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Original article

Proc IMechE Part L:

J Materials: Design and Applications
Finite element modeling of ultrasonic 0(0) 1–12
! IMechE 2017
and conventional shot peening: A Reprints and permissions:

comparison of the effect of both DOI: 10.1177/1464420717719474

processes on surface conditions

S Manchoul1, R Seddik1, R Ben Sghaeir2 and R Fathallah1

This paper presents three-dimensional-dynamic finite element simulations of both conventional and ultrasonic peening
processes. The proposed models have the advantages of being very close to reality and of taking into account the
majority of the influencing factors linked to the processing parameters, the shot–target contact conditions and the
monotonic-cyclic elastic–plastic behavior law coupled to the damage of the treated material. The implementations of
these simulations allow predicting the changes of the main affecting fatigue surface properties, which are: (i) the in-depth
profiles of compressive residual stresses and the Von Mises equivalent plastic strains, (ii) the peened-surface damage
values (iii) and the micro-geometrical surface irregularity patterns. Applications have been carried out on two materials:
the AISI 316L and the AISI 2205. The comparisons of the computed results to the available experimental investigations
show good correlations. These results have been used and exploited to analyze and to compare the two studied peening

Three-dimensional-dynamic finite element simulations, ultrasonic shot peening, conventional shot peening, fatigue
surface properties, comparison

Date received: 14 March 2017; accepted: 16 June 2017

treatments on surface conditions and the provision
Conventional Shot Peening (CSP) is a very widely of a quantitative description of these differences still
used cold-surface treatment, particularly in aerospace present a scientific interest.
and automotive industries. It leads to enhance signifi- The experimental method is often utilized to study
cantly the High Cycle Fatigue performance of treated the parameters of shot peening3 and to measure the
parts.1 This process consists in projecting a stream jet CRS induced by this process.4 Nevertheless, such
of dispersed hard shots on the surface of treated com- measurements are costly and time consuming. Thus,
ponents at relatively high velocities. The repetitive a particular importance has been given to the numer-
impacts generally permit having beneficial surface ical simulations of this mechanical process. Numerous
work-hardening and Compressive Residual Stresses Finite-Element (FE) models have been conducted to
(CRS) inside the first affected layers. However, this simulate the CSP process.5–11 Al-Obaid5 performed
process needs to be carefully controlled in order to an initial simple model. It was based on three-dimen-
avoid over-peening cases due to high velocities and sional (3D) iso-parametric FEs. A quarter-symmetric
excessive exposure durations that induce detrimental shot peening model was presented by Meguid et al.6
surface defects (overlaps, scales, etc.). More recently, It introduced contact elements to represent the
a similar treatment has been introduced: the
Ultrasonic Shot Peening (USP).2 It has the advantage 1
Mechanical, Material and Processes Laboratory, National Engineering
to induce a better surface quality and a larger depth of School of Sousse, University of Sousse, Sousse, Tunisia
the CRS compared to the CSP. The projection of Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology of Sousse, University of
shots has been replaced by ultrasound energy that Sousse, Sousse, Sousse, Tunisia
generates random and repeated impacts in a specific
Corresponding author:
chamber. These differences have a significant effect on S Manchoul, Ecole Nationale d’Ingenieurs de Sousse, Sousse 4000,
surface characteristics and mechanical properties. Tunisia.
Therefore, the prediction of the influence of both Email:
2 Proc IMechE Part L: J Materials: Design and Applications 0(0)

