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Environ Earth Sci (2016) 75:82

DOI 10.1007/s12665-015-4797-5


Determination of the related strength parameters of unsaturated

loess with conventional triaxial test
Xianli Xing1 • Tonglu Li1 • Yukai Fu1

Received: 30 January 2015 / Accepted: 8 July 2015 / Published online: 21 December 2015
Ó Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015

Abstract The strength and the related parameters of Keywords Strength parameter  Unsaturated loess  Soil–
unsaturated soil are the key issues in unsaturated soil water characteristic curve  Suction stress  Matric suction
mechanics. The triaxial or direct shear apparatus with
suction control is used to measure the related parameters in
the strength formulas proposed by Bishop and Fredlund. Introduction
However, the technique is time-consuming for cohesive
soils because it takes a long time to achieve a water–air Classical soil mechanics focused mainly on the behavior of
equilibrium condition under a given suction state. In saturated and remolded soils. Terzaghi’s effective stress
addition, the feasibility of the technique is also doubted. Lu principle, one-dimensional consolidation theory, Mohr–
et al. proposed the concept of suction stress and expressed Coulomb’s shear strength theory and Darcy’s seepage law
the unsaturated strength as a function of suction stress are all proposed for saturated soils (Skempton 1960,
which can be determined by the conventional triaxial test. Terzaghi 1943). However, most of the soils encountered in
The method can avoid measuring matric suction and is engineering practice are unsaturated, whose behavior is not
convenient in engineering application. In this paper, con- consistent with the principles and concepts of classical,
ventional triaxial CU tests with different moisture contents saturated soil mechanics (Fredlund et al. 2012). An
were utilized to obtain the effective steady state strength increasing number of researchers dedicate to the explo-
parameters and then the suction stress characteristic curves ration of unsaturated soils. Like saturated soils, the
were obtained. To compare Lu et al.’s strength formula research on unsaturated soils is mainly focused on the
with Bishop’s and Fredlund’s, the soil–water characteristic strength, consolidation and permeability among which the
curve of the same loess sample was also measured by the strength theory and determination for the related parame-
tensiometer. Theoretically, the three strength theories are ters are the most concerned issues.
different in physical mechanisms, but they can transform to Bishop (1959) introduced matric suction and the
each other mathematically. From the point of view of parameter v to Terzagi’s effective stress formula to express
engineering applications, Lu et al.’s shear strength theory the effective stress in unsaturated soils as shown in Eq. 1:
based on suction stress is more convenient to apply in 0
r ¼ r  ua þ vðua  uw Þ ð1Þ
where r is total stress, r is effective stress, ua is pore air
pressure, uw is pore water pressure, (ua - uw) is matric
suction, and v is a function of the degree of saturation, for
saturated soil v = 1 and for dry soil v = 0.
& Xianli Xing So the Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion can be extended to Eq. 2 for unsaturated soil incorporating with Bishop’s
1 effective stress formula.
Department of Geological Engineering, School of Geological
Engineering and Geomatics, Chang’an University, sf ¼ c00 þ ½ðr  ua Þ þ vðua  uw Þ tan / ð2Þ
Xi’an 710054, People’s Republic of China

