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ACTIVITY SHEET #6: Noting Details

PIVOT 4A BOW: Noting significant details

At the end of this worksheet, the learners will be able to:

1. explain noting details as a comprehension skills,
2. answer who, what, where, when, why, and how questions; and
3. note significant details about a text read.


Noting Significant Details

In reading, you would always encounter two types of texts – informational or factual text and literary text.
Informational Texts provide information or facts about real people, things, or events. Its purpose is to inform
or convince / persuade the target audience. Literary texts are stories about people, animals, or events that is
made up by an author. It could be fictional short stories, poems, or dramas written primarily to entertain the
When you are reading both types of text, be aware of the clues or important details that help you
understand what you are reading. This will help you answer any questions about the text when you are done.
This skill is called noting details.
NOTING DETAILS is a comprehension skill that involves picking out from a text a particular piece or
pieces of information to achieve a given purpose such as answering questions about it. These details are the
ones that good readers notice, and authors use to emphasize the events and the characters in the story for a
literary texts and facts and information for an informational text.
Details are divided into two:
1. Implicit Details – These details are used to describe or to define a general state. These are the
details that we cannot really see. These are details that are implied but not plainly expressed. You
need to make inferences and draw conclusions based on the other details included in the text.
2. Explicit Details – These are the specific details. The details that we can see and read. These details
are stated clearly in text.

The trees were swaying wildly outside Anne’s window as she prepared for bed. The sky is often lit
by lightning followed by a loud thunder. The raindrops can be heard falling on the roof like little
feet running to and from.

Questions Implicit Details Explicit Details

What time of the day was it? nighttime Annie was preparing for bed
What kind of weather was there? stormy There was lightning, thunder, and rain.

Remember, in noting details you need to be able to determine both implicit and explicit details from the text.
Implicit details may be noted using the clues from the identified explicit details. As in the example above, it
was not stated that it was nighttime and the weather is storm, but it can be derived based on the explicit details
written by the author.
Galapon, Agnes P., Relente, Carmelita A., Angeles, Evelyn B. (2016), Joy in Learning English, Quezon City, Vibal Group, Inc. Vidal, Shaddai,
October 24, 2020, DepEd TV Official Retrieved from:
Idul, Joevi Jhun. (08 February 2016). Developmental Reading 2- Noting Details. Retrieved from Reading
Comprehension Skills. (2013). Retrieved from
Exercise 1: Read the story below and answer the questions that follow by writing the letter of
your answers on the blank.
The Donkey and the Sponges
A man drove his donkey to the seaside and purchased there a load of salt. The man and the donkey went home at
once. While crossing a stream, the donkey stumbled and fell into the water. He lay there for some time until he
regained his energy. Upon arising, the donkey was delighted to find that he had lost his burden. After that, the donkey
again had a chance to cross the same stream, but this time he carried a load of sponges. Remembering what happened
before; he stumbled intentionally and again fell into the stream.
The donkey was surprised when he found out that his load became many times heavier than before.

1. What was the donkey’s burden on his first journey?

A. a load of salt B. a load of hay C. a load of sponges
2. Why was he delighted after falling into the stream the first time?
A. His burden became heavier than before.
B. His burden was removed by his master.
C. His burden became lighter than before.
3. What happened the second time he crossed the stream?
A. He purposely fell into the water.
B. He accidentally fell into the water.
C. He fell into the water with his master.
4. Why was the donkey sorry in the end?
A. He lost his burden.
B. His burden was changed.
C. His burden became heavier than before.
5. What is the lesson of the story?
A. Look before you leap.
B. Obedience is always rewarded.
C. Doing work the easy way is not always the best way.

Exercise 2: Read the text below and answer the questions that follow by writing the letter
of your answers on the blank.
Scientists found out that Mercury’s atmosphere is very hot. Venus is hot too. Mars and Pluto are too cold, and
their atmosphere is made up of too much carbon dioxide just like those of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. The
planet Earth on the other hand has an atmosphere which is made up of oxygen. Earth also receives enough light and
rays from the sun which makes the planet fit for life.

1. What is the selection about?

A. atmosphere of the planets B. gases in the atmosphere C. atmosphere of the Earth
2. What do you call a person who studies the planet’s atmosphere?
A. scientists B. poets C. inventors
3. What makes the other planets too cold?
A. enough carbon dioxide B. too much oxygen C. too much carbon dioxide
4. What gas makes up the Earth’s atmosphere?
A. carbon dioxide B. oxygen C. nitrogen
5. What makes the planet Earth fit for life?
A. enough light and rays from the sun
B. less heat light and rays from the sun
C. no heat and light rays from the sun
Exercise 1: Read the dialogue carefully. Note important details by writing your answers to
the questions on the blank.
Alice: This is such an old wall! It is falling, and weeds are growing all over.
Bert: Let us see if there is any living creature here.
Alice: Hey, look! Something is hiding in that gap. Bert:
That is a pretty flower growing out of the wall.
Alice: I think it is the stonecrop. My grandmother told us some stories about this strange plant. Look closely.
Its tiny leaves are shaped like barrels. They store water in readiness for dry spells.
Bert: Be careful when you put your hands on old walls. That scorpion bites!
Alice: Yikes! It is scary. Look at its tail. Why does it curl?
Bert: Well, it lifts its tail with the poisonous sting when it is ready to attack anyone foolish enough to touch
Alice: I would rather touch a lizard.
Bert: Well, you asked for it, and there is one! Look over there!
Alice: This wall is old, but you can never tell what life lies on it.

1. Who found the old wall?

2. How is the old wall described?

3. What living things did the two children see on wall and in between the bricks?

4. What did Alice say about the stonecrop?

5. Why does the scorpion’s tail curl?

Exercise 2: Study carefully the advertisement below. Note important details by writing your
answers to the questions on the blank.

Pre-school Teacher Needed

 Holder of a Degree in Early Childhood Education
 20-35 years of age, Male or Female
 Preferably with at least one-year relevant teaching experience
 With teaching license (LET passer)
 Apply at Sunny Brooke Preparatory School, Brgy. San Francisco. Look for Ms.
Cherry Lyn B. Salve
 Competitive salary offered.
1. What job is advertised?
2. What age is preferred?
3. Is having a teaching experienced required? Yes or No.
4. If the teacher is NOT a LET passer, should s/he apply?
5. Where will the interested person apply?

6. What do you understand from the phrase “competitive salary offered?”

Directions: Look for any old or new billing statement at home (electric bill, water bill, telephone
bill, etc.). Study the details written on the bill and answer the following questions.

1. What kind of bill did you find?

2. What is name of the company sending the bill?
3. Who owns the account the bill is sent to?
4. What was the address of the owner of the account?

5. What is the Account No. or Reference number?

6. What is the billing period covered?
7. Is there a balance from the previous bill? If yes, how much?
8. How much is the total amount due?
9. When is the due date?
10. How can noting the important details in this bill help you?

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