IVC Real Estate 172 - #64930 - Syllabus - 2nd 8wk-Sp2023

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Irvine Valley College- School of Business

Real Estate 172- Real Estate Practices

Section 64930
Units: 3
Spring 2023 (March 27 - May 24, 2023)

Instructor Name: Professor Enciso Givhan, MBA, and California Licensed Real Estate Broker
School Website: www.ivc.edu
Class Day(s): Fully Online in Canvas.
Office Hours: By Appointment. Email me via the Canvas Inbox to schedule an appointment.
Instructor E‐mail: The best way to reach me is via the Canvas Inbox located within our course. As a
backup, feel free to email me via gencisogivhan@ivc.edu

Course Description

This fundamental real estate course covers the basic laws and principles of California real estate, focusing
on the background and terminology needed to pursue advanced study in specialized courses. Topics
include encumbrances, agency, contract law, finance, appraisal, escrow, taxation, fair housing, and real
estate licensing law. The course is required of those preparing for the real estate salesperson license
examination, and it applies toward the state’s elective educational requirements for the broker’s

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

1. Identify sources of potential listings and describe the use of a CMA in obtaining a listing.

2. Demonstrate an ability to handle offers, including negotiating and making counteroffers.

3. Describe the events that take place after a purchase and sale agreement is signed.

4. Describe the functions of a property manager and identify the types of documents commonly used
by property managers.

5. Explain how state and federal anti-discrimination laws impact real estate activities.
Course Materials
GRL Web Access (Required)

GRL website access is required for all sections of this course. The publisher of the course textbook
provides an e-book, learning resources, quizzes, and exams that help students engage with course
content and prepare for the California State Real Estate Salesperson’s exam.

Purchase the textbook at:


Pivar, W.H., Anderson, L. & Otto, D.S. (2019). California Real Estate Practice (10th

ed.). La Crosse, WI: Dearborn Real Estate Education, ISBN: 9781475485387

NOTE: You may find this book used, or an earlier version of it, online. However, you must have
access code to the GRL site to complete your quizzes and final exam for this class.

Access to Online Course Materials- REQUIRED

Regular access to a computer with internet connectivity is critical for success in this course. If these tools
are not readily available to you, Irvine Valley College has a number of computer labs available for student

Student Success Center Information: http://academics.ivc.edu/successcenter/Pages/default.aspx

This course requires access to online materials, both Canvas & GRL websites.

Canvas (http://ivc.instructure.com)

Irvine Valley College has provided an online Canvas site for your use in this course. Included in the site
are instructions, PowerPoint files, and other resource materials. Discussion Groups are available for
students to use in a collaborative effort. Extensive use of Canvas will be used to access documents and
communications. Student Technical Support: https://tech.ivc.edu/

GRL/Dearborn Website (http://www.GRLContent.com)

The publisher of the course text has provided an online site for your purchase/registration. After your
initial purchase, you will access the book content through this same website. Included on this site are
resources necessary to assist in your success. Regular work will be assigned that must be completed
using this online resource. This link to register has also been posted in Canvas.
Student Technical Support: websupport@greatriverlearning.com or web support request (bottom right
of website), which is monitored 24/7.

We have a dedicated support person at GRL. Send her an email with a description of your issue and
she will assist you. Here is her contact information:

Billie Jo Hefel, at


Class Format
(O) Online: This online, 8-week, 3-unit course includes instructional elements presented in a digital
classroom environment. Students have the flexibility of time when “attending” class but are required to
submit assignments prior to specified due dates. This course requires general computer skills and
self-discipline, as regular classroom hours are not observed.

In keeping with accreditation standards, this three-unit lecture course will include a minimum of 48
hours of instruction/discussion time, plus homework and study time. Expect to spend 8-10 hours per
week for this class. It is important for students to consider the time commitment that an online college
course requires. Though some students might believe online classes are easy, your time commitment for
this class is very important to your own success.

Drop Policy
Students will be considered a “no show” if there is no evidence of class participation during the first
week of the semester. No-Shows will be dropped from the course. A student who becomes inactive after
the first week of the class should take responsibility for dropping the course. The instructor may drop a
student due to lack of attendance and excessive absence, but it should not be assumed that the
instructor will drop the student. Your failure to drop can result in a failing grade.

Grading Policy Overview

This course contains the following:

1. Assignments and quizzes for each week are designed for the student to demonstrate mastery of
concepts covered during weekly interaction.
2. Discussions on current events in real estate, in which students demonstrate their applied
3. Instructor evaluation of real estate exercises in which students demonstrate the ability to solve case
4. Exercises and assignments that require students to apply concepts covered in the course.

