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Take a look at your physical body.

ss A me age from Jesu s
being you. Though Youve become used to that body the complete you. its part of who you are, its not
In some ways it can be related to an avatar that you use for your mission on earth. You control it, sure, just as you would control a character in a computer game. While that computer avatar may seem real to a gamer

Ill take that one!

Excellent choice, sir.

as through it they can interact with others in the game and see the effects of things they do


that avatar is not reality.

Computer games can be pretty resilient.

After you screw up in a game, you can often re-spawn or restart to keep on going where you left off.

-50 Points
Instant Recharge
Some losses to your character might be there, but the effects arent really that long lasting. Now, imagine that a human playing a computer game made decisions on how to take care of his physical body like when to eat, sleep, and all thatbased on how his computer avatar was faring. While playing the game, this fellowwho is quite consumed in the funmight miss his dinner.








He thinks lf, to himse

Hey, my character in the game is still running and jumping with as much energy as before.

Eating my dinner had no effect on my avatars performance in this game. Eating must not really matter. Skiiiiiip!


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However, its not ter your game charac the that needs to do the real eating; its s it. you that require

Name: AVATAR Species: FIGMENTA IMAGINATUS Hit Points: 3,500 Consumption: UNNECESSARY Strength: 70 Status: UNREAL

Ribs More Ribs Buns of Steel Belly of Brass

Name: HERBERT Species: HOMO SEMI-ERECTUS Hit Points: 4 Consumption: 1 CARROT Strength: -3 Status: LIVING FOR NOW Boney elbows Warning: Sharp! Keep away from children!

Spare Ribs

Legs of Iron

Briefs of Calvin Klein

Buns of 2nd Hand Rubber

Ugly, tattered briefs, Irrelevant

While skipping a physical meal may seem to have no immediate effect on the avatar in the game, it does affect the real you. And eventually if you skip your meals often enough, it will affect even the representation of you in the game.

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When you go for a day or two without eating, you lose focus, you feel weak,

and bumming out the rest of your team.

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you get distracted by hunger pangs, and that affects your game play

you start missing stuff, screwing up more often,

He hath not exactly done what he could.

Here lies

The same can be said for your spiritual mealsyour time with Me. You cant just look at the physical effects of our time together to determine whether or not its really doing anything for you,

because you may not notice the physical effects right away.

Glug Glug


Instead, you have to look at the real you, your spirit, which is controlling your body in this physical world.

Yikes! Its going to take a lot more doses to get back in shape!


Will Reflect for Spiritual Food


Originally published August 2009; updated. Illustrations by Mike Krome. Design by Stefan Merour. Copyright 2011 by The Family International




Dont get so wrapped up in your physical you that you think that this character is all that matters. The inner youyour spiritis hungry for spiritual nourishment and needs time to do those things that keep you alive and on top of your game.

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Your spiritual meals matter and make a difference in your spiritual performance, which directly affects your physical performance. So whether or not you feel or see those effects immediately physically or in your physical world, believe that it does matter, because the spiritual you relies on that spiritual food for strength, ability, focus, anointing, grace, and all those other powerful qualities that help you to play well and professionally in this earth game.

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