Acts Today: Recognize The Power of GOD

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Recognize the
Power of GOD
There are so difficult moments in our life, difficulties so intense wrenching moments. The crucial difference is in how we deal with
that lead us to think that we are not able to support. Situations that these situations. Or do we believe in the power of God or give up; or
can lead us to the bottom of the pit. Betrayal, abandonment, unem- praise to God or reclaim in bitter tone and revolt. We will fight in the
ployment, injustice and many others. We could list many questions strength of the Lord or deliver the points? The difference is in whom
that troubled our soul, that make us feel like broken glasses. There we cling, in whom we take to our refuge. If our strength comes from
are occasions when you have no one with whom to talk, no one with the King of kings, we have true peace: “Peace I leave with you, my
whom you can open your soul. In Psalm 31, Davi portrays his affliction peace I give to you; not as the world giveth, give. Let not your heart
caused by the wickedness of the enemy. However, while afflicted, the be troubled, neither let it be afraid” (Jean 14:27).
psalmist acknowledged that God was in control of his life. You may even feel humiliated and rejected by those who
King David faced moments of struggles. Perhaps he has are around her, because no one is exempt from having to such situ-
not experienced the same situations that we face today, but his heart ations. However, you need to know that God has specific purposes
was equal to ours. Davi, before the pain that he felt, made that need for your life and what he uses, including the difficult circumstances
to do in times of great affliction: he tore his soul before God. The su- of life to complete the good work in you. Trust that God is ahead of
ffering was great, but the psalmist knew that God is far greater than the war, in every one of their battles, he fights with you and for you.
his suffering. He knew who was the Lord of your life. “In your, O Lord, Know that the Lord is behind all our “apparent” losses and that there
my refuge...because thou art my rock and my fortress.” is a purpose of God in all of them. Increase your faith, to believe! Re-
Dear Brother, God will always the best for each one of us, member that you are very loved by God. Bring your memory of what
even if all the circumstances show the contrary. We can trust it, be- you can bring hope (Lamentations 3.21), especially the fact that he
cause “we know that all things work together for good to them that sent his only Son to die in his place, to give full and eternal life (John
love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose” (Rm 3.16).
8.28). Even though the situation is very difficult, hold even more fir- Dear sheep, you can understand the immensity of the un-
mly in the hands of the Lord and trust him with all your heart. He is conditional love of Christ for you. Know that you are not broken glas-
mighty and strong “makes the tired and multiplies the forces which ses, ready to be thrown in the trash. You are a prince, a princess of
do not have any force...those who wait upon the Lord shall renew the Lord, and what he most wants is to see him aware of this love, this
their strength; they shall mount up with wings of eagles; they shall certainty that the world nor the circumstances can destroy.
run and not be weary, they shall walk, and not faint” (Isaiah 40.29-31).
Difficult to find someone who has never gone through Pastor Márcio Valadão

Alleluia! 33  44
EXPEDIENT By the grace of the Lord today are:

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The Magazine ACTS TODAY is a Church, please call Lagoinha Consolidação
publication Lagoinha Baptist Church +55 31 98489-2535

Pastor Márcio Valadão
Pastor Richarde Guerra
Priscilla Vieira January 14th (Sunday)
Thais Oliveira 6pm • Temple
Junior Oliveira
January 21th (Sunday)
Adriana Santos 3pm • Temple
Pr. Luciano Subirá, Pr. Carlos Nogueira
Martins (Ultimato) e Pr. Anísio Renato de

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Ana Beatriz Luciano Hermsdorff, Andressa Sousa Garcia Soares, Camila Fernandes Costa, Davi Moura de Aquino,
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January 14, 2018
Devotional time must include
praying alone with God VERSE A DAY
Many people ask how they can lead their devotional time. Despite the
suggestions which I will present here, I must emphasize that this is some-
thing very personal. Above all, there is the fact that we must be sensitive
to the Holy Spirit.
2 Corinthians 5.17

