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Names: Jericho Refuela Course/Section: BSEd English 3-A

Subject: ENG 324 Creative Writing Date: March 15, 2023

First Character - Samuel

Samuel, a man in his late thirties who has been struggling with personal and
family challenges for years. He was born in Switzerland and raised in a family where
he felt not belong. Despite his difficulties, Samuel is a lover of art, and his passion for
it is evident in every aspect of his life.

Samuel's physical characteristics are unremarkable. He is of ordinary height

and of medium frame. His hair is dark brown and flows in wild curls to his shoulders.
His eyes are a warm brown, and his nose has a tiny hump that adds character to his

Samuel's memories of his childhood are bittersweet. He grew up in a

household that was often filled with tension, and his parents were constantly arguing.
However, his grandmother was a beacon of light in his life, and she would spend
hours telling him stories about her youth and her travels.

One of Samuel's gestures is to rub his thumb against his forefinger when he's
feeling nervous or anxious. He also has a habit of tapping his foot when he's deep in
thought. Samuel's passion for art is apparent in his home. Every room is adorned
with paintings and sculptures that he's collected over the years. He loves to spend
his weekends at museums and galleries, and he's even started taking painting
classes in the hopes of honing his own skills.

Samuel's emotional triggers stem from his childhood experiences. He's often
anxious in social situations, and he finds it difficult to trust others. He's also very
sensitive to criticism and can become defensive if he feels attacked.
Second Character - Anna

In a far-flung village, there was a girl named Anna. She was just 12 years old
when World War II broke out and changed her life forever. Anna was born in Poland
and lived with her parents in a small village. Her father was a farmer, and her mother
worked as a seamstress. They were a happy family, and Anna loved spending time
with them.

Anna recalls the day the Nazis arrived in her community. They kidnapped her
parents, and Anna never saw them again. She was alone, terrified, and confused.
Anna had to figure out how to live on her own. She would hide in the woods and
forage for food. She learnt to be resourceful and got very adept at it.

Anna's memories of her parents are bittersweet. She remembers their

laughter and their love for each other. She also remembers their hard work and
dedication to their family. Her mother was a kind and gentle woman who always had
a smile on her face. Her father was a strong and stoic man who would do anything
for his family.

Anna's physical features reflect the hardships she has endured. She is small
and thin, with sunken cheeks and dark circles under her eyes. Her hair is long and
dark, and she wears it in a messy braid. Her clothes are old and tattered, and she
wears them with a sense of pride.

Despite her difficult past, Anna is a passionate person. She loves to draw and
write in her journal. She has a vivid imagination and loves to create stories in her
head. She is also passionate about helping others who are in need. Anna knows
what it's like to be alone and scared, and she doesn't want anyone else to feel that
Third Character - Beatrice

In a small town in the Midwest, a woman named Beatrice was born, but
everyone in their place calls her Bea. She is a diminutive woman with gray hair that
she keeps in a tight bun. Her parents were farmers, and she had to work hard from a
young age to help out on the farm. She married young to a man who was also a
farmer, and they had one son, who died in a car accident when he was just twenty-
five years old.

Bea devoted herself to care for her grandson, Liam, when her son died. She
has always prioritized Liam's needs before her own. Bea's house is always spotless.
Even though she suffers from arthritis, she takes delight in keeping things neat and
tidy. Her favorite hobby is baking. She bakes the most delectable pies and sweets,
and her grandson Liam is her biggest admirer.

Bea has always been a bit of a worrier. She frets about everything, from
Liam's grades to the weather. She is fiercely independent, and hates to ask for help.
She doesn't want to be a burden on anyone, especially Liam. Bea has a deep love
for nature, and spends as much time as she can in her garden. She loves nothing
more than watching the flowers bloom and the birds flutter about.

Despite her love for Liam, Bea has always struggled to express her emotions.
She isn't very good at showing affection, but she hopes that Liam knows how much
she loves him. Bea has a strong faith in God, and attends church every Sunday. She
believes that her faith has helped her through the toughest times in her life.

She is an excellent listener, and always has a sympathetic ear for anyone
who needs it. Her kindness and compassion have touched many people's lives. Bea
has a few close friends, but she is happiest when she is spending time with Liam. He
is the most important person in her life. She has a few health issues, but she tries
not to let them slow her down. She takes good care of herself and tries to stay active
for her grandson, Liam.

Fourth Character - Orion

Just like how vast the galaxy was, is also the same on how wide and
motivated we are to reach our aspirations in life. Orion is a young guy who was born
and raised in space. Because his parents were both astronauts, Orion spent the
most of his youth wandering the cosmos with them. He enjoyed gazing out the
spacecraft window at the boundless expanse of stars and planets.

Orion stood tall and lanky, with black hair and piercing blue eyes. He
possessed a charming grin that could light up a room, as well as a pleasant,
easygoing personality that made him instantly approachable. He was always
bursting with enthusiasm, eager to see new places and meet new people.

As a child, Orion was fascinated by the stories his parents told him about
Earth. They told him about the blue oceans, green forests, and bustling cities filled
with people from all over the world. Orion dreamed of one day visiting Earth, of
experiencing all the sights and sounds for himself.

But all of his dreams came crashing down when his father made a fateful
decision. One day, while out on a spacewalk, Orion's father was exposed to a high
dose of radiation. Although he survived, the radiation had a lasting effect on his
body. Over time, he developed a condition that caused him to lose control of his
muscles. He became paralyzed and could no longer walk or move without

Fearing for his son's safety, Orion's father made the difficult decision to keep
him in space. He didn't want to risk taking him to Earth, where he might be exposed
to dangerous germs or other hazards. And so, Orion remained in space, unable to
fulfill his dream of visiting Earth and living among humans.

Fifth Character - Alen

A good athlete should have the following characteristics: agility, endurance,

and perseverance. Speaking of such attributes, Alen, a student athlete from a top
institution, possesses them in spades. Alen is a tall, lanky young guy with broad
shoulders, a slim physique, and eye-catching blue eyes. His skin is browned from
hours of practice and play in the sun. His hair is a haphazard mass of dark blonde
that falls just above his brows. He moves with the elegance and assurance that only
years of athletic training can provide, and his posture is always erect and confident.

Alen's love for volleyball began when he was just a child. his parents
encouraged him to try out for the school team when he entered high school. He
quickly showed a natural talent for the sport and soon became a varsity player for his
school's team. His passion for volleyball consumed him, and he spent countless
hours practicing and honing his skills, determined to be the best player he could be.
Despite his dedication and hard work, Alen's life has not been without its struggles.

His parents divorced when he was young, and he has always felt caught
between them, never sure where he truly belongs. He feels a deep sense of guilt for
not being able to fix their relationship and for the pain that he has caused them. This
emotional turmoil often spills over onto the volleyball court, where Alen can become
easily frustrated and agitated, causing him to make mistakes and miss important

Alen’s passion for volleyball is what keeps him going. It is his escape from the
pressures of his personal life and the place where he feels most alive. He loves the
thrill of the game, the rush of adrenaline that comes with each play, and the
camaraderie of his teammates. He dreams of one day playing professionally and
making a name for himself in the sport.

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