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English 7 with Dennis Parish Quiz 1 Name humberto silva


1 Complete these sentences about brands and products with the missing word.
1 The (launch / image / awareness) our consumers have of the brand is
one of youth, life and excitement!
2 I’ve invited all the journalists to the product (launch / range /
awareness) next month.
3 What we need is a well-known tennis player to (sell / expand /
endorse) our new range of leisure wear.
4 You simply can’t change the (image / name / awareness) of the brand
after fifty years!
5 James Bond films are great for product (placement / endorsement /
stretching) – especially luxury goods.
6 We can expect a product (lifecycle / range / placement) of about five
years on this model.
7 The danger with putting our name on other products and brand
(endorsement / stretching / placement) is that the brand loses value.
8 The brand (awareness / loyalty / name) of our customers is incredible.
Some of them wear nothing but a product with our name on it.
9 Here’s our brochure with the new (lifecycle / range / placement) of
products for next year.
10 Coca-Cola is an example of global brand (image / name / awareness).
There isn’t a country that doesn’t know what a Coke is.
Complete the sentences with the PRESENT CONTINUOUS or PRESENT
SIMPLE of the verbs in parentheses 18 / 20
ex. I'm writing (I / write) to my parents. I write (I / write) to them every weekend.

1) it is snowing (it / snow) outside. Look, it comes is coming (it / come) down quite hard.

2) Normally is I start (I / start) work at eight o'clock, but

I’m starting (I / start) at seven o'clock this week. We're very busy at

the moment because we are preparing (we / prepare) the new budget.

3) They haven't got a car at the moment, so they are going (they / go) to work

on the bus this week. Usually, they drive (they / drive) to work.

4) The sun rises (rise) in the east, remember. It's behind us now so

We are traveling (we / travel) west.

5) I'm afraid I don’t have (I / not / have) time to help just now because

I am writing ( / write) a report but I promise (I / promise)

I'll give you some help later when I finish it (I / finish).

6) I want (I / want) a new car. I’m working (I / work)

extra hours because I’m saving (I / save) up to buy one.

7) she’s not doing (she / not / do) the exercise in class because she's busy.

Usually she writes (she / write) long WhatsApps to her boyfriend

but now she’s sending (she / send) a funny video to all of her friends.

She had better hide the telephone before the professor sees her (see) her!
Read the text and match the headings a-f with paragraphs 1-5. There is one extra heading.

a) Brands past 3
b) Advertising brands 5 2
c) The new consumers 4
d) Guilty 2 5
e) The case against brands 1
f) The importance of brands ______

Read Paragraph THREE again. Are the statements true or false? (You don’t have to justify.)

1) It was relatively easy in the past to create a brand true

2) Buying a branded product did not cost customers more true false
3) Brands were developed for the international market false
4) The government closely controlled the markets at home false
5) Brands deterred other companies from entering the market true

( reading 7 / 10 )

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