The ideal moment could be the first hours of the day, although this "And so, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are
does not nullify the value of a devotional done at night, for example. Simi- passed away; behold, the new has come".
larly to the choice of the moment of the day, the place of the devotional is
not linked to the single order or biblical instruction. In addition to knowing
John 3.3

that we have our daily devotional time with God and know some of these “Jesus answered him, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless
practices are essential to this moment, I believe that we must also unders- one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God."
tand the importance of quietness and privacy that must be present in this
moment. I believe that there is something powerful in collective prayer, Colossians 3.2

and we must learn how pray with other brothers and with the whole chur- “Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that
are on earth”.
ch together. However, the strength of the devotional time with God lies
in the principle of being alone with Him. This not only helps us to culti- Romans 12.2
“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transfor-

vate an intimacy with the Lord, but it is also a commandment of Christ:
med by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you
“But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your
may discern what is the will of God, what is good and
Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, acceptable and perfect.”.
will reward you.” (Matthew 6.6). Jesus spoke about praying alone. The ex-
Ephesians 4.24

pression “in secret” implies someone doing your devotional alone and also
“ and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of
in your room. Both sentences indicate the importance of privacy. This is an God in true righteousness and holiness”.
important factor in this practice. Jesus sought desert places to pray (Mark
1.35). This does not mean that our devotional should only be done in our Romans 6.4
“We were buried therefore with him by baptism into
rooms. I have disciples who have already opted for doing their devotional

death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead
studies at the office, one hour before their activities start. Many times I by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness
do my bible reading on an airplane, but the fact is, the greater the privacy, of life”.
the best will be the quality of our devotional time. As well as the couples Isaiah 52.7
have their moments of privacy, far from the view of all the others, I believe “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who

that we must also cultivate moments of communion with the Groom also brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news
characterized by privacy. If it is impossible for you to become “locked”, at of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, "Your
God reigns."
least try to be away (as much as possible) of other people to be able to have
this time alone with the Lord.
ȁȁ Leitura diária
D. L. Moody, one of the most renowned evangelists of past centuries,
defender of that kind of thinking, stated the following: “One of the most
clear signs of the times is that many Christians, in our associations of you- Day 14th Lk 12.1-31; Gen 21; Ps 14
ng and churches, are keeping a daily ‘quiet time’. In this era of rush and in-
Day 15th Lk 12.32-59; Gen 22; Ps 15
cessant activities, we need some special calling to be ourselves alone with
God for a time, every day. Any man or woman who does so, you will not be Day 16th Lk 13.1-17; Gen 23; Ps 16
able to spend more than twenty-four hours away from God”.
Day 17th Lk 13.18-24; Gen 24; Ps 17
Moody called the devotional time of “quiet time”. Even though our life
summarizes in a lot of hurry, there should be a time when we slow down Day 18th Lk 14.1-24; Gen 25; Ps18
for being alone with God.
Day 19th Lk 14.25-35; Gen 26; Ps 19
Pastor Luciano Subirá Day 20th Lk 15; Gen 27.1-45; Ps 20

January 14, 2018


Biblical Reference: Ezekiel 28.1-19. the desire to be equal to God. It is the sin of pride, arrogance, and
unlimited ambition (1 Tim. 3.6).
Introduction: Where did sin come from? Whoever said “garden of In the garden of Eden, Eve sinned first. Adam, being tempted
Eden” was wrong. Sin arose in heaven. by the woman, also sinned. Sin causes divine wrath, and just as
The text of Ezekiel, which begins speaking about a king, contains Satan was cast out of heaven, Adam and Eve were cast out of
several statements that do not apply to a human being. Therefore, Paradise. From Adam and Eve, sin passed to all human beings
the Christian churches interpret it as a reference to the prince of (Romans 5.12).
darkness. The same goes for the passage of Isaiah 14.4-15. But in that same text, we have the promise of a descendant of
Satan was a cherub, a kind of “high rank” angel (Ezekiel 28.14). Eve who would crush the serpent’s head (Gen. 3.15). Jesus is this
He was endowed with beauty, talent, power, and authority. Verse descendant. By dying on the cross, he was wounded by Satan,
13 lets us know that he acted in heavenly praise. In fact, his name but his resurrection was the consummation of his victory. For this
was not Satan (meaning adversary). We do not know his name. reason, Jesus is the divine solution to human sin.
Some say his name was Lucifer, but this name does not exist in TO THINK ABOUT: What is the use of knowing the origin of sin?
the Hebrew Bible. Lucifer means “morning star” or “one who car- This knowledge shows us the bond that exists between sin and
ries light” and was used by Jerome when he translated the Bible Satan. It is not something that is normal or natural neither connec-
into Latin (Isaiah 14.12). ted only with human weakness. The satanic origin of sin should
Satan was filled with vanity by his condition and beauty, and desi- make us fight even harder against sinful practices.
red the place of God (Isaiah 14.14). Then the Lord cut him down
to the ground (Isaiah 14.12, Luke 10.18), with the angels who su- Pastor Anísio Renato de Andrade
pported him, a third of the heavenly host (Rev. 12.4-9). (Stars,
in this case, mean angels, as seen in Rev. 1.20). These angels More information about the study of small groups, call Pastor
became known as fallen angels, unclean spirits, or demons. Flavinho +55 31 98793-7701.
We do not know when sin happened in heaven, but it was before
Adam sinned, for in Genesis 3 Satan was already in the garden
of Eden to try to induce man to the same sin he had committed:


Enter the site: and click, find a small
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IS A SMALL GROUP  +55 (31) 3429-1350 / 98463-5250 / 99392-4204.

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January 14, 2018

North Korea and
South Korea
After more than two years, North Korea and South Korea had their first by the data of the literary guide “Pray for Nations”, from Operation World.
conversation this past week. The meeting was held between representatives Despite this, a person may be executed in the country for pronouncing
of the two countries, in the locality of Panmunjom, a demilitarized region Jesus’ name aloud and more than 100,000 Christians may be being held in
that divides the peninsula. The meeting lasted about eleven hours and went labor camps, according to the literary guide. Instead, South Korea, according
behind closed doors, according to information from Globo TV. to Operation World, has six of the ten largest churches in the world, has a
At the end of last year, North Korea’s supreme leader Kim Jong-un strong missionary vision and has experienced a series of revivals.
signaled he could send a team to the Winter Olympics in South Korea,
according to the state television. Participation in the sporting event would • Pray for the union of North and South Korea.
have been one of the meeting’s guidelines. Still according to TV Globo, the • Pray for God to break the hearts of North Korean leaders.
meeting may have been an opportunity for South Korea to open doors • Pray that the Church will continue to expand in both countries.
to other demands, such as separate family reunions in World War II and
denuclearization on the peninsula. Thais Oliveira
North Korea is considered one of the most closed and isolated countries
in the world in the economy and has had a Communist regime since 1948.
Today, Christianity is the fastest growing religion in the nation, as shown

Church wins
new seat
To contribute to the Lagoinha Nations, Banco do Brasil
Agency:: 1614-4
Department of Missions of our church, do Current Account: 160.000-0
Deposits in the following account:

The year has just begun, but Lagoinha Kathmandu, in Nepal, is full of of the Church of Christ in the country. In Kathmandu Lagoinha, for example,
reasons to celebrate. It’s just that the church has just gained a new seat! As the new temple will enable deepening activities in the teaching of the Holy
a way of thanking God for the achievement, a typical dance of the country, Word through a leadership training school. The opening of a music school is
to the sound of Christian music, was performed during the inauguration also plan for this year. In view of this, the church has cried out to the Lord to
service. raise people who can contribute with the donation of musical instruments. If
In addition to the joy of having a new and bigger space, a former Hindu you can help them, contact the Lagoinha Nations ministry.
was baptized during the celebration. This was the second baptism of the Let’s cover the Kathmandu Lagoinha with prayers and cry out to God
church in less than a month, in a country in which Hinduism has the official for the church to reach out to the Nepalese people who have not yet heard
religion. In addition, it adds against the Christians the decisions that the local about Jesus. Let us also ask that the Lord protect the whole Body of Christ
parliament has been taking, such as banning evangelistic actions in order to suffering religious persecution.
inhibit the growth of Christianity - which, thanks to the good Lord, is already
a reality in Nepal. Learn more about the Lagoinha Nations ministry: +55 (31) 98793-1570 -
From the social point of view, Christians also face pressure, since Pr. Leo Capochim
conversion has still been a motive for rebukes and hostilities. It was even just
what happened to the newest brother in Christ of the Kathmandu Lagoinha. Thais Oliveira
Because of Jesus, the boy lost the friendship of childhood friends and even
some family members stopped talking to him.
None of this, however, has been able to overshadow the advancement