82 Page 2 of 11 Environ Earth Sci (2016) 75:82

where sf is critical shear strength, c0 is effective cohesion, excess of air pressure over negative pore water pressure,
and / is effective frictional angle. but there has been no technique to probe the negative pore
Equation 1 adds the contribution of matric suction to water pressure among the soil particles, so the axis trans-
effective stress. Jennings and Burland (1962) had ever lation technique was proposed. The technique is accom-
criticized Bishop’s effective stress principle with their test plished by increasing the pore air pressure to a high level
results. Three types of materials that cover the range of and translating the pore water pressure from negative to
soils from sands to clays were used for remolded speci- positive state which can be measured. Using the axis
mens. Partly saturated specimens were soaked under con- translation technique in triaxial or direct shear tests, matric
stant applied load during oedometer tests, but it was found suction can be controlled in different level and the corre-
that settlement occurred even when soaking took place at sponding shear strength can be measured. However, the
small load. However, according to Bishop’s effective stress axis translation technique also has difficulties in test and
principle, soaking of the specimens would bring about a arguments in rationality (Lu 1999). It often takes a long
reduction in effective stress and should therefore be time to achieve equilibrium between air pressure and water
accompanied by an increase in the volume of specimen. In pressure in the specimen, such as more than a week for
the next 20 years, with improvement in experimental sand, even several months for loess, which may be the
technique and further understanding of the mechanism of problem for the theory to be put into practice. In addition,
unsaturated soil, the applicability of Bishop’s effective the technique provides a different condition to specimens
stress formula was proved with a series of experimental relative to the natural environment of soil occurrence. The
results (Coleman1962; Khalili et al. 2004; Lu 2008). unsaturated soil in nature bears the atmospheric pressure
Even though it has widely been accepted at present, and negative pore water pressure, while the technique
there are still some barriers for this formula in practical creates a high level of air pressure so as to make the pore
application. Both matric suction (ua - uw) and parameter v water pressure equal or excess the atmospheric pressure.
are the functions of moisture content. The relationship Although the matric suction is the same in laboratory and
between matric suction and moisture content can be natural conditions, air pressure and water pressure are quite
described with soil–water characteristic curve (SWCC). different. Whether the condition would affect the test
The parameter v is relevant to the nature and degree of results or not is not clear and has not been proved with
saturation of soils, but has no definite physical meaning and present technique.
cannot be directly measured or controlled. Lu et al. (2010) proposed a strength formula based on
Coleman (1962) suggested the use of independent stress suction stress. Through microscopic analysis, they sug-
variables, namely matric suction (ua - uw) and net normal gested that all the shear strength, including cohesion, is
stress (r - ua), to describe the volume change in unsatu- produced by friction. The friction is formed among grains
rated soils, which circumvented the parameter v in Bish- under the action of normal forces which are produced not
op’s formula. Fredlund and Rahardjo (1978, 1993) proved only by the boundary load but also by matric suction
that (ua - uw) can be an independent stress variable based among soil particles. He documented that saturated soils
on a series of suction-controlled triaxial tests, and then the have intergranular friction even without boundary load and
strength formula is proposed as Eq. 3 which has been the the normal stress is produced by van der Waals force in this
most acceptable one so far. case (Lu 2008). Therefore, shear strength could just be
expressed as friction and the parameter suction stress was
0 0
sf ¼ c0 þ ðr  ua Þtg/ þ ðua  uw Þtg/b ð3Þ introduced as a stress variable. Lu et al.’s friction strength
b formula uses suction stress characteristic curve (SSCC)
where / is the friction angle related to matric suction.
instead of SWCC, and SSCC can be measured through
Comparing the right-hand sides of Eqs. 2 and 3, it is
conventional triaxial or direct shear test, which provides
clear that
the possibility for unsaturated soil strength theory to be
tg/b used in practice.
v¼ 0 ð4Þ Based on Lu et al.’s strength theory, conventional tri-
axial CU tests have been applied to determine the related
As in low stress level, it is known that both /b and / are strength parameters of unsaturated soil in this paper.
constant, so v should be constant. But v is considered to be Specimens were prepared with eight different moisture
a variable which will change with moister content as contents in the range from dry to saturated and tested under
mentioned above, which is an apparent paradox. the confining pressures of 0, 100, 200, 300, 400 and
Both Bishop’s and Fredlund’s formulas, as the extension 500 kPa, respectively. The effective steady state shear
of Mohr–Coulomb’s strength theory, introduced matric strengths under different moisture contents were obtained
suction as a new stress parameter. Matric suction is the with the aid of the effective stress paths. Consequently,

