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C.C.T. 13PPR0310J
3th Trimester Test 3th Grade
1 Look and label. Choose the correct answer.

a) Stomachache.
a) Tootache.
b) Fever.
b) Fever.
c) Runny nose.
c) Headache.

a) Headache. a) Headache.
b) Stomachache b) Stomachache
c) Toothache. c) Fever.

2 Read and match.

1. When I’m tired,
I ride my bike.

2. When it’s sunny,

I talk to my friends.
3. When I’m sad,

I take a nap.
3 Read and complete. Choose the correct answer.
1. She’s _________. She needs to read a book. 2. He’s _________. He needs to put on a
warm coat.
a) Bored. a) Thirsty
b) Hungry
b) Hungry.
c) Cold
c) Hot.

4 Match the picture with the meaning of the word.

1. Queen 4. Juice

2. Snack 5. Yarn

3. Jeep 6. Angry
C.C.T. 13PPR0310J
3th Trimester Test 3th Grade

1 Read and match.

He should hold his breath.
He has a bug bite.

He shouldn’t stay in
the sun.
He has something in his eye.

He shouldn’t scratch it.

He has a sunburn.

He should wash his

He has the hiccups.
eye with water

2 Look and circle the correct answer.

1. How often does he exercise? He exercises ____________.

a. once a month. b. twice a day. c. three times a week.

2. How often does she go to the eye doctor? She goes____________.

a. five times a month. b. once a year c. twice a day.

3. How often does she take her medicine? She takes her medicine ______________.

a. twice a day b. twice a month. c. once a week.

C.C.T. 13PPR0310J
3th Trimester Test 3th Grade

4. Read and complete the sentences according the emojis in the pictures.

Like Love Don’t like Hate

1. I __________ going roller skating.

2. I __________ chatting online with friends.

3. I __________ taking swimming lessons.

4. I __________ playing computer games.

5. I __________ doing gymnastics.

3 Look at the pictures and circle T (true) or F (false).

1. Jess is good at volleyball. T/F

2. Jill is not good at painting. T/F

3. Jess is good at singing. T/F

4. Jill is not good at taking pictures. T/F

C.C.T. 13PPR0310J
3th Trimester Test 3th Grade

Para el exámen de Reading resolverán páginas 29 a 32 del Test Booklet.

C.C.T. 13PPR0310J
3th Trimester Test 3th Grade

Underline the correct answer

1. Martha has 5 teddy bears. She gives 3 of them to her sister, Alyssa. How many
teddy bears does Martha has now?

A. 1 teddy bear. B. 2 teddy bears C. 5 teddy bears.

2. There are 7 students in a class room. The arts and crafts teacher has 10 paint
tubes and hands over a tube to each child. How many paint tubes remain?
A. 3 paint tubes. B. 1 paint tube. C. 5 paint tubes.

Rounding numbers. Choose the correct answer according the number in bold.
3. 9,820 = ___________
A. 9,830. B. 9,900. C. 9,800.

4. 5,470 =____________
A. 5,500. B. 5,500. C. 4,000.

5. 6,233 = ___________
A. 6,000 B. 6,500. C. 6,230
Circle the correct number for each word
6. Eight.
A. 8 B. 80. C. 18

7. Thirteen.
A. 30. B. 3 C. 13

8. Twenty-one
A. 22 B. 21 C. 12

Divide the food between the kids and circle the correct answer.
9. How many hamburgers does each kid get? 10 ÷ 2 = ______

A. 10 ÷ 2 = 5
B. 10 ÷ 2 = 9
C. 10 ÷ 2 = 4

10. How many hamburgers does each kid get?

A. 18 ÷ 9 = 10
B. 18 ÷ 9 = 9
C. 18 ÷ 9 = 2
C.C.T. 13PPR0310J
3th Trimester Test 3th Grade

Choose the correct answer.

1. A. Head. 2. A. Nose. 3. A. Elbow.

B. Eyebrow. B. Arm. B. Hand.
C. Eye. C. Leg. C. Knee.

4. It is defined like a push or a pull.

A. The energy.
B. The Force.
C. A magnet.

5. This is made of vibrations that we can hear.

A. The motion.
B. The Sound.
C. The waves.
6. The objects can exert an invisible force called _______.
A. Electricity.
B. Power.
C. Magnetism.

7. Read and Match with the correct option.

Magnetic Objects

Non -Magnetic Objects

8. Opposite poles of magnet ________ each other.

A. Repel.
B. Attract.
C. I don’t know.
9. Poles of magnets of the same type ________ each other.
A. Attract
B. Repel
C. The same.

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