January 14, 2018

Registration open for the

course “Pregnant Parents”
Couples who are expecting a baby will take classes from 2/4 to 3/25

as: proper nutrition, breastfeeding techniques, newborn characte-

ristics and needs, bathing techniques, baby hygiene, navel care,
breathing techniques, oral health, massages and relaxation for
mom and baby. In addition, the course provides guidance on edu-
cational, emotional and spiritual aspects of child and family.
The classes are taught by Christian health professionals, such
as psychologist, nutritionist, gynecologist, pediatrician, physiothe-

rapist, speech therapist, dental surgeon and nurses. The objective

of the course is to teach with theoretical and practical lessons the
correct way the techniques to perform basic and essential care
with pregnant women and babies.
Make your registration now and learn how to act in this re-
markable period of a baby’s arrival in the family. Contact the Pas-
tor Joaquim Souza +55 31 99755-7117 (WhatsApp) / 98793-1840,
Our church’s Parent School ministry has open enrollment
e-mail: or with Pâmela, in the
for the “Pregnant Parents” course, which runs from February 4
secretary of the Lagoinha Family Ministry 3429-9400.
to March 25, with classes on Sundays, from 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.,
in the Fé Room, located in the premises of Lagoinha Sede, 360
Priscilla Vieira
Manoel Macedo Street, São Cristóvão, Belo Horizonte - MG. The
course is open to the pregnant parents of Lagoinha and also to
other churches and other religions.
During classes, parents will learn about various topics such

Learn about other courses Lagoinha Família has for you

Parents and Teenage Sons School: It is an integrated course in which parents and sons take the course simulta-
neously to assist parents and sons in the application of biblical principles in the family.
Date: from 2/4 to 3/25. Registration and information: Pastor. Joaquim Souza +55 31 99755-7117 (WhatsApp);
e-mail: / Lagoinha Family Ministry +55 31 3429-9400.

Registrations open for the Course of Bride and Groom! Classes between February and April 2018 for couples in-
tending to marry until January 2019. The course is a requirement for members to marry in one of the salons of Lagoi-
nha Baptist Church, or Lagoinha neighborhood or have the wedding celebrated by one of our pastors. Registration
exclusively at the address: inscricoes - More information: +55 31 98793-2361(What-
sApp), e-mail:

Start the course Married Forever: Invest in your marriage and learn from the course, which is intended to help couples in
the quest to grow in knowledge and wisdom for marriage. Beginning of classes in February. Registration on Wednesdays at
07:30 p.m, in the Family Worship Service in Templo. Sunday at 10 a.m. Fonte Square, and during the week, in the Pastoral
House at 2 p.m., 527 Pitangui Street, Concórdia – BH/MG. Registration and information: Pastor Narciso Marques +55 31
98488-2764 (WhatsApp) / Lagoinha Family Ministry +55 31 3429-9400 or +55 31 98402-7247.

January 14, 2018


God wants to increase their sowings
God could do everything alone. Everything that he did alone ment. And that is why we have walked in faith and we want to
was perfect. But the order was: “Let each one give as determi- continue to walk in total dependence on the Lord.
ned in his heart, not with regret or by obligation, because God lo-
ves those who give with joy” (2 Corinthians 9.7). Here the Word And as for you, my brother, God wants us to be prosperous.
shows that God will not send angels to do this but, yes, those Prosperity is the absence of need; you have all your needs met
people who, one day, met Jesus. and have enough to also meet the needs of other people. Pros-
The Word also says that “he that soweth bountifully shall perity is not the value that you have in your bank account. Pros-
reap also bountifully; and he which soweth bountifully in abun- perity is what you have within you. Therefore, beloved sheep,
dance” (2 Corinthians 9.6). Dear brother, how much more you always do your best.
sow, you reap as well. It is important to understand, however, In addition, the Word tells us to be imitators of God as dear
that there are two realities: the offerings are sowing dates, but children. You will not imitate God creating other heavens. You
the tithe God told us how we deliver. The tithes belong to God; will be imitator of God in “give”. Jesus Christ is called the ineffa-
they are His. And He has taught us that the tithe is a tenth part ble gift of God (2 Corinthians 9.15). And, in John 3:16, the Word
of everything that we have received. says that “God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten
Their offerings do not replace the tithes. To deliver the tithes Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have
you are fulfilling exactly the expression of his faithfulness. Alre- eternal life”. We can follow the example of the Lord and that He
ady in relation to their offerings, the Lord said that he will raise will honor you when you leave on the altar the tithes and offe-
them. “And God is able to make you abound in all grace, so that rings. And that, by faith, you take possession of the blessing of
always having all sufficiency in everything, you may abound to prosperity, because it is faithful to the Lord.
every good work” (2 Corinthians 9.8). Pastor Márcio Valadão
In our church, we have experienced a miracle from the Lord
every day. But everything that God tells us to do, we believe that
 Talk more about this theme with the pastor Eduardo Queiroz: +
He will move the hearts of every sheep to make such invest-
55 (31) 99612-9099