physical contact between the shot and the target steel treated piece. An FE modeling was performed by Dai
plate. This model was utilized in another work to cal- and Shaw18 to describe the differences between shot
culate the equivalent stress, the equivalent plastic peening, surface nanocrystallization and hardening
strain and the elastic strain as a function of time. processes.
Meguid et al.7 presented a comprehensive non-linear Despite the fact that these researches have taken
dynamic elastic–plastic FE analysis of shot peening. into account the simulation of the CSP and the
In their study, great importance was given to the USP, the prediction and comparison of surface con-
numerical convergence and to the validity of the ditions induced by both processes still present an
CRS fields. Majzoobi and Azizi8 developed a numer- industrial interest. The aim of the present study is to
ical model to simulate multiple-shot impacts with dif- model and compare the CSP and USP processes by
ferent operating conditions. Their results revealed using FE simulations. The steps of this work can be
that 25 impacts enabled obtaining a uniform stress summarized as follows:
state. Frija et al.9 presented a 3D FE model leading
to predict the CRS fields, the plastic strain profiles, (i) Development of 3D random multi-impact
and particularly the superficial damage value. This models to simulate the USP and CSP processes.
model allows predicting and characterizing the geo- The proposed models have the advantages of
metrical shot-peening-surface irregularities. It has considering the most relevant factors linked to
the advantage of predicting, as completely as possible, the processing parameters, the shot–subjected
all initial effects induced by shot peening. However, material contact conditions and the monotonic-
the authors applied the model for isotropic hardening. cyclic elastic–plastic behavior law coupled to
The cyclic elastic–plastic hardening was not con- damage.
sidered. Kim et al.10 proposed a 3D FE shot peening (ii) Prediction of the changes of the principle affect-
model, which leads to predict the CRS fields resulting ing fatigue surface properties induced by both
from multi-impacts. For this model, the authors processes: the CRS profiles, the Von Mises
applied the idea of area-average to obtain a realistic equivalent plastic strains, the peened-surface
distribution of shot-peening CRS fields. Yang et al.11 damage value and the micro-geometrical surface
studied the effect of an initial surface finish on the irregularity patterns.
effectiveness of the shot peening process using an (iii) Comparison of these surface conditions, con-
enhanced periodic cell model. Although there are a sidering the same kinetic energy and coverage
lot of other models that have been developed to simu- for both models.
late the CSP, the study of the USP simulation is rarely (iv) Study of the effect of peening parameters (diam-
reported. Indeed, only few numerical models are eter of shots, velocity and number of impacts) on
available regarding USP impacts. Similar to the residual stress profiles.
CSP process, the USP has been also opted for an
impact process. Thereby, the USP model has been
established while modifying some parameters of the FE models for ultrasonic and
CSP model. In fact, the USP computes a lower CSP processes
number of shots, bigger shots and lower speeds than
those involved in the CSP. In this context, a simula-
Target geometry and boundary conditions
tion of the USP process was performed by Nouguier- To predict the initial surface conditions after ultra-
Lehon et al.12 using the discrete element method to sonic and CSP, two 3D models are carried out using
access the velocities of shot impacts. Their results the ABAQUS /Explicit19 FE code and the Python
showed a strong correlation between the average Programming Language. In both models, the target
depth and the velocity of impacts. Moreover, dimensions are 20 mm  20 mm  35 mm, as illu-
Badreddine et al.13 utilized the granular-gases meth- strated in Figure 1(a). The cells of the target are
ods showing that impact distributions are sensitive to meshed by means of hexagonal elements with reduced
the number of shots in terms of angle and shot vel- integration elements (C3D8R). The treated region
ocity. Chaise et al.14 gave a specific USP model to (Figure 1(b)) is reduced on the central area with a
compute a residual stress after normal impacts. 2 mm width, a 2 mm length and a 1 mm height. To
Zhang et al.15 analyzed the CRS after successive improve the accuracy of the FE solutions, a refiner
normal impacts at the same location. Fei Yin et al.16 mesh (0.03 mm  0.03 mm  0.01 mm) is used in the
developed a 3D FE model to simulate the plastic treated region. For the boundary condition, the
strain and deformation of the ultrasonic peened sur- bottom surface of the target is restrained against all
face after multiple impacts. Indeed, the authors pro- displacements.
posed a numerical algorithm to predict the surface For the shot–target contact, an explicit surface-to-
morphology after several impacts. Rousseau et al.17 surface contact with friction is defined between the
studied the effect of bead quantity in an ultrasonic target surface and the uniform spherical shots. A kine-
shot peened surface, demonstrating that an increase matic contact algorithm is selected to model the shot–
in the number of shots concentrates the CRS into the target interactions.19
Manchoul et al. 3

Figure 1. (a) 3D shot-peening finite-element model and (b) fine mesh of treated surface.

