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in our World
by: Mr. Paolo Rovic D. Suarez

1.3 Fibonacci Sequence

We start with 1 and another 1. Add them, we get
2. Add 1 and 2, we get 3. Add 2 and 3, we get 5.
Add 3 and 5, we get 8. If we continue repeating
the process, we obtain the sequence

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, ...

which is known as the Fibonacci sequence.

The Fibonacci sequence was invented
by the Italian Leonardo Pisano Bigollo
(1180-1250), who is known in
mathematical history by several names:
Leonardo of Pisa (Pisano means “from
Pisa”) and Fibonacci (which means “son
of Bonacci”).
To formally, define the Fibonacci
sequence, we start by defining F_1 = 1
and F_2 = 1. For n > 2, we define

F_n := F_{n-1} + F_{n-2}.

The sequence F_1, F_2, F_3, ... is then
the Fibonacci sequence. Such a
definition is called a recursive
definition because it starts by defining
some initial values and defines the next
term as a function of the previous terms.
If we take the ratio of F_n to F_{n-1} for
n ≥1,
we see that as n gets larger and larger,
the ratio gets closer and closer to a
value denoted by φ. The number φ is
called as the golden ratio and can be
formally defined as
The symbol

means the 'limit as n approaches infinity’

which is usually studied in a calculus
course. It can be calculated that the
exact value of φ is
If we denote by

we can write the nth Fibonacci number

explicitly using the formula

This is known as the Binet Formula.

Do you see the Fibonacci Numbers? The red
curve is known as the Fibonacci Spiral.

A rectangle whose side ratio (length:width)

equals φ is called a golden rectangle.
George Dvorsky (2013) emphasized that
the Fibonacci sequence has captivated
mathematicians, scientists, artists and
designers for centuries. It is a sequence
with many interesting properties. Among
these is its visibility in nature. Most, if not
all, nature's most beautiful patterns
contain Fibonacci numbers.
The Fibonacci numbers appear in nature in
various places. These numbers are evident
at the flower head of a sunflower or daisy.
Spirals are also easier to see and to count
on pineapples and pine cones. Fibonacci
numbers are there on broccoli florets and
flowers and on the arrangement of leaves
around stems on many plants too.
Pinecones, Speed Heads,
Vegetables and Fruits
Spiral patterns curving from left and
right can be seen at the array of seeds
in the center of a sunflower. The sum of
these spirals when counted will be a
Fibonacci number.
Pinecones, Speed Heads,
Vegetables and Fruits

You will get two consecutive Fibonacci

numbers if you divide the spirals into
those pointed left and right.
Pinecones, Sunflowers,
Vegetables and Fruits
The seed pods on a pinecone are also
arranged in a spiral pattern. Each cone
consists of a pair of spirals, each one
spiraling upwards in opposing
Pinecones, Speed Heads,
Vegetables and Fruits
Spiral patterns can also be deciphered
in cauliflower and pineapples.
Fibonacci sequence appears on these
fruits and vegetables.
Flowers and Branches
Most flowers express the Fibonacci
sequence if you count the number of
petals on these flowers. For example,
irises have three petals, roses and
buttercups have five, delphiniums have
eight petals and so on.
Flowers and Branches

Some plants also exhibit the Fibonacci

sequence in their growth points, on
the places where tree branches form or
split. A trunk grows until it produces a
branch, resulting in two growth points.
Flowers and Branches
The main trunk then produces another
branch, resulting in three growth points
and then the trunk and the first branch
produce two more growth points,
bringing the total to five as illustrated
on the image on the next slide.
The family tree of a honey bee
perfectly resembles the Fibonacci
sequence. A honeybee colony consists
of a queen, a few drones and lots of
workers. The following image shows
how the family tree relates.
Human Body
The human body has many elements that
show the Fibonacci numbers and the
golden ratio. Most of your body parts
follow the Fibonacci sequence and the
proportions and measurements of the
human body can also be divided up in
terms of the golden ratio.
Geography, Weather
and Galaxies
Fibonacci numbers and the
relationships between these numbers
are evident in spiral galaxies, sea wave
curves and in the patterns of stream
and drainages.
Geography, Weather
and Galaxies

Weather patterns, such as hurricanes

and whirlpools sometimes closely
resemble the Golden Spiral.
Geography, Weather
and Galaxies
The milky way galaxy and some other
galaxies have spiral patterns. Planets
of our solar system and their orbital
periods are closely related to the
golden ratio.
The Great Pyramid of Giza: The Great
Pyramid of Giza built around 2560 BC is one
of the earliest examples of the use of the
golden ratio. The length of each side of the
base is 756 feet, and the height is 481 feet.
So, we can find that the ratio of the vase to
height is 756/481 = 1.5717
The Greek sculptor Phidias sculpted many
things including the bands of sculpture that
run above the columns of the Parthenon.
Other architectural structures that exhibits
the Golden ratio include the ff: Porch of
Maidens, Acropolis, Athens; Chartres
Cathedral; and Le Corbussier. Can you name
other structures that has the Golden Ratio?
Mona-Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci: It is
believed that Leonardo, as a
mathematician tried to incorporate of
mathematics into art. This painting seems
to be made purposefully line up with
golden rectangle.

An Old man by Leonardo Da Vinci:

Leonardo Da Vinci explored the human
body involving in the ratios of the lengths
of various body parts. He called this ratio
the "divine proportion" and featured it in
many of his paintings.

We also have the The Vetruvian Man (“The

Man in Action”) by Leonardo Da Vinci; Holy
Family by Michaelangelo; Crucifixion by
Raphael; The sacrament of the Last Supper
by Salvador Dali (1904-1989),and many more.

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