Check which bank you can deposit your tithes and your offerings * You can also use the automatic debit
machines to deliver your tithes and
their offerings

January 14, 2018

The dignity of the family


The word dignity translates something that is honorable, respec- • We were raised as God’s family, in order to share His purpose.
tful and worthwhile. This recognition needs to be expressed from In the beginning they were only husband and wife, but already with
the theoretical to its daily practice. Nothing is so unworthy as to the power to generate children, thus, constituting the family. The Bi-
make that which has honor in only a little less influence. ble is clear in stating: “... male and female have created them.” There
Where is the dignity of the family if in its experience it is so des- is no room for another form suggested by human pleasure. A good
pised? Can we make it up anyway? Who can help us to see their digni- family relationship comes in an intelligent, loving way and not from
ty and show us how to live our family relationship with honor? How a sex life;
can you restore loops that have already been broken? What should • We were made to be managers of His creation and not des-
I do to have a family life with understanding and show your dignity? troyers of His deeds: ourselves, irrational animals, and nature in
The great truth, we need to understand is how the family was general. If creation mirrors the Creator, it is only reason to live wor-
created and what its purpose is. The Bible says, from the beginning: thily. Why are we always reneging on the family and wanting another
“God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. Master kind of relationship? Why do we destroy it for ourselves? We will
him over the fish of the sea, over the birds and over the moving ani- certainly be accountable to the Creator for our personal and family
mals ... God created man and woman “(Gen 1: 26,27). This text ex- life, for that was his plan.
presses some truths of the dignity of the family: The family has always been worthy, planned and formed by a
• We were created by the triune God. Someone majestic made perfect God full of love. He has in it His wonderful purpose of making
us. We did not come from chance. We were created with dignity and Himself known to us all. It is worthwhile to value and honor what
not in an insignificant way in which it was necessary to evolve from God does, but the power to make it worthless is with us, even if for
an irrational being to a thinking man; God it is always worthy.
• We were made not equal, but similar to a personal, intelligent
and loving God. He sought in His creature an intelligent and trusting
relationship. If there is any dignity in us as living beings it is because Pastor Carlos Nogueira Martins
we were created by a much more worthy person, who makes Himself (Ultimato)
available for a spiritual relationship with Him;

