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Daily Lesson Plan in English 10

Date March 15, 2023 Grade 10

Teacher Reichelle S. Torricer (Teacher II) Quarter 3
Module Module 3

Lesson Critiquing a Selection


A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of how World Literature and other types serves as vehicles of expressing and resolving conflicts among individuals or groups; also, how
to use strategies in critical reading, listening, and viewing, and affirmation and negation markers to deliver impromptu an extemporaneous speech
B. Performance Standard The learner proficiently delivers an argumentative speech emphasizing how to resolve conflicts among individuals or groups.

B. Learning Competencies and Objectives MELCS: Compose an independent critique of a chosen selection

 Read a chosen selection

 Appreciate chosen literary selections

 Took important notes from a chosen literary selection

 Compose an independent critique of a chosen selection with the guide of Project REACT (Read, Engage, Adapt, Communicate, Transform)

II. Content / Topic/ Skills

Quarter 3 – Module 3: Critiquing a Selection


A. References  RTP-SLM ENG10 Quarter 3 Module 3

B. Materials / Equipment  Hand-out


A. Preparation Daily routine

 Opening prayer and greetings

 Checking of Attendance

B. Lesson Proper The teacher uses a micro-flipped classroom, wherein the notes and handouts are given to the students as an
assignment for self-study.
1. Before the Lesson

a. Recall of the previous lesson:

Complete the Graphic Organizer

b. Motive Questions:
1. Among the literary texts that we have read, which is your favorite and why?

2. During the Lesson

 Discussion (PROJECT R.E.A.C.T.)

 R-ead
1. Students will choose a literary material they want to read and write a critique on from the English textbook.
2. Students will be given time to read
3. Students may re-read literary texts previously read or discussed in class.
 E-ngage
After reading, the students share with their groups their reactions and insights on the story. The following are the guide questions for the group
o What is the title of the work?

o Who is the author?

o What is the theme of the story?

o What part of the story do you like the most?

o What lesson did you learn from it?

 A-dapt (Draft)
The students will make a draft for their literary critique for the selection of their choice by completing the following table:

Context Author’s Intention Reader’s reaction Literary Techniques Ending

3. After the Lesson

 Application

 C-ommunicate (Peer-Evaluation)

Once the students are done with their draft, the students will have their works evaluated by a classmate using the Literary Critique Checklist:
 T-ransform (Task#2 Literary Critique)

1. After the peer evaluation, the students will compose their literary critique (paragraph form), considering the comments and feedbacks of their
2. The final paper will be graded based on:
Content 10
Parts 10
Language Use 10
Mechanics 10

If the activities will not be presented, it will serve as assignment.


Checked by

Mrs. Raquel F. Bautista

Grade 10 Coordinator

Mrs. Maria Daniela B. Lumibao

Master Teacher I

Mrs. Marichu J. Hernandez

Department Head VI

Mrs. Ma. Pura S. Talattad

Principal IV

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