Environ Earth Sci (2016) 75:82 Page 3 of 11 82

suction stress characteristic curve (SSCC) was achieved According to the result of particle size distribution
and regressed with the function proposed by Lu and Likos analysis on the specimen (Fig. 2), the loess sample was
(2006). Meanwhile, soil water characteristic curve (SWCC) mainly composed of silt and clay. Concretely speaking, the
of the loess was also determined using tensiometer, and the sample consists of 65.4 % silt (0.005*0.05 mm), 26.4 %
related parameters in the strength formulas proposed by clay (\0.005 mm) and 8.2 % fine sand ([0.05 mm). The
Bishop et al. (1960) and Fredlund et al. (1978) were natural moisture content is 13.9 % with the degree of sat-
determined for comparison. uration of 38.6 %. The physical property indexes of the
sample are presented in Table 1.
The intact samples were shaped into cylindrical speci-
Specimen preparation mens of 8 cm in height and 3.9 cm in diameter. The
specimens were divided into eight groups, and each group
The loess specimens, belonging to Middle Pleistocene has six specimens with same moisture content. The mois-
epoch, were sampled from the fifth loess layer (L5) of a ture contents of the eight groups were adjusted to 3, 6, 11,
high slope near a brickyard in Longshou Village, Huan- 16, 21, 26, 30 and 32 %, respectively. Simply saturated by
gling County, Shaanxi Province, China. The sampling site soaking in water, the group with moisture content of
is shown in Fig. 1. 32.0 % has a degree of saturation of 88.9 %.
In order to verify that the specimens of each group had
achieved the expected values of the moisture contents, all
specimens had been dried in the oven in first. Then, the
water was dropped into each of the dried specimen on the
electronic balance according to the expected total weight
calculated. Directly enclosed with rubber membrane, the
specimen was kept in a glass vessel for a week or longer
until the moister scatters uniformly in the specimen.
The CU triaxial tests for the six specimens of each group
were conducted under confining pressures of 0, 100, 200, 300,
400 and 500 kPa, respectively. After the excess pore water
(air) pressure generated by the application of confining pres-
sure was completely dissipated, the axial stress with the axial
deformation rate 0.04 mm/min was applied to the specimen.
Fig. 1 Sampling site at the loess cut slope During the shearing phase, the drainage valve was kept closed
and the excess pore pressure was monitored at the bottom of
the specimen. Compression for each confining stress was
terminated when the axial strain reached 15–20 %. Schematic
diagram of the triaxial test equipment is shown in Fig. 3.

The results of triaxial CU test

The stress–strain curves and stress paths of the triaxial CU

tests with different moisture contents are shown in Figs. 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11. It can be seen that the stress–strain curves
of the specimens with moisture content of 3 % are all strain
softening with a sharply dropping stress after the peak value.
Similar strain softening also occurs in the specimens with
moisture contents of 6 and 11 % under confining pressures of
0 and 100 kPa (Figs. 5a, 6a), where noticeably stress drop-
Fig. 2 Particle size distribution curve of the sample pings are also observed after peak values, but decreased more

Table 1 Physical property

Specific gravity Moisture content Plastic limit Liquid limit Dry density Void ratio e
indexes of the sample
Gs w/ % w P/ % wL (%) qd/g cm-3

2.71 13.9 22.8 37.0 1.37 0.972

82 Page 4 of 11 Environ Earth Sci (2016) 75:82

Fig. 3 Schematic diagram of the triaxial test equipment

gently in contrast to that with moisture content of 3 %. When Effective steady state (residual) strength parameters c ,
the confining pressure is equal to or greater than 200 kPa, the / were obtained through the stress paths (Figs. 4, 5, 6, 7,
characteristics of stress–strain curves change to be ideal 0 0
8, 9, 10 and 11), and the relations between sf line and Kf
plastic and weak hardening. No pore pressure generates in the 0