The USP model (Figure 2(a)) is composed of a

FE model for USP process small number of elastic–plastic shots, with a big diam-
For the USP process, a generator delivers a sinusoidal eter, which impact the treated surface at different
electric field. Using a piezo-transmitter, this electric locations with an impingement of angle ffi90 .
energy is transformed into an ultrasonic vibration
and thereafter transferred into the ultrasonic horn.
Using this horn, the shots are projected onto the
FE model for CSP process
target in which the kinetic energy stored by the The CSP usually can control the incidence at a speci-
shots functions as the driver of the plastic deform- fied angle. In order to propose a realistic model of the
ation on the surface. CSP process, an FE model (Figure 2(b)) which takes
The velocity of impact is a crucial initial condition into account a large number of identical shots hitting
for the USP simulation. Chaise et al.14 reported that the surface at a very high speed is developed (20–
the average shot velocity could be as large as the max- 120 m/s) with an impingement angle of ffi90 .
imal initial velocity of the ultrasonic horn, which is
given by
Material constitutive model
Vin max ¼ A2 f ð1Þ The shot peening is considered as a complex and spe-
cific cyclic loading.20 In this study, we use the com-
where A is the vibration amplitude of the horn and f is bined isotropic-non-linear-kinematic hardening
the vibration frequency. formulation, first introduced by Armstrong and
For a real USP process, the collision between shots Frederick21 and subsequently modified by
as well as with the walls of the chamber, during the Chaboche.22 This model expresses the evolution of
treatment, leads to multidirectional impacts at the the back stress tensor, X, as a function of the equiva-
surface. Therefore, the determination of impact lent plastic strain. In this model,22 the yield criterion
angles is so complicated and a specific model is of Von Mises is defined as follows
required to obtain the distribution of real impact dir-
ections. Nevertheless, it has been proved in the litera- f ð, X, RÞ ¼ J2 ð  XÞ  R  Y 40 ð2Þ
ture that using a small number of shots in the
experiments can significantly reduce the interactions The nonlinear hardening component X is
between shots and simplify the estimation of impact defined by
directions.14 It can be inferred that all shots impact
the surface with an impact angle very close to 90 and 2
dX ¼ Cd"p  Xdp ð3Þ
minor collisions of shots can be neglected. In the pre- 3
sent USP numerical model, the previous approxima-
tion is considered and the impacts of the shots are The isotropic hardening component R describes the
supposed mainly normal to the impacted surface. change of the equivalent stress which defines the size
4 Proc IMechE Part L: J Materials: Design and Applications 0(0)

Figure 2. (a) Ultrasonic shot-peening finite-element model and (b) conventional shot-peening finite-element model.

of the yield surface as a function of plastic deformation at rupture, the accumulated plastic
deformation strain, the Von Mises equivalent stress, the hydro-
static stress of the applied tensor stress and the
dR ¼ bðQ  RÞdp ð4Þ Poisson’s ratio, respectively. Et , Etþt and Dt are the
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Young’s modulus at the instant t, the Young’s modu-
where dp ¼ 23 d"p : d"p indicates the increment of the lus at the instant t þ t and the damage value,
equivalent plastic strain and d"p is the plastic flow respectively.
law, which is defined as
Proposed criterion to compare CSP
d"p ¼l ð5Þ and USP processes

