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SWIFT - In the era of Cyber “in” Security

*Ms.Namrata Kamat and Mr. Debjyoti Roy

The information and communications technology The Unraveling of the Bangladesh heist
(ICT) industry has evolved greatly over the last half
The daring online heist at the central bank of
century. Over the past several years, experts and
Bangladesh appears straight out of a cyber-spy
policy makers have expressed increasing concern
thriller. The Bangladesh Bank heist, which took
about protecting ICT systems from cyber-attacks,
place in February 2016, was incredibly simple and
which many believe could increase in frequency
complex at the same time to execute. It was not
and severity over the next several years.
simply enormous in size, but ambitious in its
Cyber Security is an important tool in protecting selection of target: the SWIFT system, the backbone
privacy and preventing unauthorized surveillance of international finance. The methods deployed
and information sharing and intelligence were highly sophisticated, involving a combination
gathering. Most cyber-attacks have limited impact, of technical prowess and intimate knowledge of
but a successful attack on some components of how Bangladesh Bank interfaced with SWIFT. The
critical infrastructure could have significant effects act unravelled in the following manner: It was the
on national security, the economy and the start of a weekend in Bangladesh when an official at
livelihood and safety of individual citizens. the country's central bank checked a printer in a
server room. The tray was empty, which was
It is essential that in every IT based initiative,
strange. There should have been a sheaf of reports
security is addressed as a vital component. Cyber-
confirming payment instructions sent through the
attacks are becoming highly sophisticated, use
SWIFT system. The printer glitch was no accident,
specialized analytical techniques and exploit
but a deliberate strategy by criminals to hide their
minute vulnerabilities which hitherto have gone
tracks. A day earlier, cyber thieves had issued
unnoticed. Continued vigilance and concerted
instructions to transfer US$951million out of
proactive protective actions are warranted. IT
Bangladesh Bank's account at the New York Federal
systems of banks are the prime target for cyber
Reserve. This was possible as the hackers gained
crimes and if one were to judge by the volume and

Monthly Newsletter December 2016

access to the SWIFT network by hacking into the
value of incidents, the menace is steadily growing.
bank's local network and then released malicious
SWIFT, the globally used telecommunication
software into the network which could read SWIFT
network with its strong, secure built in safeguards
codes and release it into the SWIFT network as the
has also been breached. The daring heist at the
bank's own. However, the authorities were able to
central bank of Bangladesh in February 2016,
block a majority of the release codes to various
where cyber criminals transferred funds to a
corporations in Sri Lanka and Philippines. Thus
location in Philippines has brought forth that no
most were declined, but $81-million was
system or network is impenetrable or inviolable for
transferred to a bank in the Philippines, never to be
the new breed of cyber criminals.
seen again. Gottfried Leibbrandt, chief executive of

* Ms. Namrata Kamat is Sr. Manager, Forex Settlement Dept. and

Mr. Debjyoti Roy is Sr. Executive Officer, Economic Research and Surveillance Dept. at
Clearing Corporation of India Limited


Belgium-based SWIFT, called the Bangladesh cyber- errors. The advantage of the SWIFT mechanism lies
attack “a watershed” for the banking industry. in the fact that it issues a unique code for each
“There will be a before and an after Bangladesh.” transaction over a secure network, and the
Systems are at the mercy of the people connecting transaction data is backed up in server-based data
to them and are only strong as the weakest link. centres situated in US and Europe, each separated
Investigations in the Bangladesh Bank heist from the transaction of the other, location wise.
showed that the bank did not have a firewall
Cyber Security Controls
installed to prevent incoming unsolicited traffic
over the network, and it had cheap second hand This incident strongly reinforced the fact that no
routers in place connecting the local network at the system is insulated from hackers and cyber-attacks
bank to the SWIFT network. in this era of an inter-linked and digital world. The
Reserve Bank of India has recognized this risk and
The SWIFT Network
has come out with timely guidelines on “Cyber
SWIFT stands for 'Society for Worldwide Interbank Security Framework”. It exhorts banks to put in
Financial Telecommunication', a Belgium-based place a board approved, documented “Cyber
financial transaction enabling authority, through Security Policy” with a clear strategy and approach
which banks and financial institutions worldwide to combat cyber threats based on the complexity
can transfer funds to each other by means of level of its business and acceptable levels of risk.
standardised messaging service. It is a cooperative The cyber security policy of banks must be distinct
society, founded by 239 banks from 15 countries, in and separate from their broader IT policy or IS
1973.Currently the number of member institutions security policy so that it can highlight risks from
at SWIFT stand at over 11,000, with over 29 million cyber threats and the measures to address and
messages exchanged using its network each day. mitigate these risks. A Security Operations Centre
The dependency on the SWIFT network is such that (SOC) has to be set up which will be responsible for
standardised messages, formatted to SWIFT can be continuous surveillance and testing for
read by any financial processing software, even if vulnerabilities at reasonable intervals.
the messages are not delivered via the SWIFT
Some highlights of the RBI's cyber security
network. SWIFT assigns each of its member
framework are:
Monthly Newsletter December 2016

institution- a unique identification code that has

either eight characters or eleven characters. It is i. Banks must address network and database
known as the SWIFT code, or the bank identifier security comprehensively.
code (BIC), or alternatively, even ISO 9362 code.
ii. Banks must ensure Confidentiality, Integrity
Prior to the advent of SWIFT, banks used to and Availability of data/information.
transfer funds with the help of TELEX network,
iii. A Cyber Crisis Management Plan (CCMP)
which was a teleprinter based network, used to
should be immediately evolved and be a part
sending text messages. Unlike SWIFT, there was no
of the overall Board approved strategy. It
unique coding system to describe branches and
should address four issues: detection,
transactions-the messaging was in free form. This

Recovery, Response and Containment. Banks

was both time-consuming and prone to human
are expected to be well prepared to face


emerging cyber-threats such as 'zero-day' access on the connected nodes. Equally important
attacks, remote access threats, and targeted are the timely detective measures. The RBI
attacks. Guidelines related to Cyber Security framework
will enable banks to formalize and adopt cyber
iv. Bank must assess the adequacy of and
security policy and cyber crisis management plan.
adherence to cyber resilience framework and
The requirement to share information on cyber
measure through development of indicators
security incidents with RBI will also help structure
to assess the level of risk/preparedness.
proactive threat identification and mitigation.
v. All cyber security incidents must be reported
Cyber-attacks are growing in number and
to RBI within 2 to 6 hours. The incident
sophistication and attackers are focusing more
reporting format is defined in the guidelines.
deeply on critical financial institutions. The
The fact that the most daring attack was perpetrated current cyber threat environment makes it clear
on SWIFT which has hitherto been considered an that both SWIFT and its customers must remain
impenetrable system has highlighted the need for vigilant and proactive over the long term. While
vigil over the sensitive systems like remittances. customers are responsible for protecting their own
Banks need to put in place preventive measures environments, SWIFT's Customer Security
such as appropriate controls framework around the Programme has been established to support
SWIFT and other messaging systems, customers in the fight against cyber fraud.
reconciliation of transactions in on real / near real Mandatory Security controls establish a security
time basis, controls over the message creation and baseline for the entire community and must be
transmission, applying timely security patches to implemented by all customers on their locally
the interfaces, if any, close monitoring of hosted SWIFT Infrastructure.
transactions and disabling USB, and Internet

Monthly Newsletter December 2016


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