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Name: Jericho Refuela Course and Section: BSEd English 3-A

Subject: ENG 324 NEW Date: February 5, 2023

Creative writing is like painting a picture with words, creating stories that come
to life in the imaginations of readers and taking them on an imaginative journey. It
allows you to express yourself, experiment with new ideas, and contribute your own
unique viewpoint to the world. It's a type of art that allows you to delve into your own
creativity and share it with others. A poem, a novel, a short story, or a play may all be
examples of creative writing, and it can be used to convey emotions, tell a narrative,
or just entertain. It's a method to express yourself and make something completely
unique to you.

It is critical to actively seek your own creative inspiration and motivation while
writing a creative write-up in order to guarantee that your work is unique and
captivating. You may find yourself depending too much on the ideas of others or just
writing the same thing over and over again if you do not actively seek out your own
creative inspiration and drive. You may ensure that your writing is distinctive and
fascinating by actively searching out your own creative inspiration and motivation.
Furthermore, constantly finding your own creative inspiration and motivation might
assist you in being motivated and inspired throughout the writing process.

Actively pursuing your own creative inspiration and motivation is vital since it
helps you come up with fresh ideas and stay motivated throughout the writing process.
It also helps you keep focused on the work at hand and avoid becoming trapped in a
rut. Writing practice can be beneficial, but it can also lead to a loss of creativity and
drive. You may keep your writing fresh and intriguing by continually pursuing your own
creative inspiration and motivation.

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