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Kristal E.

Caberio BEED- 2A

Instruction: Based on your understanding, explain the following question briefly but


1. The Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013(K-12 Law) states that curriculum should be
“culturally sensitive”, “contextualized, and global.”  To which guiding principles do these
relate? Explain.

All guiding principles are essential because Araling Panlipunan, as a curriculum, must
be "culture-sensitive," "contextualized," and "global." As the Araling Panlipunan's
teaching is expected to contribute to the development of a holistically developed citizen
who is aware of, knowledgeable about, and critically analyzes current social issues and
concerns on a local and global scale. This relates to five guiding principles in Araling
Panlipunan's teaching: first, students recognize the relevance and connection of their
lesson to their lives because it has real-world application. Second, it is a synthesis of
several interconnected disciplines. Third, it engages in experiences that foster open-
mindedness, respect for well-supported positions, cultural sensitivity, and a commitment
to individual and social responsibility. Fourth, students work individually or
collaboratively to reach understandings, make decisions, discuss issues, and solve
problems using rich and diverse sources. And lastly it is engaging.

2. “Don’t handicap your children by making their lives easy,” by Robert A. Heinlein, shows
what guiding principle/s in the teaching AP?

It clearly shows the principle of meaningful. As the quote mean likely to ‘don’t shoulder
the responsibility of your children by just making their lives easy’ and it is not ideal to a
parent to do and to adapt as the person get older and soon they will have their own
decision. And how can an individual figure thing on their own and learn if a parent didn’t
let the children to experience the reality of struggles. When students see the relevance
and connection of their lesson to their lives, it is meaningful because it has real–world
application. It is the principle meaningful trying to convey take a step to discover and we
will learn from it.

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