To compare the CSP and USP processes, two criteria
Depending on the material, the coefficients Q and b have been suggested: (i) the same peening coverage
are the parameters of the isotropic hardening, C and  and (ii) the same Kinetic energy.
are the two coefficients that represent the evolution of
the kinematic hardening and Y is the size of the yield
In the shot peening, the surface coverage presents an
important variable, since it has an effect on the CRS
Damage model profile. It is deEned as the percentage of surface that
In the present study, in order to predict the shot peen- has been impacted for a given time of peening. We
ing superficial damage, the damage model of Lemaitre obtain the full coverage (100%) when the surface
and Chaboche23 is used in its integrated form. It is (Figure 1(b)) is entirely impacted.
expressed as follows In our proposed models, the shot stream impacts
the target specimen with spherical shots at a normal
Dc incidence angle. The random sequence and positions
"R  "D of shots are generated by a python function with
"  # !
2 H 2 respect to the following constraint. In order to pro-
 p ð1 þ Þ þ 3ð1  2Þ  "D duce a T (%) coverage with a specific number of
3 eqVM
impacts, the distance between the centers ofptwo
ffiffiffi adja-
ð6Þ cent shots should be equal to e ¼ 10  a  T. Based
on the study of Fathallah,20 the radius a of shot
In the first step, the damage parameter is evaluated indentation is given by the following equation
using equation (6), and the Young’s modulus E is
updated after each increment as follows  1
D 5Kð1  er Þ2 5 ð8Þ

2 2E
Etþt ¼ Et ð1  Dt Þ ð7Þ

where Dc , "D , "R , p,  eq ,  H and  are the critical  is the density of shots, v is the shot velocity, D is the
damage, the initial critical deformation, the diameter of shots, E is the equivalent stiffness
Manchoul et al. 5

modulus, er is the coefficient of restitution and k is the The accuracy of the proposed CSP model is
efficiency coefficient. Hence, the indentation surface validated by taking into consideration the same CSP
induced by the shot impact is 2a2 . Referring to operating conditions adopted by Ahmed et al.’s 26
Figure 3, forpffiffiffia 100% coverage, the distance e is experimental investigations. For the AISI 316L
equal to a  . there are: (i) ceramic shots with 0.8 mm of diam-
eter, (ii) velocity of shots equal to 40 m/s (it corres-
ponds to the Almen intensity 0.22 mmA), (iii) a
Kinetic energy (EK ) surface coverage of 100% and (iv) an impact angle
An identical EK is attributed to the CSP and the USP equal to 90 .
to compare the surface conditions induced by both Figure 4 presents a comparison between the com-
processes. The kinetic energy of the shots is puted CRS profiles and the investigated X-ray
obtained inside the conventional penned AISI 316L
 stainless steel part.26 A good correlation between the
EK ðCSPÞ ¼ D3 V2 N ð9Þ
12 experimental and computed values is observed. For
deeper layers, the numerical prediction in this figure
where N is the number of shots. It can be noted that has an obvious deviation from the experimental
EK depends also on the density () of the material of results. It can be related to the uncertainties and limi-
the used shot. tations of the X-ray diffraction analysis technique in
As mentioned above, the USP simulation considers inner layers. Actually, X-ray analyses are generally
all impacts at a constant and maximal velocity Vin max . more precise in the first outer layers than in the
Consequently, referring to the same equation (8), the deeper ones.
total kinetic energy brought to the shots for the USP For the AISI 2205, the operating conditions used
is equal to by Pedro Sanjurjo et al.’s24 experimental investiga-
tions are considered in this application to verify the

EK ðUSPÞ ¼ D3 V2in max N ð10Þ
Table 1. Mechanical properties of materials.24,25

Application E y Q
Material (GPa) (MPa)  C (GPa)  (MPa) b
Validation of two proposed FE models
AISI 316L 196 220 0.29 30 60 150 1
A comparison of the two proposed FE models is car- AISI 2205 192.5 632 0.3 192.777 575 23 13
ried out on the AISI 2205 and AISI 316L steel. Both
materials are considered as elastic–plastic with non-
linear combined isotropic–kinematic hardening.22 The
mechanical properties of the AISI 2205 and AISI Table 2. Damage parameters.24
316L steel are presented, respectively, in Table 1.24,25
Material "R "D Dc
The damage parameters (Table 2) of the AISI 2205
have been discussed in literature.24 AISI 2205 0.75 0.02 0.8