specimens with the moisture contents of 3, 6 and 11 % line can be expressed as Eqs. 5 and 6, where Kf line is
(Figs. 4b, 5b and 6b). In the above cases, the stress drop is failure line in stress paths and sf line is Mohr–coulomb
caused by structural failure of the loess. When the moisture failure envelope.
contents of the specimens increase to 16.0, 21.0 and 26.0 %, 0 0
/ ¼ sin1 tan /q ð5Þ
stress–strain curves show ideal plastic or strain hardening
characteristics under all confining pressures (Figs. 7a, 8a and cq
9a). As shown in Figs. 7b, 8b and 9b, there is no pore water c ¼ 0 ð6Þ
cos /
pressure in low mean stresses, while the pore pressures,
0 0
including part of air pressure, may begin to generate when the where cq is the intercept of sf line on ordinate in the stress
0 0
mean stresses increase to certain degree. Obviously, the higher path and /q is the slope of Kf line in the stress path.
the moisture content, the higher the pore water pressures The relation between gravimetric water content and
generated in the specimens under the same confining pressure. volumetric water content is shown as Eq. 7.
When moisture content reaches 30 %, almost saturated, the
SwGs q
stress–strain curves are coarsely ideal plastic under 0–300 kPa hw ¼ ¼w d ð7Þ
S þ wGs qw
confining pressure and strain softening under 400–500 kPa
(Fig. 10a). For the specimens with moisture content of 32 %, With Eq. 7, the gravimetric water content can be trans-
being completely saturated, stress strain curves are all strain ferred to volumetric water content. Moister contents and
softening (Fig. 11a) caused by the increase in pore water effective strength parameters measured under different
pressures with the strain development. The mechanism of the moisture contents are listed in Table 1.
strain soften is different from that caused by structural damage The relation between w and effective cohesion c is
in the specimens with low moisture contents. shown in Fig. 12. It can be seen that the cohesion decreases

Environ Earth Sci (2016) 75:82 Page 5 of 11 82

(a) 800 (a) 600

500 σ3=500kPa
σ3=500kPa 400


400 σ3=400kPa 300

σ3=300kPa σ3=200kPa
σ3=200kPa 200
200 σ3=100kPa
100 σ3=0 kPa
σ3=0 kPa 0
0 0 5 10 15
0 5 10 15
(b) 600
(b) 800
500 cq'=48.86kPa φq'=25.1
cq'=60.81kPa φq'=25.0
600 400


200 100

0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Fig. 5 CU triaxial test results for the specimens with moisture
Fig. 4 CU triaxial test results for the specimens with moisture content of 6 %. a Stress–strain curves b stress path curves
content of 3 %. a Stress–strain curves, b stress path curves

with an increase in moisture content. When the moisture theory, and effective stress relationship in terms of suction
content is lower than plastic limit, the cohesion decreases stress can be expressed as Eq. 8:
significantly from 67.56 to 3.89 kPa; while it is greater 0

than plastic limit, the cohesion tends to be the lowest and a r ¼ r  u a  rs ð8Þ
stable value (3.89–5.76 kPa). where r is effective stress; r is total stress; ua is pore air
The effective frictional angle has no obvious correlation pressure; and rs is suction stress.
with the moisture content and ranges between 24.5° and Furthermore, Lu and Goat (2013) pointed out that suc-
26.0°, which means the effective frictional angle is inde- tion stress corresponding to certain moisture content can be
pendent of moisture content. calculated with the effective cohesion and friction by Eq. 9
and is shown in Fig. 13.
Suction stress curves and Lu et al.’s unsaturated rs ¼  ð9Þ
tan /0
strength formula
Thus, the Mohr–Coulomb criterion can be rewritten as
Lu et al. (2004, 2008, 2013) proposed the concept of suc- Eq. 10 for unsaturated soil:
tion stress and argued that the matric suction is not a
sf ¼ r0 tan /0 ¼ ðr  ua  rs Þ tan /0 ð10Þ
macroscopic stress variable. A transfer function is needed
to make it possible to describe the macroscopic stress It can be seen from Fig. 13 that suction stress is actually
variable at multiphase air–water–solid REV (representative the negative normal stress when the shear stress is zero for
elementary volume) level. He defined all the interparticle unsaturated soils, which is the intercept in horizontal axis
stress (van der Waals attraction, electrical double-layer in the shear normal stress coordinate system.
repulsion and capillary attraction, etc.) under the concept of With Eq. 9, the suction stresses corresponding to dif-
suction stress rs. The concept of suction stress is rational ferent moisture contents have been calculated and are listed
extension for Terzaghi’s or Bishop’s effective stress in Table 2. The upper part of Fig. 13 is Mohr–Coulomb

