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UN Volunteer Specialist Programme for Korean nationals

The UN Volunteer Specialist Programme for Korean nationals is financed by the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, Korea and implemented by the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme. This initiative
provides professionals with the opportunity to offer their services to developing countries for a 12- to
24-month period, and to impact on development results on the ground. Participants share their
knowledge and skills, broaden peer networks and gain international exposure and experience within
the United Nations system.

The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme contributes to peace and development through
volunteerism worldwide. In 2021, 9,459 UN Volunteers served with 56 United Nations entities in 160

UN Volunteer Specialist assignments starting in January 2023

Please click here to view the assignment descriptions and apply.

Country UN Entity UN Volunteer Assignment Title

Armenia UNDRR Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Country Support Officer
Cambodia WFP Programme Policy Officer (School Feeding)
Ecuador IOM Migration, Environment and Climate Change Specialist
Egypt UN Habitat Climate Change Programme Assistant
Egypt WFP Programme Associate (Refugees Resilience & Capacity Strengthening)
Fiji UNFPA Programme Analyst
Ghana UNDP Economic and Private Sector Development Specialist
Indonesia UNICEF Child Online Protection Officer
Kazakhstan UNDP Programme Specialist
Kenya WFP Climate Change Specialist
Kuwait UNHCR Associate Protection Officer
Lebanon UNDP Programme Development Specialist
Lebanon IOM Economic Research Specialist
Lebanon UNHCR Livelihoods Support Officer
Liberia WHO Surveillance Officer
Mongolia UNICEF Climate Change and Air Quality Study Officer
Mozambique UNFPA Program officer, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
Nepal WFP Programme Specialist
Nigeria UNICEF Emergency Officer
Panama UNDP Technical Specialist Sustainable Energy
Philippines RCO Information Management Specialist
Rwanda UNDP Programme Associate for Climate Change
Serbia UNRCO Climate Action Associate
Somalia, UNEP M&E Climate Specialist
based in
Thailand UNESCO Climate Science Education Specialist
Timor Leste RCO Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Officer


Only Korean nationals who have not yet served as a UN Volunteer Specialist funded by the
Government of Korea are eligible to apply. Former UN Youth Volunteers and UN University
Volunteers are eligible to apply.

Minimum requirements: 27 years of age at the time of application, university degree as stipulated in
the respective Description of Assignment, three years of relevant professional experience.

Selection process

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. The selection will be done by the UN Host Entity at the
level of the country of assignment. Interviews are envisaged to be conducted by the UN Host Entity
in October 2022. Usually these interviews are competency-based.

How to apply

Candidates may apply to a maximum of three assignments and indicate the order of preference in
the ‘Additional remarks’ field when filling in the application form.

Application deadline: 25 September 2022

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