Figure 4. Validation of conventional shot peening model for

Figure 3. Used assumption for 100% coverage condition. AISI 316l.26
6 Proc IMechE Part L: J Materials: Design and Applications 0(0)

accuracy of the established CSP numerical model: obtained inside the conventional peened AISI 2205
(i) shot type S230, (ii) value of shot velocity equal target.24 A good correlation between the experimental
to 40 m/s (corresponds to the Almen intensity and computed values is observed.
0.22 mm A), (iii) surface coverage of 100% and (iv) For the AISI 316L, we consider the same ultrasonic
impact angle equal to 90 . peening conditions used by Li27 in his experimental
Figure 5 presents a comparison between the com- results: (i) 100 Cr6 steel shots, (ii) velocity of shots
puted CRS profiles and the investigated X-ray equal to 4 m/s, (iii) size of shots equal to 4 mm, (iv)
surface coverage of 100% and(v) impingement angle
equal to 90 .
Figure 6 indicates a good correlation for predicting
the initial CRS profiles for the AISI 316L material
comparing with the experimental results obtained by
the X-ray diffraction analysis.27 The disagreement
between the stresses predicted by the USP model
and the experimental results is observed for large
depths. The reason of this deviation may be due to
the uncertainties and limitations of the X-ray diffrac-
tion analysis technique in deeper layers. In fact, the
conditions of the X-ray measurements induce a more
dispersed error bar for the inner layers of the sample
compared to the outer ones.
All these previous results prove the capability of
the two models (USP and CSP) to describe the mater-
Figure 5. Validation of conventional shot peening model for ial behavior of the affected layers submitted to the
AISI 2205.24 cyclic shot-peening loading.

Application of proposed criterions of comparaison

Table 3 summaries the input data for the size of shots,
the velocity of impacts considered in the USP and
-50 CSP simulations. In this study, two values of an amp-
-100 litude A are used (A ¼ 32 mm and A ¼ 47 mm). As a
Residual stress (MPa)

-150 result, the initial velocities of the shots Vin max used in
-200 the USP are 4 m/s (A ¼ 32 mm) and 6 m/s (A ¼ 47 mm).
Numerical model USP
It is assumed that the S230 shots are used in both
-300 processes. The elasto-plastic properties of the material
-350 of shots are available in literature.24 In particular, the
density, the Poisson’s ratio and the Young’s modulus
of the S230 shots are, respectively, 7800 kg=m3 , 0.3
and 210 GPa.
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 The USP process is similar to the CSP in the sense
Depth (mm)
that both processes entail repeated impacts of the
target surface by spherical shots. The differences
Figure 6. Validation of ultrasonic shot peening model for AISI between both mechanisms are the size of the shot
316l material.27 (between 0, 25 mm to 1 mm for CSP, and 1 mm to

Table 3. Shot peening cases.

Shot peening Velocity Number of Diameter Kinetic Coverage

models Cases (m/s) shots (mm) energy (J) (%)

USP C1 4 10 4 0.0208 75
CSP C1 40 100 0.4 0.0208 75
USP C2 6 10 4 0.0469 85
CSP C2 60 100 0.4 0.0469 85
USP C3 4 10 6 0.0704 100
CSP C3 40 100 0.6 0.0704 100
CSP: Conventional Shot Peening; USP: Ultrasonic Shot Peening.
Manchoul et al. 7

