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POINTERS IN ORAL EXAM AND QUIZZES IN CFLM 200 Character Trait Examples Character

traits are valued aspects of a person's behavior. Everyone has character traits, both good and bad.
Character traits are often labeled with descriptive adjectives such as patient, unfaithful or jealous.
Develop a deeper understanding of this concept by exploring an extensive list of examples of
character traits. Values and Beliefs as Character Traits Some character traits reveal positive aspects
of a person's underlying values or beliefs. • generosity • integrity • loyalty • devoted • loving •
kindness • sincerity • self-control • peaceful • faithful • patience • determination • persistence • open-
minded • fair • cooperative • tolerant • optimistic • spiritual Dark Side Characteristics No one is
perfect; everyone has a bit of a darker side. Some people may have character traits that are generally
viewed with a negative connotation. • dishonest • disloyal • unkind • mean • rude • disrespectful •
impatient • greed • abrasive • pessimistic • cruel • unmerciful • narcissistic • obnoxious • malicious •
pettiness • quarrelsome • caustic • selfish • unforgiving Leadership Characteristics A person's
character traits can impact how they approach leading people and whether or not others are likely to
see them as effective leaders. A person's leadership style is closely related to various character traits.
• dominance • confidence • persuasive • ambitious • bossy • resourceful • decisive • charismatic •
authoritarian • enthusiastic • bold • proactive Common Youth Character Traits Youth's character
traits may not be fully developed just yet, but some traits tend to inherently be associated with youth.
Additionally, parents often seek to youth. • active • wild • silly • affectionate • funny • rough •
talkative • rowdy • smart • fidgety • shy • lively • joyful • stubborn

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