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Guideline for the Annotation Platform-V20.2.


Guideline for the Annotation Platform-V20.2.25.............................................................................1
1. Platform Login.............................................................................................................................2
2. Role and Corresponding Operations.........................................................................................3
2.1 Transcriber............................................................................................................................4
2.1.1 Claim Task..................................................................................................................4
2.1.2 Transcription.............................................................................................................4
2.1.3 Submission.................................................................................................................6
2.2 QA..........................................................................................................................................7
2.2.1 Claim task..................................................................................................................7
2.2.2 Data quality inspection.............................................................................................7
2.2.3 Quality inspection data submission.........................................................................8

1. Platform Login
a) Login to Alilang PC version with the dynamic token from the Alilang APP on your
mobile phone. This will ensure you connect to the Ali internal network.
b) Access the platform with link below:

and then login to it with your account and password:

c) If you see screenshot below it means that you have no access, follow the steps
below to apply permission: click “Request Access” button and it will lead you to the
page where you need to type the info below before submission:
Term of validity: 3/31/2021
Vendor: Appen
Project Name: Aragorn transcription
Name: your own name
Change to 3/31/2021

You can check whether you have got approval on this page.

d)After you got above approval, you will see the following error message once you
log into the platform.
Go to link
and follow the steps below to apply the operation permission.

Change to 3/31/2021

2. Role and Corresponding Operations

2.1 Transcriber
2.1.1 Claim Task
Click “claim annotation task” button under “to be annotated” menu to apply new task
according the order ID we send to you.

2.1.2 Transcription
a) Click “start annotation” to under “annotating” menu to start working. The staRetus
for rejected task will be “rework”.

b) You can check the tasks you completed under “annotation completed” menu:
c) User interface for transcriber

 Time stamping: you can drag the time bar to select the starting and ending point on
the spectrum.
1. Shortcut of playing button is “Space” key
2. After loading, audio will automatically be played, click “loop play” to change it.
3. Auto play is default. Click button to change to single play.
4. The starting and ending point for valid part will be automatically shown in the box
above the spectrum.
 validation
1. if valid, then select the time stamping, labels and enter the corresponding text;
2. if invalid, then select the reason as “Others”.
 Label
1. gender: Male/Female
2. accent: yes/no
3. children Sound: yes/no
4. Background noise:yes/no
 Message board: both transcriber and QA can leave message for doubt or
 Shortcuts
1. play/pause: space
2. last audio: Q
3. next audio: E
4. tag (sil): alt + 1
5. tag (~): alt + 2
6. tag (noise): alt + 3
Notes: to avoid enter extra letter in text box, better to click “Enter” before using shortcut.

2.1.3 Submission
Once complete the task, you can click button “submit” at the right corner and button “OK”
in the pop up window to submit the it. If you can see the error message shown as in
screenshot below, it means that you haven’t complete all audios in the task.
2.2 QA
2.2.1 Claim task
The QA role has the authority of transcription and quality inspection, the User interface to
claim task is the same as the transcriber. But as the QA role, you need to take the task under
tab “to be checked” first, if there is no task under it you can claim transcription task.

2.2.2 Data quality inspection

The quality inspection interface is basically same as the transcriber’s.
The difference is as below:
1) can see the transcribed results from transcriber;
2) The number of audio that QA can see depends on the sampling ratio set by PM. (Once
the sampling ratio is set, this order will be affected globally and cannot be modified
3) QA can modify the result directly and add the comment in “message board” to let the
transcriber know what the mistake it is, and then click button “correct, next” to pass it; or
click "wrong, next” to reject the incorrect ones to transcribers.
2.2.3 QA Submission
You can click button “pass, submit” and then button “OK” in the pop-up window to submit
the task. Or you can click button “failed, rework” and then button “OK” in the pop-up
window to reject the task to transcriber.

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