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QTHB UNIVERSITY Master of Pharmacy – General medicine Pham Minh Truong


Please select the standard about the anatomical reference systems:
1 P…………..

2 D…………..

3 C…………..

-Anatomy is the study of the 1……………….of the body.
function of the structures of the body.
-Physiology is the study of the 2………………

đường biên/chu vi ngoài


Read the following text carefully and find phrases about body positioning
- Anatomical position, or standard anatomical position, refers to the positioning of the body when
it is standing upright and facing forward with each arm hanging on either side of the body, and
the palms facing forward.
- The legs are parallel, with feet flat on the floor and facing forward.


Facing.. F………………..
The positioning of Arm.. H……………….
anging (on)
the body
Palms.. F………………..
acing (forward)

Legs.. P………………..

Feet.. F…………………

QTHB UNIVERSITY Master of Pharmacy – General medicine Pham Minh Truong
Observe carefully and match the ideas correctly
1 Anterior (or ventral) A Describes a position above or higher than another part of
c the body proper

2 Posterior (or dorsal) B Describes a position below or lower than another part of
e the body proper; near or toward the tail
3 Superior (or cranial) C Describes the front or direction toward the front of the body
4 Inferior (or caudal) D Describes a position in a limb that is farther from the point
b of attachment or the trunk of the body
5 Lateral E Describes the back or direction toward the back of the body
3. j
6 Medial F Describes the middle or direction toward the middle of the
f body
7 Proximal G Describes a position in a limb that is nearer to the point of
g attachment or the trunk of the body
8 Distal H Describes a position closer to the surface of the body

9 Superficial I Describes a position farther from the surface of the body

10 Deep J Describes the side or direction toward the side of the body
A. The ………………….
sagittal plane is the plane that divides the body or an organ vertically into
right and left sides.
B. The ………………..
frontal plane is the plane that divides the body or an organ into an anterior
(front) portion and a posterior (rear) portion.
C. The …………………
transverse plane is the plane that divides the body or organ horizontally into
upper and lower portions.
And, Please infer and determine which plane
the numbers 1, 2, 3 are…?


QTHB UNIVERSITY Master of Pharmacy – General medicine Pham Minh Truong


Find the Vietnamese meanings of the following terms about Cavity!

1 Cranial sọ

2 Vertebral cột sống

3 Dorsal body vùng lưng

4 Thoracic vùng ngực

5 Abdominal vùng bụng

6 Pelvic vùng xương chậu
7 Ventral body thân bụng

8 spinal cột sống

9 abdominopelvic vùng bụng (tính luôn xương chậu)


QTHB UNIVERSITY Master of Pharmacy – General medicine Pham Minh Truong


hạ vị

vùng xương chậu

ngang lưng

hạ sườn

múi/vùng => chia 4 múi

The Peritoneum
-The peritoneum is a …………………
multi-layered membrane that protects and holds the organs in
place within the abdominal cavity.
-A membrane is a thin layer of tissue that covers a surface, lines a cavity, or divides a


space or organ.

1. reference 2. anatomical 3. body 4. stand 5. forward 6. arms 7. hands
QTHB UNIVERSITY Master of Pharmacy – General medicine Pham Minh Truong
Fill in the missing words to make the passage correct using words from the word bank
Reference, side, stand, body, arms,hands,anatomical, forward
9. -All anatomical terms have a ……(1)….point which is called the ….(2)….. position.
-This is a …….(3)……. position where you ……(4) …up, head straight and ….(5)…..
-By your …..(6)…., with the palm of your ….(7) facing forward.