8 mm for USP) and its velocity (between 20 m/s to a kinetic energy equal to 0.0219 J, 0.0494 J and
150 m/s for CSP and 3 m/s to 20 m/s for USP).17,28 0.0741 J. Each case provides the differences between
It is noted, that the USP can be also called Surface the USP and the CSP when EK is kept constant
Mechanical Attrition Treatment (SMAT).29 In fact, in between the two processes.
USP and SMAT processes, the shots (having the same
size in both processes) are resonated by vibration of
an ultrasonic transducer. Consequently, it can be Results and disscussion
assumed that USP and SMAT are the same processes Comparison of the effect of both processes
through which the shots are projected onto the target
under similar peening conditions. Indeed, the only dif-
on surface conditions
ference resides in the exposure time which is more Figure 7 depicts the contours of residual stress for the
important in the SMAT process. target after a CSP impact. It shows a sufficient correl-
Thus, in order to approach to the real situation and ation between the available experimental analyses and
to have hypothetically the same kinetic energy as CSP, the numerical results, especially in the outer layers.
the size of the USP shot is supposed to be 10 times The contours of the equivalent plastic stress upon
larger than the CSP one, whereas the velocity taken the AISI 2205 peened by the CSP and USP processes
into account is 10 times lower (Table 3). Considering with the same coverage percentage (200%) and the
these hypotheses and referring to equation (8), the same EK are given in Figure 8.
evaluated indentation radius for a shot impact is The calculated Von Mises’s plastic stress profiles
about three times higher than the one obtained in induced by the CSP and the USP (obtained in same
the CSP. Thus, 10 shots are required in the CSP condition C1) are presented in Figure 9.
model to achieve the same impacted surface induced Figures 10 and 11 provide a comparison between
by one shot impact in the USP. For these reasons, the residual stress profiles of the USP and CSP pro-
only 10 shots are utilized in USP model, while 100 cesses performed, respectively, on the AISI 316L and
shots are considered in the CSP one. AISI 2205 materials. For both materials, the CRS at
As mentined above, a Python code is developed to the surfaces for the two processes having identical EK
the desired coverage percentage to be simulated for are comparable. In addition, the subsurface CRS
each model. In order to compare the two processes, maximum in the conventional peened target is
the same coverage percentage is adopted in the CSP higher than for ultrasonic peened one. On the other
and USP simualtions. hand, the thickness of the CRS is deeper for the USP
Table 3 indicates the different coverage percentages treatment than for the CSP one.
coverage investigated in different shot peening cases. Figure 12 represents the in-depth PEEQ for USP
C1, C2 and C3 present the cases of the USP and the and CSP processes. It is observed that the plastic zone
CSP having the same surface coverage (i.e. for the C3, achieved from the USP (0.55 mm) is substantially
both processes have 100% of surface coverage). deeper than the one obtained from the CSP
As mentioned above, C1, C2 and C3 (Table 3) are (0.4 mm). Furthermore, it is noted that the maximal
the cases of the USP and the CSP having, respectively, magnitude of the von mises equivalent plastic strain

Figure 7. Deformation contour of residual stress after conventional shot peening for AISI 316l material (v ¼ 60 m/s, D ¼ 0.4 mm,
EK ¼ 0:0494 J).
8 Proc IMechE Part L: J Materials: Design and Applications 0(0)

Figure 8. (a) Equivalent plastic stress after CSP with (200% coverage; D ¼ 0.6 mm; v ¼ 40 m/s) for AISI 2205 material. (b) Equivalent
plastic stress after USP with (200% coverage; D ¼ 6 mm; v ¼ 4 m/s) for AISI 2205 material.

AISI 316 L AISI 316 L

700 100
Von Mises equivalent Plastic stress (MPa)

600 0


Residual Stress(Mpa)

-200 CSP model C1
400 USP model C1

300 -400


0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Depth (mm) Depth(mm)

Figure 9. Distribution of plastic equivalent stress after Figure 10. Residual stress profiles generated in the AISI 316 L
ultrasonic and conventional shot peening for AIS316L target target for ultrasonic and conventional shot peening
(EK ¼ 0:0219 J; coverage ¼ 75%). (EK ¼ 0:0219 J; coverage ¼ 75%).