The table below provides general guidance for interpreting assignment and assessment results.
A 100%-90% Exceptional – Thorough knowledge of concepts and exceptional skill or
great originality in the use of those concepts and techniques in satisfying
the assignment or course requirements.

89.9%-80% Very Good – Thorough knowledge of concepts together with a fairly

B high degree of skill in the use of those concepts and techniques in
satisfying assignment or course requirements.

C 79.9%-70% Competent – Acceptable level of knowledge of concepts and/or

techniques, together with considerable skill in using them to satisfy
assignment or course requirements.

D 69.9%-60% Minimal knowledge of required concepts and/or techniques together

with some ability to use them in satisfying assignment or course

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F 59.9%-0% Failing to show minimal knowledge or required concepts and techniques.

FW 59.9%-0% Students who are officially enrolled past the withdrawal deadline and have
been excessively absent may be assigned an FW grade. This counts the same
+ as an F grade but denotes you stopped attending class and did not fail due to
a lack of mastery of the course material. The FW grade may impact financial
Excessive aid.


Class Calendar
Module Date Topic 1-Chp & Quiz
1 3/27- Unit 1- Getting Started in Real
4/3 Estate 2-Chp & Quiz

Unit 2- Ethics, Fair Housing, Trust Module 3 Assignment

Funds, and Other Legal Issues
Discussion Forum 1

Module 4/3- Unit 3- Mandatory Disclosures Discussion Forum 2

4/10 Unit 4- Prospecting & Business

Check the IVC website for the last day to drop with refund
Page 4
Module 4/10- Listing Presentation Package Unit 5
3 4/17 5-Chp & Quiz
Listing Presentations and
Listing Contracts Unit 6
6-Chp & Quiz

Module 3

Module 4/17- Servicing the Listing Unit 7

4 4/24 7-Chp & Quiz
Unit 8
8-Chp & Quiz

Discussion Forum 4

Module 4

Module 4/24- The Buyer and the Property Showing Unit 9

5 5/1 9-Chp & Quiz
Obtaining the Offer and Creating
the Sales Agreement Unit 10
10-Chp & Quiz

Module 5
Check the IVC website for the last day to drop with a refund.

Module 5/1- From the Offer to Closing Unit 11

6 5/8 11-Chp & Quiz
Real Estate Financing
Unit 12
12-Chp & Quiz

Discussion Forums 6.0 & 6.1

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Module 5/8- Escrow & Title Insurance Unit 13
7 5/15 13-Chp & Quiz
Unit 14
14-Chp & Quiz

Discussion Forum 7

Module 7

Module 5/15- Property Management & Leasing

8 5/24 15- Chp & QUIZ
Module 8 Assignment
Final Exam due Friday, 5/22 by
11:59 PM

The final exam must be taken on the

GRL site.
All Quizzes and the Final Exam will be taken at: http://www.GRLContent.com

Discussion Boards, Exercises & Syllabus at: https://ivc.instructure.com

**Please confirm all drop dates in MySite.

Assignments and Assessment

All work is to be the sole work of individual students. A grade of “F” will be assigned to anyone
receiving assistance or assisting another during any in-class, online, or take-home assignment.

Late work will not be accepted; however, extensions could be granted. Email your request to me via
the Canvas Inbox. EXTENSIONS ARE NOT GRANTED FOR DISCUSSIONS. This is the only assignment
that requires your dynamic, regular, and substantive contact with your peers. I encourage you to set
your calendars up in advance so that you are successful.

Discussion Forums

Discussion Forums will take place each week and are required for the 20 participation points.
Your initial post is due each week by Friday night, 10:00 pm, and 2 responses are due by Sunday
night, 10:00 pm. Since these discussions occur with the whole class, posts cannot be completed
after the weekends. Discussions are critically important as they provide the main form of
connection and communication in our class. Please see the grading rubric in the discussion
boards for clear expectations on earning the full 30 points.


Exercises will be done throughout the semester to encourage and test your engagement with
the material. They are tentatively scheduled in the Class Calendar below, though you will have
at least a week’s notice before any assignment will be due through Canvas upload. Submission
of assignments by email is not permitted without prior approval from the instructor.

Student assignment submissions will be reviewed for grading using Windows software Microsoft
Word or PowerPoint, Adobe Acrobat (PDF), etc. Assignments posted on Canvas that are not in a
readable format (including Macintosh programs) will not be considered as on-time assignments.