82 Page 6 of 11 Environ Earth Sci (2016) 75:82

(a) 500 (a) 300

σ3=500kPa σ3=500kPa
σ3=400kPa 200 σ3=400kPa


200 σ3=200kPa 100 σ3=200kPa
σ3=100kPa σ3=0 kPa
σ3=0 kPa 0
0 5 10 15
0 ε1(%)
0 5 10 15
ε1(%) (b) 300
cq'=5.54kPa φq'=23.21
(b) 500 200

cq'=24.87kPa φq'=24.0

200 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Fig. 8 CU triaxial test results for the specimens with moisture
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 content of 21 %. a Stress–strain curves, b stress path curves

Fig. 6 CU triaxial test results for the specimens with moisture

content of 11 %. a Stress–strain curves, b stress path curves (a) 300

(a) 400 200


300 100
σ3=400kPa σ3=200kPa
σ3=0 kPa σ3=100kPa

200 σ3=300kPa 0
0 5 10 15
σ3=200kPa ε1(%)
100 σ3=100kPa
(b) 300
cq'=3.54kPa φq'=23.76
σ3=0 kPa
0 200

0 5 10 15

(b) 400
cq'=19.62kPa φq'=23.8 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

200 Fig. 9 CU triaxial test results for the specimens with moisture
content of 26 %. a Stress–strain curves, b stress path curves

0 failure lines obtained through the conventional triaxial

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
tests, and the lower part is illustrated methodology for
quantifying SSCC from the upper part.
Fig. 7 CU triaxial test results for the specimens with moisture Lu et al. (2010) introduced a closed-form expression for
content of 16 %. a Stress–strain curves, b stress path curves suction stress as Eq. 11:

Environ Earth Sci (2016) 75:82 Page 7 of 11 82

(a) 200 90


100 30
σ3=0 kPa 0
0 10 w 20 wp 30 wL 40
0 w(%)
0 5 10 15
Fig. 12 Relationship between moisture content w and effective
(b) 200 cohesion c
cq'=2.02kPa φq'=24.0

where residual volumetric water content hr is 5.0 % which

is equivalent to the volumetric water content of air-dried
sample; saturated volumetric water content hs is 43.8 %; hw
0 is volumetric water content.
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Based on Eq. 12, the effective degree of saturation Se
corresponding to each value of volumetric water content
Fig. 10 CU triaxial test results for the specimens with moisture can be concluded. Se is a linear function of volumetric
content of 30 %. a Stress–strain curves, b stress path curves water content hw.
Substituting Eq. 12 into Eq. 11 where the suction stress
is expressed in terms of equivalent degree of saturation, a
closed-form expression of suction stress for full range of
(a) 200 saturation can be achieved as Eq. 13. Data points of the
SSCC are shown in the lower part of Fig. 13. The best
σ3=500kPa fitting values of a and n for SSCC with the data points are

100 σ3=400kPa a = 0.0625, n = 1.45.

0:24ðhw  hr Þ h n
σ3=100kPa σ3=300kPa rs ¼  ð0:24ðhw  hr ÞÞ1n  1
σ3=0 kPa a ð13Þ
h i2029
0 5 10 15 20 ¼ ð7:68  3:84hw Þ 99:33ðhw  2Þ 1 9

As indicated in Fig. 13, the fitting curve accords well
(b) 200 with the measured values within the range of moisture
cq'=5.23kPa φq'=24.0 content commonly encountered in engineering practice

