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Determine whether each statement is Existential Quantifier (EQ),Universal Quantifier (UQ), or Unique
Existential Quantifier (UEQ).
1. Such that x is an integer. ____UEQ____________
2. Not everybody received the Covid-19 ration ______UQ__________
3. For some y, y2 + 1 < 5. ______EQ__________
4. There is exactly one natural number n _____UEQ___________
such that n +7 = 8.
5. There is a unique rational number x, _____UEQ___________

Write the negations and the logical expression of the following statements.
1. All Filipinos support the Enhancement Community Quarantine.
Answer: "Not all Filipinos support the Enhanced Community Quarantine."
Logical Expression: ¬(∀x)(Fx → Qx)
2. Somebody can read.
Answer: "Nobody can read."
Logical Expression: ¬(∃x)(Rx)
3. Every student in class has taken a course in software development.
Answer: "Not every student in class has taken a course in software development."
Logical Expression: ¬(∀x)(Sx → Dx)
4. There is a student who submits requirement on time.
Answer: "There is no student who submits requirements on time."
Logical Expression: ¬(∃x)(Sx ∧ Rx)
5. Not everybody has internet connection at home.
Answer: "Everybody has internet connection at home."
Logical Expression: (∀x)(Ix)

Translate each of these quantifications into English language and determine its truth value.
1. ∃x∈R (x3 = −1)
Answer: "There exists a real number x such that x cubed is equal to negative one."
Truth value: True
2. ∀x∈Z (x2 ∈ Z)
Answer: "For all integers x, x squared is also an integer."
Truth value: True

Let’s Analyze
Why is it necessary to determine common words associated with quantifiers?
It is necessary to identify common words associated with quantifiers in order to comprehend the
logical statements represented by quantifiers. To correctly interpret and reason about a logical statement
that contains quantifiers, we must first learn the common words associated with these quantifiers. For
example, if we come across a statement that starts with "For all" (∀), we know that it is a universal
quantification and applies to every member of the domain. As a result, we would interpret the statement
to mean that the condition described applies to all elements in the specified domain. Similarly, if we come
across a statement that starts with "There exists" (∃), we know it is an existential quantification and is true
for at least one member of the domain. As a result, we interpret the statement to mean that at least one
element in the specified domain satisfies the condition being described. By understanding the common
words associated with quantifiers allows us to more easily interpret and reason about logical statements,
avoiding misinterpretation or misunderstanding of the statement's meaning.

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