A. Directive Leadership

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Leadership behavior consist of four different types of leadership styles:

a. Directive leadership
b. Supportive leadership
c. Participative leadership
d. Achievement-oriented leadership

Directive leadership clearly sets and defines objectives, expectations, and rules for their team and also it is
a task-oriented style in which the leader takes an active role in setting clear objectives and ensuring
employees follow through on them. This type of leadership style is most effective when employees face
ambiguous demands that are intrinsically satisfying. For example, directive leaders may provide
coaching, clarify the responsibilities, remove any roadblocks, and give praise when appropriate.
There are times when leaders must step in to set strict guidelines with their teams. Directive leadership
helps team members know what is expected of them

 As a directive leadership, I should take charge when I notice my team unmotivated or need
assistance and must have the confidence to take full responsibility for completing and achieving
the desired goal or goals and providing steps for employees to follow, then step by step they will
have clear path to success.

 It’s an important thing to insert your authority from the beginning, because any hesitation from
you regarding directions and decision-making can weaken the trust your employees have
regarding your overall ability to lead. So you have to show them that you are the leader to get
there trust.

 As a directive leadership, I should encourage employees by design because it is an effective way

based on a written protocol that outlines a pattern of success. So starting with a directive
leadership, employees will follow proven strategies to accomplish their duties.

 Being strict supervisor will enable employees to finish tasks and projects on time. And also as a
directive leadership, you must guide your team carefully and monitor their work along the way.
Provide directions, supervise your team and make sure you check in frequently to verify overall
progress. Directive leaders understand that their team members need clear expectations and find
value in their guidance.

 An important and crucial components of directive leadership is having structure and organization.
You as a leader have to ensure that all your team members are working according to written
instruction to establish a well organization Then follow up to keep them accountable, and if
necessary, review the expectations with them.

 Controlling the team have to rooted in directive leadership style to ensure productivity when sued
correctly. Guiding and paying attention to the way your team respond to your requests is
important to ensure that you are leading them with respect.

 Being innovative and creative are not right settings for directive leadership. When you are leading
a team that needs clear expectations and firm boundaries, you must adhere to strict policies and
procedures. That is what drives your team to meet specific goals and complete projects.

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