Chapters Quizzes are worth 10 points each and consist of multiple-choice questions. The quizzes
will be taken on the GRL website on a weekly basis. Your grade will transfer over to Canvas at
the end of the class, to give you the “bigger picture” of your grade. However, your quiz grade
will be immediately available in GRL after completion. You will be able to take each quiz multiple
times for the best score and the highest score will be used towards the final grade.
Understanding this material on a weekly basis will help your midterm and final exam scores.
Once you are done taking each quiz, you will see your score and your answers as the quiz will be
graded automatically.

You must receive a minimum of 80% on every quiz to allow you to progress to the next
chapter and access the Final Exam.

Final Exam

A Final Exam will be taken on the GRL website after all chapter work is complete. Again, quizzes
and examinations are to be the sole work of individual students. A grade of “F” will be assigned
to anyone receiving assistance or assisting another during any examination. You will have
unlimited attempts at this Final Exam but must score 70% to pass. The Final Exam is 100
questions with a time limit of 2.5 hours and requires a passing score of 70%. Note that all
questions are randomized, so the test questions will change with multiple attempts.

Grading Scale

The points you earn in this rubric will

dictate your final grade. The California
Department of Real Estate will accept a
final grade of ‘D’ (60%) as “passing,”
however, a grade of ‘D’ is not considered
passing at IVC. For this reason, I,
Professor Enciso Givhan, advise against
a Pass/No-Pass grade option for my
students, though the choice is ultimately

Your grade will be determined based on the following points:

Final Exam =
Chapter Quizzes (15) = 150 points (must take to
150 points. pass the class).

Discussion Boards (6) = Total Available Points =

120 points. 500 points

Exercises (4) =
80 points.

A grade of ‘F’ will result in no credit for the DRE and IVC.
Academic Standards - How to Succeed in Our Class!

• Read the assigned chapters.

• Participate in discussions and activities.
• Complete all assignments and quizzes/exams on time.
• Communicate with the instructor when assistance is required.
● This is a college-level course that requires quality work.
• Writing proficiency- Submit concise responses, typewritten, neat, properly
formatted, organized, and edited homework and assignments. Use Spellcheck,
Grammarly, or any editing software to correct grammar, catch spelling and
punctuation errors. PROOFREAD YOUR WORK in order to earn the highest
grade. DO YOUR BEST!
• We abide by the standards of student conduct in all discussions.
• Stay positive in your communication in class.
• Please participate and enjoy our safe, learning environment.

If you need help, please visit the Student Success Center

· Acrobat Adobe Reader, free at http://www.adobe.com/products/reader/
· Familiarity with Microsoft Office 365, including Word and Powerpoint. IVC computer lab computers are
loaded with this software and it’s free online for currently enrolled students.
● Log in to your student email via the IVC Homepage or https://outlook.com/ivc.edu
● After you log in to your inbox, click the “windows” icon at the top-left.

Class Guidelines

● Class participation is a key component of student success. In this online class, this will be
done through discussion board posts. Inactive class participation, students go beyond the
recall of basic information and exercise critical thinking skills. Information should be
processed, through inquiry, and then used to facilitate innovation, decision-making,
problem-solving, and planning.
● Irvine Valley College is a community of higher learning committed to fostering an atmosphere
of excellence and mutual respect. Students, faculty, and staff are expected to conduct
themselves as responsible citizens and comply with all regulations contained in the Irvine Valley
College Catalog, Student Handbook, and other college publications and notices. ● Academic
Honesty Policy found at
● Student Code of Conduct found at
Accommodations for Students

Students with disabilities who believe they may need accommodations should contact the Disabled Students
Program and Services (DSP&S) as soon as possible in order to ensure that, if DSP&S finds them qualified, such
confidential accommodations are made in a timely fashion. Contact DSP&S in the Student Services Center,
Room SC171; Voice: (949) 451-5630; Fax: (949) 451-5386; TTY: (949) 451-5785; or online at ivcdsps@ivc.edu.

Title IX
Title IX (of the 1972 Education Amendments) protects students and staff alike from discrimination based
on sex, including Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault, which are forms of Sexual Misconduct. Under
Title IX, all people in the educational environment must be treated equitably, regardless of sex, sexual
orientation or expression, and/or transgender identity. For more information:
If you have experienced or learned of a possible violation of Title IX and/or would like to know about
options, resources (including confidential services), the law, or District policy, please do not hesitate to
contact a Title IX Coordinator.

Disclaimer: Syllabus/schedule subject to change

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