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Stanford University

The study of problem solving and encouraged us to hope for positive

thinking has been retarded by the lack results.
of agreed-upon theoretical concepts PROCEDURE
supported by adequate data from ex-
periments. As a part of a larger pro- Subjects.—All Ss taking part in this study
were college students from elementary psychol-
gram concerned with these matters, ogy classes. There were 57 Ss, of whom 35 were
some of the more promising hypotheses men, 22 women. Twenty-nine Ss were assigned
have been assembled, and preliminary to the experimental group, 28 to the control
experiments undertaken to repeat the group. All Ss were of proximate ages and had
been exposed to little experimentation.
demonstrations upon which these hy- Problems.—Duncker's "box," "gimlet," and
potheses rest. "paperclip" problems were presented to each S
One inviting hypothesis is that in the order named. In the first of these, the
problem solving may in some instances box problem, S's task is to mount three candles
be delayed through the "functional vertically on a screen, at a height of about 5 ft.,
using to accomplish this task any of a large num-
fixedness" of solution objects. That ber of objects which are lying before S on a
is, owing to his previous use of the table. Among these objects are three paste-
object in a function dissimilar to that board boxes of varying sixes, five matches, and
demanded by the present problem, S five thumbtacks, the crucial objects for solution
of the problem. The solution is to mount one
is inhibited in discovering the appro- candle on each box by melting wax on the box
priate new use of the object. This and sticking the candle to it, then to tack the
hypothesis was proposed by Duncker boxes to the screen.
(3), who designed ingenious experi- The gimlet problem involves suspending three
ments to support it, but carried the cords from a board attached to an overhead
beam. Among the variety of objects available
experiments through with but 14 Ss are two screw-hooks and the gimlet itself, the
and under poorly specified experimen- objects from which the cords may be hung.
tal conditions. It seemed wise, there- The paperclip problem consists of first attach-
fore, to repeat some of his experiments ing four small black cardboard squares to a large
white square, then hanging the large square from
both to substantiate his results, if pos- an eyelet screwed into the aforementioned beam.
sible, and to ascertain the efficacy of Included among the objects lying before S on the
the problems for use in further investi- table are a number of paperclips. These may
be used to attach the small squares to the large
gations. The success of Birch and one, and one of them, when bent to form a hook,
Rabinowitz (1) in demonstrating func- will serve to hang the large square from the
tional fixedness in a related experiment eyelet.
Design.—The experimental and control groups
This experiment was the first in a series of were given the same problems to solve. For the
studies of problem solving being done under experimental group, however, at least one of the
Project NR 150-104 and supported by Contract solution objects was "burdened" with a prior
Nonr 225 (02) between Stanford University and function in each problem. Thus, the candles,
the Office of Naval Research. The work was matches, and tacks for the box problem were
done and the present report prepared under the placed in the three boxes before they were given
supervision of Dr. Donald W. Taylor. Work on to S. Hence, the boxes had for their initial func-
the contract is under the general direction of tion that of containing, whereas in their solution
Dr. E. R. Hilgard. function they had to be used as supports or

platforms. Similarly the gimlet initially had to TABLE 2

be used to start holes for the screw-hooks, and in
the paperclip problem, the four black squares had GIMLET AND PAPERCLIP PROBLEMS
to be attached to the white one with paperclips.
Duncker referred to the experimental group as Problem Mean
the "after pre-utilization" group. and n Time-to- SD t' p*
Group Solution
The control group was given the problems (Sec.)
without any pre-utilization. In the case of the
box problem, the empty boxes were placed on the Gimlet
table at varying distances from the other crucial Exper. 26 246.6 124.7 3.71 .001
solution objects. Holes into which the screw- Control 28 144.0 67.7
hooks and the gimlet could be screwed were Paperclip
already drilled into the beam in the case of the Exper. 29 107.9 96.0
gimlet problem; the four black squares were Control 28 63.0 31.S
2.38 .01
stapled to the white one in the paperclip problem.
Thus, none of the crucial objects was used with a * Single-tail test.
function prior to its use as a solution object.
Solution scores were taken as one possible
measure of functional fixedness, and time-to- difference was predicted, a one-tail
solution constituted another measure. A maxi- test of significance was employed for
mum time of 20 min. was allowed for solution of
each of the problems.
both this and the following two
RESULTS Gimlet problem.—Since only three
Ss failed to solve this problem, all from
Box problem.—The results of the box the experimental group, the solution
problem, presented in Table 1, confirm score could not demonstrate a differ-
Duncker's finding that functional fix- ence between the experimental and
edness results from pre-utilization. control groups. Accordingly, only the
The performance of the experimental results from the time measure are
group was markedly inferior to that of given in Table 2. The three Ss failing
the control with respect both to the to reach solution were not considered in
number of solutions obtained and the the analysis of the data, thus reducing
time required to reach solution. Prior the total n to 54 for this experiment.
usage of the boxes as containers inhib- Since, as shown in Table 2, the vari-
ited their being used as platforms. ances for the two groups are not homo-
The chi-square value comparing the geneous, the use of it as a test of signifi-
two groups on the time score was cance was inappropriate. Instead, t'
obtained by using as a cutting point was employed.2 The highly signifi-
the median time-to-solution of the cant difference obtained shows clearly
combined groups. All cases for which the presence of functional fixedness.
there was no solution were assigned to Paperclip problem.—The results
the above-median category. With 1 from the paperclip problem are also
df, each of the chi squares was highly shown in Table 2. Since all Ss were
significant. Since the direction of the able to solve this problem, only time
scores are given. As in the first two
TABLE 1 problems, pre-utilization of the solu-
This technique was suggested by Dr. Quinn
McNemar. Instead of utilizing one estimate of
Group n Number Solving Time-to-Solution*
the population variance, (' incorporates the esti-
Exper. 2Q 12 (41%) 7 (24%) mated variances from two populations (2). It
Control 28 24 (86%) 22 (78%)
is, in consequence, useful in such a situation as
Xs = 12.0 p = .001 y? = 14.8 p = .001
the present one, replacing ( which assumes homo-
* Number below median of combined group. geneity of variance.

