needs of the company and is something that can easily evolve over time, but at least a very easy Classification
must be set in the system as an Item must be associated to a Classification when it is created.
Information can be included at each level of the Item Classification. Such information can be used when searching for a
specific item.
Each Item can only be linked to one Item Classification, while it could be found in more than one Catalogue.

An Item is created in the system using a centralized linear codification logic and can be associated to one or more Asset
Locations. The code can be created regardless of whether or not an Item is linked to a classification/catalogue/location,
A simple import/export function can be used to update Catalogues or Classifications.


ITEM SEARCH allows you to search for an Item by Breakdown Structure, by Classification or by Catalogue.
The item search can be tailored to a user’s specific configuration. Being that, a menu is available for properly setting the
item search parameters:

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It is possible to define a setting addressed to a dedicated user by specifying the following parameters:
- Default searching type:
▪ Classification
▪ Breakdown
▪ Catalogue
- Default viewing type:
▪ Grid
▪ List
- Default Sorting:
▪ Description
▪ Maker
- Items prices:
▪ Show prices
▪ Hide prices
By selecting the icon highlighted in the image below, the user can directly modify the settings:

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When searching for an item by Classification or Catalogue, it is possible to narrow the search by including specific Item
Once you have found the Item, you can proceed with your order by adding the Item to your cart.
In the section Logistic → Items → Catalogues the system allows to search a catalogue by using a description and/or to
select a type of catalogue (Internal/Maker/Supplier) for narrowing the filter as well. Search by description can be done
considering either the title of the catalogue or the name of the Maker/Supplier.

Besides, by selecting “Catalogue” (on the right side), it is possible to search an item previously by selecting a specific
catalogue using the filter by description and/or by type of catalogue (Internal/Maker/Supplier). Search by description
can be done considering either the title of the catalogue or the name of the Maker/Supplier.

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When setting entities as LOCATION, ASSET, FAMILY, ITEM and JOB you can define a beginning state that will be
considered the default state.
This generally corresponds to DRAFT. Typically, with items in Draft status, the following applies:

A. Draft status can be used with an active item, if this is secondary, but it can’t be linked if this is the main one.
For example:
i. An active Asset Location can’t be linked to a Family with a Draft status.

ii. An active Asset can’t be linked to an Asset Location with a Draft status.

iii. An Item in Draft status can be linked to an active Asset Location

iv. An active Item can’t be linked to a Classification with a Draft status

v. An Asset Location in status Draft can be linked to a Job but for this Asset location the Due
Date can’t be generated.

B. Transactions, movements and processes cannot be registered in Draft, for example:

i. A Draft Asset Location cannot generate work orders

ii. A Draft Asset Location cannot generate work requests

iii. Warehouse item movements cannot be generated for Draft Items

iv. Price lists cannot be generated for Draft Items

v. Procurement documents cannot be generated for Draft Items

vi. Due dates cannot be generated for Draft Jobs

Once an Asset Location/Asset/Family/Job changes to ACTIVE, it can then be used for all the activities listed above as
well as for maintenance.
If one of the aforementioned is CANCELLED is cannot be used for maintenance purposes, However, it cannot be
cancelled if there is any ongoing maintenance open on it (e.g. if an Asset Location has an open WO or WR) or if it is
linked to an active element, for example:
vi. An asset location cannot be Cancelled if it is the father or other locations or of active assets

vii. A family can only be Cancelled if it is not associated to an active job or asset location

InfoSHIP ASSET_Guideline rev.02.docx 47


Classifications have been structured according to three different MAIN areas, that is TECHNICAL/SAFETY/GUEST AND
Each Main Area has been subdivided in some sub-classifications according to different areas of activity/function.

In each sub-classification it is possible to find a specific plant or equipment and, in some cases, mostly depending on the
complexity of the plant/equipment, this one has been split out further.
As a general approach, the more the classification goes down in the structure, the more it identifies a detailed part of
the plant/equipment of the classification itself.

It has been decided to use a numeric coding system considering the following criteria:

- the code of all the classifications of the upper level of the breakdown, which identifies the MAIN Area, starts
with the number "1"

- the code of all the classifications of the second level of the breakdown, which identifies the areas of
activity/function, starts with the number "2"

- the code of all the classifications of the third level of the breakdown, which identifies the plant/equipment,
starts with the number "3"

- the code of all the classifications of the forth level of the breakdown, when it exists, which identifies a more
detailed part of the plant/equipment, starts with the number "4"

- considering classifications which belong to the same level, from the previous to the following one, there is a
"gap" of ten numbers which allows to add classifications, if needed.


Components have been identified considering the classifications for the main plants/equipment installed on board of
different types of ships, such as cargo, tankers, ferry and cruise ships.

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The Components which pertain to Guest and Crew areas cover only some areas and require a further development.

It has been decided to use a numeric coding system considering the following criteria:

- for each "last" level of classification, that means the third or the fouth level in the classification breakdown, at
least the component equal to the classification itself has been created.

- the code of all the components of the upper level starts with the number "1"

- the code of all the components of the second level of the breakdown, which identifies the areas of
activity/function, starts with the number "2"

- considering components which belong to the same classification, from the previous to the following one, there
is a "gap" of ten numbers which allows to add components, if needed.

- the component equal to the classification appears as the first one in the list of components, for the specific
classification which it belongs to.

- when a classification includes also an electric motor, this appears as the second component of the list.

- when a classification includes also a control panel, this appears as the last component of the list.

- if a classification represents a more complex equipment/plant, when possible, the components appear in the
list following the order they have in the plant.


Attributes have been identified considering the main technical data that are commonly used and find in the technical
It has been decided to use a talking coding system, including in the code the unit of measure.
For those technical data which can be expressed with different units of measure, different attributes has been set for
the different units of measure.

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