100 (11 % B w B32 %), but somewhat deviation occurs when

the moisture content is lower than 10 % .
Thus, it can be seen that suction stress is a function of
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 moisture content which can be determined from the Mohr–
p'&p(kPa) Coulomb failure lines achieved through conventional CU
test under different moisture contents. The shear strength
Fig. 11 CU triaxial test results for the specimens with moisture formula based on the suction stress concept, avoiding
content of 32 %. a Stress–strain curves, b stress path curves
trouble of measuring matric suction, is advantageous for
the promotion in engineering practice.
Se 1n
n 1
rs ¼  ðSe  1Þn 0  Se  1 ð11Þ
a The SWCC and Bishop’s and Fredlund’s strength
where Se is effective degree of saturation; a and n are parameters
empirical fitting parameters.
And the effective saturation can be expressed as Eq. 12: Strength parameters of unsaturated soil can also be deter-
S  Sr hw  hr mined with conventional triaxial test results combining
Se ¼ ¼ ð12Þ with SWCC.
1  Sr hs  hr

82 Page 8 of 11 Environ Earth Sci (2016) 75:82

Fig. 13 Illustrated θw=4.11%

methodology for quantifying
suction stress characteristic
300 θw=15.07%
curve from Mohr–Coulomb θw=21.92%
failure lines obtained from θw=28.77%
conventional triaxial test θw=35.62%
200 43.84%



-200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500

σ s /kPa
-200 -180 -160 -140 -120 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0






Table 2 Effective steady state

Sample Weight Volumetric Effective Effective Suction
strength parameters under
no. moisture moisture cohesion friction stress
different moisture contents
content content 0
c /kPa
angle u /° rs/kPa
w/ % hw/ %

1 3 4.11 67.56 25.8 -150.54

2 6 8.22 54.35 26.0 -104.46
3 11 15.07 27.40 24.8 -64.17
4 16 21.92 21.56 24.5 -39.26
5 21 28.77 6.06 23.9 -21.18
6 26 35.62 3.89 24.5 -10.77
7 30 41.10 3.90 24.8 -10.77
8 32 43.84 5.76 24.8 -10.77

Determination of SWCC measure the suction up to thousands kilopascal which is

based on the principle of axial transfer technique, while the
Matric suction is considered as an independent variable in latter is limited to below 100 kPa. Since failure of soils
unsaturated soil strength theory. There are varieties of encountered in engineering often occurs under the condi-
devices that can be used to measure matric suction in dif- tion of high moisture content corresponding to low matric
ferent ranges. Null-type pressure plate and tensiometer are suction, the portion of SWCC with low matric suction is
the devices commonly used. However, the former can more valuable in engineering. In addition, the tensiometer

