Report 4

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Reflection 1


Jamie Rivera

Old Dominion University


Professor Rivas

Reflection 2


Where is your learning demonstrated in this course?

I had never heard of a program evaluation until I took this course. I was scared at first to

do an evaluation because I thought the program would think I was judging them. I learned how

to properly deliver feedback and some examples are, be respectful, watch tone, and offer

suggestions not demands. I also learned the importance of looking back at the evaluation that

was conducting and summarizing the outcome. I have collected data before but never had to

reflect on what I had gathered from them so it was refreshing because I evaluated for five days.

What areas did you feel you were most successful, or improved the most?

I felt the most successful when we were being creative and doing mind maps as well as

the timeline. I also noticed my research was very well executed when it was time to talk about

my program. This class has helped me improve my writing skills as well as writing the important

information. I had a bit of difficulty with coming up with SMART goals for the program because

I had so many ideas but after discussing how to execute it with peers I was able to learn from my

mistakes. I also got great feedback from my professor that allowed me to keep improving

throughout the semester. Some feedback I received was “Check APA when citing sources” and I

started to notice the little mistakes that I kept making.

How do you see this course’s content intersecting with your career?

I would like to become a Mental Health therapist for children once I complete my

graduate degree. This course has taught me the value of conducting program evaluations. I

personally was unaware of the importance that program evaluations have in a company.

Someone might come into my place of work and conduct an evaluation and I need to be ready

for feedback. I learned the importance of receiving constructive feedback because it will help me
Reflection 3

be a better human services professional. When evaluations are conducted they see things that we

might be oblivious too so it is good to get a fresh set of eyes to do an evaluation and give


Have you been able to apply concepts you have learned to what you do at work or class?

I have noticed such an improvement in my other classes when coming up with questions.

I used to be very vague with my questions and never asked open-ended questions but since

taking this class I have learned the importance of asking detailed questions. I also have noticed

such an improvement with APA because it was always something I knew how to do but never

knew how to execute it well. This course has taught me not only the proper writing of APA but

how to cite my sources correctly using the format. Lastly, at work I now find myself creating

timelines for myself in order to execute certain projects in a certain time without getting myself

overwhelmed. I used to do things very last minute or try to do too much at one time and would

not put my best effort. This course has taught me the importance of having a timeline and

sticking to it but it is also okay if there are setbacks. I never thought I would be able to stop my

procrastination but this class has definitely helped me.

How, when, where, and why might you use this information in the future?

I will be able to use the information I have learned when I get a job in the professional

world. I will get employed by a company that will do evaluations and since I understand and

know why evaluations are done I will be very understanding. I know sometimes it is hard to take

feedback from others but it will only help me get better in my career. I might get evaluated

randomly or my company might do monthly or yearly evaluations on everyone. I now know that

not every company is perfect and it is important to get ideas from others to help improve.

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