(PEEQ) is reduced from 0.32 for the CSP to 0.2 for the damage variable is greater for the USP.
the USP. Therefore, the FE results suggest that for an This observation is linked to the distribution of the
EK between the USP and CSP processes, smaller shots in-depth plastic deformations.
with higher velocity generate a higher PEEQ max- In the present study, the proposed FE models are
imum than bigger shots. Nevertheless, bigger shots applied to predict the critical roughness parameters
results in a larger depth of hardened layer. These (Figure 14): (i) Rtm is defined as the average of the
major differences between the two processes can highest and lowest point between dents and (ii) Sm is
have a significant effect on the fatigue surface proper- defined as the distance between adjacent peaks.
ties of the peened target. Based on the work of Dai et al.,30 there are three
Figure 13 illustrates the evolution of the damage stages in surface roughness evolution: (i) in the first
profiles vs. the depth of the treated part for the stage, some areas are not covered, (ii) in the sec-
CSP and USP (C3) treatment. The damage is greater ond stage, more areas are covered and (iii) in the
for the CSP when the z-depth is inferior to 0.1 mm. third stage, the surface roughness comes to a stable
However, for the z-depth superior to 0.1 mm, state. As a consequence, the surface roughness
Manchoul et al. 9

AISI 2205

Residual Stress (Mpa)

CSP model C1
USP model C1

Figure 14. Numerical contour plots, defining roughness (Rtm)
and (Sm).28
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

Figure 11. Residual stress profiles generated in AISI 2205

target for ultrasonic and conventional shot peening
(EK ¼ 0:0219 J; coverage ¼ 75%).

AISI 2205

Von Mises equivalent plastic strain

0.3 CSP model C3

USP model C3 Figure 15. Comparison between numerically computed sur-
0.25 face roughness (Rtm) for CSP and USP models.


numerically calculated in this work presents only the
first stage. Based on the work of Mylonas and
Labeas,31 the geometrical stress concentration factor
0 0.1 0.2 0.3
0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 (Kt) is also calculated by using the computed surface
roughness parameters. This factor indicates the crit-
ical shot-peened area from which a crack can initiate.
Figure 12. Distribution of plastic equivalent strain (PEEQ)
It can be approximated by the following expressions31
after ultrasonic and conventional shot peening for AIS 2205
target (coverage ¼ 100%; EK ¼ 0:0741 J).    
Rtm 1:3 Rtm
Kt ¼ 1 þ 4 5 0:15 ð11Þ
Sm Sm
Rtm Rtm
Kt ¼ 1 þ 2:1 40:3 ð12Þ
Sm Sm
AISI 2205
CSP model C3 The experimental results in the literature have
0.3 USP model C3
shown an important difference between the CSP and
the USP concerning surface roughness. Figure 15
depicts the numerically computed (Rtm) induced by
Damage variable

0.2 both processes. It can be observed that for a given

case (EK constant), the CSP results in a rougher sur-
face than the USP one. Indeed, for the C1
0.1 (EK ¼ 0:0219J), the Rtm induced by the CSP is equal
to 16 mm, while the Rtm induced by USP is equal to
10 mm.Thus, it proves this difference between the two
0 processes. This is caused by the shots that impact the
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
Depth (mm) target at very high velocity. Besides, it proves that for
each model, the rising velocity (from C1 to C2) leads
Figure 13. Damage variable after ultrasonic and conventional to an increase in roughness.
shot peening for AIS 2205 target (coverage ¼ 100%; The Kt of the USP and CSP models are presented
EK ¼ 0:0741 J). for two cases (C1 and C2). It can be noted that
10 Proc IMechE Part L: J Materials: Design and Applications 0(0)

Figure 16. Comparison between stress concentration factor (Kt) for CSP and USP models.

AISI 2205 AISI 2205

Residual Stress (Mpa)

Residual Stress (Mpa)

CSP model C1 CSP model C1

-300 -200
CSP model C2 CSP model C3
-400 -300

-500 -400

-600 -500

-700 -600

-800 -700

-900 -800
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Depth (mm) 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

Figure 17. Effect of impact velocity on residual stress

Figure 18. Effect of diameter of shots on residual stress
distribution for CSP model (D ¼ 0.4 mm).
distribution for CSP model (v ¼ 40 m/s).