Environ Earth Sci (2016) 75:82 Page 9 of 11 82

measures the negative pore water pressure and the pore air residual moisture content; e is the natural number, 2.71828;
pressure component of the matric suction is generally and C(w) is the correcting function defined as Eq. 15:
atmospheric, which is the real condition that soils occur
lnð1 þ Cwr Þ
other than an extra high air pressure as in axis translation CðwÞ ¼ 1  ð15Þ
technique, so the tensiometer is applied to measure the lnð1 þ 106 =Cr Þ
matric suction of the loess in this research. where Cr is a constant related to the matric suction corre-
First, a block of undisturbed loess with the dimensions sponding to the residual volumetric water content. A typ-
of 30 cm 9 30 cm 9 30 cm was taken from the sampling ical value for it is about 1500 kPa.
site and air-dried in laboratory. Then, a vertical hole with The best fitting values of the parameters a, m, n and the
8 cm in depth and 3 cm in diameter was punched from the regressed SWCC curves are shown in Fig. 14, in which the
center of a face on the block. The ceramic cup of the dots are the measured values with the tensiometer.
tensiometer was saturated in advance, and then the ten-
siometer was inserted into the hole after the tube was filled Parameters in shear strength formula proposed
up with deaired water. Fine sands with the same humidity by Bishop and Fredlund
as the soil was filled into the gap between the tube and the
hole wall to ensure good contact between the ceramic cup The classical Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion can be
and the soil. After that, the loss block was wrapped with extended to Eq. 19 for unsaturated soil by incorporating
rubber membrane so as to keep it from evaporation. Once Bishop’s effective stress formula (Eq. 16).
equilibrium was achieved between the measuring system 0
and the soil, obtain the matric suction at the present r ¼ r  ua þ vðua  uw Þ ð16Þ
moisture content. Disclose the wrapped film and take a 0
sf ¼ c þ ½ðr  ua Þ þ vðua  uw Þtg/
small piece of soil to measure the moisture content. Drop
some water into the specimen and repeat the process above, Equation 17 reflects the contribution of matric suction
then the matric suction under different moisture contents (ua - uw) to effective stress and consequently to shear
can be measured. The measured matric suctions and the strength. Term v is relevant to degree of saturation of soil,
corresponding moisture content (SWCC) are shown as dots but has no definite physical meaning and cannot be directly
in Fig. 14. measured or controlled.
To extend the measured data to a broader suction range, Fredlund’s shear strength equation for unsaturated soil is
the data were applied to regress with the Fredlund and expressed as Eq. 18:
Xing’s (1994) formula (Eq. 14): s ¼ c00 þ ðr  ua Þtg/0 þ ðua  uw Þtg/b ð18Þ
hw ¼ CðwÞ ð14Þ This equation uses two independent stress state variables
fln½e þ ðw=aÞn gm
and introduces the parameter /b to make the expression of
where hw is volumetric water content; hs is saturated vol- strength envelopes in mathematics and graphic more sim-
umetric water content; w is matric suction; a is approxi- ple and clear.
mate air entry value of the soil; n is a parameter that The shear strength of unsaturated soil expressed by
controls the slope at the inflection point in the soil–water Eq. 18 is composed of three components: the effective
characteristic curve; m is a parameter that is related to the cohesion, the effective frictional caused by external force
and that caused by internal matric suction. The matric
suction in Eq. 18 is served as an independent variable other
than a part of effective stress. It is beneficial to the better
understanding of the nature of unsaturated soil and its
40 physical meaning. As the soil closes to saturated state, the
matric suction will be zero, which implies that the third
30 item of Eq. 18 will be zero. In this case, the effective
θw (%)

0 0

20 cohesion c0 and effective internal friction angle / can be

L 5: a=11010, m=0.8029, n=137.6 measured through conventional triaxial CU or CD test with
10 saturated specimens. The third item of Eq. 18 is a function
of the matric suction or moisture content. If (ua - uw)
0.1 1 10 100 1000 tan/b is considered as part of cohesion (apparent cohe-
ua-uw(kPa) sion), the total cohesion can be described by Eq. 19:
0 0
c ¼ c0 þ ðua  uw Þ tan /b ð19Þ
Fig. 14 Soil–water characteristic curve of the sample

82 Page 10 of 11 Environ Earth Sci (2016) 75:82

Similarly, the extended Mohr–Coulomb criterion pro-
c′ = χ(ua-uw)tanφ′ + 3.07
posed by Bishop et al. (1960) can be split and rewritten as χ =0.75
Eq. 20, and the third item is also considered as part of the 20