January 14, 2018

Carisma takes
students to
Registration for the seminary is open,
they are also offering extension courses
and are opening new locations
For the first time, the theological seminary Carisma sent stu- ding to hear testimony’s and know that God is doing something in
dents to a missionary camp. Yeah, exactly that: not only do students Portugal and all He needs are people ready and willing to collaborate
have regular lectures, students will be able to practice what they with His good work”, says Erivelton.
have learned. We’re calling it the “Carisma Challenge” – an activity Jordania Monteiro, 31 years old, is in the neighborhood country
done by the seminary through a project called Carisma and Missions. to Portugal, in Madrid a city in Spain. “We came to lecture the cour-
Registration for the seminary are currently open and any student se called Blood Alliance to the members and assist with some needs
who wishes to participate in the missionary field should get in tou- such as implanting CG’s and training for the consolidation ministry
ch with the Carisma and Missions team during the beginning of the and the children’s department, as well as helping during the set up
semester. of the services. Teaching is a crucial point and the church in Madrid
The project works in partnership with the Lagoinhas that have is very receptive to it. I am very grateful to be able to contribute”,
a focus on missions. This month, in total, about 30 students were she says.
sent abroad and to other Brazilian states. Along with the lectures, In Brazil, the church in Macapa (AP), and Teresina (PI) are also re-
students are directed to serve according to the needs of the local ceiving students involved in the project. Sara Oliveira, 21 years old,
churches. In this way, evangelisms, social work, and other courses is a student serving in Macapa, in the kids ministry. To her, the pro-
are offered by Lagoinha can be added to the curriculum, depending ject has succeeded all her expectations: “The mother of a child asked
on the demands of the community. a Pastor of the city what was happening in the seminary, because her
Pastor Hermes Caires, who leads the Carisma Challenge ex- son came home talking about God and with a different posture. This
plains that, the project does not only allow students to have practical was something that impacted us a lot. […] We have also seen the Lord
experience in the field, but it also helps to consolidate the work at taking care of us in many aspects”, she said.
the Lagoinhas. Erivelton Schmidt, 26 years old, is one of the parti- A differential in the Carisma seminary is also the extension cou-
cipants that was sent to the cities of Braga and Porto, in Portugal. rses, such as Church Implantation, and as one of the most recent
He confirms “We have noticed how much the church here is thirsty, ones, School of Masters. Other news regarding this semester is the
because there are very few people who have a heart to serve. When opening of new locations in Varginha, Osasco and Fortaleza. There
we arrived, we saw how useful we could be. The little that we are are also locations in Belo Horizonte, Igarape, Lagoa Santa, Betim,
able to teach here, will have great impact”. Niteroi and Teresopolis. Currently the seminary offers ministerial
Although Brazil was colonized by Portugal, our reality regarding courses (Monday to Friday) and modular (Tuesday and Thursday) for
evangelism is totally different, which has been a challenge for the adults. There are also courses for children and teens.
students. “Less than 1% of the population knows Jesus here […] Its
rare to find someone who is a Christian on the street. People change For more information about Carisma and Missions, contact Pris-
their facial expression when they find out you are a Christian, and cila +55 (31) 98575-0380.
they stop speaking to you […] So, its very challenging, but also rewar- Thais Oliveira





January 14, 2018

Intensive Holiday
Libras Course
Ephatá Ministry promotes classes that will take place from January 15 to 26
Our church’s Ephatá ministry has open enrollments for the inten- people.
sive holiday Pounds course, which will take place from January 15-26, Pastor Nubia Aguila, who is in charge of the Ephatá ministry, com-
Monday through Friday, from 7:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., in the Lagoinha ments on the importance of people learning Libras: “Take advantage of
in Action ministry building (Str. Ipê, 234 - São Cristovão). The Brazilian this opportunity we have prepared for you, to know this” world of si-
Sign Language (LIBRAS*) is used to communicate with deaf people. lence “in which deaf people listen with their eyes and speak with their
The objective of the course is to lead the student to interact with hands. Currently, the educational proposal for the deaf is bilingual and,
the deaf culture and learn the second language of the country, recog- with this, there is recognition of Libras, that is, the need for all deaf peo-
nized by former president Fernando Henrique Cardoso, on April 24, ple or listeners to appropriate the Brazilian Sign Language. Today there
2002 - Law 10.436. During the course will be given the following sub- is a great demand for the interpreter in education and elsewhere, not to
jects: code of ethics, culture, history and basic communication and an mention that the deaf also need to know Jesus as their only Lord and Sa-
intense vocabulary of Libras. vior. But how will they know if there is no one who preaches in LIBRAS?
In order to heed Christ’s command to preach the gospel to all pe- “She asks.
ople, our church has sought to make the message of the Word of God Enroll now for the Intensive Holiday course at the Ephatá Ministry
comprehensible to the deaf, including inserting it in all parts of worship. (Str. Ipê, 345, São Cristóvão - sala 7), from Monday Friday, from 2:00
Surely you may have noticed that during preaching in our church, by the p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Saturday from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
side of the drums, there is always someone translating for the deaf. The- Information: Pra. Nubia Aguila (31) 99425-3815 / 3429-9577.
se people are called interpreters of LIBRAS. They have a responsibility
to transmit, through signs, the ministrations held at the altar two deaf Priscilla Vieira

Study at the


Arts Factory
Registrations are open for singing, dance, dra-
ma, erudite and popular instruments

The year has just begun, and our church’s Arts Factory (Fábrica de Opened in 2012, the place receives daily many people who are seeking
Artes) has already started the registration for several courses that will for qualification in an enormous range of art modalities.
be offered in the first half of 2018, such as singing, dance, drama, erudite The enrollment for the courses can be made at the very school,
and popular instruments. located at Rua Formiga, 450, Bairro São Cristóvão, in Belo Horizonte
A beautiful building, with two floors and an impeccable structure, (MG). For further information, call (+5531) 3478-2300 or send an email
the Arts Factory, designed by the architect and pastor Vladimir Ribeiro, to
is composed of 70 rooms and a theater with capacity for 400 people.

