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Write the names of your group members in the numbered boxes (add more if needed) . Then,
assign yourself a value for each listed attribute. Finally, do the same for each of your group
members and total all of the values.
Values: 5 - Excellent 4-Good 3-Satisfactory 2-Below Average

Attribute Myself Prakriti Bryan Sebastian

Participated 5 5 5 4
enthusiastically in group

Contribution in research 4 4 4 3
and reviewing content
and learning outcomes

Helped keep the group 4 4 4 3

on task and meet group
objectives and learning

Effectively contributed in 3 2 5 2
preparation and
presentation slides and
activities (including
diagrams and models)

Effectively participated 2 2 2 2
in study groups

Total 18 17 20 14

Review the learning outcomes /checklist and briefly list out any concept, content, or diagrams
that you want to revisit. Also briefly reflect on the activity.

I really enjoyed the activity in the sense we got to deeply dive into the topic. The fact that we
had to explain the lesson forced us to understand it ourselves.

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