cohesion expressed as Eq. 21. 0.75
0 0 0 10 1.00
sf ¼ c þ ðr  ua Þ tan / þ vðua  uw Þ tan / ð20Þ
0 0 0
c ¼ c0 þ vðua  uw Þ tan / ð21Þ 0
0 10 20 30 40
Obviously, the cohesion measured by conventional tri- (ua-uw)tanφ′(kPa)
axial test is the total cohesion which includes saturated 0 0
0 0 Fig. 16 Relationship curve between c and ðua  uw Þ tan u
cohesion c0 and (ua - uw) tan/b or vðua  uw Þ tan / ,
where matric suction is approximately a logarithmic
function of moisture content as the moisture content is 0
lower than plastic limit, while it will approach a constant plot effective cohesion against (ua - uw) tan / is shown
value c0 as it is higher than plastic limit. Equation 22 is the Fig. 16 which also is approximately a straight line. The
regressive logarithmic function of the effective cohesion to slope of straight line is the value of v, so it is obtained that
the moisture content. v = 0.75.
 Thus, the parameters v and /b in unsaturated shear
0 103:72  30:84 ln w R2 ¼ 0:98 w\wp strength formula can be obtained based on the results of
c ¼ ð22Þ
c00 ¼ 5:0ð3:89  5:76Þ w [ wp conventional triaxial test and the SWCC.
With Eqs. 14, 19 and 22, the effective cohesions and suc- The three strength formulas interpret influencing factors
tions corresponding to the moisture contents in soil–water and mechanism of unsaturated soil from different view
characteristic curve have been calculated and are shown in aspects. Bishop et al. (1960) and Lu and Goat (2013)
Table 3. Then, the effective cohesions against matric suc- express it in terms of effective stress, while Fredlund et al.
tions are shown in Fig. 15 with the data in Table 3. It (1978) directly in the contribution of matric suction to
shows a good linear correlation between effective cohesion shear strength.
c and matric suction (ua - uw) within the moisture content
range of 12.9–25.7 %, which means that in natural mois-
ture environment, /b may be considered independent of
Summary and conclusions
matric suction and constant, so the slope of the line in
Conventional triaxial CU tests were conducted on the loess
Fig. 15 is tan/b. As a result, /b is calculated to be 19.2°.
specimens with different moisture contents, and the suction
The data in Table 2 suggest that effective friction angle
stress function in the unsaturated soil strength formula
is independent of matric suction, so take the mean value of
0 0 proposed by Lu et al. was accomplished. Combining the
the eight specimens / = 24.9° or tan / = 0.46. Then, the
measurement of the SWCC, the parameter v in Bishop’s
formula and /b in Fredlund’s formula were obtained,
Table 3 Effective steady state cohesion under different moisture respectively. The main conclusions include:
The triaxial CU tests for the loess with different mois-
w/ % 12.93 15.45 17.42 21.92 25.65 ture contents suggest that the effective cohesion decreases
c /kPa 24.78 19.29 15.59 8.50 3.66 logarithmically with the increase in the moisture content
ua-uw/kPa 59.3 50.0 36.0 15.7 1.0 when the moisture content is lower than the plastic limit,
and it tends to be a constant value when the moisture
content exceeds the plastic limit. The effective friction is
30 independent of the moisture content and approximated to a
c′ = 0.35(ua-uw) + 3.07 constant value.
20 The relationship between suction stress and moisture

0.35 content in Lu et al.’s unsaturated strength formula can be

10 measured through conventional triaxial tests of different
moisture contents. Since the strength formula based on
0 suction stress gets rid of measuring the matric suction, it is
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
ua-uw(kPa) more convenient to apply in practical engineering than that
of Bishop and Fredlund where the SWCC needs to be
Fig. 15 Correlation between effective cohesion c and matric suction measured.

Environ Earth Sci (2016) 75:82 Page 11 of 11 82

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Acknowledgments The authors express their gratitude to the unsaturated soils. China Railw Sci 20:10–16 (In Chinese with
members of research group for their contributions and involvement in English abstract)
the experiment. This work was financially supported by the Research Lu N (2008) Is matric suction a stress variable? J Geotech Geoenviron
Fund for the Excellent Doctor of Higher Education of China Eng 134:899–905
(No.310826150005), the Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Lu N, Goat JW (2013) Hillslope hydrology and stability. Cambridge
Higher Eduction of China (No. 20120205110009), the National Key University Press, New York
Fundamental Research Program of China (No. 2014CB744703) and Lu N, Likos WJ (2004) Unsaturated soil mechanics. Wiley, New
National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 41172256), and York
the support of these agencies is gratefully acknowledged. The authors Lu N, Likos WJ (2006) Suction stress characteristic curve for
would also like to acknowledge anonymous reviewers for the valuable unsaturated soil. J Geotech Geoenviron Eng ASCE 132:131–142
suggestions to this article. Lu N, Godt JW, Wu DT (2010) A closed-form equation for effective
stress in unsaturated soil. Water Resour Res. doi:10.1029/
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