January 14, 2018
January 14, 2018

Encontro com Deus
Para pessoas a partir de 16 anos, batizadas ou que estejam se preparando para o batismo. De 19 a 21 de janeiro, no Elim
(Rua Augusto Moreira, 680, Bairro Jardim Atlântico – BH). Faça já a sua inscrição à Rua Caetano Marques, 54, São Cristó-
vão (31) 3429-9567 / 98793-2936. Para outras informações: (31) 98793-2080 / 3427-7014.

Cursos do ministério Rhema

Abertas as inscrições para os cursos Batalha Espiritual e Cura Interior módulos 1 e 2 e para a Escola de Libertadores para
quem já fez os anteriores. Início das aulas dia 28/2. Inscrições na Casa Pastoral, à Rua Pitangui, 527, São Cristóvão – BH.
Mais informações: Wanir (31) 3429-9400 / 98793-6474.

Culto CRIE
Voltado para cristãos empreendedores com a série de palestras “Neemias, liderança fora da curva”, toda segunda-feira, às
19h45, na Capela (Rua Araribá, 535, Bairro São Cristóvão), com o Pr. Dervy Gomes (31) 99970-6292.

Acampamento dos Jovens Adultos Especial 10 Anos

De 9 a 13 de fevereiro (feriado de carnaval), no Hotel Fazenda Lagoa Azul, em Esmeraldas (MG). As inscrições podem ser
realizadas após o Culto Jovens Adultos, aos sábados, às 19h30, no Tabernáculo, nas dependências da Lagoinha Sede (Rua
Igreja Batista da lagoinha

Manoel Macedo, 360 – São Cristóvão – BH/MG). Para outras informações, ligue (31) 98653-1941 (Marisa) ou envie um
e-mail para

Curso de informática da Melhor Idade

Fundação Oásis, por meio do seu projeto Infoásis, oferece curso de informática para a Melhor Idade, módulos 2 e 3. Inscri-
ções de 15 a 19 de janeiro. Aulas: 20 de fevereiro. Mais informações: Naiara (31) 3449-6704.

Acampamento de Casais
Inscrições abertas para o acampamento que acontecerá nos dias 10 e 11 de março, no Elim.
Informações e inscrições: Pra. Madalena Silveira (31) 98445-1473 / 3429-1300.

Curso de Informática
A Fundação Oásis, por meio do projeto Infoásis, oferece curso intensivo de informática para pessoas acima de 16 anos. Inscrições
de 15 a 19 de janeiro e aulas a partir do dia 7 de fevereiro de 2018. Mais informações: Naiara (31) 3449-6704.

Conferência Profética do Clamor 2018

De 25 a 27 de janeiro, no Templo. Informações: (31) 99133-5395 /

Interteen – Congresso de Adolescentes

9 a 13 de fevereiro, no Templo. Entrada franca! Tema: Avante.
Informações: Pr. Adriano Pauli (31) 98793-0011.

Culto Elas: nesta quarta-feira (17/1), às 15 horas, na Capela.

Cursos: inscrições abertas para os cursos Mulher Única e Curadas para Curar. Garanta sua vaga!
Curso Mulher 3D: crescimento pessoal 2018 | Turmas: módulo 1 – quinta-feira, às 18h30 / módulo 2 – terça-feira, às
18h30. Com Fernanda Amaral, master coach e painelista.
Novo curso no Espaço Elas
Projeto Imagem e Autoestima, com Jane Araújo. O curso inspirará a mulher a ter uma boa relação entre ela e o espelho.
O objetivo é fazer a mulher reconhecer e aumentar os recursos que têm disponíveis para fazer o melhor que se pode
em relação à sua imagem. Início: 22/2/18, das 14h30 às 18 horas.
Mais informações: Espaço Elas, Rua Beberibe, 133, São Cristóvão – (31) 3429-1300
January 14, 2018

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