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Difference Between Reptiles and Amphibians:

Reptiles and amphibians are distantly related to

each other, which is why certain similarities
sometimes appear between them. In both cases
they are ectothermic animals, which means they
are cold-blooded. They are also vertebrates (they
have dorsal spines) and with the exception of
crocodiles and other lizards, almost all
amphibians and reptiles have a 3-chambered or
chambered heart.

Despite all of the above, there are some

differences between them and we will tell you
what they are below.

They live on all continents except Antarctica; and
inhabit diverse environmental conditions.

There are more than 6,500 known reptile species.

Animals in this group must bask in the sun or find
a warm place to warm up and then look for a
place to cool off, since as mentioned above, they
are ectothermic. Reptiles crawl and crawl, which
is why they have short or weak limbs; they may
even be limbless. Their eggs are hard, in some
cases they place them on the ground and in other
cases they keep them in their bodies until they

They are born on land and the young are

independent from the beginning (they must find
their own food and shelter). The hatchlings
physically resemble the adults. They grow in size,
but do not undergo any metamorphosis. They
defend themselves against predators using their
claws, whipping with their tails, and delivering
tremendous bites. Some species are poisonous,
such as the Gila monster; among others.


Amphibians live both on land and in water. The

word "amphibian" derives from the Greek word
amphibios "that lives in two elements". The
animals in this group are born in the water and as
they mature they develop legs and lungs, which
allow them to survive on land. The first
amphibians were a crucial link in the later
appearance of reptiles. They were the first animals
to leave the sea to venture onto land. There are
about 5,500 known amphibian species. They live
part of their life in the water and the other part on
land. They are vertebrates and like reptiles, they
are also ectothermic. Some examples of
amphibians well known to us are frogs and toads,
salamanders, newts and caecilians.

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