1. Which of the following is not correct?

(a) Robert Brown discovered the cell.
(b) Schleiden and Schwann formulated the cell theory.
(c) Virchow explained that cells are formed from pre-existing cells.
(d) A unicellular organism carries out its life activities within a single cell.
2. New cells generate from
(a) bacterial fermentation (b) regeneration of old cells
(c) pre-existing cells (d) abiotic materials.
1. Which of the following is not correct?
(a) Robert Brown discovered the cell.
(b) Schleiden and Schwann formulated the cell theory.
(c) Virchow explained that cells are formed from pre-existing cells.
(d) A unicellular organism carries out its life activities within a single cell.
2.New cells generate from
(a) bacterial fermentation (b) regeneration of old cells
(c) pre-existing cells (d) abiotic materials.
3. Match the following.
Column I Column II
(a) Cristae (i) Flat membranous sacs in stroma
(b) Cisternae (ii) Infoldings in mitochondria
(c) Thylakoids (iii) Disc-shaped sacs in Golgi apparatus
4. Which of the following is correct?
(a) Cells of all living organisms have a nucleus.
(b) Both animal and plant cells have a well defined cell wall.
(c) In prokaryotes, there are no membrane bound organelles.
(d) Cells are formed de novo from abiotic
Practice of speaking skills
What is a mesosome in a prokaryotic cell? Mention the functions that it performs.
- Mesosome là một cấu trúc màng trong tế bào nhân sơ, được hình thành do sự kéo dài
của màng sinh chất vào trong tế bào dưới dạng túi, ống và phiến.
- Các trung thể tương đương với ti thể ở sinh vật nhân thực, vì chúng thực hiện hô hấp
tế bào hiếu khí ở sinh vật nhân sơ. Nó giúp sao chép DNA và phân phối vật chất di truyền
cho các tế bào con.
- Mesosomes cũng giúp cho quá trình hô hấp, tăng diện tích bề mặt của màng sinh chất
và hàm lượng enzym và hình thành thành tế bào.

QTHB UNIVERSITY Master of Pharmacy – General medicine Pham Minh Truong
Compare mitochondria and chloroplasts
Mitochondria Chloroplast

1. Mitochondria are essential for …………….. is performed by chloroplast.

1. Photosynthesis
aerobic respiration. 2. Chloroplast stores …………….
starch grains.
2. Mitochondria provide intermediates 3. Maintains balance of …………….
for synthesis of important concentration in the air.
biomolecules such as chlorophyll, 4. Keeps ………………….
O2 balance constant in
11. cytochrome, steroids etc. atmosphere by liberating 02 into the
3. Mitochondria regulate the atmosphere, used during ………………….
…………. ion concentration in the and …………………...
4. Mitochondrial matrix contains
enzymes for the synthesis of
fatty acids.
5. Synthesis of many …………..
amino acids
takes place here


QTHB UNIVERSITY Master of Pharmacy – General medicine Pham Minh Truong

(đột quỵ)
chấn thương sọ não

xơ cứng teo cơ

nhồi máu
ghép tế bào gốc/ cơ tim
tủy xương
dưỡng cơ/
rối loạn cơ bắp
tổn thg tủy sống

viêm xương khớp

viêm khớp dạng thấp bệnh viêm ruột xuyên thành mạn tính
- A tissue is a group or layer of similarly specialized cells that join together to perform
certain specific functions.
- Histology is the study of the structure, composition, and function of tissues (hist
means tissue, and -ology means a study of).
- A histologist is a specialist in the study of the organization of tissues at all levels (hist
means tissue, and -ologist means specialist).
The four main types of tissue are:
 ………………..tissues

13.  ……………….. tissues

 ………………….
Muscle tissue
 ……………………. tissue

Please complete the following information sheet

(1) They are found in alimentary canal and lungs.
Striated cơ vân
1 A (2) They are involuntary muscles.
(3) They are spindle in shape and have single nucleus.

(1) They are connected to bones (Skeletal muscles).

14. Cardiac (2) They are voluntary muscles.
2 B
muscles (3) The cells are long, cylindrical with many nucleus and are
cơ tim unbranched.
(1) They are found in heart.
3 C (2) They are involuntary in action.
cơ trơn (3) They are branched and have one nucleus.
QTHB UNIVERSITY Master of Pharmacy – General medicine Pham Minh Truong

