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Total 53 / 76 = 4,7

ENGLISH VII with Prof. Dennis Parish QUIZ UNIT 3 NAME Humberto silva c


Complete sentences with the word in parentheses. Add the prefix (down-, de-, up-, re- )
that corresponds and change the form if necessary.

1 Since they took over the company, they’ve resized downsized (-2) all parts of the workforce.
2 Some of the people at head office won’t like this new initiative to decentralized (-1) decision-
making down to branch level. (centralise)
3 The relocation from the city centre out to our new site in the midlands is taking longer than
planned. (locate)
4 Oh no! We’re having another office reorganization. It’s the third time this year! (organise)
5 If they restructure the company, he thinks we’ll lose our jobs. (structure)
6 They want a product relaunch to try and improve sales. (launch)
7 I’m going on a course to traine up retrain (-2) and work in customer care. (train)
8 Can we upgrade these computers with that new software you bought? (grade)
9 deregulation of the industry has made it easier for use to compete with cheap exports.
10 It would be quicker to build a brand new factory than to redevelop this plant. (develop)
Using PRESENT SIMPLE, PRESENT PERFECT or PAST SIMPLE, complete the text with
the correct form of the verb in parentheses. 16 / 26

Manuel Gomez works has worked (work) at UltraTech, Inc. since he left (leave) college.

Since he joined (join) the company, he has been had (have) three different jobs.

In his present job in the Sales Department, he usually travels (travel) to Switzerland every two

or three months. Last year, he is was (be) also responsible for Southern Europe, and

he goes went (go) to Spain and Italy on business five times. He has not been (not be) to

Spain so far this year. At the moment, he is (be) in Thailand on holiday with

his wife and daughter. It is (be) their first trip; they have never visited (never, visit)

the Far East before. They flew (fly) from London last week and

they have visited (visit) many of Bangkok’s interesting sights this week.

Complete this conversation about a project. Write in the present perfect or past simple
tense. 22 / 30
A: (1) have you had (you/have) time yet to work on the Tramper Dam project?

B: Yes, I (2) read (read) the brief last week but I (3) haven’t contacted (not/contact) anyone yet.

A: I need you to sort this thing out. They (4) have had (have) all sorts of problems and the last
manager (5) resigned (resign) after an argument.

B: Yes, he (6) has been was (be) the second manager in six months,

(7) is wasn’t (not/be) he?

A: I’m afraid so. But the problems (8) began (begin) before that. It (9) has been (be) over
budget ever since the initial plans. They (10) set (set) unrealistic deadlines. I (11) have been
telling told (tell) the client that right from the start. Anyway, we (12) had (have) a meeting last
week and now we (13) have extended (extend) the deadlines.

B: What about finance?

A: They (14) released (release) another half a million yesterday so that’s what they (15) gave
have given (give) you to work with. That should be enough.

( 38 / 56 page total )

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