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NEUST Online Enrolment

This is our home page, there are 5

buttons here, they are Enrollment,
Campus/Courses, Message Button,
Neust Officials, and the About Button.

After clicking enrollment, you will be

asked to Login or Create Account.

If the selection is Login it will go to the

Login Page.

If not yet registered click the button on

the side of not yet registered.

if the password is forgotten click the

button next to forgot password
If the selection is Create Account it
will go to the Create Account Page.

The Student no. is Auto Generate if the

Enrollees are new.

If there is something wrong with the

created account click back to return to
the create account page and change it,
and if correct click continues to go to the
enrollment form
After creating an account this page
shows what the user’s input did will
appear if correct.

This page requests complete and correct


The information entered by the user in

the created account will be
automatically entered in the enrollment
After filling out the enrollment
form and clicking submit, you need
to upload your form-137/138 grade
11 second semester and form-
137/138 grade 11 first semester

Choose a campus and your first-

choice course

If the user chooses to enroll, the

application will be sent to the
registrar for approval else visit will
go to the page chosen

Wait for approval from the

On this page, the user can send a
message to the school admin.

On this page you can see the neust


In about you can see the history of

neust, neust mission and vision,
tagline and core values as well as
the neust and asean hymn

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