(Figure 16) for a given case (especially for C2 which

involves higher velocity than C1), the CSP process
increases the Kt more than the USP. AISI 2205


Influence of shot peening parameters 0

Residual Stress (Mpa)

Different simulations of the USP and the CSP are
performed in order to analyze the effect of the vel- USP model C3
-300 USP model C1
ocity, the diameter of shots and the number of
impacts on residual stress distributions. Added to
that, we propose to evaluate the impact of the increas-
ing velocity on surface roughness. The shot peening
cases used in this study are listed in Table 3. 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7

The effect of velocity is examined in the CSP model Depth(mm)

using two velocities of shots (40 m/s and 60 m/s) when

the diameter is equal to 0.4 mm. Figure 17 illustrates Figure 19. Effect of diameter of shots on residual stress
that raising the velocity increases the subsurface CRS distribution for USP model (v ¼ 4 m/s).
(the maximum) value and region. Moreover, the zone
of compressive stress goes up from 0.28 mm to
0.33 mm when the velocity of shots grows from diameter slightly raises the maximal magnitude of
40 m/s to 60 m/s. This result is in a good agreement the CRS and moves away the position of this max-
with the researches of Meguid et al.6 and Majzoobi imum from the peened surface. In addition, it is obvi-
et al.32 ously noted that varying the diameter of shots
The effect of modifying the diameter of shots is influences the depth of the CRS layers. Actually, a
presented in Figures 18 and 19. It can be observed bigger diameter (i.e. C3 in Table 3) results in deeper
that for the CSP and CSP processes, increasing the thickness of the CRS.
Manchoul et al. 11

AISI 2205
prediction of the RS distribution, an equivalent plas-
tic strain, induced surface roughness induced and a
superficial damage by both processes. Critical differ-
ences between the USP and the CSP have been inves-
Residual stress (Mpa)

tigated using these proposed simulations. The
following conclusions and results of this work can
USP model C1 impact 2
-400 be drawn:
USP model C1 impact 1

-600 (i) When the kinetic energy is identical the resulting

CRS at the surfaces induced by bothprocesses are
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
comparable. The USP produces a deeper work-
Depth (mm) hardened layer and a thicker surface area of the
CRS while the CSP results in a sighnificant
Figure 20. Effect of the number of impacts on residual stress increase in the maximum compressive residual
distribution for USP (v ¼ 4 m/s and D ¼ 4 mm). stress.
(ii) The proposed models gives the opportunity to
predict the surface roughness and the geometric
stress concentration factor by using the computed
AISI 2205
results as input values to analytical equations. It
has been numerically approved that main benefit
Von mises equivalent plastic strain (PEEQ)

USP model C1 -first impact of the USP compared to the CSP is the low
USP model C1-second impact
roughness of the surface due to the lower
impact velocities.
(iii) The developed models have been used to predict
the effect of shot velocity, shot size and the
number of impacts on the induced residual
stress profiles for the AISI316L and the AISI
2205 through a parametric study. This study illus-
trates that both the number of impacts and the
shot velocity affect the magnitude of the max-
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Depth(mm) imum CRS and the depth of penetration.
However, increasing the shot size results in a
Figure 21. Effect of the number of impacts on PEEQ for USP
rise in the depth of the maximum CRS and
(v ¼ 4 m/s and D ¼ 4 mm). penetration.

It remains now to adopt a fatigue criterion which

Figure 20 depicts the residual stress profiles takes into account the surface conditions induced by
induced by the USP after 10 (first impact) and 20 the USP and the CSP to determine which process fur-
(second impact) random impacts. A comparison ther improves the fatigue performance.
between the two profiles indicates that the residual
stress at the surface remains to be practically constant Declaration of conflicting interests
(400 MPa). Furthermore, the value of the maximum The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
CRS goes up (from 580 MPa to 640 MPa) as the respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of
impact number grows from 10 to 20 impacts, presum- this article.
ably due to the work hardening at the surface resulted
in raising the yield stress. Funding
The effect of the number of impacts on the equiva- The author(s) received no financial support for the research,
lent plastic strain is shown in Figure 21. It is noted authorship, and/or publication of this article.
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