• An American program called the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief helps
millions of people infected with HIV. PEPFAR is considered one of the most
…..(1)………programs created during the presidency of George W. Bush.
• Its goal was to change HIV/AIDS from a death sentence to a disease ….(2)…..that could be
….(3)….. And for millions of people around the world, that is just what happened.
• But researchers say it was not until PEPFAR started using …..(4)…….drugs that major
progress was made in fighting HIV/AIDS.
• Generic drugs are copies of medicines developed by large drug companies. They often
cost a lot less. Researchers from Brown University in Rhode Island studied the
….(5)……. of PEPFAR. cost
• Kartik Venkatesh was the lead author of a report about it. He says the high ….(6)……of
patented …..(7)……. drugs influenced the program after it began. American officials
considered whether to provide patented drugs to ……….(8)……..
HIV infected patients, both in the
United States and overseas. Dr. Venkatesh says some people believe that the drug
15. industry wanted the government-financed program to use …….(9)……. drugs.patented
• But generic drugs were shown to be effective in treating HIV as long ago as
……..(10)……... Using generic drugs helped cut the cost of treating a person from about
1100 a year to about $.........(12)……
300 a year in 2005. PEPFAR has also been
able to save millions of dollars by reducing transportation costs.
• For example, the program uses ships instead of airplanes to move the drugs. Dr.
Venkatesh says the PEPFAR model could be used to fight other diseases in
………..(13)………countries. It could help the developing world deal with health problems
that until recently had only been seen in richer countries.
• Dr. Venkatesh says more and more people are understanding that chronic diseases
could represent much larger health care costs in the future. Problems like cardiovascular
disease, ……..(14)….. and ……..(15)……..
cancer medication
will require long-term ………..(16)………...
• He says a lot can be learned from the experience with PEPFAR and the use of generic
drugs to treat HIV. The Brown University researchers have proposed creating a plan for
what they call the "efficient and transparent" purchase of generic drugs.
• Planners would include the …..(17)…., the World Health Organization and generic drug
manufacturers United States

QTHB UNIVERSITY Master of Pharmacy – General medicine Pham Minh Truong

viêm não
màng não

viêm võng mạc

viêm da

GLANDS *A gland is a group of specialized epithelial cells that are capable of producing
secretions. exo/endo + crine
*A secretion is the substance produced by a gland. The two major types of glands:
- ………………. glands secrete chemical substances into ducts that lead either to other
16. organs or out of the body, such as sweat glands (exo- means out of, and -crine means to
- ………………..glands, which produce hormones, do not have ducts (endo- means within,
and -crine means to secrete).
*These hormones are secreted directly into the bloodstream, and are then transported to
organs and structures throughout the body.

1 H A Ovary buồng trứng

2 G B Adrenal gland thượng thận

3 F C Thymus tuyến ức
4 C D Pancreas tuyến tụy
5 B E Testis tinh hoàn
6 D F Thyroid gland tuyến giáp
7 A G Pituitary tuyến yên
8 E H Pineal gland tuyến tùng

QTHB UNIVERSITY Master of Pharmacy – General medicine Pham Minh Truong

Please try to read the contents carefully and speculate about the systems in the body






QTHB UNIVERSITY Master of Pharmacy – General medicine Pham Minh Truong

Please try to read the contents carefully and speculate about the systems in the body






QTHB UNIVERSITY Master of Pharmacy – General medicine Pham Minh Truong


The Structure of Cells

The Four Main Types of Cells
*Epithelial Cells. These cells are tightly attached to one another. ...
*Nerve Cells. These cells are specialized for communication...
*Muscle Cells. These cells are specialized for contraction. ...
*Connective Tissue Cells.


nhân con

lông roi


QTHB UNIVERSITY Master of Pharmacy – General medicine Pham Minh Truong

tiêu li bào

ti thể

Is this a cell or a virus?
It is actually a representation of the HIV virus, the virus that causes AIDS. All the little “knobs”
on the outside of the virus help to give the virus structure. And it is this structure that must be
identified by a 1....................
Structure of Viruses
Viruses vary in their structure. A virus particle consists of DNA or RNA within a protective protein
coat called a 2……………….
capsid The shape of the capsid may vary from one type of virus to
another. The capsid is made from the 3………………..that
proteins are encoded by viral genes within
24. their 4…………………….
The shape of the capsid serves as one basis for the classification of viruses. The capsid of the
virus shown in the Figure below is 5………………..
icosahefral .
Virally coded proteins will self-assemble to form a capsid. Some viruses have an envelope of
phospholipid proteins.
The envelope is made from portions of the host’s cell membrane. It surrounds the capsid and
helps protect the virus from the host’s 7…………………….system.
immune The envelope may also have
receptor molecules that can bind with host cells. They make it easier for the virus to infect the

QTHB UNIVERSITY Master of Pharmacy – General medicine Pham Minh Truong

Diagram of a Cytomegalovirus.
The capsid encloses the genetic material of the virus. The envelope which surrounds the capsid
is typically made from portions of the host cell membranes (phospholipids and proteins).
Not all viruses have a 8………………. envelope.
Phospholipids Viral Capsid genome vaccine.
Immune Icosahedral Proteins
Helical Viruses
Helical capsids are made up of a single type of protein subunit stacked around a central axis
to form a helical structure. The helix may have a hollow center, which makes it look like a hollow
tube. This arrangement results in rod-shaped or filamentous virions. These virions can be
anything from short and very rigid, to long and very flexible. The well-studied tobacco mosaic
virus (TMV) is an example of a helical virus, as seen in the Figure below.