tion objects with a function different were more able than those employed
from that demanded by the problem by Duncker.
resulted in significantly poorer per- Although the measures previously
formance by the experimental group. used by Duncker failed to show func-
Reliability of individual perform- tional fixedness in two of the three
ance.—An analysis was made of the present experiments, a new measure,
performance of the experimental group time-to-solution, gave positive results
to determine whether individual in all three experiments. Essentially,
achievement on one of the three prob- then, the present results confirm those
lems was significantly related to obtained by Duncker.
achievement on either of the other The results of Duncker, of Birch
two. Chi square was used to test and Rabinowitz, and those obtained
whether individuals scoring below the in this study afford convincing proof
median in time-to-solution for one of of the existence of functional fixed-
two problems also showed a significant ness. The reality of this phenomenon
tendency to score below the median having been established, two lines of
for the other. (Since only 12 of 29 Ss investigation are of immediate inter-
solved the box problem, a median est: (a) determination of those condi-
time-to-solution could not be obtained; tions which influence the occurrence
instead, the distribution was dichot- of functional fixedness, and (b) explo-
omized in terms of solution or no- ration of its relation to other kinds of
solution.) A relation significant at set in problem solving. A study now
the .05 level was found between the nearing completion involves both of
box problem and the paperclip prob- these lines of experimentation.
lem. Neither of the other chi squares
was significant. Clearly, achievement SUMMARY
on a single problem involving pre-utili-
zation is not a reliable measure of 1. Three of Duncker's experiments
individual susceptibility to functional on functional fixedness were repeated
fixedness. in this study. Fifty-seven Ss were
DISCUSSION used, 29 serving as the experimental
and 28 as the control group. Both
Duncker's study (3), involving these groups were given the "box," "gim-
three experiments, used two measures let," and "paperclip" problems in that
of performance: number of presolu- order. Experimental Ss were given
tions, and number of solutions. In the each problem after first having used
present study, the number of pre- the solution objects for that problem
solutions was discarded as a measure, in a function dissimilar to that de-
because it was found to be overly manded for solution. Control Ss were
dependent upon the subjective judg- given the problems without such pre-
ment of E. Number of solutions utilization.
proved to be a satisfactory measure 2. Two measures of performance
for only the box problem. Since all Ss were used: number of solutions, and
solved the paperclip problem, and all time-to-solution. The former meas-
but three solved the gimlet problem, ure discriminated between the experi-
no difference between the experi- mental and control groups on only the
mental and the control groups could box problem; the latter measure gave
be revealed by this measure. It would highly significant differences in the ex-
appear that the Ss in the present study pected direction for all three problems.
3. Functional fixedness was shown REFERENCES
to result from the pre-utilization of 1. BIRCH, H. G., & RABINOWITZ, H. S. The
solution objects. Duncker's results negative effect of previous experience on
were confirmed in a study using a productive thinking. /. exp. Psychol.,
1951,41, 121-125.
larger n and having more carefully 2. COCHRAN, W. G., & Cox, G. M. Experi-
specified experimental conditions. mental design. New York: John Wiley &
Sons, 1950.
(Received for priority publication 3. DUNCKER, K. On problem-solving. Psychol.
June 26, 1952) Monogr., 1945,58, No. 5 (Whole No. 270).

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