A helical virus, tobacco mosaic virus. Although their diameter may be very small, some helical
viruses can be quite long, as shown here.
TMV causes tobacco mosaic disease in tobacco, cucumber, pepper, and tomato plants.
1. Nclic cid;
2. Vral prtin nts,
3. Cpsd.

QTHB UNIVERSITY Master of Pharmacy – General medicine Pham Minh Truong
Icosahedral Viruses
 Icosahedral capsid symmetry gives viruses a spherical appearance at low magnification,
but the protein subunits are actually arranged in a regular geometrical pattern, similar to a
soccer ball; they are not truly spherical.
 An icosahedral shape is the most efficient way of creating a hardy structure from multiple
copies of a single protein. This shape is used because it can be built from a single basic unit
protein which is used over and over again.
 This saves space in the viral genome.

 Adenovirus, an icosahedral virus. An icosahedron is a three-dimensional shape made up

of 20 equilateral triangles. Viral structures are built of repeated identical protein subunits,
making the icosahedron the easiest shape to assemble using these subunits.
Complex Viruses
 Complex viruses possess a capsid which is neither purely helical, nor purely
icosahedral, and which may have extra structures such as protein tails or a complex outer
26. wall. Viral protein subunits will self-assemble into a capsid, but the complex viruses DNA
also codes for proteins which help in building the viral capsid.
 Many phage viruses are complex-shaped; they have an icosahedral head bound to a
helical tail.
 The tail may have a base plate with protein tail fibers.
 Some complex viruses do not have tail fibers.

This “moon lander”-shaped complex virus infects Escherichia coli bacteria.

Enveloped Viruses
 Some viruses are able to surround (envelop) themselves in a portion of the cell
membrane of their host.
 The virus can use either the outer membrane of the host cell, or an internal membrane
such as the nuclear membrane or endoplasmic reticulum.
 In this way the virus gains an outer lipid bilayer known as a viral envelope. This
membrane is studded with proteins coded for by both the viral genome and the host

QTHB UNIVERSITY Master of Pharmacy – General medicine Pham Minh Truong
genome. However, the lipid membrane itself and any carbohydrates present come
entirely from the host cell.
 The influenza virus, HIV, and the varicella zoster virus (Figure below) are enveloped

An enveloped virus.
Varicella zoster virus causes chicken pox and shingles.
 The viral envelope can give a virus some advantages over other capsid-only viruses. For
example, they have better protection from the host's immune system, enzymes and
certain chemicals.
 The proteins in the envelope can include glycoproteins, which act as receptor molecules.
These receptor molecules allow host cells to recognize and bind the virions, which may
result in easier uptake of the virion into the cell.
 Most enveloped viruses depend on their envelopes to infect cells.
 However, because the envelope contains lipids, it makes the virus more susceptible to
inactivation by environmental agents, such as detergents that disrupt lipids.

 Viruses have different shapes. They can be cylindrical, icosahedral, complex, or
1. Describe variation in capsid shape in viruses.
2. Compare the structures of a prokaryote and a virus. If you prefer, you may draw a
diagram of each and label the different parts of each structur
The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) –
27.  The virus responsible for HIV was first isolated in 1983 by Robert Gallo of the United
States and French scientist Luc Montagnier.

QTHB UNIVERSITY Master of Pharmacy – General medicine Pham Minh Truong
 Since that time, a tremendous amount of research focusing upon the causative agent of
AIDS has been carried out and much has been learned about the structure of the virus
and its typical course of action.
 HIV is one of a group of atypical viruses called retroviruses that maintain their genetic
information in the form of ribonucleic acid (RNA).
 Through the use of an enzyme known as reverse transcriptase, HIV and other
retroviruses are capable of producing deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) from RNA, whereas
most cells carry out the opposite process, transcribing the genetic material of DNA into
 The activity of the enzyme enables the genetic information of HIV to become integrated
permanently into the genome (chromosomes) of a host cell


QTHB UNIVERSITY Master of Pharmacy – General medicine Pham Minh Truong




bola (viruses)

engue fever






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